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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the has on speaker, this is the news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a senior has voted to come on that is killed in and is really striking, $711.00 on raising concerns of a white, a regional conflicts too dangerous to stay. doctors and patients and a groups forced to leave one of gauze as last functioning hospitals as of fighting
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moves closer to shots of sci fi. now interrupt us president joe biden, as he gives a speech in south carolina. 543. we have a mission and trouble in out, so space off the floor. let's take off for us. permission to land on the moon for the 1st time and 50 is then stuff is a major set by the but we begin in southern lebanon, where a high level has bullet come onto. it has been assassinated in, in his writing strike with them. if we had known as jo, ed was killed, one israel targeted the call he was traveling, it becomes less than a week off to a senior. how much leader was killed in a striking by root. meanwhile, in garza, the military is bombing central and southern areas. locks
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a hospital in the center of the strip has been overwhelmed by the number of dead and injured 23084 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 7th. and in the past few hours, rocket sirens have been hiding. tel aviv and other cities in central israel. that's up to how much that's a 5 by ross of rockets from garza. we'll have more on the rockets in a moment. but 1st, let's start with the assessment ation of the top has bullet come on, the iran con reports from even a saucy in 711 on around 11 am local time and is really drawing start kids the car travelling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside 11. these territory has bullet, has confirmed seeing you feel combined with the elite of lawn force was killed with some odds wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking. he has bullock. i'm on that note. i have been killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol,
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so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response, the assassination of how much lead us along a rory last week is death will be a blown to as below the man with highly regarded as a very capable fighter and as well as supporters of shad pictures across social media of him we've seen you come on is some show him with cost him. so the money the lead, the ronnie and all could suppose who was killed in the us story to strike 4 years ago or is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task bullet and a message to his radio, living close to 11 o'clock. we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out
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a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and all that will and keep tensions contained within the disputed food area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday, and also this week, a topic diplomat from the united states amos hochstein also arrives now he was in israel law suite. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory impossibility river. but that proposal was already rejected by his boy's bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the will in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what powell the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to hezbollah. i want to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we standing gaza,
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his influence is limited and his bullet is clear, the war wrong, garza must in iran con, how does it or it will psyche suddenly or are these ready? ministry is continuing to pound, gaza bombing, central and southern areas of the taxi. the world health organization says gauze as health care is on its knees and its calling for urgent action to protect hospitals . anyone who has moved in southern gaza cars reduced directors, floods, themes. the crown is regularly drawn, missiles struck despair, cold, killing 3 palestinians. witnesses say they were quite old. we were going away into shelter. the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine man. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the waiting hospital in rough. the injured with
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rushed inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere same thing dog schools and educational institutions are now joined by refuge. account is a line of fire. these really talks are more than a salt in building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff said they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. a lot of the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system, and garza, is it close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect it on his way to the top. you can see a clinic seeing unfortunately this area is close
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to an area that was evacuated yesterday. they've lost a lot of their stuff. the hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the south that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza, the risk of a stop being killed by israel bombard. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without crucial anymore fluid. i'll just eat a southern dog. wanna speak now to i just need a ton of god bless you. who's in rough? i'm in southern cause of course. so todd and bring us up to date on what's been happening. it just hasn't been in the
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past. we have been hearing sounds explosions in different areas across calls, especially in the southern pause in san eunice. or this area has been, why do you shipped since the beginning of this conflict between our mazda and israel, on the ground as complete residential neighborhoods have been blowing up by the use of the soldiers as they are trying to get more control as to just the 2 military, dismantle the military infrastructure of the policy and fighters. and we have been also receiving different codes on different appeals by the people who have been trapped by these very occupation forces, especially office of the house is being targeted. and also the have been attacked by the east barely drones in the past few hours, while a number of residents have been injured. lane going the street with a very notable difficulty for ambulances to reach to the indication of targeting that situation. as we have been hearing for people in the say, right, and
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a 3 george gigi camp is completely dramatic and very challenging for residents to keep living in that part of gaza strip as, as well as some escalates destroy residential building. and the infrastructure, they are targeting most houses and also the uh, the uh, the facility of the uh, locks office because they have previously attract the intensive care unit. and today the, these very drones had opened the fire against the residents who were working on the street. so adjacent to the, i'll ox, a hospital. and this is a part of what the palestinians have been going through throughout the last a few hours as isabel is expanding. in these days, it's military attacks of who's golfing, especially it's that face as weekly, with mold, growing fees and concerns among palestinians regarding the latest, the statement reduced by the usability of military spokes person regarding expanding the fighting inside gauze us transfer out
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$2024.00 thank you. thought it was you. my life was there in a rough i thank you dr. nick may not is a surgeon with the child, the medical aid for palestinians. he left the guns on monday morning off the working at the locks. the hospital with israel has ordered evacuated. he says the situation of the medical facility was chaotic. i've been that for 2 weeks. it was celtic and that's probably and on the statement that was several 100 people being admitted every day. but the emergency development was uh, on manageable without enough stuff with a huge numbers of patients coming in the operating face as well for all the time. and um, it was uh, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i've, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. yeah. well most governments
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actually have cool receipts bar except for the united states. and out of them through the united kingdom. so the most important thing by following is by our government and the united kingdom decor. well for an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is, there are many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate unequivocal, say, as far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that nail fading to do so. at the moment. are us extra state anthony blinking has arrived in israel off to a stop and saudi arabia. he's on a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday and included visits, takata jordan and the united arab emirates blinking will meet with a member of israel's will cabinets on tuesday to discuss the war on concept before leaving saudi arabia blinking said his to it has been a success. everywhere i went,
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i found leaders were determined to prevent the conflict that were facing now from spreading, doing everything possible to deter escalation, to prevent a whitening of the conflict. we also talked about the future for this region. and i think there's broad agreement on a few basic objectives 1st, that israel, as rarely should be able to live in peace and security, free from the fear of terrorist attacks for addresses for many of their neighbors. second, that the west bank and gaza should be united under policies and inlet of government . for the future of the region needs to be one. integration, not division, not com. and for, for that to happen, we need to see the establishment of independence house and insight. honda so who
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joins us now from the occupied east jerusalem. so honda, what are we expecting from lincoln's visit to israel? a lot on the agenda for the us secretary of state as me, americans have been constantly putting the pressure on the is really is to wind down on their military operation in gaza to a lower intensity. but there are a lot of other things for him to discuss as well, like these really plans for after the war on gaza. but remember, these really can assets itself, the coalition, the cabinets, have not decided what back consensus is going to be or what it looks like. additionally, us secretary of state antony blank and says that he wants to talk about future piece one that is lasting for israel and one that is aspirational to the palestinian people. and i couldn't even perhaps pay the weight for a palestinian state. he's also going to talk about the number of civilians and
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casualties that gaza has been experiencing, as well as the push for more humanitarian aid to go through gaza. remember, the united nations has said that famine is just around the corner and, and a 94 of this war, the catastrophic and die, or humanitarian situation and gaza is only getting worse. so us secretary of state anthony blinking, arriving this evening and tell him leave and in the morning we meet with his is really counterparts and separately is really officials had been talking honda about this new phase, what they call a new phase of the war and gauze. what do we know about that? this is really army spokesperson, daniel, how died. he says that the war is now shifting into a lesser intensity type of fighting, perhaps more targeted approaches when it comes to operations in northern gaza. but
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he says that the is really army is still focusing now on central and southern gaza . these comments were echoed by these really defense minister jo of the launch. who said that these types of precise operations were in order to limit civilian casualties in the densely populated palestinian territory. which is interesting because the death toll is far past 23000 people with more than 566000 injuries and around a 1000 others who are missing. but with all of this in mind, these really is have also said that this is in no way an indication that it is the end of the war. and in fact, these really army chief of staff has said that the war is going to go on for probably the entire year. well into 2024. so all these really is, are shifting their focus may say on this more targeted approach and more small operations, the war is in no way ending. because remember, these really is have not accomplished any of the military goals that they have set
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out to more than 3 months ago. and the son who in occupied east jerusalem. thank you. let's bring it andrea dessie. he is an assistant professor and international relations with the american university of rome. thanks very much for being with us . so let's just start with the point that uh, uh, correspondence ham dimension there about the fact that this war has been going on now for 3 months. and it doesn't appear that israel has accomplished any of his goals, particularly when you, when you look at the fact that how much just uh, earlier today has been firing rockets into a central israel and, and so still has the ability to do that. yes, absolutely. i think that the is there any objectives, was there any more plans uh, with regards to gas or with regards to the i guess the strips are, are, are definitely not coming through was us originally planned is originally hold. um
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a we must. busy a is analysts, we have the morning from the 2nd day from october, the 8th, that are an objective of military eradicating a massive movement which is so established and well established within the population of guys are, is a, is impossible. and this is the problem. this is the problem with regards to the objectives in jobs and the problem with regards to the us policy of, of giving a black check to these objectives and guides and actually even buying into these objectives of trying to eliminate time. us military's the type of blinking today wouldn't be very difficult. there will be difficult discussions, but i do not see an immediate answer to the fighting and let alone a ceasefire and let alone pressure by the us. so it ministration to bring a ceasefire about. so where do you see if we talk about blinking visit now he's currently in israel. what's the likely to be telling is really lead is that he hasn't already said that the last 3 or 4 times that he's been here. or what
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i believe the basic by blinking is important because as long as long as dialogue and as long as the dialogue is going on behind closed doors, this is already something. it is the 6th starting up by the blinking visits, israel and the 4th time to the business. the regents. however, i think that the main objective of this visit is that of trying to find a way to de escalate the possibility of this complex feeling over outside of jobs. i need to 11 on a rack, serious and german. and this is the objective of us administrator and not the same time there will be a force discussions on the so called new phase of these ready military campaign and guides us this phase of moving into a lower in the hands of the bombing. although the proof on the ground is not exactly matching, these promises these, these statements and more over there are another number of issues that i think that the leaders will be discussing. particularly with regards to the west bank with regards to israel's escalation of
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a repressive policies in the worst by the destruction of property to destruction of the infrastructure. the conditions also of the palestinian prisoners end inputting cna is randy jails. and most importantly of all, i would say is the elements of a big disagreement between the us are needs role with regards to the release of the text of the palestinian taxes. that these are collections on behalf of the understanding authorities, which the us has been trying to pressure israel for the past weeks to release through the hollow, standing authority as a good well gesture given that the palestinian authority, according to the united states and the biden ministrations are revitalized by the standing authority is supposed to assume some kind of a horde the over the guides of scripts on the day after israel has refused to release these by these tax funds. and as i actually just today and recently refused another offer by the us to transfer these funds via norwood's. so this is the conditions in which i believe james is a, he's a, is arriving to israel's on a positive note, i would say that the meeting with the, these really opposition leaders got lucky. this is
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a positive element because from my perspective, i believe that the us or ministration should begin looking into finding a situation, creating the conditions within which we could have a different israeli government. and the projects on israel calling for elections are also an indication of this. what do you read into the news of the targeted killing of the was sending it to we are the has bullet come on day and babies. and the fact that this is coming on the a few days after the assassination of a senior. how much come on and also in in bay route, i mean cynics, which suggested as well as trying to provoke a wide, a war with has been. so that is definitely one what a reading of the situation we have seen actually that every time a high level us official visits physics is around and visits the wider regions. and every time there is some indication of a slight pressure being placed on his roles. the reaction by the israeli government
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tends to be one of, of up in the states of, of the, of up in the escalation louder. this really most recent targeted associate nation that i think is a, is rather worrying. it is the highest level commander of somebody else has bloss, which has been taken off the battlefield as they say by israel's. and this is yet another indication that the risk of a wider escalation is definitely there. but beyond this latest targeted attack, and there are also growing indications of increasing bombing raids in serious and this is yet another from so i think that these elements are what are on for most on the mind of the, by the industry ration and definitely secretary blankets and there is this, this worry that the mid on the hours calculating or the given y'all. government is calculating that in more escalation would mean less western or us pressure on israel's government. and this is a very risky slippery slope because of the risk of miscalculation the risk of a wider conflict would be devastating for everyone involved. and this is what is i
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think they're keeping and keeping the whites also awake at night. although the easiest way to deescalate would be to return to the central issue, which is the conflict in gaps in call for a ceasefire after more than 3 months. and now we are entering into and we have entered into the 4th month of war could still cure andrea dessie. thanks very much . thank you. a us president joe biden has been interrupted by pro palestinian demonstrators in a speech campaign speech in south carolina. he was visiting a historic church in charleston when protest is began chanting for a ceasefire in gaza. curious as a result in america. as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. well, light,
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there is no pass for in this darkness the that's all right. that's all the i understand the passion and i've been quietly working requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do. as i know, hutchison is the director of development and expansion at the american arab anti discrimination committee. she says biden's administration has lost the trust and
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support of many arab americans which be will be reflected in this year's elections . the primaries are coming up in many states early on in virginia. here it's march 3rd, march 5th. forgive me and other places it's earlier and, and then it goes, it continues until november. so this is not a far, far away from the symptoms in the air of american newsome community is that they will not be voting for the binding harris administration or campaign moving forward . it has become very clear where the standards are for leadership in the world and where we as americans, air of americans, most of the americans and americans of all walks of life want to see us rep, reflected in our government. and this government not only does not reflect as it is in conducting something, although a genocide, it's killing people. and i really think a whole population trying to play it down in order to get the votes. i have said this at the beginning of the year, and i will continue sending this, the closer we get to the elections, the less confrontational,
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and they get to now as you were presenting earlier, the toner is changing. they are starting to talk about. he said, well, i'm going to put pressure, we're going to slow down this, dr. basically. but we see through this, this is also again the, this is all the political move to try to get the votes, the police, to me and americans, most americans, every americans are all united, a, or, or for the vast majority are united in are called for an immediate cease fire, an enter knocking piece, and then after this agent allowing a complete, allowing aid to come into the gaza strip and to rebuild the bottom of the session has a lot to make up for. and right now they are extremely slow and the outlook is not looking good for the buy them harris administration. moving forward the door, i think you look at other use now at least 4 people have been killed across ukraine . and what authorities describe as a large scale russian missile attack, i said,
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bay reports from to you pulled from the rubble folding get another day of strikes, carjacked, but the russian military, ukraine units are just a cities across the country were targeted. that is, that the reach of the residential building was damaged, forced and gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore, through i saw that they was going to be in error rate and bump. and so we quickly, quickly are on to the bump shelter late to they've got the phone call and found out what's happened to the building, but they are white and shelter at 7 am. easily over at home. nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown act windows and key residents rushed to shelters, but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the capital. this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it last month. keep us head to getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman is killed and children among the wounded authorities vis
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a shopping center and residential building. so i hate ukraine says 59 crews and ballistic themselves as well as draws a 5 by russian forces. it claims $26.00 of intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of his ministry sides were hit or if it suffered any minute you lost his since december 29th, there's been an increase of area of the tax contact by both sides. and there's no sign that there would be electric and strikes any time soon. as i bake, i 0 piece. russia says it's moved, 300 people from the boulder city of belgrade because of ukrainian shelling it is the biggest evacuation from a major russian city. since the conflict began, the french prime minister has resigned less than 2 years after she was appointed. elizabeth forbes resignation comes to me in recent political attentions over immigration. it also comes as there is speculation. president emanuel my car will re shuffle his government. microns office has not yet named. the success of borne
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was the country's 2nd female prime minister, a toby in a day for she has of us plain make a boeing off to an incident on one of its just the parts of the 737 max blue outs in mid air on friday. no one was injured in the incident, the left the launch hole in the cross fuselage. but aviation regulates, has grounded a 171 of the plains. i do show castro ripples days after part of a door flew out of the boeing airliner. investigators make a discovery, i am excited to announce that we found that the door plug. a teacher found the aircraft missing part in his garden, and it's considered crucial to discovering why this happened in mid flight. the we are the pressure eyes with either returned back to the drama unfolded on friday after alaska airlines flight 1280 to suffer the blow out
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shortly after taking off from the city of portland in oregon and external door plug blew off in a section of the fuselage at an altitude of 5000 meters. many passengers appeared they would be sucked out of the cabin. we just heard like a loud saying and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off on the plane carrying 177 passengers and crew members made a safe emergency landing back in portland, a cockpit voice recording considered crucial for an investigation, was found to have been over written and its data could not be retrieved and inquiry found pilots had reported warning alerts days before the incident. in these 3 previous slides, after the light illuminated, they flip the switch to all mode,
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which is normal. there's a backup, it was very benign, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance, and then reset. the aircraft was new delivered by boeing to alaska airlines just 2 months ago. a total of $215.00 of the $737.00 max 9 jets are an operation around the world. the vast majority of them here in the united states and all have been grounded pending safety inspections. regulators in the u and brazil are following suit. how does your castro alj a 0? arlington virginia let's go ahead on, i just need a jessica washington in j innovations for an increase in arrivals, or for a single p, jeez, is fueling angle among some of the,
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the hello, sorry about the case. the voltage across here because stormy weather across central parts of the mediterranean, know off the little area of light, precious welding away. here we use a very wet when the weather. it's a good positive. it's a and it'll make its way the east was just spinning out to process a little big area of high pressure. this will build fed if you go through the next couple of die. so it's dry. now, despite the fact, what does it cost a good part of england? a wells, we do have a lot of dry weather to come and it's very cold as well. the coldest dies and bicycles much of northern. i'm central, you see single figures except below freezing full many further south. that squares seems like less cold. got to cold enough for some snow been to the yet to cause tuck a mountains as we go on through the next couple of days. meanwhile, showers continue across the good parts of that western side of the med. we'll see
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some snow to kind of get across the parent. nice. so i don't know if it stays dry, but on the coast side folk and for us to increase the any issue here as we go through the next few days. so some of that what, what about when do whether that will take the final 15 is yeah. libby, pushing further east, which as we go through the next day or 2 and notice of what to whether to just come and get across from the deposit morocco into algae area for west africa is totally fine and pulled the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any of your thoughts providing answers my question to you. all the good coups i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities us veto in the security council. this is a major stumbling block is
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a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era examining the impact of today's headlines? the fear of the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is a mighty policy. this is the way what these are so tied of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era of the hello again you're watching, i just need a reminder,
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laptop stories this out. a high level has bullet feel, come on that has been assessed and i did in in is really a strike on 711 on sam. it's a weed was killed when the call he was traveling and was talking to relentless. his right attack seemed gauze i forced doctors, patients and 8 groups to flee, one of his last functioning hospitals and fox. the hospital in the center has been overwhelmed by launch numbers instead. an engine pro palestinian demonstrates us in the us interrupted president joe biden as he deliberate a campaign speech protest. this began chanting seized upon now he was speaking at the historic mother, emmanuel, am each judge in charleston, south carolina. the international agencies are accusing use relative using food as a weapon of war, child strep, and reports on the hunger crisis facing gauze for hundreds of thousands of
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palestinians who flayed israel, relentless bombardments of the guns, a strip. the struggle to find food gets worse every day. i am, how about the this is the only bread we have. we have the quote it's, we don't have food without the arab around the world, newport america and these right and have them to us. there is no food. i swear to a lot. we had nothing for breakfast today. let me show you might then look at the bread we eat. we eat bread that is covered with dustin sent. the un says one in full people is goals starving. 90 percent of families in some areas are lucky. you say you, once a day international agencies accuse is using food as a, with the violation of international national. i swear to god, i have no more bland could flow. so food for my children,
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this is my son and i have nothing for him who suffers from diarrhea and call it. i don't have disposable diapers, i don't have ointment. i don't have medicine. i called even breast feed time because i don't have food to eat. i put the juice of one tomato and a piece of bread until it becomes soft. and then i think my baby is what i was punched the plain view in agencies for the show cooling food and medicine. getting into a garza you and says, that's a base slide and accuse this is where the continuously restricting the entry of oil supplies, including food, water, medicine, fuel. well, the silver and the bar, our situation is below 0. our house was destroyed. we was very sick. we came here 2 months ago, so we have nothing here. we can find food. i didn't even drink tea for 3 days, only to get little lentils for some peace love without you and says in the last
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week of december, food assistance and goals are only weeks. 8 percent of people named. now the risk of finding in the palestinian territory is increasing by the de jumpstart foot, which is 0. the you and new senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinate to a full, gaza secret cock sponsor. and you role on monday, the previous head of the humanitarians operations in the okay, by palestinian territory left israel off. the visa was not renewed. the spokes person for the you and cheese cold. i just noticed diplomat to get it to james base that for now cause will be working from my manager, or has the un applied for a visa for her to travel to israel and the palestinian territories. all these riley's guaranteeing that she can do so at the moment she event, i think, as i mentioned to you last week, she will start her her post in amman and jordan with
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a view to later move to egypt and israel. so she'll be in, i'm on for now. she won't be requiring that'd be so for now, is there any developments? what have you brought given assurances from the permanent mission of israel that she will be allowed to travel that not that i know the, the bangladesh, she prime minister, she if has been a, has one a 5th time in pallet, i made low voter turnout and the opposition, boy, called the opposition, had called for protest, saying the election was a sham, can be a chatter using becca. and tells us more about what has seen as the 5th mandate means for the country. there's a lot of debate in the mainstream and social media on the january 7th election, particularly on the percentage of turn out in the election. and the same thing is in the bazaar in the capital cost,
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we spoke to some of the people here. and this is our reaction. i was just like, i didn't go and vote because it wasn't an inclusive election and the opposition parties weren't there. so there was no point in a boat, as it was already decided for 2nd quarter to everyone knows that this election was not fair and legitimate. we thank the people for boy pushing this one, sorry to election. and with the help of the people, we will continue our movement and restore democracy to the country by might have starstruck has enough phases, major challenge, and this new government, particularly in the economic sector. she has to deal with high inflation during foot prices and a very low foreign exchange reserves. then the question of international legitimacy, so far, the chinese and the india and then boy condra to later the prime minister. but what needs to be seen is all the european union and the united states react to this election. whether it will give the legitimacy that the government might be looking for. to enrich audrey,
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i'll just say the doctor us president joe biden says he continues to have complete confidence in his defense secretary lloyd austin remains in hospital after suffering complications following recent surgery. he's been criticized for taking days to inform the white house about his operation as there was white house correspondent, kimberly how could with this update. the pentagon is releasing new details about secretary of defense, lloyd austin's hospital stay last week. it's a hospital stay following routine elective surgery. the secretary of defense started to experience complications prompting return to the hospital and to stay in . i see you following feelings of severe pain. the problem is, is that the white house was not aware that the secretary of defense was in the
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hospital because he did not disclose it. instead he transferred his responsibility to his deputy. and that is the problem for many of the critics on capitol hill, including top republicans in the senate armed services committee, who say that this is something that was deliberately withheld and the white house also withheld this information in defiance of us lot. they're calling this unacceptable that are demanding a briefing from the pentagon. still the white house says that they have the full cost, but it's of the secretary of defense. the pentagon is saying that there are no plans for the secretary of defense to in fact resign. they say that they will be investigating and the white house says it will look into what procedures and protocols need to be followed in the future. but for now, secretary lloyd austin will remain on the job. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house south korea's military says it will no longer recognize
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a buffer zone in the seas between the 2 careers. it's up to north korea, counted out a series of ministry deals, forcing people on a nearby south between on and to take cover. eunice came reports from so it offensively no, i'm void. the closest remarks by so to date, on abandoning the tattered military agreement reach during the tente of 2018, north korea had already announced in november. it would scrap the past, cutting some 20 of the north korea's violate to the military agreement over 3000 times. and conducted artillery firing 12 over the past 3 days in waters off the west coast. that whole there's no buffers zone anymore. tense moments on friday after north korea's military fired hundreds of artillery shells just north of a defacto maritime border. for the 1st time in years, some 2000 residents of the south sea on some island were urged to take cover 4
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hours. a preventative measure ahead of south korea's in kind response, in which doubled the number of large gallery fires. for the residents, memories of a direct attack by north korean shows in 2011. and the parents moved to manage tension. south korea's military now says it will not respond in kind to every publication in the region. this as so officials believe your career will ratchet up pensions and the weeks leading up to the problem entry elections here in april, as north korean leader, king john and tries to divert attention away from problems closer to home unit skim all to 0. so i'm always in a $1700.00 range refugees have arrived on the shows of i in indonesia since mid november. the largest influx since 2015 authority site is increasingly difficult to accommodate them because of growing hostility from local residents. jessica
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washington reports from bundle g. i just called hawk and bundle a cheese dog and it's dusty but it provides at least some semblance of a home for this group. if $137.00 were hangover, few cheese we are hopeless. a country land and home were taken from us. then we came here to seek peace as we have experienced nothing but pain all nights. for years we're going to have fled persecution and mass killings by me and most security forces. when nearby fund goodish, but overcrowding, intense cuts to funding and increase in violence, this is pumped a 1000 stiffly again in recent years, traveling by boat to south east asia. for a month though, says she was tortured in me and my husband was murdered by an armed gang in bundle dish, which he doesn't feel safe here either. december university students stormed the call pug, demanding the deportation of the refugees,
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and forcing the group made up mostly of women and children out with a shelter and onto the truck. but the, when they attacked us, i was scared that they might kill my children. were already victims of torture on to that, we're going to have traveled by boat to a chain for years and had long been tolerated, and often even welcomed by the local community. but some social media posts accuse the refugees of spreading disease. adults say they have come to take over to you. some residents have expressed anger at the rank of the types of resources which they see as this. that's despite the fact that the money for the food medicine and other essentials doesn't come from the invitation government, or even the local government here in j or the u. n. refugee agency is responsible for their and these costs and says, according to the online campaign of misinformation, this information and hate is responsible for the growing hostility. i mean,
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when the weather, my dad. okay, cool. so this hatred doesn't just happen. we suspect there are people framing the mist information defines on social media. it doesn't happen by itself, by local authorities, acknowledge the spread of hatred towards the real anger, but say they don't know who is behind it when what in dodger, so that the government's been trying to provide temporary shelter, but in many places that were thinking of putting them the local people rejected them. so asking for them to be taken out to that che data be, did you that this call park is fall from an ideal place to live and remark doses. she spends all her time worrying about where they may have to go next. she says her life has been in ruins since the day she was born. to only dream is for her children to be safe and happy. jessica washington, out to 0, bundle g. indonesia. let's go back now to one of the earlier stories. the
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controversy surrounding the health of us next to the defense, lloyd austin, joining us now from washington to learn more about this is robert hunter. he is a former us ambassador to nato and senior fellow at the center for transatlantic relations at johns hopkins university. thanks very much for being with us. um, so normally something like that wouldn't be a big deal. but since we're talking about the us defense secretary doing a conflict in the middle east in an election year. and given to the lack of knowledge about his condition and the fact that he was in the hospital for several days. there awesome. uncomfortable questions that need to be off here on the well, the big part is not the man gods check that habits for people and people recover or if they don't, they reside and somebody else takes shower and that's, that's part of life. there were a couple of problems on this. number one, we still haven't been told. what's the matter with him?
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is you're going to recover, or is there something sure, is it far more important than that is he went back to the hospital on the 1st of january and, and it shows the intensive care unit. that's not a trivial matter, but nobody father telling the president he obviously had some age where the he wouldn't go off to walter reed hospital all by himself. but nobody bothered pulling the president as a deputy which are called we're kathleen. heck, she's probably be a normal thing. she's a deputy secretary defense. she didn't do anything either. so suddenly we have an issue here about the competence of the methodology for then the by the ministration where somebody is rather critical, the secretary of defense, after all, is in that chain of command. mm hm. yeah. from what we know,
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the white house did not know that the defense secretary was in the hospital for 3 days, and austin's own deputy didn't know for about 24 hours. so it begs the question of, if there had been some sort of national security emergency during that time what, what could have gone wrong with the fact that a key, a key person in this chain of command was what was not around a problem. what would have happened automatically almost has that the power of the office with the law to the deputy, the deputy, a secretary of defense plain hicks. oh, but apparently she wasn't told what was wrong with the secretary and either she or shaw made sure of all matters. i picked her up to call on the white house, talked at least to the national security advisor to make sure that the president know now even that one page saw,
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i bought it ship the best. here's an election year. and this is being used already. foreign master trial apartment has part one, was due to freshman cartridges. uh mr. pardon an official operation and show coming right after mister vide made his a big speech about democracy and how a trump wouldn't be able to run things. have this evidence coming up to his people court running experience that is becoming a sure is problem for mr. bob. good to talk to robert han, so thanks so much for being was all right, let's get all this for now. here's peter has and thank you very much. jim and football legend. phones back empower has died at the age of 78. in the 19 seventy's, you want to have trick of european cup titles with fine munich in total back and bell. no 11 of the the germany kept these countries will come pick
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31974100 swell. and then the 1991, the trophy again as the coach of the waste of jim's coming, the 2nd man to win the trophy as a say it and the coach this comes just days off of the 1st man to win the world cup as a player and coach more as a gullow died at the age of 90. 2 tributes began with the public wake and then a private funeral for one of the person in footballs, legends. it was attended by friends and family in rio de janeiro, a staying in brazil. it looks like they have decided on the next coach, doraville junior, a set to be named the new man in charge of the national side. doraville has resigned as coach of south palo and say this was the realization of a personal dream. he was reportedly the preferred choice of the country's full confederation. after they failed to recruit condo into lucky, we chose to extend his contact with rail madrid. darville we'll take over with results struggling in 2026 world cup qualifying. i think the last 3 of the 6 games
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. so for the brazilian late fleming go to the couple of at the door as title in 2022. before joining sel. paula. and an english as a cap. manchester, united or leading against a week and a half a day, taking the 3rd round, midway through the 2nd off portuguese, defend the diego dela food and the 22nd amendment to hand erickson outside the lead . it's now to know as you might have, and so he was supposed to and there's a bit of incentive to because waiting for the winter of this next would be the victory. but my mother, who's county and the asian cupcakes up here in concert on friday with a stray new one of the favorites for the title. the sucker reuse have arrived in the hall and will look to lift the tray people the 2nd time having won the tournament as host 9 years ago. the australians begin the campaign on saturday against india to the start of pains will not be playing at the agent kept also
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making their 1st appearance in the tournaments in 2019. they have failed to qualify this time round bottom below the boat from the miller. with those struggles to compete with basketballs popularity just days before a fif of world cup qualifier between the philippines and vietnam. cocoa started. when does the philippines most senior football officials is that an amateur tournament? he's personally inviting fans to support the mans national team. the outcomes, the goal. so the teams in manila case strong is, is very straightforward. so the number 10000 is, you know, the, our target of funds to come support the philippine, ask us. but making this happen isn't as easy as it sounds because unlike elsewhere in the world, football isn't widely played or watched in the philippines. it's more of the following up and not sure, not team that, that, you know,
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need some connection to the organizer. this tournament is hoping to rekindle the connection made in 2010 with the us coast defeated favorites, vietnam, and the as the and championship being there it's, it's not just about supporting the, the, the country itself. it gets the opportunity to learn as well. thanks. find the game because we know that these players, since we're targeting here, are beginners and they have an opportunity to learn from the best they ask us true against indonesia, despite taking an early lead. but the big winner was the national football federations campaign for middle level football stadium. it's easy to achieve almost anywhere in the world, but here the brother beads were basketball, isn't nashville sports. it takes a little bit of work. but since night, nearly 10000 people came up to watch the match between the indies and the philippines. and even after the disappointing result, there wasn't an air of disappointment. suspense left the stadium. they continued to cheer and hope for a better day for their tea. barn below i'll just here
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a minute. 14 time major champion, tiger woods and spots apparel joins nike or anything they business partnership. nike and woods have been together for 27 years. going back to 1996. 22 in professional woods made the announcements on social media, but did not give any details on any future endorsement deals that the payoff places are now consumed in the nfl is the buffalo bills book. they take it for the few in a row. it's spelled with sealed off the jack is last to the sizes with who's also one big against the miami dolphins. fiance, policies 96 year old product to, to in helping them compete. and it presents in around for $2114.00 victory, as opposed to asap east division affairs payments expense. let's go to the other side of the country now los angeles with the brown james and anthony davis combined for 47 points. and 18 rebounds as the lake is defeated,
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the type of the local le arrivals the clip as we're looking for a 6 when in a row, and it was 98 minutes remaining. and so this from a turing prince, james, meanwhile, has 25 points on the lights. this particular bunch full game losing speed coming to an end for the lake is they move ahead of the golden state warriors in the waste conference. and the dallas mavericks came back to beats is the western countries lead is minnesota timber wings, 115108. the mavericks were traded in the closing stages, the climbing, moving and music don't change, combine to 69 points with main street. and it's quite a 3rd stage at the back already on monday with the 1st time stage, winter and the new need to in the saudi arabian days. it preserves lucas motor i. she was able to accelerate near the end to take antique 1st place all the way to the finish does eat a g finished food,
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and that was enough to move into the overall need in the cause category. and it was a record in her. she's annual teddy dates, austin was becoming one of will's full favorite traditions. was $75000.00 pages were collected off to the 1st go between the hershey bays and the li. hi van. defensive toys will be donated to move in 55 local charities. that's what was both the sole tonight's, doesn't i so i'm not sure if he turned all the us 1st attempt to land on the moon in more than 50 years appears to be in trouble. 543. we have ignition the rockets transporting the lunar land to experience technical problems, a few hours off to that launch the company, but design the cross as it developed the may just fueling. and the last time the us launched a new landing mission was in 1972. the robotics spacecraft set to touch down in
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february. it was slated to be the 1st lunar landing by a private company. that's it for this news out back with more than 2 minutes the the, the, the vendor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the sharp pen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rated alexi though they're still quite as be well, but i said less indeed i this bit of a humble sort for them to become a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that played
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a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some species to the brink of extinction. the list of trade in short, francis value hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the reading that i'm assume that we're talking about we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators aint of dismantling or ring a short vend traffickers video be my gosh. okay. think of that. he always thinks under the see me until noon. so the following is car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead or rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species, a sharp at risk. you said the reporting in the field means i often get the witness, not just news as breaking but also history as it's unfolding from serbia one
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day i might be covering politics. i might be covering protests. what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. the . the launch has them feature. this is the news life and they'll have coming up in the next 60 minutes. a senior has bullet come on that is killed in his writing, striking $711.00 on raising concerns of a wider regional culture. too dangerous to state doctors, patients in a goose forced to leave one of the causes loss functioning hospitals. slicing moves


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