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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the senior has come on through his kills and then is rarely striking stuff and living in raising concerns of a wider regional conflict. the problem carry johnston. this is, i'll just say are well not from though. also on the printer, too dangerous to stay. doctors, patients and age groups are forced to leave one of the causes last functioning hospitals as fighting moves close to the american push to avoid the conflict from expanding and reach us secretary state entity blinking the rising television during
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his regional diplomatic to an investigation into the don't belong to an alaska airlines flight reveals bigger problems with things troubles 737 marks the beginning of the southern 11 and where a high level has been combined that has been assassinated in and is very striking with someone else how well known as to how i was killed when is well targeted, the call who was travelling in. it comes that less than a week after senior. her mass leader was killed in a striking they would you mind calling reports from south lebanon around 11 am a lovely time, and is really drawing strong kids the car travelling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside living. these territory has bullet, has confirmed a senior fuel combined with the elite and as one forced was killed with some odds wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking. he has bullock. i'm on that
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note i have been killed since october 8. it is rarely, sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response to the assassination of how much lead us along a rory last week is death will be a blown to as below the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter, and as well as supporters of shed pitches across social media of him, we've seen you come on, has some show him with cost him. so the money, the lead to the ronnie and outcomes for us who was killed in the us started striking 4 years ago is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task palmer and a message to his riley's living place to live in the. this is a cool, we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of you are locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary,
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although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and all that will and keep tensions contained within the dispute in both the area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday. and also this week, a top of diplomats from the united states amos hochstein, also arrives now he was in israel last week. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory and passed the tony river . but that proposal was already rejected by his boy's bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what power the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to his beloved. i want to
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avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we standing gaza, his influence is limited and his bullet is clear, the war wrong, garza must in wrong con, how does it or it will psyche suddenly these very minute trays continuing to pound, goes up foaming, central and southern areas of the territory. the world health organization says guns as health care is on its knees. is calling for urgent action to protect hospitals. honey, my food has more than southern gaza. cars reduced directors, blood stains. the ground is regularly drawn. missiles struck despair, cold, killing 3 palestinian witnesses. say they were cut off the we were going away into shelves that the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine. ma'am. the
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attack was carried out only 700 meters from the weighty hospital, in rough, injured with rushed inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere is safe being gaza. schools and educational institutions are now joined by refuge. account is a line of fire. these really talks are more done in a salt in building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff say they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. deluxe the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system in gaza. is it close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect it on his way to the top. you can see about it, see,
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and unfortunately this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday and recreation already they've lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza, the risk of a stop being killed by israel is bombardment. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without crucial anymore fluid. i was just the of the, of the southern dog. israel is intensifying attacks around the l. x. the host with one of the last remaining facilities in central garza, you and so certainly 5 members of stock remain at the facility. on sunday doctors
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without borders announced its evacuating its teams. folks, and it may not is a search, and it was a charity, medical aid for palestinians. he left the gauze or on monday morning off to working out our ex, the hospital for 2 weeks. he describes the situation. there is cale take? there was several 100 people being admitted every day and the emergency development was uh, unmanageable. without enough stuff with a huge numbers of patients coming in. the uprising fits as well for all the time. and um, it was uh, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have co overseas far except for the united states and out of country the united kingdom . so the most important thing by far is by our government in the united kingdom,
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dakota all for an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is, there are many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate, unequivocal cease. far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that nail fading to do so at the moment. correct. as a consensus, this update from rough uh, on the latest is ready strikes. as we have been hearing sounds exploded in different areas, of course, calls us, especially in the southern parts in san eunice for this area, had been why did you hit since the beginning of this conflict between our mazda and israel, the ground as complete residential neighborhoods have been blowing up by the east where the soldiers as the wind to get more control to dispute to military dismantle the military infrastructure of the policy and fighters. and. busy we have been also
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receiving different codes and different. busy appeals by the people who have been trapped by these very occupation forces, especially of the houses being targeted. and also the have been attacked by the east barely drones in the past. a few hours where a number of residents have been injured, lane going the street with a very notable difficulty for ambulances to reach to the indication of targeting that situation. as we have been hearing for people in the say, right, and a 3 directions. you can just completely dramatic and very challenging for residents to keep living in that part of cause a strip as is relative, systematically destroyed residential building and key infrastructure. they are targeting most houses and also the uh, the uh, the facility of the ox office because they have previous the attract intensive care unit. and today the, these very drones had opened the fire against the residents who were working on the streets. that is so jason, to the, i'll ox, a hospital and this is
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a part of what the palestinians have been going through throughout the last a few hours as isabel is expanding in these days. it's military attacks, of course, golf and specially set face as weekly. woods mold, growing fi isn't concerns among palestinians. regarding the latest, the statement released by the usability of military spokesperson regarding expanding the fighting inside, galls us transfer out 2020 full. this is ready for us as have rated the city of to come around in the occupied westbank. 3 palestinians were killed by these very ministry. one wounded man was detained by his rarely forces and is ready miniature vehicle round. no one of the dead had a standing in the street. i seen in the factions have declared a general strike in it till tomorrow morning. local sources say there is currently a knowledge. is there any military presence that will happened? so who joins us now from all of these choose and honda,
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what more can you tell us about these latest rates in this rate until they got them all started. one is really special forces under cover want in to, to cut in, they say to arrest a wanted palestinian fight or clashes ended up. a rough thing in the city for 3 palestinians were then shot at an incredibly close range. the video is quite disturbing and actually to graphic to be shown. but what it does show are 3 palestinian men who are shot at an incredibly close distance. their bodies laid out in the street and bleeding. but then you see and is really armoured vehicle military personnel in this car then run over one of the palestinian men who is dead in the street. the vehicle stops for a 2nd and then continues on. all of this is just a continuation of israel's near nightly rates across the occupied west bank that
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has been intensified since october the 7th this evening of the cutting these rarely army also says that one man was arrested. in fact, it was the palestinian fighter who they were searching for, but she was shot in the leg and is injured. but despite that injury, he was subsequently still arrested. you're looking at at least $340.00 palestinians who had been killed across the occupied westbank since october, the 7th 60 of them into his got in a low and this rate is still ongoing. it has now extended from to get him city to the, to cut in refugee camp where there are exchanges of fire still ongoing to stay with us because the us, i can just stay on to the bank and as arrived in israel after stop in that sound you radio, he's on a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday and included visits to catalog jordan, the united arab emirates blink. and we'll meet with a member of israel's vote cabinet on tuesday to discuss the will on goals us. so what are we expecting?
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fumbling const visits with in the us, secretary of state is hoping to wave with some tangible ideas of what these relatives are hoping to do after the war the day after him. us as it's called in these really government. but these really is themselves haven't really reached a consensus about what that looks like. i'm us secretary of state is hoping to have some clarity on that. also on the agenda though, he's going to want to talk about israel's transition into a lesser intensity. lesser intense type of fighting using a more targeted approach when it comes to the continuation of this war. but he also says he wants to talk about future piece something that could be sustainable. and last thing for is role all while showing prosperity for the palestinian people showing their ambitions here as well enough that could even be a pathway for a palestinian state. but he's also going to press these rallies on the high death
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count that has come out of guns at more than 23000 palestinians have been killed. nearly 60000 has been injured. he's also going to say that there's not enough humanitarian aid going into gaza, comes as a new one, says the famine is just around the corner. we have seen this deteriorating humanitarian situation unfolds each and every single day. but for the worse, over the last 3 months, additionally, he is going to press these really is on what the policy is going to be of the war moving forward. so while he is reiterating support for these rarely, if he's still going to need answers from them on what this transition into a lesser intense type of fighting looks like these really army said that they are committed to that in fact, they have transitioned to not phase in the fighting but they're still concentrating on central and southern gaza. 6 while fighting still remains in the north, there are pockets of fighters and rockets still being launched. and these really military recognizes that. so
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a lot of questions are going to be on the table between blinking and his is really, counterparts. i'm there, thanks very much for that top 6 on your end, this new senior, humanitarian and reconstruction will coordinate to full gaza start. so role today. see who i call is a former deputy prime minister of the netherlands and was appointed last month to speed up the entry of a into garza, the previous head of humanitarian operations and occupied palestinian territory, left israel also, her visa was not renewed for incest saltado, nino is a spokes person for you and chief antonio, good parish. she told us it was different. i think it, it's a james base of the car will be working from a mountain. jordan for now has the un applied for a visa for her to travel to israel and the palestinian territories of these riley's guaranteeing that she can do so at the moment she event, i think, as i mentioned to you last week, she will start her, her post in amman and jordan with
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a view to later moved to egypt and this through. so she'll be in, i'm on for now. she won't be requiring that'd be so for now, is there any developments i'm happy thanksgiving assurances from the permanent mission of israel that she will be allowed to travel that not that i know to set a head don't know just yeah. that's all right. that's all right. sounds so sees fun. now interrupts us present and finding us it gives a speech in south carolina the on counting the cost. the world is drowning in a rec. what amounts of debt concentrated in developing countries, coordination to being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people. so here's the plane for the delay in the debt relief efforts. tons of
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the costs on al jazeera, exploring type 1st culture exciting political discourse. exposing societies, doctor award winning intense investigation, the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia were in the pacific. one. 0 one east on al jazeera, the latest news as it breaks. so you creating a full says that this is one of the largest attacks on civilians and for such as since the days of the war with detailed coverage. the price of the santa by audit, for example, has gone up to 73 percent in just one week from around the world. the conservative views on your government has emphasized that piece is all right to military strength, dismissing his predecessors, policy of engagement with the north,
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the, the, the you with all just a reminder of our top stores. a high level has been a fuel come on, that has been assassinated in is very strong, called southern lebanon, with some outside wheel was killed when the car he was travelling and was targeted for the interest is rarely a tax in gaza have forced deltas patients and age groups to flee, one of his last functioning hospitals x. so hospital has been overwhelmed by large numbers of us that can chew stay times and he blinked and has around it in israel. stuff in saudi arabia is again the quotes for multi monetary and 8,
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and the protection of civilians in gaza. protest is quoting for cease farm and gaza interrupted us president joe biden during a speech and south carolina barton was visiting on historic church in charleston as he begins to ramp up his re election campaign. curious as a result in america as a consequence. so as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. one light, there is no pass from this darkness the that's all right. that's all
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the i understand the passion and i've been quietly work requiring work is really government to get into reduce and significantly get out. and guys, using all that i can do is i called up now some of the world news, a preliminary investigation by united airlines is found loose boats on top logs of several having a $7037.00 max 9 planes says in american plan make about being on down nearly 70 percent in early trading. off an incident on one of its commercial jets a door from a boeing at 77 max across blew out mid air on friday. no one was injured in the incident. left a hole in the side of the across. us aviation regulate his ground,
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170 walnut, boeing 737 mex jetliners. following that incident, when montano is in washington dc and says boeing doesn't know how long it will take for united states to be checked as well. united's initial investigation indicates that this was not a one of incident. the alaskan airlines plane of united engine is on now saying that they have discovered several plains, with loose plugs. these all the plugs that hold the side to in place. and these all will have to be tightened. now this does appear to be a common defect to the uh, some is the $79.00. boeing sec united, runs. so this is a great problem for them. they are still trying to establish exactly how long it is going to to take to check each plane. the united airlines says that the in a dose of being removed be in the panels. and they have not opened up all the,
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those the outside doors, the plugs for inspection. so this process is continuing throughout united suite. and no doubt will be applied to other fleets that around these, boeing 737, max nines. at least 4 people have been killed across ukraine, and lots of thoughts is described as a large scale russian mix all the time. i said big reports not from teeth pulled from the rubble folding get another day of strikes, carjacked, but the russian military, ukrainian authorities say cities across the country were targeted. is that to reach you, the residential building was damaged, forcing gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore through, by says that they, it was going to be an error rate and bump and so very quickly quickly or until they bump shelter late to they've got a phone call and found out what's happened to the building. but they are white and shelter. at 7 am easily, but at home,
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nothing good would come out of it. a rescue has delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown act windows and key residents rushed to shelters, but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the capital. this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it last month. keep us head to getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman was killed and children were among the wounded authorities vis a shopping center and residential building. so i hate ukraine says 59 cruise and ballistic themselves as well as draws a 5 by russian forces. it claims $26.00 of intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of his ministry sites were hit or if it's stuff at any minute he lost his since december 29th, there's been an increase of area of the text car backed by both sides. and there's no sign that there will be electric and strikes any time soon. as i bake, i 0 piece south korea's ministry says this will no longer recognize a buffer zone in the seas between the 2 careers is often north korea carried down
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to a series of military drills, forcing people and nearby south korean island to take cover. in this kim reports from salt to affectively know and void the closest remarks by sold to date on abandoning the tattered military agreement reach. during the tente of 2018, north korea had already announced in november. it would scrap the past, cutting some 20 of the north koreans violate to the military agreements over $3000.00 times and conducted artillery, firing trails over the past 3 days in waters off the west coast. that whole, there's no buffers zone anymore. tense moments on friday after north korea's military fired hundreds of artillery shells just north of a defacto maritime border. for the 1st time in years, some 2000 residents of the south sea on some island were urged to take cover 4 hours. a preventative measure ahead of south korea's in kind response,
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in which doubled the number of large gallery fires. for the residents, memories of a direct attack by north korean shows in 2011 and the parent moved to manage tension. south korea's military now says it will not respond in kind to every provocation in the region. this as, so officials believe your career will ratchet up pensions and the weeks leading up to the problem entry election was here in april as north korean leader, king john and tries to divert attention away from problems closer to home unit skim all to 0. so us present, joe biden says he continues to have complete confidence in his defense secretary, lloyd austin austin, remains in hospital of to suffering complications for in recent surgery. he's been criticized for taking days to inform the whitehouse about his surgery. i'll just say it was whitehouse correspondence. kimberly how could sent this update?
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as the pentagon is releasing new details about secretary of defense, lloyd austin's hospital stay last week. it's a hospital stay following routine. elective surgery, the secretary's defense started to experience complications prompting return to the hospital and the stay and i see you following feelings of severe pain. the problem is, is the, the white house was not aware that the secretary of defense was in the hospital because he did not disclose it. instead he transferred his responsibility to his deputy. and that is the problem for many of the critics on capitol hill, including top republicans in the senate armed services committee, who say that this is something that was deliberately withheld and that the white house also withheld this information in defiance of us lot. they're calling this unacceptable that are demanding
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a briefing from the pentagon. still the white house says that they have the full cost, but it's of the secretary of defense. the pentagon is saying that there are no plans for the secretary of defense to in fact resign. they say that they will be investigating and the white house says it will look into what procedures and protocols need to be followed in the future. but for now, secretary lloyd austin will remain on the job. kimberly healthcare al jazeera whitehouse. the 1st move, glancing attempt from the us team and more than 50 years appears to failed 5. 43. we have ignition to locate funds forcing the lunar lands are experiencing technical problems with few hours often launch the company that design the craft says select a major few quite to the new last time us launched at moon lansing mission was with
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apollo in 1972 the weather is next and inside story will examine as well as targeting of genesis during the war in gaza, testing the the hello, we got most of that with the full costs for japan over the next couple of days. the say how the general trend on those clouds is to just run its way across more than most parts of the country. a little weak area of high pressure in the way, but that will get most of the race. so that will allow. so where to where that's coming across the l i. c slipping across towards south korea. the flank of that will be cold enough as some snow sol rid around 2 degrees celsius. so it's a when she flowers coming in most the coast west of the northern positive honcho and up into her card i and a repeat performance as we go on 3 way to stay try it brought to whether it does
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come back in because it just went to whether coming to southern positive japan may well much it china does look a lot the dry over the next couple of days, but still some problems or some tense. volt patchy is once the game. well, if you drive across the india, china area, vietnam generally drive for the time being not too bad into the philippines, scattering the showers into west, impossible, the usual showers across malaysia and indonesia are close to the west. the weather will be able to pull some a light peninsula which is joining up as the weather that we have a cold southern parts of the pipe and go to the trough. little area of the wet weather, just making his way into swank, it will be very heavy at times that missed the westwards. not just a few showers too, for the western gods. in mexico's border cities, the stock and back to drug trafficking and phase on one side,
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the wells largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand and the results and under pressure forensic investigate the teen piece together. evidence, as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide. beloved on all sides. a witness documentary on the houses there, the it's the latest direct attack flight is where the forces on media what? cuz i'll just say i'm a journalist comes, i'll talk to a colleague, killed it, it is ready at a strike on comes this call way. is israel targeting so many journalists? and what's the reaction of the world's media? this is inside story. the


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