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tv   News  ALJAZ  January 9, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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thing to look a lot like a western style christmas on counting the cost, the world is drowning in a rec, what amount of debt concentration in developing countries for nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people. so here's the plane for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, the senior has come out under his pills and is ready struck in southern lebanon, raising concerns of a wider regional conflicts. the con, carry johnston. this is alex is here at well, i from to also on the printer too dangerous to stay. adults has patients and age
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groups of forced to leave one of gauze as last functioning hospitals as fighting moves closer is ready for us is killed. 3 palestinians into cards. refugee camp during rates and the multiply the west bank. american push to avoid the conflict from expanding in the region. us secretary of state on to the bank and arrives and elevate during this regional diplomatic tool, the . we begin in the southern lebanon, where a high level has the compound has been assassinated in and is very strong, like we some time, well known as general ed was killed when israel targeted the call he was travelling in becomes less than a week culture senior. lastly, that was killed in the strike in the root in roman con reports from south 11 and around 11 am a lovely time and is really drawing stride kids the car traveling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside living these territory as bullet has confirmed
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a senior fuel combined with the elite and had one forced was killed. it was all wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking he has bullock. i'm on that note. i have been killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response to the assassination of how much lead us along a rory last week. his death will be a blown to as below. the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter, and as well as supposes of shed pictures across social media of him, we've seen you come on, does some show him with cost him. so the money, the lead, the ronnie and all goods for us who was killed in the us started strike 4 years ago . it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning ties, bullock and a message to his railways, living place to live in a cool. we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow
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your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with us. we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and all that will and keep tensions contained within the disputed buddha area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday, and also this week, a topic diplomat from the united states amos hochstein also arrives now he was in israel law suite. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory impossibilities. pony river but that proposal was already rejected by his boys bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what powell the diplomats have and how they choose to
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exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to hezbollah. wants to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we've seen in gaza, his influence is limited and has bullet is clear, the will wrong cause i must in iraq on how does it or it will psyche suddenly these ready minutes is continuing to pound, goes at bombing central and some of the areas of the territory, the world health organization says gauze as health care is on its knees, is quoting for urgent action to protect hospitals. and emotionally has more than southern gaza. cars reduced directors, blood stains. the crown is regularly drawn, missiles struck, disappear, cold, killing 3 palestinians. 7 witnesses say they were quite a good mother. we were going away into shelves at the area right here. we came
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quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine. ma'am. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the weighty hospital in rough, injured were rushed inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere is safe being gaza. schools and educational institutions are now joined by represent cans a line of fire. these really attacks are more down on a salt and building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff say they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. deluxe, the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system in gaza,
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is it close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect? it was very the as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday and recreation, or when they lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the south that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza, the risk of a stop being killed by israel is bombardment. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without crucial anymore fluid. i'll just eat a southern golf for many of the casualties have been taken to access the
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hospital. one of the last remaining facilities in central garza, the facility and a center of the strip has been overwhelmed by the number of dead and injured as well intensifies the tax around the hospital. un says only 5 members of stock remain that on sunday, the doctors without borders announced it's evacuating it's teams adult. and it may not is a search with the charity medical aid for palestinians. he left guards there on monday morning, off to working out at the hospital for 2 weeks. he describes the situation there as celtic, there was several 100 people being admitted every day. and the emergency development was unmanageable. without enough stuff with a huge numbers of patients coming in the operating fates as well for all the time. and it was, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i,
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i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have co overseas far except for the united states and out of them through the united kingdom. so the most important thing by far, is by our government and the united kingdom decor. well for an immediate unequivocal, safe spot. it is there all many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate unequivocal cease. far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that. now, fading to do so at the moment, correct? i will as the incentive space update from rafa on the latest is really strikes we have been hearing sounds of explosions in different areas across calls, especially in the southern pause in san eunice. or this area had been, why did you hit since the beginning of this conflict between our mazda and israel,
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the ground as complete residential neighborhoods have been blowing up by the east, where the soldiers, as they are trying to get more control and to dispute to military dismantle the military infrastructure of the policy and fighters and. busy we have been also receiving different codes and different appeals by the people who have been trapped by these very occupation forces, especially of the houses being targeted. and also the have been attacked by the east barely drones in the past. a few hours where a number of residents have been injured, lane going the street with a very notable difficulty for ambulances to reach to the indication of targeting that situation. as we have been hearing for people in the say, right. and a 3 to refuse you camp is completely dramatic and very challenging for residents to keep living in that part of cause a strip as is relative, systematically destroyed residential building and key infrastructure. they are
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targeting most houses and also the uh, the uh, the facility of the uh, box office because they have previously attacked intensive care unit. and today the, these very drugs had opened the fire against the residents who were working on the streets. that is so adjacent to the i'll ox, a hospital. and this is a part of what policies have been going through throughout the last a few hours. as isabel is expanding in these days, it's military attacks of who's golf a and especially when it's that phase, as the claim with mold growing. c as in concerns among palestinians. regarding the latest, the statement produced by the usability of military spokes person regarding expanding the fighting inside gauze us transfer out 2024 is ready. the forces of rated the state due to a common occupies westbank. 3 palestinians were killed by these very ministry. and one wounded man was detained, buys very forces, was ready miniature vehicle ramos,
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one of the dead palestinian men in the street. posting infections have declared a general strike in it till tomorrow morning. local sources say there is currently a knowledge is very ministry presence that allows us to who joins us now from occupied east to west. about what more can you tell us about these latest rates? this rate is still ongoing and began in the city of stones, cut them and extended into the to and got a refugee camp. it started off with is really special forces under cover going into to and got him to arrest a wanted palestinian fighter. when they say that clashes broke out, these really army events shot 3 palestinian men at incredibly close range, killing all of them. there is video of the incident that is quite disturbing and to graphic to be shown. it shows the 3 palestinian men shot dead on the ground,
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their bodies lying in the streets. and then it shows and is rarely military vehicle driving and then running over one of those dead bodies and then stops for just a moment and then continues running over the same body. it is worth mentioning this rate is still ongoing. and in fact, that wanted palestinian fighter they were looking for these really armies says that they have arrested him, but not after he was wounded from is really gunfire. this rate is ongoing. and so we've got him refugee camp where we do understand there has been a drone strike and there are several palestinians who are reported injured. ambulances are seen rushing towards the scene of that explosion. and we're also hearing the bulldozers are in the some kind of refugee camp, tearing up the streets, destroying the infrastructure on their way to the refugee camp. and inside of it, this is just a continuation of what these really are meet does every single night. these raids
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have been up significantly since october. the 7th is looking at at least $340.00 palestinians who have been killed since october, 7th in these raves in the occupied westbank alone. 60 of them in don't cut it. these really army says that they conduct these kind of raids and military operations in order to crack down on arms, post and resistance. but the reality is the, this is just another thing the palestinians have to deal with when living under this brutal military occupation and tomorrow in the morning they will wake up to scenes of destruction. these really army is still currently operating. they're saying that they are looking for quote, more wanted palestinian fighters, but to be, we're not really hearing any arrests right now. we're not hearing of any additional desk, but there are several injuries reported in the drum strike that we will continue to follow throughout the early morning hours. okay. have to stay with us because the us secretary state on see blinking is arrived in israel. office stuff is telling
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you right that he's on original diplomatic, told up the gun on this day and included visits to catalog jordan and united arab emirates. when can we meet with a member of is rose bowl cabinets on choose day to discuss the war on gaza. so have the what are you expecting from lincoln's visits as well? a lot on the table for you, a secretary of state antony blank and as he meets with his is really counterparts. the 1st thing they're going to discuss is these really transition into a lower intensity type of fighting room really is really army, had announced that they are now going to be doing that. why? primarily focusing on central and southern gaza. something else he's going to discuss is the incredibly high depth total more than $23000.00 post indians have been killed in the last 3 months and the gaza strip. he's also going to talk about humanitarian aid and how not enough is getting into gaza. there is
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a catastrophe there, a humanitarian situation that is truly out of control. and the new one says the famine is just around the corner. but he also wants to talk about future piece what sustainable for these rallies, all while given palestinians the same rights and freedoms, and hopefully paving a pathway to a palestinian state. but something else on the table there is going to be what these relatives are hoping to do after the war. this is something he's hoping to have tangible results from tangible conversations. things that he can go back to the west with. but these realize themselves haven't even come to a consensus about what they're hoping to do. is roles defense minister released or framework last week. but it is in no way an indication that that's what these really is, are going to do. and in fact, they haven't even really discussed that plan just yet. so while all of this is still happening, the secretary of state is also going to talk about rising violence in the occupied
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westbank. he's going to talk about settler violence, the building of a legal settlements. and additionally, these really rates that have claimed the lives of hundreds of palestinians who can occupied these truce. and for us there, the new and new senior humanitarian ends reconstruction coordinates. if a guy starts her role today, she had car is a former deputy prime minister the netherlands, and was appointed last month to speed up the entry of age into garza. the previous head of humanitarian operations and occupied palestinian territory left israel also, her visa was not renewed. the rents here so to nino is a spokesperson for the you and it chief antonio gutierrez. she told us it was to put magic, get it to james bass. the car will be working from non jordan for now has the un applied for a visa for her to travel to israel and the palestinian territories. all these riley's guaranteeing that she can do so at the moment she event, i think,
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as i mentioned to you last week, she will start her her post in amman and jordan with a view to later moved to egypt and israel. so she'll be in, i'm on for now. she won't be requiring that'd be so for now, is there any developments i'm happy thanksgiving assurances from the permanent mission of israel that she will be allowed to travel that not that i know is coming up after the break. sorry. that's all right. i can find out why present joe biden was tackled by protests as during a speech in south carolina. 543. we have ignition for the moon, for this trouble, for the 1st us the,
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the weather brought to you by visit cutoff color. we have a waiting to store moving across the us really nice the weather setting in this mass of cloud that is producing some big down polls and some snow. this, the power flight pressure will bump this area of high pressure out of the way. and that's it sweeps through, we're looking at some really heavy rain flooding potential across the southern areas. and the tornado damaging winds on the north. is that what most, no, pushing up towards the, the lakes, into the northeast. in cold weather, 2 spots could take a 15 centimeters or more of snow for one consolation, as it does may say pretty quickly. we've got one through wednesday, and you can see how that when she makes maces. finds that is the sort of canada warming up in new york around 14 sales. it's a really nice way for the next system. it comes out next area so that the spinning across the western pos for the 2nd half of the way we monitor the camera pans at
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the training system. when it features a little bit of weather into northern parts of the you can companies window them areas of to, but much of the caribbean, sticking $5.00 and $5.00 lovely sunny weather is the dry season. of course they, we should be enjoying some very pleasant sunshine. so also one or 2 showers over towards the restaurant is that just around the waiting list, but for most it will be fine and sunny. the same is true for good pos, the central the back to go to you by visit castle. i have the right, the boy costs anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest for freedom of speech and 1st amendment rights got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can't afford the one to build on
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which is era the the fucking back or mind to of the headlines now a high level it has, but i feel come on and that has been assassinated and then is really a strike on something 11 and some outs. how was killed when the car he was travelling in his trunk. relentless is very attract some cars that have 4 stops, has patients and age groups to flee. one of his most functioning hospitals accept hospital has been overwhelmed by not just numbers that you are secretary state onto the bank and his arrived in israel officers stuff in saudi arabia. he's again calls to more humanitarian aid. detection of civilian guns. protest is quoting for
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cease firing gauze, the interrupted us present. joe biden doing a speech in south carolina bite and was visiting on historic church in charleston actually begins to ramp up his re election campaign. it's yours is as a result in america as a consequence. so as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there's no light, well light, there's no pass from this darkness the authority. that's all the
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i understand the passion and i've been quietly working that requires a warranty which is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can say no hot system is the director of development tons expansion. not be american or anti discrimination committee. she says biden has lost the trust and support of many muslim and arab americans, which will be reflected in this is elections. the hi mirrors are coming up in many states early on in virginia. here it's march 3rd, march 5th, forgive me and other places it's earlier and then it goes, it continues until november. so this is not a far, far away,
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but the symptoms in the air american new some community is that they will not be voting for the binding harris administration or campaign moving forward. it has become very clear where the standards are for leadership in the world and where we as americans, air of americans, most of the americans and americans of all walks of life, want to see us ref, reflected in our government. and this government not only does not reflect as it is in conducting something all over a genocide, it's killing people and i really think a whole population trying to play it down in order to get boats. i have said this at the beginning of the year, and i will continue saying this, the closer we get to the elections, the less confrontational and they get to now as you were presenting earlier. the tone is changing. they are starting to talk about. he said, well, i'm going to put pressure, we're going to slow down this, dr. basically. but we see through this, this is also again the, this is all the political move to try to get the votes, the police, to me and americans, most americans, every americans are all united a, or,
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or for the vast majority are united and are called for an immediate cease fire and then ended up piecing that into the system, allowing a complete, allowing aid to come into the cause of stripping, to rebuild the bottom of the session has a lot to make up for. and right now they are extremely slow and the outlook is not looking good for the buy them harris administration moving forward. but present by them the size, it continues to have complete confidence and his defense secretary lloyd austin. austin remains in hospital of the suffering complications for the recent illness. he's been criticized for taking days to inform the white house about his surgery. how does it was whitehouse correspondents? kimberly, how could certainly something to the pentagon is releasing new details about secretary of defense, lloyd austin's hospital stay last week. it's a hospital stay following routine. elective surgery. the secretary of defense started to experience complications prompting return to the hospital and the stay.
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and i see you following feelings of severe pain. the problem is, is the, the white house was not aware that the secretary of defense was in the hospital because he did not disclose it. instead he transferred his responsibility to his deputy. and that is the problem for many of the critics on capitol hill, including top republicans in the senate armed services committee, who say that this is something that was deliberately withheld and that the white house also withheld this information in defiance of us lot. they're calling this unacceptable that are demanding a briefing from the pentagon. still the white house says that they have the full cost, but it's of the secretary of defense. the pentagon is saying that there are no plans for the secretary of defense to in fact resign. they say that they will be
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investigating, and the white house says it will look into what procedures and protocols need to be followed in the future. but for now, secretary lloyd austin will remain on the job. kimberly healthcare elda 0 white house. as a preliminary investigation by united airlines has found loose boats on doped logs of several bearing 737 macs and 9 plains well shed as an american the plane make a battery down. 97 percent in eddie trading off an incident on one of its commercial jets the door from a building at 737 max across, blew out to me there on friday. no one was injured in the incidence left a hole in the side of the aircraft. us actually regulate his grounded 171 that boeing 737 max jeff liners. following that's incident. a lot hunter is in washington dc and says boeing doesn't know how long it will take for united fleet
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to be checked as well. united's initial investigation indicates that this was not a one of incident. the alaskan airlines plane united engineers are now saying that they have discovered several plains, with loose plugs, these all the plugs that hold the side tool in place, and these all will have to be tightened. now this does appear to be a common defect to the uh, some $79.00. boeing set, united runs. so this is a great problem for them. they are still trying to establish exactly how long it is going to to take to check each plane. uh, the united airlines says that the in a doors have been removed, the in the panels, and they have not opened up all the, those the outside tools, the plugs for inspection. so this process is continuing throughout united suite, and no doubt will be applied to other fleets that around these. boeing 737 max
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nines. are these 21 people have been injured and an explosion at the hotel in texas, especially as far as the departments believes, a gas leak caused explosion on the assignment hotel in downtown to fort worth. most of the injured were employees of a restaurant inside the hotel. at least 4 people have been killed across you crank . your model thought is described as a large scale russian missile on attack. i said vague reports not from keith. pulled from the rubble, folding yet another day of strikes. carjacked for the russian military, ukrainian authorities, se cities across the country were targeted. that is, that the reach of the residential building was damaged, forced and gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore through by so that they, it was going to be an error rate and bump in so very quickly quickly, or until they bump shelter late to they've got a phone call and found out what's happened to the building. but they are white and
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shelter at 7 am. easily over at home. nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown act windows and key residents rushed to shelters. but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the capital. this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it. last month. keep us hitched, getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman is killed and children among the wounded authorities vis a shopping center and residential building. so i hate ukraine says 59 crews and ballistic themselves. so let's draw is a 5 by russian forces. it claims $26.00 of intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of us submitted to sides or hate, or if it suffered any minute your losses. since december 29th, there's been an increase of area of the tax conduct by both sides, and there's no sign that there will be electric and strikes any time soon. i started bake, i 0 piece. meanwhile,
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russia says it's moved to 300 people from the border city of belgrade, because of ukrainian shipping, is the biggest evacuation from a major russian city since a conflict began to has declared a state of emergency often a torres gang leader to escape from prison on sunday, just say it's all for it myself, disappeared from a jail in the port city of why i q. he was sentenced in 2011 for drug trafficking and that is believed to escape just hours before police began operation inside the prison. us 1st move on thing attempting more than 50 years appears to have failed a 543. we have ignition ok, transporting and leaving a lot in your experience. technical problems a few hours, often the ones the company that design the crafts as it up to may just few the last time the us.


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