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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the test strikes kill more than $249.00 protest and ends in god's costs. 24 rounds, despite is very claims shifting to the intensity phase of the carry, tungsten. this is where the items are also on the front of us. second should stay until the blinking arrives instead of it for 50 visits. and again,
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the calls for is very restrained and the entry of humanitarian is rarely forces killed. 3 pod of students into the current refugee count doing grades in the pod. westbank and a senior has the combined, there is kills, is very strong in southern lebanon, raising concerns why the regional countries begin in gaza is rarely forces are intensifying the indiscriminate and foaming of the central and southern regions of the strip. and the pa, style. drones have struck the new throughout the refugee camp in central gaza. is very showing as also target areas, se to con eunice. off flags have been seen over there all along at least 249 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. the hospital so overwhelmed and
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one of the last remaining facilities in central does that is being attacked. honey . luckily reports not from guns and southern gaza, a cars reduced direct his blood stains. the crown is regularly drawn, missiles struck despair, cold, killing 3 palestinians. witnesses say they were quite of the we were going away into shelves that the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine. ma'am. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the weighty hospital in rough. the injured with rushed inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere is safe in gaza. schools and educational institutions are now joined by represent cams, a line of fire. these really talks are more done in a salt in building
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a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff say they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injured deluxe. the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system in gaza. is it close to collapse and cold for civilian, better protected on his way to the top. you can see your clinic seeing unfortunately this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. they've lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. the they are seeing in some cases,
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hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza, the risk of a stop being killed by israel is bombarded. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without crucial anymore fluid. i'll just eat a southern dog park. i assume census this update from rafa on the latest is rarely strikes. we have been hearing sounds, of explosions, different areas, of course, calls us, especially in the southern pause in san eunice or this area had been, why did you hit since the beginning of this conflict between our mazda and israel, the ground as complete residential neighborhoods have been blowing up by the used by the soldiers as the wind to get more control to dispute to military dismantle
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the military structure of the palace being fighters. and. busy we have been also receiving different codes and different. busy appeals by the people who have been trapped by these ready occupation forces, especially of the house as being targeted. and also the have been attacked by the disability. drones in the past. a few hours where a number of residents have been injured lane going the street with a very notable difficulty for ambulances to reach to the indication of targeting. that's the situation as we have been hearing for people in the say, a rod and a 3 to refuse you camp is completely dramatic and very challenging for residents to keep living in that part of cause a strip as is relative, systematically destroyed residential building and key infrastructure, they are targeting most houses and also the uh, the uh, the facility of the ox office because they have previous, the attract intensive care unit. and today the, these very drones had opened the fire against the residents who were working on the
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streets. that is so jason, to the, i'll ox, a hospital and this is a part of what the palestinians have been going through throughout the last a few hours as isabel is expanding in these days. it's military attacks, of course, golf and specially set face as weekly. woods mold growing isn't concerns among palestinians. regarding the latest, the statement released by the usability of military spokesperson regarding expanding, the fighting inside calls us transfer out 2024. to talk to nick may know there's a search and with a charity, medical aid for palestinians. he left the guards on monday morning off to work it out accent hospital for 2 weeks. there was several 100 people being admitted every day. and the emergency development was unmanageable without enough stuff with a huge numbers of patients coming in the operating phase as well. so all the time
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and it was, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i've, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have cool for say, spar except for the united states and out of country the united kingdom. so the most important thing by far is by our government in the united kingdom, dakota for an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is there all many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate unequivocal cease. far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that. now fading to do so at the moment, air raid sirens have sounded instead of even all the cities in central israel, sending residence, running to shouts has a mass, says it, 5 advantage of rockets. there are no immediate reports of injuries. us secretary of
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state antony blinking has arrived and is read off to a self install. the radio is on a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday and included the visits to katagiri 90 united arab emirates think. and then we'll meet with a member of as well as full coverage on choose day to discuss the war on gaza. will have this the who joins us now from ok. part of the service, the, i'm the, what are we expecting then from lincoln's visit to israel a lot on the table for discussion during us secretary of state antony blinking visit to israel. his 1st going to want to talk about these really is transitioning to a lesser intense type of fighting more targeted operations and approaches as the work goes on. he's also going to want to talk about what these relatives are planning to do on the day after the war. but remember, there is no consensus within the is really government as to what that looks like just yet. additionally,
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he wants to talk about the situation in gaza on the palestinian side that there have been too many people killed, too many uninvolved civilians killed injured, even missing. additionally, remember the united states has been pushing for far more humanitarian a to enter the palestinian territory. the americans say that what is going in is simply not enough, given the catastrophic humanitarian situation that has unfolded. given the fact that the united nations have said the famine is just around the corner. but additionally, he's going to want to talk about a future piece, one that is sustainable for israel. all. well, keep in mind the palestinians and giving them those same rights and perhaps that that could even be a pathway towards a palestinian state. these really is today have a now it's that they have in fact transition to a lower intensity type of fighting. and now they're concentrating on the central and southern parts of gaza. but there are still pockets of fighters in the north. there are so rockets being launched from the north even though these really say
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they have full operational control. they. a that they have completely dismantled, have massive military capabilities there. the reality on the ground is showing a little bit of a different fixture. but even though these really is now, say they're transitioning to a new phase of the fighting, they're saying it is in no way an indicator, but the war is going to be over. in fact, remember, several is really political and military officials have come out just in the last 48 hours and so that the war is going to continue. well, in to 2024. so i'm just stay with this because a is ready for us is have rated the city of 2, carmen ok. pas westbank, 3 postings was killed by these very minute train and one wounded mountain was detained. buys very forces this very minute treat vehicle, run over one of the dead palestinian men in the street. i've seen infections have declared a general strike in it to come in tomorrow in the morning and local sources say there's currently
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a launch is really ministry presence in the home that what more cunning tell us than about this latest rate as well. this rate is still ongoing, but let's go in chronological order here, this rate starting about 4 hours ago when is really special forces entered to cut in under cover and wanting to arrest a wanted post indian fight, or they then shot and killed 3 palestinians at a very close range their bodies in the streets bleeding. and then there is quite disturbing footage. ivan is really military vehicle running over one of these dead palestinian men, stopping for just a moment and then continuing to run him over. we also know that a 4th man was shot in the leg, but subsequently arrested by these rarely army. this rate has continued into the total cutting refugee camp, where there was a drone strike and several injuries reported ambulances were seen rushing to the scene. but in fact,
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source is on the ground are now saying that one of the ambulances was stopped by these really occupation forces. and a person inside who was injured has been arrested. there also, bulldozers and other types of military equipment that are destroying the infrastructure, leading up to the camp inside of this and cutting refugee camp itself. this is a reality for palestinians who live under occupation in the west bank every single day. they're dealing with these nightly rates by these really military that have been up to since october the 7th. you're looking at at least 340 post indians who have been killed by is really forces in the occupied westbank. 60 of them into and got him alone, which has seen an increase in these types of his really military incursions. just a few days ago, there was a raid in the notice jumps refugee camp that lasted for almost 2 days straight. there was a lock down a coffee in the city as these really military carried out
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a campaign of arrest against palestinians. so again, this is just a continuation of what we've seen for the last, almost 2 years since these real. we started these types of military raids in the occupied westbank, continuing the use of drawing strikes and other types of measures because they say, and they want to crack down on arms palestinian resistance with an update for us to come to think he is ready for us to say they've killed that, i must come on the in the southern syrian town late june the occupied go then heights. according to the is rarely ami sign that kasha had helped launch rockets attacks on israel from syria. this very minute she has intensified attacks in syria, off the type of the 7th shooting 5th escalation in the region. a high level has been come on, that has been assassinated in an is very striking. with some alto knows jawad was killed when is ro targeted,
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the call he was travelling in becomes less than the week of the senior. a mass leader was killed in a striking, they route. it won't con reports from the south lebanon around 11 am a lovely time, and is really drawing strong kids. the car travelling in the village of quite a bit, selling 10 kilometers inside the lebanese territory, has bullet, has confirmed seeing if you will come on with the elite. and as one forced was killed with some of the wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking, he has bullock. i'm on that known to being killed since october. the 8th is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response, the assassination of how much lead us along a rory last week is death will be a blown to as below the man was highly regarded as a very capable fighter and has been less supporters of shed pitches across social media of him. we've seen you come on,
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has some show him with cost him. so the money the lead to the ronnie and could suppose who was killed in the us started striking 4 years ago is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task butler and a message to israelis living close to 11. of course, we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of you are locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop and all that will and keep tensions contained within the dispute in food area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday, and also this week, a top of diplomats from the united states amos hosting also arrives now he was in israel last week. these right? these gave him
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a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory impossibility river, but that proposal was already rejected by his boy's bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what power the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to his beloved and wants to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting. but as we standing gaza, his influence is limited and his bullet is clear. the will wrong cause i must end and wrong. come out is there? it will psyche suddenly. so it's a come on, i'll just here at your phone. so these fun now interrupt us present certified gives
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a speech in south carolina and an investigation into the door low. as one of the task airlines playing reveals big problems from boeing's troubles sending through southern blacks the, the, the, how i, we got most, i mean the full costs for japan over the next couple of days. it does say how the, the general trend on those clouds is to just run its way across more than most parts of the country. a little weak area of high pressure in the way, but that will get most of the race. so that will allow some width, whether it's coming across the l i. c slipping across toward south korea. the flank of that will be cold enough as some snow sol rid around 2 degrees celsius as a when she flowers coming in most the coast west of the northern positive honshu and up into her card i and a repeat performance as we go on 3 way to stay dry,
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prior to weather does come back in because it just went to weather coming to the southern positive. japan may well, much of china does look a lot of the dry over the next couple of days. but still some problems are some dense folk patches once the game, lot of dry across the, in the try to area vietnam generally drive for the time being not too bad into the philippines, scattering the showers into west impossible. the usual shelves across malaysia and indonesia are close to the west of whether we'll be able to was a malay peninsula, which is joining us. the weather that we have a close southern parts of the pap and gold trough, little area of the wet weather, just making his way into slang. it will be very heavy at times that missed the westwood. not just a few showers to the best thing gets the unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices,
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you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine, it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just hear a minds about top storage is ready for us is, are intensifying the bombing of central and southern guns so that's a strikes of targeted witnesses around the rescue g captain aries,
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southeast of con, units. at least 249 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. high level of his for the fuel combined that has been assassinated and is fairly air strike on something negative we some alti will, was chose when the call he was traveling and was targeted us secretary of state and the bank and his arrived in is right off to stuff in saudi arabia is again quotes. i'm working on a terran aid texas civilians and guns and also 0 senior political on this to me. i want the chart says it becomes a failure to call for an end to israel small amounts to hypocrisy. today between the river and the sea as it where there are uh, you know, have a 7 and a half 1000000 jewels. and so that it has to be a better sense. so the, the real threat today, an aggressive colonial jewish state that wants to, in states all part aid is the existence of southern,
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often the people that's why more and more is varieties and the government wants to see the cleansing of the palestinians from gaza. the one who is the war in order to send out the population as they put it from guys. the problem with all of that to contextualize it, is that it's happening with the support of the united states, hence, the blinking visit, right? and the, by the administration support is this the routine of good come back up is right versus the united states that's been placed in palestine and the rest of the region is becoming a bit fighting, frustrating and, and goes everyone in the region. people don't want to see america defend as read and pay the good cup about, as we've heard from blinking. now some, some food, some of flowery view or the future. talking about the escalation while not for the 2nd book. no, but ending the conflict. it's thumping the war calling for
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a cease fire. none of that just talks about promises about the future and about how the region could be. why, in real life, the, by the restriction is giving all the tools and all the capacity and the capabilities for it is right to continue with it's war and if it wants to, to escalate this war towards limit on a protest is quoting for a ceasefire. and gaza interrupted us present, joe biden, during a speech in south carolina by and who was visiting on historic church in charleston actually begins to ramp up his re election campaign. cheers is as a result in america. as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light light. there is no pass from this darkness the
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that's all right. that's all the i understand the passion and i've been quietly work requiring working with is really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that, i can reduce you and new senior humanitarians reconstruction coordinate to for gaza stotts. her role today, secret call is a former deputy prime minister of the netherlands and was appointed last month to
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speed up the entry of 8 into goes up the previous head of humanitarian operations and occupied palestinian territory, left israel. also, her visa was not renewed or it's national agencies are choosing israel, of using food as a weapon of war. saw stratford reports on the hunger crisis facing gossen for hundreds of thousands of palestinians who flayed israel's relentless bombardments. of the goal is to strip the struggle to find food gets worse every day. i am calling about the this is the only bread we have, we have developed, but we don't have food without a d. r, a round to well newport, america. and these are in have them to us. there is no food. i swear to a lot, we had nothing for breakfast today. let me show you might then look at the bread we eat. we eat bread that is covered with dust and send. the un says one
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in full people, the goal is starving. 90 percent of families in some areas are lucky. you say you once a day international agencies accuse is using food as a, with the violation of international on the list. and i swear to god, i have no more bland could flow. so food for my children. this is my son and i have nothing for him who suffers from diarrhea and call it. i don't have disposable diapers, i don't have ointment. i don't have medicine. i call even breast feed time because i don't have food to eat. i put the juice of one tomato and a piece of bread until it becomes soft. then i think my baby is what i was punched the plain view in agencies for the short cooling food and medicine. getting into a garza you and says that's
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a big slide and accuses as well to continuously restricting the entry of all supplies, including food, water, medicine, fuel. well, the silver and the bar, our situation is below 0. our house was destroyed. we was very sick. we could names yet 2 months ago. we have nothing here. we can find food. i didn't even drink tea for 3 days, only to get little lentils for some peace love without you and says in the last week of december, food assistance and goals are only weeks. 8 percent of people named. now the risk of finding in the palestinian territory is increasing by the de jumpstart, but i'll just 0. the 2nd up. now, some of that will use a preliminary investigation by united airlines is found loose boats on dope dogs of several. boeing at 737, max 9 planes,
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a door from an alaska airlines that across to blew out there on friday morning hunter. as the latest the missing piece said close to mid flight blow out has been recovered. the tool plug that blue will from alaska airlines flight 1282 landed in a school, teaches you out the whole of left behind now being combed over by federal investigators . and the questions that's raised, multiplying by late monday, the 2 main us airlines flying boeing 737, max 9 had grounded the plane. so have some carriers outside the us. united airlines said that found that loose boats on multiple aircraft. and boeing announced that will hold an employee town whole meeting tuesday to address the issue flight safety experts say luck played a large role in preventing casualties on the alaska airlines plane. the seats next
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to the hole in the fuselage with vacant. and the plane was still climbing, javier across the that's higher altitude of cruising altitude, for example, maybe more cost. you just want to unbox with about creating a big movie about the cabinet and stuff. you don't want to be in a risk of loss of life with the passengers potentially able to be sucked out of the vehicle. last to questions remain about whether the playing should have been a bone at all. investigate just say oppression. rise ation warning. lights had turned on during 3 recent flights. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance and then reset. but the issue was never fully resolved. and alaska airlines limited project to show to trips as a precaution. until friday's incident. boeing has come on the increased scrutinise and small, then 300 people were killed in 2737,
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next crashes in 20182019. those were linked to a software dfcs. now the company faces another crisis, and the company, airlines and the government are working to understand the problem and restore tests and just confidence. montana. how does the era, arlington, virginia, at least 6 police officers have been tails and a bomb attack in northwest and focused on they've been assigned to protect the work as carrying out a pony. i mean, i zation campaign. it happened the board with us dentist on august on a ton about his claimed responsibility for this apartment associate. and i've seen that has won a 4th consecutive time in an election mod by the absence of any meaningful opposition. and nationalist policy boy called to the vote saying more than 25000 of its leadership and supporters are in jail. trying to hold reports from
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a little rough man died in hospital while in police custody 2 weeks ago. he's widow believes he was tortured and didn't receive proper care. a shot kind of losing the government is responsible. they tortured my husband and i want justice, but i don't expect it from them. a shot by the i mean visa site above the bed, a make good phone no longer in use, the essential equipment of an activist member of the opposition p. n. p. besides the television news declares the victory of prime minister shakes a scene of the b. n. p. boycotted the election of to thousands of its local leaders like fest with jail charged with women taking pre election violence. the prime minister now describes the party with whom she's vied for power for decades. as a terrorist organizational, this is the headquarters building of the main opposition buying the nationalist party as you can see it locks shorter than has seen since last october,


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