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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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people's story was very important at the time, the groundbreaking films from award winning filmmaker watch listen witness on file just the a the . ready and strikes can move into 149 palestinians garza and the past 24 hours. the spot is where it explains. it's shifting to a low intensity phase of the war. the alarm elizabeth put ottoman this is ellen, just a life from door. ha. so coming up to a secretary of state,
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anthony blinking arrives in tennessee for 1st visit since the world again and again closed as really of a strange at the entry of humanitarian aid is ready for his co 3, palestinian, some kind of refugee camps. human rates in the occupied west, back and as well kills the senior has voted to come on to an s. try can $711.00 on raising concerns of a winded regional conflict. who begins in gaza? is there any forces are intensifying the indiscriminate bombing across the strip? a drones try calling to shake it out. one neighborhood of gauze a city has left palestinian searching for survivors under the rubble. drones have struck the, the side of the refugee camp and central casa, is really showing, has also targeted areas southeast of con eunice. while flash has been seen all the data by law, at least 249 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours,
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hospitals overwhelmed and one of the last remaining facilities in central gaza is being attacked honey. my food reports from casa and southern dogs of a cars reduced directors, blood stains, the crown withdrawn, the soul struck despair cold, killing 3 palestinian. 7 witnesses say the word quite of god. we were going away into shelter at the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine man. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the to wait a hospital and rough injured with rush inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere same thing dog schools and educational institutions are now joined by refuge. account is a line of fire. these really attacks are more than
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a salt in building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff say they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. a lot of the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system, and garza, is it close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect it on his way to the top. as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. they've lost a lot of their stuff this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases,
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hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza, the risk of a stop being killed by israel bombard. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable on without the crucial anymore fluid. i'll just eat a southern dog inside a couple as in send this update from the alpha us. we have been hearing sounds of explosions in different areas across calls, especially in the southern parts in san eunice for this area had been why did you hit since the beginning of this conflict between our mazda and israel, the ground as complete residential neighborhoods have been blowing up by the east, where the soldiers, as they are trying to get more control to dispute to military, dismantle the military infrastructure of the policy and fighters. and we have been
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also receiving different codes and different appeals by the people who have been trapped by these very occupation forces, especially of the house as being targeted. and also the have been attacked by the east barely drones in the past few hours, while a number of residents have been injured. land on the street with a very notable difficulty for ambulances to reach to the indication of targeting that situation. as we have been hearing for people in the say, right, and a 3 directv camp is completely dramatic and very challenging for residents to keep living in that part of gaza strip as is relative, systematically destroyed residential building and key infrastructure. they are targeting most houses and also the uh, the uh, the facility of the uh, locks office because they have previously attract the intensive care unit. and today the, these very drones had opened the fire against residents who were working on the
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street. so adjacent to the i'll ox a hospital and this is a part of what the palestinians have been going through throughout the last a few hours as isabel is expanding. in these days, it's military attacks of who's golf and specially set face as weekly. woods mold, growing c as and concerns among palestinians. regarding the latest, the statement produced by the is really a military spokes person regarding expanding the fighting inside gauze us transfer out 2024 docs. and the main, it is a search and with a child is a medical aid for palestinians he left casa on monday morning after working at all on the hospital for 2 weeks. and that was several 100 people being admitted every day. the emergency development was unmanageable without enough stuff with a huge number of patients coming in. the uprising fits as well for all the time. and it was, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i,
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i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have cool for say, spar except for the united states and out of them through the united kingdom. so the most important thing by far is by our government and the united kingdom decor. well for an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is federal, many thousands of people being killed, that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate unequivocal, say, as far as our governments in the united kingdom has to go for that nail fading to do so at the moment is really military casualties and gaza. amounting is how long suffice has confront the ami across this trip. the military says full, so we'll just have him killed at least a 180. so i'll just have died since as well to get his ground and vision 10 weeks ago. injuries among the troops is serving soaring us,
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us secretary of state antony blank and has arrived in israel off to a stop. and saudi arabia is on a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday and included visits to cottage jordan and the united arab emirates. lincoln will meet with a member of israel's will cabinet on tuesday to discuss the one gaza. today's about joins has now from occupied east jerusalem. so blinking, arriving as we're being or pushing theresa is really is trucks come more than $249.00 palestinians. and guys, in the past 24 hours, despite as well saying it's shifting to what it's cooling, a low intensity phase of the war. so do we know what the us is hoping to achieve with this visit? of the weather is not sufficient, was on the agenda with this trip, especially now with the humanitarian situation, humanitarian crisis and guys with people's facing hunger, dehydration struggling for medicines. among so many other thing,
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i'm especially now that israel says it's moving towards what they call a 3rd stage of this war. they say that they're going to focus more in southern guys that carry out a special operation to attack there. but there's also a dispute between israel and the united states. united states has said that they would like the residents that had been initially displaced towards the southern part of this trip. we allowed to move back north. i'm that is something that is well says is not ready to do just yet. but the other issue right now that is on the agenda is that the escalation that we have seen in northern israel with has more loud. there's been the killing off uh, sort of how do we have mislead or inmate or a week ago, there's also been a killing off the top commander from his what line southern living on on monday and of course has worked that has been new tele aging and this escalation is something that concerns the united states very, very much so suddenly there's lots of issues on the agenda, blink, and we'll be meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu also with
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a war cabinet and see how this whole process is going to continue. there's not some expected or a change. and agenda we have been seeing that the united states has been trying to steer israel from the what many referred to as excessive force in the gases trip, but not a real change in policy. so it's mostly discussions right now of what's coming next for right today to stay with us. as we look at the latest is really raids in the occupied westbank. 3 palestinians were killed and one wounded man was detained by his very forces in the city of phone. cut them powers to the infections, have declared a general strike into and cut them on tuesday. the i'm just waiting for this is a survey to the city of cotton. yeah. $340.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. and today's a there has been very disturbing, frustrated from the latest raid and phone cut in which we hear was now winding up.
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well, what we're hearing is that security before it forces started to retreat a while ago. this is an operation that started in the middle of the night with his riley forces carrying a raid in to we've caught him that's more the western part of what i'm. i love there was an exchange of fires palestinian fighters with fisted bats incursion in this area. 3 people were killed, there was some very violent images of a military vehicle passing on top of a person that had been injured the red crest and said that between to that these 9 people that were also injured during this attack. and this is something that we have been seeing an environment increase of raids, of february attacks and the all to fight westbank since october, a 7, something that has been ongoing. we also heard, for example, that in city over a model that there was another rate where 2 people were detained and flashes also
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happened right there. so suddenly there is an increase of rates ongoing happening every day, many of the people that are leaving there. they say that they leave in constant siege withdrawing attacks within those areas and incursions happening almost every day. and we are told that over 350 people have lost their lives. they are since october. the 7th. right today is the thank you for that. that is today's, of over the latest live, unoccupied, east jerusalem. this is really full so so they've killed a how mos come on the in the southern syrian town of bates in maybe occupied golden heights according to the is ready on a house on akasha had helped launch a rocket attacks on israel from sylvia. there's randy military has intensified attacks and syria after october 7th, feeling fears of an escalation in the region and israel and has assassinated a high level hezbollah field commander, and as try can sell them 11 on with some of the way it was killed when israel targeted the call he was traveling in and on con is following developments from 711
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on a strike alleged writing strike took place around 11 o'clock local time in the village of kate about saline. uh, in some let him know about 10 kilometers into the boat as a very significant distance within lebanese territory itself. this strike will be a blow for his bullet. he was a very senior field commander in southern lebanon, in fact, as well as opposes um, across social media, been sharing pictures of him with the people that cost them. so the money to come on to the iranian l could suppose, who is killed new eric and during strike, about 4 years ago he was a very senior figure, a hit with in the southeast, riley say that he was responsible for the rockets tugs against a key military installation in the galley uh that was attacked him twice in 24 hours. that attack was actually and his buller respondents to the killing of the senior lead us all the all over here in beirut last week. now tensions of
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escalating his ro keeps putting pressure on the hezbollah in this area, but i'm in across the 120 columbia to buddha. that is disputed, but both countries share, obviously now in the mood that these really see that the more has bullet react. so that means that actual diplomatic community is incredibly worried that either a miscalculation or a misfire, could spock things off and drag lebanon into a o out tool now, but hezbollah have said that they don't interested in anything like that, but they are willing to fight that will if it comes to mind, go with it as a political commentator and write a based and they version, he says a response from hezbollah would most likely be swift. so there's definitely going to be a response, a somewhat say, and we've seen the reports from there's really side say that this is a retaliation for the attack on the very major us. i mean is rarely
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a air force base in nor there in palestine. and that's the, that's interpreted as a response every time the issue for that. but that's uh of course it won't go on the ad ser, uh, we did hear a lot about the also the how senior commander, let's just keep in mind here that a lot of the military formations off as well. the are actually a secretive and the you don't know exactly what kind of a position most of these commanders hold. i mean, end up with 2 areas as well. i did submit to you was a commander, but this is good to apply to many positions. so we have to see, of course there will be a retaliation that response, it might be as part of the ongoing operations are taking place or it might be a single event to just uh, dedicated to this as a response to this assassination. and that where we live and see in the next couple of days,
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what we've seen in the war is that the retaliation is coming quick. it's not taking time. so we might, we might see it in the next 24 hours or so. still ahead on now to sierra proposals cooling policies, find us interrupt to us president john bought it as it gives a speech in south carolina and and investigation into the don't blow out on an alaska airlines playing reveals bigger problems to buildings, trouble, 737. next the, the hell out of the weather set, fire across the middle east is looking pretty good across the right and potentially nothing to worry about here. really present sunshine coming through actually 23 here in the hallway by the next couple of days. but that's about as good as it got
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some lovely weather to come to the north. you can see we do have some winter weather pushing outs. if ducky, i just running towards the cask in northern parts of iraq. i had to run seeing some of that windstream mixed and so getting pushed out so that southeastern corner, if you know if the middle area of low pressure here digging down into at least the side of the med pushing across cypress getting into syria pushing for a switch as we go through tuesday and that weather will make his way right down across the southern most part. so we'll see that coming down across 11 on into is riley to a good part of the occupied territories. gaza will see wet weather then as we go into the middle parts of the weeks and nothing conditions coming in here. well that's that across the central parts ultimate. it's right and then so that will just process the way across. northern areas of tanikia. libby wet weather bad to just around the northwest, but from month to west africa, it is fine and try the seasonal range of coast. they continue unabated across central parts of africa was $50000.00 to that east to sort of south africa looking
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very unsettled madagascar. the phasing cap is teresa cuts are for a record 3rd touring the 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, cuts our son, humans, south korea and palestine. he will place despite the war back home will keep you right across the actions out the tournament. the hazy house on al jazeera, the news, [000:00:00;00]
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the watching out of the problem. and uh huh. i have a mind to about stories. the salad is rarely forces are intensify calling of central and southern gaza. the latest strikes have targeted the inside of the refugee camp. an area southeast of con eunice, at least 249 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. as their own has assassinated, a high level has all of sealed come on to an s trying and 711 on with some of the we was killed when his world targeted the call. he was traveling in a new, a secretary of state anthony blink and has arrived and then sort of stopped and saudi arabia is again called for motion, monetary and aid, and the protection of civilians and gaza went onto the, our senior political analyst model on the shot it says the us is actively enabled genocide in gaza today between the river and the sea as it where there are
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uh, you know, have a 7 and a half 1000000 jewels. and so, but it has to be a better sense. so the, the real threat to the, an aggressive colonial jewish state that wants to in state all parties is the existence of 700 people. that's why more and more is ladies in the government. want to see the cleansing of the palestinians from guys. they want to use the war in order to say now the population as they put it from causing the problem with all of that to contextualize it is that it's happening with the support of the united states, hence the blinking visit, right. and the by the administration support. so this 13 was good come, backup is right versus the united states that's been place in palestine and the rest of the region is becoming a bit fighting, frustrating and, and goes everyone in the region. people don't want to see america defend as red and
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pay the good cop about, as we've heard from blinking. now some, some food, some of flowery view or the future. talking about the escalation while not for the 2nd book. no, but ending the conflict, stopping the war, calling for a ceasefire. none of that just talks about promises about the future and about how the region could be. why in real life, the, by the restriction is giving all the tools and all the capacity and the capabilities for it is right to continue with its war. and if it wants to escalate this war towards level to protest as cooling, pharmacies caught cease, fire and gaza interrupted us president joe biden. during this speech in south carolina, it's yours is andrew shelton, america. as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. well light,
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there is no pass from this darkness the authority. that's all the i understand the passion and i've been quietly working requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can do
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the let's take a look at some of the world news now and the leader of taiwan is democratic. progressive party lighting has expressed concern about the future of the territory . that's a head of presidential elections on saturday. he's owned of threats from china, but at home his party also faces a serious challenge from the chinese k m. t potty, tony chang has moved from ty, pay a vice president line had a message for the international community. and that was the piece in the taiwan strait is an international issue. he said this is going to be the most anticipated election for 2024. and of course from his perspective is he also can see that the want aspiring to peace. we have no illusions a reference to many people's concern. here in taiwan, china is applying
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a very important part. in this election, he said that if elected on saturday, he would work to build up defense. the parents is and he said the piece is priceless war has no when it's just china or to to return to the rules based global order. that said, it is going to be a very tough last couple of days of campaigning. the t p p, which has been in power for the last 2 tons space is a very stiff challenge from the woman dung, the cam t. there's also as the policy and the selection, the t p p. and they have been doing surprisingly well, particularly with young purchase, who could be very important in this election. so while the international community may well be looking at taiwan, chinese issues over the next couple of days, those standing on the pallets, we're looking very much the domestic audience. tony chang al jazeera type of bond divisions, prominence to shake a scene has one a full for consecutive to an election. mond,
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by the absence of any meaningful opposition. the measurements of policy boy caution divorcing more than $25000.00 of leadership and supporters of in jail. jonah ha reports from dhaka. a little rough man died in hospital while in police custody 2 weeks ago. he's widow believes he was tortured and didn't receive proper care. a shot kind of losing the government is responsible. they tortured my husband and i want justice, but i don't expect it from them. a shot by the i mean visa site above the bed, a make good phone no longer in use, the central equipment of an activist member of the opposition b and p. beside her television news declares the victory of prime minister shakes a scene of the b and p, boycotted the election off to thousands of its local leaders like fest with jail charged with preventing a pre election violence. the prime minister now describes the party with whom she's
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vied for power for decades. as a terrorist, organizational, this is the headquarters building of the main opposition bank, the nationalist party, as you can see, it locks and structure that has seen since last october, when the police described it as a crime scene. it's hard to imagine a power, like a republican party in the united states will say, is labor party completely shut down dead by somehow putting everyone who could take a decision? does it tell he told satan was foreign secretary under a neutral, can take a government in the mid to thousands. he says, all semblance of democratic order in bangladesh has broken down. it was sort of a one party just i just like to say, i think we are very closely run by the state i have here. and you tell me that this woman is a being the local leader,
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arrested and badly beaten biplane clubs. police at a demonstration 2 months ago, the kid, but then i need to find out when they could and drag me into the waiting car. they hit me on my arms. one of them said, shoot her on the spot. another person said cut her tongue out. we don't need to kill her, she lost a tooth, but go to away with her life. but the dash, the parentheses, democracy itself jo now whole elders, 0 dot com, united airlines and alaska s. so the found lose pots on multiple boeing 737 max line planes, a doing from alaska airlines, a cost blue out mid day on friday. my kind of has the laces, the missing piece that caused the mid flight blow out has been recovered. the dual plug that blew off from alaska airlines flight 1282 landed in a school, teaches you out the whole of left behind now being combed over by federal
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investigators. and the questions that's raised, multiplying by like monday, the 2 main us airlines flying boeing 737, max 9 had grounded the plane. so have some carriers outside the us. united airlines said that found it loose bolts on multiple aircraft. and boeing announced that will hold an employee town whole meeting tuesday to address the issue or flight safety experts say luck played a large role in preventing casualties on the alaska airlines plane. the seats next to the whole and the fuselage will vacant. and the plane was still climbing high back, i'll be that's higher altitude of cruising altitude, for example, maybe more cost. you just want to unbox with about creating a big movie about the cabinet and setting the risk of loss of life with the passengers potentially able to be sucked out of the vehicle. but questions remain about whether the plane should have been a bone at all. investigate just say
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a pressure rise ation warning. lights had turned on during 3 recent flights. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it, they reported it, it was tested by maintenance and then reset. but the issue was never fully resolved, and alaska airlines limited project do show to trips as a precaution. until friday's incident, boeing has come on the increased scrutinise and small, then 300 people were killed in 2737, next crashes in 20182019. those were linked to a software dfcs. now the company faces another crisis and the company airlines and the government are working to understand the problem and restore tests and just confidence. by kinda, i'll just be era. arlington, virginia, defense pertaining in southern africa as proposing new laws to legalize the trade
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of cannabis. many rule families of farm kind of has to make ends meet, that they say high licensing fees will cut the mileage of the profitable business from the minute visitor the farm to find out more. some z like drama used to clean houses for a living. owning only $25.00 a month and 20 years ago, she started forming cannabis deep in the mountains. in the north of is what community formerly known as suantlan to now and 50 times what she used to, that's enough to support herself and the family, including her children and grandchildren. cannabis is commonly known as long as the gold farming. it is illegal, but it's all thousands of people who make a living, being killed, present as father before. them, until likely though, i now have a house and this farming can be stood. it allows me to send my kids to school, the magenta, but it's becoming difficult to form these days. email comes in a once the governments and legalize cannabis following and provide support. that's
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the way she and other farmers would no longer have to form in secret. and hide from


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