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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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here we make the rules, not sales. people empower, investigate, exposed, and questions they use tend to be just of our around the go on out just there, the as well bombs, more residential areas and southern gaza finds and just find con units are among those hedge. the don't want me to put on them and this is allergens, even live from durham. so coming of us secretary of state, actually blink, and arrives and kind of a for a 1st visit since the world again, he again calls to is really was trying to add the entry of humanitarian aid is rarely for his co 3 palestinians. and to cut the refugee cap to embrace on the
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occupied westbank at ecuador declares a state of emergency after a convicted gang leader goes missing from a high security prison. the israel's army is continuing it's offensive and central and southern gaza despite claims. it's shifting to a low intensity phase of the war. is ready as strikes have targeted residential neighborhoods and java. i'm calling eunice in the south leaving palestinians searching for survivors under the rubble. more than $23000.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th. the casualties are also mounting for that is right in military as homos fighters confront troops across the strip, the military says formal soldiers have been killed in the battle front. that brings the number of soldiers killed since the ground invasion began 10 weeks ago to at least a 180 injuries among the troops have also been storing a hunting,
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met with his joining as life on the site in southern gaza and honey, you were supposed to be reporting from the field hospital and rougher, but i understand it's becoming even more difficult for people to move even around one part of this trip. yes, elizabeth, is that the this is the case right now was that there were at hope's that the as the, the war in thursday. the 3rd phase, as these really military has already announced that people were holding for at these galatians and the amount of power fired across the gas to particularly in this area and roughly a city that is designated for area. and they wanted to see for the 1st time they were hoping that a would actually feel safe. but on the contrary, we're seeing a search and the amount of power fire. then the amount of error strikes in that is
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being increasingly a big in terms of scale and magnitude and the level of destruction. and so far this stuff, what's going on, it's about people are trapped here in this a smaller strip of land and they're waiting for the data to died. and this is exactly how it feels right now. so we could not be doing our field work today. just given the they increase the amount of, of, of, of beer and concerned as the roads are becoming unsafe. we see in the us their dates in the early hours of the afternoon when a car just 700 meters away from the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital. was targeted by a drawing missile, getting the 3 people as 7 more of those were passing by, including children. so for that reason, i think the precautions should be taken and minimizing some of the, the field work just until it's, if it's feels safe or until these really narrative becomes more credible and, and, and taken seriously. i've, as of now, it is not, but overnight we're seeing a,
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a ongoing and constant artillery showing it, particularly at the southern part of pon, unice city that is very close to, to rough ahead and faxed these at night we could hear every single error strike on every single artillery showing on just the amount due of it and the, the sound is very, very shocking. and feels like it's done here in about 5 minutes in the early hours of this morning. just about dawn time, a residential home. and that is jeanina district. that's eastern part over city. again, an area has been repeatedly targeted to tack is just a brief drive, you know, janina district. uh you would be shocked by the number of residential homes that been targeted and destroyed so far. it's just quarter of the, of this neighborhood homes i've been, i've been destroyed. we're getting also reports about the ongoing, extreme bombings of the central in the area just within the past and 15 minutes
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massive, very striking and not as a refugee cams, as well as inherently our hours in other grades. great, cuz you can square reports about $84.00 is really soldiers were killed, according to run is really a military state that the for soldier were killed in an ambush and out of a raised a refugee camp. these are special forces operating on the ground. what seems to be the we're doing a search house, the house search and looking for hostages or that of whatever they are looking for . but as of now the reports we're getting from gaza here, in fact they're talking about 9 soldiers, not for as so these are 2 statements that we received and we're waiting for a verification of them. all right, honey, thank you very much for that update honey moon. with the latest live in delphi, i don't send it to maine, it is a surgeon with the charity medical aid for palestinians. he left casa on monday
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morning. after working at all on the hospital for 2 weeks. there was several 100 people being admitted every day. and the emergency development was uh, unmanageable, without enough stuff with a huge numbers of patients coming in the uprising fates as well for all the time. and um, it was uh, it was, seems i've never seen before in a hospital and i, i've been searching for many, many years and i've never seen anything like this. most governments actually have co overseas bar except for the united states and out of country the united kingdom . so the most important thing by far is by our government and the united kingdom, dakota of an immediate unequivocal ceasefire. it is, there are many thousands of people being killed that many thousands of innocent people. and this, the only solution is an immediate unequivocal, say,
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as far as our government and the united kingdom has to go for that. now fading to do so at the moment to us secretary of state antony blinking has arrived in israel . auto stop, and saudi arabia is on a regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday. he's already visited the casa jordan and the united arab emirates. let's go to 10 days a bow. she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and the us state department certainly has a very ambitious wish list. full blink can visit today is a how realistic is this? well, this is anthony blinking 4th trip. so as far out in a period of 3 months and the main objective we're hearing is to begin to push these ready government into serious discussion, serious negotiations about what is going to happen in guys that after the war, post warning goals fusions on. how so probably, and before the other discussions are going to be, is also diminishing the number of civilian casualties and got that right now. and
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also the permits hang humanitarian aid desperately needed. she wanted to tell you and aiden this is happening just as is rarely governments the analysis that is moving into what is known as the 3rd stage of the what we're hearing that they're pushing, for example, to carry out special operations in southern gas. so that's where is road claims that how much fighters are hiding. that's where they are saying they're going to try to take about 5. but this is happening as the united states is also pushing as well to allow residents from northern guys are those who are displaced towards the south at the beginning of the war to start moving back into whatever is left from the northern parts of the guys that strip, but also in this discussions is expected to, to try to de escalate what we've been seeing in the past a few days just a week ago. israel showed that top, how much leader us how that, how do we in be route. we've also things that kidding of accomplish. what like
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commander in southern lebanon, and there's been an escalate. it's an ongoing between. it's well and has, well, it's a, the state department is extremely concerned, but the situation could escalate. so there's lots of meetings planned for the day for anthony blinking with prime minister and betting. i mean, not on yahoo! the wood cabinets among the many others. united states has been trying to steer israel from what many believe has an excessive use of force and gas a strip. that's what we have been seeing at least. and however, we're not expecting a big change in policy of the united states has presented itself as a store support or alternate bank. i mean, nothing. yeah. one is what from the very beginning. and that's not expected to change. all right, today's and there's also being a lot of islands closer to where lincoln will be visiting. is there any forces conducting nightly rates in the occupied westbank? 3 palestinians were killed by troops when they stormed the northwest and city of food cut in video showed the soldiers driving
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a vehicle of one of them. palestinian infections have declared a general strike and to cut them on tuesday. and is there any forces of also rate at the nearby city of khaki? yeah, $340.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october the 7th. so as we've been reporting oh yeah. and especially since october the 7th, these rates really ramping up today. so i'm just waiting media is reporting that benjamin netanyahu is being, was the occupied west back is on the brink of explosion. well, that's correct. and what we're hearing here in the is really media is that high run king security officers. i warning the government of what could happen in the all to fight west that. and they're saying that there's a risk of a 3rd into 5. it's an extremely difficult situation. right now, most of work permits have been cut off of almost all of them since october 7th attack. so there's no work the economic situation,
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she's extremely difficult. there's no trade is rarely is withholding taxes that are supposed to be sent to the policy you know for you to. so there's literally no money aside from the ongoing violence that we have been seeing. the latest wait that happened over night in the city of food got in with at least 3 people were killed when he is rarely carried out an incursion. that was an exchange of fires palestinian fighters. we system that attack and we saw some bite and connections going on there. some violent videos of his riley, military vehicles passing on top of an injured person. the red crescent saying that at least 9 other people were injured. so lots of violence in the west bank, the results of warning as we're hearing now. and these really media of, of the situation could get easily out of control. what today. so thank you very much for that. so there's a book with an h s live and occupied east jerusalem. israel has assassinated a high level has bulk them on to an asterisk and southern 11 on with some of the
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weird was killed when israel targeted the car he was traveling in. comes less than a week off the senior mostly to was killed in the striking. they moved in wrong kind of a pulls around 11 am local time and is really drawing start kids. the car travelling in the village of kind of a sale of 10 kilometers inside lebanese territory. as bullet has confirmed, a senior fuel combined with the elite of the lawn force was killed. with some odds wheel was from the village. he's the highest ranking. he has bullock, i'm on that note i have been killed since october 8th. it is rarely sol, so say he was responsible attacks by the on group on a key military installation in the gallery that was launched in response to the assassination of how much lead us allow rory last week. his death will be a blowing to as below the man with highly regarded as a very capable fighter and has well, i suppose, as of shed pictures across social media of him. we've seen you come on, has some show him with the cost him. so the money, the lead,
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the ronnie and all could suppose who was killed in the us started striking 4 years ago is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu sent a warning task. butler had a message to his riley's living place to live in. this is cool. we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary. although he went on to say that he would prefer not to carry out a large scale bombing campaign. those commons coming as international diplomacy is in full swing to stop. and it will, that will and keep tensions contained within the dispute at buddha area. the german foreign minister arrives in baby route on tuesday, and also this week, a top of the diplomat from the united states amos hosting also arrives now he was in israel last week. these res gave him a proposal to push hezbollah deep into lebanese territory and paused the tony river
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. but that proposal was already rejected by his bull as bullet. don't want to negotiate anything while the war in gaza is continuing. so what he has to offer will be closely watched what power the diplomats have and how they choose to exercise. it will be crucial over the coming days. as far as us present, joe biden is seriously worried about his role as messages to his beloved. i wants to avoid a full scale escalation and fighting, but as we've seen him gaza, his influence is limited and his bullet is clear, the war wrong, garza must then in wrong con, how does it or it will saki, southern living room? is there any forces so they've killed the mosque? amanda, in the southern civilian town of bay. they didn't need the occupied golden heights according to the as ready, ami house on akasha helped launch walker to tax on israel from sylvia. that is really military has intensified attacks and so we are off to apply the 7 feud and
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fears of an escalation in the region. a protest is calling for a safe spot and gaza interrupted us president joe biden. during the speech in south carolina was visiting a headstart church in charleston as he begins to run pump his election campaign. sure says as a result in america, as a consequence show as our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. well light, there is no pass for in this darkness the that's all right. that's all the
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i understand the passion and i've been quietly working requiring working with these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can reduce the amount 0, we visit an applicant kingdom to find out the balance proposals to legalize kansas, [000:00:00;00] the in mexico's board of cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side,
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the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand. and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the teen piece together evidence as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on all sides. a witness documentary on the houses there. frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. and one of the issues that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera . hearing the facts, have you had any like that he has the support of $15000.00, implement the shop economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go
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and have a look at some of those about choices. how, when you closer to the house of the story, news the be watching, i'll just say all the me and as with put on and doing a reminder of on top stories, the solid israel is on me is continuing. it's offensive and gauze at the spot claims it's shifting to a low intensity phase of the war is fairly strong photography residential neighborhoods in the front and con units themselves. more than 23000 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. us secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived in israel not to have stopped in saudi arabia. he is again called for move to mandatory and aid,
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and the protection of civilians and gaza. and his very forces have been conducting rates and cities across the occupied west bank. 3 palestinians were killed in an operation in the city of food, cut in, and one wounded man was detained. the president of ecuador has declared a state of emergency off to a notorious gang lead to escape from prison. on sunday, police have launched a man hunt for jose adult for macias. he was serving a 34 year sentence and drug trafficking and murder on asunder on p a. t reports. this is jose edward for my cs, better known and speak to the leader of the powerful list to me. it was gang in ecuador, he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking, and organized crime in this maximum security prison in the 4th city of the way of keel. but on sunday, when soldiers rated the sensor, as part of the government crackdown, dorothy said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched
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a major operation to recapture him so far with no results in an operation involving more than 3000, some people in the prison. his main write it in search is the most wanted prisoner . and the operation continues and authority screaming or suspected of having played the role in the assess the nation presidential candidate, the end of the same through. last year. peter's auston, this 5 deltore, these docs. he has escaped prison before and recently appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escaped, incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside, threatening them with knives. mr. president, please reconsider your decisions. don't let yourself be driven by impulses and false expectations on a settlement or you won't be,
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i'm waiting for authentic. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president, the noble about 9 empire. here with liberal political experience, we took over the november promising to reduce violence and advocates. i will be in again on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency. ok, some of you and then i've got a senate boss, me, a scene in the countries, prisons as the result of our decision to confront the investors why the government has taken action. so that will allow us to regain control of the prisons that have been lost in iceland. yeah. but some analysts say the president's plan is failing. that green tucker $150.00 level. it seems like the facing the crisis repeating the same recent pay of the previous government. it has been proven that declaring the state of emergency is north and efficient way to contain kron homicides keep growing an equal door. and there is a risk that we will remain the most violent country in less than america in 2024 by in recent years, equity,
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or has been living to an unprecedented security crisis fueled by drug trafficking. and that tori, these have failed to address in this latest development seem to suggest more troubles a heads less than that. i get the address either the presidential candidate from taiwan is reading party has most concerned about the future of the self governing on the head of elections on saturday, launching dell. so we want to fritz from china. his democratic progressive party is facing a strong challenge from the k m. t party, which have as close to times with badging. tony chang has moved from ty, pay, vice president light had a message for the international community. and that was the piece in the time. one straight is an international issue. he said this is going to be the most anticipated election of 2024. and of course from his perspective it is. you also can see that the want aspiring to peace. we have no illusions a reference to many people's concern. here in taiwan, china is applying
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a very important part. in this election, he said that if elected on saturday, he would work to build up defense to terrence as and he said the piece is priceless or has no when it's china or to, to return to the rules based global order. that said, it is going to be a very tough last couple of days of campaigning. the t p p which has been in power for the last 2 tons. space is a very stiff challenge from the woman dung, the cam t. there's also as the policy in this election, the t p, p, and they have been doing surprisingly well, particularly with young voters who could be very important in this election. so while the international community may well be looking at taiwan chinese issues over the next couple of days, those standing on the pallets the looking very much the domestic audience. tony chang al jazeera type to the white house,
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and pentagon said out investigates why president joe biden wasn't in phone for several days that the us defense secretary wasn't hospital load. austin is recovering from complications following recent surgery. as defense chief, he's expected to be available at a moment's notice on the case of a national security emergency, with some republicans have demanded his resignation. but the pentagon says he has no plans to step down a full batch of court documents and the case of sex offender i'm convicted of fall. and jeffrey epstein had been released the papers show want to choose a claim to have seen 6 types filmed by epstein involving portions prince andrew, former us president bill clinton and businessman russian bronson. the claims were retracted soon after they were initially made. the witness also made accusations against former us president donald trump of the government as pertaining in southern africa, as proposed a new laws to legalize the trade of canada. as many rule families from kind of us
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to make ends meet, but they say hi, license and fees will cut them out of the profitable business from in the middle of visit to the farm to find out more from z like drama used to be in houses for living and only $25.00 a month. and 20 years ago, she started forming cannabis deep in the mountains in the north of is what community formerly known as suantlan. she now and the 2 times what she used to, that's enough to support herself and the family, including her children and grandchildren. cannabis is commonly known as long as the gold farming. it is illegal, but it's all thousands of people who make a living thing code present as father before them through i'm the likely the, i now have a house and this farming can be stood. it allows me to send my kids to school in the magenta, but it's becoming difficult to form these days email forms, you know, once the governments and legalize cannabis forming and provide support that way,
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she and the other forms would no longer have to form in secret and hide from the police. the government has proposed a new law or to allow it for research and medicinal use. but a license would cost more than $50000.00. and those of outage would be fine to have any. critics say this will only benefit the countries indeed and not small scale farm is the cannabis association. since the countries climate is ideal for the plant and this natural resources formed almost all who areas we wants to know b, u, n, p, into understanding that these need to legalize kind of reasons why that is not. what we saw in the 1st, the kind of proposal that was printed to by them, it's what we feel it would be exclusive. if you have exorbitant license these, it means you're excluding the ordinary. so as it's only leaves on kind of these kind of us remains a dangerous business that it's transported under cover. most is much off of south of the capital and bonding. it's an industrial town that's used as
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a transit points for the movements of the cannabis farms around the country. and this is with trucks collect consignments of cannabis and smugglers into neighboring south africa. there's no official dos on how much marijuana has formed. it is what teeny, but it's estimated to be was millions of dollars, and it's part of a global market, supposed to be valued at nearly $60000000000.00. well, the new lords being discussed in parliament, farmers are continuing to push for it to be legalized from the lives among them, relying on a trade she knows well to support herself and create drums in the country. we won in full people, don't to have work for me to mila ultra 0 is what 2021 people having to ended in an explosion of the historic hotel in the us days of texas, the bloss blue wash windows and sent and tossed sections of wall onto the road in front of the building, in forklift rescue crews found a number of people trapped inside the basement authorities. a blaming
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a gas leak for the blast. and that set for me, elizabeth toronto, them slowly about to go. it will be here and around says he minutes with more of today's news. weather was next. the inside story will examine israel's targeting of journalists during the war and gaza. thank you very much for watching the the hello. the weather set bare across the middle east is looking for a ticket across the right and potentially nothing to worry about here. really present sunshine coming through actually 23 here in the hall right by the next couple of days. but that's, that's good. is it got some lovely weather to come to the north? you can say we do have some winter weather pushing outs if ducky, i just running towards the cask in northern pots of a rock at around seeing some of that wintry mixed. and that's so getting pushed out
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so that southeastern corner, if you know, if the middle area of life pressure here digging down into that is the side of the med pushing across cypress getting into west syria, pushing for the east woods as we go through tuesday. and that weather will make its way right down across the southern mist pa. so we'll see that coming down across 11 on into is rarely to a good part of the occupied territories. garza, we'll see wet weather then as we go into the middle part of the weeks. i some nasty conditions coming in here. well, that's that across the central parts. ultimate. it's raining then. so that will just process way across. northern areas of tanikia libby wet weather, bad to just around the northwest, but from month to west africa, it is fine and dry, the seasonal range. of course, they continue unabated across central parts of africa. $150000.00 to that east to sort of south africa looking very unsettled madagascar. the.
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the latest news as it breaks. we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. that helped me serious complications on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a whole crime. i'm fearless jen, it isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food, or it's the latest direct attack fires where the forces on media work. cuz i'll just say i'm a journalist comes, i'll talk to a colleague, killed it and is really struck on homes as car ways israel targeting so many journalists. and what's the reaction of the world's media? this is inside story. the


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