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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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sewing center road and on the toes from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east. on out to 0. the wow. 9 is really try kids to come in 711 on killing 3 people reported to be members of hezbollah. the i'm 40 back to boy. you're watching, i'll just hear a lie from don't have, we'll have a live report from 711 on in just a moment also ahead israel bomb small residential areas in southern guys, homes in rock fi and con eunice are among those states. us secretary of state on to
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me, blinking is meeting is really government visas and a high stakes trip to try and present a regional conflict. and ecuador declare as a space of emergency after convicted gaffney, or goes missing from a high security prison. the thank you for joining us. we begin with breaking news out of 711 on where we're getting reports set 3 hezbollah members have been killed in a novel. targeted is really strike the attack on a car happened in the southern town of gun dubia, and it comes a day after a drone attack killed one of his bullets top commanders we saw to we'll is due to be buried in the area later today. let's bring in zayna harder, who's on the line for us from 711 on. so as a now what more do we know about the slated stock target? it's getting or well what we understand is. a there were 3 people in that's the,
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a couple of members of the lebanese arms group has the law and. a car. a was hit by and a parent is really drone strike the 2nd attack of its kind in as many days the attack happens in the honda the we were on that road. we were very close to that village because we were making our way to her. but selim, where the hezbollah senior field commander was, is going to be buried and he was killed in her, but still i am just 24 hours ago. so as you can imagine, the situation is escalate to target to attacks, assassinations seem to be, as well as a new strategy. this will be the 6th target to assess the nation if you like. in the past 2 weeks of commanders or members of iran, so called access of resistance. so has the law has still not commented,
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but it is in a difficult position because you have this strike. and then yesterday strike, killing was almost a week and a week before it's ally, how mass is number 2 man in loveland on right. out of hell i wrote a was killed in a has bullet stronghold. so it is has velocity. yes. yeah. it appears they know that we're, we're looking at a new campaign of targeted killings of hamas and hezbollah. lead is the end of used. and as you've said, i mean has well, until now had been trying to avoid an all out war. how might they respond now as well? we have to see whether their response will be calibrated, but i can tell you since that strike, we are getting reports of multiple launches of rockets into northern israel. it's what we have been witnessing for the past 3 months since of joining the battle
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against is to help relieve its allies from us in gaza. but those rockets or ms are launches or even thrown attacks targeting is the military positions along the port or don't seem to be the tearing, is around as well. see, on escalating this conflict in many ways is rel, is negotiating. it is trying to have a stronger bargaining position as it tries to pressure the. a these are improve to move away from the border. isabel's concern, right. d was to restore security along its northern front to allow tens of thousands them is ready citizens to return home, as well as not allowing them to do that. then as well as saying that they're not ready to discuss anything until, as well as a question on cause of stops. so it is a very up dangerous situation. the cycle of violence is continuing and this is only escalating. okay? so, you know, thank you for the moment that xena honda on the line, they're from 711 on with the,
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the latest on what appears to be another targeted attack by his rail. i used to read on members of the lebanese group, has 4 law and a zayna mentioned. they've been multiple walk. it launches into northern israel. let's speak to laura con about this. she's joining us from show me in northern israel. rockett sirens going off me a way you are a tell us about what's happening. the rockets and drain sirens going off. not far from worry um its been happening in the last 2 hours on the boat. uh, i am in a place called sloan me. it's a town usually around 8000 people at the moment says betty, anyone here a few struck this coming in and out. i just want to show you why this town is important. you can see just behind this a big zig zag of a will this, there was a security fence that before, but that there was a vote in the last couple of years and it's created
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a real point of contention with how much out sorry, with has blocked because just to the right, you have the deputies territory to the left is ready territory. and then just to the south as he walked away down, this is really home staff. and israel is trying to push has fall off all the way back to the ridge. they say that is a natural, both of them has bought disagrees with that they say this is their line. so no attorney that is creating a point of contention. but also of course, the killing of we found out to will the has bullet come on to. and in a very strange break because i'm, i'm biggest policy from israel is what counts and usually appointed for administer has a message that they did kill him out. so we have heard now about an attack, his bullet attack on a but a tree base about 20 columbus has away from us. we are trying to confirm that at the moment, but i just wanted to show around just up the is right, is hopping,
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tilting not only about pushing as well about, but not bringing the 10s of thousands of his activities back along the board of susie, she thousands almost 120 kilometers. come over to board to now there's only a few 1000, a few people coming in and as soon as you can see behind me, it's a complete ghost town. they say they weren't bring the back until has bought a pushes all the way back. but at least she, columbus has certainly a confession. it's not to willing to make and it's ready pushing both sides to the brink of wall. and there's a lot of middle tree pestering here, but there's also stalls of war here. we will king just a little a little rich. so here we saw smashed windows everywhere. we saw skeptic children's toys and gum ox in the ground with more to has lined it. so it's sort of very precarious situation here. and we've also seen those rocket science, great old away from the east and continuing along west to close to where we are now
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. so a very valid time situation, laura, with reports of a has bullet attack on a military base, the northern israel and rocket assignments. and drone tines going off near where you are. of course, we'll come back to when you have more information about these latest developments, meanwhile, is or as ami is continuing is offensive in central and southern guys. despite claims, it's shifting to less intense wolf are. these are pictures from the on the guys, the refugee camp in the center of the gaza strip. these really military has been, have any targeting the area. scores of injured palestinians are being rushed to hospitals across sky. this is nasir hospital, located in con eunice, where israel says it's ground operations have expanded within 23000 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th casualties. also mounting 40 is really military. as i'm off fighters, bottled troops across the strip. these are the army says for more of its soldiers
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have been killed. why? my says 9, we killed. that brings a number of these really soldiers killed since the grand invasion began 10 weeks ago. to more than a 100 ac. let's get the latest without the zeros honey, my motors in ra, fine, southern a guys i for as honey, the intense bombing of central and southern guys. a continuing tell us 1st about what's been happening in the south, where you are the a. yes little more a tax on civilian, just a reminder that there is not only no, no where is facing dollars, but also there is no single place. it is safe, right? now when it's been going on for the past 2 weeks on it since the beginning of this were just within the past, the a one hour we uh there you are talking to a residential home the or on my la seat area. that's west trend of the city of con
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you and it's been a good just to give you the exact geographers, milwaukee is an area small as the trip of land data structures of from western of theaters about the central area all the way, passing through hon units and i've had ends at the egyptian gods of border where hundreds of hundreds of 1000 of how the city of guinea, evacuating too, as they were instructed by this very military. but this area, it is not safe, it has been attacked repeatedly. people were attacked while they were there tens or residential home within the vicinity of this particular area was where hits as well within the past couple days, but did the another attack in the last seat area. just another reminder that even those designated safety area. another proof that they are not safe at all. maybe that the worst of what happened is a residential home that has been a shelter inc. families of doctors without borders, the staff in gaza. and as we learn from the source of this building to the
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coordinates of this building are known, today's very it's not a terry and you know exactly who is inside these. so think these are the families that the women and the children of the staff members of dock with that borders came under artillery, showing why the people were still inside the reports about many who were a critically injured and rushed to hospital right in in medical centers in the area, but most of the intensify things taking place right now in the sense from area and that's what the is really military has announced within the past couple days. so yeah, and in, in that central area and northern and central guys are being targeted to the point where medical doctors, uh, from uh, for an n g o's, has been pulling out from the last remaining functioning hospital in central guys. uh, i likes the hospital. yes
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indeed, and it's been happening increasingly to the point where any for a national is the particular from the medical team who is here to help and support sustain these whole facilities are either intimidated by the ongoing, relentlessly or strikes or simply pushed to the point where they feel no safe at all, or there's a 0 guarantee of their safety, pushing them to leave the entire gust of just increasing the misery and the, the difficult situations and these medical health facilities as well as the, the work that has been done so far. these hospitals that are running at a very low capacity of their so my functioning hospital not functioning at the that the best of their ability. is there a shortage of the medical supplies as well as exhausted medical? the staff so far they're running out of space. there are kind of of, of burdens and injuries, the very alien to policy and doctors simply because the lack the equipment they lacked, that the not the 30 medical intervention. so those doctors for
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a national doctors, it presents in the augusta right now in the southern part of guys that are very important to and do do do in the sustaining of these hospital. but so far a lack of safety and making it difficult for them to continue work will just add more pressure on on the hospitals. yes, thank you so much, honey. for the update. tiny, my old lie for a say in rough in a southern gaza now on the diplomatic funds. meanwhile, us secretary of state, and to me blinking is holding talks with is really does as we try to prevent the war on guys from escalating into why the conflict is met. these really president isaac has all gained foreign ministry use around cots before holding talks with the prime minister benyamin that, you know, later is there as a way to stop on blinking his regional tool that's included to a kid khattab and saudi arabia. that's bringing teresa bowl in occupied east jerusalem for a so teresa, what is blinking, coming in with this on the, on what messages e giving to these right click that has
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a very busy agenda here in israel. well, meeting with the is value officials all day. so that this day he's going to be discussing the war on god. so this humanitarian crisis, new bank and gaza with hundreds of thousands of people struggling with full medicine, among other things. also how to reduce civilian casualties that continue to mount the guys us for about the possibility of increasing the amount of humanitarian gave a, reaching this trip. but this is happening just as well as a noun, saying that it's moving into a 3rd stage of this for the ministry of defense saying after looking in some more strategic attacks with special forces. and we're moving from the type of war that we have seen on to know that or when was shared, we have seen until now. however, that's not what we're seeing on the ground so far. we could hear the reporting from our colleagues on the gaza strip. however, there are differences between what the united states once in a swell,
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once the united states, for example, wants to start planning that some of those where this place. because if they've come fix from the northern parts of the gaza strip towards the south, be able to start going back towards the north. and that's something that is swell. does not want to happen or is not ready to allow it to happen any time soon. but the other big issue as we were reporting earlier today, is what's happening in northern as well with has we're not the targeted attacks that have been ongoing and at fables and saw the 11 on that have escalated, that included escalate the situation in the region. even further on that, so it's gonna be a matter of concern for the secretary of state and was here in the as well. so he's going to be meeting he already met with a president. he's going to be missing. prime minister, been you, i mean, nothing, yahoo, the foreign minister, i'm not, as we've just heard that there were a protest outside the hotels by the relative. so those were being held captive in the gas as trip there, calling for a cease fire. so that their loved ones have a chance. so we turn home. but what i can tell you is that even though we do know
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that the united states is pushing israel to the escalating away of the world gases to start thinking about what is going to happen next. what we have seen so far is that it has been a staunch supporter of what has happened. they are around till now, and that's unlikely to change any time. so thank you for that. teresa boat lives in occupied east jerusalem. meanwhile, any occupied westbank is really forced to have been conducting more rates that 3 palestinians were killed by troops was still in the north western city of to correct and is really forces. i've also waited the nearby city of kalki. a 340 policy needs have been killed in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. but it's may have has more from ramallah of another series of rage in the occupied westbank overnight. the most consequential of those. and it told colonel west 3 palestinians were killed talk, i'm a real sense of resistance against these rails occupation have been about 290 raids
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the since october, the 7th. and yes, this comes as these rails military war. and again, the prime minister and the cabinets of the consequences of the, of what's happening in the west bank. it says that on a slippery slope in the west bank cities, which may result in another from the israel will have to deal with. we could end up with a fluid and to father caused by economic hardship. you have 3 ingredients really creating this combustible cocktail. you have the 192000 and the palestinians who used to work in israel and the settlements settlements before october. the 7th, not allowed to go that since then. you have these really government trying to withhold tens of millions of dollars from the tax revenue. it collects on the behalf of the policy and you know, authority. the policy in the all parties that you give is an all or nothing. and that's a $188000000.00 a month. it's a, it's not guessing. plus you have, uh you, uh you have this check points out, increase dramatic increase numbers of raise
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a more more check point, really constricting live here in the westbank. those rates as well. and bodies. why these riley military's warning the government to the consequences of these rather government aptitude and actions in the west bank street ahead. we'll be taking a look at some of these. i've been using that investigation into the door blow out of an alaska airlines fading. reveals data province of boeing the how i recall the usual shops. i was of course much of southeast asia. biggest down pause once again. just around the malay peninsula, penny of live, the showers, the indonesia as well down through wes amount for into a job. i wanted to share, i was, i will say, affecting the philippines. i'm little more of the way of what the weather coming
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into northern and central positive vietnam as we go through the next couple of days . we're performance so many as we go on into the staples of your pocket. so for a just coming down some of the costs of indonesia, it's showing up with a very heavy right. and we have know that it's in the areas of australia. and so you have a storms of rumbling away, we may well see the development of a tropical side cause northern, comfortable, straight as we go through the next few days. so that's certainly something to watch out for the maybe watching out for the, the flooding conditions that continued down across the victoria will show is there . and so that is to sort of australia in the shy, was extending the way up into a good pots of quays. that rod across the northern areas of australia, we do have space on the still boys in fulls here as we go through the next couple of days to sit down towards the south east of is somewhat dry, but the flooding concerns do remain in place for the time being temperatures will start to pick up in melbourne, 32 here by friday. i'm not too bad a tool for this evening. as the
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a mexico's board of cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand. and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the teen piece together. evidence. as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on all sides. a witness documentary on the i'll just do the
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following back and watching. ouch is here. a line from the high reminder of i top stories 3 people saw to be has full of members have been killed in a new is really striking. 711 on lebanese, on the past responded to the targeted killings. heating is ralph's main. northern command in safari with drones. he's really armies continuing. it's offensive in guys despite claims, it's shifting to less intense warfare. strikes have targeted beyond mcgasey and race counts in the central data straight on in 23000 products to means have been killed since october to send us secretary of state on to me thinking is in israel for a series of meetings over the war on god is met with these really president and a foreign minister, and he's also due to hold talks with prominence to thank you. mean, it's now late john to say, to discuss all these latest developments when i joined by mohammed chicago, who's a professor of conflict resolution and diplomacy at george mason university. thank you for joining us once again. this thought with what's happening along the israel lebanon border and what appears to be
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a new campaign of targeted killings of her moss and has fallen members by israel on the day that the us secretary of state is in israel trying to prevent in the us as words a wider regional conflict. what does it stell you? 2 important indicates as one. this reason they bought a bottle, which one is what i did on cleveland and has always been ripe for certain surprises for actual violence. but what the method is now is the frequency of this point is it can assess the nations which starts with the full modeling number to of how much, then another leading finger of his beloved and, and all those 3. so the question is, who is benefiting from this pro location as if how as if someone is builders and hasn't been left to act or to engage in a confrontation. and it is one particular man who wants to benefit from managing an open door by opening another or another indicates that
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a is that is this or that they can assess the nation approach. going to lead to any for that to get an outcome. unfortunately, it's going to lead to another escape ation and then if complicates the incomes. yeah. or efforts to at least call them the situation, let alone to bring peace to the region. so i think now this is another push towards what would be an imminent clash if i'm not a war right? between is it i and how much and then the question doesn't still pay. and then how do we go to maintain it at the level or it may escape a to a region in the world, right? and that's the huge standard. and that, that's a huge danger. and the big concern right now for us because even is israel's chief of staff, we heard say on monday that israel was ready for another war against hezbollah. now that these targeted killings are increasing, which it would seem we've had 3 for in the last few days. how my test for lab
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respond to what extent would it respond to now they happen some responses of as we seen with the drone attacks in attacks a on northern israel. but to what extent will they go further? because they've also tried to, to, you know, to, to prevent the, why the coffee table or they don't want to know a lot more. it's not easy to get into the mind offers believe there is a bit of military or factions, but at least one can. i want to see page a possible see an audio, which is, i'm in the hezbollah. the shipping though is between 2 choices. a zip code. no, 23, yet because of this publication, because in, in the i is of, has a bottle of supporters and the audiences in the middle is, has a bottle of now has to justify that these stand follower for. it has its capability and its ways to po or has bottle, can maintain
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a more strategic read in on interpretation of the situation that we're not going to engage in any pro location reaction. therefore, we are going to be active more than 3 x, and this is what the u. s. has been praising has well, for most photos, looking for a panel for a month from not acting as approval capital or as of right. so now it's, it looks like this is a choice to be made within days and has real life is not showing and it indicates it or whether it's going to be as violent reaction or a vengeance for keep it on the struthers get evidence to later in the war, let me check how we always good to hear your thoughts about this. thank you very much for joining us on out just here. the . let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world now,
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and the president of ecuador has declared a state of emergency after a notorious gang leader escaped from prison on sunday, police have launch a man hunt for jose adult for macias. he was serving a 34 year sentence for drug trafficking and murder. i found that i'm here to report . this is jose, i'm doing for my cs, better known as the to the leader of the powerful list to nato's gang in ecuador. he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking, and organized crime in this maximum security prison in the 4th city of the way of keel. but on sunday, when soldiers rated the sensor, as part of the government crackdown, dorothy said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched a major operation to recapture him so far with no results in an operation involving more than 3000 people in the prison has been rated in search of the most wanted prisoner. and the operation continues and authorities criminal suspected of having
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played the role in the assassination of presidential candidate the end of the same . so last year to is often left by deltore these docs. he has escaped prison before and we simply appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escape, incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside, threatening them with knives. mr. president, please reconsider your decisions. don't let yourself be driven by impulses and false expectations on a settlement or you won't be, i'm waiting for authentic. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president, the noble, a banana empire hare with liberal political experience, we took over the november promising to reduce violence and advocates. i will be in
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again on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency. ok. some of you in the senate boss, we're seeing in the countries prisons as the result of our decision to confront the investors why the government has taken action. so that will allow us to regain control of the prisons that have been lost and i sent you to some analysts say the president's plan is failing the queen tucker, but i'm not at the level. it seems like that i am facing the crisis, repeating the same recent pay of the previous government. it has been proven that declaring the state of emergency is nothing efficient way to contain kron homicides keep growing an equal door. and there is a risk that we will remain the most violent country in less than america in 2024 by in recent years, equity, or has been living to an unprecedented security crisis fueled by drug trafficking. and that'll tory, these have failed to address. these latest developments seem to suggest more troubles ahead or less than that. i get the address either. the white house and the
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pentagon said they will investigate why present job. i wasn't informed for several days that us defense secretary lloyd austin was in hospital. austin is recovering from complications following recent surgery. as defense g p's expected to be available at all moments notice at a moment's notice, in case of a national security emergency. some republicans are demanding his resignation. the pentagon says he has no plans to step down united airlines in alaska and say they've found loose parts on multiple 737 max 9 planes. those discoveries were made after a door from an alaska airlines red cross blue out in mid a on friday. my kind of has any to the missing piece that caused a mid flight blow out has been recovered. the tool plug that blew will from alaska airlines flight 1282, landed in a school, teaches you out the whole of left behind now being combed over by federal
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investigators. and the questions that's raised, multiplying by like monday, the 2 main us airlines flying boeing 737, max 9 had grounded the plane. so have some carriers outside the us. united airlines said that found it loose bolts on multiple aircraft. and boeing announced that will hold an employee town whole meeting tuesday to address the issue. flight safety experts say look, played a large role in preventing casualties on the alaska airlines plane. the seats next to the hole and the fuselage will vacant, and the plane was still climbing it had the craft be that's higher altitude of cruising altitude, for example, maybe more cost. you just want to unbox with that belt cleaning of a movie about the copy that meant setting the risk of loss of life with the passengers potentially able to be sucked out of the vehicle. but questions remain about whether the plane should have been a bone.


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