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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the times the whole rahman, you're watching the old is it renews on like my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes and as a strike, it's a call in southern lebanon and killing 3 people reported to be members of hezbollah . for his beloved father series of drones targeting these really minute please.
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northern command headquarters. israel problems more residential areas in southern guns or homes in rough or uncommon units amongst those hayes and the secretariat stays on the blinking is missing, is really government leaders in a high stakes trip to try and prevent regional conflicts from whitening the book into these uh, we begin with breaking news coming out, so i'll let them know why we're getting reports at 3 has been on members of being killed in another. targeted is riley strike. now the attack on the call happened in the southern town of guns, a v. it comes a day after drive and attack killed one of his blogs, top commanders, with some of that he's due to be batteries in the area. sued, has the law says it's full says, hey, it's a military command headquarters in the city of south said the knowles in israel. the of group says the attacks out in response to the assassination of it,
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senior members. and how much the 2nd in command side of rudy we have correspondence on both sides of the israel 11 on boldenall recada standing by in show me. but 1st, let's speak design a called a who's in time, in southern lebanon, and say that what more do we know about this particular incident to the intended target? the. but what we understand is that there were 3 people in that vehicle, members of the lebanese arms group has the law. the vehicle was targeted by an apparent is really wrong strike. now that the village on duty is outside the baffle round the battle ground has been the 120 kilometer a border between 11 on an israel, 4 to 5 kilometers deep on each side. so this strikes some 10 kilometers deep inside 11 on and not very far from where the senior hezbollah field commander was almost
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a wheel was killed on monday. so israel seems to have this new strategy targeting the commanders, members of the different groups that make up a round, so called excess of resistance. number 6, really in the past 2 weeks, we saw on the run in general, killed in syria. how masses, number 2 killed in the southern suburbs of baby booth last week of so how's the law right now is in a difficult position because it saves it's retaliation whether the head thing of a air control traffic control base a few days ago or even the attack on the command center and stuff on does not seem to be the tearing as well and has the allows, the parents appears to be eroding. but hezbollah is in a difficult position because it has made it clear. it does not want the major escalation. it says, yes, it is ready to defend lebanon, to use its full military capabilities of as where a launch is an all out war. but you know,
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at the same time as well as who it's words and actions want to spare this country from a full blown war that would lead to, you know, a lot, a lot of destruction is riley's coding has, but uh, uh, been into a conflict that has to be a red line where it has blog will say enough, is enough a no doubt. that is what exactly. what does it as well as doing it is testing as well as red lines if you like. it is violating the rules of engagement when they to how masses, number 2 in bay roots in a stronghold of hezbollah. it's not just targeting how much it is also targeting has a lot, and that is what as well as the secretary general's house on the smallest says. but at the same time, he did mention something cation said, that the group would be ready for some sort of negotiation, but only after the war,
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or as well as the war on garza ends. we know that there is intense diplomatic activity trying to bring about some sort of a to put matic solution. but the caretaker prime minister and achievement as he made it clear yesterday when he said 11 on is only receiving rep from western countries. what level on wants is to find some sort of deal to bring about stability. so the american us government is trying to a broker a deal that's what the mates the border between israel and love it on. but it seems with israel once and, and some western countries behind as well they want has but lots of pull away from that border and has a lot is refusing to do that, refusing even to discuss this possibility until as well as the question on the cause of and so the cycle of violence is likely to continue this sporadic escalation along the border is likely to continue. and the danger of a major flare up is real. instead of called a forest, the entire sup 11 on thank you. let's go save and that's the lower con,
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isn't showing me in northern israel, on the other side of the lebanese boat. and of course we were talking about escalation. laura, we've had rocket sirens going all the way you all just tell us a little bit more about that. let's look at science happens even going off for the last 2 hours, all the way across this $120.00 columbia to boil to most recently. we've had a drone flying just overhead out for well over an hour and also some jets screaming over we were expecting some sort of hip. nothing happened yet. about an hour ago. we had some small alms farming, not exactly where that came from. but we do know that at these radios, many has released a video showing that a drone had fallen over its northern come on about 20 kilometers east of here. we don't know whether this, what kind of joined it was, whether it was ahmed or surveillance,
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but we need to know that with no casualties and minimal damage that. now i just want to show you, if i see why we're in, it should be at the moment i'm going to show you behind me. this is one of the real points of contention between has paula and israel says the big zig zagging rule that was about 2 years old. that was has a fence that the full that up. but on the left side of it, you have israel on the right side of it. you have 11 on and just south so you can see a number of houses that is also israel. israel says it wants to push has paula back passed the ridge. so i'm saying even backslash the kilometer is certainly not something that has bullet is agreeing to at the moment. but we can see there's also being a number of more to strikes if you just go last systems brown bunch, how areas. so we know that spin had hit pretty heavily as the past few weeks with more to cheering salome, it's also
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a ghost town that i'm going to show you just down the road. i was speaking to somebody who is here today, and he's an estate agents and he said that with 9000 people living here. now there's only about a $150.00. there's been a few people struck blink bought and sold this morning, a couple of costs. some who haven't seen the homes to the last few weeks and the only just visiting them now. so you know all the way down the streets been empty to spend a few struggling animals, cats, but really a ghost town. now the big question is, as mc blink and the us secretary of state is head trying to road back some of the really 100 mid a tree and with political rhetoric, as israel says it is pastoring now for a wide, a conflict. it said it will try diplomacy, but the time is running out. so that really the question is always going to continue seeing these tip the top strikes between has full
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a israel or is this going to escalate into a much wider conflict? possibly original book, that is the question on everyone's lips at the moment, nor com for us back in northern israel. thank you. the us actually say tentatively, can, it's holding towards with is really need as he tries to preventable and goals of escalating into a wide conflict. he's not present. isaac had so on the foreign minister, israel accounts before holding those tools to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu . his role is the latest, still fumbling const regional tool that's included to kia kata. i'm saudi arabia on the side that don't have the best of friends and the mattresses and united states all have roberto and we face always will
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know when we are like isis is also on the day something not because my parents have passed away all of the stories truths about joys us for a while, keep heidi's to resubmit. there's a long list of issues that until he blinked and wants to discuss with his is riley counterparts. but with the northern border, it seems halting up the difficulty and negotiating is going to be quite interesting to see what he says later in the day. i a lot most sides heavily. uh, there's lots of issues on the table right now that need to be discussed between that as well as members of government and on to me, blink. and right now it's a very, very busy agenda. initially he initiated this trip for the talks about increasing humanitarian assistance to gossip,
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discussing the possibility of what will happen in a post of war. uh guys, also the possibility and pushing as well to, you know, way diminish the number of civilian casualties that we have seen in gaza right now, but too many tyree and crisis that exists and guys us at this point. however, what is riley saying at this point is that they are ready to move to what is known as the 3rd stage of the war, a different type of attacks targeted attacks, special forces. what we're seeing on the ground until now is quite different as a and attacks in high new and isn't gas a continue. but still that is why these are saying different that they're saying to move forward to a different stage of this war. there's lots of differences between the united states and israel events and he blinked and came here in a way many saying that he wanted to propose a 2 state solution, something that prime minister been, you mean nothing? yackel does not believe, but he's also hoping to pushes swell to allow the palestinians and got to who have
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been moved from the north towards the south to be allowed to move back towards the north of the country to whatever is left there after the bomb being campaign that's something that is rarely saying that's what's happened, but what is clearly right, not one intention for an incident blinking right now is to de escalate the situation that is building between israel and has for a lot the latest targeted attacks that we have seen in the past week against how much the leader in bailed against another commander in southern living on. and so to me that retaliation. but this would cost. so certainly we're going to be looking into what could happen next, blinking we'll be meeting with nothing. yahoo, she'll be meeting with foreign ministers another as us meetings were happening. we know that the several for a relative so those were being held captive in gaza. 5 where a demanding a ceasefire, so that their loved ones could be returned so that their loved ones could be returns home. and what's interesting is that prior to his trip to israel blink and was visiting other arab countries on what he kept on hearing, was a couple for
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a ceasefire. and then just to this award, the big question is whether blake can will be able to convince israel to move forwards, to push for as his fire. to stop this war. something that at this point seems very, very unlikely to resubmit that for a smoky piety stories. and thank you. well, joining us now, his number chuck is a, he's a professor of comfort resolution diplomacy at george mason university, kentucky with us. let's just begin with what's going on in northern as well, southern lebanon, to a correspondence, there is an issue with the israel goading has the law for a 5 or is where it is trying to push has beloved, by quote, your knowledge as to exactly what the the methodology is here, these incidents of violence of thought good than something has bubble a figure. this indicates 3 major pyre. of is. the number one is the someone in the middle, the who is trying to prove who has well let into a confrontation. therefore, it can be an exercise of managing an old or by opening up
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a new one. that means the guns i was going to give us a sprint over into the northern is what i a has what level and probably will lead to another. why that's put over if we go so that there are other factions and made it shows stable, that was who may get involved in a why that a war i don't. and number 2 is what i in 5 minutes isn't right in the 5 minutes and nothing here who is running out of slide this is a shows is to determine that he has the upper hand and that goes level. and therefore he wants to maximize the support of the what's the look we size is what it is. i think it's sort of the so it says what else? what i'm not i only number 3 it has to do with the visits of mr. brink and, and they think that is a pursuit of diplomacy, which should start with this, this file which is not calling his stable. therefore, the question is where, or how mr. bloom can,
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can deconstruct overdue to previous i on is how he can still or prevent a split over into his bullet. and, and is that right without ending the 1st or so i think we should go look at the complexity and the interconnectedness. we went over this 3 iron is therefore, mr. blink and as to recall. and so that he's approached, or that is what it is. that means we have to start with the deep throat to the cause of this confrontation which is goes without ending goza. we cannot prevent another class, it is a real sincerity from the americans to find that the escalation when they wouldn't even uh and detain the words ceasefire. we know that that word is being used in regional middle east capitals is the news of the un general assembly. it's being used across many international capitals and from the public itself. they are the is a death to that word. and also it does seem to be the entity blinking is living in an old to ultimate reality when he comes out with
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a statement earlier in the last 24 hours is real. place is a challenging moment, but opportunities for middle east integration of that, i mean, what integration is this integration? at the moment mr. blinking tries to mix 2 different words. and if we go back also to his last news call from us at the state department a couple of weeks ago at the end of the previous year, he stated clearly that he is for more support for is what i am in the mean 8. and it's number one enemy, which is homeless. so mr. blinking has an older that's if the war continues in gaza, if we can, more than 22000 people in this and, and with the hope with this for nothing, you know, kind of forcing the promise of, you know, we can definitely wor, how ever are blinking is also, and i'll bring in the 2nd interpretation or the 2nd objective, which is it slow that goes oh, that's cool sort of them, but it's more of
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a has bottle possibly even on and is what i have. so the united states strategy is divided between keeping studies school and goes up and fly into oh, to the trajectory of hezbollah is what i and all those stakeholders. interesting analysis for them. i would, i'm home in chicago. we, thanks for joining us here. allows us there, this is what is all means. continuing is offensive and central and the southern gaza despite claims that shifting to less intense wolf. now these are pictures of the policy refugee comp in the central strip be, is really military has been heavily targeting the area schools of injured palestinians are being rushed to hostages across casa. this is not a hospice is located in co newness ways rel, size is found. operations of expanded more than $23200.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 7th. the casualties also mounting full of these. right. the military is the
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most sponsors baffled troops. across the street is mainly always as full of it, so i'll just have been killed. one of my says, 9. what killed that brings? the number is right. it's all just killed since the ground, the invasion began 10 weeks ago. to move the 180 tiny mind made is our correspondent joining us now from russia in southern gaza. the focus is on the whole of the cause of strip honey. but let's just talk about what's going on in the southern pulse of gone. so right now, yes, well there's more than the truck center and created in the central area and find you in a city where most of the intense finding not only by air, but also by on ground where more invading is really forces are expanding the military operation to the central part of new and it's not work within the past hour of residential towers in the heart of fun unit studies not very far from the vicinity of north of the hospitals. we're talking about one,
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it's the only and the highest, the rise. uh, building uh, in, in central ton unit save some for towers. well, the story building parts, commercial parts, residential, completely destroyed and turned into our one of, of, of rebels and what happened. not only just caused this destruction to the building, but also a great deal of damage to the surrounding homes. we're talking about at least 10 more residential homes. we have been severely damaged by the destruction of this residential splash commercial a towers in the hearts of newness, in what seems to be a further a step in what the as really invading forces to grow, doing expanding and paving the ways for a time send an arm vehicle pushing deeper into han units. we are technically talking about the just couple 100 meters away from the vicinity of north of the hospital. and as you are damian see in the hospital in
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a hot new and has been the central part of hunters in the central part of the gaza strip, were intense air campaigns. i've been going on with this since the uh, the, the past 10 days. that would more concentration on refugee cams, including abrasion as well as the, as you get particularly after the announcement of it for is really soldier, belong to a special force that was operating in a bridge. cam were killed. but in a, according to a different statement by the, the policy of funding group. in fact, they said the, the numbers of soldier were killed, works were nice. so we were between these 2 statements right now until the 3rd a verification made to, to, to know more about it. but they are in response to that. the massive, a given area of campaign started in pounding and verizon. i didn't mind as the refugee cam with more, a residential homes are being targeted and destroyed,
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not given enough time for people right now to evacuated the area. in fact, it within the past 24 hours more than one is really military official. announced that the central area of the gaza strip is, i'm quoting over the crowded and full of terrorist in what seems for a lot of people here at free takes and the justification for the mass killing that is taking place right now in the central part of the gulf stream to eastern side, the roof again, brooklyn has been targeted repeatedly and this time other than the attacks and the early hours of this morning at another residential home to the eastern part of the city. a being targeted and destroyed the reports about more injuries. reported to and those just hospital as the road to guys are being hospitality is becoming increasingly risky and dangerous. most of them get us and paramedics respond to the targeted area and they bring back injuries doing it. and the job hospices that's in central,
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at part of the overalls stuff has increasingly becoming less safe in each passing day. there is, as we entered the 3rd phase of this war. uh we and everybody was expecting a, this collision burial bombardment. but what we're seeing now an increasing intensity on a scale of these are relentless airstrikes and in what there's really described as targeted killings. as so far as to cars, it being targeted within the past 48 hours and there is a growing fear that it would be coming further and difficult for people leaving you a walk or driving and the roads of dropbox as there is more air strikes, going to happen a which is very difficult and not because it's over populated right now with that more than 1500000 displace palestinians are residing now in rough. everywhere you go, we will see a group of people displays palestinians, either in the sidewalks, any vac oceans. on tobacco ocean centers residential buildings. it's literally full
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right now. tony was made for so thank you for the update. is there any thoughts as that being conducting more rates and the occupied westbank though 3 palestinians with troops? 3 palestinians were killed by troops who stole the northwest and city of full time . video shows the soldiers driving the vehicle over one of them. one wounded man was also detained in the operation. is there any forces of also right at the nearby city of coach area? $340.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october. the 2nd principal had here i'll be, i'll just say it renews our including charge. that's our protest as calling for seeds. foreign governments, let us present a button as it gets
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a speech in south carolina. and the few going to the headlines and alaska saves. they found loose pots on multiple 737, next 9 planes. those discoveries were made after disuse tool from an alaska airlines across, blew out in a me that on friday night kind of has the latest on the crisis facing boeing, the missing piece said close. the mid flight blow out has been recovered. the tool plug that blue will from alaska airlines flight 1282 landed in a school, teaches you out the whole of left behind now being combed over by federal investigators. and the questions that's raised, multiplying by like monday, the 2 main us airlines flying boeing 737, max 9, had grounded the plane. so have some carriers outside the u. s. united airlines
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said that found it loose bolts on multiple of croft and boeing announced to to hold an employee town whole meeting tuesday to address the issue a flight safety experts say luck played a large role in preventing casualties on the alaska airlines plane. the seats next to the hole and the fuselage with vacant and the plane was still climbing. happy i crossed the that's higher altitude of cruising altitude, for example, maybe more cost. you just wanna unbundle the about creating a big movie about the cabinet and then setting the risk of loss of life with the passengers potentially able to be sent out the vehicle. what questions remained about whether the plane should have been a bone at all. investigate to say a pressure arise ation warning. lights had turned on during 3 recent flights. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they slipped it, they reported it,
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it was tested by maintenance and then reset. but the issue was never fully resolved, and alaska airlines limited project to show to a trip such a precaution until friday's incident. boeing has come on the increased scrutinise and small, then 300 people were killed in 2737, next crashes in 2018. and 2019 those were linked to a software dfcs. now the company faces another crisis, and the company airlines and the government are working to understand the problem and restore tests and just confidence. mike kinda, i'll just sierra arlington, virginia and shelton is managing director at aviation because he enjoys this stuff . was your name in for us? could help you with this on the program? can i just begin with the front, the loose dole plug or something like call this a bold. i mean, what sort of bolts are we talking about? something that you screwed together or is it positive? riveting price asked me what's going wrong?
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can a let me just pick you up on 145 by the door, plug it so in some a crack in some variations would be say across the seas and emergency exit. but on this particular variation of decent, an emergency exit. so instead of having a door, they put in a plug to fuel the entire spice, and that's what went out the entire plug. but you know, the rate coffee reactions were to bring that to the boats. the pieces that hold back to the rest of the fuselage is some cases it's, it's a bit early doesn't i haven't seen x, actual details, but it's a real live bulk with a not which one screws or it's a riveting device. but in any event, you've got to understand that we're about a half a 1000000 paces on the 2nd, sorry, 7 side. and a lot of that needs riveting down in, in any case, it's alarming, these not getting around the fact that list notes shouldn't be tied. that, you know, that's one of the cultural days and it really what exactly, i mean, concerns apparently were raised by pilots in the lead up to this incident and not
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just with alaska. i mean, one of the checks and balances, the pro says with a pilot reports an issue, and then it's escalated a pause. one hopes to something sort of resolution. indeed upon its pilot's registered concern slots. come on on the dashboard. they always knock that down. maintenance is immediately notified of that and maintenance wind like the across got back until they satisfied that that it's okay. what happened here? this is a brand, this was a brand new eric. well it reminds a brand new airplane, hardly about 2 months in service. and it seems to have had a competitor as ation alerts coming on, and the pump and the maintenance guys looked at that. and of course, dont have the capacity to get inside and see where the bolts, a bolted down tonton hub. so consequently fixed it with what i could do, which is why it's really interesting and really important. now that as a result of this accident may not it is, it wasn't that luckily it wasn't
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a tragic accident. and as you report say, black play the tight upon in these um as a result of these, we are now tightening those bolts. i think the bigger issue that the shows is that the same boeing is continuing to struggle with its quality control issues and continuing to struggle with the way in which it's building airplanes. and, and that if i, if i my guys onto show boeing high, boeing is a, has been a wonderful company building wonderful airplanes for a very long time. but in the last few years, a number of things have happened. one easy, it expanded very rapidly until guy, the mcdonald douglas and, and of course, he'd be time driven very much more but share price and by financial engineering like share buybacks and so forth. rather then, rather than might being real high quality, will it? sorry, i didn't say that. that's why i want to question. all right, let me just jump in there under, cuz i think it's, it's touched on the point. the question i wants to ask was that it has the industry
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become controls more by accountants rather than by the scale that is required to make something that is so and safety conscious. but, you know, be without thinking about it, you know, cold is come, be caught, i'll pro to protocols come be missed or last along the way that we always, we always write that risk. we always write that risk id. i should historically has always put safety 1st, but i think it is fair to say a number of things that happened. one is, the demand for a travel continues to grow and consequently, the demand for new airplanes continues to grow. when i started navy action, there were about $3000.00 a cost in the well these now. so these has any impact in the will more than that. and, and so more and more, a profit are being ordered needing to be built. and there has been a huge push to get the craft out of the factory wise, i think balancing the balancing
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a fight between the engineers and the accounts. if you like, we're always walking down that line and, and the reality you cite these experiences be nice like these, like the costs. we all want it, we want that money spent. and i think boeing you struggling at the moment to find that balance will continue to follow the story. it's been good to get your insight under charles and thanks joining us. some problems like it makes sense or the french by minister elizabeth bolton has quits ahead of unexpected government re shuffle her resignation comes in with political attentions about immigration. she'll say pulsed through a deeply unpopular pension reform, bypassing, evaluating the general assembly by using special executive powers full and use those powers dozens of times. while the office has success, it is to be got develop a ton, the young and relatively popular education minister. well still ahead, hey, hold on, just so i'm drilling a hole in the bangladesh capital dot com with a locked on shot to the headquarters of the main office. the some policies estimate to
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a country in which democracy is only to meet the hello. the weather continues to quiet and down the ice, the across northern pot safe here, but down towards the south east. it really has rents up in bulk area or a state with snow here, 118 millimeters of rifle with the equivalent barrels coming in across that se encoder. and that's because we have this area of light pressure down across central parts of the mediterranean trading weather systems. i have a tools at east side of the maidens farther north of the high pressure in charge, and these high rise really establishing themselves building fathers it go one through the next few days strolling in that so that cobra from the north down to will southeast and ponce fab dakota coming into central the southern parts of the
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year, up as we go on through the next couple of days, getting up to motor site top temperature and most go on tuesday going on to wednesday. some of the sort of the temperature because of the cold air continues to slip its way further southwards. as we go through to product to celsius, the top 10 for an extra incorrect minus 14 the high, then in most goes i things changing back up towards the northwest temperatures about where they should be. so what we have that onset of whether down towards the south east, you can say we have got lots of, uh dis, the weather, lots of wet, windy and wintery weather coming through, slipping for the race was. but furthermore, if it is cold and dry with more fallen, frost a moment of prayer for waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border and recent days, over 4000
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a day in the mexican state of while we live alone. all my friends have cross, they have cross. now. this is what lies in store for them. hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by overwhelmed custom and border patrol officers from the texas side of the border increase and illegal crossing is the result of smugglers. moving large numbers of people through mexico budget cuts to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico. those very hard to get through immigration inspection now. as pressure throws on a sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north trying to reach the us before the new year. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the what you all just it was these are with me say, who run the reminder of all told stories 3 people to be has the alarm embezzling, killed, and then is really strong. can something loving on that comes a day after drive and attack killed one of his blogs, top commander, listen, i'm doing the lebanese on pre post. it is rouse, may know them commend and stuff on the trains. it says the attendance of in response to the assassination of its senior members until offices 2nd didn't come on side. i had it as who they is. rosamille is also continuing as defensive in gone . so despite claims that shifting to less intense will 5 strikes of talk to the on my, on seeing the edge comes in the central strip. more than 23200 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th in the us moles and
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300 protest as demanding and see sign galls. i'd be interested after they blocked several bridges and the tunnel in new york city demonstrates as soft as entrances to the brooklyn, manhattan, and williams. but i purchased some coverage on this thing for you palestine. please say all the locations are cleared after several hours. the goal is to peacefully protest of without doing major disruption to the city. some people are not just driving out to him from crossing all bridges to go to their place of employment. some of them are dealing with some real emergency type issues. and i've been extremely clear it brings it gives us all pain up to c n. as in lives being lost right now, we need to do everything as possible. uh to, uh, in anything that's going to take the lives lives of innocent people. but i'm, a mazda must be destroyed. be a terrace organization there by,
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by barrett act on october 7th, cannot be ignored. it'd be hostage, it should be released and allowed to return to their families. and we need to find a peaceful resolution to what his plan out right now. a protest as clothing for the sovereign gauze i have interrupted us present. dr. barton as he was making a speech in south carolina biden was visiting a historic church in charleston as he begins to run up his re election campaign cheers. his anger. a salt in america, as a consequence, shows our freedom, our democracy are very attractive because without the truth, there is no light. well light, there is no pass from this darkness the
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authority. that's all the i understand the passions and i've been quietly working requiring working these really government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gas using all that i can reduce the wind times on time to get inside the val, investigate why present drive by washington phone for several days. the us defense secretary was in hospital. well, it often is recovering from complications following reason. surgery and i was defense chief is expected to be available at a moment's notice in case of a national security emergency. some republicans have demanded his resignation and ticket. it says that he has no plans to step down or sold it to ukraine's defense
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ministry of uncovered, sold, amounting to $260000000.00. the investigations have been kinda down, sorry for the last 4 months and told them is that on skate points as little as the edible, as the new defense minister, he's been tasked with preventing corruption and making defense procurement. more transparent. as a bank has a story for us and is with us in keep us of what will can tell us about this of the will this investigation has been charged that this audits in fact and has uncovered 2 hundreds around $260000000.00 worth of violations that this will just as you say, has been carried out under the new defense minister who took up his position is september last year and at rest an owner of a he, he's basically charged with a testing corruption as well as uh, fulfilling the country's defense needs and that the, he's pre assessed that would actually risen the cost of that he was loss of the
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involved in the trying to riley west. and as long as she gets weaponry for ukraine and ukraine's efforts about his department, there were concerns and even investigations over some of those contracts. the fact that it was reveals that the department had overpaid for eggs for troops on the front line overpaid for winter jackets. the eclipse for troops on the west uh and on the front line us with us as well as the frontier. um and that will be previous defense min minutes. that wasn't testing the implicated, the scandal had basically tarnished cheese departments. so he was forced to resign and there was also issues a rag defense contracts. and that $986000000.00 worth of western re, uh, was delivered by the date specified. and some of it was even months late. now as you can imagine, when it was going on, you need to get that with those funds into the contract to the front lines of intact doesn't happen. and it didn't happen. it was very embarrassing for you kind of cool. so i said, this is not an embarrassing, but quite old. that really isn't it?
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the president celeste is a lensky who keeps asking his west and allies to move funds. absolutely. he's always going to run to the united states and other european powers . awesome. and then for more money, i move, move funds and, and essentially, corruption has been the elephant in the room in washington, destiny consent by the united states that any news of corruption could undermine the will efforts the united states has given billions of dollars worth of funds and money to ukraine, and if this could undermine that, now there's been some republicans that want to push for especially an inspector general for ukraine. now that hasn't happened, but when you look at ukraine's budget for the defense counsel in the heart of the countries national defense budget, that presidents the, his team to show the world that they are attacking vist, that they have been investigations and even a rest. and, but even in the latest defense ministry statement, the said that the new for over after procurement procedures are in line with nato
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standards that advocate to show that the country is moving towards native standards in europe and standards. and there's been consent from european allies over corruption and reform, and ukraine is the team to join the european union. and this, these issues arrive and corruption and reform could be a battery for them. but even when you speak to people around the country having ukraine other than the board, the main issue for them is corruption. i've been looking to present to the sky and the government to tackle the issues of corruption. but this isn't this, this could be seen as a positive that the countries talking it, but the rest of many issues that still remained around corruption as a big force that in key. thank you. you know, india is foreign ministry types of into mouldings. diplomat serve and escalating disputes between the countries that comes up to 3 multi government ministers. made disparaging comments on social media about indian prime is sitting there under moody. they describe moody as a clown in response to a video promoting tourism to a group of indian islands near the multi it's they what they suspended. one of
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induced largest travel platforms has stopped taking bookings for flights to the multi multi zone. so you can see here is located south of india's mainland at the southern tip. actual deep is a chain of islands as part of india and is just north of the multi use. the language spoken in pa celeste with deep is similar to the multi the language as well. java them and sorry, is a political. i listen, come and take one indiana fast and joins us now from new delhi, mr. one. so we could talk you with this on the program. so we have a situation where the indian private is to visit. so one of his own states talks up the location that doesn't criticize another solved britain nation in the process. yes, it's upset politicians of the mole days who criticized moody, what could have easily been dismissed as it will judged comments has not become a growing storm and a tea cup for both them all deeds and india and needed this. and much of this is because there's been a growing nice and then there ever since the left hand in government for president
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most who was wanting to offers one of the 1st stacks of this government's most to off the indian troops. and they were a substantial number of them in more lives to relieve india believes the indian government believes. so all the fears that this is just to who's to ease out and, and bring and china into the more leaves, which is located just a, i mean at the end is doorstep. this is something that it does very unhappy with. and this is something that, and put into it's at the most to, to ensure that this doesn't want to take best. but it's going to be quite difficult, isn't it? because normally, protocol is always had the scenario where the newly voted in president of the multi use was visit new delhi as the 1st international capital. but this president has gone to beijing. yes. and that's an added stop. and that started that's, that's undermining the as fears that more leads is. this is just a ruse to bring in china. i tend to as expense to,
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to adult india and bring in china in a region which is strategically very important for india. and there does not want china to get her to order, and it shares that this left streaming government office to moser is doing everything it possibly can to move to edge out to india and bringing the chinese up . and that's why this pack is thought so much because of what the minister said is the backdrop to this pack, which is far more important. indeed, i mean, every suffering country has the opportunity to decide who it was as a friend or a photo of the public of the country have decided to go for a left leaning government. you'd at least should respect. that's it every way why just need to at least feel that the mold, these is either strategically in politically important for its long term plans. i mean, and it was tons of counts of china. but why the multi is why of the multi so important or because of its location, its right at our doorstep on a southern tip. it's
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a part of the indian ocean region. china is, is reading everything it possibly can, to increase its friends. if you remember, and there is now become a part of the con, precisely for the region tools to try and ensure that china to try and limit china's presence to try and prevent china from being coaching into what is considered to be solving territory or solving. and what those of of other countries and that's why india is very, very of chevy. chinese move rather dates and more beach gardens here. like got some are you are your door to back to see like a government hired to handle out. china leaves out a port in southern city like got to china and then the remainder, major, lot of you and try and eventually like i actually consider this issue. because india, as one of the main supplies and a substantial number of attendance to us go tamales,
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medium or even economy is sustained in large box by and then supplies by, by and then companies in dies flexing it small come economic muscles of liberty getting done for the show relates to try and ensure that china is not allowed to get and so will say, going to take them to calm the what is done because of the moment we're just seeing sort of tours in the tourism industry. as you suggested being k, it's an indian, a travel agencies deciding to suspend that multi multi v and um operation. could this get worse or do you think there will be a dumping down to this in today's head? or i think the things well that you're on saturday was why is that going sort of prevent there's already signals emanating the president, the separate and guys on 911 which is, you know, office support, a call in and emergency is, is, is in the sofa mortgage also realizes they can go with me that's far and, and not for the it, for the,
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it will not be in most of these interest. neither their name doesn't just to allow this to escalate. and as, as things happen, they will think, all the materials as long as max published and eventually people, skin dollars. and why is that common sense prevent the whole code in india and in this up content is that or the lack of real happened and things will return to normalcy sooner rather than later. we'll see what happens after they've been job it . they've been sorry. thanks for joining us, that from new delhi now south cris problem into is approve legislation criminalizing the production on sale of talk meet. the national assembly overwhelmingly passed the bill on choose date with a vote of $200.00 mates and save unknown against the band will come into effect in 2027 till i found this time to phase out production bowls. and 2 of the people in our line to have died in a magnitude 7.6, a quake in western japan on new year's day battery was hit by a series of quakes,
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destroying roads and hundreds of buildings. rescued efforts have been tempted by maintenance. no more than 100 people are still unaccounted full. cheapest government has announced a 5 fold increase in fuel prices from next month. as part of a series of tough economic measures aimed at reducing the deficit. energy price is also set to increase by as much as 25 percent. cube is economy strength by 2 percent last year, while official estimates put inflation at 30 percent. the hey commercial us mission to the may of the pay stuff. sailed 543. we have ignition the volk experienced technical problems a few hours after launch. the last time the us slowly stay moon landing mission was in, was with the apollo in 1972. the still ahead hey, on. i'll just are in sports. china has invested heavily in football in the last
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decade. is it any closer to realizing it some vision of becoming a football power? i'm florence greene in chain you and southern china. that story coming up. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global,
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your real estate destination in due by the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the laptops pulling on the site ends building up having costs over again. it certainly is that is because the agent caught that kicks off in just 3 days and one of the tournaments pre tournament favorites. iran has touched down here in castle around have won the competition at 3 times. but not since 1976. they open that campaign against palestine on sunday,
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as they look to improve on this any final performance from 4 years ago. another team they will face and greet see is the united arab emirates who have also now arrived in dive hall. the you a have reached the semifinals in the previous to 20 minutes while that best performance was around us up finished back in 1996. that coach apollo bento led south korea to the round of 16 in the 2022 while coppin castle. he's back to try and help guide his side to a fast asian cup, twice when china or another team taking pots in the asian cops, but not expect it to challenge for the tracy. that's despite the country launching a $1000000000.00 plan nearly a decade ago to turn itself into a full power house by 2050 store. and so we reports from that genuine southern china, different nationalities, different backgrounds. but one goal is to play professional football. java is captain of this on the 15 team at china is every grand football academy where he's been studying since 2018. he's leading his team against
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a visiting squad from malaysia that as a whole, but i was 4 years old. my father taught me to watch a chinese super luke match of my hometown to the spark my interest in football this week i started playing when i was 6 years old. in primary school, the academy was opened in 2012. the students come from all of a china, at its peak and roman talk to 3000 students, but that numbers 3 to 400. in cloth, the students that took the national curriculum while on the pitch that drilled in the finer points of football. football academies like this one, all part of china is last a plan to turn the country into a football power. local officials into cities also encourage to set up men and women's professional football clubs of the government's 2015 footfall reform plan, set a blueprint to make chinaman's team one of ages top teams by 2030. but nearly
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a decade back to that plan was unveiled. china is far from it stated goal. china is a top down society and to be successful in football, you need a grass roots. you need to both ends up approach. those 2 things are in fundamental opposition. i think that more than anything is why china hasn't really been able to figure out it's football conundrum. i'm become more successful on the world stage. will just a corruption scandal which has a more than a dozen football officials detained since november 2022. as also threatened to do real football reforms go home is a former chinese national goal to her team reached the women's world cup final in 1999. i mean that's why china is football. so you, it's not rich. and for tile, the funk bass l football only gradually began to or do you open the up policy and reform 40 years ago. so it's still a long way to go. for china football,
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we need to be patient until she gets an ice opium pressure from top. it's been more than 20 years since china is meant qualified for one cup. many experts say it could be at least and not the decade before they do it again shortly. out to 0 chain you on quantum province, china. yeah, going plans, manual manage self career at the age and costs. and he's paid tribute to another legend of german football friends back in by a who's died at the age of $78.00 cleanser and was positive west japanese. 1990 woke up went inside coach by a back in by wednesday and have cooled him a great role model and says he's forever grateful for everything he did for football back. and i've also left at the walk with west on me as a player in 1974. and he wants 3 european cups with bind munich in the 19 seventy's, the manchester united, all spending with the chance of winning a tracy this season after reaching the full round of the fa cup. they were off against wigan, who play in england subdivision, defend that they are good dollars,
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that united to the head in the 1st hall right. 10 oxide were given a penalty after after the break for file on very nice and i'm this united the captain took this won't pick himself and made it, you know, which is how it finished. chelsea all reaction later on tuesday and this last like valley cup semi find the guns. middlesborough who coached by former manchester united captain michael carrick. chelsea last one. this competition in 2015 when they beat tottenham in the final spies were at the time managed by chelsea's comment. both whitfield purchasing a setback to nigeria and the ask on plans. meanwhile, with the news that victoria bonus faces root out of the tournament with a growing injury, the 23 year old picks up the injury and training and this out to 6 weeks to buy another cruise and strike a house being one of the biggest style players the season with 10 goals and 16 games. the 2013 champions already without the injured mid filled at wilford. indeed . and that's bad news too. for a to time and b, it will start drawing me around to set to have season ending surgery around the
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stuff of the muscle, sat to his right shoulder in practice on saturday and won't screen a frustrating season for the memphis grizzlies point. got. he was suspended for the 1st 25 games. it's a campaign for holding a gun and a social media video even made 9 to parents is before the slightest setback, the injuries and don't stop sides. harvey's holly button was carried off by his teammate, soft of suffering, a hamstring injury fox, the paces held onto a 2 point victory against the boston celtics. jaylen brown had a season height, 40 points, the celtics, and the game was set to go into overtime. the benedict mother and he didn't stop the game. want to file a full thinking to freeze raise for the faces to beats, the eastern conference lead as it was the 7th when an 8 games that is illegal support for now, i will have another updates elizabeth later. so thanks very much jen. and of course, you can follow all the stories on the website to dollars. era don't come fully
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about see, but it will be here with another full half hour views on the other side of the private until i'm from all of the news on seeing him in denver. thanks very much for your time and your company. the phasing cap is carissa katara for a record of the 3rd time 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, cuts our son, humans, south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back home. well, t p right across the actions out the tournament, the asian tap on al jazeera reporting in the field means i also get the witness, not just news is breaking,
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but also history. as it's unfolding. one day i might be covering politics. i might be covering protest, what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. a unique perspective of africans. i'm willing to change the street speakers in the sense of urgency that we have if we don't no more and more lots of voices. you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide,
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brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, are the, [000:00:00;00] the kind is really strong case, the car in 711 on killing 3 people believe to be members of hezbollah. the


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