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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the gods chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that? i can't support that one. the bill on which is era. the image really strikes, it's a call in southern lebanon, and killing 3 people believe to be members of hezbollah has the law as a series of tribes called thing, these really militaries, knowles, and command headquarters, the console robin. you want to, i'll just airlines. and i've also coming up as well. bums move residential areas in southern gauze of homes in rough, uncommon units amongst the targets. the change at the top in from gabrielle as our
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lives named prime minister, the youngest person in modern history to hold the position the welcome to the break and we begin in 11 on what 3 has been on members. all thoughts have been the targets of another, dudley is riley strike. the attack on a call happened in the southern town of galleria. it comes a day after drive and attacked, killed one of his applause pop commanders, with some of that with his being buried in the area. now just a short while before about a funeral and the oven. delta is ready, strongly kit a call close to the house of wisdom, although his brother is a 2nd such attack in the last few hours. as has the law says that soldiers has a military command headquarters and the city of south it and nobody's around the group. says your time soon responds to the assessment ation. know if it's senior members and thomas's 2nd in command. so i absolutely well we have correspondence on
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both sides of the israel level on board. and the account is standing by and should i be the 1st that speak to the called a who's in time in southern level, what, what do we know about this particular incident into the intended targets of the well, no doubt. this is an act of provocation targeting a funeral. the funeral of hezbollah senior field commander. we found those who will, who was killed in a drone strike 24 hours ago. there are reports of casualties in that strike that targeted a car close to the home of the brother of we found those who will support our only emerging. we shall, cannot confirm, you know, whether or not there were casualties, but as well targeting a funeral. it's not the 1st time a few weeks back. they did this target a close to
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a funeral procession. but you know, the series of events today clearly shows that this is an escalating complex. that's if you talk to anybody close to has a lot they will say that's what as well as trying to do is for vocational law into or drag it into a conflict before that funeral, just an hour or so earlier. and it's very drones strike targeting a car, 3 has the members were in that car. so there seems to be 1st of all, new strategies where, you know, as well as targeting members and commanders belonging to the differences that they run. so close access of resistance across the borders, not just in, not us and nothing on because just last week, how masses number to a member of this access killed assess. and they said in baby southern suburbs we're hearing from as well as deputy secretary general named pass him a just a few minutes ago. and he's saying that's what is happening. will no longer be confined to palestine and that this will spread across the region. in many ways,
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it has already spread across the region. many fronts have been open since as well launched floors on garza, but that's what i was always careful when. when it says region, it doesn't stress on the northern front. the northern southern borders are with israel because hospitalized in a very difficult position is wants to avoid driving. this country is when all out destructive war. yes, has bulk and hurt as well. can hit anywhere as well. but as well to ken hurst, the country and the prime minister has made it clear that the 11 on has received threats from western government, threatening devastation and destruction. if hezbollah widens this conflict and say that how difficult is it for has blog, you've generally, you know, gives us not pictures we've been seeing over the last few days. but how difficult is it for his blog to hold back when they really all ready? as you say, not just a minute, treat delilah, but also this political dilemma of making sure that they still have the support of
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best followers when it comes to fighting for the rights they see as incredibly important to them, whether it's their own rights in southern lebanon, within, within lebanon, or in support of the palestinians in gauze that of the well, no doubt its credibility is, is on the line. it is, it presents itself as a defender of the palestinian people, but has the officials have said time and time again their, you know, their involvement even though it's limited and it's unlimited. engagement has bogged down the visions of the israeli army, has force tens of thousands of his raiders to leave their homes in northern as well . and as well as in a dilemma to try to restore security. but yes, some will argue that has, well, as the parents is eroding, you'll kill up a high ranking palestinian officials in the hearts of their stronghold enables. and you kill a high ranking field commander in south lebanon. so it's, it's really about the plus role as a, the, the secretary general of hezbollah,
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really made it clear. he said, we have to take into consideration. the country's national interest is where the officials have said that they will turn babies 11 east capital into another cause up even its own people are concerned loving long as it's a very different level on from the 2 $1006.00 for yes, as well as much stronger has longer range missiles with precision guided miss of a more trained uh, more trains of force on the ground to fight. but at the end of the day, the country, the economy has all but plus, people can afford to read new new, new homes, new apartments who will rebuild the country. the international community has all the strong, the political class in this country. so has the, has to take all that into consideration, but many will tell you it is as well as dragging hezbollah into o n t a war. or at least this is a form of pressure as well negotiated making it harder for hezbollah, not to agree to what is rel wants of. that is to pull back from the border so that
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the feed tens of thousands of his rates can return to their homes. typically for us, the entire a lot of them. thank you. let's close over to low recall noise and show me an old and is right. and then obviously you have very different experience of what's going on. that because the rocket sirens have been very loud through the day, i as rockets and dry insurance have been going off across the board to it's a 120 kilometer stretch. we've seen it taking place in many areas. it is a cost incredibly tens on and a very high a lot. as ross has it is very much ready to take any steps against hezbollah on the boat. and now we have seen at this morning that's been a hits from his ball in sausage. it was as well as the northern come on. we know that a drone landed, but israel says that with no casualties and it didn't cause much extensive damage.
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but this still seems to be, as well as essentially initial response to the coming of top officials with some i'll tell we are. and also a lot of already from a mass on lebanese soil out. i just want to show you why i'm in slow me just behind me. you can see the boat as there's a big 6 i was going along. this is built 2 years ago, the full dot. it was a fence just to the left that says well on the right is 11 on and his ball has been down the mountain for a very long time. it's just recently being pushed back. and if you go all the way down, you can see a number of houses on south that's also israel. so this has been causing a huge amount of tension for a long time. between the 2. it says full points of territorial dispute out of 13 points along the whole board. and you can see those, these brown areas as well. that's being hit by malta and rockets very recently out
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. but you know, the, this is being a bigger issue between the 2 places like this, towns like this happened, emptied since october 8. since the beginning of where we have we've had tens of thousands of people evacuating. and i just want to show you the streets along here . completely empty. that's been a shoes people striking along. we've spoken to them. they said before the 9000 people living here. now there's only around a 150, so i'm come back and forth to see if that house has been hits. but this morning we've, i mean, even now we can hear jet streaming. go ahead. we've had drones suckling. we've also hudson out going artillery fire. so it will start and they aren't ready to come back and your go on. the defense minister has said and less football is push box, but at least as you, columbus has, they weren't even consider sending the 10s of thousands people back to this board.
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it sounds like this, and this is certainly one of the big a dispute on foot. be something that could continue from a tip for task across the board as shooting from one to another since october the i to a much wider conflict nor calling for science. they know that as well. thank you. that was what was all means continued, get defensive in central and southern goals that despite claims that is shifting to less intense wolf. now these are pictures of the house, the refugee camp in central parts of the strip. these really military has been heavily striking the area of the res compos also being targeted. well, schools of engine palestinians have been rushed to the hospital in con eunice in the south. but israel says it's ground operations are expanding more than $23200.00 pilot studies have been killed since october. the 7th. a story about mood hayes in rough us in southern gauze. the intense bombing continues in southern gauze that
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way you, i'll just bring it up to speed on what we know is actually happening way. you also have these really say it's supposed to be a less intense phase, but on the ground it doesn't seem like that's a tool not at all. and there is no lit up in the area like the top from the central part done . the southern part of the gastric, particularly right now in find you in a city where it is rarely invading forces on the ground that would that have the coverage of aerial bombardment are pushing deeper into the central part, not only destroying a residential tower, but also the severely damaging that surrounding area, just causing guns and exacerbating the problem and further displacement for, for people in that particular area. and we're talking technically not far away from not their house, but as soon enough will be very difficult for injuries. and for a back. and we do the right side into the hospital or leave the vicinity of the
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hospitals if they want to see shoulders in a different area. the situation is like getting difficult in each passing hour. in fact, on the contrary, we don't see any of these coalition. what's going on as the war and there's, it's a 3rd phase. the right now was being a surge in the area of the strike. and what this really monitor describe as the surgical or targeted feeling of palestinians, either political or militant on, on the ground, according to a statement made by these really a military but so far the intensity of the aerial bombardment in the central area given the game right after these really military announce deep the killing of the 1st the initial it sits for soldier. but within the past couple hours the a, the jerusalem was made a reference that 9 soldier were killed. the statement is very consistent with the statement made by the palestinian finding groups under bronx who sit here earlier hours of this morning. the 9 soldiers were killed all night belongs to
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a special force, the group that was operating in a race gap. now in retaliation to that, what happened massive destruction of levels in the central area including a race kind of the, the as well. 6 as the city and the area that was designated as safe for people in the central area evacuated to with looking at severe situation right now at the vicinity of an officer hospital. not only the hospital is the gradually being pushed out of service, but the fact that there are the injuries, tens of them inside the hospitals on the floor of the hospital, in addition to the pile of bodies have been laying there for some time. now, without offering them burial, giving the difficulty of the situation, they take them and offer them for most efficiently, body and who towards the end roughly. so the goal is to thank you,
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the casualties also balancing full. these really military is the most fun to is bundle troops across the strip is really all me says 9 if its soldiers were killed on monday side of colorado as well for us from tel aviv moore and welcome news full the is ready, the public sabra. yeah, absolutely those number of the saw increasing by the day since this was started, it's been consent, but 9 soldiers were killed on mondays, 6 of them by a bloss near the bridge camp, which isn't central galls or, and it seems to have happened also need to is, randy reports has been given it to all, but what are the ideas rather these ready for says hubs confirmed yesterday saying that they had found the largest home us weapons factory. so fall to date. since that was started including they said no range miss solves that could target the
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north pods of israel. and that has happened at the time yesterday where there was a flurry of statements ahead of the visit by the us secretary of state and city of clinton in regard to the nurses with us. we've been hearing from our colleagues that earlier, but also as we say more rootkits being fired from us, it's was those southern towns as well as central is riley, including, not far from here in seller v. when we were doing lives, we sold some of those real kits being intercepted. and this also comes at the time where the minute tree has now said that it's into a new phase when they talk about some new phase. best thing less strikes as well as less troops in the gaza strip. mostly focusing now on the central parts and the southern parts of gauze or in areas like con eunice for example. but also as daniel her garry, the spokesman full these right, you minute 3 can funds that the fight single continues throughout the rest of the
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year. which is interesting assets time when they are putting out some of those troops and those casualties all increasing. we're seeing more of them being killed, but that's expected because as you go further towards the south is much more densely put places. the slices are in close proximity with many of the palestinians that were pushed in full south to the north by the israelis and made some move southwards. uh, it will be interesting to see the developments of these discussions that have happened with the us secretary, you say, as he's been missing, the prime minister of us says it wants them to wind down that operations. spots of the is right is this thing that it's continuing. however, those casualties now starting to struggle how much more difficult it has become for them in the gaza strip. so recover the force in telling me thank you. so us extra essentially blinking us iris that is holding told swift is way the leaders as he tries to prevent the war and calls are from escalating into
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a wide conflict. now he's met with the president, isaac had sold on foreign ministry as far as the cops. people holding tools, we have 5 minutes depending and that's in your home, as well as the light is still fumbling cause regional tool. that also includes the 2 key concepts in sante, right? the still ahead here on alpha. so i quit of the class of states of emergency concert conviction, gangly that goes missing from a high security prison. the the hello. we have the usual pop called cloud interrupting across the good parts of the amazon face, and you can see how the each of the dice houses just crop up here. some live examples coming through the larry with uh, chevy. right. so just around the central and northern palm solve option tain are actually not, will push it. swipe for other know if it's,
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as we go through with this dice, i some disruptive storms that could cause some light loss bodies and flash flooding . as we go through the next couple of days, we'll set up an associated temperatures here, around 40 degrees celsius, warming up in re i, and they just as big down pulls right through the amazon basement to west impossible sale. edging across the was peru about his way to columbia. not too bad las, he tried on a fine unsettled weather. s as a case to across the carrot being further north. we have got some wet to weather, just moving across the gulf of mexico. that is making his wife of the race was maybe a little bit of what led them to southern mexico luminaries a cubic foot, much of the caravan. it is looking fine and sunny and i'm not so fond of sunny into north america with cause that same with the system that's been producing copious amounts of frame for bottom storms. it will continue to do so 3 through tuesday, thunder storm, suddenly a possibility. tornadoes also have possibilities. a big snow to up to what was that ne encoder and this makes no to the north west. the
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phasing cap is teresa cuts are for a record of 3rd toys. 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, cuts our son, humans, south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back home will keep you right across the actions. out the tournament. the asian tap on al jazeera, the in the the book about what you all deserve me,
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so he'll run the remainder of all the top stories 3 has below him, then visited, being killed, and his right. the strike in southern lebanon becomes a day after driving attack. killed one of the group's top commanders with some of those just before the title was due to be february. second is rarely striking to come close to his brother's house. the lebanese arm grew positive, his rounds may know them commanding stuff. isaac trains, incense the attacks in response to the assassination of his senior members. and how about his 2nd in command seller a little bit? is there any strikes to talk to you about that you can sense of some jobs or, and tiny homes have been destroyed in con, units in south. more than $23200.00 palestinians been killed since october. the 2nd telling me to is number 2. i must replace the professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies. join us. no good. have you with us in student? we've spoken many times on the subject of the last 3 months. let's just talk about what's going on over the as well. a lot of them both on the dilemma that has blog
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face right now, is that, you know, how do i correspond that alluded to a real, a lot of questions being asked within the group about what to do next. i think dilemma is the, is the operative word. the question on everyone's mind as to what extent? well, as below i'll be willing to extend to expand this into an all out war it's, it's got to be a very difficult calculation. israel's trying to drag them into, into an all out war. there. there are these regular provocations targeted assess assassinations and has blog won't necessarily look good or like it has much deterrence if it doesn't respond forcefully. on the other hand, as you've been reporting the lebanese economy is near collapse, and so, and all that for may not be and you know, the lebanese of interest there 2 trains of food have from these. riley's one is actually a full on the tank on has belonged to try and wipe the mouse in the south. the sold his, the that we're talking about res analyst has a bet trying these rights are trying to push has blog back between 10 to 30
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kilometers from the board to, to make it like a buffet. and it has been a while and not having any of that to tool. what do you think the options are in terms of that particular part of the struggle to that, you know, i, i think i'd be, i'd be speculating. i'd be speculating as, as other analysts, i think, are as well i think right now there's significant disagreement, even inside of israel on the inside military establishment about, you know, to what extent they want to go into it a lot more. i think what we know is that benjamin netanyahu would like to see something more expansive, that would be advantageous to his own political ambitions. right? but um, you know, israel right now is gonna clearly continue to try to provoke his blah and, and really i think the ball is in his beloved court as to what, what they do next. if he's pivot now 2 guys that obviously we know what's going on right now in terms of the on getting bombing, he doesn't seem to relented any way. regardless of the military comments,
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it'd be made by these. riley's an interesting development is the, is ready families of the captives who try to approach we believe today, the cutting model, southern border crossing of what tons, backed by these riley's, the very angry about age going into the palestinians, even though they wrote relatives actually cool top that was coming home, right. i've been following this, it's a really interesting report. i mean, it underscore is the extent to which these families are increasingly fed up. they want their, they want their family members back. they don't think the government is doing enough. they don't think the government cares quite frankly, about getting those captives back and really the, the actions on the ground would, would seem to give support to that idea. i mean, if you wanted to, capt is back, you would be more inclined to negotiations. you certainly wouldn't be going on with this relentless bombing campaign, which obviously jeopardizes everyone's life and inside of inside of kaiser. but
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yeah, you're right they, they're complaining, they're saying i was reading some of the quotes from the family members from these people protesting. and they're saying it's not acceptable to them, but age should be going into the palestinians, while they're not sure if any of it is getting to their families, or certainly they don't have any humanitarian concerns for the palestinians. they're interested in getting their family members back. how does not feed into the narrative, back home and as well then? so then when things like this, i think it's, it's difficult. it's a struggle right now. i think in terms of public opinion, what, what netanyahu i think has going for him is that there's still a type of, for lack of a better term. what type of a type of blood last in, in israel? i mean, no one is really opposing the war. they're opposing tactics. they want to get the captives back. they're frustrated. they don't think netanyahu is doing a good job. they want him out, but they all want to continue on with the war. 98.2 percent of israel is either believe that the, the, the government is do with the military is doing enough or that they should actually,
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you know, do more. so there they certainly don't want any, any let up in this operation and cause a load elementary. thanks for electrical. so let me pick more as the day progresses . thank you. the phones is present and the chrome has named the country's new prime minister. that's 34 years old. gabriel alto is the youngest person in mobile french history to hold the position is nomination follows the resignation of elizabeth alone, who step down after forcing through deeply unpopular pension reforms in touch with butler is life of life for us from outside, the prime minister as official residence in paris, i mean, what more do we know about the youngest prime minister in french molten history? was he said w, i sal? is there any? says he hold the youngest of 5 minutes that he will become in french history and
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there's no doubt the present. michael will be hoping dots his youth will help revitalize his government. look at all his main dues and the school career on the emmanuel michael. he has served as a french government spokes person. he served as a for 2 minutes and most recently has educational verification minister for a few months. within those months, he is already pushed through a series of reforms in the education system. he was also the minnesota decide to design the a via in school. so he said he made his mark. i'm look across the political spectrum. i think most of all agree is, gabriella. the house is right. town said when it comes to being a political communications. katie, very, i'm sorry, i'm patient's as well, but there are some questions i've asked exactly what she stands for because his political career has been so assured and has been shaped by the french presence of i don't, michael, of course there is talk about sort of re shuffle within the french cabinet. is this
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ongoing, or is it something that my goal is doing piecemeal of the will. the french at present is re shuffling his cabinets, will let no doubt his more names the different ministerial powers as the day progresses. perhaps in the following days, but little before we met whom i called this re shuffle is absolutely vital. he is trying to turn in the page and what is being really challenging a very difficult year for him. in 2023. his now outgoing 5 minutes of this before had to push through some very unpopular reforms. the pension reform is a month the 1st i. so if it ask them, and this will just k all take pushing through the integration reform at the end of last year, that even many in the bottom of my calls a policy or against some of these ministers will say safely again. so it's been a messy and difficult year for michael, hoping that gabrielle, that's how would be a new chat. so he's hoping that his house will be able to build trust with the
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fridge public. there's no doubt that a towel is one of the most most popular politicians in france according to the opinion polls. and michael will be hoping that that's going to help in the year that he's going to have his own challenges. we felt b, u, a elections coming up, of course, many and phones are concerned about the rise of the far right and those elections. and michael, certainly hoping, precise how will be able to boost use policies, popularity. and then of course, even pick games here in paris. there's dr. butler for us back in defense capital. thank you. is now the president of equity has declared a state of emergency after a notorious gang lead to escape from prison on sunday. police of lowest amount and full has a adult macias, but he was serving 34 years sentence for drug trafficking. and i listened to them to get to you as well. this is jose ad or for my cs, better known to speak to the leader of the powerful list to nato's gang in ecuador,
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he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking, and organized crime. in this maximum security prison in the port city of y, a keel. but on sunday, when soldiers rated the sensor as part of the government crackdown. oh tory too said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched a major operation to recapture him so far with no results and will not be in an operation involving more than 3000 people in the prison has been rated in search of the most wanted prisoner. and the operation continues and authority screaming or suspected of having played the role in the assassination of presidential candidates that amount of the same. so last year, he to us off the list by deltore these docs. he has escaped prison before and recently appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escaped,
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incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside printing them with knives. mr. president, please reconsider your decisions. don't let yourself be driven by impulses and false expectations on a settlement or you won't be, i'm waiting for them to. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president, the noble, a banana empire. here with little political experience, we took over the november promising to we didn't filings like this. i will be in again on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency. ok. some of the most we have seen in the countries prisons is the result of, of decision to confront the buses. why the government has taken action. so that will allow us to regain control of the prisons that have been lost recent years. but some annually say the president's plan is failing document that group, i'm not at the level.


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