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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00] the blogs, the whole rom and you watch me, i'll just say the news on life in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, 3 members of hezbollah and while killed. and that is really strike in southern lebanon. a 2nd is where these try cuz talks to the funeral of a top has block, come out, and one person has been killed on to others. wounded as the law has responded by
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following a series of trials. that fee is really military. is nolan command headquarters? as well bombs, more residential areas and southern gaza reveals 9 of its soldiers have been killed in the street at the change of the top in front cover. alas, always named prime minister. the youngest person in modern history to hold the position the we'd be getting to use a in level last 3 has belong men. those of being killed and a targeted is bailey strike. and the southern town of guns area has belong, has retaliated by hitting a military commencement in northern israel. the escalation comes, a day after israel assassinated senior has blocked them on with some on thought with a 2nd display. the strike targeted his funeral killing at least one person opened
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gauze at the is really all me is targeting refugee camps in the center of the strip, internally, residential buildings and the southern city of con, eunice, are destroyed. bolden, 23200 palestinians have not been killed since october the 7th casualties. all say mounting for is riley army says that 9 of it soldiers are killed in 3 separate incidents on monday. from us, a senior political leader says that israel has failed to achieve any of its goals in the will overcome as monitoring developments from the as by the sides of the board with lab and on she said this report from show me is israel as indeed on very high, a lot, it seems to killing all the high ranking officials of hezbollah and her mouth and 11 on the other side of the boat. the tensions have been at the highest, they have in 3 months now. and the initial response from has full seen. so thing today when it hits northern commodities of northern, come on to about 20 kilometers east of where right now. it's also the longest
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strikes that have from the boat, about 14 kilometers from that we are in the town of slow name. and i just want say, you know, if you have a look at this big, big sacking rule, this is, it has always been a security expense. and the last 2 years, the bill to will on the left side is israel. and on the right side is 11 on. if you just look down here, you have is ready homes. so this be much shuffled diplomacy, the us and boy almost hochstein, has been hit to mediate between both sides and to attempt to robot. some of the warring language and pestering at home said happy them not abandoned and israel says and less has paula is pushed back on this folder. they wouldn't be up to a ton. and this is quotes. so what you can see, some of the brown skulls,
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the landscape that's from real kit for you, and also some new additions landing. but it's just want to show you just along here we have empty streets. it's usually 9000 people living here in slumber. we can hear some more firing. we might have to take cover in a moment. we're our case and now i thought there's only a 150 people left and is there a minister of defense to have got on says unless has buller pushes back at least 30 kilometers, then these people won't be able to return. and then also post string for posts for more military intervention. it's good escalates into a full blown war. everyone's watching, wasting tens of thousands of people in towns like show me have left. as you can see, this is completely a bound to this ghost town. these were businesses right here. you can see where
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something's hits, it some kind of shops will pops from real kit for you. we've seen rocket 5 most has landed this and country of holes in the straits talk to see a very precarious and dangerous place for people to live. continue down here. more cases close, more shots and businesses abandoned. this town has gone from 9000 to around a 150 people and people are very sketch to come back, especially as we're looking at so on the brink of a bigger escalation. laura hans out of sarah slimy, northern as well. let's come over to him and con, that he's in much i you, in, in southern lebanon. of course. i mean, we've been monitoring this last is riley strike on a call just because up to speed. all we know about the incident and who the intended targets was it was very difficult to tell
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you who the intended targets well, except it's likely to be members of hezbollah. probably some sort of local senior come on is what attending the funeral, but this is now a pattern from the is riley's now striking the so called access of resistance, that's how mass hezbollah and other groups. we sold the assassination of sydney. and lastly, the last week, sell a rory. we've seen the killing of else we'll just 24 hours ago. and now this strike jewelry and his funeral, we have one pesticides. another strike with 3 other people died. now, as i've just been coming to you on the side of a full strikes in the distance, this is now becoming a very dangerous situation. the international community, and that was another one just there. actually, the international community is incredibly worried about escalation on the border. but now it's go to another problem. the strikes that took place against uh,
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hezbollah leaders has bullet field come on, doesn't have taken place within inside a lebanese territory, not along the boat. so i'm taking color, which is inside the tertiary hezbollah has responded with a strike 40 color, which is inside a is really tired drink. that's something that these are the international community. diplomatic efforts are trying to avoid. the i did was to try and keep everything contained along this 120 columbia to fold. if it spills over, it's already going to take a minute strike, or a miscalculation by either side, or even a deliberate targeting of something. uh that will be seen as a red line by either side for this to actually spill over. so now about trying to calm things down, but it's unlikely cuz because israel keeps on pushing, keeps on pressing, has beloved, hey, run. as you say, you know, the israelis have absolutely no qualms in taking the heights to the boulder with leveled on the railing. she saw hezbollah and something that we've been discussing through the day was
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a to called to as well. is the dilemma that has the law face because the soul, so when, if you about credibility, be able to defend the country, you say means so much to you. well, if it has the entire risen dish, right, it's, it's complete reason for being on this folder. it is a deterrent to israel, that's the whole reason that has the law has a positions across these 120 kilometer buddha. it's why they are respected with in liberty society because they provide this protection against israel thought was tested in 2006. these riley's eventually withdrew from this tired sheet, but not before a brutal which actually took place as far inside lebanon as a route. so wallace stays ro is still pushing. it's looking, it's seemingly looking to drag hezbollah into a will as bullet has domestic problems as well. 11 on has an economy that is
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completely, always totally failed. it is on the significant pressure internally. and this a means that as well, it really doesn't want to get into an old will with is what it says. it's ready for war. but the language from is ro is a completely clear as well. the need to leave this area. they need to push back past the tony river, but there's no way. and they said this very clearly has bullet on going to negotiate well, service still a war and goals are going on now, as well as pragmatic. if the war and goes and stops, they will come to the negotiating table. they say, it won't come, foresight in southern lebanon. thank you. i that's cause it goes to the honey. my mood uh is starting by for us in russia, in southern golf. so we know intense bombing continues enrolled in central garza, and especially in the south,
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away you all just bring this up to speed of what we know about what israel is targeting while you are. yeah, so so far we're looking at cities, towns are now refuge account is are under heavy bombardment, particularly in defense, all area where the vast majority of area is made of refuge account that in my house, the upgrade and the fire out the block, one of what do i also part of the enter the how does the why they're the entire area from the eastern border all the way to the coast of light needs full of refugees. and just in one statement made by a couple is really military official describing their yeah. zone, very crowded and full of terrors for a lot of palestinian that statement. just setting the stage for the atrocities they're going to be committed. and we've seen this happening where at lots of residential buildings at the vast majority of the eastern area of and the site out, the black one, residential don't being destroyed completely including a bridge camp where there was
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a security incident going on at earlier hours this morning. but the fact that dated by the hudson city, where people were told, particularly to evacuate to, to avoid being bombed in the remaining part of the center of the area. but they were bombed anyways, within hours. and sometimes, within a days of their arrival, just destroy a sense of safety and security in stock. but we're not confirmed reported from people are the trap there. caught in this fire line, there are, there are unable to the if there is no where to go. and it more and more a service in the air strikes a taking place right now in han, you and as the story is not different in facts getting worse at each passing date, particular we're talking about more than a month. now the military is been operating with its invading forces on the ground, destroying the vast majority of the city, almost the entire eastern part of hon. you and is, this is gone and turned into a pilot. everyone's and, and
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a gradually pushing deeper into the central part where it destroyed an entire residential towers. at 12, a story residential, a slash commercial towers in the heart of han unit, that is literally just a 100, a couple 100 meters away from the road leading to nasir hospital, the areas becoming increasingly on safe work. a lot of people trying to leave there and now on the way or coming all the way to door. but when we spoke dollar source, their own people are very, very careful. and they don't want to take the risk of leaving was being caught in, in the fire in the line of fire was they are evacuating so far. the hospitals in, in han, eunice are overwhelmed, particularly nozzler hospital. it with lots of injuries brought in the hospital a but those who are still under the rubble just within the past few days, the massive destruction of homes just prevented paramedics and ambulance of from reaching these targeted areas. we're talking about
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a real passerby and double the tragedy for those survived effects, but their, their relatives and family members are still a trap. under the, the rubber, the rubber has not different is worse, is getting worse by the bite. our on more risk of bombings to take place any fully a they've been so much ahead of a mood that for us in reference something dollars and that's cost saving out to tel aviv several kind of outstanding bye for us. move back news full. the is may as really military to impart to the public right now. so yeah, that's right. there's so many moving parts in the last couple of days here in israel . you have now confirmed that 9 most soldiers have been uh, killed uh 6 of those in an area in central of the gaza strip new what a temp. well apparently and reported me that. well this is randy reports is being puts on to see a west 10 spikes street. they say that's the biggest factory they found for him. us to especially make long range miss solves cuz hits the knowles of israel and that's
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being saved as a receive rather as an achievement full finding this in the 1st place. and this is as well says that it's dismantled from us in the northern parts of the gaza strip, but it's focusing a further now on the center as well as, as, as the south and through statements overnights confirming. now they said that they've entered the new phase, which is believed to be the 3rd phase of this war, which means less as strikes. then there was an also less troops in the central and southern parts of the gaza strip. but all of this comes as the secretary of state and to me been couldn't, is visiting here in israel. now he's held several folks, not just through the prime minister, but with the president himself. he'll be having a statement. so later on today also is the german foreign minister, isn't egypt, me thing with the present ops, in fact that his cc talking about what happens next in terms of off to the will be
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so cool day off the plan up. but again, all of this happening after the time is israel again confirms yesterday, but this will work be anything any time soon that it will be carried out throughout the rest of the year. but the facts of the matter is, is that the us spec, serious us secretary of state rather is hey to discuss what happens next. because that has been a lot of conversations, but no real concrete plan. he has said though, that he would be discussing with israel a potential plans to have our nation's involved in supposedly the restructuring of the gaza strip. perhaps why not think it's not clear what that plan is, but hopefully we'll be hearing a lot more about that time. so to me, in the next su hours as to what his proposal is, but also whether they'll be any pressure on israel to actually look to see what the end dates would be. because so fall, it seems very vague. the troops in very vague sense, but nothing concrete. this,
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as the strikes have continued today, as most civilians being killed and also as the casual sees amongst these ready army is increasing as well as day on day. so what kind of it for is that in telling me, thank you. well, joining us now industry, this is the most where he's a professor of media studies and that he needs to be full graduate studies of a saw. a said that, you know, blinking is in the region, we know that he's visited to kia saudi arabia. the u. a and costs are as well. you know, there was a, quite, for him saying it's a challenging moment, but opportunities exist for mid least integration. he seems to be living in the power low universe when it comes to integration. when in fact the middle east is about to explode. yeah, i mean, i think it's completely divorced from reality. and then there's often this disconnect between what the american administration is saying on the one hand and what's happening on the ground. the reality is that there's a genocide ongoing in on, in gaza. it was interesting to me to listen to his comments yesterday. the very 1st thing he said is that he's been talking with talk with these air leaders about
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trying to prevent the spread of a larger war. he said nothing about the humanitarian crisis and gaza, or about the fact there's so much queuing going on. so he's, he's clearly his concerns are not with palestinian civilian life at this time. certainly this is not the time to listen to the us administration, talk about the 2 state solution, which is something they've worked hard with israel to prevent for decades. now. we'll see what the banking says in the press covers bush later in the day. just stay with us for a moment. just want to give the view is just a little bit more information on something i want to comment on because so many members of israelis still held captive by him. also trying to still pay trucks from getting into gone so around says he protest as was stopped by police as they headed to the kind of a boost and i'm crossing they said age should not be sent into goals without guarantees of the family members. safe. interesting comments to be made also
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interest the actions to be taken and how much of the way that the families of the cap tips are trying to put pressure on these way the government. and this certainly is going to hit the headlines and as well. absolutely. these people are very frustrated. we know that netanyahu is not popular in his real right now to say the least. and he's certainly not popular among this particular amongst this particular group. they want their family members home, and they're dissatisfied with, with his performance. and frankly, they don't think that the, the military or the government is doing enough to try to get those captors to try to get those captors back. of course, that was the story from a few weeks ago where israel fired on 3 of its own waving white flags shirt most. this was a huge embarrassment in inside of israel, but it angered these families even more. i've been following some of what they've been saying these, these family members, and it's, i think we need to be careful. they're not arguing that they want aid to be sent in, you know, on mass to everyone and guys,
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including the palestinians. they're saying it's unacceptable that palestinians are getting aid while their family members are, are held captive. in fact, one of the quotes says here, this is from a family member. he said if the united states or any other european country were in our position, they would not offer the slightest aid. so they're upset that the palestinians are getting aid at all. that's just been a slightly to the ongoing development in, in northern as well, and southern lebanon. and they skirmishes between the 2 that, you know, blinking is good to comment, hold on, we will see what's going on. that be interesting to see how we deals with that, that issue with the israelis, because everybody's saying, you know, that these ratings approaching has belong and they're looking for a fight and blankets coming and try to put out the fire. he is. he's fighting a bottle of both funds. it's a, it's a tricky position to be in the us obviously offers israel very stop, staunch support across the board to that. and they said no red lines from the
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beginning of this war. they were basically gonna allow israel to do whatever it wanted in gaza. they're not only sending weapons, but they've bypassed congress twice now to send israel even more weapons and they are complicit in what international law scholars are calling a genocide. on the other hand, i think we have to be honest with ourselves, although the us might be fine with israel doing what it does because they don't want a larger, a larger scale war that would, that might loop in his blah and potentially be wrong. that's just, it's just not the right time for the united states for that, and that's what they're going to be trying to, to work on these. the next step goals will be getting to on to the blinking prescott most likely to in the all just every day. but for the moment. but i'm not sure. thank you. of the present model. nicole has named the new prime minister from so that's 34 years old, gabrielle and kyle is the youngest president,
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most of the french district. all the position is nomination follows the resignation of elizabeth full fee step down of the whole thing through deeply unpopular pension reforms. this actually is long for us in the french capital. what load we know about the youngest prime minister in french history, the youngest, 5, minnesota in french history, just as 34 years old gabriella. so as something of a surprise, a nomination, there were lots of names around the last few days, but in the end, it is in the fridge. present a manual micro has page probably. policy is very young and dynamic seen as a rising star in french politics and clearly, and i don't micro was hoping that gabriella todd is there's a help revitalize his government look at how is really shape just to read on to a manual. my call. he has served as the french stuff and spokes person is a budget minister and most recently as the education minutes. in fact, he's already been in that phase for a few months,
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but he's already made his mall flushing through a number of reforms and higher education. and also he announced the panel advisors in schools just off to the summer bright kids. so gabriel, as house by will accounts is a, an interesting choice in an across the political spectrum. most politicians and piece do agree that he is a very skills and to communicate so that he is. and i'm precious, a politician how he will be as a prime minister there remains to be seen. and so it needs to be challenging for him because of the big problem for the french practice of i knew michael is he has no problem entry majority. so any probably minister has a very difficult task to try and print size together in order to push through. and the legislation involved with the presence, of course that michael is using this as a strategic move the most is a very important yes. a from yes look,
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present my pro undoubtedly wanted to turn the page in what has seen a huge, difficult and challenging 2023. it started with a pension reform protests, a very unpopular pension reform that the been outgoing 5 minutes. elizabeth 4 had to push through and then other reforms were pushed through by decree again, very unpopular then we had something or political default around the immigration reform of the end of last year. again, that was pushed through bots of a with, with a lot of difficulty by the department is that it is the phone because they were many, even in person my house policy through again so. so my whole community will support all of that for how i did send a page, try and rebuild trust with the french public in what is a very significant j. you have this, your opinion elections coming up and for some of my co hi. got his policy will do well because we all see the fall right policy in front. i think the vegas may be gains enough collection of benefits. you have
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a beginning of the things that are going to be in paris in the summer. it's actually about the force that empowers. think about it, set to ukraine's defense ministry. you haven't covered fraud amounting to $260000000.00. the investigation's, a carrier that was over the last full months of modem is the landscape pointed with them intervals as the new defense minister. and he's now being test with preventing corruption. i'm making the defense procurement, more transparent as the biggest lie for us in keep on stunned by. what can you tell us about a set salary is quite embarrassing, isn't it? yes, it is embarrassing, but ukraine is very keen to show that it is kind of got investigations as well as arrest. now, as you said, that this investigation has taken place over the last 4 months under the new defense newsstand risk then from the roof. and they say that they have uncovered $260000000.00 of violations of $260000000.00 worth of violations. now,
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the current defense minister, he took office in september last year after the last defense minister was forced to resign enough for the next. the risk enough was mainly involved in getting allies to give you credit reference for the what was but he's department did have a bad reputation that were allegations in fact, investigations or readings that the department had overpaid. things like eggs, winter jackets that were in adequate for troops on the front line. so that jackets and things like that. so at the end or those individually and not passing the indicated, he was forced to resign. there was also this investigation that revealed that right, $986000000.00 worth of weapons were delivered late a sometimes a many months like now when you're fighting a war, it's important to get those weapons into the country and 2 different models. and especially when western powers, by donating those funds, or a given me the money for those references. and that was very embarrassing,
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but not the new defense minutes is very keen to show that they are taking action against corruption and the appealing at least that language is appealing to wisdom . how is saying that the new procurement procedures are in line with nature of stand the steps because ukraine wants to be a part of your up. it wants to be a part of ne toner world. does main concerns to undermine west and efforts to keep supporting ukraine is that us corruption. now, according to some organizations in the west that ukraine is the 2nd most corrupt country in europe, after russia, presidents, he wants to change the image. again, this doesn't look good for them, but what you crane is emphasizing is that they have known to these investigations and the rest of us have been made that they will continue to fight corruption. trusted by force. that in chief the government, the vest with any in southern african is proposing new laws to legalize trading. cannabis, many rural families from phones, plant this full that livelihood, but they say high licensing fees will fulsome out of business. so wait a minute,
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reports the some z like drama used to clean houses for a living and only $25.00 a month. and 20 years ago, she started forming cannabis deep in the mountains in the north of is what community formerly known as suantlan. she now and the 2 times what she used to, that's enough to support herself and the family, including her children and grandchildren. cannabis is commonly known as long as the gold farming. it is illegal, but it's all thousands of people who make a living bang code presented his father before them through. i'm the likely the what i now have a house and this farming can be stood. it allows me to send my kids to school, the magenta, but it's becoming difficult to form these days email forms, you know, once the governments and legalize cannabis forming and provide support that way, she and the other forms would no longer have to form in secret. and hide from the police. the government has proposed
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a new law to allow it for research and medicinal use. but a license would cost more than $50000.00. and those of outage would be fine to have any. critics say this will only benefit the countries indeed and not small scale farm is the cannabis association. since the countries climate is ideal for the plant and this natural resources formed in almost all who areas we wants to know b, u, n, p, into understanding that these need to legalize kind of reasons why that is not what we saw in the 1st, the kind of proposal that was printed to by them it, what we feel it would be a fluids leave. or if you have exorbitant license fees, it means you're excluding the ordinary. so as well, it's only leaves on kind of these kind of us remains a dangerous business that it's transported under cover. most is much off of south of the capital and bonding. it's an industrial town that's used as a tons of please for the movements of the cannabis farms around the country. and
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this is with trucks collect consignments of cannabis and smugglers into neighboring south africa. there's no official dos on how much marijuana is formed in is what teeny. but it's estimated to be with millions of dollars. and it's part of a global market, supposed to be valued at nearly $60000000000.00. well, the new lords being discussed in parliament, farmers are continuing to push for it to be legalized from the lives among them, relying on a trade she knows well to support herself and create drums in the country. we one in full people don't to have work for me to mila ultra 0 is what do you need? talk to. the weather is over to the hello. the weather is set. fire across the middle is barely a cloud in the sky, looking good over the next couple of days as well, with the temperatures around the gulf had around to 23 cell just picking up here and go. how to around? $45.00 is a go through eh, thursday of some of the wind coming, get home on settle, 7, know that we have got showers because know them areas of iraq pushing into around winfrey in nature as they drive the way across. the cool cause is and that's a bit of
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a winfrey mix making the way across the top here as well. the eastern side of the med looking pretty right. p i. the next couple of days actually went to windy weather, piling across cyprus, syria, 11 and jordan. right, the way down into the occupied palestinian territories through a israel seems to me rather live the showers the west to with the ne system. the suspects with us day coming on into lebanon in particular, but right across the basis of the night, it doesn't become settled over the next few days. a few of the shelves affecting the final face of the agents, one or 2 showers, to just around northern pa, sofa, algeria pushing across tools to this. yeah, once again, what do you say some heavy rain for? repeat performance as we go through this, like west africa, eastern retry, and 5, but we've got plenty of showers draped across the tropics. push right down into southern africa, eastern past the south africa where right the way it's madagascar as well. so head here on the news, i could all the class of states of emergencies as
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a convicted gain. read, it goes missing from a high security prison. the as the world is increasing the crypt and the mental health epidemic i was getting inside the text every day before school. it was hard to find a new full parties spilled in diverse corners of the globe. ask big questions about how we can improve. i will be move those unconscious images. i've never felt anything lock it meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself monkey changing the way you think about mental health coming on. i'll just unique perspective, voice for peace is the way for me to take action voices. you don't often hear
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problem. nations do stand with palestine, it's the same service, shared connect with our community and talking to conversations you find elsewhere. brand new episodes is a stream on here. the talk about to the news with me. so robin in so hard a reminder of all the top stories. 3 has been on members, have been killed and it is really strongly can self 11 know that comes a day. i've tried dro, type killed one of the group's top commanders for some of the hours just before. so i will was due to be batteries a 2nd does ray of these try and kit of close to his brother's house, the lebanese, all these group policies as wells,
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may nolan come out and in stuff us in or with drugs. it says the a time. so in response to the assassination of it, senior members. and how about this 2nd in command? saw a movie last week is very strong. so i'm talking about fiji comes in central concepts in tiny homes are being destroyed, incognita. so the south. more than 23200 kind of study and something to since october the 2nd, the so that's, that's the americas now, where the president of acquittal has declared a state of emergency after. and torrie is gang lead to escape from prison. police of real estate management for jose adults on my sis, he was serving a 34 year sentence, but the drug trafficking and assigned to it. i'm pnc as well. this is jose, i'm doing for my cs, better known to speak to the leader of the powerful list to nero's gang in ecuador, he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking,
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and organized crime. in this maximum security prison in the 4th city of white keel . but on sunday, when sol just rated the sensor, as part of the government crackdown, tory to said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched a major operation to recapture him so far with no results in an operation involving more than 3000 people in the prison has been rated in search of the most wanted prisoner. and the operation continues and authority screaming or suspected of having played the role in the assess the nation presidential candidate, the end of the same through last year. to us auston this 5 deltore, these docs. he has escaped prison before and recently appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escaped, incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were
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seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside, threatening them with knives. mr. president, please reconsider your decisions. don't let yourself be driven by impulses and false expectations on a settlement. are you going to be? i'm waiting for authentic. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president. then yeah, noble, a banana empire. here with little political experience we took over the november promising to reduce violence, or if it gets i would be in a hurry. on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency. ok, some of you and then i've got to say i had boss me a scene in the countries. prisons as the result of our decision to confront the investors why the government has taken action. so that will allow us to regain control of the prisons that have been lost in iceland. yeah. but some analysts say the president's plan is failing. that green tucker $150.00 level. it seems like the facing the crisis repeating the same recent pay of the previous government. it has
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been proven that declaring the state of emergency is nothing efficient way to contain kron homicides keep growing an equal door. and there is a risk that we will remain the most violent country in less than america in 2024 by in recent years, equity, or has been living to an unprecedented security crisis fueled by drug trafficking. and that'll tory, these have failed to address. these latest developments seem to suggest more troubles ahead. alex send that to get the address. either. the peak is a professor at the university down to san san francisco. the key to an i'm his college enjoys us not from the french capital. kentucky, with us is peak on the program. it's a real test of the president's resolve, isn't it to show who's in charge and how he deals with such a crisis. i mean, that's why people voted for him. yeah, thank you for having me. uh the oh, the candidates for speaking about security during the campaign. now he was elected . he had
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a plan phoenix called but so far we can't see anything of the account trees just collapsing into can use every day. but people are expecting a so respond salt they. they looking for direction in terms of how we deals with the states at the rate is to try and catch this individual. yes, well, it's more than an individual. we already have 2 heads of 2 games feed. so for most generic rows and cologne from those numbers, which case in the last 24 hours officially, maybe they have left before the jails during the last 24 hours. and so for you show that these 2 heads of 2 games have escaped, there is no reaction from the government. there's no information, no government, no elected official, has been informed like, you know, mayors into cds. they don't know what to do. people don't know whether to send her children to school. there had been explosions all night. so the country is mutually collapsing into chaos. with very little response from the central government, it is all very easy perhaps to issue a state of emergency, put it in place. i mean,
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how concerned, in your opinion, do you think the government or of nationwide lawlessness, or is this more sort of a localized precaution, but on a national scale so they can just catch these culprits? in fact, the structural problem, there is nothing new new started years ago. the, the decrees of state of exception of these being declared many times during the less government of only 2 years, there have been over 12 declared. so we know it's not a solution. and the problem is not one leader of again, with caves or even to now it's that the entire country news controlled operated by gangs. these gangs are turning in to me, crow cartel, and we're starting to speak of a pearls fades in the corner. what support does the president have from law
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enforcement and the heads of those law enforcement agencies? us on the line for some of the agencies are working with the president the supports his work. the problem is one lack of coordination. there hasn't been a national plan, at least in the forms to various factors, to work collaboratively and coordinated leash a stack. and there's a lot of corruption across factors in the military, within the police, among prison guards. so it's very hard to control. 3rd, the essential for us to deal with the show forces, like the police and the military are much less armed or much less well equipped, then the gangs and the noise goes. so it's hard to coordinate, an efficient response between corruption, lack of coordination and less of equipment for the government. if you will have a truck load on your escaping from the old forward seas in your opinion. now, do you think he would stay in the urban areas or would he have gone into the countryside?
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some why was the methodology and how do you think the president is going to deal with it? many may be in urban or rural areas. there are about 50 spots that are called a refugee zones. by doing oracle is which are zones in which the police does not answer in which the government has no access, which the rule, the facts to. but they can also have left the country, right. the the, the conclusion. 1 the last few months and the last few days is that the north coast are in charge and that they ruled the counter so they can literally go anywhere they wants to go. but while i pick this thing good to get your insight into this, i'm sure we'll have a more analysis as the days progress, but for the moment, thanks for joining us from paris. thank you for having me to the presidential candidates some time was rooting policy. his voice concerns about the future,
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all the self governing island, the head of elections on saturday, leaching dawn was also the threats from china. now his democratic progressive party is facing a strong challenge from the k m. t party. the famous case of ties of phasing to the train, how small from tiny peg vice president line had a message for the international community. and that was the piece in the taiwan strait is an international issue. he said this is going to be the most anticipated election for 2024. and of course from his perspective is you also can see that the want aspiring to piece. we have a no illusions a reference to many people's concern here in taiwan. china is taking a very important part. in this election. he said that if elected on saturday, he would work to build up defense. the parents is, and he said the piece is price. war has no when it's china or to to
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return to the rules based global order. that said, it is going to be a very tough last couple of days of campaigning. the t p. p which has been in power for the last 2 ton space is a very stiff challenge from the woman dung, the cam t. there's also, as the policy and the selection, the tcp and they have been doing surprisingly well, particularly with young purchase, who could be very important in this election. so while the international community may well be looking taiwan, chinese issues or the next couple of days, those standing on the pallets, we're looking very much the domestic audience. tony chang al jazeera, type, a soul. let us present donald trump is appearing in cold in washington dc. the hearing will determine whether he has immunity. some charges that he attempted to over 10 is the fees in the 2020 presidential election. how's it go?
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hi, is outside the cold waiting to hear what might happen in us? cuz we're all waiting to hear what we can expect from the court. and yeah, the really heavy security here on a fairly miserable day in washington dc. we're expecting to rental range and very, very strong winds. not sure if the former president is entered the court house just yet, usually you can hear his motorcade, but i can tell you there's a really strong police. busy and the streets are closed. bomb sniffing dogs are all over the place. lots of police officers, because this is such a high stakes trial. so let me just set the scene for you. he is facing for charges for trying to obstruct the 2020 election. now he's lawyers, are you to judge that he's immune from prosecution because as president, he has that immunity, they're also arguing and it's somewhat more about this are legal strategy that because he faced impeachment it was acquitted. that that would be double jeopardy, which doesn't really make a whole lot of legal sense since double jeopardy is about criminal trials and impeachment is not a criminal trial, but it, regardless,
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he's appealed to the panel that squared here decrease today's 3 female judges there warranty here his appeal now the prosecutor had tried to skip this step. you want to go right to the supreme court because he wants. ready trial to start in march, the us supreme court said no, it has to go to the public court. so now there's going to be probably 45 minutes of arguments from both sides, possibly a little bit longer. and then the appeals judges there in an expedited timeline. they're gonna try and make a decision within weeks, possibly a month. and then the president would process possibly move it to this very part. why do you want to do that? cuz he wants to delay. he's running for president again, and most legal scholars say if he becomes president, that he does have immunity once he's in office. so the trial would be at least put on hold. so this is a very important thing in the sense that the, the prosecution wants to start the trial in march. that would get an outcome before the actual election, likely. and this is why that matters. and a recent poll, the full order of trump supporter said if he is convicted specifically of this case,
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they would not want to see him on the ballot and then elect and it's, it always going to be so tight between if it's joe biden, when donald trump that 25 percent 24 percent. that's a natural, a huge number. so the prosecution really wants to see this uh go to trial in march . that way, if the case will be decided before voters decide on the next president, his goal, of course, is to delay. so it's gonna be interesting. i think the prosecutors are going to use richard nixon as an example, as to why he can't in face why he can face these charges. they said, look, makes it needed a pardon to avoid criminal charges once he was out of office. so that's the key. that's the statue that should apply here, but we are expecting pretty tough, questioning tube judges, according my democrats, won by a republican and it's, it's scheduled to start in about 30 minutes. these things usually run on time will be here. tell you exactly just how hard that question and yes indeed, we'll come back to you with more on that. thanks very much particularly. and that force in washington dc. india is
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a foreign ministry of southern to mouldings. diplomats, an escalating disputes between the countries not by comes up to 3 multi government ministers. made disparaging comments on social media, about indian prime, and it's under, under moody. they described moody as a clown in response to a video of him promoting tourism to a group of indian islands near the mold days. they were lights of suspended, one of induced largest travel platforms, of stop taking bookings of flights to the moldings. but molten 200 people and i 9 to have died of a magnitude such a point. success quaking west in japan on new year's day, the area was hit by a series of quite destroying roads and hundreds of buildings. best efforts have been tempted by rain and so more than 100 people of accounted for south careers, paula been tons of prove legislation criminalizing the production and sale of adult means. the national assembly overwhelmingly passed the bill on cheese date with a vote of $290.00 and save the unknown against the band will come into effect in
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2027 to a law firm has time to phase out production. this will still head here on, i'll just say era. china has invested heavily in football in the last decade. is it any closer to realizing its invasion of becoming a football power on foreign street in chain you and southern china? that story coming up
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the book about one of the biggest scaled events in the roman catholic calendar is back
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after 3, a high excess due to the pun, demik, the procession of the black nozzle nozzle, nazarene in the name is jesus christ believes by some follow is to possess healing powers rolls millions of to go tease every year. the stock choosing closing glass. so the 1st time, but it didn't the to believe it's from trying to get as close to it as possible. let me, let me pull some from into the image of the black nazareth paraded around old manila, courted by sea of fear for believers. the procession is one of the greatest modern spectacles of the catholic faith. after being downsized for the past 3 years, due to concerns over corporate 19, it returns this year, the filipino brands of castle. this is a full display. i really prosthetics by i'm here and i am i late because of the miracle up the black,
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missouri and i believe he has the answers to my problems. the centuries old statue of jesus christ was in a glass case for the 1st time. but this did not prevent abilities when scrambling to get on the float. they believed the closer they are to the image, the more they'll be created, it's gift miracle. the last time, the black, that green procession was held back in 2020 more than 2000000 people to part. now the pandemic may have held back the annual tradition, but clearly, devotees have held onto their face. at one point, the float looked like it was going to tip over. it stopped moving for a while. activities took turns. timing and dropping into the thickening crow feels good to be able to touch him. it feels like a aspirations are within reach. the massive procession takes place just one month after a bomb exploded at the catholic service in the south plains. that way. i so devotee
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. say they believe the black, nazarenes will protect them today and in the year ahead to find it below alger 0 manila subordinate his jealous. thank. he's a how it with his 3 days into the asian cop kicks off, one of the 3 to one minute favorites, around have touchstone and castle are on who won. the competition is 3 times, but not since 1976. they open that campaign, it goes palestine on sunday as they need to improve on this any final performance from 4 years ago. another team about face in group see is the united arab emirates to a whole site now arrived in tie all the way you have reached the semifinals in the previous to 12 months. while the best performance was a run is up finished back in 1996. that kind of ship. how it benzo led south korea to the round of 16 in the 2022. well come from castle. he's back to try and help guys decide to a fast asian cup title, china or another team taking pots in the asian cup, but not expected to challenge for the try fee that's to spot the country. launching
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a $1000000000.00 plant nearly a decade ago to todd itself into a football power house by 2050 florence to be reports from a genuine southern china to different nationalities, different backgrounds. but one goal is to play professional football. you java is captain of this on the 15 team at china is ever grand football academy where he's been studying since 2018. he's leading his team against a visiting squad formulations. so that as a whole, what i was 4 years old. my father took me to watch a chinese super leak match of my hometown to the spark my interest in football this week i started playing when i was 6 years old. in primary school, the academy was opened in 2012. the students come from all of a china, at its peak and roman talk to $3000.00 students, but that numbers $3.00 to $400.00 in class, the students so towards the national curriculum. while on the pitch that drilled in the finer points of football. football academies like this one,
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all parts of china is last a plan to turn the country into a football power. local officials into cities also encouraged to set up men and women's professional football clubs of the government's 2015 footfall reform plans, such a blueprint to make chinaman's team one of ages top teams by 2030. but nearly a decade after that plan was unveiled. china is far from it stated goal. china is a top down society and to be successful in football, you need a grassroots, you need to both ends up approach. those 2 things are in fundamental opposition. i think that more than anything is why china hasn't really been able to figure out it's football conundrum. i'm become more successful on the world stage. will just a corruption scandal which has a more than a dozen football officials detained since november 2022. as also threatened to do,
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rail football reforms go home is a former chinese national goal to her team reached the women's world cup final. in 1999. i'm going to switch why china's football saw you. it's not rich. and for tile, the funk base south football only gradually began toward the opening up policy and reform for 2 years ago. so it's still a long way to go for tying to football. we need to be patient until she get an ice opium pressure since it's been more than 20 years since china is many qualified for woke up many x that say it could be at least and not the decade before they do it again shortly out to 0. chain you on quantum province, china, you have in place, then we'll manage south korea, the aging costs, and he's pay tribute to another legend of job and football funds back and by what he's died at. the age of 78. clansman was positive west on these 1990 woke up winning 5 coach 5 back about talking about will. so at least as well cut with west germany as
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a player in 1974. and he wants 3 european cops with fine. meaning that was will say in the 19 seventy's a fine speaking bela was uh uh was the leader of german football for many decades. he was with billy to best play in the world in the 60 seventy's eighty's for 3 decades. he was an amazing, amazing player. and then he became coats. he was a wonderful personality. i always friendly of his polite i always grateful. so he was the for us players. those days he was our mentor was almost like a father. and so i think the football world is very, very sad. but especially germany loses its uh, most charismatic leader in sports over the last uh, many decades. manchester united all still in with a chance of winning
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a try for you this season after reaching the full round of the english as a top fail off again. so when you play in england, subdivision, defend the dollars that united ahead and the 1st time to finish that. eric 10 hawk side were then given a penalty. also the break profile on very nice and, and as united is captain, took this bookcase and made it so you know, which is how it finished. chelsea or inaction later on tuesday in the us like of that lee cops that'd be fine against middles breast to a coach. spiteful manchester, united caps and michael carrick. chelsea last one. these competition in 2015 when they've been taught them in the final spot as well. at the time managed by chelsea's comic book ritzy, i talked to tina as a set back for nigeria ahead of the after the comes nations. is it so a bonus? nice rudolf is the tournaments with a growing injury. the 23 wrote indian himself in training and is out for 6 weeks. the by 11 cruise in striking has been one of the been does need his style play as
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the season with 10 goals and 16 games. the 2013 champions already without the engine mid filled at wilford. indeed as bad news to you for to time and be a little stop joe. i'm around to set to have season ending surgery. lorenz stuff with a muscle tad to his right shoulder in practice on saturday. and once being a 1st racing season for the memphis prison. these point guards. he was suspended for the 1st $25.00 games of the campaign for holding a gun and a social media video event made 9 to parents is before this latest step back. and the injuries don't stop. that's why we just had a button, was carried off by his teammate, soft a, suffering, a hamstring injury, but the paces held on to a 2 point victory against the boston celtics. jaden brown had a season high 40 points for the south 6th. and the game was set to go into overtime, but benedict mother and he didn't stop the game. what a file the full thinking, 2, free throws full. the faces to beats, the eastern conference late as it was. the 7th when in 8 games, great. finish that to that game. now that is, oh,
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you'll support from me for now. peace of what happened of updates. they say much of it. i'll be back to the full 5 needs just after the break, the be happy more to me. i'll just have a nissan kind of funding from the team here in to help. thanks very much for your time and your company the to leave off cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on, i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person in yourself and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women and my country
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deadlocks suite to come up to one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are walking in their footsteps, our ancestors whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision is keywords. you a frank assessments to the problem is that is, is it or is allowed to be outside that? and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be there is the, it is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children. inside story. on al jazeera in mexico's board of cities,
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the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics, on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand. and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the team piece together. evidence, as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on the side, a witness documentary on the houses there, the place range to get some news of his beloved with strikes in southern lebanon, the color of the whole. rob and you're watching all just every line headquarters here in the also coming up as blood responds to the target,


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