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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hold on has and see care. this is the news life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. full members of hezbollah are killed in his radio strikes and southern level. as well are applies with drone attacks on and is really army base in northern israel, israel bon small residential areas in southern gaza,
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but says 9 of its soldiers had been killed in the street. the case of foreign minister to express his consent. israel's actions in gaza may be in breach of international law. donald trump is back in federal court. he seeking immunity against prosecution on charges. he tried to over throw the results of the 2020 election. the would begin in 11 on west 3. his beloved members had been killed in a target is riley, striking. the southern town opened duty, and his bullet has retaliated by hitting a military command center in northern israel. the escalation coming a day of the israel assassinated senior his bullet, come on with sam. it with a 2nd is really striped, targeted his funeral killing. another member of the onto in gauze are these way the
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army is targeting refugee camps in the center of the strip. in ty, residential buildings in the southern city of han units were destroyed. more than 23200 palestinians had been killed since october. the 7th casualties are also mounting for israel. the army says 9 of its soldiers were killed in 3 separate incidents on monday. how much the senior political leader says israel has failed to achieve any of its goals in the war. to design a call, it begins coverage from tire in southern lebanon. lines continue to be crossed, and this conflict is well targeted. a court at a funeral of a senior has the law field commander killed a day before and an a parent is really drawn strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is very straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese armed group in
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a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battle field along the border and a few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed since the goop opened the front to help relief pressure on his ally home us in garza toria was killed a week after, how much is number 2 solid, rudy was assassinated and as well as stronghold invaded his morales try as much as i can to improve the house, belong to a friend station, but once it carries on another spheroid, like in the capital, i think that's when we can save that principal was policy detours as by open that it's the turn is indeed road has the law has we tell you to, to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and so forth . so 12 kilometers from the border, the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier,
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the targeted an air traffic control base. isabel says the strikes cause minor damage. but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. how's the law is promising to fight back without restraint. if israel launches an all out war, but it's secretary generals, pass on the swell of didn't commit to a major escalation, he sent it. that's possible i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline with levon on the us has been trying to work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion. so to, as well stops, it's a question for you. this is right, it has lost hope and god's done in lebanon, and thought this way to forward, and then it gets coming to lebanon,
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to try to start negotiations on what happens after the war. despite the attacks has below when the head with the bearing its commander so far, the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their interest data. so they're not, they're not well, let's go now to laura khan, who is in high fat force in northern israel. so laura, what's been the response from that? well i was actually all the way on the northern border. stay in a small town called show me this has been almost completely evacuated as the tensions have been quiet and they have been in the last 3 months. people have seen the factories for a long time. the town is gone with signs of munitions. a roof is being fired from has. 1 us in the north now today in particular,
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we had just swimming above. we hadn't drones cling, and we also had alton refund being slide into level and things of really escalating them. the tension is incredibly powerful. even with the people we was speaking to who are left in the town, the defense minister, you're going to did mention the north today. he met with us sector say anthony blank. and now he says that they that blink and they put pressure now on iran, in order to de escalate the sit to asian because he continues that he sees them as that proxies. but he also says, in order to bring back the 10s of thousands of people who's been evacuated from across the north, he needs hezbollah to pull back, and he's mentioning, at least 30 kilometers a concession is all it is very unlikely to give. so this is where the creation question, not just of the territorial disputes between the 2, but whether it's 8 assigned to unwilling to give any kind of concessions,
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it could really turn into a full blown escalation. hello, we know that to you a 2nd you said anthony, blinking is in israel a. what more do we know about his agenda following the statement that he put out on x or? well, the stakes are very high of his visits in the region at the moment. there's a lot of shots with diplomacy. he's met with everyone at from the president. it's has a to business now who the is ready, prime minister and also israel caught the newly appointed foreign minister. now he did say on social media platform x, he said it's just the importance of avoiding civilian hom, protecting civilian infrastructure. and it's showing the distribution of humanitarian assistance throughout gone so. so he only spoke about garza in that although he has so it's about not wanting to see a will spilling nova from god's that we'll so no one speak about the captive. in fact, to be talking in around half an hour,
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to wait to hear what he says about that. and also the desperately needed humanitarian aids into goals at the moment is around a 100 trucks being sent to school, the will, those 500 and now at least one and 4 people could be that could be at the time in that. and that could be somebody affording to see you. and so not only is sides desperately needed, but he's also going to be talking to them about this. this conflict not spilling. no. is a really important point. the final one is concrete plans for the day offset the war. he has been speaking to other regional sized to saudi arabia casa, you a, are talking about possibly coming in to help with the reconstruction of golf is to . he'll certainly want to see the escalation in the war, but there's obviously been a huge amount of criticism leveled at him in the us overrode, uh, you have some ministration, override congress twice,
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and allowing shipments of military weapons into israel. so they have been using us weapons and this and also the desktop is extreme. normally please. hi, this is the point where south africa is taking as well to the in special court of justice. another thing that will be on the agenda was really a lot to speak bounce right to the new york on life which there in northern israel to hey is this ami is continuing. it's offensive in central and southern gaza despite claims. it is shifting to less the intense welfare of these pictures from the as much as the refugee camp in the center. the strip, these really meet these ready ministry has been striking the area heavily. the ablaze camp has also been talking to the schools of engine palestinians have been rushed to northside hospital in san eunice in the south. that's way israel says it is expanding its ground operations more than $23200.00 pounds of things had been
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killed since october. the 7th todd was zoom is in rough in southern gauze out for us. so try to bring us up to speed on what's happening there. yes, has a more rustic days in her regardless for palestinians, aside con sized military attacks by israel has have been widely intensified to during the last couple of hours a from the north to the south of gauze. and i was talking quickly with the southern part of the territory in can you just which had been one of the most areas that had been subjected to mass is really fires, especially by the, is really military, quite a quite hope to drones. which in the past hour had opened the fire again and again against uh, the facility of and also hospital and also to the evacuation ascentis that to host it factories from separate parts. of course, kansas strip for 3 pounds themes and these attacks have been in to being
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transported to another hospital for medical treatment. uh, the situation though, as we have been hearing from residents who manage to flee from areas of confrontation, saying that the situation is completely disrupting as they are reporting about. she destruction for civil confess drop to and also for the residential houses in that part of gauze, a strip as confrontations as they have been telling us, day by day getting much more drastic, sometimes the ones only to survive along along with the family members. and this is also a part of what the residents of the middle before nights have been going through some sp expansion of the military operations to the middle areas of golf a strep were also in the last few hours. the same systematic attacks are carried up by the ministry, the complete destruction of residential houses on going shooting by the artillery, the. and also people have been exposed to quite up to trends of fires, which also consider to be a part of the military activities by these very so just in the areas of confrontations. but we can see also the north is not far away from such attacks as
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a beat to policy and have been chosen. and a strike developed yet, but often targeting their residential house. they are returned back again to lived inside the home during a tax on that part of gauze a strip. but we only have to remember that with a 70 percent of goals as houses in the most and also in central garza city, have been destroyed for a tax against visitors were trying to return back again to the destroyed houses continue um its a partial withdrawal. but it is very troops to move back the lines of confrontation, movement, the ladies that you shouldn't in the south in the middle of overnight. and thought to give us a sense of what all of this is doing to the already desperate and die a humanitarian situation. there, while international leaders have been calling for more age to get into the gaza strip,
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it doesn't seem that that's really happening right now. obviously has them now we have been hearing and we have been also seeing different appeals and also our resolutions bank by the likes of nations and o. uh, coal is made by international us, a reach and regional players who are in a very a constant occasions have a set that the goals are stripping a very urgent need for humanitarian a's. on the, the attacks and expend an end of the cycle of the destruction of displacement for guns, a strip had created catastrophe conditions for residents as more evacuation waves arriving to roughly and worse as an east flight. this over crowded populated area are struggling day by day to survive as they are trying to secure the food supplies water and also to, to achieve their daily emissions that they're trying to make. that's all related to the basic is just the cost of living. but what we can see on the grout,
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new revision in terms of the humanitarian crisis, dislike or resolutions made. and it's also new for policy is that there is a college of new growing frustration at the end of the war. the are twice as the to live day by date and the hope of having an end to the or redial and also due to a rating humanitarian situation. and we've been also with the large class of palestinian community, has been affected by children. the women who are struggling day by day to group as these kind of city and communities in the south are facing a barrier. $100.00, a foot in security, which caustic tried to over the ability of residents to keep a surviving as also they are suffering from white suppress of in sick to us is due to be a very poor system of nutrition alongside with the absence of hygiene facilities and services in the south, which is a really has been beyond its capacity in terms of hosting in factories and also displaced people thought apple
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a zoom in rough garza. thank you pat us. the man has been shot dead shot dead now and is really checkpoint ne, over them a lot in the occupied. westbank is where the ministry says the 31 year old was armed with a knife and intended to carry out a stabbing beyond the clothes full check points north of ramallah and ban palestinians from crossing the of the u. k. for a sec 3, david cameron has expressed consent that israel's actions in gaza may be in breach of international law. he's told a selected committee that so far legal advice on gaza says israel is in compliance . but in his was on lots of occasions that is on the question form for me on this. let's bring in villa mox, who is in london for us. and so i've been him given the you case position on the as well as war and gaza and it's, it's steadfast, support for his rest,
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profess right to defend itself. how significant all these comments from the u. k. foreign secretary they all significant. this was a offer and extended series of questions from lawmakers. cameron was speaking to inside website as a select committee in parliament. but he's obliged to answer questions from members of parliament. of course, many of them would be members of his conservative policy that he wants to lead as prime minister. and they continued to push in again and again about britain this position when it came to the situation in gaza. he was off repeatedly about whether it's ro was in compliance with international law or whether he'd received legal advice as to whether israel was in compliance. and this was that for surprising admission when he said that he personally had huge amounts of concerns about events . he's still unfolding and gauze that day off the day that there were occasions where israel quote might have been vulnerable to considerations that they weren't breach bins. national,
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this is not something we've heard from senior participate as in the last few months . very interesting that he told us about the need for more aid. so that was something that he and the british government continued to push for. they would like to see more humanitarian causes. but he did stick to the british governments line that has been rolled out again and again in the last few months that they did not expect and didn't know the mon, the sci fi from these reading the tree until that could be sustained, essentially, as he delineated today that meant until him, us could no longer minutes already threatened is riley citizens. all right, so i was in a box lie 1st there in london. thanks for them or not. as mentioned earlier, us sector site anthony blinking has been meeting is rainy. leaders in tel aviv lincoln met with his very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, president to isaac hertzog and other members of the will. cabinet latest discuss the future of gaza off to the war and increasing the flow of humanitarian aid into
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gaza. this is blinking 5th visit to israel since the beginning of the war, and is part of a regional tool, which is seen him go to costa. saudi arabia and the united app, amorous, as well as greece, and to keep a spring and how does it as a senior political analyst model, one of the shot i joins me now here on set. so i wanna ask you, 1st of all about the u. k. foreign secretaries comments there in the select committee. i mean, obviously the u. k has been very steadfast in his support phase real behind behind the, the us. so not surprising that he would not call for a cx 5, but he did say that he had some concerns about the way his role is conducting the school. or yeah, it's quite timid because it where and he's tries to hide behind formulations. it's kind of a, it's kind of firing and sad to hear the british officials continue to play at the
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margins of america's position on this issue. on the general side that's i'm driving and plan side. you can see it and which television. you can see it's an american television. there is no secret on simple issues, not the complexity of the war itself. as, for example, collective punishment. when you deny of population of food, fuel electricity medicine, a swan, that's a violation of international terrorism. and is there any, is the credit of from day one, the defense to be a set of is a go on, say that on more than one occasion, we will impose collective punishment. besides these are human animals and they will not have fuels to food. and so on. so for starvation, use window, open eyes ation of hunger and we all know about that. that's why they've been talk 2 months later to buy perhaps a few more trucks would go into kaiser. right. so these things are not in dispute.
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it was clear that in violation of international law has been getting war crimes against the people guys. some of the dispute, if you will, which we will see i've arrived on thursday or friday, is what that it was general's time. whether this was all part of a plan, i knew it was intent to harm the $200.00 guys. we have been argued that there are a number of statements number of the quotation number of policies that come together whereby the is really need to ship, has more than one on several occasions on countless occasions showed intent is to harm that people garza and in reality 3 months of war, the brunt of the war, the real violence was not used against how much, how much was the collateral damage that invite us was use the goes up, you forgot. so we know that because it was in plain sight,
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and these rain is admitted as so many locations because they want to show how natural they are because they want to uh, you know, give an impression that they're not gonna die. they've been defeated under the tenant has not been undermined themselves before, but did they say, did they haven't sent? yes. did they enforce collective punishment? absolutely. do everyone know about it? yes. are the british trying to avoid that? absolutely. hey, this is a courtesy. yes. and this is all in the south, this is all been documented in the south african brief areas of the court. i'm most incredible brief, which we will be talking about in the next couple of days when i read it, this idea of stated pages or so. i've never seen such a what is done summary over 3 months war, whereby everything of course is as usual on fixture. what i as an on was source really showing blow by blow. how is rotated out, is genocide, i guess the better. so uh with um, blinking in the region right now he's in his real meeting with,
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with senior officials there. do you expect anything to come out of that? it'll look, this is going to be a consistent message on the part of the united states. a persistent mission on the part of the united states, and it's really if i can bring it down to, to, to see where it's, i would say the following. the united states has been complicit in the war and cause and the general side. and god. so is now trying to transform is rose general siding cause i into political achievement. so that's what we mean by the day after. because no military adventure or no war sex, you know, genocide does not have an end game or does not have an objective of some sort for many of us watching and listening. there's really, there's that was to this and make us, to make it livable, to make sure that the have mouse would not come out of this in any way,
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a political entity of any sort of clear. but now how do you trance, how do you transform? how do you translate a military operation, victory as a way meaning this, it may think, garza and to a political achievement. i failed to connect to the united states role at this point in time as adults. and i thought you see the way home but kind of way about human rights and by reducing the civilian casualties and so on, so forth what it's doing. shuffling between turkey. so the idea age of georgia, and i see how far they just start to see how best confidence state is as military had to venture into a political that shipment. would it succeed? that's the big question. well, the partners of the united states play bold. what did they be part and parcel aust, i'm say thing genocide into and is really american political and strategic victory
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. we would say we will see anything for the moment. uh model. i'm sure thanks very much. i of the products. take a look at the days of being used. former us president donald trump is back in cold with charges. he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 election. his lawyers are arguing he is immune to prosecution because he was carry out his duties as president charges stem from him, encouraging supporters. restoring the capital building on january 6th, 2020. what practical haine is lifeless outside the court. so patty brings up speed on what's been happening. slower waiting to see is the floor refreshes, and donald trump's gonna come out and speak to the way the media. there are a whole lot of doors here, but all of them are covered so far. we haven't seen him, the hearing is over. and again, this goes back to 4 fairly important in series charges for felony counts and his
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attempts to over struck, overturn the election. he has argued to the judge that he is immune from prosecution, and the judge said, no, you're not. so now he's appealed it. and that was what we heard today. 3 appellate court justices seemed very, just judging, seemed very skeptical of the arguments. and his arguments from his lawyers are 2 fault one they, they say that they courts because of the separation of powers. they have no jurisdiction of the presidency. but do they went on to sort of undermine their own arguments and said, well, a president could be tried for a criminal for a crime, but only if he was impeached in the house and convicted in the senate uh for that crime. and obviously he was that didn't happen in this. ready so the judges, all 3, seemed very skeptical. they asked the question that is a hypothetical. if the president ordered seo team 6 to kill his political opponent, it wasn't impeached and convicted over that. would that be a crime? and his lawyer really couldn't answer that. the prosecution did,
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they said that that was an absolutely horrifying hypothetical if that was allowed to happen. so what happens next will, is, looks like these. again, you can't always tell by the questioning, but they will pretty skeptical, and it looks like they're going to move on an expedited schedule, least to take months. but it's probably, it's going to be weeks then no matter what either side can appeal to the supreme court that could take longer, a lot of legal and we'll say that is what donald trump's play is here. he's trying to delay it. the prosecution is suppose to the quick or the case is supposed to start in march, but if he can delay it to the election and if he can win the presidency that most people think this case goes away. well, he's an office, so a very important step didn't look very good for the former president, but we'll know more probably and if goals and once you pull it out. of course patsy, that donald trump. but it was not a quiet not required to be there in court, but he made a conscious decision to be there today one week before the iowa caucus, the 1st i'm the 1st state in the, in the republican primary. well,
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what's behind that? what's behind that and you're right, it matters to i was older if you're actually in the state and a week to go, it's very important that he'd be there. but so why would he make this calculation to come to washington? now, what is a pretty miserable day for a hearing that he didn't need to be part of and he never spoke at? well, it works for him. he sends out fundraising, emails, and, and fundraising emails. it goes on social media, he says he's being persecuted and he's being persecuted because they want to go after his supporters. instead, they're coming after him and it works. you can see it in his fundraising numbers when ever he's in front of the cameras in front of the court room. he gets a lot of money and the polls show that it is helping him. but this case could be very important for him if he's convicted and that's because a to a new whole 24 percent of his heart is core. supporters say he shouldn't be on the
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valid if he's convicted of this particular case. so there is a lot writing on this, he obviously so because he showed up in person and felt it was more important for him to be able to fundraise office to be able to send that message then to be in iowa on this critical week before the 1st caucus. all right, for the moment patio high life was there in washington. thank you. oh, presidents french president emanuel macro has named the new prime minister a 34 years old. gabriella, how is the youngest person, modern french history? so hold, the position is nomination follows the resignation of elizabeth form. she step down off the forcing through unpopular pension reforms. excessive butler has this update for the past. the ones is fine. minnesota, in french history, just as 34 years old, gabriela, tall as something of a surprise, a nomination. there were lots of names around the last few days, but in the end, it is in the fridge. presence of i don't,
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my phone has page probably because he is very young and dynamic seen as a rising star in french politics and clearly, and i don't mind was hoping that gabriella kaiser to help revitalize he's self employed. i tell is really she just to read and emmanuel, my call, he has served as the french stuff in spokes person is a punch in minnesota and most recently as the education minutes. in fact is anything in that price for a few months, but he's already made his mall flushing through a number of reforms and higher education. and also he announced with donald advisors in schools just off to the summer break here. so gabrielle s house a by way, accounts is an interesting choice in an across the political spectrum. most positions m p 's do agree that he is as a skills and to communicate so that he is not impatient politician. how he will be as a prime minister there remains to be seen and certainly going to be challenging for him because of the big problem for the french presence of our new micro is he has
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no parliamentary majority. so any probably minister has a very difficult task to try and print size together in order to push through any legislation involved with the present. a bruno code is a research at the center for political sciences at c on suppose. he says, president mccall hoax the gabriel, kyle will help revitalize it as his administration. a public trust? i'm imagining mccaul decided to deviate from. do you usually cut down by choosing a very, very, pretty good profile. uh, double. yeah. that title is something need to must be good for funding. and the primary self menu in my call as the normally defend itself was on the on that call the hi. see with 7 can itself the state. uh, the registry king. a could i bought it off of this thing? i never do the present in the case. so give me enough time. we have
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a very good profile within next on 50 tyson, that everyone knows in falls that he has. an amazing trajectory is very young, is age 54. so the trust the familiar, i'm not for he's part of the fife. let's say that the menu in my fault would like to would like to be to freeze new life into it. sick on monday, this is prove that the manual my for really need you brace and the new fresh at the beginning of the sick that we don't know exactly. well, not, but wants to go with this a come on day and probably, uh, government i tried is going to, is going to, to support the venue and my whole body, its popularity at the same time. i would say that it is, um, it is like, uh, 2 i beat for my call that it needs the popularity of the younger. uh, prime me. so that's definitely i thought is so, so it's
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a sign of the stuff that we saw from and you have my quote as we see on today, a sort of head on i just need on no way on the off to becoming the 1st country in the world to spawn deep sea mining on a commercial scale, the the route to you by visit capital color. the weather is looking a little more mobile now across china. so that should help as far as the default for us is concerned time because will gradually recover the high pressure further north of the above. originally tati, pass. so it's a little bit of a breeze coming through. and that help to just uh, things up a little while the more i'm settled across a good part of the japan, that'd be have got most note to the west side of japan, northern areas of, of the country as well into what kind of scatter brained further south and big down pulls,
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continuing to come in here and they will make their way for the race was brightens up behind. so i'm not doing too badly by the time we come to 1st i brought to, i wonder whether it's a good parts of china by the state. 10 sales, just the average shanghai. so getting back up to double figures is a 21. laugh full. how come from of the sunshine, into the philippines over the next couple of days. but it was a chance of one or 2 showers. you might catch a shout to the vietnam, much of indo china is dry. and then the usual breakdown paused squarely across the malaysia and indonesia, the heaviest rate, again, around the blade peninsula, some palms of thailand. and you can see some pretty wet weather linking into that system as to where we have some more big down pulls that are into. so lanka for todd west of india still say some showers at present, that raising off the phone continues, took them off the quote to you by visit castle. phasing cap is teresa katara for
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a record 3rd touring the 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, katara san unit in south korea. and palestine who will place despite the war back home will keep you right across the actions out the tournament. the asian tap on al jazeera frank assessments to the problem is that, is it or is allowed to be outside that? and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story. on al jazeera,
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the the plugin you're watching as a reminder on the top stories this out, israel has counted out targeted strikes on has bull lane, southern 11, on killing at least 4 members. group has retaliated by hitting a military. c'mon center in northern israel. it comes a day off to is or assess and i to senior his bullet come on the assignment to we in gaza. these rainy army is targeting refugee camps in the center of the strip and ty residential buildings in the southern city of con, unit square. this for more than 23200 pounds, have now been killed since october, the 7th casualties. also mounting for israel beyond me says 9 of its soldiers were killed in 3 separate incidents on monday. i'm
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a senior political necessity as well as fail to achieve any of its goals in the world. and the un general assembly is meeting to discuss the situation in the gaza strip and that comes as the new one is wanting israel's point apartments in central gaza. all severely hampering the distribution of much needed . she monetary and 8. and then last month, the us veto to resolution on gaza, calling for an immediate humanitarian spot. standing on the floor mats again, it's james vase is at the you and so james, what's happening there? as well, we've got various delegates of the un speaking one by one. the new zealand ambassador is speaking right now to the un general assembly. we've already heard from other key figures. remember, this relates to a security council meeting that took place on the 22nd december. on that day they paused
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a resolution to scale up aid to gaza. something that in the subsequent 18 days hasn't happened. but the resolution in the negotiations for it's in order to get us to supporters of a language that originally had a cold for cease fall, was taken out well on the day of a russia tables and amendment putting that language back in the us used it's vito against that event, but now under a procedure that's been in place now for a year at the un. what any time a security council member use is vito. it triggers a meeting of the general assembly for an explanation of why they use a veto, a some of the describe this as a sort of name and shame measure of focusing on that security council member and getting them to explain why they've taken this step of using that every time in this case, the us blocking a metro that would have meant to see saw in cause a we heard of the wrong from the deputy, us and best robot would. this was his explanation. it is also striking that even as
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we hear many countries urging the end to this conflict, which we would all like to see, we hear very few demands of the initiator of this conflict. hum us to stop hiding behind civilians laid down its arms and surrender. this would have been over it from us as leaders had done that of the only big beating of the un today, taking place in the un general assembly. the un security council, of course, is the subject of the meeting and most it did at the end of last year, i thought there was things going on in the security council even though it wasn't meeting today. and that's because a group called a rabbis for peace, decided to occupy for a brief time until they were removed by un security, the security council chamber. what happened is that they've gone on an official un tool that takes people around the buildings even into the security council when it's empty. when they got to the security council, they set that for a time they,
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which on thing they was seeing, this is a group of rabbis called rabbi's 4 piece. a group of rabbi's us realize represents 200 us rabbis who urgently demand. because the spot in cost, right. change based lifes, there at the u. n. o, it's that ukraine's defense ministry have on colored fraud mounting to $260000000.00. the investigations were carried out over the last 4 months. off to one of them is the landscape pointed. his wisdom met of as a new defense minister, he's been tasked with preventing corruption and making defense procurement. more transparent. i said, bank is in key of with this update or this investigation has taken place over the last 4 months under the new defense them is then rest and from the roof. and they say that they have uncovered $260000000.00 of violations of $260000000.00 worth of violations. and that's the current defense minister. he took office in september
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last year after the last defense minister was forced to resign enough. lexi risk enough is mainly involved in getting allies to give you crane weapons for the what voice efforts. but he's department did have a bad reputation that were allegations in fact, investigations revealing that the department had overpaid. things like eggs, winter jackets that were inadequate for troops on the front line, black jackets and things like this. so at the end of those individually and not passing the indicated, he was forced to resign. there was also this investigation that revealed that for $1986000000.00 worth of weapons were delivered late. sometimes a many months like now when you're fighting a war, it's important to get those weapons into the country and to the front lines. and especially when western powers are donating those funds or are giving me the money for those references. and that was very embarrassing, but not the new defense minutes is very keen to show that they are taking action
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against corruption and the appealing. at least the language is appealing to wisdom has saying that the new procurement procedures are in line with naples tend to assess because ukraine wants to be a part of europe. it wants to be a partisan, a toner, more of those main concerns to undermine west and efforts to keep supporting ukraine. is that corruption? as a bosnian serbs mocking a self declared national day in violation of the country's constitution at a 1995 disagreement that are public a spell discuss celebration started on monday, both me and so it president mueller, i don't think has been pushing for great to autonomy from culture, from central institutions in the ball, concussion, january 9th commemorates the date when both me and subs declared the creation of their own state, triggering of, for you by the has the most, each has more from east, sorry. i. the key with the majority are celebrating
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yours on the creation of the republic. celebration the constitutional ford in boston. the 910 green is the 3rd time republic into 9 and 4 years on the decision was made with all the other s, the groups made me cross and me and most of them or bush. and we also live in the country consideration. another part of the country with cross motion for both me and the majority of people knew these celebrations as they understand that the creation of the car is what it is starting point for institutions and all the
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time, especially to one or more to the whole. the celebration, not a part of the countries. the miners are commemorating the car is a possible it is amazing and one of the tools semis or regions said the lead fine assessment is progressive leader. me what are the hard to find together? celebration during this positive popcorn. i still ahead on, i just need a ecuador, the cleanser states of emergency after convicted gang lead a goes missing from a high security prison. the
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the, it's
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the . all right, we're going to take you live now to donald trump, who is in washington right now on the day of his uh, quotes uh, appearance set that appeals quotes on, on one of the many legal cases that he is having to face right now. and we are expecting, i understand in to, to, to speak at some points on this. so this was an investor for a country. that would be a direct attack on democracy. and that cannot happen. what was very significant today,
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i'm sure your car is the special council can see that it was president obama who is being prosecuted for drones. right? then they have to consider but when it's not, what is president trauma, then they're taking the position that there's no unity for presidential acts that were required when a president is tearing out his job responsibilities. if we adopt with the special council wants, if we adopt what president barton was and we opened the door response to political prosecution after political prosecution after political prosecution. in fact, joe could be prosecuted for trying to solve this man from becoming the next president of the united states. we don't need political prosecutions. the political process as well. thank you all. and we
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had a 3 momentous day in terms of what was learned and what they've conceded, they can see the 2 major points that were already doing. i don't think they have much of a choice, but they're very, very big, very points. and i think we're doing. busy i think is very unfair when a loaner is prosecuted by the d o j, my bivens d o j. so those are all those in, in almost every demographic a notice came out today. they're really very mind boggling if you happen to be jo vines and i think they feel this is the way i try when, as of the way things precedent as we see opening up at doors fast thing. this happened with this whole situation
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when they talked about the threat to democracy, democracy and i as a symbol. and isn't dealt as an example of this case where it was and i did nothing wrong, absolutely not working for the country. and i worked on a very hard one because we have to have 3 things, almost of all. and we have a list. we have some findings if you want we've had tremendous determine that we worked on that. that's what i was doing. and they were talking about after what has to do is extra is during the time. and that was what they really focused on today doing and they can see that everybody can see if it's during the time. yeah,
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absolutely. so we'll see how it all works. yeah, we have a we have an argument with a gives you 2 major points. i think it's probably a position to start if you'd like to talk. but they can see that your voice that i think we're almost me that would be the end of this case. for sometimes a look, it'd be different later to big events yesterday as you saw in georgia, where the district attorney is telling the compromise the case has to be dropped. they went after, i guess, 18 or 20 people there. why did they go after a lot of other people, the senators she was ever lied? now it turns out that jesus total subtract a say she's in far more criminal liability than any of the people she's looking at
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. so i think that when you look at what happened, where they pay or with absolutely no story, $700000.00 and then they go on vacations, together, expensive vacations together. and the reason i pay them so much because she was after me because this way they can afford to pay a certain test. and i would imagine that case is going to be every legal alice that has spoken to every legal matters that i read. this is a case of some compromise now as to the draft. a very good people are very barely hurt by that just to shame people the most did nothing wrong. they did nothing different than what democrats are they doing for years and years and years, whether slaves or anything else,
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but they were right. right. and it turns out she probably tremendously so to say handle the situation is i want to thank everybody and for various most people agreed to entitle this impression that i'm really has an example, a jo vitamins we're not going to give you a $1000000.00 unless you get here after that's after the company, so whoever's thereafter, but he wants to prosecute these on days. you can say the water where our country is being destroyed or the horrible or. ready place the lowest long as i dig in the history, the was that dentist and the way we were not that we went with changed around
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people. 13 race older scale. many i believe the originally, her 40 her and hundreds of people died on both sides. hundreds of people that seem to be prosecuted to that. so you can have a president without any you have to have as a president, you have to be able to do your job. but if this didn't work out, if i wasn't given that address, it is with a president obama, with the drawn instructions which were very bad. and there were mistakes to say you can't really care for president to that position. so i think most people understand it and we feel very confident that eventually hopefully this will eventually when a president has to have them unity. and the other thing is i did nothing wrong. we just nothing of the investigation of the election, which was the right direction. everybody knows it. and just if you just look at
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that and you state legislatures and they went to the item, you look at the items where they were files with the, the, all the horrible things pfizer at pfizer. good side documents are the lines. the congress has the boxes full of stuff about it. boxes full, i'm say government to and most of the information is, you know, give you some of the findings that just came out of that information as you know what it's gotten from. mostly government sources, government, james, government files and governments that so it's thursday, it was something like that happens, but much more. the one that has the race is yours. you the exact one is you haven't much different economy right now. i mean,
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we would use that to where we were just 3 years ago. so i want to thank everybody very much and we, we think we have a good day today. and your concession of these 2 major points was pretty amazing. and honestly, i use the word bedlam. will you tell her supporters now? no matter what? no miles us a former us president donald trump, they are appearing before reporters. so on the day of his court appearance, back in quarter of a charges they, he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 elections. and we had from one of his lawyers earlier arguing that he is immune to prosecution because he's been carrying out his duties as president patsy. calhane has been following the story for us today in washington, outside the courthouse. and the interesting as well that some trump himself, as well as his lawyer, has made this comparison with president obama and the drug strikes and,
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and why he wasn't to take taken to task over the same thing as well. yes, i think it was as always was a former person, donald trump, it's important to fact check in real time one of his claims about afghanistan. i think it's important to remember that he made the deal with the taliban and that's at the day for the withdrawal of president joe biden, followed through with it. as for the ring collection and video stuff balance that is in fact in no way true, it has been tried by 60 courses and no evidence of any sort of widespread voter fraud. that said, yes, the argument they are making in court is if this, if he's not given immunity, then no president will be able to act in their official duty. i think he was referring to jerome strikes and president brock obama. so it's a little bit mucky. what his facts are there, because obviously as the president has the authority to order drone strikes,
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the argument he's making it is, it's a, it's a for us, it is an immunity. well then they won't be able to do anything. well, the argument that the just the judges here's put to his lawyer. okay? so that if, let's say a president, i order seal team 6 to kill his political opponent. and he's not impeached and convicted in the senate. could he not face criminal charges? and that is actually the argument they're making. that is the president could only face criminal charges if he is in peach by the house and convicted in the senate. they just the judges in highly skeptical of that. but obviously we know the president is here and not in the iowa or the congress is being held in 7 days because he wants to be able to a fundraiser off of this court appearance. and you can be sure to do that. he was worried to go before the cameras and claim that he is the victim of and being politically persecuted. so the president coming before the cameras because that's exactly the message he wouldn't be such as supporters that he needs money, that he's fighting for them. and that he is the victim in all of this. yeah. and,
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and once again, he was pushing this false narrative of the 2020 election being stolen from him almost for years now. since that happened, clearly that still has that, that argument still has a minority is it does still have an audience, and i have to tell you a new poll quarter of republicans believe that the january 6th attack was create carried out by the federal bureau of investigation so not only do they still believe his supporters that the election was stolen, they're starting to believe that january 6th was a government conspiracy. that's basically where we are in this country right now and going into the iowa caucus, he is by far, far ahead in the polls so his message is resonating with his feet. all right, for the moment patsy calhane live 1st there in washington, dc. well that is it for this new job, but i'll be back in
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a couple of minutes with more of the days news. and as always, as well, small on our websites, i 0 stop. com. the as the world is increasingly gripped in the mental health epidemic, i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was hard if i knew full parties spilled in diverse corners of the globe. ask big questions about how we can improve. i will be moved those unconscious, negative images. i never felt anything lock it meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcomed people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health. out coming on all just on counting the cost,
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the world is drowning in the rec. what amounts of debt concentrated in developing countries, poor nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people. so here's the plane for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera hod, huge, i mean to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or die. suppose you've described that is better than is that at any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all that good groups i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb, too. in the security council, this is a may just don't think look, isn't it ex, thursday? is he of the story on told to how does era export $2023.00 the fascination
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to join us from let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha ha full members of hezbollah killed in as rainy as strikes in southern lebanon as well or prize with john a tax on and these really army base near the border the i'm having to think of this is just say that live from the also coming up is well bombs, more residential areas in southern garza,


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