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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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of the joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha ha . full members of hezbollah killed in his writing, strikes in southern lebanon as well or prize, withdrawn a tax on and these really army base near the border the on have them think of this is just a live from the also coming up as well. bombs more residential areas in southern gaza, but says 9 of its soldiers have been killed in the script. the u. k. foreign secretary
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says is russ actions in gaza. may violate international move, was nothing wrong with the country. donald trump is back in federal court asking for immunity. the outcome could have a major impact on this year's presidential election. the 1st, the southern 11 on where a target is really strike has killed 3 members of the own group. has bola, it comes a day off to israel assassinated, his senior has bullet come on with sam between 2nd, his writing strike on tuesday targeted his funeral, killing another member of the on good design. a hold of begins are coverage from the tire in southern lebanon. the lines continue to be crossed and this conflict is well targeted. a court at a funeral of a senior has
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a beloved field commander killed a day before in an apparent this way. the drone strike there were casualties, but the crowd was defiance. hours earlier, a targeted is very straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese armed group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battle field along the border and a few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed since the goop opened the front to help relief pressure on its ally home us in garza toria was killed a week after how masses, number 2 solid rudy was assassinated and as well as strong hold invaded as well as trying as much as i can to improve the cause of belonging to print station. but once it carries out another story, like in the capital, i think that's when we can say the principal was policy detours. is by open that
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it's the turn is indeed road has the law has we tell you to, to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and suffered some 12 kilometers from the border. the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier, it targeted an air traffic control base. isabel says the strikes cause minor damage, but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. how's the law is promising to fight back without restraint? if israel launches an all out war, but it's secretary general pass on this role. i didn't commit to a major escalation. he, since it's, that's possible i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline with levon on the us has been trying to work on
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a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion, so to, as well stops, it's a question for you. this is right and has lost hope and god's done in lebanon, and thought this way to forward, and then it gets coming to lebanon to try to start negotiations on what happens after the war. despite the attacks has below when the head with the bearing its commander so far, the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their interest data. so there's nothing on let's go live now to laura hahn who is in hi fi in northern israel. so laura, what's been the response from their as well? i was actually along the folder in northern israel today in a small town called sloan me,
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and telling me it was incredibly tens. we had simons going off throughout the day, all along the 120 plumber to florida with never known ours. we had suggest is ahead. we know there was a must have been coming for it and also drones out. one hit is of northern tomorrow and it's about 24 inches away from us. it's all set up. there was damage a no casual too hot, but they certainly did send a lot of file boxes. how much henry, not phone for where we was in big boons. we didn't hear the landing, which usually means is top of very fast. and now the defense, minnesota, you have come on, did meet with us secretary of state and people in can it today in israel? i know he did say, but always you suggested that you have to put more pressure on a wrong because he says, follow on. safe and he said no longer continued to escalate
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into a war. the only thing that i can tell you from at slow me what we why? because usually around 9000 people living that there were about a 150000 people across the border housing as like 2 a 6. so these types of all those town and they are parked some months with uh, with some of the munitions of incentives. uh uh it was nice windows, you know, that looks businesses. he said these people won't be up to a ton until hezbollah is pushed back. and he suggested the push back towards the tiny river, which about 50 kilometers away from the for the session i had for is very unlikely to agree to it. it's already said, said, i suppose to day was there anything boston. so the wall in java has ended. so those flies all seem to something either one is is giving anything up. we're also looking towards saw the escalation north on life 1st there in northern israel.
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thank you. a while us secretary states anthony blinking has been meeting is writing leaders in tel aviv blake and met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a president issac castle and all the members of the war cabinet leaders discussed the future of gauze off to the war and increasing the flow of humanitarian aid into gauze. so let's go back to laura now. so laura, what more do we know about lincoln's agenda of the will blinking those or the sizes on social media platform x. he says i also stretching $1414.00 infiniti in homing dollars. that's protecting infrastructure and ensuring the distribution of humanitarian assistance throughout garza. he's also mentioned the cap to so a 100 or anything health and golf and that's been a huge level on. he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu to hold
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a quiet and to let you guys, so you sent me one c over duction in the fine and in the foaming inside to go. so i know he's ready minutes. we had already said that he was doing that in the news, but it has continued to escalate in south and all the 15 to with duction in the numbers that's been killed in the last few days. the number is already astronomically high, so that's a huge amount of pressure level, almost blank and also nothing yahoo to get something out of this place and will also go to the west side, residential with the policy authority head by a box. now if you want to find some sort of homepage solution on a cold water feature to water to say, please inform me nothing. y'all who says we go from one and also to pay the way to the day of the war and goes us. so he's always been speaking to countries in the middle east, and also talking in possibly looking towards the reconstruction of cost of only
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costs when the board has finished. laura, thanks very much. now isabel's ami is continuing its offensive and central and southern guns of the spike claims it is shifting to less intense wolf. and these pictures are from the as much as the refugee camp in the center of the strip. these really minute treat has been striking the area heavily blaze camp has also been talking to the schools of engine palestinians have been rushed to naso hospital in con eunice in the south. that's what israel says. it is expanding its ground operations more than $23200.00 pallets because i've not been killed since october. the 7th taught of amazon is in solving a gaza for us in a rough ice. so a ton of what's been happening in so yes, has a more tax on garza and in fact on the south, which had been a,
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one of the main areas of bottles right now. we in the most. so just and also the a is rarely a military, a new to city in particular weapon. seeing that these valley forces are hosting, tracing on han units in the south. i was one of the main headquarters for, i'm aust movement as they have a alias to you to the might militarily dismantle the mandatory infrastructure the. but what we can see is an ongoing bombardment of residential buildings that all most have contained on post civilians. evacuees who have been lost the houses and been evacuating from the gaza strip from central areas and also from the north several times now clinging to hahn. hugh, this new families have been killed off to the evacuation to hon. eunice and others managed to survive again throughout if it had been more to a rough walk to seek safety. as is very military that had a systematic plan that deliberately targeting civilians and cruising safety damage
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to civil infrastructure to the as cincinnati as our, as of today is morning, at least 11 type of thing is being killed as ongoing confrontations that clashes between the palestinian fighters and these would have been to continue as the trying to look at the entry of the alternate route tanks on the main central neighborhoods of the city. now this city we need to earlier, remember that this city was designated as a saved stone at the lowest of thousands happened as to sleep 2 in order to be protected. now off to these thoughts of a new phase of confrontations, installing gall is a big hot air is move people as well to leave the city, hit the roof to an order to be protected and to be away from the is where the funding. but this is the system that isabel has been adopting since the beginning of the round of fighting as they are trying to make a progressive enviro meant for palestinians, forcing them to sleep. let's throw out somebody destruction of everything. people have been informing different media outlets including out 0,
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and that's the situation that is completely unbearable as one of the latest attacks also had been conducted in the vicinity of another hospital. this area that's supposed to be protected by the principles of international load for the facility that had been targeted by defiance of is really military. what hopes is it drones? and this is what we are afraid to do again, or to be repeat that again in this area. similarly, what happened for the hospitals seem to move and in the middle areas of kansas city . so those people are us to lee more to reflect this area that is completely right now, had posted a 1000 something, not 100 thousands of palestinians. and it keeps of providing services throughout the hospitals throughout also its civil uh, community services as the are twice as much as they can to survive depending of the humanitarian aids that provide it for residents in the south that can be partially had to transport it to a rough or i'm its own driving difficulty in terms of delivering them to the north,
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due to the unrelenting caleb destruction unbuttoned by the has been invited to the tati. i will assume in rough i thank you of the situation at the oh. ok, so hospital in central garza is die off the israel's evacuation, or a forced most of the doctors and medical workers to leave him to hold that he went to that hospital and send this report. we are in the hospital in bed in bella, where most of the medical team evacuated after the officer fires live. i munition on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside. as you see, the only medical person on the left are under the nursing team where most of them are volunteers and live in the area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have been talking to the nursing team and they're sending us that state where they'll are going to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the
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main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families work inside the hospice us. also, the administrative team is completely empty, where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the administrative work and the medical you are here. there are sin also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleaning the hospital. and at 2 days ago, some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to mean it's flores. and it's emergency departments more than 90 percent of the month because a team in the officer has put the evacuated after i myself also evacuated the hospitals and its not only doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're
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talking about more than a ton media organizations left that evacuated shuddering to con eunice entered a flush. we're also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more than 3 months in that and but the hospital is not witnessing a collapse, but it has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use. according to the method can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic as vs. the guys are part of the u. k. far sector, david cameron has expressed concern that as well as actions in gaza may violate the international and made the comments on tuesday. well, testifying before a parliamentary committee in all these cases. yeah. there's a question as to whether it is in breach of internationally managerial. that's why
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you have to go back, look at the episode. what, but to in particular was bowman. and then ask yourself the a bunch of questions we should, what little as do they give you that advice? the advice has been so far that they have the commitment, the capability and the compliance, but on lots of occasions that he's on the question. so let's bring in, i just use a senior political analyst model, one of the shower joys, me here on set. so we just had definitely a u. k. for our secretary that may be the closest. and we may get to some sort of criticism if we can call it that'll or questioning of israel's policy and gaza. right now is i might have violated. that's progress already. when it comes to the united kingdom's position on the general side, this and profiting and franchise and does a civic side. but yes, as you said, considering the blind spot that the u. k. had for the us and is rose position on this war has been uh,
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quite embarrassing to be honest for, for a country that uh, just few years ago. but it existed its way out of. uh, you would have to say that i am a solve right now and i'm in defendant and i have my own, you know, way of thinking on so on, so forth. and for us to really be so dependent on some essential for them. policy issues on the united states as a bit side. i think history history is going to judge those politicians harshly. because picking a model position, it's not complicated. you can always play practical. you can always say, but then politics or something else, you can always dance. you know, spin, it looked at all, i know to be whatever, but when it comes to not binding because he's not booked, for example, about bombing, you know, it was wanting hospitals, right? because this was really a warrant hospitals. so let's say, let's say for the sake of argument that the bombing of hospital is controversial and debatable. ok, because as i said,
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there were multiple floors of how about us headquarters on the ship, a hospital which tend to be of course or lies. but what about the collective punishment of denying people food, fuel, electricity? what about that? that's not bothering and what about that? it's happened over 3 months, at least the 1st 2 months. that's collective punishment. that is why. busy should within a short simple. okay. what about wanting the only weak middle thing guys are. these are for crimes. we'll have to leave it there. might want thanks very much. i is that still ahead on? i just need to we need the new prime minister fonts, who is the youngest person to be appointed to that post the i have the right, the boy costs any,
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what i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series excludes the implications of us and people who called lowe's for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level all that i can't support that one on which is era what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk here, see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to, we don't have to lead them into policy on it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services this placement. and then you're saying you're reports with that. i should
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just trust the community off to the side, the cool that to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of truth. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, you're watching. i just need a reminder, laptop stories this hour is ro has carried out. targeted strikes on has bullet and 711 on killing. at least a full members. group is retaliated by hitting a military command center in northern israel. it comes a day off the israel assassinated the senior has the come on. that was sam, it's
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a we've and guys are these really all me is targeting refugee camps in the center of the street. in ty residential buildings in the southern city of fun, eunice were destroyed. more than $23200.00 palestinians have been killed since october, the 2nd casualties, also mounting israel. the army says none of its soldiers were killed in 3 separate incidents on monday. how much to see a political leader says israel has failed to achieve any of its goals. and the un general assembly is meeting to discuss the situation in the gaza strip that comes as a you and is wanting israel's bombardments in central guns severely hampering distribution of much needed humanitarian aid. last month, the us vetoed a resolution on gauze, a cooling for an immediate humanitarian sea spot, a group of rabbis cooling for sci fi and gaza. hilda sits in the un security council chain, the hot diplomatic as james base,
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as that to the only big beating of the un today, taking place in the un general assembly. the un security council, of course, is the subject of the meeting and most it did at the end of last year. but there was things going on in the security council even though it wasn't meeting today. and that's because a group called a rabbis for peace, decided to occupy for a brief time until they were removed by un security, the security council chamber. what happened is that they've gone on an official un tool that takes people around the buildings even into the security council when it's empty. and when they got to the security council, they set that for a time they, which on thing they was seeing, this is a group of rabbis called rabbis, full piece, a group of rabbi's us realize represents 200 us rabbis who urgently demanding us the spot in casa, the
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colorado skin look at some of the world news. now former us president donald trump has spent the day in court trying to convince a panel of judges that he should be immune from federal charges, trying to overturn the 2020 election. the judge is a bit skeptical of his argument to total immunity will prosecute. a said he was acting as a candidates at the time when pursuing a false claims president joe biden stole the election from a political hand is outside the court for so patsy. uh trump has just been speaking a little earlier. what's he had to say and how significant is this case? i'm sorry. uh how significant is this case? i think is what us. yes, that's right. very. it could be very, very significant. donald trump for president. okay. for president donald trump, sorry it's very, very rainy, loud and when to hear from president donald trump went off premises to speak to the cameras. the once again said this is a political persecution that they're on the guard after because he's the head and
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the polls. and of course, uh, basically what he's insane. the reason he was here, even though he didn't have to be, is for exactly that moment. it helps when he go on camera, claim to be a victim. claim that the authorities are going after him, the because they don't, instead of his supporters, it helps. it helps him in fundraising. that helps him in his poll numbers. but this case is very significant. here, right, the 3 judge panel seemed very skeptical of his arguments. so these lawyers basically arguing 1st that the judiciary, because of the separation of powers, has no right to weigh in on the presidency. but then they seem to under cut their very own argument by say, a president could face criminal charges, but only if he's impeached in the house and convicted it in the senate for the same crime. and the judge just asked the question, ok, it's a president on his way out said i'm going to call seal team 6. it hasn't been fascinated by political arrival if they were not in peace. and that was that not a criminal? could that not be a crime?
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this lawyer really didn't seem to have a good answer for that. they really went after trumps attorneys much more than they did the prosecution. the prosecution argues that if a president is in fact of you and that is where to lead to countless crimes being committed in the oval office. so what's at stake here? well, timing, that is really what's on the line. whoever wins or loses this is likely going to be appealed in supreme court. the trunk team would like to delay this. they want this case to come after the election, then it would pretty much go away so, but we don't think that's gonna work. we believe that the appellate judges will have their really, in short order for us, potentially in a couple of weeks. all right, petty, we'll let you get a break from the wintry elements step. i think a lane life for us in washington dc. the president emanuel my call, has named the new prime minister of france. so 34 years old. gabriel tall is the youngest person in modern french history to hold the position is nomination follows
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the resignation of elizabeth cologne. she stepped down off the full thing through unpopular pension reforms. natasha butler with this update from pears, the youngest fine minister in french history, just as 34 years old gabriella. tall uh as something of a surprise nomination. there were lots of names around the last few days, but in the end, it is in the fridge. present the manual michael has page probably because he is very young and dynamic. seen is rising star in french politics and cleaning. and i don't mind was hoping that gabrielle, because there's a help revitalize his self employed at how is really shape his career and a manual my call. he has served as the french stuff in spokes person is a punch in minnesota. and most recently, as the education minister, in fact, is there anything in that phase for a few months, but he's ready made his mall flushing through a number of reforms and higher education. and also he announced the bonham advisors
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in schools just off to the summer break here. so gabrielle as house uh, by way accounts is an interesting choice in across the booth with spectrum. most positions m p 's do agree that is as a skills and to communicate as it is. and i'm patients, a politician how he will be as a prime minister there remains to be seen. and so it needs to be challenging for him because of the big problem for the french presence of i knew michael is he has no problem entry majority. so any prime minister has very difficult task to try and print size together in order to push through any legislation involved with the presence above me. and such a mocking a self declared national day in violation of the country's constitution. and the 1995 peace agreement that the public cuts. prescott celebration started on monday. both me and said president new let, i don't think has been pushing for great to autonomy from central institutions in the bulk and country. january 9th,
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to memorize the dates when bosnian serbs declared the creation of their own state, triggering a 4 year war. all of that is it for me, hasn't think as always there's lots more on our website. does it? us dot com, where the is next followed by inside store the the hello, the weather is set fair across the middle east, barely a cloud in the sky looking good over the next couple of days as well as the temperatures around the gulf. how it around to 23 sales just picking up here and know how to around 45. is it go through eh, thursday, a southerly wind coming in the home on several side. i don't know if that'd be, have got showers because no them areas of a rock pushing into around wintery and nature's. they drive the way across the cool cause isn't this bit of a waiting for
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a mix making their way across the top here as well. the eastern side of the med looking pretty right over the next couple of days actually went to windy weather, piling across cyprus, syria, 11 and jordan. right. the way down into the occupied palestinian territories through israel seems to me rather live the showers the west to with a really nice the system. the suspects with us day coming on until 11 on in particular. but the right across the basis of the made. it does the concept of labor the next few days, a few of those shows effect in the fall northeast of egypt, one or 2 showers to just around northern pa, sofa, algeria pushing across to us to this. yeah, once again, would you say some heavy rain for a repeat performance as we go through 1st i west africa eastern. we try and find that we've got plenty of showers draped across the tropics. push right down into southern africa, east composite south africa where, right the way it's madagascar, the latest news as it breaks,
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we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. there have be serious computations on a weekly basis with detailed coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a little crime and fear this gen and isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. i guess the supreme court scraps a lifetime found on politicians with convictions from holding office. that's welcome. useful for my private as of now i should lease you cannot run again but not for jailed formerly to him wrong. com. why and what's behind this really. this is inside store the


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