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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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of the latin america for most of my career, but no country is a like and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the come on hasn't saker. this is the news lives from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. for more members of hezbollah are killed in his rate of strikes in southern lebanon, as well as replies withdrawn. attacks on and is really army base near the board of israel bombs more residential areas in southern gaza, but says 9 of its so just had been killed in the street that you guys for
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a 2nd recess is rough actions in gaza may violate international law. i did nothing wrong, absolutely for the country. and donald trump is back in federal court asking for him unit to the outcome. could have a major impact on this year's presidential election. the beginning and 11 on west 3 has bullet members had been killed in a targeted is rainy strike in the southern town over on duty. a has bullet has retaliated by hitting a military command center in northern israel. the escalation comes a day off, the israel assassinated senior has bullet come on. that was some it we a 2nd is really strike targeted his funeral, killing another member of the group in gaza. these way the army is targeting refugee camps in the center of the strip,
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entire residential buildings in the southern city. o'con units were destroyed, move in 23200 palestinians had been killed since october, the 7th casualties. also mounting for israel, the army say 9 of its soldiers were killed in 3 separate incidents on monday. how much the senior political leader says israel has failed to achieve any of its goals in the war. zayna caught a report on the is rainy strikes in southern level. the lines continue to be close in this conflict as well. target to a court at a funeral of a senior hezbollah field commander killed a day before and then the parent is really drawn strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is very straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese armed group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battle field along the border. and the
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few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed. since the group opened the front to help relief pressure on its ally hum us in gaza. tauriel was killed a week after. how masses? number 2, solid, rudy was assassinated in hezbollah stronghold invaded his wireless troy as much as i can to improve the cause of belonging to presentation that tom once carries on another spheroid like in the capital. i think that's when we can save the principle laws. policy determines as player within that it's the terms as indeed road has below has we tell you to, to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and so forth . so 12 kilometers from the border, the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier, the target to the air traffic control base,
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isabel says the strikes cause minor damage. but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. hezbollah is promising to fight back without with springs. if israel launches an all out war, but it's secretary general, pass on, the swell didn't commit to a major escalation. he, since it's, that's possible i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline we'd love it on the us has been trying to work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion. so, till, as well stops, it's a question for you. this is right and has lost hope and god's done in lebanon, and thought this white ford, and then he gets coming to lebanon to try to start negotiations on what happens after the war. despite the attacks, hezbollah went ahead with a bearing,
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it's commander so far the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their electricity to. so there's nothing on let's talk now to i just as well how much i'm june, who is in ramallah in the occupied the westbank for us. so how much more at this point are we hearing about the clashes in northern israel between the is ready for susan has bo so hasn't. it's been a very volatile day on israel's border with 11 on you had dozens of cross border attacks happening throughout the day. and in fact, you had the is really army reporting that there had been attempted. drone infiltration bias has butler drones that several hezbollah drones had been shot down before they reached their targets. but that there was one strike that hit the
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northern military command. israel's northern military base, but israel says that there were no injuries or casualties as a result of that falling on that military command center. now my colleague laura con, was in the northern is really border town of slow me throughout the morning hours into the afternoon. and she said that that town had practically become a ghost town. and that she had heard several hours worth of sirens going on. that really goes to show how tens the situation remains. um, she also said that right now is real. would like to be able to push has bottle of forces back from the border or close to those border areas so that the is really residents of those northern border towns can return to their homes. and that, that's one of the reasons that there's so much attention and the concern is that this could get to a point of all out war. this all coming has him at a time when you a secretary of state anthony blinking is in israel meeting with officials at
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a time when he calls what's going on here right now, especially when it comes to israel and 11 on a moment of profound attention as him and said, yeah, we're expecting to hear from the us next tuesday to anthony blanket at any moment. now. i see updates us on those meetings, which is riley leaders. so um how, how significant is this particular visit? this is either the 4th or the 5th visit that he's made to the region now, and the need to for, for the united states to be seen, to be pushing as much as possible for israel to contain this conflict. it hasn't, it is significant. and let me read to you 1st a, a post by us x ray, and say to answer the blinking on x, which was formerly known as twitter, from just a few hours ago. he posted after he met with, as really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he said met with the israeli prime
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minister and reaffirmed our support for israel's right to prevent another october 7th from occurring. i also stressed the importance of avoiding civilian harm, protecting civilian infrastructure, and ensuring the distribution of humanitarian assistance throughout gaza. now that's one statement. we've seen them us secretary of state. but what's interesting and what may be showing that there might have been some tension in that meeting is that there has been no official read out. this is according to his really media. there's been no official read out of that meeting that has been released by these really prime ministers office. now we know the us secretary of state blinking would like to see a decrease in the amount of violence in gods. we know that the us would like to see an increase of humanitarian aid going into gods, or we know that the us would like to see israel shipped into a different phase of fighting in gaza. the question is, what is the is really response going to be now we are, as you said, a waiting, a press conference that should be happening potentially at any moment. now,
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us secretary of state, a briefing the assembled media as to what has been happening in his discussions with these really officials today, including the defense minister, including the as rarely president fax. the matter is the defense minister and is really your kalonde had actually stated in an interview yesterday that israel is now going to start shifting in to a different phase of its war and gone into phase 3. and that they are going to be essentially phasing into a situation where they are now going to be a more targeted phase of the war. but what we're hearing from our colleagues in gaza is it that has not yet occurred, that the fighting is still going on, especially in the area surrounding con eunice. so right now it's a very fluid situation. the us is asking israel for a lot, but at the same time they're saying that israel has the right to continue doing what it's doing. it's a difficult situation for us to apply medically. a lot is going to depend on what exactly the israelis come back within. we are expected to hear more about that in
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the coming either minutes or hour. how we certainly and we will go to that to as and when it happens that to appear on his dad by us sick to say anthony, blinking in that israel for the moment of how much, how much i'm doing life 1st day in ramallah in the occupied westbank as high as well as ami is continuing its offenses in central and southern gaza as we've been hearing just by claims. it is shifting to less intense welfare. these pictures are from the and most as the refugee camp in the center of the strip. these way the military has been striking the area heavily. the advice camp has also been talking to a schools of engine palestinians have been rushed to nasir hospital in hong units. in the south and that's where it is, where it says it is expanding its ground operations was in $23200.00 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th thought it was zoom is in southern gar garza for us and by i thought i bring this up to date and what's been happening
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yes. has and during the last so we had to move in terms bombing of course, the territories, especially in the south of kansas tech. now we can clearly say that the main concentration of the military strikes at the ministry ground operations right now have been focused and directed towards the middle of the summer costs of the jobs right now. it's important to know more about the fact that kids bed is doing its best since starting with the mobilization of a troops and con units, just to take full control over the city as we have be hearing from us sources that on the ground that the city has been going through ongoing ots and re bombardments as also the forces that had finally a determination of flags on the sky of the city. just took fateful, a military veteran for the troops that on the ground to keep attacking that at the target. that'd be highly upset since the beginning of the operations and what is
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absolutely a new tactic has been adopted by the ministry that is the use of the court culture strows just to take all kinds of more terrifying attacks against residents and the one of the latest attacks had been carried out on the vicinity of the nasir, hospitable alongside on the united nation, from school of that touchstone to be show for residents that i'm, this is systematically what happens in the north is repeatedly happens happening right now in the south. an ocean in the middle overnight, so calls up as to why there is a way that sound had been attacked in the past hour where a number of bounce. these have been injured alongside with home going on, so it'll be bombardment. hold on most are right across the refuge account. we are also seeing different videos. imagine from the be meant to ingle palm off showing how the militants are confronting on trying to, to, to support that. they use very administering cogent into some vein residential neighborhoods in the central neighborhoods of gauze city. and this is a part of what is happening on the ground as we can see,
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how much destruction and the station have made a games policy is in these areas. but more ongoing statements released by the implemented to officials regarding expanding the fighting in guns if we're out 2024 . and this for palestinians is considered to be completely catastrophe. as the attacks says, october, the 7th has caused catastrophe close to concepts on the o aspects of life. insight costs on move days. a funny thing is which way you should for palestinians will be completely dalia and more days of fighting means for destruction, no casualties amongst civilians, but more also destruction of all hopes of residence. to return back again to the houses, which completely become right now on inhospitable areas for living for them. thought it was in life for us there in rough. i thank. he's to the situation at the locks. the hospital is central. garza is die off the israel's evacuation or to force most of the doctors and medical workers to leave in the hold that he was at
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the hospital and has this report. we are in the hospital in bed, in bela where most of the medical team evacuated after the fires live. i munition on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside as you see, the only medical 1st on the left are under the nursing team where most of them are volunteers and live in the area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have been talking to the nursing team and they're sending us that they were goal. our goal is to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families work inside the hospitals. also, the administrative team is completely empty, where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the
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administrative work and the medical you are here. there are still also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleaning the hospital. and at 2 days ago, some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to clean its floors and its emergency departments more than 90 percent of the month. because a team in the opposite hosp with the evacuated after i myself also evacuated the hospitals and it's not only the doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're talking about more than 10 media organizations less than evacuate. it's tough to read to, can you? and it's entered a flush, we're also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more
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than 3 months in that and but the hospital is not witnessing a collapse, but it's has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use. according to the method can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic as 0 gods, a product of the u. k. foreign sector, david cameron has expressed consent and israel's actions in gaza may violate international law. he made the comments on tuesday. we're going before a parliamentary committee from all on this. let's bring in villa marks in london who's been watching this for 7. and what else did the u. k. 460. have to say where he was facing questioning from lawmakers essentially very soon off to come into this role as far as century foreign minister here in the u. k. he was repeatedly almost from the outset aust, about the situation in gauze and whenever he was aust initially about israel potentially legal compliance with international. he was the vase that eventually he
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acknowledged that some, you know, he did have reservations. he paused when he had concerns watching events on the fold in gaza, day to day. and he made a surprising admission in all these cases. yeah, there's a question as to whether it is in breach of internationally manager. no, that's why you have to go back. look at the episode, what for to in particular was baldwin, and then ask yourself the a bunch of questions to be sure what little eyes do they give you that advice. the advice has been so far that they have the commitment, the capability and the compliance, but on lots of occasions that he's on the question at that time and did also coal for more humanitarian aid, to be delivered into gauze that through a variety of crossings into the territory, he also said that the u. k. supported further humanitarian pauses,
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but he once again reiterate to the british government's position that they would like to see a sustain the see saw went off what that meant. he explained, he would like to see how much unable in the future to militarily trust and is really civilians. all right, thanks for that. the live now it's telling me where the a speaking rest listening. this is my 4th trip israel. since the horrific a mazda attacks of october 7th. so i'm here just over 3 months 95 days since those attacks occurred. we know that for the people who are most affected by the attacks and the conflict as follows, the time moves differently. immediately before this, i met with the families of hostages being held in gaza. and we've had students have been released several of those families. i've now met multiple times for them
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every day, every hour, every minute that they're separated from their loved ones. as an attorney, time feels different for families and guys as well. hundreds of thousands of whom are experiencing a huge food and security for the mother or father trying to find something to feed the hungry child. the passage of another day without food is excruciating time also gives different for israelis and palestinians whose innocent loved ones have been killed for them. time often falls into before and after the after filled with the last that most of us will never know and cannot fully imagine. and those are just
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a few examples of how heavy these 95 days of cell and continue to feel for the people most affected by this conflict. this immense human toll is one of the many reasons that we continue to stand with israel and ensuring that october 7th can never happen again. it's also why we're intensely focused on bringing the remaining hostages home, addressing the mandatory in crisis and strengthening protection for civilians and gaza and preventing the conflict and spreading. and it's the reason we're working personally to for japan, toward lasting peace and security in this region. we believe the submission against israel to the international court of justice distracts the world from all of these important efforts. and more over the charge of genocide is meritus. it's particularly going given that those who are attacking israel from us has the law.
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the who these as well as their support or wrong, continue to open, we call for the united nation of israel and the mass murder of jews. on this trip, i came to israel after meeting with the leaders of turkey, greece, jordan, cutter, united are roberts, saudi arabia. all of those leaders are concerned about the spread of the conflict. all of them are committed to using their influence using the ties that they have prevented from escalating to deter new. i'm opening an edition all express great concern about the diary humanitarian situation and the number of civilians killed and guys, we know that facing anatomy that embeds itself among civilians who hides in and fires from schools from hospitals makes this incredibly challenging. but the daily
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tal on siblings and gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. important progress has been made increasing the amount of a getting into the guys, including by opening credential long nonetheless, 90 percent of guys this population continues to face acute. so the food insecurity, according to the united nations, for children, the effects of long periods without sufficient food can have lifelong consequences . as i entered towards our meetings today, more food, water, more medicine, other essential goods need to get into gaza and then once they're in gaza, they need to get more effectively to the people who need the uh and is really see everything. it can to remove any obstacles from crossings to other parts of guys or improving the confliction procedures to ensure that the agent move safely and securely is a critical part of that. the united nations is probably an indispensable role in
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addressing the immense humanitarian needs in gaza. there is simply no alternative you and personnel, and other 8 workers and gaza are demonstrating extraordinary charge by continuing to revitalize saving services in water, extremely challenging conditions. i spoke last night with the ones new senior you monitoring and reconstruction coordinator for guys and secret cock about all of these efforts that are underway. now, secret talk to someone i work very closely with a few years ago and she loved the one mission that destroyed the sod machines, chemical weapons and syria. so i can say from experience she has what it takes to get this job done. she has america's full support. she must have israel's as well. today we also discussed the phase transition of israel's military campaign and as we continue offer our best advice for how is real can achieve. it's a central goal of ensuring that october 7 can never be repeated. and we believe
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israel's, a pretty significant progress towards this fundamental objective. as it was, campaign moves to a lower intensity phase in northern garza. and as the idea of scale is down, its forces there, we agree today on a plan for the un to carry out an assessment mission. it will determine what needs to be done to allow displace pallets and palestinians to return safely to homes in the north. now this is not going to happen overnight. there are serious security infrastructure and humanitarian challenges. but the mission will start to process that, evaluate these obstacles and how they can be going to be overcome. and so these meetings, i was also crystal clear, palestinian civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow they must not be pressed to leave guys. cuz i told the prime minister, the united states unequivocally rejects any proposals advocating for the resettlement of palestinians outside of guys. and the prime minister refer me to me
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today. if this is not the policy of israel's government. we also spoke about the tensions on israel's northern border, but 11 on whereas the law continues to launch daily rocket attacks on israel. as i told a war cabinet and other senior officials, united states stands with israel and ensuring its northern border is secure or fully committed to working with israel to find a diplomatic solution that avoids escalation and allows families to return to their homes to live securely. in northern israel, and also in southern lebanon. finally, we continue to discuss how to build a more durable piece of security for as we have within the reach. as i told the prime minister, every partner that i met on this trip said that they're ready to support a last thing solution that and this the long learning cycle of violence and ensures israel security. but the underscore the this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to
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a palestinian state. these goals are tandem, but only if they're pursued together. this crisis is clarified. you can't have one without the other. and you can't achieve either goal without an integrated regional approach. to make this possible is real must be a partner to palestinian leaders or willing to lead their people on living side by side in peace with israel and the as neighbors. and israel must be a most stop taking steps that under cut housings ability to govern themselves effectively. extremely settler violence carried out with impunity. settlement expansion, demolitions evictions, all make it harder. not easier for israel to achieve lasting peace and security policy and the sort that's already also has a responsibility to reform itself to improve its governance issues. i plan to raise a present in a box among others when we meet tomorrow, it is or it wants to,
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to our neighbors to make the tough decisions necessary to help ensure it's less than security. is really leaders will have to make hard decisions themselves. one person invited to address the people of israel days after the october, some of the tech he made a very simple fletch. united states has israel's back. today, tomorrow, always, the friendship between our nations is truly exceptional. it's our unique bond in america's and during commitment to the people of israel that allows us in the demands that were as forthright as possible. and the moments when the stakes are highest. when the choices about of the most. this is one of those moments just having to take some questions. the 1st question goes to simon lewis with reuters. thank you. mister secretary of the future of the gaza strip has been
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a theme of field trip while you've been visiting regional countries. and i wanted to today, were you able to do any make any progress on closing the gap between our leaders and his route on specific security reconstruction and governance arrangements for, for the full gaza. and um, you talked before leaving saudi arabia yesterday about the need for a practical pathway to palestinians state as part of any efforts towards regional integration. and obviously that's come out today. annual meetings with, with the cabinet has 5 minutes and then yahoo changed his mind. is he still opposed to the creation of a separate pat? assume the state or, you know, have you been, has to convince him to get any uh, guarantees that this is something that can happen. so one of the things that i heard very clearly on this trip and these 2 questions are actually joined. is
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many countries in the region are really prepared to, to invest in a number of ways to invest when the conflict in guys is over in its reconstruction, in its uh, in its security, supporting palestinians in their, in their governance. but it is essential to them that there also be a clear pathway to the realization of palestinian political rights and a palestinian state. and i think the view that they've expressed is that is critical to ending once in for all cycle of violence, that is only going to repeat itself. some point in the future is through the realization of a pulse. any political rights. uh, that was a very clear message that i heard everywhere i went, just as i heard again, a commitment not only to be engaged in the, in the future guys,
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but also to take the steps necessary make the commitments necessary provide the insurance is necessary to give israel confidence and its security. and that's something that's, that's new and in, in, in recent years and very powerful. which is the, the willingness, the commitment of many neighboring countries. not only to uh, to live in with his real and peace, but also genuinely to have a region that's more integrated in which everyone can feel secure, including israel. so there's a i think, a also here a potentially powerful opportunity for the future. now, to very difficult to get there hard to get their hard decisions, hard choices need to be made in order to get there. but you can see that that possibility, but i'm not going to speak for the, the prime minister,
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or any one of these really government about their views. i can just share our own and also share a little bit of what i heard from, from countries in the region for the next question. so might mazata with com news so secretary for taking the questions, i'll do it for fast. um, there's really government terms still refusing to transfer the days money and to administer a finance smotts each cent. yesterday. there are 2000000 nazis in gaza and i won't give money to nazis just like the us won't give money to tie the i would like to have your comment in that. and the 2nd question is, um, the cabinet said the work and it said that there are not very susan to left cousins . go back to north guys up for now. um, is that something that you agreed on with there was a really talk to fox. thank you. very much so um, 1st with regard to the palestinian authority revenues, these are their remedies. they should have them,
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they should have them in order to be able to make sure that they can pay their people are providing essential services including doing a central work in the west bank. the palestinian authority, security forces were playing a very important role in trying to keep peace, security stability in the west bank, something that's profoundly and israel's interest. so we believe that those revenues should be should be released to them again, their revenues and of being used to do something that's important to us real and when it comes to the future, governance of the guys when the conflict is over, of course, people need to be paid, they need to be able to to do the work necessary to administer garza to do the other things that will be critical once the once the conflict ends in terms of um, tossed indians and moving back and forth in, in gaza. as i spoke to earlier,
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we have an agreement that the u. n. will now conduct an assessment to determine the conditions necessary for people to be able to move back home. there are a lot of really challenging and important issues to deal with, including things like unexploded ordnance and booby traps and other explosives that have been left by a moss infrastructure questions of proper support. all of those things are going to be evaluated by the united nations for someone to disagreement. and then as soon as conditions allow, we want to see people be able to move back to their homes. and we've been very clear about the necessity of doing that when conditions allow and making sure that if people want to go back they can go back. i will malden with wall street journal . thank you so much. i just wanted to
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ask about, we've heard some voices among is really political leaders talking about the threat of iran in the region. and of course it's proxies has the law. and if he's been active in and around this conflict and you but you're bringing a message to the region of the escalation it, where was your message of the escalation heard and agreed with when you spoke to yours rarely, counterparts. and, and political leaders today, um or, you know, we haven't certainly haven't seen that in the last few days or been strikes on has a lot that would appear to be an escalation. how do you support that? and is the us and its partners? are they prepared to take a strike associates because of their continued action in and around the red sea? thanks. well, one thing that we've heard clearly, every place we've gone, including and in his room is the escalation and it's in no one's interest. uh,
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no one seeking it, no one wants to see other friends open in this conflict. and more than that, as i've already shared, we have countries around the region that are using their relationships using their influence to try to make sure that that doesn't happen. we had extensive discussions about that today is we had other other days of this trip. and here we focused on free strictly on the situation in northern israel. and it's very clear to me from these conversations a few things. first, we strongly support the proposition that is really is need to know of security so that they can return to their homes in uh, in northern israel, of 80000 or so is really is have been forcing their homes because of insecurity from coming from southern lebanon. the rocket attacks, other threats posed by his beloved as uh, equally uh,
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we believe. and the government of israel believes that a diplomatic path is the best way to achieve that security. and that's exactly what we'll continue to pursue. so that's what the government set today. and that's what we're, we're focused on more broadly. we have, you write a number of actions being taken by who these by or other other ronnie and proxies interact syria, that threatened stability and threatened the potential for conflict. and we're determined again that we uh, nazi escalation that we don't have the conflict spread. and we've made that very clear. but of course, if our personnel, if our forces are, are threatened or attacked, we'll take appropriate steps, we'll respond,
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we'll protect them. we've demonstrated that in the recent past, and we will again, if we have to, as we talked already about the, the threat that the, who these are posing, that's a thread not to us through just to us or to, to, is really it's a threat to the entire international community because they've been attacking shipping through the red sea that's vital to providing, provides about 50 percent of global commerce every day. these attacks have had very, very negative effects for countries around the world in terms of from forcing ships to root around the red sea take longer roots more expensive. more time insurance rates goes up. prices for food, for medicine, for energy, for whatever is being shipped, or going up and more broadly. it's a threat to the principal of freedom, the navigation that every country has a stake. and that's why more than 40 countries joined us in condemning the who the actions best buy other countries have joined us in making clear that this continues
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. they're going to be consequences. but no one was looking to create a conflict toward escalated conflict. on the contrary, were seeking to to prevent that from happening. but we also have to pull the basic principles of that of international law, including freedom without vacation. and we have to make sure that our own personnel, when they're under threat, are being protected. like i'm not going to speculate on and what will happen in the future. we just want to make clear that if these actions by disease continues to be consequences, i'm not going to say anything beyond that. the for the final question will lead l amare without the 0. thank you. what is it all money? and just see the beauty of angela sitting 1st with me and mr. is because over says blinking, thank you for expressing your deep sadness about the tragedy of a lot of the colleague is, does he have any fold tank? is that why that's why it has lost his wife and the son is and is going to the and
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and his lady, the bumper ment of the house where the website from the center of does city and displays to the southern guys us type and 25th of october 2 days ago or 3 days ago, he lost his eldest son holmes. who was it jo noticed in the z and i media in the 12 and was coming in and his id is like that hit is to view the on call and the 5110 percent joe noticed where a couple of so 5 by his id, i mean, does, during the well more than 20000 civilians were killed on tens of thousands where engines and hundreds of thousands with displaced from their homes that no longer exist. the situation of the is highly citizens is both so difficult at tens of thousands where displaced from the guys, the input them, and the, the boat of the line with the attendance officer clearly as well as killed in the i
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must have tacked on these events of october and there are many businesses under stages and from both sides as you know, mike was don't. why do you as a supervisor and as leading floats in the international community, not the right. the birthdays and especially the, is the government to cease fire and goes up under this big so united nations resolutions and the kid and the kids and the it'd be sort of so you know, 10 and a stepped off. both sides continuing was brought by motor blood by 2nd, which is, is related to the amount of normalization and is the u. s. a really busy with that much? and do you think mr. bing and thinking that the options exist or is, isn't just an attempt to escape from the so you turn over there,
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but assume you had a question and them thinking, latonia whole, but i missed sofas or i have to agree with the american position in order to change his extreme government and what about the rules of the 4 of the nations or countries as you mentioned before and, and does it suggest to the point of view for the reconstruction or do they have, what is the cut on that? okay, thank you. so let me just say you gotta be at the asset. the loss loss is that your colleagues suffered or unimagined and i have deep controls as for what he has suffered. i again can't even begin to fully imagine what he's gone through. and as i said again the other day to the journal, as of the last, the lots have been entered in gaza. we feel very strongly for them as well. and the
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central work that they do is more vital, whatever we want this war to end as soon as possible. there's been far too much loss of life far too much suffering. uh, but it's vital in israel achieve its very legitimate objectives of ensuring that october 7th can never happen again. we believe they've been considerable progress towards that goal. the same time, i think it's very important to remember that everyone has choices to make and that includes some us a mosque could have ended this on october 8th by not hiding behind civilians by putting down its weapons by
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surrendering by releasing the hostages. none of the suffering, none of the suffering would have happened from osh, hadn't done then did what it did on october 7th and had it made different decisions thereafter. so it's very important to keep that in perspective. and again, this good until tomorrow. if i'm off base those decisions and we will continue, as we've done to give these really our best advice about conducting us a war in a manner that achieves the objective of making sure that october 7th, cap irritated does better by protecting civilians and making sure that people get the assistance that they need with regard to
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normalization. there is, i think, a clear interest and in pursuing that integration of the region is something that virtually all of the countries that i visit on this trip wanted with bass, want to pursue some of those already taken final steps to do that. others i think are, are interested in, in doing the same. but it's equally clear that that's not in substitute for or at the expense of a political horizon for the palestinians, and ultimately a palestinian state. on the contrary, that piece has to be a part of any integration efforts, any normalization efforts that was also very clear in my conversations. so during the course of this trip, including and saudi arabia, thank you. and so
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again, i think these things are, are somewhat joined. it's clear that as i mentioned before, most of the countries i visited are really prepared to i think support of you guys are in the, in the future to support all the efforts that are necessary to support a palestinian leg. governance for, for guys. it. but it's also vitally important to them that there be a pathway forward for the palestinians in terms of their overall political rights and a very clear political horizon we and they support kind of a standing governance that's joined of gaza and the west bank and the pathway to to, to a state that's again very clear from everyone i, i talked to in the region. thank you. you are a secretary of state antony blinking their briefing generalist of today's pulse
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with his riley officials. they're in tel aviv part of his tour of the middle east is 5th tour of the region. he talked about a number of things. so the, the toll of the war and gaza was far too high. but also i talked about the need to find a long term diplomatic solution. how much of june has been listening to this with us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. so as we say now, he touched on a number of things as well as the, the need to not only find a long term solution, but to prevent this conflict from further escalating. and he said that that he had the support of a number of arab leaders in the region as well. so that's why it hasn't been let's go through some of the points the us x ray to say the answer may blinking made in that press conference that, that just finished up. and he talked about the need for
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a getting into guys more effectively for there to be a better d confliction process going forward. he said that there were plans that were being prepared for you in assessment mission that would take place in northern gaza that he had been speaking to is really leaders about the fate the plan for a phase transition. when it comes to the way that is real, is prosecuting the war in gaza to a lower intensity phase. he also said that they would like to see the, the residents and gaza that had been displaced from the north to be able to return to the north end that he had discussed with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. how those opposite goals could be overcome going forward. he said that the us reject any and all calls that may have been made for residents of gaza to be resettled elsewhere. he also talked about the tensions on israel's border with lebanon, and there needs to be a diplomatic solution that they're working to try to achieve a diplomatic solution,
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a durable solution. and one of the things that he talked quite a bit about in his remarks for, for the past few moments, was that there needs to be in his words, a pathway to a palestinian state. he said that the is really must stop taking steps that make it harder for palestinians to govern themselves. and he also said that the palestinian authority must take steps to reform itself. now we are expecting to hear more from secretary blinking tomorrow on this matter because he is scheduled to be in the middle of tomorrow and he's going to be meeting with palestinian president. i'm with our boss and he also mentioned something with regards to the case that's been leveled against israel in the international court of justice. charging israel with genocide in garza, he said the secretary of state said the charge that israel is committing genocide against palestinians is merit list and galling given that those who have attacked israel or calling for its destruction and the mass murder of jews. one last thing
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i'd like to mention has him is the fact that he took a question the secretary of state took a question from a to z. it is uh jerusalem bureau to put it in on monday. um uh, just before he finishes press conference, he talked about the fact that they would like for war to end as soon as possible. he said, but it's vital. but israel achieves its objectives that october 7th can never happen again. so a lot of points being made by blinking in that press conference. nothing truly remarkable. nothing that wasn't really expected. obviously the us, it's known that they would like to see a decrease in the amount of tension. they would like to see a pause in the fighting. they'd like to see more humanitarian aid getting in. there had been some indications potentially earlier that may be that meeting with nets and yahoo, that blinking had, might have been more tens than anybody has let on. because it's being reported in his really media outlets that there was no read out of the meetings that had been
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released by uh, the office of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu would typically that would have already happened by now. so a lot to take in, obviously there were a lot of points. the blinking discussed with is really liter throughout the day. and it's going to be interesting now to see what happens when he makes his way to, to muller tomorrow, has of certainly will lots, lots to do. i just there for the moment. i'm gonna jump to him. life was in ramallah. thank you. to tell us bringing the i just need a senior political analyst model, one of the showed at once again joining me on set now. so model on, 1st of all, your impressions of what use are definitely usa tuesday will look. i mean, this is where i'm at the repeat that a lot of what uh, the separate the sides or somebody, some of those points i let me just move directly to the critique of what we've heard thus far. i think we've heard from 3 blinking just now we've heard from is there as defense lawyer?
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we've heard from the diplomatic spinner. and we've heard from the imperial and void and theater in missouri. the defense lawyer was one of the same dozens of hearts 3 months and this is calling, this is the goal. this is so disappointing. show disappointing for the american pop diplomat. after 3 months of genocide to be a repeat thing is raz lies. so sad been disappointing. when he said yes again, when we already know that this is proving to be wrong, that's how mass the middleton's had been firing from hospitals and schools. we've heard about this, the hospitals being the headquarters and we've investigated the american media investigated. international organization investigated all these claims that have to be mostly wrong. the ones that would investigate and yet again, he's there to repeat. more of the same lies, defend thing is read when,
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when he's asked about genocide, you submitted the list. okay, why did he read the 7th day? there's not much. what is ministers in the 7th day starts african document and you cannot, you cannot argue against it by saying other people are genocide. there's origin is a death. you know, i don't know. the whole thing is for example, ok if the inside the what does have to do with a minute of the case that is. busy that's committed genocide and gosh, i always, so he played the defense lawyer. this printer was a bit more tricky. he was passed to see just did the trip to the region. he was asked about his conversations with the i believe those on with is there. he is, or what he heard. he said he heard from the i believe there is that they are interested in the 2 state solution. and they're interested to get involved in very construction of gaza if it's part of a serious diplomatic effort to resolve the pressing issue. he actually started with that up, so i think he will then asked,
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what did the think about that your vision of what to said city. so you said i'm in no position to speak for him. what, what you're just for, for the i believe there's or 6 or something i'm going put the dark leader. so when it comes to the now, the doctor is printed at a splendid. i'm how, what did he spend it? he's fun. it because nothing, you know disagrees. the stand, the whole doesn't want that to step solutions as of now, it does not want that, but a scene or sort of thing. he does not want to leave guys that he does not want to leave the westbank. do you want to stay occupying file? what i'm continue to set the legally there are many examples to go towards that, but the more the most important points, because these are, you know, we've had fun with those points is america lives for those right. this has been going the case now for 3 months. i think the most important point, and this is the one we've got to be talking about it for weeks, months, years to come. it's where the imperial image that talks about the integrated,
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the original approach. that's the main message from mr. a. defense regret that there is a lot of what does that mean? simply means that he thought to all the out of i must have majority leaders, including turkey and the likes that he wants to bring. the 56 band middle eastern countries especially so the area he once told you area to normalize relations with his read secretary blinking once total awards is very important to genocide by having. so the normalize relations with is right, right in guitar and for the promise of a palace thing is that we're gonna have to leave it there for now. much more on this to come up model. i'm, thanks, i much. let's get an update from is running outside of high that is in tel aviv for us. um. so sorta, um, we want to pick up on the point that was made there by a colleague um, how much i'm human ramallah about the fact that there was no is really read out on
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this meeting with the blinking. then we also had from, from a sector blinking much of the same issues that we have been hearing before. yeah, absolutely. yeah. some of it was, well actually most of it was, everything was in hearing before talking about how of us is a very good friends with israel that they have the right to defend itself. and actually when we awesome, the question is all the 0 around the situation and the number of civilians killed, he's response to that was the israel had the right to defend itself. and const will continue to do so. and that thomas had a choice on october. the 8th of for it to uh, to som itself, to hand over the captives and really putting the blame on how my saying that this war is continuing because of that the, some points that he made hadn't been discussed before. so for example,
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he said that the, those uh, that are in the south and central at the moment that come from the north should be allowed to return to that homes. and now the point that he made is that the united nations that they have managed the, the us has managed to convince israel to allow a united nations delegation to go in and carry out assessments a to allow those off from the north to return to the homes, of course that will take a while. he didn't give a timeframe on that and that contradict something that these riley's had said a few days ago saying that they wouldn't be allowing that just yet. so in terms of what we're hearing in terms of what he was saying, for example, about this uh, quote, a case that will be taking place in a few days with south africa has used their accused of genocide. he calls it based on merit. less than that, it doesn't help in any way the situation, but of course we do, you know that israel is actually quite concerned about that because that will have
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no clue and effects even though it's not legally binding. if it's accused of that, it could, since you have a knock on effects on decisions being made. for example, in the un security council, some of the other things that he discussed was the role of the arab nations. we know that he'd been on a few visits and discussing the role of full of nations, also as well as talking in terms of the rebuilding and reconstruction of gaza. once they some who end. i'm not something he said that they all came to have a role in, but some of them are keen to normalize relations. thoughts. they said that it has to be made clear to israel. the palestinians should have the right to govern themselves. he of course, didn't give any details as to what that means and sense of who would govern garza once this was, those are all right side of higher life as they're in town. i b, thanks very much, but that's it for this news out. my colleague, ne clock is here in a couple of minutes with more of the days use and we will keep you abreast of all
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of the developments on the conflict in gaza and the visits of the us sector site as he has to remo. let's meet with palestinian that leaves us back with more into the phasing cap is teresa cuts are for a record of 3rd toys 2014 smoking piece, including house and defending champions, cuts our son, humans, south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back home will keep you right across the actions. out the tournament, the asian tap on al jazeera. it is a tenant object to produce objectives. these problems which many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and
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yet, on the fringes of this way, the public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who close for freedom of speech and 1st amendment right got chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level. all that i can to support the one on tuesday around the the,
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm the cloud. this is the news life the coming up in the next 60 minute. you're a secretary of state on to the blinking says the daily death toll of the war and civilians and gauze was followed to high crowds. it's vital israel, a cheese its objectives for more members of chutzpah,


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