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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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without the best cumberland, best produced is the best fixes, and those are the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the . ready yeah, extra state hun, cheap, lincoln says the daily toll of war and civilians and dogs was far too high, but adds its lifeless relatives subject to the of the clock this out 0 life. and also coming is rarely strikes on southern lebanon, killed 4 more members of the on group responds with trying to tax on them is really army by israel bombs more residential areas and southern gaza. but it says 9,
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if it's so just to being killed in strict class, nothing absolutely. working for the country. donald trump, back in federal court asking for me to to the outcome could have a major impact on this is presidential election. the so us extra state and zip lincoln says the toll of israel's wall and civilians and gals was found too high. but he added it's vital israel achieve its objective that october 7th can never happen again. lincoln was speaking to john. listen, televi tv's off to meeting with his reading leaders to discuss the future of garza said, many middle east of nations are ready to invest in gauze as future learning with a pathway to a palestinian state. in many countries in the region are really prepared to, to invest in a number of ways to invest when the conflict in guys is over and it's
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reconstruction. and it's uh and it's security supporting palestinians in their, in their governance. but it is essential to them that there also be a clear pathway to the realization of palestinian political rights and a palestinian state that's enough from sarah hard to is more and that press conference and kind of it's nice if it was everything was in hearing before talking about how of us is a very good friends with israel that they have the right to defend itself. and actually when we awesome, the question is all the 0 around the situation and the number of civilians killed. he's response to that was the israel had the right to defend itself and will continue to do so. and that some us had a choice on october. the 8th of for it to the psalm itself, to hand over the captives and really putting the blame on how much things that this
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war is continuing because of that the some points that he made hadn't been discussed before. so for example, he said that the, those uh, that are in the south and central at the moment that come from the north, i should be allowed to return to that homes. and now the point that he made is that the united nations that they have managed the us has managed to convince israel to allow a united nations delegation to go in and carry out assessments a to allow those that are from the north to return to the homes, of course that will take a while. he didn't give a timeframe on that and that contradict something that these riley's had said a few days ago saying that they wouldn't be allowing that just yet. so in terms of what we're hearing in terms of what he was saying, for example, about this a quotes a case that will be taking place in a few days. west south africa has used their accused of genocide. he calls it based
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on merit less. and that it doesn't help in any way the situation, but of course we do know that israel is actually quite concerned about that because that will have no clue and effects even though it's not legally binding. if it's accused of that, it could, since you have a knock on effects on decisions being made. for example, in the un security council, some of the other things that he discussed was the role of the arab nations. we know that he'd been on a few of the visits and discussing the role of full of nations, also as well as talking in terms of the rebuilding and reconstruction of gaza once this will end. and that's something he said that they all keen to have a role in that. some of them are keen to normalize relations, thoughts. they said that it has to be made clear to israel. the palestinians should have the right to govern themselves. he, of course, didn't give any details as to what that means in terms of who would govern garza once this war is over to southern lebanon now, where
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a targeted is ready strike is killed. 3 members of the own group, principal becomes of the day after his rel assassinated senior has brought commander with a mouth with a 2nd is ready strike on tuesday. targeted his funeral, killing another member of the own group. so know how that reports not from tire in southern, never the lines continue to be crossed in this conflict as well. target to a court at a funeral of a senior has the law field commander killed a day before and then the parent is really drawn strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is very straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese armed group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battle field along the border. and the few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed. since the group opened the front to help relief pressure on its ally hum us in garza toria was killed
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a week after. how masses? number 2, solid, rudy was assassinated in hezbollah stronghold invaded his wireless troy as much as i can to improve the cause of belonging to presentation that tom once carries on another spheroid like in the capital. i think that's when we can save the principle laws. policy determines, as player with and the terms is indeed road has below has we tell you to, to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and so forth . so 12 kilometers from the border, the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier, the target to the air traffic control base, isabel says the strikes cause minor damage. but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security
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restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens hezbollah as promising to fight back without with springs. if israel launches an all out war, but it's secretary general, pass on this rela, didn't commit to a major escalation, he sent to, that's possible i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline we'd love it on. the us has been trying to work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion, so to, as well stops. it's a question for you. this is right and has lost hope and god's done in lebanon, and thought this white ford and then he gets coming to lebanon to try to start negotiations on what happens after the war despite the attacks hes below went ahead with a bearing. it's commander so far the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for
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their interest data. so there's nothing on let's gates or buddies, truth or not. how do i salute, joins is from the i'm to to talk more if you would about the response we seen from his by, of the will shortly after the is really, are me targeted that car in southern and 11 on there were multiple read alerts throughout northern areas in israel, the alert said that there were hostile aircraft infiltration rockets and other types of weapons. that's why all of the alarms were triggered along the 120 kilometers border in the north. now his bottom was saying that who was targeted until today is actually a fighter and not a commander like israel is claiming these really are saying this is a person who is responsible for a lot of drone attacks. remember there was an incident today in the north where the
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armies northern command headquarters was targeted. these really is claimed there are no casualties and that the damage was not that expensive, but again, it is the longest range strike we have seen from his bola, from southern lebanon and going to his really territory. it was interest on the border. it was 12 kilometers away. you have to remember that just last week, these really defense minister said that time is running out for any sort of diplomatic approach with his bola that that window is closing, hour by hour. so these really are also saying they don't want of some sort of wider regional conflict. the rest relation that seems to be the collective school of thought among the americans as well. but remember, his bullet has also vowed retaliation and revenge for the constant killing of their fighters for the killing of how best way to solve the rudy. this exchange of fire that we have been seeing on the border since october 8 has been constant. and these
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really say that as long there, there is still a threat along the northern border. they have no choice but to strike and retaliate, but it seems, but in the last several weeks, it has escalated to something that these rallies are now considering going more in militarily on one of the things so that, that somebody in the bodies, tristan's thank israel is i'm is continuing is offensive and central and southern gaza despite claims that shifting to less than 10 school for these pictures are from the outlet. and like, how does the refugee camp in the center of the strip is really ministry has been striking the area heavily the operators, comp, it's also being at targeted schools of engine palestinians have been rushed to nasa hospital and con units in the south. that's way israel says it's expanding is ground operations within $23200.00 policy is killed since october. the 7th tar cap is in is in reference, southern, gaza and target brings up to date on the latest strikes across the strip.
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yes no, the top of the fighting known as strikes, of course that the southern part of kansas trip as a during the last hour the military attacks or the middle good for nights had expanded rapidly as full palestinians being killed. and one of the strikes that took a residential neighborhoods where a number of family members have been in good at being transported to unlocks the hospital for treatments. and this is a part of the ongoing onto the restricting also, or the residential neighborhoods of as well as the items that refuge account of the past few hours as, as residents have to report, think that they have been going through on stopping, unstoppable bombardment by the artillery that they told us that everything is big is getting much more di the day by day due to the unrelenting cycle of destruction . that the is very food is trying to close for residence,
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the as long as the fighting on the new to city continue in the, in the out. well, elimination of last had been seen lighting up this call you of can you to city as also as the why the town was widely hits in the, in the last few hours where i'm tired of city is being injured off top being directly hit when the when it, with that is verified to jump me sorry, we are talking about thousands of tons of explosive and me. files have been dropped on garza's civilians, houses since the erection of this round of fighting. and they, by data fighting is getting much more furious, much more difficult, that is conducted with different tactics from region to another. according to the holy intensity of bombing, that use body forces a using a game stability as we're talking about 10000 palestinian kit being killed since the auction of this found a fighting alongside with more than 7000 women. but with the real dilemma for palestinian that there are still people stuck under the ruffles. we're talking about more than 6000 palestinians in the truck best without any receiving any kind
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of help to be evacuated despite the fact that they might be killed. and they are still a, did their did bodies buried under the russell so, and what is also one of the main problems that is facing the, the, i'm shooting says, insight goals. this took some areas of target things. emptiness is, cannot really reach you due to the unrelenting bombardment of the area as people are making different appeals for, uh, the uh, the protestant, administered hills to reach this area. but it's considered to be very risky to get for the medical teams in that part of the gaza strip. so we can say that, do you decide that the tax on the south continue as palestinians are trying to do the best in order to survive? and at least to be able to keep with the often not so the is very ongoing aggression on the territory. atari, thanks for that to talk. i resume the in reference on josh. all right, let's bring it in by sure every minute his reader,
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in post colonial literature university of kent joints is now from london. especially a good to have you with this at so, and cheapening can in the region how we moved on in any way. do you think to any kind of resolution with his visit? a no, not a toilet. i mean for us, let me begin by saying that it's, it's important to remember it's been 95 days since it has a full noun clauses. and since it has envision on cause and none of its warnings have been realized, some of talked about them was on realistic contradictory, some of talked about how can you release hostages by by kidding them? it's very clear that genocide on i'm glad you use this term on. let's just see it as is it as well? stop the injury. we have a starvation strategy. we have funding which is being projected we have turning cause i don't mean habitable place on livable. there's no question that god does is it, as the stone for occupied by destiny is already killed? one percent of guzman is already many more injured. now in the midst of all of this, the us comes again on
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a 4th visit blink and comes again. i'm just sort of the support isn't that on the mild you mind it's out in the quest. the u. s. has a lot of an objective observer to do this. this is a very much solid support to them. is it how it can also put pressure on this so that it is simply, i think they do a strategy is simply to buy is what i would find to win the water and goes on to the store. it's shot that did that and, and also to try it from its own eyes to weaken it on the bought it and sees of the it on access in the region link. and when he landed, he talked about it and his living and peace and his latest living and security. how can you do that when all american ford is to simply beads, region and instability and regional via kind of sponsor more and more compassion. and then at the same time, spencer piece, it doesn't make sense, right? i say, well the most of the rest of the world is being type of waves, discount carry on. the u. k, of course has been resolute, init, support the united states. now we have the front surgery, david cameron, former prime minister, of course, the wiring, the israel wiring, he says,
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israel may have breached international law. what do you make of like that? i mean, what does it does is, is doing essentially is claiming, is conducting a dental side as a form of self defense. it is also doing collective punishment. it's clear for everyone to see systematic war crimes titled, as in the whole population, invoking state federal as a tool of conducting war. and then we have questions of the month to 5 days from the, from the formulas. that empathy, whether the violating international, if costs it is she doesn't want to admit that because that means that is that you will have to stop sending is what i longed. that's the only reason he's doing it is just an excuse not to stop supporting is that which is what he would be forced to do if he admitted this impala and especially i appreciate your perspective. thanks for that type. i sure i really my that i thank you. thank still a head here on out 0 for my president. donald trump make states for why he should not be persecuted for trying to have attendance for the next.
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examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 hospital stories for a global audience. this is a mighty policy. this is way what these are. so tied of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era account to the costs the world is drowning in the rec. what amounts of debt concentrated in developing countries, poor nations, and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people. so here's the plane for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the virginia watching out 0, remind about some stories this out. and israel has carried out targeted struct and hezbollah. in southern 11th kelly, at least 4 members. the group is retaliated by hitting a military command center in north of israel, comes of the day officer,
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as well as estimated senior block mazda 10 dollars. are these ready armies targeting refugee come to the center of this trip in time residential buildings in the southern? since you've con, units were destroyed within $23200.00 policy, be killed 6 or 706 to stay down to the blinking says a total of israel's born civilian took jobs was filed to find the edits is bible, it's really cheap. it's subjective. adult service and what kind of capacities are form of bite and administration, political appointee and resign from the department of education. last week, due to the treatments of processing is garza by says he had no choice but to resign as washington's policy to schumann ices posting for me as a palestinian american. as a postilion man, as a passing and christian, you know, my, my identity is intertwined with everything that's been happening. and the reality
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is that there has been an your daily dehumanizing effect of our current policies and just what is allowed to persist in terms of the aggression against palestinian life. and i, you know, for weeks used every avenue i could to raise concerns about these policies, to emphasize the importance of humanizing, palestinians, you know, posting and men to housing and christians who are a significant minority in the region now. and you know, that message was that fell on deaf ears and it was clear, the only thing that i could do in this moment to emphasize my consternation my concern with the ongoing policy was to resign the let's look at some of the world news now informally us present donald trump to spend the day in court,
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trying to convince judges that he should not be prosecuted on federal charges. trump was accused of trying to every time the results of the 2020 election. the judges appeared skeptical of his argument for total immunity. prosecute and said he was acting as a kind of it at the time when it pursuing false claims. president joe biden stole the election from him. medical hand is more from the court house in washington, dc. is a potentially very significant here in here in washington dc. in front of the 3, just 3 appellate judges. this is all about donald trump's charges that he tried to overturn the election he's facing for felony counts with the potential of up to 55 years in prison. he's appealed to the judge said that he's immune from prosecution . his trial judge denied that. so now he has sent it to the appeals court and the 3 judge panel heard arguments today. now he is basically saying that because he's president, he's amused then because of the separation of powers,
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the justice department can't go after him. and because of anything, he does an office under the official capacity. that means he's meeting prosecutor say he was acting as a candidate. and that said that would set a formal precedent in the future if presidents were allowed to commit crimes at office and not be able to be held criminally liable. now trump made sure he didn't have to, but he made sure to attend this hearing today and spoke with the media in a room just down the road from here. again, claiming that he is a victim as a president. and as he jobs, as an example, in this case were lost and i did nothing wrong, absolutely not working for the country. and i worked on part one because we have to have 3 of those 2 things. almost all the outcome of this case is potentially very significant. not just for donald trump,
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but for the presidential election. there were some poll 24 percent of his supporters, that if he's convicted on this case, that he shouldn't be on the ballot. patty call hey, i'll do 0. washington steel. as defense secretary lloyd austin has been treated for prostate cancer. he's been receiving care at the bull to read national military menace medical center. austin had done a drawing of criticism from some republicans who say he broke rules by not inform me. the white house was there as high to do a castro joins now from washington, dc and has more. so how do you 1st up, what's the latest on the defensive phone? and finally the mystery has been revealed. the defense secretary lloyd austin has prostate cancer and that is why he's still in the hospital now. he's said to be in good condition and quote, only engaged in his duties from the hospital room. and his prognosis, according to doctors, are good because the counselor was caught early, but they said that his full recovery could be
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a slow process and there is no timeline at this point when he may be discharged from the hospital. what got to this point? that's where the mystery began. apparently, austin was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early december. no one knew about it until he went in for a surgery to treat it on december 22nd. even then to congress, even the president himself, joe biden, was not made aware that his cabinet secretary was under general anesthesia getting this surgery he returned home. and then days later, apparently was rushed back to the military hospital in intense pain and has been there even in the intensive care unit under treatment. ever since, again, all of that happening without the public or even the president being aware what's been the full lot about the deposit defense, his lack of transparency when also his face hospitalized. the right congress has
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already been calling for some have been calling for the resignation of lloyd austin . others have been calling for a full investigation and it is notable that it took days before the white house was informed. even when austin was rushed back to the hospital via ambulance. and perhaps even more concerning is that the pentagon, 2nd in command, kathleen hicks, who would assume the duties avoid austin, where he to be incapacitated during general anesthesia for example. apparently she was not even made aware that these transfer of authorities had gone to her automatically back when he had that surgery. and then she was not fully aware of why he was in the hospital until days after he had already been there. so all of this, of course, raising concerns given that while he was going through this, the us conducted that dudley dro strike in baghdad course continues to have its daily engagement with his release. israel's war against her mosse. and this could impact austin's travel, where she spent
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a lot of to the middle east and back in recent days. all of these are concerns and answer questions. now, the pentagon and the white house day, they are indeed committed to a full investigation. right and highly, thanks for that type of drug test are there in washington, dc audits the cranes defense ministry of uncovered florida amounting to $260000000.00 investigations. a card out of the last 4 months off of ornaments, events get pointed. risdon, i'm or of as a new defense minister, he's being tossed with preventing corruption and making defense. procurement will transparent the bosnian serbs monkey and south declared national de violation of the country's constitution. and the 1995 peace agreement. republicans subs, good celebration, started on monday, opposing in the present. we know that it had this, has been pushing for graceful autonomy from central institutions and the book and country. january the 9th commemorates dates when both is subject said the creation
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of the own state triggering for the full cubans. government has announced a 5 fold increase in fuel prices from next month. part of a series of tough economic measures aimed at reducing the countries deficit. energy prices are also set to rise by as much as 25 percent cubes economy. it's trying to buy to present last year. official estimates put inflation at 30 percent. china could see a 2nd straight year population decline. that's wanting from demographers. they say that a sluggish economy tie, but unofficially, but officially under reported k with 19 desktop behind the slip, an expensive housing market and said we make it harder for young people to start from south trays. parliament is a pretty legislation criminalizing the production in salem, built, meets the national assembly overwhelmingly possible on tuesday. the $208.00 in favor and none against the band will come into effect in 2027 to law firm is time
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to phase out production. and that's it for me. in the cloud, you can find more information, of course, on a website dot 0 dot com is the address, but it's coming up and inside story. we'll examine the pockets on supreme court decision to lift and lifetime find the princess solutions for the convictions the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. hello, we do still have flooding concerns because i faced impossible, straight up victoria in particular, is now low c drive, but the thoughtful is this will take some time to receive the plane to your shower cloud, right up at east to sort of australia right up into the north down towards the south because mary apply pressure which will produce some outbreaks of right. she said to the south side of the visa and of new zeta. not very too badly actually
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over the next couple of days. so it's a white mistake. we've got more heavy rain coming into the northeast of new south wales, right up into a good pots of queensland right across the gulf commentary out into the top and there was a positive w. i also see some of the students over the next few days. further south because they have a term which is a thought to, to pick up getting up to around 29 celsius. the in that life still shows cause the use aside and all the possible stray to 32 celsius was on shy. coming back into melton friday, i suspect that will be welcome for many, long as you drive by this stage across new zealand. lots you drive to into a good positive china. at present, we've got to little bit of weather close to the korean peninsula. japan still say some wintry flowers as we go through. why does they particular post the west of moving parts of the country? that to the south is rain here that will make its way through. it will pricing up in time. fine. the weather brought to you by visit castle where you will
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never can see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after present as the storm to the capital. the new race for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0 to the us selection 2024. the supreme court scraps a lifetime found on politicians with convictions from holding office. that's welcome, useful former prime minister knowledge studies who cannot run again, but not for jailed formerly to him wrong. com. why and what's behind this really. this is inside story the


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