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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business like this, this will to you, i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes modern plates. i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country has a light and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the 11 o'clock. this is a new life coming up in the next 60 us next year. stay down to the blinking says the daily tolling, the war on dogs was far too high for that. it's vital is where the cheese subject is ready strikes on southern 11 and killed formal members of hezbollah. the on group responds with threatened attacks on and it's really on the bates, israel bombs more residential areas and southern gaza,
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but it says 90 bit. so just being killed in the strip. plus i did nothing wrong. absolutely. donald trump, back in federal code asking for munity the outcome could have a major impact on this year's presidential election. and armed men still the public tv channel. and that could all the president says the country. it's in the states of a tunnel internal on the so the impact to the war and civilians and goals are, it's far too high. that's according to us extra estate entity blinking. more than 2023200 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th blinking made the comment, so after meeting is ready, lead is in tel aviv he added it's important as well. achieve that goal of stopping future attacks by how much a in many countries in the region are really prepared to, to invest in
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a number of ways to invest when the conflict in guys is over in its reconstruction, in its uh, in its security, supporting palestinians in their in their governance, but it is essential to them that there also be a clear pathway to the realization of palestinian political rights and a palestinian state. meanwhile, hezbollah has lost his tri, couldn't ministry come on center in northern israel. it happened the day off to israel's military, killed senior his but i'll come on with him out a will. a 2nd strike talked in his funeral, killed another member of the liberties on group casualties, rules of mounting for israel. the army says 9 event. soldiers were killed in 3 incidents on monday. the 6th died and an accidental explosion in gaza. we'll have more of the fights in just a few minutes. profess this sort of harlots with the latest one ends,
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the blinking visits in his room. a nice if it was everything we've been hearing before talking about how of us is a very good friends with israel, that they have the right to defend itself. and actually when we awesome, the question is all the 0 around the situation in the number of civilians killed. he's response to that was the israel had the right to defend itself. and const will continue to do so. and that some us had a choice on october, the 8th of for it to uh, to som itself, the hands over the captives and really putting the blame on her mouth, saying that this war is continuing because of that the, some points that he made hadn't been discussed before, so for example, he said that the, those uh, that are in the south and central at the moment that come from the north, i should be allowed to return to that homes. and now the point that he made is that the united nations that they have managed the us has managed to convince israel to
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allow a united nations delegation to go in and carry out assessments a to allow those off from the north to return to the homes. of course that will take a while. he didn't give a timeframe on that, and that contradicts something that these riley's had said a few days ago saying that they wouldn't be allowing that just yet. so in terms of what we're hearing in terms of what he was saying, for example, about this a quote, a case that will be taking place in a few days. west south africa has used, they're accused of genocide. he calls it based on merit less. and that it doesn't help in any way the situation, but of course we do know that israel is actually quite concerned about that because that will have a knock on effects, even though it's not legally binding. if it's accused of that, it could, since you have a knock on effects on decisions being made. for example, in the un security council, some of the other things that he discussed was the role of the arab nations. we
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know that he'd been on a few the visits and discussing the role of full of nations, also as well as talking in terms of the rebuilding and reconstruction of gaza once this will end. and that's something he said that they all keen to have a role in that. some of them are keen to normalize relations, thoughts. they said that it has to be made clear to israel. the palestinians should have the right to govern themselves. he of course, didn't give any details as to what that means in terms of who would govern garza once this war is over. to southern level to now we're talking to this rarely strike is killed. 3 members of the own group has blocked. it comes a day off, the israel assassinated. the cd is, will come on with some alto will. a 2nd is reading strike on choose day targeted. his funeral killing. another member of the own group said a 100 reports now from toyota in southern lebanon. the lines continue to be crossed and this conflict is well target to a court at a funeral of
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a senior hezbollah field commander killed a day before and an a parent is a drone strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is really straight to the car, killing 3 members of the lebanese armed group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battlefield along the border. and a few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed since the goop opened the front to help relief pressure on its ally hum us in garza toria was killed a week after from us is number 2 solid, rudy was assassinated in hezbollah stronghold invaded his wireless, trying as much as i can to improve the cause of belong to a presentation that tom once carries on. another strike like in the capital,
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i think that's when we can save the principal. i suppose you detours as play open that it's the terms as indeed rudy has below has we tell you to to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and so forth. so 12 kilometers from the border, the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier, the targeted an air traffic control base. isabel says the strikes cause minor damage, but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. hezbollah is promising to fight back without restraint. if as well, launches an all out war, but it's secretary general pass on the sweller didn't commit to a major escalation. he sent to that's possible i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline with loving on the u. s. has been trying to
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work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion so till as well stops. it's a question for you. this is right and has lost hope in god's done in living in this white ford, and then it gets coming to lebanon to try to start negotiations on what happens after the war despite the attacks has below, when the head with the bearing, it's commander so far the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war while as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their interest data. so there's nothing on the list bringing home the seller to joins not from occupied east jerusalem and have the can you talk to us to find israel's reaction to these crestwood attention as well. just today is really military spokesperson, daniel,
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how gaiety in the night we press conference said that these really are me, quote, killed because bullet commander who is responsible for their aerial division. now his bella house released the statement following that comment, saying that they denied us that these claims are unfounded. and perhaps we is really, is, are trying to create some sort of achievement by saying this. but the reality is, is the person who was targeted and killed along with others, his bullet says, is a fighter and not any sort of command or all of this comes after. there was the deepest attack from lab and on into is really territory 12 kilometers from the border targeting a military headquarters and command center and the northern part of the country. these really say that the cross border fire has been intensifying in the last month . remember that his bella has said if these rallies choose to launch an all out war, they will react and fight back with no rules with no restraints. additionally,
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you have is rarely politicians and military figures who been saying, but the time for diplomatic negotiation with has been let, is running out and not window is closing each and every single day. so these really is say that they now have operational offensive, and defensive plans for how they're going to deal with the threat. they say on the northern border, they say they have a lot of reinforcements in the north, and they're going to continue to target other his beloved sites inside of southern 11 on if the cross border fire continues these really say that they are focusing still primarily on sliding him us and gaza, but that this is a no way an indicator that their attention is taken away from the north. all right, we'll leave it there for the night and thanks very much indeed for that update the, i'm definitely joining us from occupied east jerusalem as well as rails armies continuing its defensive in central and southern gaza. despite claims that shifting
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to less than tends will fit these pictures from the island because the refugee camp in the center of the street is really military has been striking the area heavily. the average campus also being targeted, less bringing target, losing his in reference, southern gaza and talk if you would just bring this up to date on the latest strikes, right across the street from the greeks and tasks. the yes, as we have seen in forming more attacks on every hour on site gauze, a strip and one of the latest ministry strikes was conducted against roughly districts where a multiple store building had been attacked, where a number of palestinians have been injured. and one woman till now had arrived being killed. now ambulances have gone to prove to bring me back to him from the location of the top of the thing. and the location of the targeting had been in a total assault on a neighborhood, which is one of the most densely populated areas in
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a rough life. and which is only a few meters away from the mass. make shift 10 chill test that is close to a mile off the area. and this area is very densely populated, with the factories had been evacuated from separate parts of gauze, a strip. and they are right now living in that very crowded area. and also we can say that the attack had been carried out to our residential building, a decent one of the main central, most of the tele, salt on neighborhood. and this is one of the attacks that had been carried out in an area that supposed to be safe zone for palestinians as the majority of constants are being great. now living in site, this area and also in the outskirts of tell us so ton of that is very close to milwaukee, which is the main mass chill, tough floor residents in the south of the territory. as you can see right now, the becky ground, i'm tenants has a heading to bring more victims and more injuries from the location of the targeting. as the attacks continue to hit the gaza strip from the north to the
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south and in particular, it had been expanded in the middle of over nights of the 2 or 3 in the past few hours were full palestinians being killed and on the so right for a few decals and one of the latest attacks had been carried up in the last hour to target. thanks. that's the target was even though it rafa. and so that was the situation that was the hospital in the central gods who has done most the doctors and medical stuff are forced to leave off the israel issued and evacuation on inquiry explains just how bad the situation is. we are in the hospital in venezuela, where most of the medical team evacuated after the fires live i munitions on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside. as you see, the only medical person on the left are under the nursing team where most of them are volunteers and live in the area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have
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been talking to the nursing team and they're sending us that's they were goal. our goal is to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families were inside the house with us. also, the administrative team is completely empty, where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the administrative work and the medical you are here. there are sin also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleaning the hospital. and at 2 days ago, some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to clean its floors. and its emergency
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department is more than 90 percent of the men because a team in the opposite hosp with the evacuated after i myself also evacuated the hospitals and it's not only the doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're talking about more than 10 media organizations less than evacuated southern to can you and it's entered a we're also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more than 3 months in that and but the hospital is not witnessing a collapse, but it's has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use, according to the method, can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic for as data garza product. the okay far as extra david cameron has expressed concern that is, rose actions in dogs that may violate international law. to make the comments on, choose day, well testifying before parliament treat committee in all these cases.
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yeah, there's a question mark as to whether it's in breach of internationally managerial. that's why you have to go back. look at the episode. what to in particular was baldwin and then ask yourself the a bunch of questions to be sure what laws do they give you that advice. the advice has been so far that they have the commitment, the capability and the compliance, but on lots of occasions that he's on the question. let's take this on with beishir every minute. he's a reader in post colonial literature at the university of kent joints, not from london and bushes of the account has always been resolute, of course, and it supports of the united states position in israel's where israel's war on gaza. what do you make of this from david cameron? a yeah, so it's, it's not clear that the you can, has any independent foreign policy. it is just a tell anything. what do u. s has been doing and setting?
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i think he used the question of that. we have to think about this moment as i start the moment, then you have to ask us of the story q where, where people are standing and where did you stop getting? as it is water on gauze, i think people who support the visit a little confusion, which is what it is, which is what ben wallace talked about. what design does the funds mr. get? and he talked about that as killing that age. if you support it as it as vengeance, you're on the wrong side of history, and i think the only way to stop this. the only way to stop is really what is public barbara as much as what we're seeing in front of our eyes. as far as i'm national to be off to the is in fact for the international law that, that they've come in is worried about. and then i think the i c j. the steps that it might take at the end of this week are crucial in order to intervene. and the site is to say, if god's humanity decided, god, the legal structure that we have to protect people from that kind of a savage state behavior that we wouldn't see. i mean, on his counterpart comments,
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counsel positive united states eventually blink. and of course, extra state, he's been back in israel and amongst other countries, or are we any place it to any kind of resolution is anything changed by this visit? i mean the photo's as low as like, being visited by your lawyer who's supposed to as your more it stopped kind of visit the 1st one of the 1st thing that blink and said that is, that is what i love commenting identified in god. that clearly is, so he's fine to the front is about from that charge. he also talked about the parties like how my son has by law, having it in data statements that they want to annihilate is what it is. but it is actually is an added which is a lot of a thing by the founding like a lot i think. and some of the good thing about us doing is i'm dominating them in the west bank and gaza and actively cutting them systematically. so it's sort of a peculiar visit again, just to a firm support for it is that i love to put any pressure on is there to change this . got the specific policy which was back filed against the, by the administration and against blinking himself at the end of this. i cannot see this ending well, in the region for the us. do you mentioned the, the i c j,
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the international court of justice? a yeah. for some space in the hague, of course, and holding it's for us here in to south africa's genocide case, which it brought against israel on 1st day. i think it is what, what do you think the implications of this might be? i think huge. i think this is a moment for the i c j to a firm. it's commitment to humanity. to say that there is that we are not living according to the laws of the jungles of that on and from national laws and universal funded to upholding to protect everyone's human rights in the region and in the world. so i think it has that kind of a human responsibility. and i also think that it, it is incumbent on it to repeat its denial, which is what it did in earlier, who lives up is what it was about. the self defense of the people that occupied as a possible life article, 51. it said over the was the multiply and dr. 5 sided prison because is what i actively occupies doctor 3 and has an obligation to protect the people that it's
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occupied. the notion of self defense that is a use is all the time, is a pretext for the use of force. it is on the military to assess at the photos rather cheap. it's a, it's kind of a 2 piece of security for the citizens with all conducting the savage. what against about us, the news? it's a world without distinction. and it's also thought that a disproportionate, unintended to be sol system optically and deliberately. so i hope that the i, c j puts a stop stops, is that i have an allows for conversation to review them about how to contain space that out aggressive like as early as over. got some and then the interesting question. all right, especially if thanks for that to a bunch of them and read it and post colonial literature universities can. thank you. thank. so the way to look at some other world news to unfold that you as president donald trump, has appeared in court, trying to convince judges that he should be not to be prosecuted on federal judges . a trump is accused of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election. the
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judges appeared skeptical of his arguments for total of unity for prosecutor say he was acting as a candidates at the time when pursuing full claims. president joe biden stole the election from probably calhane is more from the court house in washington, dc. a potentially very significant here in here in washington, d. c. in front of the 3, just 3 appellate judges. this is all about donald trump's charges that he tried to overturn the election he's facing for felony counts with the potential of up to 55 years in prison. he's appealed to the judge said that he's immune from prosecution . his trial judge denied that. so now he has sent it to the appeals court and the 3 judge panel heard arguments today. now he is basically saying that because he's president, he's amused then because of the separation of powers, the justice department can't go after him. and because of anything, he does an office under the official capacity, that means he's
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a meet in prosecutor say he was acting as a candidate. and that said, that would set a formal precedent in the future if presidents were allowed to commit crimes at office and not be able to be held criminally liable. now trump made sure he didn't have to, but he made sure to attend this hearing today and spoke with the media in a room just down the road from here again, claiming that he is a victim as the president. and this is an example of this case where last and i did nothing wrong, absolutely not working for the country. and i worked on a very hard one because we have to have 3 of us to things almost of all the outcome of this case is potentially very significant. not just for donald trump, but for the presidential election. there were some poll, 24 percent of his supporters, that if he's convicted on this case,
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that he shouldn't be on the ballot. patty call, hey, i'll do 0. washington. as a group of men is break it into a television station and that could go on his breath and stuff. live bro, costs at the t. c channel was interrupted by people carrying guns and wary foods. stuff, but for the floor before the live feed cuts out, the tech comes a day off, the president declared a 2 month long state of emergency. that was the response, the state of the game needed from prison. and this under a run p a t as move this is because they are doing for my cs, better known as speak to the leader of the powerful list. jonetta is getting in ecuador. he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking, and organized crime. in this maximum security prison in the port city of the way of keel. but on sunday when soldiers rated the sensor as part of the government crackdown, oh tory too said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched
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a major operation to recapture him so far with no results and will not be in an operation involving more than 3000 people in the prison has been rated in search of the most 100 prisoner. and the operation continues and authority screaming or suspected of having play the role in the assassination of presidential candidate to the end of the same. so last year, peter's auston, this 5 deltore these docs, he has escaped prison before and recently appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escaped. incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside, fretting them with knives. mr. president, please reconsider your decisions. don't let yourself be driven by impulses and
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false expectations on a settlement. are you going to be? i'm waiting for the band. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president. then yeah, noble, a banana empire. here with little political experience, we took over the november promising to reduce violence and advocates. i won't be in again. on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency. okay, some of the end that i've got to say his boss, we're seeing in the countries prisons as a result of our decision to confront investors why the government has taken action . so that will allow us to regain control of the prisons that have been lost in iceland yet. but some analysts say the president's plan is failing. the queen took care of, i'm not at the level, it seems like the facing the crisis repeating the same reset. pay of the previous government, it has been proven that declaring the state of emergency is nothing efficient way to contain kron homicides keep growing an equal door. and there was a risk that we will remain the most violent country in less than america. in 2024
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by in recent years, equity or has been living to an unprecedented security crisis fueled by drug trafficking. and that l. tory piece of failed to address. these latest developments seem to suggest more troubles ahead. i'll send that to get the address either. to phones, which has a new prime minister, president to manual mac, kronos appointed 34 year old gabriella. tell who becomes the youngest person to fill that position. president mack kronos hoping to tell. we'll give you my meant him to his administration. patasha butler post now from pars. 1 1 of the rising stalls of french politics, gabriela tile is now fonts. his youngest prime minister, the 34 year old, took over from elizabeth phone at a ceremony powers of to being appointed by the french president to manual my call. the present because you don't like the youngest president in the history, the republic has appointed the youngest prime minister in the history of the republic. and in this i see a sign of all destitute and change and also
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a symbol of confidence in youth. director of shots. that's all began his career with a socialist policy, with joint micro centuries movement a year before me, clothes and leg date in 2017. his career has accelerated onto the president from government spokesperson a budget minister, the haze of recent posts as education minister, in which he controversially bound a bias in schools. for the pointing gabriel at child, person like role will be hoping to revitalize his government and turn the page on what is being a very difficult and challenging you for months of pension reform, pro tennis to divisions, and the president's policy over new immigration. new macro is clearly keen for fresh thoughts about the change of prime minister doesn't change the fact that the president doesn't have a majority in the french, paul, and i'm pushing ahead with this reform agenda. wouldn't get any easier positive, you know. so the difficulty is that when you want to push through major reforms, you need the majority, we measure like if i don't see how he's going to achieve this, well, so it's
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a cause method. okay? so p all path is on the public on particularly under, i'm under the chrome because it's effectively the, the, that's the site, everything up here. so it's a new uptime and the same role. that's all. well now for the head with the president's reforms and or to see the parents and then pick games and also need to rebuild trust with the public ahead of june. you elections and stave off the rising threat from far right policies. opinion polls suggest this a tile is one of phones is most popular politicians, but he'll be able to with the politics. things can change fost, latasha, butler ultra 0 purse. so the head here and out 0, no way on the policy, become the 1st country in the world to start fixing money on the commercial scale. the the
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color i think is safe to say it's looking pretty cold across the good parts of year . now we got a massive battery of high pressure that is locked in place. it will strength and further as we go through the next few dice, i fucking foster problem cause northern parts of the braces, charles evans down towards so many areas of scandinavia, pushing down towards north jeremy through denmark. there's a high that's nestled in place, half of the south, like pressure, lots of just the weather. rumbling away, stormy weather for the mid it's right of that. present some snow the right of the parent has a lot of weather that down across the us by 9 portugal. typically it's struggling to get to 9 celsius on wednesday. and that's that weather right. the way across the central met him moving all the way across into east in pas anchor 4 degrees celsius . blustery conditions continue in head, driving, further east, which as we go through into west state mall, right. as you can see that across the central med for the both of these generally try, but it's uh, the kind of state on the cool side of low temperatures recovery,
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the normal for london. so like when we go central pots and let us try and also effect to the fall both of africa months with the rifle here in 2 days. yeah, the west of weather will continue across and all of them algy area, driving along the mediterranean coast as we go through this day, lots of west africa is dry. the a mexico's board of cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to me the demand and the results and the pressure the forensic investigate as the team piece together. evidence. as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on our side, a witness documentary on the houses there. the latest news, as it breaks, we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. there have be serious complications on
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a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a whole crime. i'm fearless jen, it isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the 3rd game you're watching out 0 and $1.00 of the top stories is uh, a new, a sec just stayed on to the blinking mits. the toll of israel's on civilians and
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guards was found too high. but said that israel has the right to ensure that an attack, similar one carried out by a mass of october. the 7th never happens again. israel is carried out targeted strikes on hezbollah in southern lebanon, killing at least 4 members degrees as retaliation has your metric monson to know that this in dogs are these ready army is targeting a refugee camps in the central district. the tie, residential buildings and southern cities calling needed a fee destroyed within $23200.00 palestinians when killed since october. the 2nd, the well, israel's military lead as a warning, the government of a potential lot rising in the occupied westbank, tens of thousands of palestinians have been prevented from retaining to the jobs in israel since october. the number of killings, raids, and attacks involving as ready forces unsettling existing all time highs. punishments reports now from ramallah. every week in the occupied westbank gasoline is ready,
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right. the sea is repeated over more than $300.00 funerals have been held since october. the 2nd to chicago for should be, there's no water electricity in many places and it comes across. it's not easy to keep fixing and then making people's lives harder. they want to kill on national longer and the destruction of homes, roads, and utilities during rates is a deliberate is really policy widely denounced as collective punishment is ralph occupation. it affects every aspect of life here. but a more than 50 is that ok patient has perhaps been never more oppressive and suffocating than it is. now. if it's not rage, then it's set to auto attacks around $36.00 a week according to the un, a record time to accommodate settlers. these really government is expanding permanent and temporary checkpoints. a 40 percent increase in the last 4 years says the un hours, long delays hobbled business and fuel frustration since october, the 7th,
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more than $192000.00 palestinians who worked in israel and the settlements have not been allowed back. so one of the, when it was started, work is spent the savings, as you know, now the markets dies. tens of thousands worked in this row, but with the engine of the economy. every way they to and there is no way out the 3000000 palestinians trumped in this occupation. it's why israel is military lead is a warning again of the risk of a 3rd uprising, bernard smith, i'll just say around remo. well, target bosh is a form of by the ministration political appointee. he resigned from the us department of education last week to protest against the treatment of palaces in gaza. and he says he step down because washington's policy dish humanizes palestinians, as for me, as a palestinian american, as a passing in man as a passing and christian you know, my, my identity is intertwined with everything that's been happening. and the reality
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is that there has been, and your daily dehumanizing effect of our current policies and just what is allowed to persist in terms of the aggression against the palestinian life. and i, you know, for weeks used every avenue i could to raise concerns about these policies, to emphasize the importance of humanizing palestinians, uh, you know, posting and men to housing and christians who are a significant minority in the region now. and you know, that message was that fell on deaf ears and it was clear, the only thing that i could do in this moment to emphasize my consternation. my concern with the ongoing policy was to resign. i agree with rob ice has been protesting guys, washington's position on does it. the hilda sits in the un headquarters in new york . the general assembly was holding a session to discuss the united states recent fee to overseas $5.00 members of
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different months get it to change base has more of the array of protest inside an empty un security council chamber, a group, rabbis for peace, which wrapped presents about $200.00 us rabbis, sang john seed and made speeches and suppose of a ceasefire, and garza to print well come, password and mercy, and to honor all nice. you and security officers arrived and then to school to the group. we've been on tour of un headquarters out to the building. what we are here to say the president biden enter the us ambassador to very nations is you do not speak for the jewish community. and so in, in blocking this call for sees fire. some of the rabbis also made the presence known the un general assembly, which on like the security council was in session. the assembly meeting was triggered because at the end of last year,
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the us use the pizza to block an amendment to a security council. resolution would have demanded a ceasefire in guns. it would be good if there was a strong international voice pressing come off as leaders to do what is necessary to end the conflict that they set in motion. on october 7th, in a fiery speech, these rarely ambassador attacked the un itself. you don't have the courage, sadly to come by terror and radicalism. you don't have the result to truly care about human rights to fight. so women fight for children will fight for their hostages. this from the representative of the country is army has killed well over 20000 palestinians, about half of them children. this assault is without precedent in modern history. in the scale and pace of killing of children. of you and
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persona of magic i and the rescued teens of jordan this and a busy week here at the you and the security council will meet twice in the coming days to discuss the situation in gaza. james bayes out to 0 at the united nations. the us defense secretary lloyd austin has been treated for prostate cancer, has been receiving care of the will to read national military medical center. austin has a drawing criticism from some republicans who say he break rules by not informing the whitehouse. as time goes on without the zeros, heidi direct castro joins is from washington, dc. and heidi, so 1st, what's the latest on the defensive? well, nec we've learned finally the reason for his mysterious hospitalization that really gripped washington and intrigue over the last 9 days. and it is indeed
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complications from prostate cancer surgery which austin received back in late december. his current condition, according to the pentagons press secretary, is that he is in good condition. he is expected to make a full recovery though there is no timeline as to when he'll be discharged from the hospital. the counselor itself is said to have been caught early and is treated it is, has a very good prognosis. and in the meantime, austin is said to be actively engaged in his duties as us defense secretary from his hospital bed. what about the concerns about the department defense is lack of transparency when austin was 1st hospitalized. yeah, that's really perhaps even the bigger headline here because even president biden himself was not made aware that his defense secretary had been hospitalized until 4 days after austin had already been at walter reed. and he was apparently in some pretty grave danger at some points in the intensive care unit,
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receiving intense treatments. and this has brought up a lot of concern among those in congress as well as the public that were not made aware of this until many days later. because it's that transfer of authority because if something were to have happened to austin and in fact he was under general anesthesia during his initial surgery. when those duties are transferred to his 2nd in command, kathleen hicks at the pentagon, and apparently in a series of more evolutions, hicks herself was not made aware of the extent that her boss was dealing with these medical issues. and she was in on vacation in puerto rico when austin was rushed back to the hospital with those complications. all of that has brought into question whether us national security was endangered as a result of this episode. because of course there was even that dudley us bro. strike in baghdad on the same day at that austin was hospitalized without everyone
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be aware. so now the pentagon and the white house has said they are launching a full review. heidi times that how digital cost are that much too large and tina where the congress has started debating and president harvey, i realize it's so cold on the bus bill of economic reforms which opponents cool unconstitutional. the $660.00 full article legislative proposal is expected to be pulse with some modifications. for honest, the largest coalition inside it will it reject the bill. proposal is part of the presence of gender of state reform and economic the regulation. in this, let's close to one is there is to speak with a lot to the market. it's a certain human, at least to just tell us more about what we can expect to happen today. the well, it's not just today, this is just the beginning of this so called a mega law or albany on the bus bus call, which is the, the actual name is the law for the basis. and the beginning of the liberation of the arjun time people,
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that's actually the name of the small and it's being debated in commissions right now. it could take days, weeks, months to be approved. and the real question is how much of it will be approved? because basically what it is, is the president calling for a state of emergency that would give him extraordinary powers, amazing parole victims, over the economy, over social laws, over pensions, of, of the privatization of companies. it's a long, long list that he's asking for, and it would allow him to have these powers that could pretty much supersede a lot of the, of the attributions of the congress for up to 4 years. so he's asking for a lot, some quoted, even imperial powers, whether or not he will get some or all of it is what is going to be decided in these debates that have just begun. and how is the little uh, the concept was being received across the country
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i would say was the resignation really the, the, the amazing thing about this is that the state of argentine, this economy is such that people believe the president when he says that extreme situations require extreme solutions, he's calls it a painful solution. it's almost like his saying to people, you're going to have to take better medicine that's going to make you feel very, very sick. but by the time it's over, you will get better. that is his argument. what many arjun times are saying is, how long can we last, how long can we stand this a country that's already has 3 digit inflation. the. the current seen was divided by 187 percent when president really took over just recently. it'll be just a month in a couple of days since he became president and many, many more hardships. thorough expected before as he says, things get better. so people say that for now they're going to give them the benefit of the doubt. how long that will last? there's another question. all right, me to leave that for now. thanks very much,
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said lucy, i knew and reporting think, you know, is parliament has approved a plan to allowed things he mind, you know, if it's coast under the plan, the country will lease rights for underwater exploration to commercial mining companies. opponents will not could endanger the environment for support as a mining will reach minerals necessary for green technologies. monitoring available as an oceans campaign and massage or at the environmental justice foundation. he says a d. c, mining poses a huge trip to the ocean of the nerves and government se ignores the advice of its own scientific institutions. so you have the norway institutional marine research, which indicated that the area designated board keeps the money as vulnerable or, and also valuable. you have the norway environment agency, which is which is saying that it keeps the money will have the severe consequences . and back in july,
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the european academy science advisory council all way. also that's by norwegian. scientists highlighted that it is indeed not necessary for the energy transition to, to um, to proceed whether you've seen mining and you all you also have like the official reset or um, who is a advocating against keeps the money in the way. and also companies like us store brand um but to, to get it to your, um, to your point. um, it was then always and always minnesota petroleum and energy for instance, who says that uh, do use the money is necessary for the green transition. however, when we, when we take a look about like future scenarios and they'll also, um, how we deal with our resources currently. but just to, to give you some, some numbers in that context by 2030. do you and estimates that that would be $75000000.00 tons of electric waste worldwide, while the technological capabilities accessed for recovery as rates exceeding 90
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percent of comp cobalt nickel. so the minerals which, which are the target minutes. and indeed semantics, we have like $16000.00 tons of cobalt per year, which gets lost due to insufficient collection recycling of mobile phones and like 10 percent of the annual production of cobalt and the market share with of called but to reach for instance without call while the legal has been increasing rapidly in recent years by 17 percent. in 2021. to 39 percent in 2022. the sciences have confirmed the 2023. it was the world's hall to see on record data from the competitive because climate change that was shows it was likely the well to war messed in the last 100000 years since june 2023 every month as being the world's hottest on record compared to the corresponding month in previous years, scientists as widely expected, the milestones of the climate records were repeatedly broken, fuzzy and subs that marking
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a self declared national day in violation of the country's constitution and to 1995 peace agreement. republic, a subject celebrations starts from monday, or since the present rhetoric has been pushing for greater autonomy from central institutions and the book and country. january the 9th smocks, the date when post inserts declared, the creation of their own state triggering a 4 year war. aid has visits has more now from east to san diego. we, with the majority of our celebrating fed, yours on the creation of the republic. celebration the constitutional ford in boston.
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the 910 green serve republicans. and 4 years on the waterfall, the decision was made with the rest of the groups made me cross and muslims, or bunch of small. so live in the country consideration another part of the country with cross motion. 1 the majority of people knew these celebrations as the patient . they understand that the creation of the car is one of the starting point. a secure and audible sign, especially to one or more of the celebration. another part of the country are commemorating the car is possible. it is amazing and one of the tools semis region
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that level of the lead find the session is progress. some leader me what are the hard to find the together as with the celebration during the off the top corner. so the head here and out 0. the china has invested heavily in football in the last seconds. is it any closer to realizing it some vision of the coming of put full power on florence greene in chain you and southern china? that story coming up
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the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the for nice place it looks like you so much. we'll start with the turbo cup away. the semi final 1st thing between chelsea and middlesborough is coming to an end and it's not going the way chelsea would have liked. taking advantage of playing at home middles. breath took a surprise and we didn't the 57 minutes. hayden hack me to school in here. so far, oh boy, in england, sick and she is a on now just a couple of minutes away from for me with an upsets with 3 days until the agent cupcakes of one of the pre tournament favorites. iran have touched down in kata. iran have won the competition 3 times, but not since 1976. i opened a campaign against palestine on sunday is a good thing for you when they sent me final performance from 5 years ago. and now the team bill facing group c is the united arab emirates who have also now arrived
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in doha the way you have reached the same be fine within the previous 2 tournaments . while the best performance was a run is up finished back in 1996, they coach kind of been terminated south korea to the round of 16 in the 2022 world cup and cut to ease back to try and help guide these side to a 1st, aging cup tied to china or another team taking part in the asian cup, but not expect that the challenge for the trophy that's despite the country. launching a $1000000000.00 plan nearly a decade ago to tune itself into a full powerhouse by 2050 phones, leaving reports from a ching one southern china, a little different nationalities, different backgrounds. but one goal is to play professional football. you. java is captain of this on the 15 team at china is ever grand football academy where he's been studying since 2018. he's leading his team against a visiting squad from malaysia. so, so there's a whole that was 4 years old. my father took me to watch
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a chinese super leak match of my hometown to the spark my interest in football this week i started playing when i was 6 years old. in primary school, the academy was opened in 2012. the students come from all of a china, at its peak and roman talk to $3000.00 students, but that numbers $3.00 to $400.00 in class, the students so towards the national curriculum. while on the pitch that drilled in the finer points of football. football academies like this one, all parts of china is last applied to turn the country into a football power. local officials into cities also encouraged to set up men and women's professional football clubs of the government's 2015 footfall reform plan, set a blueprint to make chinaman's team one of ages top teams by 2030. but nearly a decade after that plan was unveiled, china's fall from it stated goal. china is a top down society and to be successful in football, you need a grass roots,
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you need a bottoms up approach. those 2 things are in fundamental opposition. i think that more than anything is why china hasn't really been able to figure out it's football conundrum. i'm become more successful on the world stage. will just a corruption scandal, which has seen more than a dozen football officials detained since november 2022. as also threatened to do, rail football reforms to go home is a former chinese national goal to her team reached the women's world cup final in 1999. and that's what, what kind of football saw you. it's not rich and for tile fung based now football only gradually began toward the opening up policy and reform for 2 years ago. so it's still a long way to go for china football, we need to be patient until she get an i. so it's been more than 20 years since
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china is many qualified for world cup. many experts say it could be at least in the decade before they do it again. so actually out to 0 chain you on quantum province, china contains minimal coach south korea, the asian cup, and he is pay tribute to another legend of human football. friends beckoned fowler, who has died at the age of 78. kingsman was part of west germany, 1990 book of winning side coach buyback in dallas, who will send us the will accept with west germany as a player in 1974. he also won 3 european cup squeeze pub side by munich. the funds thinking bella was, uh, uh, was the leader of german football for many decades. he was with billy to best play in the world in the 60 seventy's eighty's for 3 decades. he was an amazing, amazing player and then he became coach. he was
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a wonderful personality. i always friendly of as polite. i always grateful. so he was there for us players. those days he was our mentor was almost like a father. and so i think the football world is a very sad but especially germany loses. it's the most charismatic leader in sports over the last many decades form a waste too many cats and called home to him. and he goes to his back and bell holds a special place in the history of gibbon football. yeah, finds fine if i can. the speed up front was an outstanding player, but he was much more than a player. he was a great person who respected people and took them with him without from the back in bower byron would never be what it is today. the team that was promoted in the sixty's was led by him as a youngster. and in the seventy's, the team on the champions league 3 times in a row as a highlight real champion and european champion bronze,
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beck and bower has shaved german football like the weather. that coupon some saudi arabia is said to host the spanish to pick up for the 4th time in 5 years. the opening semi final takes place on wednesday with cup of delray when israel madrid facing city arrivals athletic 100. we finished food in la liza. the teams have been training in riyadh on thursday, the league of champions buffalo to take on also sooner in the of a semi final but the final being held on sunday. the familiar name has one stage for the deck already with the home favorite has increased. these lead in saudi arabia. fonts is sebastian low, but raced to victory in tuesdays full stage. lobe is a 9 times window of this ready and well known to fans of the annual events. so here says does need a g finished 2nd and that was enough to see added to his overall advantage gives cala signed by 4 minutes and 29 seconds. while love is up to 6 and that's what was supposed to be solved. and i think peter will see you later.
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thanks that brian. thank you. that's it from a nick's office and use of i will be back in just a minute with more of the days news difficult website out. is there a dot com? is the address. see in a bit bye for now. the under saturday morning weekend where access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast. one of the short been smugglers got a sense while we were here, it didn't seem like any one was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa? i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of look at buffy because the statement is going to allow for murphy's. you know, i usually don't have that available $990.00 of the month. that's the lease to go 9
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. not the seen. the money today or the busiest or kuma caught a fisherman bringing the hammer head shirt. most of this beast isn't danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile. indistinguishable from the other sharks, her presence at the market quickly became problematic. i have the right to boycott . anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowe's for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue. do you want to state level all that i can't support that one on which is era it's i'm disputed. the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india in 1987. witnesses say the perpetrators were
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a mob of locals along side the state governments provincial on constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, a district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the the time on the clock visit. it needs on line from the hall coming up for the next 60 minutes. us actors date on z, blinking so as a daily told in the warm draws was far too high. and for that it's, it's vital is really cheese. it's objective is really strikes and southern 11 and killed 4 more members of his philosophy on group responds with try to track


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