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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the kids in the village of indiana, india, and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mob of locals along side the state governments provincial. i'm constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, a district court acquitted the accused to date. no one has been as accountable people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india's forgotten must occur on the jersey to the the time on the clock. this is, it needs on line from the hall coming up for the next 60 minutes. us actors, date on z, blinking so as a daily told in the warm dogs was far too high and for that it's, it's vital is really cheese it's objective. is there any strikes and southern 11
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and killed? 4 more members of hesper law beyond group responds with try to attract something that's really all i mean is there a lot of see if i to ation of medical stuff from i'll ask the hospital at the last remaining one of the last for many minutes, which is an essential task. a gunman, storm, and live tv station in that google threatening to kill style. countries in the state of emergency after going through the state from the us extra state on c, blinking says the impacts of the war and civilians and dogs was far too high mold into 23200 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th, i think it made the comment. so after meetings with his reading need is instead of eve, he said several countries are ready to support causes reconstruction. but they want to see a clip off way to palestinian state. as many countries in the region are
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really prepared to, to invest in a number of ways to invest when the conflict in guys is over in its reconstruction. and it's uh and it's security supporting palestinians in their, in their governance. but it is essential to them that there also be a clear pathway to the realization of palestinian political rights and a palestinian state. meanwhile, his beloved as long as the strife on the military command center in northern israel, it happened the day off to israel's military. killed senior has blocked him under wisdom out with a 2nd strike targeting his funeral, killed another member of the liberties on group the casualties. rules of mounting for israel montes says at 9 of its soldiers were killed in 3 separate incidents on monday. 6 died in an accidental explosion in gaza. we'll have more of the fighting just a few minutes, but 1st, who sort of hide it with the light is on to the blankets,
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visits in his room. the most of it was everything we've been hearing before talking about how of us is a very good friends with israel that they have the right to defend itself. and actually when we awesome, the question is all the 0 around the situation and the number of civilians killed, he's response to that was the israel had the right to defend itself and cause will continue to do so. and that's from us, had a choice on october, the 8th of, for it to uh, to som itself, to hand over the captives and really putting the blame on how am i saying that this war is continuing because of that the, some points that he made hadn't been discussed before, so for example, he said that the, those uh, that are in the south and central at the moment that come from the north, i should be allowed to return to that homes. and now the point that he made is that the united nations that they have managed the us has managed to convince israel to
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allow a united nations delegation to go in and carry out assessments a to allow those off from the north to return to the homes. of course that will take a while. he didn't give a timeframe on that and that contradict something that these riley's had said a few days ago saying that they wouldn't be allowing that just yet. so in terms of what we're hearing in terms of what he was saying, for example, about this a quote, a case that will be taking place in a few days. west south africa has used, they're accused of genocide. he calls it based on merit less. and that it doesn't help in any way the situation, but of course we do know that israel is actually quite concerned about that because that will have a knock on effect, even though it's not legally binding. if it's accused of that, it could, since you have a knock on effects on decisions being made. for example, in the un security council, some of the other things that he discussed was the role of the arab nations. we
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know that he'd been on a few a visit and discussing the role of full of nations, also as well as touchy in terms of the rebuilding and reconstruction of gaza. once this will end, i'm not something. he said that they all came to have a role in, but some of them are keen to normalize relations, thoughts. they said that it has to be made clear to israel. the palestinians should have the right to govern themselves. he of course, didn't give any details as to what that means in terms of who would govern garza once this war is over a to southern level and now we're talking to this. ready strike is killed. 3 members of the own group has by a, comes a day off through his renaissance and they did, senior, will come on with about will. the 2nd is riley strike on, choose day targeted. his funeral coming, another member of the own group, said ahold of reports now from the tire in southern lebanon. the lines continue to be crossed, and this conflict is well targeted. a court at
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a funeral of a senior has the law field commander killed a day before and an a parent is a drone strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is really straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese arms group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battle field along the border. and the few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed. since the goop opened the front to help relief pressure on his ally home us in garza toria was killed a week after from us. is number 2 solid and rudy was assassinated in as well as strong hold, invaded as well as trying as much as i can to improve the cause of belong to a presentation. but once it carries out another story, like in the capital, i think that's when we can save laws. policy returns is by open that it's the turn
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is indeed road has the law has we tell you to, to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and so forth . so 12 kilometers from the border, the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier, it targeted an air traffic control base. isabel says the strikes cause minor damage, but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. how's the law is promising to fight back without restraint, if, as well launches an all out war, but it's secretary general pass on the sweller didn't commit to a major escalation. he sent it if that's possible, i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline with
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loving on the u. s. has been trying to work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion. so, till, as well stops, it's a question for you. this is right and has lost hope in god's done in lebanon, and thought this way to forward, and then it gets coming to lebanon, to try to start negotiations on what happens after the war. despite the attacks has below when the head with the bearing, it's come out there so far, the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their interest data. so there's nothing on this, get more of this from the home to solely, to join, just not from occupied east jerusalem. and having to tell us more about his reaction to these across board attentions. this is really army spokesperson, daniel, how gaudy in his night. we briefing this evening so that the army, quote,
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eliminated the commander of his bellows, ariel forces in southern lebanon. but his butler has released the statement after that announcement from these really army saying that they categorically deny these allegations that they are unfounded. and that, in fact, the person who was targeted and killed in southern lebanon was a fighter and not a commander. all of this comes as there's been quite intensifying cross border fire on the southern lebanese and northern is really border. today we saw it is really army command headquarters targeted. it's 12 kilometers from the northern border. it's the deepest kind of strike we have seen from his vala inside of his really territory. usually we see those red alerts, those drone infiltration right on the border. and remember, it's a 120 kilometers long, and there had been red alerts all along the border all day long. these relays have
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said that the window for any sort of diplomatic negotiations or talks which has been law on stopping those tensions is getting out of reach. and in fact, the window is closing for that type of negotiation. additionally, you have his bullet, who has said that if these rallies launch a full out war against them on lebanese territory, they're going to fight back with no sort of restraints. these really army has said repeatedly, but they have now gotten approval for plans both offensively and defensively for how they're going to continuously deal with the threat coming from the northern border. they say that while their focus is still in the southern part of the country and gaza and on finding how much that they are still aware of what's going on in the north. and they're not going to neglect it. how does that leave with that? thanks very much, i have to sleep enough body streets and thank you. as well as well as intensifying attacks on the allies all spill in central does
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a forcing medical stuff to evacuate, and we turn into an intensive care unit to be in a tight thousands of people taking shelter in the vicinity. we know that the fleet inquiry is at the hospital and there we are in the hospital in venezuela, where most of the medical team evacuated after the quad officer fires live by munition on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside. as you see, the only medical person on the left are under the nursing see where most of them are volunteers and live in the middle area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have been talking to the nursing team and they're telling us that they were go, our goal is to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families work inside the house with us. also, the administrative team is completely empty,
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where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the administrative work and the medical you are here. there are still also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleanings, a hospice in and uh, 2 days ago. some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to clean its floors and its emergency departments more than 90 percent of the men because a team in the officer has put the evacuating through the after i myself. also evacuated the hospitals and it's not only doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're talking about more than a ton media organizations less than evacuated submarine to can you and this entered
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of we're also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more than 3 months in that and but the hospital is not witnessing a collapse, but it's has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use. according to the method can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic as data gaza. israel's army is continues offensive and central and southern gaza despite claims that shifting to less than 10 score for these pictures. it from the outlet. my colleagues, the refugee camp in the center of this trip is really ministry has been striking. the area heavily plays comp results, if you talk to us goals have in japan, has been ended up being rushed to last off, fairly con units in the south. that's way israel says it's expanding its ground operations within $23200.00 promising to be killed since october. the 7th. i mean, rough or at least 8 palestinians are being killed. falling an attack on a residential building target was due as more all attacks on every hour
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on site goals, a stripe, and one of the latest military strikes was conducted against roughly the district where a multiple stuart building had been attacked. where a number of palestinians have been in good and one woman till now had arrived being killed. now, impedances have gone to brook to bring me victims from the location of the top of the thing. and the location of the targeting had been in a tell a soul on a neighborhood, which is one of the most densely populated areas in a refund, which is only a few meters away from the mass, make shift 10 shelters. and that is close to milwaukee area. and this area is very densely populated, with the factories had been evacuated from separate parts of gaza strip. and they are right now living in the very crowded area. and also a we can say that the attack had been carried out to our residential building,
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a decent to one of the main central most of tele, sold on neighborhood. and this is one of the attacks that had been carried out in an area that's supposed to be safe zone for palestinians as the majority of guns are being great. now living insight, this area and also in the outskirts of tele. so ton of that is very close to unless the, which is the main mass chill to 4 residents in the south of the territory. as you can see right now, the becky ground. i'm tenants as a hitting to bring more victims and more injuries from the location of the targeting. as the attacks continue to hit the gaza strip from the north to the south and in particular, it had been expanded in the middle governance of the 2 or 3 in the past. few hours were full palestinians being killed and under. so wrecked with your discount and one of the latest attacks had been carried on in the last hour. so that's what i just from god. so let's bring in that bus here. i might not, he's a senior academic in protest, claim literature at the university of kent and also of the policy. the novel from
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1948 to present joints live now from london by ship said blinking in his route. as all this violence continues keeps going on, has blinking visit, move the dial any closer to any kind of resolution. not a told, i mean blinking just went to support is that i think the because of the genocide charge, which has been considered by the i c j at the end of the week do us enables the war the us protect because of the, from beatles and the kind of resolutions and the water to create the cx 5 by it, by design more time to meet. it's absolutely andreas the warnings and then just says it wants to contain the config originally, but once is fine with those that are continuing to coming by that stimulus continuing, systematically destroying productivity of life, criminalizing and on on. and i think the whole population is basically what the us is continuing to do is going to give us a license alliances to kill garza so you know, that allows us to protect the documentation that allows us to continue. just use
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supremacy. elizabeth, this is, you know, there's always a misconception about the us that is some hollow, a phone sort of be somehow an honest broker for a piece of smoke blinking, talked about creating a proxy for palestinian statehood. the us has been talking about that for 5 years. how long does it take to enforce a international law of what it is that i am on to for it, to forces them to and violating international law until all the other students to have delightful self determination and state project. so when he was talking about several countries being ready to support does this reconstruction at if they could see a clear pathway to the palestinian state, which countries are you talking about and what does he mean by? so i think he's talking about essentially money is sort of the construction. i think he's talking about the saw that a be i think is talking about gulf countries, one to support the palestinians and, and reconstructing gaza. but the question of the construction is tied with unit unites in gaza and the west bank under the va and supporting data and the city and
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the far the which is what i it has been systematically undermining the story in the west bank that you know, bank and can't even get those ladies to give the palestinian authority, the facts that i've been use. and that's a loan to unify the west bank and gaza. it has been a systematic policy of nothing you all to completely separate them off on to divide the palestinians. politically, america talks about unifying thought, spots of a process of peace and state for about a start. but what state is he talking about that as most states of america is pushing for state that is very clear and international north me is the with the want to visit a, the army from the west bank and gaza. and the facilitation allowing for us to be in democracy on the creation of a palestinian state in the west bank and cause that including is jealous. and that's what the international international law says. america has actively block this for over 4 or 5 that consist occupation of, of the last one can customize that. so, you know, sponsorship is, is offloading on. i've come to the construction without allowing the palace to me
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and the life of light, the subject that munitions affected by international. right. especially if finally i of course concerns about the situation on the lebanese border. how do you assess where we're at the my, i thought that all items to contain this, of course i don't think has bullet points. so what i it seemed that i was pushing for the, for the, for the water and a more severe confrontation. it met lincolns that i was designed with, with a, with a kidding of all of, of, of the, of, of, to we in 11 also is that i had once to escalate this because for the, you know, it belongs, has, has government. it keeps him politically involved and it allows those that i is the sets of scores what, what has belonged to we can that any and access in the middle east. i don't think they the americans on both seem to be interested in this, but you know, that have to be clear that lines america has been very soft with is that are in fact has just been sponsoring award, which is, which is which, which is fundamentally destabilizing the whole region. all right, we're live with that. thanks very much need for the us and not us. thank you. thank
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you. this. the okay far and 2nd street david cameron is express concern that is, rose actions in gaza may felt violate international law. he made the comments on choose day, well testifying before parliamentary committee in all these cases. yeah, there's a question mark as to whether it's in breach of international humanitarian law. and that's why you have to go back, look at the episode. what, but to in particular was bowman. and then ask yourself the a bunch of questions. we should, what lawyers do they give you that advice? the advice has been so far that they have the commitment, the capability and the compliance, but on lots of occasions that he's on the question the, let's look at some other world news now. and the group of all men is broken into a television station and that control and threaten stuff. live broadcast at the t.
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c channel was interrupted by people carrying guns and wearing software for the floor before the live feed cuts out government. if not be interested. the tech comes a day off to the president declared a 2 month long state of emergency is a response to escape of a gang leader from prison. how does on to ramp here to assist people? this is jose, i'm doing for my cs, better known to speak to the leader of the powerful list to nero's gang ecuador. he was serving a long sentence for murder, drug trafficking, and organized crime in this maximum security prison in the 4th city of the way of keel. but on sunday, when soldiers rated the centre as part of the government, the crack down to reach you said he was nowhere to be found. the government launched a major operation to recapture him so far with no results in an operation involving more than 3000 people in the prison has been rated in search of the most wanted
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prisoner. and the operation continues and authority screaming or suspected of having played the role in the assassination of presidential candidates. 7, ma'am, to the same. so last year he to is often left by deltore these docs. he has escaped prison before and recently appeared in this music video, partly filmed inside the jail and sung by his daughter, glorifying, gets criminal exploits. following fetus escaped, incidents have been reported in several prisons across the country. inmates were seen standing on roofs as they held prison guards hostage inside, threatening them with knives. mr. president, please recons city. your decisions don't let yourself be driven by impulses and false expectations on a settlement or you won't be, i'm waiting for them to. this is the 1st major prison crisis for the recent, the elected president, the noble, a banana empire. here with liberal political experience took over
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a november promising to reduce violence and advocates. i will be in again on monday he announced a 2 months state of emergency. ok, some of you and then i've got to say that boss, we're seeing in the countries prisons is the result of our decision to confront the buses. why the government has taken action. so that will allow us to regain control of the prisoners that have been lost in recent years. but some analysts say the president's plan is failing document tucker, $150.00 level. it seems like the face in the crisis repeating the same recent pay of the previous government. it has been proven that declaring the state of emergency is nothing efficient way to contain kron homicides keep growing an equal door. and there is a risk that we will remain the most violent country in less than america in 2024. by the recent years, ecuador has been living to an unprecedented security crisis fueled by drug trafficking. and that'll tory these have failed to address. these latest developments seem to suggest more troubles ahead. alison that i get the address
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either. argentina is congress has started debating president harvey a minute is the so called the bus bill of economic reforms, which opinions cool, unconstitutional $664.00 ask a legislative proposal is expected to be passed with some modifications for on us. the largest coalition is that it will reject the bill. proposal is part of the presence of gender of state reform and economic d regulation, which is 0 is less than america editor, listed in human, as in the capital of one us. so this is just the beginning of this so called a mega law, or only on the bush bus call, which is the, the actual name is the law for the basis. and the beginning of the liberation of the arjun time people. that's actually the name of this small, and it's being debated in commissions right now. it could take days, weeks, months to be approved. and the real question is, how much of it will be approved? because basically what it is, is the president calling for
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a state of emergency that would give him extra ordinary powers, amazing parole, the tubes over the economy, over social laws, over pensions, of, of the privatization of companies. it's a long, long list that he's asking for, and it would allow him to have these powers that could pretty much supersede a lot of the, of the attributions of the congress for up to 4 years. so he's asking for a lot, some quoted, even imperial powers, whether or not he will get some or all of it is what is going to be decided in these debates that have just to be done for you as president donald trump has appeared in court trying to convince judges that he should not be prosecuted on the federal charges. trump is accused of trying to every time the results of the 2020 election. the judges of pitt, skeptical of his argument for total immunity. for prosecutor say he was acting as a candidates at the time when pursuing force claims at present. joe biden stole the
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election from him. political head in his mole from the court house in washington, dc. is a potentially very significant here in here in washington dc. in front of the 3, just 3 appellate judges. this is all about donald trump's charges that he tried to overturn the election he's facing for felony counts for the potential of up to 55 years in prison. he's appealed to the judge said that he's immune from prosecution . his trial judge denied that. so now he has sent it to the appeals court and the 3 judge panel heard arguments today. now he is basically saying that because these presidents, he's amused then because of the separation of powers, the justice department can't go after him. and because of anything, he does an office under the official capacity. that means he's meeting prosecutor say he was acting as a candidate. and that said that would set a horrible president in the future if presidents were allowed to commit crimes at office and not be able to be held permanently liable. now trump made sure he didn't
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have to, but he made sure to attend this hearing today and spoke with the media in a room just down the road from here. again, claiming that he is a victim as a president. and if you don't, as an example of this case where it was and i did nothing wrong, absolutely not working for the country. and i worked on part one because we have to have 3 things. almost all the outcome of this case is potentially very significant. not just for donald trump, but for the presidential election. there were some poll, 24 percent of his supporters said if he's convicted on this case, that he shouldn't be on the ballot. patty calhane l g 0 washington. in the us defensive jean lloyd austin is being treated for prostate cancer is being receiving
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care at the will to read national military medical center. austin had only drone criticism from some republican to say he broke rules by not informing the white house out there as highly direct, castro is in washington dc. for over a week, washington had been gripped by the mystery of the us defense secretaries. hospitalization, with austin had been rushed to the hospital by ambulance on january 1st, and the pentagon had refused to say why, until now in a series of revelations, one, austin has prostate cancer. it was caught early in, the prognosis is good. and he had a minimally invasive surgery to treat it in late december to awesome. develop complications to the surgery require him to return to the hospital via ambulance, where he remains now and 3, there is no expected date of release though. austin is set to be in good condition and fully engaged in his duties as defense secretary from his hospital bed. and it
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isn't just the public that's finding out these details. now, congress is also just learning these facts, and even president biden was not told of austin's hospitalization until his defense secretary had already been there for 4 days. he was not informed until last friday that secretary austin was in the hospital that was not informed until this morning that the root cause of that hospitalization was prostate cancer. austin is known to be a very private person who likes to avoid public attention. but apart from that, there's also perhaps the most concerning detail, austin's 2nd in command at the pentagon, deputy secretary kathleen hicks was not told about his surgery when it happened. and she wasn't told about his return to the hospital until much later. she was in fact, on vacation in puerto rico when austin was rushed to the hospital and that's prompted
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concerns that this episode endangered the pentagon transfer of authority and it national security. the pentagon and the white house say they are conducting a full review. heidi jo castro, alta 0, washington. instead of head hearing out 02023 as much as rec. holds the world's funniest. yeah. and it's all linked issue and cold climate change. no way on the path to becoming the 1st country in the world to start deep sea mining on the commercial scale, the color we do still have flooding concerns across i faced impossible. straight victorian particular is now low c drive. but the thoughts as we'll take some time to receive you can see plain to your shower cloud right up at east the sort of australia right up into the north, down towards the south. mary,
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apply pressure which will produce some outbreaks of right. she fades of the south side of the visa and of new zeta. not very too badly actually over the next couple of days. so it's a white mistake. we got more heavy rain coming into the northeast of new south wales, right up into a good pots of queensland right across the gulf commentary out into the top and it was a positive w. i also see some lucky storms over the next few days for the south. so you have a temperature, so starts to pick up, getting up to around 29 celsius. that in that light still shows cause to use the side and all the possible stray to 32 celsius. won't san shai can be back into melton friday. i suspect that will be welcome for many, long as you drive other states across new zealand. lots you try to enter a good positive china at present. so we've got a little bit of what a close to the korean peninsula. japan still say some wintry flowers as we go through. why does they particular plus the west of moving parts of the country? that to the south is rain here that will make its way through. it will pipe and up and time find
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the as the world is increasing the crypt and the mental health epidemic i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was hard to find a new full pallets you spilled in diverse corners of the globe. ask big questions about how we can improve. i will be served, move those unconscious, making sure images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcomed people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health coming on all just on counting the costs. the world is drowning in a wreck or the amount of debt concentrated in developing countries for nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for that people. so here's the plane for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera
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and the, [000:00:00;00] the other guy you're watching out one of us of stores and then goes, are these rarely all me talking to rick g comes from central district into our residential buildings in the southern city of hon. eunice were destroyed within $23200.00 pounds and killed since october. the israel is carried out talk it strikes and hezbollah in southern lebanon can lead to these 4 members. group is retaliated by hitting,
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emitted chicken nonsense involving this rep. yes. exercise onto the blinking admits a total of as well as on civilians and gauze was far too high. so that as well as the right to ensure that an attack similar to the one card up. i am not smart to 7th game with any we spoke to mom bush, our senior political on this and he detailed us complicity and israel's war on garza in light of lincoln's visit. you know, you've got on my of the man right. these quite persistent. i mean, you know, no change of tone now for 3 months, continues to repeat as lies even though the yeah that the is reported in plain sight. every day he talks about as far as one thing on the war, we just reported the past week. more than a 1000 killed the guys on what whitening down the war just a bit to 150 the day before 250 killed. well, white thing down to what, what does the talking about? you don't know. and you said repeating the same live kind of thing. the same lies
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about how much fighting from hospice was cool. when we noticed, was the bunks already said, i'm headquarters on hospitals. now i gave you the secretary of defense. awesome. so talking about the vicinity of hospitals. no one is talking about in the auto hospitals and schools. you know, basically it gets a little, i'm sorry, was, is up on thousands of staff, teachers and students, some doctors in war crimes. and you just click repeating that as a business fact when it's in fact section. and then the point that was really quite annoying. you know, you and you expect from a 2nd set to be forthcoming. since he's speaking out of his right. he said that out of the, those and stroke actually that was he met all interested in potentially joining in, you know, in finding a solution to the issue and break on top of the cost. i think guys are, if there's a fast towards a comprehensive solution to stay,
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to install so forth. when he was asked whether the video agrees to that. he said i cannot speak for him. of israel's military need is a warning the government of a potential uprising the occupied westbank tens of thousands upon us and it's being prevented from returning to the jobs in israel since october number of kings rates and attacks and buildings ready forces and satellites say single time hines, but it's symmetrical, it's not from remodel every week in the occupied westbank. gasoline is ready, right? the sea is repeated over more than $300.00 funerals. have been held since october, the 2nd to chicago for should be for years. know what you would have to use it to you in many places and it comes across. it's not easy to keep fixing and then making people's lives harder. they want to kill on national guard. the destruction of homes, roads, and utilities during rates is a deliberate, is really policy, widely denounced as collective punishment as well as occupation affects every aspect of life. but a more than 50 is that ok patient is perhaps been never more oppressive and
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suffocating than it is. now. if it's not rage, then it's subtler attacks around 36 a week according to the u. n. a rough quote time to accommodate the settlers. these really government is expanding permanent and temporary checkpoints. a 40 percent increase in the last 4 years says the un hours, long delays hobbled, business and fuel frustration since october, the 7th, more than $192000.00 palestinians who worked in israel and the settlements have not been allowed back. let us do when it was started, work is spent the savings. now the markets dies tens of thousands with in this row, but with the engine of the economy. every way they to and there is no way out the 3000000 palestinians trumped in this occupation. it's why israel and military lead is a warning again of the risk of a 3rd uprising, bernard smith, i'll just say around remo. as
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a group of rabbis is being protesting against washington's position on gaza. that held a sit in un headquarters in new york general assembly was meeting to discuss the united states recent decision to veto a cease for our amendment to combine together to change base as more now the array of protest inside an empty un security council chamber, a group rabbi's foot piece, which represents about $200.00 us rabbis, sang chon seed and made speeches and suppose of a ceasefire, and garza to print compassion and mercy. and to honor all nice, un security officers arrived and then a score to the group. we'd been on the tour of un headquarters out of the building . well, we are here to say the president biden enter the us ambassador to very nations is you do not speak for the jewish community. and so in, in blocking this call for sees fire. some of the rabbis also made the presence
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known the un general assembly, which on like the security council was in session. assembly meeting was triggered because at the end of last year, the us use the pizza to block an amendment to a security council. resolution would have demanded a ceasefire, and gosh, you would be good if there was a strong international voice pressing him off as leaders to do what is necessary to end the conflict that they set in motion. on october 7th, in a fiery speech, these riley ambassador attacked the un itself. you don't have the courage, sadly to come by terror and radically them. you don't have the result to totally care about human rights to fight the women fight for children will fight for their hostages. this from the representative of the country is ami, who is killed well over 20000 palestinians, about half of them children. this assault is without precedent in modern history,
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in the scale and pace of getting of children of you and person on of medical and the rescue teams of journalists and a busy week here at the you and the security council will meet twice in the coming days. to discuss the situation in gaza, james bays out to 0 at the united nations. the . all right, let's take a look at some other use now. and scientists have confirmed that 2023 was the world's fault is here on record data from the competitive cuz climate change service shows 2023 was obviously advice. essential margin and likely to be the world war miss. and the last 100000. yes. since june 2023, every month as being the world's hottest on record, compared with the corresponding month on frequencies,
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scientist had expected. the widely had expected. the mazda of climate records were repeatedly broke of what site is on during his life from washington, dc is adding the circles case is the director of the center for climate and security. aaron, good to have you with us and i'd like to high man on what this means for the security of the world. we live in to what degree a climate change is driving instability in conflict around the world. because it's, it has a very definitive effect, and yeah, absolutely, thank you for having me. what we saw in this past year with record temperatures was military's having to the deployed around the world to respond to rescue people from extreme weather events to fight wildfires. right. and so we're seeing the. busy the daily impacts of this warming and we're for old. we're also seeing climate change
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intersecting with other issues to drive risks of instability and conflict. you can look at countries like sudan, like e, z o b, a risk elsewhere where climate change alone. but climate change as another level of stress on top of already uh, call normal situation and expand on that a little bit for me if you would in what way does it add stress? so what, what sort of implications of what impacts does it sure. so in places where say you have a drought, right, and populations of agriculture is undermined. so people can't farm in their communities, they might have to leave their communities to try and find sustenance elsewhere. they may be frustrated with their governments for not being able to step up and support them and managing these risks. and then when you layer that in a country like sudan, which is dealt with a civil war and a cool in the past
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a few years, then you have a combustible mix. right? and you, staff are kind of similar where you've had a conflict and cove. it and climate all combining to create stress and, and amplify risks of violence and conflict. it's being an exceptionally, yeah, no doubt about that. but it has been exacerbated by the natural phenomena of el nino. so i guess it's hard to say at this point if at the the impacts of was impacts of climate change or excel, all right. as well, we know that the impacts of, of climate change are accelerating. i mean, the scientific evidence all points in that direction. yes. el nino amplified it, but it was the 2 things coming together and it's expected that the 2024 is going to be seriously challenging as well. i think this is why addict patient is so important as a response mechanism. building resilience to this heat, right? it's not going anywhere. so while we need to cut emissions,
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we need to mitigate as the conference of parties meeting that happened and do by late last year was focused on. we also need to invest and add a patient, particularly and vulnerable countries. and those investments are investment in security as well, because if you make communities resilience, then it's less likely that that will tip over in interest of conflict in violence. you would think there and wouldn't do that, given everything that you've been describing, that the well would be in a panic about this would be at acting rapidly to try and do something about it. but it seems that the, any people are in a panic about are the scientists who actually understand what the situation is and people like you. whereas the politicians, you know, not doing a lot about that. and meanwhile, c o 2 emissions remains definitely high. they're certainly not doing enough right there. we're moving at the right direction on the transition to clean energy, but we're not moving quickly enough. we're moving in a better direction on investing adaptation and funding. but the service certainly
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not enough. i think, you know, politicians have a hard time acting in more long term interests. are consumed by a short term crises. but, but the direction is, is the right one, but it just needs to go much faster and we need more more leadership. given the seriousness of the situation, what, why is it you think that the people kind of many and many in many respects have that kind of less a fair approach to this massive problem to yeah, i think you know, the process getting less pleasant. they fair over time as people are seeing these challenges in their back yards on a regular basis. you have leaders at the local level, you know, stepping up and, and talking about how important this is. i think the floods in pakistan in 2022 were a wake up call for a lot of people on the flood in libya, this past year as well. and then what we saw in europe, i think it's just uh,
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making that transition is, is a big challenge. and there are a lot of competing issues on the table right now around the world. and so getting politicians and, and community. so focus is it's hard. but there's a lot of folks working to push them in the right direction. and i think again, what we saw in the u, a. e, a at top was a step in the right direction. right? uh, as you say, but it's a, it's not going away. all right, aaron, i appreciate that. are into kosky joining sir. thank you. thank you so much. now know is parliament has approved a plan to allow deep sea mining offerings coast under the plan. the country will at least writes from the water exploration to commercial mining companies, if items will and that could endanger the environment, as opposed to say mining will reach minerals necessary for green technologies. as a mountain village, oceans campaigner and research with the environmental justice foundation, he says that dc mining pays is
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a huge threat to the issue and the government se ignores do the advice of its own scientific institutions. so you have the norway institute for marine research, which indicated that the area designated board keeps the money as vulnerable or, and also valuable. you have the norway environment agency, which is which is saying that to 60 mining will have the severe consequences. and back in july, the european academy science advisory council all way also that by norwegian, scientists highlighted that it is indeed not necessary for the energy transition to, to um, to proceed with you've seen mining and do you all you also have like the official reset or who is a advocating against keeps the money in the way. and also companies like us store brand. um, but to, to get to, to your, um, to your point. um, it was there and always, and always minnesota petroleum and energy, for instance,
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who says that use the money is necessary to a degree in transition. however, when we, when we take a look at about like future scenarios and they'll also, um, how we deal with our resources currently. um, just to, to give you some, some numbers in that context by 2030. do you and estimates that that would be $75000000.00 tons of electric waste worldwide, while the technological capabilities accessed for recovery as rates exceeding 90 percent of copper, cobalt nickel. so the minerals which, which are the target and the reason indeed semantics. we have like $16000.00 tons of cobalt per year, which gets lost due to insufficient collections, recycling of mobile phones and like 10 percent of the annual production of cobalt and the market share with of call batteries for instance without coldwell the legal has been increasing rapidly in recent years, by 17 percent,
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in 2021. to 39 percent in 2022. so the head here are not 0. the changing face of friends is political landscape. the countries youngest prime minister, has appointed
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a mid promises. the the husband serves the monkey himself to create a national day in violation of the countries constitution and the 1995 peace agreement. republicans serves ca, celebration, started on monday for students present middle,
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and i thought it could spin pushing for gradual autonomy from central institutions and the bulk of the country. january the 9th commemorates date when both the incentives declared the creation of their own state triggering the 4 year war, the hudson music sheets as more now from eastern, used to be with the majority of our celebrating years on the creation of the republic. the celebration. so controversial, the constitutional ford in boston the $910.00 green is the 3rd republicans and 9 and 4 years on the decision was made with those other ethnic groups,
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namely cross and the muslims, or bush, and also live in the country in another part of the country. with cross motion for both me and the majority, people knew these celebrations as the patient. they understand that the creation of the car is what it is todd substitution. and how that will assign especially $71.00 or more. it is in the whole, the celebration economic part of the countries are commemorating today is a possible it is basically one of the 2 regions that led by the session. it's hard to find the together
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celebration during the positive popcorn front. so the prime minister, presidents manual macro and as a pointed 34 year old gabrielle, i tell who becomes the youngest person to fill that position has been macro and is hoping that the tile will renew my ment, intuitive ministration. natasha butler, a pulse now from parts one of the rising stalls of french politics. gabriella tile is now from his youngest prime minister. the 34 year old took over from elizabeth phone at a ceremony powers of to being appointed by the french president emmanuel. my call the present because you don't know if you're the youngest president in the history, the republic has appointed the youngest prime minister in the history of the republic. and in this i see assignable, destitute and change, and also a symbol of confidence in youth that i can show. that's all began his career with a socialist policy with joint micro centers movement a year before my goals and elected in 2017. his career has accelerated onto the
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president from government spokesperson a budget minister, the his recent post, as education minister, in which he controversially bound a bias in schools and the pointing gabrielle at how present, maxwell will be hoping to revitalize his government and turn the page on what has been a very difficult and challenging year for months of pension reform, pro tennis to divisions, and the president's policy for new immigration. new macro is clearly keen for fresh thoughts about the change of prime minister doesn't change the fact that the president doesn't have a majority in the french, paul, and i'm pushing ahead with his reform agenda. wouldn't get any easier. also because the difficulty is that when you want to push through major reforms underneath the majority, we measure what if i don't see how he's going to achieve this as well. so it's a cause method, okay? dates past results, the public on particularly on the monitoring my chromebook, so it's effectively it is a dozen sites everything up. so it's a new architect in the same role. it's all well now for the head with the
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president's reforms and or to see the parents and impact games and also need to rebuild trust with the public ahead of june's. you elections and stave off the rising threat from the far right policies. opinion polls suggest this hotel is one of phones is most popular politicians, but he'll be able to with that in politics. things can change fost, latasha, butler, which is 0 power as the government's invest, retain in southern africa, is proposing new laws to legalize the trade in kind of as many rural families farm it for their livelihoods. but they say high licensing fees will force him out of business for the miller visited one farm to find out more. a lindsey like drama used to clean houses for a living, owning only $25.00 a month. and 20 years ago, she started forming cannabis deep in the mountains. in the north of is what community formerly known as suantlan to now and 50 times what she used to that's enough to support herself and the family,
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including her children and grandchildren. cannabis is commonly known as long as the gold farming. it is illegal, but it's all thousands of people who make a living thing come and present his father before it was due unto likely the one i now have a house and this farming can be stood. it allows me to send my kids to school. the magenta, but it's becoming difficult to form these days email forms, you know, once the governments and legalize cannabis forming and provide support, that's the way she and the other forms would no longer have to form in secret and hide from the police. the government has proposed a new law or to allow it for research and medicinal use, but a license would cost more than $50000.00. and those of outage would be fine to have any. critics say this will only benefit the countries indeed and not small scale farm is the cannabis association. since the countries climate is ideal for the plant. and this natural resources formed in almost a google areas, we wants to know b, u, n,
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p into understanding that these need to legalize kind of business. why that is not what we saw in defense, the kind of proposal that was printed to by them. and what we feel, it would be as loosely if you have exorbitant license fees, it means you're excluding the ordinary so as well, it's only leaves on kind of this kind of us remains a dangerous business and it's transported under cover. let's do much off the south of the capital and by bonding, it's an industrial town that's used as a tons of please for the movement of the cabinet was formed around the country. and this is where trucks collect consignments of cannabis and smugglers into neighboring south africa. there's no official dos on how much marijuana is formed. it is what teeny, but it's estimated to be with millions of dollars. and it's part of a global market, supposed to be valued at nearly $60000000000.00. well, the new lord's being discussed in parliament, farmers are continuing to push way to be legalized from he lives among them,
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relying on a trade she knows well to support herself and create drums in the country. we one in full people don't to have work for me to mila ultra 0 is what do you need? uh, that's it for me. and the clock is, uh, but the carrier will be here. just a minute. the the business of sharpens improved was legal, but heavily restricted. most of the results of the black they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the now look it up. tell me what it has. i mean, don't you know that this francis aquatic ok. so we'll see everybody is that i think i hear from them and that is basically the means that he gets it and get it is
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a key. and your name is that the politics you on this can be really late. but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life, and it will cost them we have to. but i most of the say evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch developed for bringing up some fish. and we're not too happy with their presence. and we will need to know, i mean that is something i have the right, the more cost anyone i want to in the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this the 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called low for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i want to continue. do you want to state level all that i can't support that one on which is
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era exploring type this culture exciting political discourse. exposing societies doc award winning in dense investigation. the get compelling insights into humanity open until the stories from asia were in the pacific. 101 east. on how to 0. the us secretary of state antony blinking says the daily total in the war on guns is far too fine, but adds its vital is ram, cheese its objectives the con,
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carry johnston. this is i'll just say era life from to will. so coming out israel, what is the evacuation of medical stuff from out? accept hospitals. one of the last remaining medical facilities in the central


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