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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] so the us 2nd just a anthony blinking that says the daily desk told and the war on gauze was far too high. pads its vital is rather cheese its objectives the but on carry johnston. this is i'll just say right, well i prove that. so on the printer is route, what is the evacuation of medical stuff from our access hospital?
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one of the last remaining medical facilities and central guns is rarely strikes on something 11 until 4 more members of his but not the group responds drone. it sikes on is really on the face. and gunman, the storm, a live t v station ecuador threatened to kill stop countries in the state of emergency homestead talking against the escape. the us secretary state antony blinking says impact to the war on civilians and gaza. is found to hi, within $23200.00 palestinians have been killed since october. the 7th. been conveyed the comments sought to meet things with. is there any data in tennessee if we said several countries already to support garza's reconstruction, but they want to see a clear pathway to protest in the instate in many countries in the region
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are really prepared to, to invest in a number of ways to invest. when the conflict in guys is over in its reconstruction, in its uh, in its security, supporting palestinians in their, in their governance. but it is essential to them that there also be a clear pathway to the realization of palestinian political rights and a palestinian state. meanwhile, has, without his knowing is to strike on him, but it should come on century northern israel. it happens a day off to israel's military killed senior. his block mando was some outside of a 2nd strike talking to his funeral, killed. another member of the lebanese group casualties are also mounting for israel. the army says none of it, so which is what killed in 3 separate incidents on monday, 6 died an accidental explosion in garza. his are hot right now. the latest on
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actually been const visits in his room. the nice of it was everything we've been hearing before talking about how are the us is a very good friends with israel, that they have the right to defend itself. and actually when we awesome, the question is all the 0 around the situation and the number of civilians killed, he's response to that was the israel had the right to defend itself and can, will continue to do so. and that's from us, had a choice on october, the 8th of, for it to the psalm itself, the hands over the captives and really putting the blame on him. us saying that this war is continuing because of that the some points that he made hadn't been discussed before. so for example, he said that the, those uh, that are in the south and central at the moment that come from the north. i should be allowed to return to their homes. and now the point that he made is that the united nations that they have managed the us has managed to convince israel to
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allow a united nations delegation to go in and carry out assessments a to allow those that are from the north to return to the homes, of course that will take a while. he didn't give a timeframe on that and that contradicts something that these riley's had said a few days ago saying that they wouldn't be allowing that just yet. so in terms of what we're hearing in terms of what he was saying, for example, about this a quote, a case that will be taking place in a few days. west south africa has used their accused of genocide. he calls it based on merit. less than that, it doesn't help in any way the situation, but of course we do, you know that israel is actually quite concerned about that because that will have a knock on effects, even though it's not legally binding. if it's accused of that, it could, since you have a no con effects on decisions being made. for example, in the un security council,
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some of the other things that he discussed was the role of the arab nations. we know that he'd been on a few the visits and discussing the role of full of nations, also as well as talking in terms of the rebuilding and reconstruction of gaza. once this will end, i'm not something. he said that they all came to have a role in, but some of them are keen to normalize relations, thoughts. they said that it has to be made clear to israel. the palestinians should have the right to govern themselves. he of course, didn't give any details as to what that means in terms of who would govern garza once this was those area we spoke to him. i wanted to discharge senior political analyst. he detailed us complicity and as well as war on guns, you know, you've got on my, of the man, right? these quite persistent made, you know, no change of tone. now for 3 months, continues to repeat as lise, even though the out at the is reported in plain sight. every day he talks about is
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does one thing on the war. we just report that the past week, more than a 1000 killed the guys a whitening down the war yesterday. 250 the day before 250 killed one white thing down to what, what does the talking about? you don't know, and you started repeating the same live kind of thing. the same lies about how much filing from hospice was cool when we know what this was, the bunks already said, i'm headquarters on hospitals now. so i gave you the secretary of defense. awesome . so talking about the vicinity of hospitals, no one is talking about the auto hospitals and schools. you know, basically it gets a little thousands upon thousands of staff teachers and students, some doctors in war crimes. and you just click repeating that as if this is fact when it's in fact section. and then the point that was really quite annoying, you know, you, when you expect for the 2nd set to be forthcoming. since he's picking out of his right. as he said that, out of the doors and darkest need,
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those he met all interested in potentially joining in, you know, in finding a solution to the issue and break on top of the cost. i think guys are, if there's a fast towards a company, has a fusion to stay to install so forth. when he was asked whether the video agrees to that. he said i cannot speak for him is really forced, as of talk through the residential building. and that's how also tone area in rafa, at least 9 people were killed in this latest attack. wounded, were taken to a boot, yusef on the job hospital is really strikes also destroyed the mosque and several houses and con units within 23200 tons. of students have been killed since october the 2nd. so i would assume, or tax on and every hour on site goals, a strip. and one of the latest military strikes was conducted against roughly the district where a multiple stuart building had been attacked. where
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a number of palestinians had been in good and one woman till now had arrived being killed. now, impedances have gone to brook to bring me victims from the location of the targeting. and the location of the targeting had been an adult assault on a neighborhood, which is one of the most densely populated areas in a refund, which is only a few meters away from the mass, make shift 10 shelters. and that is close to a mile off the area. and this area is very densely populated, with the factories had been evacuated from separate parts of gauze, a strip. and they are right now living in that very crowded area. and also a, we can say that the attack had been carried out to our residential building a decent to one of the main central, most of tele soto on neighborhood. and this is one of the attacks that had been carried out in an area that's supposed to be safe zone for palestinians as the majority of guns are being great. now living insight,
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this area and also in the outskirts of tell us. so ton of that is very close to milwaukee, which is the main mass chill to floor residents in the south of the territory. as you can see right now, the becky ground entrance has a heading to bring more victims and more injuries from the location of the targeting. as the attacks continue to hit the gaza strip from the north to the south end in particular, it had been expanded in the middle of an 8th of the 2 or 3 in the past. few hours were full palestinians being killed and under sir rector. if you did count and one of the latest attacks had been carried up in the last hour us as well as intensifying a tax without access the hospital in central goes a forcing medical stuff to evacuate maternity and intensive care units having to type thousands of people taking shelter in the vicinity have been ordered to leave in calgary is at the hospital and of as we are in the hospital indebted bella,
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where most of the medical team evacuated after the fires live. i munitions on the i c u unit and the maternity unit in the cause. sure, let's walk inside. as you see, the only medical press on the left are under the nursing team, where most of them are volunteers and live in the area and do not have any place to evacuate. we have been talking to the nursing team and they're sending us that they were go, our goal is to stay here because they feel that it is a huge responsibility for them to leave the hospital. they also told us that the main doctors are evacuated with their families because their families were inside. the hospice us. also, the administrative team is completely empty, where the doctors are doing the doctors left in the hospital are doing both the administrative work and the medical you are here. there are
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sin also volunteers for the cleaning, for cleaning the hospital. and at 2 days ago, some journalists who were here in the hospital had and made an initiative, has been at the hospital to clean its floors and its emergency departments more than 90 percent of the month. because a team in the opposite has put the evacuated after i myself also evacuated the hospitals and its not only doctors who evacuated but also journalists where we're talking about more than 10 media organizations less than evacuated, 10200 units and 2 to 4 were also talking about people who were seeking refuge in the hospital for more than 3 months in debt and but the hospital is not witnessing as much as has been also with missing a severe shortage of medical use,
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according to the method can see him in this hospital. this is in the clinic as 0 because of the self 11, and now we're talking. it is very strong because killed the 3 members of the on group has, but it comes a day off is rather assassinated senior has block. i'm on that with some out. how will a 2nd is rarely strike on tuesday targeted his funeral? kidding, another member of the group saying, a 100 reports from time in southern lebanon. the lines continue to be crossed, and this conflict is well targeted. a court at a funeral of a senior has the law field commander killed a day before and an a parent is really drawn strike. there were casualties, but the crowd was defiant. hours earlier, a targeted is very straight to the core, killing 3 members of the lebanese armed group in a southern village. 10 kilometers from the battle field along the border and
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a few kilometers from a similar attack on west hamilton, when he was the highest ranking member of hezbollah killed since the goop opened the front to help relief pressure on its ally home us in garza toria was killed a week after, how much is number 2 solid, rudy was assassinated and as well as strong hold invaded as well as trying as much as i can to improve the cause of belonging to print station. but once it carries on another story, like in the capital, i think that's when we can save that principal. was policy detours, as by open that it's the turn is indeed road has the law has we tell you to, to the killings accused armed drones to attack and is really army base and suffered some 12 kilometers from the border. the deepest strike inside as well. since confrontations began in october days earlier,
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it targeted in air traffic control base. isabel says the strikes cause minor damage, but the near daily attacks by hezbollah have forced tens of thousands of his radius from their homes as well once security restored and is threatening to expand the war. unless that happens. how's the law is promising to fight back without restraint? if israel launches an all out war, but it's secretary general, pass on the sweller didn't commit to a major escalation. he, since it's, that's possible i would be open to negotiations with as well on clarifying the borderline with levon on the us has been trying to work on a long term border agreement to reduce tensions. but hezbollah says there will be no discussion, so to, as well stops, it's a question for you. this is right, it has lost hope and god's done in lebanon, and thought this way to forward, and then it gets coming to lebanon to try to start negotiations on what happens
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after the war. despite the attacks has below when the head with the bearing its commander so far, the group to its words and actions has signaled it wants to avoid a wider war well as well escalates and appears to be testing deposition center for their electricity to. so there's nothing on so to come hair off to the break. i did nothing wrong, absolutely not. working for the countries. donald trump is back in the federal court asking for immunity. the outcome could have a major impact this year's presidential election. and 2023 semesters, reco. it's as the wells or excess. yeah. it's only just a few minutes. east climate the the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside
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that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened as independent. we want these, we want the education my want to we don't have lead them in different countries. in the policy, i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefits. no intelligent service. the claimant reports that i should just trust the community,
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often as the crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the the welcome button. the headlines us secretary of state antony blink and admits the toll of israel's foreign civilians in guns that was fond to fight. but he said that israel has the rights to ensure that an attack similar to the one car without buying a match. some type of a sudden never happens again. is ready for us as a targeted, a residential building. how else and come back to at least 9 people were killed in
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this latest attack and rushed to the israel, his co down talks, it strikes on his blah and something 11 and something at least 4 members. the group has returning a to 5 minute treat. months in milton is a group of rabbis have been protesting against washington's position on garza, they held a sits in the un headquarters in new york. the general assembly was meeting to discuss america's recent decision to veto a see saw amendment on different magic had it to james base, has more the array of protest inside an empty un security council chamber, a group rabbi's foot piece, which wrapped presents about $200.00 us rabbis sang john seed and made speeches and suppose of a ceasefire,
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and garza to print well compassion and mercy. and to honor all my un security officers arrived and then a school to the group. we'd been on tour of un headquarters out of the building. well, we are here to say the president biden, enter the us ambassador to very nations, if you do not speak for the jewish community. and so in, in blocking this call for sees fire. some of the rabbis also made the presence known the un general assembly, which on like the security council was in session. the assembly meeting was triggered because at the end of last year, the us use the pizza to block an amendment to a security council. resolution would have demanded a ceasefire in guns. it would be good if there was a strong international voice pressing come off as leaders to do what is necessary to end the conflict that they set in motion. on october 7th, in a fiery speech, these rarely ambassador attacked the un itself. you don't have the courage, sadly to come by terror and radicalism. you don't have the result to truly care
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about human rights to fight women fight for children will fight for their hostages . this from the representative of the country is army has killed well over 20000 palestinians, about half of them children. this assault is without precedent in modern history, in the scale and pace of killing of children, of you and person on of magic un and the rescue teams of journalists and a busy week here at the you and the security council will meet twice in the coming days to discuss the situation in gaza. james bayes out to 0 at the united nations u. k. foreign secretary, david cameron has expressed concern that israel's actions in gauze and may validate international. know you made the comments on choose day want appear in before. honda mentioned committee, even very crucially,
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none of these thing this the for the good, some of that. well, these former us president donald trump has spent the day in court. he's facing full federal charges over his attempt to overturn the 2020 american presidential election. but his lawyers argue he should be exempted from persecution, plastic oh, hang reports not from washington dc. another trip to the dc courthouse for a former president, donald trump, facing for felony charges for attempting to overturn the 2020 election. his attorney is trying to convince 3 appellate judges, that he is immune from prosecution because although he wasn't pitched over his actions on january 6th, he was not convicted by the us senate. the judges seemed skeptical. and the yes no, yes or no question. could of president to ordered steal team steps to the steps
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made a political bible was not impeach? can you be subject to criminal prosecution if he were impeached and conducted 1st? and so your answer is, is, oh, my answer is qualified. yes. prosecutor called that extraordinarily frightening, arguing it would allow future presidents to commit a raft of crimes. and in fact, during the senate impeachment, trial trumps own lawyers argue that he shouldn't be impeached because he could later be charged. and some senators agreed. we have a criminal justice system in this country. we have civil litigation, and former presidents are not immune from being accountable by either one. trump didn't need to appear in person, but he has been able to use his court cases to increase his fundraising by claiming he's being politically persecuted, issue. and this is the way i try to weigh presses, whatever the appeals court decides,
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it will likely be appealed to the us supreme court and some legal and will say that it's likely the point. trump is absolutely trying to drag this out as long as possible in the hope that if he's elected, he can make all of this go away. if you were to be elected, all the prosecutions would immediately stop because there is case law providing that you can't prosecute, that you can't have a criminal trial to sitting president. now the outcome of this case is significant, not just for donald trump and his future, but for the presidential election. in a recent poll, 24 percent of his supporters said that if he is convicted in this case, his name should not be on the ballot in a close election. a number that big could matter. patty, go ahead. l g 0, washington. the us whitehouse says it's been unaware of defense, texas treatment for prostate cancer. it's emerge that lloyd austin was diagnosed in early december. the underwent surgery later in the month as he was and rushed back
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into hospitalized complications on january. the 1st several republicans, according for a formal inquiry into why the president was not informed. scientists have confirmed that 2023 was the will's office to, you know, reco data from the copernicus, the comic chain. so this shows 2023 was a whole to see it by the central margin loc either was homeless and the last 100000 years since june 2023 every month has been the wealth all just on the record compared with corresponding months in previous seats a group of on demand have broken into a television station echo during threaten stuff alive. broad costs that lets see. c channel was interrupted, 5 fee for carry guns and very good stuff was forced to the floor for the nice feed
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was console gun then has now been arrested. the attack comes a day off, the president declared a 2 month long state of emergency. well, that was the response to the escape of gang leaders from from c i sondra event be at the joins us now live from key to it with the latest on this. so is that close to the settings again to complete the homelessness? then what has been the root cause of this? that is definitely what it's looking like. and what many ecuadorian ser, worried about the wac, whether is that has been a really a descending into k us and seeing an unprecedented the increase in a gang violence for years now. but never before we had seen tests that a brazen and coordinate to the level of attacks as the ones that we've seen in a tuesday. and usually most of the violence used to be confined to,
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to the pacific coast cities as such as a why a q a. but on tuesday we've seen bomb the tax here in the capital. keep the also in cities like when one of the main tourist destinations and ask whether a place where many americans to go us citizens go to retire all this has the force, the president to then yeah, the no boss. and that only a 2 issue that say to of emergency, but also signing an unprecedented degree on a tuesday where he declared an internal state of conflict against these gangs and ordered the military, you for the military to go after them as if the country was in a state of war, there is no precedent for this in ecuador, and it also looks to adjust how desperate this president who was elected in november, asked to try and bring the country again on the under control here and keep the,
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the city is completely silent. people are truly worried about what will happen in the coming days that but and, and, and truly, while gains control, for example, areas in other countries have left in america like brazil, mexico, or columbia. i, i think that in recent years we've never seen such a coordinated level of attacks to a central areas of power in the country in the way that it's happening here in ecuador. okay, we'll leave it the sounds around. so yeah, it's a lie for us in key to thanks very much indeed. no worries. bottom, it says approved plans without deep sea mining, or if it's coast under the plan, the country will these rights for the end of what the explanation to commercial mining companies, opponents, one, it could endanger the environment or support the site mining will reach minerals
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necessary for green technologies, or you can find more information on our website. i'll just say what the. com, the weather is and next the inside story when x, i'm in the focused on supreme court decision. describe a lifetime panel for the sessions with convictions for holding office. the . the highlight of the weather is looking a little more mobile now across china, so that should help as far as the default for us is concerned, temperatures will gradually recover high pressure. furthermore, if anyone's above, originally tardy pass, there's a little bit of a breeze coming through and that help to just things up a little. while the more i'm settled across a good part of the japan, that'd be have got most note to the west side of japan, northern areas of,
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of the country as well into who kinda it's kyler and writing further south and big down pulls, continuing to come in here and they will make the wait for the race was brightens up behind. so i'm not doing too badly by the time we come to 1st i brought to, i wonder whether it's a good part of china by the state 10 sales, just the average shanghai. so getting back company to double figures is a 21. laugh full. how come from of the sunshine, into the philippines over the next couple of days. but it was a chance of one or 2 showers. you might catch a shower to the vietnam, much of indo china is dry and then the usual pick down pulls really across the malaysia and indonesia, the heaviest. right? again, around the blade peninsula, some palms of thailand. and you can see some pretty wet weather linking into that system. actually we have some more big down pulls that are into. so lanka for todd west of india. still say some showers at present, that raising off the fall continues to the gulf. the
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phasing cap is carissa cuts are for a record 3rd touring the 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, cuts our son, humans, south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back home will keep you right across the action from out the tournament the hazy house on al jazeera, the quickest on the supreme court scraps a lifetime found on politicians with convictions from holding office. that's the welcome useful form of private as of now is shalise. you cannot run again but not for jailed formally to him. wrong. com, why and what's behind this really. this is inside store the


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