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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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we're going to lead a race today as a harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces, a sharp at risk he said the the is rarely strikes across the goss trip, killing more than a 100 pounds demands, as the army claims to be scathing down at some of the to authoration the don't want me to put on them and this is out of the on line from top is. so coming up the process and the occupied by bank because the us secretary of state meets palestinian lead. i'm the boss, the us and
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u. k. say that propelled a launch attack of betsy by these in yemen. and other news gunman, an ex, with all storm a tv station and disrupting live costs rise and gang von and since the government to impose the states for emergency the at least 100 palestinians have been killed in a series of his very strikes targeting many areas and gaza the attacks on tuesday, we launched as the as really ami claims to be scaling down at some of the tree operation. but it's sasha who bought our reports. there was no sign of that for those on the ground. this is with them. it easy, a rough come every day looking for the loved ones. the corpses of the dead have been mutilated by, as well as bombardment of the danes button on the white sheets of the only way to identify the victim of lobby was one of the 1st people to rush to join us to
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retrieve people trapped on the wreckage. it says at least a 100 display civilians was seeking shelter in a building. what it's came tumbling down at night following relentless is rad strikes. what was the head of the, what was the crime? tell me where they carrying weapons, shame on all those who abandoned and betrayed us. shame on those who assignment witnesses. shame on arab leaders, tell me what these children and women did wrong to end up is body parts of this is life in gaza. the reads family saying farewell to the loved ones with continuous ease variety attacks, leaving no essays in gaza. funeral ceremonies, i kept short and bodies of rush to cemeteries. the death tool among civilians is all the vice. most of them, women and children. despite international condemnation is why insist it would
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continue the war and how much is defeated. i know most of them was cut the. we are not murderous. ok this if the exterminator doesn't that assistance god was proud in this not to run and we see that god says the video game today. there's no one here believes this will is anywhere near ending the death and destruction in gaza, unprecedented. and for these people, it's too painful to bad passion. bob, but i'll just be around let's go to our correspondent honeymoon. he is joining us from alpha and southern gaza and had the initial earlier you were telling us about fi, i've got those main pounds facility. what were you hearing about this? yes we, we're still getting reports about the fire is still going. the power generation
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apply and that's the central part of the gaza strip that it's for given the intensity of the bard. me then be he'd be our killer shilling at the, at the central area, particularly where the power generation and plan is located in the res scan within the 2 areas between a voyage cabin and the fire off the block to cam. this is where the power plant is located, just caught fire. you did a intensity of the bombard, they've been going on for the past week or so. and since that, the beginning of the expanding military operation in, in the area. but it's important to point out this power generation and plan was working at the lowest capacity possible a prior do the work that is parted on the goal is to be what only some fly in a be disconnected at hours away the entire gall, this trip with electricity, what it means by disconnected is that a couple hours in one city, and in more than a 4 hours in another,
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a half or the here and half a day, they're just disconnected on a random, a schedule of power supply and, and that's due to the fact that the power for power generate is only one of them is working and it was due to the extreme shortage over fuel that, that uh, that entered gaza even before the world started. so the problem of your not only is started here, but it was also going on before the worst started on the golf industry. been that so far? will they go least make the problem worse in the future. and it's part of the an entire a gaza strip. 9 a strategy by them is really military of making life extremely unbearable on livable and eventually forcing people into into expands show. when all means of life are, are completely destroyed and honey, you also had to leave and makes it hospital earlier today that was being set up
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because of in his ready attack on the building housing, the electricity generation for that health facilities of the yes indeed. and that, that a top was a reminder that is, there's nowhere safe in golf. i know place is, is safe in golfing, including this, the international medical record field hospital as it operated and managed by a charitable organization to support the health care facilities and health care system across the gaza strip. so just across the street from the main gate of this field, hospital, a building a 3 story building that houses the power generator inside inside of it and supplies electricity to the field hospital was targeted by a drone and missiles and just from past incident, the experience that we have here is so far when a drawn try, it strikes a building,
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it means that the building has been mark, and it's only a matter of time for a bigger bombs to fall and destroyed the entire building with this cause it's just a great deal of how to do these, the people around the vicinity as they were told by the field, the hospital management, the, the gordon is i've been shared with is really military. it's safe to protect it. no worries about what's going on there. but in 5, it just force a lot of people within this visit a facility to leap as they are, becomes increasingly unsafe. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey. muscles of the latest live and drop off to us secretary of state antony blinking has matched palestinian president with the boss in ramallah as part of his ongoing diplomatic tour of the region. the to discuss the future of gauze as part of washington's post will plans, which include steps towards the palestinian stage, the blankets presence, let the protests in ramallah with many carrying banners opposing the business. they accuse the us of the complicity and what they quote is way to genocide and gaza.
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that's bringing our correspondence. mohammed jumped to him. he's lived in ramallah and occupied westbank and mohammed, what are you hearing about the meeting between blinking and abbas so elizabeth that meeting has ended. it does not seem as though it lasted much longer than an hour if even an hour and very few details have emerged thus far. what we've heard from the palestinian authority is that blinking discussed with president i buys the efforts to in aggression in gaza. and also the efforts being made to increase the amount of humanitarian aid getting into gaza. we're expecting to get more details as to what was discussed in the hours to come. now not only has that meeting ended but present at our boss has already left for amolla. in fact, we are told that he is now arrived in jordan. there is to be a tripartite summit taking place in october in jordan today between president i bus
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as well as egyptian president doctors, but his c, c, and jordanian king abdullah. now we are in the manada square in the middle where there was a small protest earlier before a secretary of said lincoln's visit. you had protesters, you are very angry. the blinking was here and also angry that i boss was meeting with him to that. and i want to bring in a guess that we have with us right now. this is joe had a bucket, he's a palestinian activist. and joe, what i want to ask you 1st you were with these protestors today is, was not a huge amount. it seemed may give a few dozen, but what was the message you were trying to convey to get out to the world. so thank you for having me. first of all, our main messages was to the us administration and particularly to biden, that he's not welcome in palace times, at least by the people and that the palestinians are collectively extremely angry for, is there a for america, simplicity in genocide and gaza and it seemed we were hearing from the protesters
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earlier that it wasn't just the fact that blinking was here and as to what was going on in gaza. but also the fact that president i bus was meeting with him that he had welcome to me or can you speak more to that as well? yes, i mean, as palestinians, we feel because we feel that the us administration is completely complicit with israel. in this genocide, we do not think that we as palestinians and our representatives should be welcoming any us representative. especially in such a high level and such a high level person has blinking has anthony blinking, he's not accept it's, he shouldn't be welcomed in palestine because he is part of the slaughter of our people. so what i want to ask you about some of the opinion polls we've seen recently when it comes to palestinian people and what's going on and gaza and
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efforts to try to in the word there, there was an opinion pull that was released in late december of which suggested that almost 2 thirds of palestinians are opposed even to the policy and that the worthy participating in meetings to discuss causes future after the war ends. i mean, this really goes to show the challenges that are faced by palestinian leaders right now. there is such a level of distrust amongst the population as well. correct? uh absolutely. i think that the way the palestinian leadership has a lot to reckon with i think it has lots of cancer too. but right now as a policy and i could speak, i think i can safely speak on behalf of all palestinians. our priority now is not about the policy and you for it. it's about ending the devastation that has happened and gods of the killing of the people, the war. which by the way, this is all a cumulative. it did not start on october 7th. this is about a year as long occupation and the year as long injustice against the palestinians
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that has come my name is in this, this genocide and this is these, these ongoing atrocities. so i think we need to put that aside. and right now focus on saving the palestinians, and may i just ask one final question, what from your point of view would be the concrete steps that need to be taken right now in order to accomplish what you're talking about? well, i think the most apparent thing is that the war needs to stop. i think the bombardment of dogs that needs to stop is real past 2 to and all, all hostilities on the, on the policy hands. and i think after that, so a ceasefire. but that has to be just the very 1st step. and i think afterwards there has to be a permanent solution that is based on justice and is based on ending israel's occupation of problems to means. right, joe had a book or counseling and act was thank you so much for joining us. going out to 0. we appreciate it. so you heard it there, elizabeth. so many challenges lying ahead and everybody we've spoken with here
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today including joe had a saying that the most important thing right now is to focus on ending the aggression in gaza. one of the biggest challenges faced by palestinian leadership is the fact that there is a lot of distrust in their leadership. the fact that my with our boss has pilots in the, in president his popularity levels very, very low right now. this meeting that happened today between blinking that bus, we don't have a lot of details as of yet, but the fact of the matter is that we're very low expat low expectations going into it. we'll have to see what more emerges from that. we know that coming in to, to david lincoln had said that he wanted to see the progress and the leadership reform itself. he also wants to see these really leadership allow palestinians the opportunity to govern themselves in an easier manner. and he also would like to see more of a pathway created for the creation of a palestinian state. these are all things we've heard from the us administration in the past. the fact of the matter is, are there any concrete steps being taken right now to make these goals achievable?
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when you speak to people here in a more or less, they don't think that any of that is a t mobile right now, they're very skeptical. they're very angry about what's going on and that's why the situation is challenging and dire as it is right now. lives around and thank you so much for that mohammed jump june live in ramallah. there's really military has carried out most strikes against has bola and 11 on a member of the groups being killed in the board of ton of coffee. she bar zayna folder has moved from the route another target said strikes. another member of the lebanese arm group has fall off killed. he was in a house in the village of car silva, which is very close to the border. this was a overnight strike. he would be the 6 member of the groups have been killed in the past, 48 hours among them, a senior field commander. now this is not the 1st time we've seen a similar attacks in the past 3 and a half months since this conflict along the border begun. we've seen is really
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drones strikes the target cars, a tearing hezbollah members. we see it is rarely strikes on homes belonging to has full of members. but as of late in the past few days, we're seeing the frequency. there's that there's more more of these attacks and they seems to be more targeted. and the very fact that is real actually name the person is targeted in the attack at the funeral of that senior commander on wednesday means they are hunting down members of the group. this is an intelligence for israel, definitely relying on the drones. it's drones are in the skies 247, and they're also relying on intelligence on the ground. and what we understand for people close to hezbollah says there's, you know, there's concern about this, that there are, you know, people on the ground giving or passing this information to the is read is no doubt . this is an escalation. many people you talk to 11 on the leave,
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we are going to see more targets it assassinations. we saw a high profile ceiling just last week. how mouse is number 2, solid, a rudy in down in the southern suburbs of a route 30 and my colleagues, the hand drawn and supposed to been sold. he is the u. n. special level to and human rights and counterterrorism. and he says as well as clearly breaching international. so we're talking here about the strikes on a senior, how boss lead to last week. and of course come off his original attack on his route . on october 7 came from the territory of god. it did not come from livid on and by escalating the conflict to the territory of lebanon by striking hamas leaders there, as well as clearly in violation of international lawrence a breach of 11 on sovereignty. devote election of the prohibition on the use of force under the united nations charter. and these ralph hasn't presented any evidence that hamas was attacking these ro from living on itself. so these ease of
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concern, it should be of concern to the united nations security council, an old states should council these ro, not to continue to escalate this conflict. one of the problems that we've seen is the many narratives that are coming out of as well when it comes to that an attack on individuals and groups they see as a threat. it is a dangerous precedent, isn't it? to say that we can attack you if you are in the world without giving any proof without any monday to me via the u. n. o. any of the official body is a dangerous pandora's books to open. absolutely, it violates the sovereignty of any country where it is rout uses force against suspected terrorists. it's not a new phenomenon. i mean, of course, israel has been assassinated, it's perceived enemies for many, many decades. i mean, if you go back to the munich olympics attack in 1972 in some a successive years, israel hunted down and murdered the those responsible for,
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for those attacks in the process. of course, killing some innocent people. current is riley leaders, including the prime minister and the defense minister has threatened that i will front down. and buddha, some us operatives where have the night all across the world. this is incredibly dangerous. it's a break instruments national law. it's a breach of human rights. the violation of the rights of other countries and it doesn't solve the security threat to his room. the extensions rise between israel and his ball law, the is verity. health ministry has ordered hospitals the knowles to prepare for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured patients. let's go to laura con, now she's joining us live from sasa and northern israel. then sounds like israel is ramping up preparations in case of a considerable escalation and violence with hezbollah more well lives. it absolutely is when you're talking about moving away known,
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essential patients from hospitals in order to make space, but possibly thousands of new casualties of soldiers. then the definitely ramping up some of this war language was suddenly looking towards a big escalation. another clue as to that is that the ministry of education has thousands of children has been evacuated into other areas, may need to state school that until at least the summer. they say at the very least now in terms of the hospitals. currently, this is just a directive. we don't know exactly when this is going to start the snow timeline, but they all run picking up where language here. now, i just want to show you where we are. we're in a village called saucer. just behind me. this is a close that a tree zone. it has been incredibly hot during this war and the last 3 months. let's move on to tank missiles. hastings, some of those homes, the tie places being evacuated, but that also just living in 5. and just to tilt up
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a little bit that you can see level, we're about 2 kilometers away from level. and then we know that has the law has been sending in many drones through the, sorry, this, the money infiltration also on for type missiles and rockets. it has been relatively quiet today. bought things with tony ramping up. yes. today we so is our northern come on hits. i don't started today. another reason why this area is very important is behind me. we have mount, maryland. a very sense says aerials defense area that has big radars. now this is hit by a barrage of about 14 rockets according to israel has paula said more and they is there didn't even to mit until a day later that it had been hit that was damaged to it is set, it can be repaired and they do have backups but some really sensitive military areas being hit partly no civilian aries. we've seen a few pop mountain roads here that the most people to treat tockets. but when it
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comes to the hospitals now being prepped and ready, we're talking about some serious ramping up of the language of war. all right, thank you very much for that. that is laura kind of holding from salsa and northern israel. and the us and you came in the tree said they have upheld a lawn to the attack. over the red sea, the us defense ministry says 18 drawings and 3 missiles were launched from whom they controlled pots of un, no damage to vessels or injuries were reported. with these have launched multiple attacks on measuring ships in support of palestine. the you guys, defense secretary got shots is issued a warning to 45 is following that incident and the statement, he says the u. k. along side allies a previously made clear that these attacks are completely unacceptable and it's continued. the whole thing is where the consequences we will take the action needed to protect innocent lives on the global economy. i will join now by modules the way,
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the director of the goals studies center as cost a university professor of middle east politics. and this is a way to always go to get your analysis. so the u. k. defend secretaries, nation's comments fighting was saying, who diesel bear the consequences. he said if they continue these attacks, they say that the attacks are against any vessels linked to israel in any way in support of the people of gaza. we how dangerous a situation are we seeing in the red sea? i think what happens in that it see is coming into context of international ization of what happened that was and basically presenting that as, as a, as a global fund. i'm in that global switch to the different countries, including the issue of a trade in particular. now, if you look at the whole thing, this course and hope you had made it very clear they are targeting, these are any ships going to or leaving that any ports? so now the question is, how much those countries out of for about who's targeted in 30?
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that's one number to the united states. the other countries they tried to have a coalition of 22 countries. the attempt has failed because none of the countries wasn't clear about the mission of that coalition. some said they would join them. they've summed out france, belgium, it's a oh, a to the all of them. they said it's not to create about the mission of this. now that it's so isn't that a big cluster, monica, about why all of this threats headache about what's happening and that it see as long as there's none of the international shapes has been impacted by what's happening? number 3, but it's a national shipping has been largely impacted. right back to the, i think psychologist, it's elizabeth the then the other. because, you know, business is being always influenced by that by that, by the news. by that, that's what it, what's happening in the entity is that i think itself has affected the business and the ships they say, you know, i cannot guarantee that the house is worth talking me because i, you know, i cannot, i will not talk to them. i'm others i'm not going to is i so it may happen to me. so the whole, the, it's the whole thing, but it has become a gloomy,
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it's very dangerous. that's what the protein has been achieved, actually as a cheese so far. but the, yeah, let's see, there is no see, doesn't fit according to some reports on the west on different chips. but the environment is, is, is then to a subset of, okay, well within this dangerous environment, many from the possible risk of miscalculation an escalation on many different fonts in the region. we have the us secretary of state antony blinking on his 1st visit to israel. what if anything, do you think he's achieved on this visit to israel and the palestinian territories? i think this visit the visit is coming from the context of what would happen tomorrow. and then some are some of the costs of justice. i think for washington has a great interest to support as righty and in, in, in strongly on this case. and i think he made it very clear that there is no base for this case. number 2, they want to make sure none of the, these are the players involved or supported what's happened to what's gonna happen tomorrow. and number 3,
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they want to make sure that that is what it is. know what they will do and mix the of does that now this talk talking about this, but what's putting the clear applied? i think the united states now also facing another issue which is the, could the benefit of the northern states. they talk to show the world are doing something they tried to convince by any kidding about by this thing or what does that but to the other thing is that all of this is convincing to the national community, especially the, you know, that's what's happening in the in, in the as that is a genocide and basically they don't have to say trying now by the, by the propose it yesterday to having to mission that a guessing coming to know some of those and do investigation as a step to change the discussion about what what happened to water? it's a national coordinator was the way to thank you, as always for you. my pleasure. we appreciate the the, that is time now for we look at some other world news and police in ecuador say at least 10 people have been killed in recent gang fighters on tuesdays with of on
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demand broke into a television station june and live both awesome rest and stuff and while acute the country's largest city, the men carrying guns and wearing firs 1st stopped to the floor before the live feed. this castle, the government have now been arrested a 60 days days of emergency to get on monday off to a convicted gang leader vanished from his presence. so hundreds of protest does have marched through the peruvian capital of lima. the mountain, just as for thousands of demons trace has killed a year ago. 6 protest is held, ben is criticizing president. what they do, they blame for the day? well, the 60 people were killed in protests around the country when president federal castillo was asked to empower in december 2022. the opposition, liberal party and tom looks set to win a majority in parliamentary elections for vision and results. show that one associate of the $47.00 seats and the masters assembly in the village on tuesday.
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final results are expect a nation on wednesday is confirmed form a prime minister sharon top cables, return for the 2nd 5 year to do tons economic challenges with key issue in the campaign. the ceo of boeing has, have mentioned the play manufacturer was at fault auto adult on an alaska airlines j. a jet blew out last week. dave calhoun said bowling would approach the problem with complete transparency and ensure it never happens again. no one was injured in the incident, but several airlines say they've found loose pods on this 737, next line plain. since scientists have confirmed the 2023 was the wills hospice here on record dates from the benefits climate change service shows last year was probably the warmest in the 100000 years. record highs have been confirmed every month since last 2 and that set for me and this was toronto, me,
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you can find more information on all of the stories we're covering, including the latest updates from israel's, on gaza, on our website. the address for that is on the 0 dot com. the weather was next and inside story we'll examine the pockets on supreme court decision to scrap the lifetime ban on politicians with convictions, the hello. it's been a long time coming, but i think we will start to say some slightly dry weather. extend. 2 volts dependents. we go through the next couple of days. had a fabulous snow. rollings for here is area fly pressure that will pull out. so the by monkey, there is another one just up towards the northwest here in between, it does look somewhat dry and price right with the next couple of days, the korean peninsula. so getting up to 5 celsius. well, as you try for a good part of japan, that's what the system just sliding its way out of north east china. pushing across
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that is the sort of russia to a chance of one or 2 showers coming into her card as we go through friday. we could see a few went through south street. we tell slide in the way back down because weston passed off home. she saw the south. it is generally try it a good deal to try whether the across much of try that by this day to get to the try. why the to extending back into in the, even down towards the south. so a few showers here, but i asked often to get pushed out of the way and it should drive on place to say in this for like over the next few days, but why the shout was continuing for them all days. the fault continues across the plains of india and to buck the stop loss. you try now on the other side of the re, b and c, into good pots will be arriving peninsula. but we have got wet wintry weather between the black sea and the caspian. the, the phasing cap is carissa cuts are for
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a record 3rd touring the 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, katara san unit in south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back home will keep you right across the actions from out the tournament, the agent house on al jazeera, the quickest on the supreme court scraps a lifetime found on politicians with convictions from holding office. that's welcome, useful, former prime minister knowledge studies. the canal run again, but not for jailed formerly to iran. calm. why? and what's behind this really this is inside story, the .


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