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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00] the billing cycle rahman, you're watching now, does it renews online for my headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes? he's really strong. so across the goal is the strip kill $147.00 palestinians as the army claims to be scaling down it's military operations.
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to protest the occupied westbank as the us secretary of state meets palestinian lead enough mood of us. both of these rarely health industry is not to be hospitals to be ready for an emergency as tensions rise between israel and the lebanese group has pulled then health officials in zimbabwe and scrambling to contain a color outbreak disposing of the threat to neighboring countries. the welcome to the news are 147 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours in a series of his really strikes, targeting many areas in gauze at the time. so launched as the, as randy on the claims to be scaling down it's operation. but as hash them oliver reports, there's no sign of that for those on the ground. this is where i found that easy,
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a rough come every day looking for the loved ones. the courses of the dead have been mutilated by as well as bombardment. the names which and on the white cheats of the only way to identify the victim of law was one of the 1st people to rush to join us to retrieve people trapped on the wreckage. it says at least a 100 display civilians was seeking shelter in a building, but it's came tumbling down at night following valencia. this is randy strikes what the weather would help me. what was that crime? tell me where they carrying weapons, shame on all those who abandoned and betrayed us. shame on those who was silent witnesses. shame on arab leaders. tell me what these children and women did wrong to end up as body pulse. this is life in garza. the reeves families saying farewell to their loved ones. it was continuous as variety,
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a task leaving no s save in gaza. funeral ceremonies kept short and buddies of rushed to cemeteries. the death tool among civilians is all the vice, most of them, women and children. despite international condemnation is wet and says it would continue the war and then how much is defeated. i know most of them are. we are not murderous. ok this, if the exterminator doesn't that assistance godless, proud in this not. and we see that god says the video, the innovators no one here believes this will is anywhere near ending the death and destruction in gaza, unprecedented. and for these people, it's too painful to bad passion, bob, but i'll just the right. let's go over to the who would not join us for rough up in southern gauze, and let's just talk about the latest attacks that way. hearing about honey.
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yes, where there are no evidence on the ground that is really military, this scaling down on the aerial bombardment. and what we're seeing is probably is the decrees in the number of attacks, but that increase in, in the intensity of these attacks. and look, for example, in the central area, if it's to the point where people are unable to leave their homes right now, they are traveling by the tv bombardment, despite all of the tactical withdrawal from parts of lunar, but particularly the eastern part of the basement side. of the wall that had been road that splits the city into 2 part of his trunk part and the work friends had part, but the, the refuge account is the name of the album res, right, know or under to be in aerial bombardment and artillery, showing every once in a while and just within the past hour or so, more residential homes have been destroyed, more people are re what is with it. critical injuries do a lot. so hospital that's indeed what we've heard of from an ambulance. i do. 6
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ever and a civic remember undergrad did find it very difficult to move it right on the road of the refuge account. these do records you can do and get those injuries to the hospital. it took them more than a couple hours to reach the one targeted site and they said there are more targeted site with people in the side with a critical injury, they're unable to reach them. the situation is at the hospital right now are, are beyond imagination. there are injuries everywhere. there is a decrease. if people are dying on the floor of the hospital because there isn't enough staff medical the staff available to do the proper intervention right on time. people have to wait for long hours to be examined by, by a doctors and find you in a similar situations going on. but we're looking at now. there is a tactical withdrawal at the eastern part of newness, but more in tens bombardment in the southern part of finance. and the central part of finance with more people are reported to not set
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a hospital as of this our honey a while we talk about the sort of strategic moves in the bottom bottom to the israelis there is also talk of is really minute treat movement again. but from where to why yes. well so far what's going on is more of a like a tactic called re deployment. of these really military, for example, in the northern part, were largely empty. northern part right now where most of the people are concentrated in garza city and part of about it. but as these really military pulled out to the borders of these areas, right, redeploying its invading forces, right? the board of people are going back to check on their residential neighborhoods that have blocks, but as soon as they get there, they are shot out in what seems to be an attempt to prevent be able to from even going back to check if there is still have their homes are standing up there,
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they can salvage any of their belongings or if they're able to pull any of their relatives were still under the rumbles of the sheet of the many destroyed homes in either bid tunnel and bid that were the eastern part of the of the, the northern part in palm unison. and the central part, again, it's a tactical i redid the withdrawal and a re deployment of the troops. and because what we're seeing now is more of an intense bombing going on at the central part of these do, wreckage examined students the why they are that's of the western, the western side. this is very consistent with what the military is say, in part say they're doing these tactical withdrawal work, but the same time increasing the insensitive of the tax on other areas including here and dropped off city as was the end of last night. i don't tack on a residential home leaving at 15 people killed including women and children. okay, well a honey. let's just talk about the fact that most of the injured have to go to
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a hospital or something sold us to make sure the hospital today. it was target's age i'll study the generates as well. what actually happened? i guess we were at the international medical chords uh hospital field hospital in northern part of han you. and if this is part of a charitable organization, manage and operated by international medical courts and the arts in areas where there is active conflict going on and what they're doing, they exist to support medical staff and health care system. here in the in golf is to we know the, we have a crippled health facility is a health care system if you do the ongoing constant bombardment, so many hospitals are out of service. so the purposes hospitalized do filling the gaps that are caused by many of the hospitals are pushed out of service. but what happened this particular place as we understood it from the management of the hospital, the cord then of the hospital for our north. today's rainy military,
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the vicinity supposed to be safe and protected, but what happened right at the time we finish our report early hour this morning across the main gate of the hospital, a building that houses the power generated. this power generated supplies. the hospital with the electricity, it was targeted just causing a great deal of panic and fear, the residents who thought that this is a safety or that they should be sticking there. i'm not going anywhere, but the fact that's happened a reminder, there is no place to sleep in the gauze list. i'm not even around the vicinity of an international medical chords field hospital, and that's exactly what happened. it just cause a great deal of panic and fear with the point people have started to leave the area now. is it going to continue operating? is it sustainable? as these situations? a scale of we are not sure what will happen to the coming days are going to be full of surprises for us. we'll see what will happen to remove the holes in russia.
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thank you. now the secretary stay tons of the blinking pads. i did a surprise that the 2 ball right into his diplomatic tool. all of them at least, ought to be seen. palestinian president moved about the other to discuss the future of causes as part of washington's post floor plans, which include a step towards the palestinian state. but lincoln's presents let the protest in ramallah with many carrying banners opposing the visit. they accuse the rest of complicity and what they called is really genocide in garza. let's go so i have to manage them. jane enjoys this not from ramallah in the occupied west bank. it seems a made the entity blink and can say whatever he wants to say make his demands in the way that he wants to to the palestinian president of the policy. the president can obviously tell him what the cost realities off of him. it is people. yeah. we don't have any sort of public press confidence. we don't really know exactly what they said to each other. you know, we don't. so hill this is very telling and in fact,
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this meeting does not last very long today at most, it lasted an hour. now that is certainly longer than the last meeting that blinking had with our bus the last time the blinking was in the model, which i believe was in november. that one lasted under an hour. but yeah, very, very few details as of yet what we've heard from palestinian officials is that our boss discuss with blinking efforts to try to a fault is really aggression inside of gaza. and also efforts to try to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gaza. that's about all the concrete details we've gotten thus far. we are trying to get more and we will get those to you as we have them. but again, very telling me because expectations to help were very low with regard to what might come out of this meeting today. and i already, after that meeting, president i bus left remotely. he has arrived in october in jordan because later today he's to have a try lateral summit with the jordanian can can not bill up and the gyptian
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president, but the cc to discuss efforts to in the war in gaza. but really this goes to show, not just the fact that lincoln has not been able to accomplish much thus far on this visit. also the fact that there had been very low expectations in the my left and the fact that the palestinian authority has not really been able to do much either at right now there's very little faith in tell us any leadership, especially here in the middle of so it's a very challenging situation. expectations were very low, and from what we've seen thus far, it certainly does not seem as though a lot was accomplished today. and perhaps it's on the diplomatic front of the arrival of think it was pretty cool. his arrival is certainly for the people within the westbank was an angry response. that's what it that way a it was an angry response. we should add, of course there were protests and we saw those protests. we were out here when they were happening. we're right now in manada square,
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which is in the center of the molar. this is where the process started. they were marching from here, but you're talking about only a few dozen people, a much smaller protests even compared to the last time. there was a protest when blinking was in town, but those who came out demanding that blinking not come in to them. i love it, he not be welcome to you're also demanding that president i best not meet with blinking and accusing the us of helping to facilitate the genocide in gaza. so a lot of anger expressed towards the americans and also anger express towards palestinian leadership. and i should add, so hale that we've seen polling recently that indicates that 2 thirds of palestinians are opposed to the idea even of the palestinian authority. participating in meetings to discuss causes future after the war ends. i mean, that's a direct rebuke to the whole raise on debtor of the trip because blinking would
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like to see the palestinian authority in some way, shape or form taking perhaps control of administering gaza in a day after the war scenario. palestinian people that we're speaking with here say by and large they don't want to see that as a possible scenario. so again, all of this really going to show the challenges that lie ahead for palestinian leadership at such a crucial time. and one more thing i should add one of the bits of anger we heard from protest her day, not just about what's going on and gossip, but also about the fact that they see the palestinian leadership is not protecting them against the record number of raves that go on on a daily basis that have become part of the fabric of daily life in the occupied westbank again. and again is really forces reading towns, villages, cities across the occupied west bank, on average. you have around 40 of these rates per day. and since october 7th, 341 palestinians have been killed across the occupied west banks, so he'll know how much i'm doing this always in about a thank you. now these really made of treatment is covered at most. why is that
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gains has belong then level a member of the own groups being killed and the board of town is cut off shot. then a honda has more from day rate or another target said strikes. another member of the lebanese armed group has fall off killed. he was in a house in the village of car silva, which is very close to the border. this was a overnight strike. he would be the 6 member of the groups have been killed in the past, 48 hours among them, a senior field commander. so this is not the 1st time we've seen a similar attacks in the past 3 and a half months since this conflict along the border begun. we've seen is really drones strikes the target cars, a tearing has the members we've seen. it is rarely strikes on homes belonging to hezbollah members, but as of late in the past few days, we're seeing the frequency. there's that there's more,
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more of these attacks. somebody seems to be more targeted. and the very fact that is real actually name the person it targets. it's in the attack at the funeral of that senior commander on wednesday means they are hunting down members of the group . this is an intelligence for israel, definitely relying on the drones. it's drones are in the skies 247, and they're also relying on intelligence on the ground. and what we understand for people close to hezbollah says there's, you know, there's concern about this, that there are, you know, people on the ground giving or passing this information to the is read is no doubt . this is an escalation. many people you talk to and love it on the leave, we are going to see more targets it assassinations. we saw a high profile ceiling just last week. how mouse is number 2, sort of a rudy in down in the southern suburbs of the root. lou, i state to bend, so there's that you in such a russell to on human rights in town to terrorism. he says,
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israel is clearly preaching international or so we're talking here about the strikes on a senior. how boss lead to last week. and of course, come off his original attack on his route. on october 7 came from the territory of god. don't come from live it on. and by escalating the conflicts to the territory of lebanon by striking hamas leaders there. as well as clearly in violation of international lawrence a breach of living on sovereignty, devote election of the prohibition on the use of force under the united nations charter. and these rough hasn't presented any evidence that hamas was attacking these ro from living on itself. so these ease of concern, it should be of concern to the united nations security council, an old start should counsel as ro, not to continue to escalate this conflict. one of the problems that we've seen is the many narratives that are coming out of as well when it comes to that an attack on individuals and groups they see as a threat. it is a dangerous precedent,
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isn't it? to say that we can attack you whatever you are in the world without giving any proof without any monday to me via the u. n. o. any of the official body is a dangerous pandora's books to open. absolutely, it violates the sovereignty of any country where it is rout uses force against suspected terrorists. it's not a new phenomenon. i mean, of course, israel has been assassinated, it's perceived enemies for many, many decades. i mean, if you go back to the munich olympics attack in 1970 towed in some successive years, israel hunted down and murdered those responsible for, for those attacks in the process. of course, killing some innocent people. current is riley leaders, including the prime minister and the defense minister has threatened that i will front down. and buddha, thomas operatives where have the guy all across the world. this is incredibly dangerous. it's
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a break instruments national law to breach of human rights. the violation of the, the rights of all the countries and it doesn't solve the security threat to his room. it was tension as well as between as well and has blah, these really health industry has hold of hospitals in the knowles to prepare for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured patients. that's getting all of that lower calm. who's in saucer in northern israel and it does sound like israel is run pickup. it's preparations with the possibility of an escalation in violence across the border. well this is a directive for those hospitals to prepare in case of an emergency situation at this 2 specific hospitals here in the north, on the border with lab and on. they are, did hospital in suffolk and also enough for the these 2 hospitals will be the off to increase capacity to get rid of any non essential patients. awesome to move
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south and have at least 50 percent of beds available in case people come in. all the hospitals in the south before slipping off to increase that capacity in case we see a mass movement of casualties going through that. now it's important to say that they've also increased the annual budgets quite significantly by about $350000000.00. in case of these emergency folks around a 100000000 is going to go on protective equipment and also shelters in case it's something they need to get away from a massive attack. so this is o in case of a scenario of a mass of attack and also a $150000000.00 in case they need to bring in new stuff. they're already talking about bringing international doctors and medical practitioners in case people need to go off as which office to they have a budget for that effect. quoting on adults as the, as the administrators even set the off many interested doctors and practice to
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support who are willing to move in. and the thing that considering is pushing those hospitals back in case for my 5th attack, they might have to move the hospitals elsewhere. so, so that really, i mean, they using the language of a desert island situation here in the north. if there is an attack, they have to be patched because tall for days, weeks, possibly a month. and that's what they have to still cops on medical supplies. so they're really pushing the rest right now. we have spoken to somebody from one of the hospitals in the north and he said that they have seen the pairing for can contingency for the last 3 months. like how things don't fly like they are in state of readiness, but the fact that they are ramping up. this rhetoric shows that really everyone is on edge. and specifically the government that that could well be no only a time, but this could really spiral into a more difficult voice then in northern israel. thank you. the
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us and the u. k. military executive repelled a large q fee a tank over the red sea. the us defends ministry says 18 trends and 3 massage little from booty control pumps of yemen. the damage to vessels, all injuries were reported. these have laws, multiple attacks on matching ships and supports of palestine. the not by the name of forces and the missile forces in the drones department in the many armed forces have launch the military joint operation with a huge number of ballistic. and the naval ms solves and drones that have targeted an american ship that was supporting the scientists, the entity. the operation was the primary to reaction to the aggression against our naval forces by the american enemy. the guys defense x ray gun shops has issued a warning to who the finances following that incident. and in the statement he says, and i quote, the you came alongside allies of previously made clear that these attacks are completely unacceptable. and if i continue under continued the youth,
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these will pad the consequences. we will take the action needed to protect innocent lives on the global economy. but the monks is following developments from london as they are the only country that is supporting the us with military hardware in that region south and the suez canal. they have vested involved in repelling those attacks over the course of tuesday. thing was a 26. the us minute reset of the, the time since mid november and the u. k. in terms of its potential consequences for the who sees that the defense minister ground shops outlined that those could have costs involved strikes on e. m. and that's something that up until now both the u. k and the us seemingly have ruled out that's been a month long, relatively tenuous, cx, 5 between who's the forces, who control the north of yemen and saudi bank forces in the south. this is something the russians in particular are very concerned about, and that tension between the us, the u. k and russia may play out later today. we're expecting to see
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a security council vote on a resolution related to the soon as the attacks on shipping in the red sea, it's 15 percent of the level trade obviously was around a 20 and a trillion dollars 10 percent of all the local o as a 5 going through this as seriously consequential for global commas. the russians, very concerned, they've said about the impact on that tenuous c spot in yemen. if there are indeed as strikes down the road by the u. s. o u. k. as much as a heavy as a drive from the gulf study central, i can tell university and profess solve middle east politics. and the thing with us through the day i'm picking one is getting on lots of moving parts. that's who, let's deal with the who t's because obviously they were small group in compared to a formal ami, a military such as the united states, so that the u. k. their intention to stop maritime traffic coming to and from is royal product, is an indication of what they want to do just yet. they have got the international
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community completely worried about what's going on in the red sea and false, the huge flotilla of military activity. the, the context for that. so here it is very clear because there is a strong desire supported by those varieties and supported by the americans to intermission eyes and to nationalize the conflict of that to become a globe. but where you can have more companies involved and now what and hope these have announced that basically they will target as you have said, chips to and from inside because they wanted to make sure the food and the water comes info has. and that's was the condition issue, allow foot to come to visit, then we will allow ships to go to is now that announcements was not enough to convince different countries to that, that there would be no impact on the trade as a whole. what do we have seen that has impact on that? i think itself has influenced a decision of lots of companies to send that ships to that, let's see. and basically there is
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a look to how it was changed their routes completely. now what's, what's happening now, there are some states have moved to have a coalition which similar to what so called combined task forces which to establish 2000 to talk of the piracy in, in somalia. and the, the aim is to have forces that are the, to a talk cuz i need to let me close by the, by the, how it is now. so far they don't even have same chips as well as a message to that it see which sickly escalate. the situation, so the medicine and the british trying to say we will. the problem is, as i said, hope these are not state health. these i must state action. so you wants to try the tool out a month. they don't have the, the bases you, they don't have the ships, they don't have the tools. what you can start with and influence what they can do. and that's itself for them access to that many kinds enter the. but that's interesting point isn't about northern state taxes. you can look at the who
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t as in the admin. if you can look at her mouse in gaza, you can look at has the law in southern lebanon. you can look at the various groups within iraq and it has the golden state actors that have inspired the public to think that they all the ones looking after them. yet the democratically elected officials have don't have an answer to this. they haven't been able to even stop a bolt, the swayed america totally as well. just don't want the dean garza but this has been a generational thing, is being able to decade just more of actually actually what would happen and that's a very, an excellent point in the last of 2025 years under the state. doctors have to control the political, the legion, and put it to conceit. and they have initiated a lot of movements and actions and of a so called an official state. the out actually that the action to that, including globe and power,
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likes the united states. and so far they have paid to try to change the dynamic in human. they control the amount and buttoned by this time uh they won the election 2006. they controlled because of 2007 and 10 now. and still they are hated by that, so it isn't getting all of those, but it's 10 years again, does apply on, on the bottom of a lot of style and they lucky as well. so that is, it's, it's, it's a very, it's, it's very strong gesture to the others to know carefully about what's happening in the agent. what's happened to the, what's so called this piece, the, the, well for sure, the state. why the outer week like this. why in the state? ok, so anybody are active on initiating on having a finger print on the age and then the then the states interesting will discover more on this and talk more pleasant as they always go on. but due to a hearing, thank you. well, still low to come, including the weather, is evident as hello the weather slots. you set fire across c arabian peninsula to find and try whether place on the sunshine, texas, if anything
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a little about the app or is but, you know, just move cloud. we do have on set whether moving across northern parts of the region. so just around stuckey i pushing either towards the caspian northern area so fast syria using across the rockies and across towards a good parts of iran. then as we go through the next couple of days, you can see how that to it does tend to snow, was a high, a ground for the south side of it is allowed to drive 26 celsius. here in, di did 3 or 4 degrees above the average, so that's not too bad. things out. so pleasant minds. you across the is the side off the met. it's right, we have got more shabbots coming back into the left. and so we'll see. so what's the weather coming in to west and pops of seriously go 3 fast day 11 on this route . right down across the palestinian territories, occupied palestinian territories. sang some showers by the way down into the gaza strip on this last day friday as a repeat performance. hopefully just drawing up a little as we go on into the last a parts of the week. happy to set that,
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but some more live the showers for that is the side of the med over the next few days. just talking about the training coast of most african, we could catch a shout, see what else we have as long as you try and sunny as well. still a head hill and the opposite renews of low boats. no fish and no rest finds that palestinian fishermen in the cause of straight as israel, who is a 100 days the in mexico's boldest cities, the stock and back to drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as a team piece together. evidence. as they grapple with the relentless cycle of
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homicide blows on the side. a witness documentary on the houses that are examining the impact of today's headlines. this year. for the destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and wealth cost, john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what there's a 50 foot side of the phase us from our open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era the the play or 2 i'll just bear with me. so robin, how reminder of all top stories, 140 something, palestinians have been killed in the last 20 for us. and it's,
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it was, it was really strikes targeting many a cost cause that's $30.00 times so lowest as these really only claims to be scaling down its military operation. us extra estates on c blinking. it's not that a surprise visits of all right. as part of his diplomatic told him, at least that a he met us new apology president, i moved about syndrome. i left lincoln's presence, led to protests against his visits. he is writing an industry has carried up most strikes, the case has blown in level. and then the of the group was killed in the pool. the town is now the fishing industry in gauze, it has been devastated by the world about, full 1000 fishermen depend on it for their livelihoods. so yes, they faced restrictions imposed by these rarely governments, but to about 3 months interval. but he said they wouldn't have a job to go back to even after it's ends. it says getting no problem though they were more than
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a $160.00 boats and gauze as they didn't buy left port at least $131.00 of them out of service is a good idea of a cover. most of the boss said fishing sectors, the 2nd most profitable on the strip these radio occupations being targeting the industry since 2006. we've repeatedly said that these really governments directly deliberately and systematically destroying fishing sector to pursuing, chasing, and shooting off fishermen. this is the most killing destruction and confiscation of fishing boats as palestinians. the fishermen, they've had that long share of destruction since israel started school on the goal is to strip against aren't people. yeah, i me. busy i have them at the, as you can see, the total destruction, the seas are only source of livelihood. all we can do is fish. we can't do any other job. i've lost cousins, family money, and our boats. now we don't even have food. nothing is left for us at all from us. so to the left of the mana, when our situation became miserable and we no longer knew what to do,
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we came here. we spent 3 nights sleeping on the streets without food or water kind . people gave us some blankets. these really forces begin firing at 5 in the morning. our children are sick and we've lost almost all hope to the ports is completely destroyed. this boat is burnt, and this one was targeted. and the 3rd one was targeted over there. this means that we can die at any moment here at the destruction and firing is ongoing. most of the out of town, and then the who them the by now we can safely say that no single boats working. there's no single but work in your north gone, so these radio occupations totally destroyed the so and only pulled in gaza strip at the will stops. now, the fisherman and casa will find that there are no boats for fishing, was the man who can do well. the conditions of the fishing boats up to 16 years of operating have become worn out. all fishing sector needs millions to be able to
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operate properly here. give me the toilet to bring you the stories of holes and making headlines from across the world . a color outbreak has spread across all of the 10 provinces of zimbabwe, killing hundreds of people. it's now spreading to neighboring countries, including zambia, and based on big somebody the middle. how's the story yet another funeral for a victim of colorado this time and she wish and most of the capital her already things you knew it was a for us, it is painful with this disease. we could not even say spice for the last time. and we don't feel that we gave him the last or speak if i'm the daughter of color. and the disease could spray from here. and it is splitting with at least 10 people who attended this funeral reporting symptoms of the disease within days. the government says it's concerns such gatherings of worsening the outbreak. last year it limited
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the number of people attending burials and other public gatherings. about $300.00 people have died since february last year, a quote to passed away and the last month alone of the suffering from symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting and weakness. so far as 16000 people have contract at the water point disease, the government says it's working to increase supplies of clean water. and it's begun cleaning up sewage and refusing public areas, but it's been unable to stop street vendors from sending food that some fuel could work them to split up the disease. the government says it's doing what it can to keep people safe. we don't have enough fox cents to cover the whole country, but we have moved out the distance that's fitted where we target a flux nation and we've come up with the target population of $1.00, something 1000000. so is just as only the top to say we would require about $2000000.00 doses. but the world health organization says global supplies of oral
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color of vaccines are limited. the color outbreak is also affected, neighboring zambia. since october, more than 6200 people have become infected and about 250 have died. it's important that the community to respond because this is wrong. i think that's where the weaknesses the community still will text. you know, he's the actual gentleman working in the infected in mozambique. more than 8200 and fictions have been reported. and those tens of thousands of migrant workers returning from zimbabwe to south africa. following the christmas holidays, health authorities have increased screening. a board is to try and stop the spread, so meet them a lot, i'll do 0. the bulk of songs, prime minister, has called for unity to find diseases and emergencies around the world. 70 countries are taking part in a global health security summit which began in the compet list. so i'm about to
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ball. honda has more of august on is hoarding the glow, but it has to go to d. somebody get in if lama bod, which is also attended by ministers from several countries, and delegation from saudi arabia across the united states. the united nations non governmental organizations are all present. yeah. the endeavor and basically to come out a way to united response on a global level to deal with ben demick and contagious diseases around the world. and go hammered out some sort of a plan in order to a navy, a. busy country that are less privilege, annoying comes countries to be able to great finance for them. they've been speaking to the administrator. tell us about the importance of this summit and that's taking the 1st step towards making this goober has to go to d. d,
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p with the agenda and the less than him and the vendors and there was an amazing gathering of 200 different nationalities. go to the cities, religion, and it's coming back from different countries. there was one resolution, the ocean is to unity. so the good a, d, n, a harmony amongst the oceans, fish, fox noticed green bodies and implemented for a secure and safer was administered of gotcha, also highlighting the issue of the palestinians with a headed emergency and already happening on the ground making it political is very unfortunate, and when we see in the context of the mess it going to happen, we won't charge you a hard thing, a domestic and a few minutes. he wants to stop each talk. feeling headboard good and but got
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a good thing. ambulance is being held presently. we want an excess but each and every individual that is in need of tentative services inside this is enabled her to go to venture. that drunk tends to be on religion boundaries, ethnic and national boundaries under did an important step to try to come out or doesn't federal policy in order to deal with national and international emergency when it comes to contagious diseases as well as sprint damage come on like that all your data is some of the police selected, it will say at least 10 people have been killed and recent gun violence on choose the group of all men broke into a television station in the city of y q during a live broadcast. and then 2nd stuff, i listened to it on p a to, to pull some from the capital key to the july footage showed that it's our main storming this tv station. and why a q and taking the hosting crew hostage shots were heard. and the said is,
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during the least bit not to be home before the signal was cut off. it was the most praising attack in the day of chaos across ecuador, gang members, detonated car bombs, attacked universities, and keeping that there killed policemen in several cities in the declaration of war against the government of president. then he has no boar and is at the time so to secure the crack, down it out loud as able to 35 year old president who began is during the less than 2 months ago, responded by declaring a state of internal conflict a day after decreeing a 60 day state of emergency and nighttime curfew. he named 22 gangs this terrorist organizations and military targets. up at this moment, though, from this moment every terrace group mentioned in the decreed as it has become a military target to the present and future of our country is that plague we will not the system or negotiate the price is,
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is escalate that following the escape from prison and sunday of a door to macias, better known as speak to like what the most powerful drug lords before he could be transferred to a different prison. the violence broke out in the coastal city of y. a keeling these mean as the but is extended to the capital key to an even to safe and peaceful. curious locations like queen. have you all citizens who were afraid today there are no tax in kito tanka vedo. every way, the police arrested 13 gunmen who allegedly took over the television station and freed the hostages. but they have been unable to stop the rest of the mag and neighboring, but who also declared an emergency along its northern border. in recent years, equis there has been living to an unprecedented security crisis, fuels by drug trafficking that up to a piece of fields to address, turning it into latin, america's most dangerous country. the most difficult. we all know that when there
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are attempts to transfer powerful prisoners wireless. okay, here's the question, is why the government isn't able to take preventive measures. the escalation of violence was a time bump that has exploded in president no boy's hands. and so far nobody has been able to break the link between the prison gangs and the violence that has brought ask whether to unprecedented levels of chaos and fear. allison that i'm be at the i was just the to keep the hundreds of protest as high as balls through the peruvian capital, lima, demanding. just as the dozens of demonstrates has killed a year ago. the agents deserve others criticising present dina belonged to do. they blamed for the dense mold and 60 people were killed in protests around the country, but present federal castillo was ousted from power in december 2022. the opposition, liberal policy and baton looks set to win
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a majority of parliamentary elections. provisional results show when science, he'll be $47.00 states and the national assembly of the vote on tuesday. find the results are expected date on wednesday is confirmed. the former prime minister sharing top gay will return for a 2nd 5 year time baton economic challenges. a key issue in the campaign. the c o boeing has admitted that the play manufacturer was at fault after a duel on the alaska airlines jet, blew out last week. they've calhoun said the battery would approach the problem with complete transparency and to show it never happens again. what was injured in the incident but several outlines. so they found loose pilots on the 737 banks, 9 plains. since then, noise parliament has approved a plan to allow deep sea mining of his coast. under the proposal, the country will lease rights under will to exploration to commercial mining
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companies, dependents will, and it could endanger the environment, cold weather and heavy rains. the hampering efforts to find people still michigan, japan follow gas quake on new year's day. the number now i've died as the past 200, at least 68 were missing. and the remote notate peninsula, the government has deployed mold and 6000 soldiers phelps such operations as well. it's basically intelligence as generating billions of dollars worth of business from electronic cafe weights as to do to advise created by a high the consumer electronics trade show has plenty to offer. and it's kicked off in las vegas, dimitry. it made me think of possible the any fun of catch it. this is a real playground, all the thousands of electronics enthusiasts on here that's one of the biggest consumer electronics expos in the world. and it's not just to show this event is
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driving investment. see us as the world cup for innovation and technology. it's a place where those with ideas counted with the noise with the business to let is the name of the game ai, artificial intelligence, even the industries you might not expect on getting involved like cosmetics, john l'oreal, it's offering an a. i beauty consultants. hello nicholas. what's up on surprisingly, this consultants recommends products from its make up to anyone who uploads that photos. then this robot, the re stuff promising to make the plastic coffee. it's equipped with cameras to make sure it's saving the right person. the old
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comic is have tradition least the show here. and this year i have are using steve. honda is putting its latest electric vehicle on stage with the help of a playstation controller and mercedes as showcasing an a. i driven dashboard, best analyzes traffic around the driver to mixed reactions is absolutely amazing if it will be available. i would say when it comes to self driving and alternative kind of describing vehicles like watching, if that's really the way of the future, or whether we want us humans to be really driving or vehicles. of the honorable mentions include an x of skeleton to help people run foster headsets to help you sleep and a sonic's tooth brush. so they're really adventurous. wild cove of 19 pandemic made events like these take a pause. others like the annual e 3 gaming expo and los angeles didn't survive, but see yes, appears to be generating
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a lots of traffic and business activities with the most common complaint being how big the event is. the problem is not being able to see everything every so every year i come, i only see 20 percent and i'm here for the entire time to meet you minute didn't go out to 0. well, still head hey on the new. so i'm going to get your all sca in the hallway, female referees and preparing to make that dave,
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you at the asian come along. so new technology which could fix the problems vo, the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, about the type of support on his phone. so hell, thank you so much. oh, there is just 2 days to go before the delayed agent cab begins here in katara organizers say, nearly 900000 tickets have been sold so far. all but one of the stadiums used at the 2022 fif of world cab will be used with the sale hosting the opening game between defending champions, cuts are, and 11 on at the richardson has more a mr server year since origin seen a listed the men's wells company catch all the countries is now getting ready to host a issues biggest international football tournaments. china, happy to host this addition of the asian couple of pulled down in 2022 to 2. it's 0 coverage. 19 policy and capsule as woke up hosts in whitening at that time. we're in the perfect position to step up. you'll notice the part of our legacy to keep using these venues and the stadiums as well. uh, one of the cuts out is the company that i like to have part of support. so all is
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going to be keep using charlotte, hosting these big events. so to always be locked, develop legacy is not the only the stadium is the save you money, all the facilities on the palestine will be making back the consecutive appearance at the finals at seem determined to be a focal points of calls, the tendency full that people are also aiming, so when that 1st a game app is tournaments, protest all the hosts, they are a team with the points of proof. they all the writing champions, having won the cycling 29, seen in the united arab emirates, that i failed to replicate that full on the world stage that will cope campaign in 2020 to beginning with high speculations, it ended with 3 straight defeats since then. they have $52.00 national coaches, spines, tense in mark has the man who being charged for this tournament. somebody with experience of working capital is national. a spar academy, also in castles domestic lee. but he's had
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a very limited amount of time with this was the reference to retain the title. begin on friday, at the sales stadium, the venue went on and seen a beat friends in that will come final. this time it's council versus 11. in the 1st of 51 much he's coming your way in this 18th edition of the agent. come on the richardson elders era. so are now while the teams are getting ready for the asian cap. so to are the referees, as joanna guys are, oscar reports, female officials will make an historic if they view at the continents biggest football tournaments. these are the women and men whose decisions could make or break and team at the asian company. 74 much efficient was more than ever before putting the final touches to that preparations ahead of kick off on friday. and for the 1st time we've been referees who make that d. i think with the way the world football is heading. and you know, the, the movement that women's football is,
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is making, not a missile, but now in the men space as well. um, it's certainly a bridging the gas for us, very freeze. it's the material that we are not uh we, i know differentiate them huge and by gender, what did the middle so a females ultima nivia, all of the referees under one umbrella. and i like that because we are training like the family. so if it's the one team, a team member can decide i would say in decision help. you see me yamashita. it was $1.00 to $6.00 female officials who made history at the fee for woke up in castle in 2022. she down leads a group of 5 here at the asian com. i'm burial not to be here. i have always supposed to be here to, to show what the female life or you can do in this tournament. and i hope this opportunity connected to the next generation just like to play is these referees it been preparing for months for the tournaments, taking part to move in 20 seminars workshops,
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a much simulations like this one to make sure they know the rules of the game inside announce they'll also be using videos to sit referees for the entire tournament for the 1st time. they all have been the cause of some controversial and incorrect decision since his introduction to needs around the world, including english premier league almost 5 years ago. but it's hard, the technology here will help referees avoid making mistakes. for the asian cop, we use what's known as semi automation upside technology for the 1st time after its successful implementation at the wells copier and capital in 2022. that involves 12 cameras tracking the bowl and $29.00 points in the body of each player, 50 times per 2nd to help video assistant referees make the right of side decisions . that's certainly i think that's a microscope on officials at the moment, especially with they are in the expectation that we, we get everything right. and we, and we see everything. and that's all we're taking extra care and the outcome will hopefully be a good decisions on the field. you technology should tackle the issues be all has
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cost, but it will replace the human instinct of the men and women who will ultimately make the final decisions. do you want to get a real sca out to 0 though? ha. chelsea have suffered a step back as they looked when a trophy and once been a turbulent season so far. england english a 2nd to your side, middle scrub beat them in the 1st leg of the lead cup semi finals. the 2nd leg will be on january 23rd at stanford bridge. winning the trophy will be and these to chelsea who are down in 10th independently. sadie ravia is hosting the spanish supercop for the 4th time in 5 years. the 1st time the final takes place on wednesday with round madrid again. city rivals at let it go, arthur long to take on also sooner on thursday, with the final held on sunday round midfielder frederica valvor. the was asked about the heavy investment. saudi arabia has made in football recently, is going through a product
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a company will look at the play as it came here to sound d minus. they are not just any players. they are football styles like christy on rinaldo who was one of the places still wanted all of this story. so this proves how much this leak is growing and want to come all the players who came off to him . it is important to have these kind of plays took place because this will make sure that this league keeps growing to put sunset, and therefore the los angeles lakers beat the toronto raptors and a contest by got pretty heated, near the end. the bron james had 22 points while anthony dave is top scored with 41 as the lakers beat the rafters by just one points. but it seems 1st back to back when in a month or the rafters coach was fairly unhappy with some of the calls made. and again, this is shame, shame for the referees to shame for the lead, to allow this 23 free throws for them. and we get 2 free throws in the, in the 4th quarter. like how to play the game. i. oh, i understand
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a respectful all started all of that. but we have a set of players in our team as well. they get to winter night. that's the, that's the case. just let us know. so we don't show up for the game. just give them a win. but this, that was not fair tonight. jessica figuerola is into the quarter finals of the satellite international in the last warm up event ahead of the 1st grand slam of the year. the australian open, the world number 5 came back from a set down to beat fellow american bernardo para, in 3 cents to advance the girl. i will face qualifier anastasia, and probably chico in the last states. the australian open beginning sunday in melbourne. the ad on demand side, no bad job of edge has been confirmed as the top seat serbian while number one has been training in melvin as the aims for an 11th australian open title and an unprecedented 25th grand slam. crown documents goes into the tournaments as with defending champion. okay, that is all your support for now back to you. so how,
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thanks very much fire. and of course you can follow all of those stories on our website developed as a duck, coming back with more news on the other side of the private until a fall around me on the news team here at our headquarters. and uh huh, thanks very much for your time. and your company the i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level all that i can't support the one on which is era. the latest news, as it breaks, for many people,
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have religion to separate from the states and then not willing to change the traditions with detailed coverage over the next 3 or 4 months when people were entering the main previous case. as a 100 percent, were rise again from around the world. it was near here at valley forge that the us, he declared his independence, which still had to fight for this funding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now. a moment of prayer for waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border in recent days or over 4000 a day in the mexican state of while we live alone. all my friends have crossed to have of cross. now, this is what lies in store for them, hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by over whelmed custom and border patrol officers from the texas side of the border increase in illegal crossings. this,
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the result of smugglers moving large numbers of people through mexico budget cuts to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico. it was very hard to get through immigration. it's back to now. as pressure grows on a sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north, trying to reach the us before the new year. the . is there any strikes across the goals and strip kill 147 palestinians as the army claims to be scaling down its military operation? the clubs that allow me what you're interested in life,
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my headquarters here in also coming up protests and they will keep all it was pending because he was sick for you. and


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