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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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southern mexico are preparing to head north, trying to reach the us before the new year. the . is there any strikes across the goals and strip kill 147 palestinians as the army claims to be scaling down its military operation? the clouds, the whole rahman, what you'll just say we're life my headquarters here in the also coming up protest and the old people it was pending because he was sick for you and state means palestinian lead and moved abbas. he's really health ministry. he is asking hospitals to be ready for an emergency as tensions rise between as well and the lebanese of group has but also in other news government. and that could also
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a tv station disrupt the live broadcast, or rising gang violence. forces the government to impose a state to emergency the it wasn't like we'd begin with breaking news to me as a goal, so where it is really strong because killed, mold and faulty people and ended dozens of others. the attack took place to the i likes the hospital in the central parts of the strait mold. the 150 of us have been killed in the past 24 hours. these are the latest pictures coming from the region of the soul, despite israel, claiming its scaling down its military operation to cool scenes of devastation. i just outside of the hospital rescue is getting that as quickly as they possibly come to take the injured to nearby hospitals. it could be confusing situation obviously, and we'll try and get more to you as we can. i think we can now join
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a corresponding topic assume topic. i hope you can hear me wishing all view as shots of the most recent strike and very close to the i likes a mosque a lot. so hospital pod me in garza, the injured to be taken to hospital. those buried under the rubble of trying to be rescued is a pretty desperate situation that we're seeing here. what more information to you guessing about this particular incident? 2 yes, uh the as really ministry. in fact, in the past hour i targeted a residential building that was only a few mates as a way from a lock. so hospital that is the main central hospital still operating in the middle go for an 8th of calls, a strep were does as a policy is being killed and inject in that building as it was a center for evac tvs where different families were taking shelter inside alongside
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with their relatives, to be away from the east by the bombing. and this area has been multiple targeted throughout the ministry quite hoped as drugs in that part of gall, this trip on to this very moment, the evacuation process to pull the victims from under the ruffles and the people continue as it was a multiple store building was hits and at the facts of the locks, the hospital had been widely written to baby to different kinds of it's very fine is since the extension of the minute you a break in the middle governing it's of the territory. now people are still right now trying to take to search between the ruffles about the victims and the internet people. and this is one of the main fluid, the attacks that had been carried out since the hours of today's morning. and we have been reporting in the past a few days that we are staying and keep trying to inform the, the world about that these areas are witnessing mass destruction by the military as they are destroying residential houses. that this will with the fact that are full
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of his activities and the long side with the key infrastructure for residents that we've been seeing to dates a number of videos and match for the gates of the intern from a massage refuge account in the same book. renee that has been also destroyed alongside with the main, linking gross each full. so info has moved threats and challenges for ambulances to evacuate victims and to reach the indications of targeting. of course the topic we're seeing these faces, the latest pictures from outside the hospital as local residents try to come to the aid of those. a coat in the middle of this latest is riley strike over the last few days. we also know that medical staff within the hospital, from many aid agencies that had to evacuate, because either they haven't got the supplies to help people because of safety concerns, they to calculate. it leaves the medical infrastructure,
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desperately fraud gyle, in terms of personnel to be able to deal with the injuries. yes . oh, literally we can say that the medical situation in garza still operating hospitals is completely dramatic. and rezani has very limited medical supplies being go out into the territory since the last couple of days. and also the hospital is that still a rating in the areas of bottles and confrontations, including locks the hospital a month for hospital in fun units have been also exposed to different kinds of military attacks and the facilities of such areas. also, we're talking about these hospitals are overwhelmed with patients and indeed people are the are facing more pressure that have been imposing that due to the increasing number of injuries that are arriving to the hospitals are due to the expansion of military tons of calls. i understand we,
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we personally have been moving in between these hospitals in the last couple of days and we have been staying in town. medical stops on work is fixing such an admin pressure just to keep up your rates. in spite of all the difficulties in terms of the affordability of the medical supply, some residents are forced to go to search for the treatment in the clinics. just to do the do the due to the fact that the hospitals in these areas are receiving a very limited amount of medical supplies to not match the level of medical responsibility and also the medical care that the patients on injured people in the very desperate need for today, the director of the international committee of the rep for us at study to that's the goals of hospitals, all facing very increased rates of a old absence of medical supplies, as long as they are not able to carry out advanced surgeries for it. people are due to the absence of mississippi's in terms of the affordability of the medical drugs and the medical equipments thought could be suitable for carrying such operations.
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so we can see that as the expansion of the minutes, we have talk some gaza strip continues. the medical sector in the territory is getting much move was day by day. as there are still very few numbers of hospitals are still operating off to fancy hospitals and at least 115 medical health centers become out of service a due to the out. can you destruction non detox that have been carried out the games since october. the 7th to recover calling honey my mood uh, leaving the day pedals so being to what was a make shift medical facility, a 10 kids medical facility that was apparently being operated in a safe area. its generators to the side of that hospital with talk to by the israelis also earlier in the day, making the hospital you know, safe. it's a combination of these pop up hospitals that are trying to help with the medical
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problems that the palestinians face when the on to the hospitals working and then to worry about the tax as well. and yes, this is definitely the reality for the such hospitals that have been recently switched out on different areas in the south just to help you publish the medical sex. so to be able to keep providing medical treatment for a thousands of policy has all been injured or also day by day full asking just and we can say that you are talking about the target hospitals and not to hospitals with american hospitals. that recently have been established inside jobs about these areas and these hospitals have been set up in the areas that also witness expand to the military attacks by these, by the forces and which also will put them on the scale of risk as they won't be able to fully peacefully keep a providing medical treatment for policy is being injured. and this is
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a part of the medical success inside goals that have been going through for more than 94. that is a funny thing inside the territory about what we expect smooth that these hospitals must be protected at least. but what we can see is that the increase of military attacks, of who's gone so stripped as they are, as they are trying to impose the ultimate pressure on palestinians to uh, to deep sleep, more to roof. i know this area we can say, you know, has been very overcrowded with the residents as medical teams, all new recklessly trying to keep providing a treatment for hundreds of thousands of policy and the are that are very we being patients and injured people. and also a part of the suppressed defect to us disease, special among children women. and this is systematically happened by these very forces which also excessive phase the medical conditions. inside garza tony cup, i was even thank you for those. you joining us here on out of the english,
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the latest pictures you can see now full frame on your tv screens coming from darrow, about a just outside of our exit hospital wow. short time ago and is really strike seems to he's a residential area, a commercial area. you can see people running, trying to get to the site to try and help those that might be in just other people running away the engine or being taken even locally to the i likes the hospital, which is as topic said, already a sleeping with the injured let's close over 2 hours. is there a $10.00 code? the issue is near the size of that particular attack committee, a lot. so hospital hit and if you kind of hear me just tool cause through what we know happened the, you to so i can, an explosion erupted and it was not the only one and strike they were to be is ready as strikes on a residential building in front of the entrance of the house with it,
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it's one of the gates of the hospital where there were a lot of ambulances, a lot of people who were seeking refuge with tens and not only brought with people in industry to. so it's a very busy street and people were terrified and it was very hard to find. and all i remember was when i was just the hospital in twins was targeted in the past couple of months. there were dozens of getting dozens of injured and and, and the hospital was crowded. this was a chaos. eh, it's, you can't, it's not in the amount of lot. i saw the amount of people at that time. but there, the hospital has been working on a very low capacity after a lot of people evacuated the medical person, those as really courses in the past couple of days. and so i just jump in the just for a 2nd. can i just clarify that it is
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a residential building close to the hospital that's being hit and the day free from the residential building as full and down into the area close to the hospital, injuring people. it's like the feet, like it's the streets of the hospital, and there was a philosopher guy who says philosophy, and he's very famous on the street who's who was selling philosophy every single day, was killed by a sharpening and we saw his blood covering before laughing btn on the floor and on on the was it was it, it, i, i literally can describe what i saw today. it was, has been a very big loss for a lot of people. all i saw is people trying to do other people because as we said, best remedy cookies were not enough for all and a huge amount of injuries. i saw baby injured man, women, a lot of people because it's an art most treatment. it's a very busy street where it's, it's, it's the hospital entrance and you know,
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how hospital interested are you have shops, do you have people at crossing by every 2nd? and it's the people right now are, are trying their best to see if there's someone under the level book and they're trying to has the ambulances. and the me, because he's at to transfer the people who have been affected by the air strikes into the hospital. but i went into the hospital and they went into the emergency department. it's a cookie, it's chaos. interior designs in terms of the facilities available to those arriving in accident and imagine c o, what sorts of help are they able to get? i mean, obviously we've been talking about the lack of medical facilities and the lack of medical stuff. house. how under pressure is the hospital right now. it's a chaos. you can't imagine. there's a lot of nurses, themes and a lot of volunteers, but the, the main box here is our,
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not our options. so can you imagine dr. like nurses and biology is trying to have people who would severe injuries the id and it was was talked with people on a the people who have been affected by their lower names weren't were, were which husband as an end, the amount of people who were trying to go to the kids, i'm on the left because it was literally a river of blood on, on, on the ground of, of the hospital. it seeing this is not the 1st time i saw this. and i with me this in the for her stuff. and it's the exact exact same thing, but the only different thing is the people killed and injured are different people . how does, does it just stay with us or maybe the heading that just gonna describe the pictures that we're seeing of the, by what we're saying individuals carrying the injured on any soul to be the door or top pull in or even with that bad hands to the emergency accidents,
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emergency center of the hospital that all rates cause with concrete told and then there are people uh, within the dead re all of that main high street that you've described outside of like the hospital. digging through the concrete in the rubble to try to get to those that may have survived all those the talk in judge a desperate scenes as you've described them. but these are scenes that are happening every day. we just don't always get to see them so quickly after it is really striking. the panic and the worry. but people have when the strikes hop that there was fee of that, that could be another strike. exactly. we're talking about the hospital does not only is a hospital, but it's also a house and a place where hundreds of people seek jeffers. yes. a lot of people evacuated in the past couple of days after the cost cost. they're at targeted the i c, u and the maternity areas, but there are still thousands of people who are still seeking chester in the
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hospital with their time at a couple of steps away from was at the target to us. and we're talking about is in the interest building where it has a lot of blocks and, and some months blocks with it literally few on the sides of the hospitals. we also saw i'm getting into being damaged, severely damaged. and we know that there are lots of not a lot of i'm getting is, is in the gaza strip. right. you know, especially after dividing the north from the south and it's the mark of destruction is, is massive. the like i have been asking the policy minister because doctors, can you please inform me how many people have been killed or injured and they were like, we could not even count them. and this is an indicator of how much people were injured . i remember looking good as telling me, i saw people chattered with clubs. i saw these people and i saw i saw people were
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like normal people. well, how would the 3 year old friend describe what happened all see, all she said was, i saw people concert into pieces where a 3 either a 4 or 5 year old girl tall people like their bodies. and as i say, don't forget the blood of the philosophers, boy that everyone is famous and everyone knows him. okay, pay the we will leave it to follow the payment. so thanks sorry about the full that those are joining us here on out. is there a close? he's all the lights has pictures coming from. it's outside of the exit hospital in bit of data where these are these of hit the targets in the middle of the road. it seems as you can see from those pictures to meet. cale says, look of incidence tried to get the injured to hospitalized spring imagery, so heavy director of gold studies at the center of the got the sense that that kind
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of university could tell you the story. i'm the tongue tied because we ready get to see pictures like this. it is absolutely shocking and so stupid after that is really targeted hits. um, so we get your impression of what you're saying. so i'm having 5. we have, as i have already committed, more than 450 my success and this attacked maybe the number is more than 1000. those i text, maybe this one of those attacks we so and the spots i thought maybe a few seconds. but with the median invitation to clear to them a heads up with the the target policy that somebody is following on basically doing everything so far away from coming out of the microphones and the number of the toner. this will have already killed around more, uh, 115. that tells you that how much is what it is or what it of people seeing such an images and pictures, of course. and what's his, what's,
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i don't know about this. this happens. let's start with 24 hours after the banking was seen, that is why it would be more careful when they attacked both the civilians. and that was today and antenna. now. uh more than 40 people were killed. it was as that yesterday when had the 26 people, the civilian whitfield, and the question is, how much they want to cope. so is what he's doing also called the smart operation, or a subject operations. that's a big cost a month. this happens unfortunately, and the i, if the nation community include the united states as such, pictures will be beams across the world. but also another statement we have to remember that before is rates of use from day one is they have a special military operation against thomas. they will have to justify up some way ahead of us when they struck dislocation. so that with all of the civilians, all of these casualties, all of these women and children, people covered in dust, people injured people into the rubble. they aren't going to have to tell the world
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. well, how must we're here right here, right now. they have to do it, but unfortunately i have to say they used to lie and this is done like, i mean, just before i join you, i was reading a statement for one of the members of the candidate where he was talking about. um, basically targeting most of the use and actually i think more of the severe and does that to sort of destroying more houses of goods, those and coming more to met mitchell that is where it is out i see doing their goals. so if this is the way how they think of people them because that i would be i would not be surprised of seeing these kinds of attack and more attacks on civilians. they have to just the 5 they have to explain this. but so hey, let's remember, there's no accountability to, to model. there wouldn't be a discussion about it. do they look at this? i mean, just with they look at how many civilians were killed, the national community, if there is remaining models or ethics,
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they should look with what happened. it was the seriously off the 9th 7 days, which is a sign. so joining us, we'll get to the as the i was progress just to remind you the pictures that you'll seeing on. i'll just share english right now. well, the latest picture is coming from darrow, by just outside to the i likes the hospital a short time ago. 3 is really strikes according to our correspondence on the ground, hate to residential area, very close to the hospital. this is a, a, a main federal side very close to a hospital that shops here, the residential areas here that are all street vendors, selling that was also a large contingent. they buy ambulances as well. what we know is, after those 3 strikes, debris and tales, as people try to help, those were buried under the rubble. those that were injured were taken, obviously, which is very opa stretched out x, the hospital, which is already being targeted. uh, both the new natal uh and intensive care units we were told earlier today have been
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talked to that to. so let's let you digest those pictures and also informed me that the us actually have stays on the blink and has added a surprise visit to bob rain to his crisis tool of the middle east stuff to meeting the palestinian present. and i moved about sending my love to, to discuss the future of causa, as part of washington's post will plans, which includes the steps towards the palestinian safe. but lincoln's presence led to protests in ramallah with many tearing banners. supposing the visit now they accuse the simplicity and what they call its way to genocide in garza, let's call say that to kimberly house because all white house correspondent and the really interesting thing about this. kimberly, is that sex replying to maybe on that plane to bomb ray at e mail. when you get the news about what's happened here, outside of alex, the hospital once he lands and he's trying now to talk to what hayes and his really ally involved, right? new recognize, tell of these,
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and he's got to explain this whole dubbing down of the military presence of israel . now they call them buttons a location straight outside the hospital. how to justify. and yeah, and is certainly going to make the challenge of secretary blankets trip all that much more difficult because the purpose of this trip, why the secretary is been tasked with meeting with more than a dozen era. the leaders in a, including turkey and now adding on the leadership in box frame is the fact. but there is this desire to try and contain this conflict to try and prevent it from escalating into a broader regional war. so every major flash point that leads to further civilian casualties, the further alarms, the global community, and particularly the era world,
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is only going to make that challenge more difficult. the stop, as you mentioned in by frame, is a surprise stop. it was one that was added hastily as a result of the secretaries meeting with my food, a boss, and ramallah. and what we can tell you is that he is expected to land in the coming hours. we know that it was a result of the meeting that included a number of key topics. but again, the concern about the regional war and the fact that there is a desire of the, by the administration to bring air of nations in israel together is really the key goal here. can please, thanks very much for. yep, that will continue to monitor what mr. clinton says in boss, right, and let's just bring you another story that's sitting in the global headlines. that's the place. and that could also have at least 10 people have been killed and mason gun violence on choose day. a group of on pen broke into a television station in the city of y keel during the live broadcast and threats and stuff. and i send around pnc report. so from key to the life
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footage showed that it's our main storming this tv station. and why a q and taking the hosting crew hostage shots were heard and the set is during the least bit not to be home before the signal was cut off. it was the most bracing attack in the day of chaos across ecuador, gang members, detonated car bombs, attacked universities, and kidnapped or killed policemen in several cities in the declaration of war against the government of president. then yeah, the noble and is at the time. so the security crack down, it always puts you on a lot of able to 35 year old president who began his term the less than 2 months ago, responded by declaring a state of internal conflict. a day after decreeing a 60 day state of emergency in nighttime curfew, he named 22 games, this terrorist organizations and military targets. up at the moment though,
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from this moment every terrace group mentioned in the degree that it has become a minutes. have you talk in the present and future of our country? is that place? we will not the system for negotiate. the price is, is escalate the following. the escape from prison and sunday of a door for macias, better known as speak to like what the most powerful drug board before he could be transferred to a different prison. the violence broke out in the coastal city of the way of killing these mazda, but it is extended to the capital key to an even to safe and peaceful curious locations like queen. okay, have you all citizens who were afraid today there are tax in kito, tanka vedo, every way the police arrested 13 gunmen who allegedly took over the television station and freed the hostages. but they have been unable to stop the rest of the mag and neighboring federal also declared an emergency along its northern border.
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in recent years, equis, there has been living to unprecedented security crisis fuels by drug trafficking, deltore. these have failed to address during you get into that in america's most dangerous country, the most difficult. we all know that when there are attempts to transfer powerful prisoners wireless. okay, here's the question, is why the government isn't able to take preventive measures. the escalation of violence was a time bomb that has exploded in president no boys hands. and so far, nobody has been able to break the link between the prison gangs and the violence that has brought ask whether to unprecedented levels of chaos and fear. allison that i'm the at the i'll just the to keep the let's take you to a breaking story coming out of gauze within the last few minutes. 3 is riley strikes if it's a residential area, and a road close to the x, the hospital and data dollar. in gauze,
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they have many in judge and many died. the. those are being taken to the local hospital on this in the news hour to stay with us on al jazeera, the, the, probably, we have something of a rest bite from the snow for japan just a day or so. having said that, when are you, whether, what, whether that's in the process of pulling out of the way that makes what a system that's waiting in the wings just around the half moon, god yeah, slipping, further east with that we will say something ever when she makes just around the final phase of china, that is the side of russia. that's your panel. the site allows you try and find as a said to make the most of it, because we do have snow coming back in the northern half of the country, at least as we go on for your friday. great financial meanwhile las, you try beijing. as you try not to try to respond to drive time,
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but just thought it to pick up we getting into the mid teens in shanghai on friday . so that some improvements here. some improvements in the weather tube across the knob allows you try, hey, wanted to show us across. and i chatted with nothing too much to speak about us boxing a share. i was there in to the, for the piece of what the weather as per usual down. so we'll see quite sad, a little south of the se, temperatures say to some 50. so you celsius that for single pool or heavy cells, full. sinatra, pushing down into indonesia, still a few heavy showers just moving away from us for lanka, india on the improvement side for the next couple of days. long as you try. i'm finding the south west state. the here's from, i'll just on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allied from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it. and type domain a new out from out is a rough news at using. is it the quickest on the supreme court's purpose, a lifetime found on politicians with convictions from holding office? that's welcome, useful, former prime minister. noah's studies who cannot run again, but not for jailed formerly to him run. com. why? and what's behind this really? this is inside story, the .


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