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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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ever in america for most of my career, but no country is a like and it's my job to shed light on how and why the the . busy 0 venue is good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from the coming up in the program. this our carnage and chaos is really air strikes, hit me or i'll accept hospital and gaza killing at least 40 people shuttle diplomacy. us secretary of state anthony blinking, arrives inbox rain. the latest stop on his middle east tor. israel's health ministry is warning hospitals to be ready as skirmishes escalate between israel and
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it has the line southern level, not pensions in the red sea, both the us and u. k. say that they have repelled a series of attacks by who fees and yet the it is 15 gmc, that is 5 pm in gaza were new is really strikes of killed at least 40 people near l . oxer hospital, a home was bombed in the city of darrow butler with debris, wounding dozens more people nearby palestinians, desperately searching for people trapped under the rubble and then rushing those that they find the hospital. meanwhile, us secretary of state anthony, blinking is now in the rain as part of his regional diplomatic tor. he met king hum . i'd been east of elisa to discuss the one gaza earlier. you made palestinian president mahmoud abbas in the occupied west bank. a protest is gathered in central ramallah to express their anger at his latest visit. they held signs,
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shouting slogans, criticising us, support for israel and the conflict. all of this happening as fighting is raging between israel and homos across the gaza strip. well alpha 0, it's hendo. dari was near the side of the latest attack that happened near the exit hospital in the central part of garza, she joined us now on the phone. and what did you actually see when the attack took place and tell us what happened as well. it says the complete chaos where people were running. * going to transfer people injured from a place to another. mothers was pre being looking for children or their children. people were searching for beloved ones. what's, what's targeted wasn't it, and the residential area on and also an entrance and another gate of the hospital where this gate is being used for ambulances and go to people to go in and out of the hospital. and we all know that the hospital is one of the central and
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the own, the hosp. but the facilities in, in the middle area in the gaza strip. it was a complete chaos inside the hospital and outside the hospital. a lot of the hospital is not on the hospital, but it's also a shelter for thousands of other policy. and families is paid comedies evacuated from the nother in the area of the causal strip where they lived in tens in the backyard of the hospital. the blood part of bodies of people was everywhere. i stared don't like it now the blood, the blood and the smell of the blood. it does not escape my senses. i swear i saw people it bodies, culture. a buick and and blood was on the walls on the street and not only dock inside of the hospital in the emergency department of the of the hospital. and it
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was a chaos where dozens were injured and at the medical team tried their best with a lot of welding, she is as much as much casualties as possible. it's, it's, it's, it's, it's okay. and again, this is not the 1st time we leave this in the congress trip. this is the 2nd time the car gets like a big this is the 3rd time they target the hospital in the cause of the check as well. they've, they've, these really military has laid siege to multiple hospitals in the gaza strip or rendered many hospitals completely in operable. unable to provide any kind of medical care to the patients was locks the hospital hits in any way, shape or form in this impact. and i can't hear you, can you say that again? when i left the hospital hit a yes, it was really demonstrates the ambulances and the gate was,
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was actually part of the destruction where the h, like the hospital has a p 3 gates. and one of the gates has been actually a completely destroyed and destructed by the air sykes, where all the levels of those, the, of the a bomb was at was on the hospital talk at damaging ambulances and also injury dozens of people right now. so the all right, thank you very much. we'll come back to you about this as you continue to gather information on what's happening inside and around. alexa hospital, thank you. and the topic of with whom is in rockford, southern gaza. so tara, with these strikes, continuing to hit areas right across because as him just mentioned, how our hospitals coping with all of this when they're already under such a massive pressure. yes uh the medical
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sectors, one of the largest sexes in dollars a strip has been long as the afflicted with the is read, the military strikes that completely had a let some of the main central hospitals to become out of service. we're talking about at least 30 a policy in hospitals in the most essential clauses. city have become out of service and alongside with at least 150 medical health care centers, which were in normal days providing you treatments and medical cap, who's thousands of patients inside garza and right now the medical tax had been expanded to reach the middle govern 8th, as we can clearly see that these hospitals in the middle governess and in the south of overwhelmed with patients with different diseases like goals, a strip and the room. so i do the number of in get people who day by day is which day by day is increasing and we can clearly see how hospitals become very crowded as it's cory the was a full with into, from waiting for treatments,
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especially with the very limited number of medical teams still operating in these areas which also exist much more pressure on those teams to keep a provided the treatment for this. and just on the fact that the are some injuries that are in a very desperate need for adults. surgeries that can not be easily afforded in goals requires to be transported to a different countries approved to be a treat. and we can also see on the ground that they are very limited. also, amount of medical supplies that have been a really thing to the hospital is the sup, still operating as medical teams are in a very desperate need for such equipments. and also the medication for the patients to keep providing services for thousands of hundreds of people in 80 southern parts and we are talking about will be in roughly 3 hospitals are still operating in fine units. and also hospital is one of the main center. the hospitals still function right now on deluxe all hospital, and i'm also on deluxe. the hospitals were on the repeated attempts by the ministry
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of the, by the court and helped his drugs and also by the use. but his mind was full from time to another. open fire against the main central department of soft choice, but this is a part of the hospitals across the southern. the america was reporting from we're also in the southern part as it goes district. thank you very much. now as we mentioned, the us secretary of state antony blinking his tour across the region has seen him visit bahrain. but earlier in the day he met palestinian president mahmoud abbas in ramallah to discuss the future of gaza, including possible steps towards the palestinian state. but lincoln's presence led to protests in ramallah with many carrying banners opposing the visit. they accuse us of complicity in what they called is really genocide in gaza. hold up the meat is in ramallah in the occupied west bank. so we saw her to the rallies in ramallah there. what's uh, what is going on behind you at the moment when people are still gathered,
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gathering here, the foot of the giant sat 2 of nelson mandela and really didn't do. the title of this riley is thank you, south africa and that. thank you because of the south african moved as of tomorrow . the bringing that gaze, that is there has been gary got genocide against palestinians in the hague. and so to me that is a message. it is very well received among father's sydney is here the occupied westbank who have been watching since the early october in dismay. what's happening in the uh, guys of the killing, the massacre of their fellow policy news and even more dismayed at the fact that the international community add the new warm reaction to what was unfolding and is to unfolding as we speak now. now obviously there are also deep rooted connections
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between the palestinians and the south and south africa the go back to the days of the alpha tape. and i think for many brothers to me in the here, the fact that it's south africa, it's of a country that suffered the struggle against a oper take something that people hear the occupied westbank say they move on a daily basis that is being impose more and more by the occupying forces. so for them to have a country like south africa, really the symbol of fighting against opportunity. the racial discrimination is something that really, it resonates. it may, molly, among palestinians heard of the us sector of state was where you are in ramallah just a few hours ago. he met the president of the palestinian authority mountain with a boss. what came out of that as well? this is 4th visit here and each and every visit you don't really hear what has been discussed behind. closed doors has never been
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a state made by blinking and coming out of those meetings here in my line. usually those meetings are quite short, they lost the most an hour, an hour and a half a 2 days was a bit longer than his last meeting at the end of november with my mood up as though we do know that the of the us secretary of state was discussing in the past at wait as what is going to happen in gaza after the war. the us having said that, the looking at having and in hobbs roll for the best in policy and you know, 30 and gaza, something that the israeli government doesn't agree with at the moment. i'm sure they've also discussed the continued change in here that are increasing and the continued to increase one says on a daily basis. but that's because it has become quite a super low elective word in the sense that the continues raise, their continues,
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you know, 5 more than 5000 people detained here. the expansion of settlements, or all of these are the things that ma'am, with a buzz, would repeat constantly to do you as administration of suits you need to add to the blinking, but probably be the focus would have been what to do with god. the often, i think also the police to do a 3rd, the one thing to know how guys that would be reconstructed once this war has ended . hold up the forwarding from ramallah with the protests to going on behind you. thank you very much for the sessions. rise between israel and his body is really health ministry, has ordered a hospitals in the north to prepare for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured patients. laura han has won this from salsa in northern israel. as the ministry of health is of all sorts were passed, the case of pulled out rules that they may have thousands of emergency patients. now here in the north is specifically off hospitals to set up trauma tree eyes and
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creates at least 50 percent capacity. that means losing all non emergency situations and patients that south educate extra hospital beds are they essentially want a fully functional and secure environment in case of an emergency. and they want these hospitals to beat the pads within 24 hours. notice across the country a few hours, no shift. once i give a directive, here in the north, there are 2 specific hospitals that zip and that's the thing to watch. the password deserts fine and situation, that's in case they get complete the cost of an isolated if they are under attack, they need to still cop on medical supplies. the also calling for more doctors to come and medical stuff to come into the country, as many of them are going to be on reserve as g g o may be caught up at any time that is an emergency budget. and i'm just going to read that out. this is additional to the annual medical budget. so $350000000.00 us dollars will be added
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to the budget $100000000.00 to keep hospital safe, and a $150000000.00 to help us to deal with the loss of income and an increase expense of hiring. an all the emergency track. now we have spoken to one of the houses they say they've already had a contingency in place for the last 3 months. but now that the, the ministry is calling them all, they say, this is clear that they are ramping up the rest rake, romping up a states of preparedness in case of all that war. a loss on al jazeera saucer in northern israel. these really military has carried up more strikes against his blah 11, not a member of the on group has been killed in the board, a town of for sure, but say no holder has more on this from the roots. another target to strike. another member of the lebanese arm group has the law kills. he was in
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a house in the village of par silva, which is very close to the border. this was a overnight strike. he would be the 6 member of the groups have been killed in the past, 48 hours among them, a senior field commander. now this is not the 1st time we've seen a similar attacks in the past 3 and a half months since this conflict along the border begun. we've seen is really drone strikes, the target cars, a tearing hezbollah members. we see it is rarely strikes on homes belonging to hezbollah members, but as of late in the past few days, we're seeing the frequency. there's that there's more more of these attacks and they seems to be more targeted. and the very fact that is real actually name the person is targeted in the attack at the funeral of that senior commander on wednesday means they are hunting down members of the group. this is an intelligence for israel, definitely relying on the drones. it's drones are in the skies 247,
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and they're also relying on intelligence on the ground. and what we understand for people close to hezbollah says there's, you know, there's concern about this, that there are, you know, people on the ground giving or passing this information to the is read is no doubt . this is an escalation. many people you talk to 11 on the leave, we are going to see more targeted assassinations. we saw a high profile ceiling just last week. how mouse is number 2, sort of hello, rudy. in down in the southern suburbs of a root, a spring. and sarah, hi right now. sorry, you're in tel aviv anthony, blinking the us secretary state was there this morning. so his movements today he's been kind of everywhere. he wasn't telling me this morning, been ramallah with my, with the bus this afternoon. and now he's in the rain, tell us what he said. when he wasn't telling me, well, he had a series of me things, but it's about not just the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, but also you,
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i've gotten us the defense minister as well as will cabinet members. he met with addition, but he also met for a good hour to an hour and a half with the families of those held captive. and then he spoke and he told me about his meetings with all of the arab leaders, how they've agreed that they would be able to help with the re, a construction of the gaza strip once this war is over. and that's why he was also coming to israel to discuss this. but he started his speech interestingly mentioning this case by south africa against the israel, which will be starting off to tomorrow tomorrow. rather, whether we'll be discussing whether they'll be looking at whether israel has carries out a genocide. he actually uh, calls it based a saying that israel has the right to defend itself. and that's from us had the choice to lay down. it's um,
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on to hand over those cap saves and it wouldn't be the will wouldn't be happening away, is happening today if that had happened. but of course he did talk last about defending is ro, again saying it had the right to defend itself. and then also saying that if also is israel was a long term peaceful solution to the conflicts, but they would also need to allow palestinians to govern themselves and to have a political will up. but this also, it just shows that every time he's been here and every time he's less, we seen the as riley's carry out as strikes when the number of desktop actually been higher. they seem to promise one thing when blinking arrives as soon as he leaves, they shows in a way that they are able to do what they want, regardless of any pressure from the americans. but again, that's remember that the u. s. and the britain can himself had approved last month, the arms of the sales to israel,
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and he bypass congress. so we see that and then we see him with his shuffle. diplomacy talking about israel needing to reduce the number of civilian deaths and guards will of course that's why we've been seeing those products as the restore. and their mother was saying, but he, i'm the us is complicit because of it supports israel. and because of the being sold to israel, dots is killing civilians and it's one things having is route to reduce the depth of civilians. but the matter of fact says it's carrying out those as strikes and civilians all being killed. as we've just seen that in the last hours, so sorry, speaking just a moment ago was uh, these really lawmaker benny gans now he's key in this because he is a member of the very tight, very small war cabinet. what did he have to say of the us, right. there's going to be a wall cabinet me thing that will be taking in
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a few hours. the weather will be discussing it seems the latest situation in terms of those are held captive in gaza. still there's more than half of those that were taken on october 7 into gaza by the how my son is wanting to have fights as this, as it seems, that also doesn't, is really delegation in egypt right now as we speak to discuss moving that see spot to try and get it to happen. those deals that they were trying to secure on either side to ensure that they are able to bring back the cut since. but also how mustang that it once a c spy, that all sold when the side of her lot already was killed last week. now it seems that that has been resumed again, but also benny guns in that speech. he started his speech talking about the importance of trying to bring those held captive back as soon as possible and to ensure that a c. so i can cite place to and show that. but also he's been talking about how
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they've managed to this month. so from us in many parts of the gaza strip, saying that they can't stop the war that they have to continue. because if they do stop it from us, could regroup and come back. and then of course the israel, the biggest, is that they get to tax again. i'm sorry. oh hi, reporting there for me to leave. thank you very much. sorry. now earlier we spoke to ben sala, who is the you in special rep for to her on human rights and counterterrorism. he says israel is clearly breeching international law. and so we're talking here about the strikes on a senior. how boss lead to last week, and of course, come off his original attack on his route. on october 7 came from the territory of god. it did not come from livid on and by escalating the conflicts to the territory of lebanon by striking hamas leaders there. as well as clearly in violation of international lawrence a breach of 11 on sovereignty, devote election of the prohibition on the use of force under the united nations
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charter. and these rough hasn't presented any evidence that hamas was attacking these ro from living on itself. so these ease of concern, it should be of concern to the united nations security council, an old start should counsel as ro, not to continue to escalate this conflict. one of the problems that we've seen is the many narratives that are coming out of as well when it comes to that an attack on individuals and groups they see as a threat. it is a dangerous precedent, isn't it? to say that we can attack q and b u r in the world without giving any proof without any monday to me via the u. n. o. any of the official body is a dangerous pandora's books to open. absolutely, it violates the sovereignty of any country where it is rout uses force against suspected terrorists. it's not a new phenomenon. i mean, of course, israel has been assassinating, gets perceived enemies for many,
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many decades. i mean, if you go back to the munich olympics attack in 1972 in some a successive years, israel hunted down and murdered the those responsible for, for those attacks in the process. of course, killing some innocent people. current is riley leaders, including the prime minister and the defense minister has threatened that they will fund down. and buddha, thomas operatives, wherever they are across the world. this is incredibly dangerous. it's a break instruments national law to breach of human rights. the violation of the, the rights of all the countries, and it doesn't solve the security threat to his room. i want to bring in our white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare. let's discuss the latest leg of mc lincoln's trip to the middle east. kimberly, in the last few hours, he has met with the palestinian president in ramallah and with the king of bahrain, we don't have a statement from either of them. so what are you learning is?
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yeah, we do have a read out from the meeting was must float, abbas and what we know is that there were conversations that led to the surprise visit to bob rain. and so what we know is that part of the discussions that took place with the palestinian authority leader is but there was a conversation about not only what we expected about minimizing civilian harm, about the future governance of gaza and also a future palestinian state. but there were also concerns about the escalation of a broader regional conflict, and that may be what allowed for this additional stop on secretary blankets tour. we knew initially that this tour did have him visiting 12 air of nations as well as turkey. what we didn't expect was this one,
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so we're watching carefully to see why. so this read out is going to be pivotal. what we do know, and all of this, those serial is that the 5 and administration has a goal for this visit map visit is essentially to bring is real and the error of nations together. really for 2 big reasons. first, to harness the influence together to prevent, again, this broader conflict that we've already seen, escalating whether it be in lebanon, whether it be in the red sea, but also to bring together in sort of a unified way. so that there can be these discussions that the united states was looking for in terms of looking towards a palestinian state and what the governance there might look like. kimberly how could reporting from the white house when you have more information on what was said specifically with the king about her, and you'll let us know. thank you very much. kimberly the south africa has launched the case of the united nations top court accusing israel
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of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. south africa is cooling on the international court of justice to review the case and call for an emergency suspension of israel's military campaign. is really government has called these accusations baseless? well, toby cabin is an international human rights lawyer. he joins the life of london. toby as a lawyer you, you've read south africa's applications about 80 pages long. how strong is south africa's legal case? israel is committing genocide. and thank you, i think the, the application certainly the application for professional matters is by strong is what i'm arguing is set sides the historical basis. but it also set aside the more recent matches. it looks through some of the evidence that obviously will be going on, but looks at the statements from um, is there any political figures and makes it a very reasonable request for professional measures?
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actually 9 requests that they make so called to, to, to issue as a based on, on previous matters that have been before that quote, based on what we know that has been happening since the 7th of october. and based on the permissions of the genocide convention, it is very strong. why did you, why didn't your finesse your answer? i asked you whether the application, whether the port, the legal case for genocide is strong. and you said certainly the case for professional measures a strong because that's what we're dealing with right now. so. so the quote at the moment is only dealing with is the application for professional matches. and that's what the goal is going to here over the next 2 days. so. so tomorrow morning i'm signed up for google, present its case and then israel, and have an opportunity to respond to the call to make a determination as to whether the test for professional measures is match as far as whether i believe so, because can you pause for a 2nd,
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i wanna make sure everybody's following this, the provisional measures, so that south africa in this application. and this petition to the court alleges the israel is committing genocide and they are therefore asking that israel stop doing what it's doing. namely that is real. it's asking the court to order as well, to stop the genocide, punish the people responsible for it, allow palestinians to return home and provide guarantees. israel should provide guarantees that it will not commit genocide again. that's what south africa's asking for. and that's right, but what you have comes down is that this is a 2 stage process. so the 1st stage is to deal with um promotional meshes where there is at risk of irreparable harm or prejudice. last quarter is considering whether the merits of the case of man since, and that's what's going to be discussed 1st. because the, the hearing on the merits was not going to be. it's probably not going to be a full full full several months as to as your 1st question as to whether i
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consider the south african plane as to bridge the towards convention on that. yes i do, and i've been very clear from, from the very beginning and commenting on this channel and other channels that i do believe that this, there is a very strong case under the genocide convention. and so i think it's, i mean, right, the instruction, good justice is it, but it also has to be understood that it's a 2 stage process. how long does it take for us to know whether the court will call for is realtors essentially stop prosecuting the war the way it's conducting so successful, i think it is very likely that the court will decide to africa's favor then i think that the call the very, very quickly, because of what we're seeing on the following day by day, the numbers getting higher and higher. and despite the be the roots are 5 a this right and this on your administration, but it is stating by 10 it is protecting. so the last thing is no, it is,
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it is advocate as by today by day. so i think the likelihood, if we look at and quickly festival, the hearing was scheduled findings. actually one of the just is, which is which is much quicker than for example, when we dealt with the, the syria torture case. i think the likelihood is that they will roll very, very quickly. one will be up to i think it's going to be very difficult for them to rule again. so that's good. based on the previous rolling that they've made, in respect to the genocide in, in mind, loggins' ranger. so it's, it's gonna be very, very difficult for them to, to, to come up with a little tentative conclusion. i toby cabin international human rights lawyer. thank you very much for your analysis. there still a head on alpha 0. no boats, no fish, and no rest bites. for policy and fisherman and gaza, as israel's war near as a 100 days, plus from robotic poorest is to beauty advice curated by artificial intelligence.
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we check out the latest tech innovations at the consumer electronics trade show in las vegas. the it is looking very stormy once again across the central pa, silva, south america, chain of storms rolling from peru. right. the way towards ria further south is where the system here that will introduce some very heavy showers. sundry down pulls up around northern parts of austin team, just pushing up across your guide to the southeast. all was a live between well since you and still very much on the hot side, 40 degrees celsius, cooling off as we go on into stays as the cloud stops, to push this way through when it's picking up something more of a southerly, add them into, to them so less how should we say it will still be pretty here, but you can see how much of a storm sounds right up at western side of the amazon southern areas of columbia
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saying some very wet weather pushing up towards the carrot being but across the caribbean, as well as he draws a lot of fine and settled weather rather robust weather system just rounding in across the northern parts of the rates. and of course, you can see that just affecting northern areas of cuba spectrum, the shabbots across the car, paid by lots of fine and sunny weather that we should say in some dry weather. some sunny weather coming into something, possibly us over the next few days, that violent storm pulling away from the east, disabled that east the side of the canada making way. but yet, most know this week or the phasing cap is carissa cuts are for a record of 3rd toys 2014 smoking piece, including house and defending champions, katara san unit in south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back
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home. well, t p right across the actions out the tournament. the asian have on al jazeera the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the you watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this, our health officials and gaza say more than 40 people have been killed and new is really strikes narrow access hospital. we're also hearing that 4 members of the palestinian red crescent were killed when one of their ambulances was hit, as they went to retrieve wounded. from the scene of that attack. us secretary of state density blinking has added a surprise visit to bahrain his diplomatic towards the middle east. earlier, he held talks of palestinian president, not with a box in the occupied west bank. his visit to the protest in ramallah. israel's health ministry is asking hospitals in the north to be ready for an emergency and told them to prepare for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured patients . that is,
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those tensions are rising between israel and the lebanese on as below the us and u. k. military to say that they have repelled a large with the attack over the red sea. the us defense ministry says 18 drones and 3 missiles were launched from who the controlled parts of human. no damage to vessels or injuries was reported with these have launched multiple attacks on merchant ships in support of palestine. the not brought up in the naval forces and the missile forces and the drones department and the you have many armed forces have launch the military joint operation with a huge number, a ballistic, and the naval missiles and drones to have targeted an american ship that was supporting the scientist entity, the operation was a primary reaction to the aggression against our naval forces by the american enemy, a. but you case defense secretary grant shop says issued a warning to host the fighters following that incident in a statement, he says, the u. k. along side allies have previously made clear that these attacks are
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completely unacceptable, and if continue to who these will bear the consequences, we will take the action needed to protect innocent lives in the global economy. also tend barrick at this professor of public policy. it might be heavy for university, as i read those statements, both by the, the u. k minister. and we heard from the who these, there, lincoln was in bahrain, which is home to the us 5th fleet. so i would surmise that was happening in the red sea is also a top priority for blinking. my question is, what happens with these? a cheap, cheap, anything of significance over the last few weeks since they have launched these attacks against the boats traveling along this waterway. while i'm, i think this success of successfully added to the pressure on israel under united states in relation to what's going on in gossip. now the world is watching. and those who are concerned about the war, the site, the circle of those has widened because people shindig in europe, we're expecting that goods are not concerned about the war. so in that sense they have achieved that. it's
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a bit. but i think what is important to us should look at them and much more cafferty them there is a is, are getting with gaza. you, i'm and is not the guys it just opened entirely for every supplies from here on. so if you're on would like to re supply the houses with these basic jones, they can set the pace with us drones and the americans will find it exceedingly difficult to stand up to all of that. so, you know, every time an american uh navy ship is stopping one of those jones. somebody puts them $2.00 to $3000000.00. yeah. and those are the few 10 they validate dollars a close between $30.00 and $50000.00. those sha had drones who these are using the to let no one knows where they're going around at the end of the day, but they are being launched and the americans are taking to the one for one. right . and i think that will drain them into 2 by little and of course will that will not help in, in the sense that now they need to really focus on the elections. they need to
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focus on their priorities. ukraine is on the backburner, china, which all size keeps saying is the major us right in the, in the, in the region and for them. because in particular there's nothing mean doubts about china and taiwan and so on. so the health, these have maybe health diversity, little bits of the i many can attention from supporting as well. what else are you seeing from lincoln's visit so far? what stands out to you? i think if you were to look at it and see whether it's been successful or not, there's 2 ways that 2 issues. one is of the immediate concerns they me that the concerns of the region is to stop the war. and that's not happening is not calling policies fire. he's now started sort of beach with nothing. yeah. who's saying about transitioning into a low intensity conflict, us address. but unfortunately from what we see today, there is no sign that this is happening either. so immediately that is not happening. he's probably looking for further aids. 2 guys, a nice thing dab states will probably few come. they must support. so they will
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probably say yes. and long term he is. is there trying to work out just trying to protect the normalization process, particularly substitute so do an idea and as well and, and return, he's talking about the possibility of a 2 state solution and independent of seo state each time blinking goes to the region and this is the 4th time he gets slammed to being relatively effective or correspond, it was pointing out that once he leaves israel, after a usually having ask israel to take care to do less damage to civilians and kill fewer civilians and guys. and usually the strikes for awhile actually peak and they become more deadly and more civilians are killed. and a, do you agree that he has been relatively effective so far? or is that just to surface level analysis? but there's more going on. it's about 10 person days about the way is rare, receives as nice states as though it's very important for them to make sure that the united states understands will close the shots. here. it's as early as,
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as rise to commit to 1st. it says around the secure interest 1st. they don't really care what happens next and how the u. s. a c. and the international arena. and of course, in terms of the elections, if a by then loses, it's trump. so it's, it's even back to the outcome and they may even a, you know, intention do you need by them to tuesday elections by getting him to become more or more complicit in their crimes. so sounds like you're the wiggins, real high is actually more leverage over the us, perhaps an american leadership then. then the other world, i think this has already been established and that's something i say, but it is known very, very much particularly within the circles of washington. and the captain have, and they patricians of very much directed by these, right? it'll be, it's true that the public ends up paying for it and the tax payers. but in directly it goes through these few petitions who makes that who decide on behalf of his route. so to america, thank you very much for joining us in the studio. thank you. to the fishing industry and gauze,
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it has been devastated by the war about 4000 and fishermen depend on it for their livelihoods. for years they faced restrictions imposed by the is really government . now about 3 months into the war. many fear that they won't have a job to go back to even after the warrants. getting no problem though they were more than a 160 boats in gauze as they're in blackboard. at least $131.00 of them out of service is that the most of the boss said fishing sectors. the 2nd most profitable on the street. these radio occupations being targeting the industry since 2006. we've repeatedly said that these really governments directly deliberately and systematically destroying fishing sector to pursuing, chasing, and shooting off fishermen. this has led to more killing destruction and confiscation of fishing boats as palestinians. the fishermen that had that launched ship destruction since israel started its will on the gauze. the strip again stopped people. yeah, i mean. busy i have them at this,
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you can see the total destruction. the seas are only source of livelihood. all we can do is fish. we can't do any other job. i've lost cousins, family money, and our boats. now we don't even have food. nothing is left for us at all. what's the matter when our situation became miserable and we no longer knew what to do, we came here. we spent 3 nights sleeping on the streets without food or water. kind people gave us some blankets. these really forces begin firing at 5 in the morning . our children are sick and we've lost almost all hope is the port is completely destroyed. this boat is birch, and this one was targeted. and the 3rd one was targeted over there. this means that we can die at any moment here. the destruction and firing is ongoing. most of the out of town and i know them. yeah, by now we can safely say that no single boats working. there's no single, but we're can, you know, it's gone. so of these radio occupations totally destroyed the soul and only pulled
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ink all is a strict, and if the law stops, now, the fisherman and casa will find that there are no boats for fishing. why? say i being bad? who can be a? well, the conditions of the fishing boats up to 16 years of operating have become worn out. all fishing sector needs millions to be able to operate properly here, kids. the looking at other world news now police police have arrested to form the politicians inside the countries presidential palace in warsaw. the former interior minister and his deputy were sentenced to 2 years in j last month for the use of power when they were part of the government in 2007 whole, if president andres buddha had pardon most men in 2015 last year, the supreme court ruled that pardon was invalid. spanish said to reintroduce
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a nationwide mask mandate in health care facilities following an increase in coven 19 and influenza cases, some spanish regions had already ordered patients, visitors and staff at hospitals to wear masks last week. but the country's health industry wants to extend the requirement now nationwide. spain was among the last european countries to drop mask requirements after the coven 19 pandemic. a police in ecuador say at least 10 people have been killed in recent gang violence. on tuesday, a group of armed men broke into a television station in the city of y, a kia during a live broadcast, and threatened staff of a central rep. pnc reports from the capital kito. the live footage showed who did our men storming this tv station in way of q and taking the hosting crew hostage. the shots were heard and the said is, during the least bit not to be home before the signal was cut off. it was the most brazen attack in the day of chaos across ecuador, gang members,
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detonated car bombs, attacked universities, and kidnapped or killed police. meaning several cities in the declaration of war against the government of president then you know, bore and is at the time. so the security crack down, it always puts you on a lot of able to 35 year old president who began his term and less than 2 months ago, responded by declaring a state of internal conflict. a day after decreeing a 60 day state of emergency in nighttime curfew, he named 22 games, this terrorist organizations and military targets. up at this moment though, from this moment, every terrace group mentioned in the degree that it has become a military target. the present and future of our country is that place we will not be assessed for negotiate. the crisis has escalated following the escape from prison on sunday of a door to macias, better known as the to like what the most powerful drug lord before he could be
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transferred to a different prison. the violence broke out in the coastal city of y. a keeling is made as the but is extended to the capital key to an even to safe and peaceful. curious locations like queen. have you all citizens who were afraid today there are tax and kito, tanka vedo. every way, the police arrested 13 gunmen who allegedly took over the television station and freed the hostages. but they have been unable to stop the rest of the mag and neighboring, but also declared an emergency along its northern border. in recent years, equis, there has been living to unprecedented security crisis fuels by drug trafficking that out to a piece of field to address, turning it into latin, america's most dangerous country. the most difficult. we all know that when there are attempts to transfer powerful prisoners wasn't so curse. the question is why the government isn't able to take preventive measures. as the escalation of
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violence was a time bomb that has exploded in president no boy's hands. and so far nobody has been able to break the link between the prison gangs and the violence that has brought ask whether to unprecedented levels of chaos and fear. allison that i'm p at the i was just the to keep the secretary of state anthony blinking is speaking live now from bach. rain that's listening. that's certainly important that we respond when we see something like the aggression coming from the movies that continues to be repeated directed at shipping. in the red sea. there have been thousands of hundreds of attacks now since november on shipping in the red sea,
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affecting more than 40 countries tied to the ships with, from 40 different countries. and we had the biggest attack you avi's missiles just yesterday. these attacks have been aided and abetted by ron with technology equipment. busy asians information and they are having a real life impact on people. now we talk about concepts like freedom of navigation and the importance of holding. and i know that can sound a little bit abstract, but it means something very real and the lives of people. what's happened because of these movie attacks against the commercial shipping is the thousands of ships have had to divert, take longer routes, pay more for insurance, and that gets translated into the higher prices for people, for everything, from fuel to medicine, to food. it's disrupting supply chain, and so it's having a real impact on people around the world in their daily lives. we know all about
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the positive, isn't garza well, the who's these have taken more than 25 hostages from the ships that they seize. since since this fall, so all of this has required us this, this challenge, this threat to the interest of the countries around the world as required us to respond. we put together operation prosperity, guardian, uh, with more than 20 countries, including my right to do everything we can to preserve freedom of navigation, freedom of shipping in the red sea. and in fact, of united states, the united kingdom, to participants in operation prosperity guardians responded effectively to the tax just yesterday. we also had some 20 countries come together to make clear that if these attacks continue, as they did yesterday, there will be consequences. again, this represents a clear threat to the interest of the countries around the world. and it's
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important that the international community come together and respond to that. we also talked here in barbara and of course about the, the conference in the us. and we discussed the efforts that are underway to try to make sure that civilians are better protected, that we get him out of train assistance to people who need it. and at the same time, make sure that israel can succeed in ensuring to the best of disability that october 7th never happens again. but we also focused on the day after and the important work that needs to be done to help guys to get back on and speak as well as efforts that countries around the region are clearly prepared to make based on the trip this week to bring countries together to integrate the region and to do so in a way that provides for the security of israel and also provides
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a pathway for policy to the state of their own roller. today i had an opportunity to meet with president of us in the mall. and we talked about those efforts. we talked as well about the importance of reforming the costs and industry policy and governance so that it can effectively take responsibility for gaza. that so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership. it's very clear to me for the president of boston. he's prepared to move forward and engage in all these efforts. indeed, as we speak, i think a president of us would present cc of egypt. i would think of dollar jordan talking about these right issues. and i can say that after this, this week in the region, it's clear that countries around the region are seized with the need, 1st of all, to prevent the conference and spreading, but also to design a better path for the region as
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a whole. and particularly for israelis and palestinians, the like all of this work is going to continue in the days and weeks ahead. there's a real sense of urgency. i'm feeling that from countries around the region and we, the united states will continue to be very actively engaged in trying to explore without having to take some questions or secretary to talk about responding to talk about the consequences. given that the who a decent claim credit for this attack, they said it was targeted towards an american warranty. we reached the point where talk of consequences passed to turn into an action. look, i'm not going to telegraph for preview anything that that might happen. all i can tell you is, again, we've made clear we've been clear with more than 20 other countries. that if this continues as it did yesterday, there will be consequences. and i'm going to leave it at that. and you also talked about the iranians be behind as if they've been supporting these, do the consequences extends to the iranians as well else. again,
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all i can tell you is that as we've made clear and many other countries make, there will be consequences for that. with these actions, we've also received at least try to make 3rd or on as other countries have as well, that the support that they're providing, including for these actions needs to stop. it's not in their interest to see the conflict escalated and we're not the only ones who sent that message to ron had missed the secretary. it's part of the trip again. i wanted to come back with you into your meeting with the president of us who sort of engaged in self serve due to your power reform. did he really commit to reforming the palestinian authority? could you give us some specifics on that? and more generally speaking, given the fact called for today or 10 people steps on both sides of israel, also looking for interpretation of a palestinian state, given that israel as opposed to the prayer idea of empowering city and state. how
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is that gonna play out? so we on, in terms of a refund policy of tory look, i don't want to speak for president or boss, but i think what i take away from his meeting is that he is committed to that and is very much prepared to move forward. and he's gonna, i know, having conversations with other leaders in the region. and it's, i think, very important for the house than you and people that they have a governance that can be effective that can help deliver results for that. and i believe the present of the boxes, but it's doing that when it comes to the broader passport. as i said, even in this incredibly dark time. what's so powerful and all our conversations throughout the district is the countries do see a way for a way for through greater integration that actually provides real security for as real and guarantees for that security and
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a pathway to boston and state. now to get their leaders have to make hard to sit to our choices. we can't do that for them. but i think the more we can show what the future put look like and how it would clearly benefit people throughout the region . but notably, israelis and palestinians, i think, is that picture become sharper and instead of, as it's clear that countries throughout the region are prepared to themselves, make commitments guarantees, give assurance in ways that they weren't in the past. then i think that the choice becomes sharper and hard decisions may be a little bit easier to make, but a lot of hard work that remains. no one believes any of this will be easy. no one believes any of us can happen overnight. but there is a clear and better vision for what the future frank. there are countries that are committed to try to help deliver it. united. so i just wanted to. thank you. okay, you've just been listening to the us secretary state anthony blinking. he's in the rain currently. remember he met the policy and authority president month with a bus
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a few hours ago. then he went on what was an unannounced visit to the rain where he met the that king. and he just gave us a little summation of what they've been talking about a couple of topics. all of these blinking has spoken about before. one is the efforts that the us are spearheading in the red sea in the context of attacks by the who the rebels. a member of the last few weeks. the who these have been sending drone attacks miss aisles and attacking ships. going through the red sea ships that they say are connected to israel, and they said they're doing this in support of palestine and palestinians in response to the us has brought together a coalition of at least a dozen countries that are finding these attacks. so he was mentioning that some of the, some of the worst, some of the biggest attacks that these have launched to place yesterday into the us and the u. k responded to those. so that was the 1st topic, the red c number 2 of course was the future of the region. and you just heard blinking, saying that for both is drill and the palestinians to achieve
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a more stable future. there is going to need to be a palestinian state and he said the quote is really would have to make quote, hard decisions. and finally lastly, he also said the palestinian authority would need to reform itself and offer the observation that some who the boss whom he has just met is committed to doing that . so that's what lincoln has been talking about today, both with his hosting by rain and his host in ramallah earlier. now just before we leave you, cold weather and heavy rains are hampering efforts to find people still missing in japan. following an earthquake on new year's day, the number killed has now passed 200. at least 68 are missing in the remote, not to peninsula. the government has deployed more than 6000 soldiers to help search operations. and scientists have confirmed that 2023 was the world hottest
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here on the record data from the copernicus. climate change service shows that last year was probably the warmest in a 100000 years. recognize, have been confirmed every month since last year. that does it from us. we're back at the top of the our stay. what else? the in mexico's boldest cities, the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand. and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the teen piece together evidence. as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on the side, a witness documentary on the houses that are worked out of their existence. it's
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loans as a principal present. and as a correspondence with the brakes and the story wants to hear from those people who was normally not get that forces hood on the international news channels, one navy topic very proud of was when we covered the, the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible match all the facts and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be there to tell the people the story was very important at the time of religious trinkets and 7 is lined the centuries old. couple of blame, the terrorism is the bread and butter of drew, some light families, the war and slight constellations of midnight. tourists on coming. we are next to the trace of all except good. very good location for the 2 is a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the position for the public good emission to come to visit the church of on a separate, you know, told us to 70. that should be the busiest time of the with christmas and new year
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around the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrace from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is really police surveillance. and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east jerusalem with movements being restricted and it for reggie having rep precautions on the local economy. the . the alarm several venue good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes is really strikes, hit mirror, our opposite hospital and gaza killing at least 40 people, us secretary of state anthony blinking has been in by rain. that's the latest off


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