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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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people tend to be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the alarm 0 venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, at least 40 people are kill. this is really air strikes, hit near us, the hospital in central government, us secretary of state anthony blinking says he has spoken about reforming the palestinian authority during torques with its meat or ma, with a boss. hundreds of people gather in ramallah, supporting south africa's application to the i,
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c j that israel is committing genocide and gaza and tensions in the red sea. both the us and u. k. say that they have upheld a series of attacks by seizing yet the it is 18 g m t, that's 8 pm in gaza, where a new is really strikes of killed at least 40 people narrow oaks, a hospital, a home was bombed in the city of darrow bala with debris wounding doesn't is more people nearby. this is what the aftermath looks like. palestinians desperately searching for people trapped under the rubble bringing those they find to hospital . meanwhile, us secretary of state, anthony blinking says he has discussed reforming the palestinian authority with its leader ma with a bus. and he made those comments earlier. why leaving by frayne as part of his diplomatic tour of the region as we've talked as well about the importance of reforming the pulse, spending authority,
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policy and governance so that it can affectively take responsibility regardless that the so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership. it's very clear to me for the president of boston. he's prepared to move forward and engage in all these efforts. during those talks with the boss, protest has gathered in central ramallah to express their anger at blinking his latest visits. they held signs, they shouted slogans, criticising us support for israel in the conflict. all of this happening as fighting is raging between israel and homos across the gaza strip. as get more on that strike near along to the hospital and also don't write reports from their obama deadlocks. the hospital has been targeted with these 3 is right. the air strikes in the past hour. here is a residential building that has been targeted by the is there any,
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were planes today? this is a building in front of the entrance of ox, off hospitals. as you see, this is one of the main gate for up to a hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the ministry of house have been severely damaged from the air strikes. here is the hospital this, this at street is a very busy street where people of our walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the hosp with us and, and not only the people as part of their, their cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our, our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here,
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where people normally send fluids and people who normally buy stuff. there's a very heartbreaking story where a financial guy, who says for life and has been accepted by a sharpening and he was killed by your unfortunate to be on the wall. we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients. dozens of injuries are now in just lock so hospitable, where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible as we tried to talk to the policy municipal house and ask them about the injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come some because the ambulance is not transferring the injuries. and the killings from this era strikes,
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this is in the put the for obviously, you know, there is, but i have up to the hospital casa, so tara cup was whom is in rough for us and southern gaza, tara the medical system, as we know, has been near the point of collapse for a while, 2 thirds of the hospital is no longer functional. yet more attacks, like the ones we've just seen, mean more people injured who need emergency medical care. so how are the hospitals coping? i guess literally we can say that the majority of hospitals that are still operating in the silver and part of guns a strip are considered to be on the verge of shot down. due to the fact that the freezing number of casualties amongst civilians imposed most significant threshold the medical teams. and so with the medical facilities that are overwhelmed right now with patients out with in get people who are talking about 90. we're talking
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about $59000.00 palestinians, at least being wounded since october. the 7th, no dues can get people are receiving treatment as such and such hospitals. and right now, the majority of the injuries that are reaching to the hospitals are considered to be critical with different kinds of a ones on the bodies that requires a very advanced surgeries that cannot be afforded in goals are still operating costs. so then what is also important to say that the majority of bets induced hospitals are become overwhelmed with patients. it means that it's really hot to provide treatments or didn't re, people who are really suffering from a different emphasis to us disease due to the lead to the a full capacity of beds. and these hospitals and medical workers are doing the best and they are tied loosely tried to provide medical treatment. once we have been to ring around the jar hospital and the weight the hospital and receive health, medical workers at trying to meet the demands of the mississippi as of the people who are really suffering from different diseases. despite the receiving of
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different moments. of course the territory and also the medical. busy system is the goal, is this trip is on the age of collapse and what this is, what they promised to be administered, health and goals. i had early a one of from and the are talking about a full spread of in 50 was disease inside the hospital itself due to the on hi genet conditions that the hospital, the sufferings are seeing. people get treatment on the ground due to the overwhelmed, overwhelming number of patients and injured people and would not with the ongoing abutment of the territory. now, hospital staley, daily daily basis of receiving a new injuries which require a full medical care. but what they are trying right now to do is to make a kind of medical preferences in terms of the cases as they are no older receiving a patients who are really suffering from critical injuries. and this is completely contest if you're talking about a 1000000 a got a 1000000 of causes are right right now in separate parts. and these only 3 hospitals that are keep operating,
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which means that medical load for medical records. and at the same time, a very poor medical quality could be provided. you do the incredibly highly number of in get people and patients of course costs a strict are so only patients in critical condition now being accepted. tar couple is who reporting from a rough are there in the southern part of causing so as we mentioned, the us secretary of state anthony lincoln's tour across the region has seen him visit by rain. but earlier in the day you had met policy and president the bus that was in ramallah the to discuss the future of gaza including possible steps towards a palestinian state. but lincoln's presence led to protests in ramallah with many counting veneration who's a day or 2. the us of complicity in what they called is really genocide in philadelphia. how many days in ramallah and the occupied westbank caught a you've been at another rally to rallies to day one was against blinking. this other one was, as you've been describing
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a thank you to south africa for bringing this case at the international court of justice against israel. tell us about that. what is that? you said it was basically palestinians of, you know, thinking south africa, but also of spreading their own message among the crowd. the people were quite satisfied. uh there was a certain degree. 1 i would say relieve in the sense that many told us whether finally as someone is big email name and hoping that really to move of south africa. that $84.00 page filing in which south africa describes what it considers as acts of genocide. you'll need to do with the palestinians of would be taken into consideration, and maybe we'll reverberate about more countries around the world. because the policy needs have been extremely frustrated by the new world reaction of maybe
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will leaders when it comes to the applied no, only now during this guy's a war, but for the past decades, you know, do situation here and do all divide was back. this continues land grab the expansion of settlements. how's the militias all that they have been in jury on a daily basis. and then there was a 2nd message, which i think was probably the most important one in the short term, which is hoping that that move were put pressure on an international level to bring a ceasefire. every person we spoke to that was listening or every person that was on the boat jim talking was, was good bang the same message as these fire needs to come immediately. and you may need, terry, an aid needs to go in in much bigger numbers because the needs of the file is sydney is in gaza. absolutely it norm as many with just telling me, no,
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it's not just about the ceasefire. people will continue to die because of these, these people will continue to die because they're sleeping with the cold. people will continue to die because of many things. so certainly that was the main message . there was a link, a video link with the may or would you have is birth date because ramallah and, you know, had his berg are twin cities in which a male sort of old, sad where's the resonated among many part of this thing and drawing parallels between the struggles of the south africa is doing the offer. i take the resume and the palestinian struggles. now bringing up the words said by nelson mandela as especially a quote that we heard of several times. it was rep, nelson mandela said that they wouldn't be a complete, freed up without the freedom of the palestinian. and many people there said no one
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would understand the struggle more than the south africans. and that's really interesting context, the head of the legal proceedings which begin tomorrow at the hague, of the international court of justice. hold out, they'll have made reporting from ramallah. thank you very much. i of israel's, a war cabinet is holding meetings where among other things they will look at how the administration moves forward in its campaign in gaza. and we're in a situation stands with seeking a release of captives as being in sarah. hi right now in the tel aviv so the war cabinet has been, meetings are, what are they discussing? that's right, that's the been me things to discuss. the 2 main topics. what happens once this will end the so called day off to which has been delayed a number of times, thought cindy when it came to talking about sit with the security cabinet meeting outside of the will meeting bought. so this is a, it seems a real attempt to come up with concrete on says, as the international community,
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including the us up pushing for a framework on certainly lots of time when it's still not clear when this is going to ends. another topic that's being discussed and is top of the agenda is the situation with those scale. how is caps if they've been there now for more than a 100 days? many of those are still in finals, and there's a real, a concern. now that since that sees file collapse the last month, the end that there's been a number of those killed a since then, and there's a real worry and concern and desperation from the families. in fact, some of them had been meeting with on to me been, can you a secretary of state, hey, instead of the vs today. but the thing that is concerns across we did hey, from one of the war cabinet members earlier today by the guns where he was giving a briefing on the lights of situation in the gaza strip. saying that they are in control of many areas. now that, and also put seeing the caps is as a priority,
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is speaking about the captives, sorry there is and is really delegation in egypt to discuss the release of the hostages. what's coming out of that? that's right. well, a sarah look, i mean there's been gatherings every week instead of the, with tens of thousands cooling on the wall cabinet to take decisive action and fight about sports. president identified stuff as c. c has just been saying in georgia, and that's where he is at the moment. discussing the war in gauze or, and he says the international community team that needs to take decisive action towards a seas file suit also and show that more aid is brought it. now, the reason why i mention a more decisive decision by the international community is that there are reports and is really delegation is in egypt currently trying to pick up where it left from . uh, once the, the uh has been la, rather from us to uh,
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city water was killed in lebanon that, oh, that's a tool that's in the water. and now it seems, there isn't a resumption. and it seems that israel is keen to make that happen as well. also as this is happening, uh there are reports, so it's easy, it's has quotes on these nomics. you had representatives as well as from us representative. so has immediately to kyra so that they can discuss and is riley proposal in terms of what that proposal is. it's still reports and nothing is confirmed, but a lots of media, not just in israel, but also in that has been the one that has butler main media and 11 on as well as egyptian media. the old reporting. so, so saying, but it seems a category uh, the catalog proposal rather full a c. so it has been pushed forwards. and there are tools now of one thing, a full seed spot. if they can achieve that with a israel,
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apparently potentially agreeing to maybe releasing those prisoners as had been requested by how much previously, and not the same time allowing some of the how much lead is so eventually completely leaves the gaza strip and be in exalt. but i get nothing can funds, but these are all speculative tools at the moment. what we do know is that there's potentially to what's happening right now in kyra saw high rods reporting from tel aviv. thank you very much. the in the us and u. k. military's say they have repelled a large who's the attack over the red sea. the us defense ministry says 21. drones and 3 missiles were launched from who the controlled parts of human no damage to vessels or injuries was reported. with these have launched multiple attacks on merchant ships in support of palestine. the not brought up in the naval forces and
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the missile forces and the drones department in the many armed forces have launch the military joint operation with a huge number of ballistic. and the naval missiles and drones that have targeted an american ship that was supporting the scientists, the entity. the operation was a primary to reaction to the aggression against our naval forces by the american enemy. u. k. defense secretary grant ships has issued a warning to who's the fighters following that incident in a statement, he said the u. k. alongside allies, as previously made clear that these attacks are completely unacceptable. and if continued the who these will bear the consequences, we will take the action needed to protect innocent lives. and the global economy is now as we touched on earlier, south africa has launched a case at the united nations top court. the i c, j accusing israel of committing genocide against palestinians and gaza. they're calling on the international court of justice to review the case and call for an
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emergency suspension of israel's military campaign. is really government has called the accusations, baseless or salon slaymen is a partner with the for the whole law firms, international litigation and arbitration practice years running as life from the workshop in mauritania. sir, how strong it is that the case that south africa is bringing to the i c. j denouncing genocide committed by israel? well, it's a serious case. south africa filed a 80 plus page application and requests for provisional measures in which it is outlined. a number of factual allegations which getting believes constitute evidence of potential acts of genocide by the state of israel and south africa has requested from the court urgent provisional measures in order to preserve its rights as the dispute proceeds before the court. but my question is,
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how strong do you think that cases they are allegation to genocide is actually being committed. look, i ask you because i've read these 80 pages, i'm not a lawyer, but i look at the definition of genocide that is put forward in this under the genocide convention. and i look at the facts that are brought forward by south africa and they match. so from a legal point of view, how do you look at this as well? i think, i think again is this is a very serious application. and it has presented facts that go directly to what the court will be assessing during the provisional measures hearing. so big sharing that will happen tomorrow, and friday again is 4 provisional measures. they're essentially going to south africa is requesting from the court measures from the court in order to prevent what they see as genocide from continuing to occur. and in order to meet the court standards, in order for south africa task successfully get an order from the court,
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they need to show at this point on a prime efficient basis, that they have jurisdiction at the rights that they're seeking to be protected or provider under the convention and that they're linked to the measures that they're asking for, and that there is a risk of irreparable prejudice in injury where the court not to act. so amongst the other evidence that they have put forward, south africa has indicated that a number of experts including united nations mandate holders have warned very other over risk of genocide occurring in those types of facts that south africa has alleged, including language from un general assembly resolutions are often to do it by the court as a very important and indicative of potential risk other ethical entries. so in terms of the standers that south africa needs to meet before the court, their application has much of what the court will need to see in order to issue
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a professional nations order. can we, can we go through the boxes that they have to check in order to get the core to order provisional measures? a k, a stopping the wars it's being led in gaza right now. you said the south africa has to prove that the i c j has jurisdiction over this. i think they're going to check that box pretty easily because both israel in south africa are parties to the international court of justice. would you agree on that? one? is that correct? both? so that's a good use your, our parties to the genocide convention which provides jurisdiction under article 9 of the treaty for disputes over the treaties application fulfillment were interpretation to brought before the court. so there's not much of an argument of the i, c, j has jurisdiction. what are the 2 other boxes that you mentioned that that need to be picked from south africa's point of view, right. they need to show that the rights that they are seeking to protect, and in this case, south africa is arguing that as a party to the treaty, they have
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a right to see the treaties, obligations fulfilled. so they have a right to enforce the treaty. and these are the actions of israel, so they have a right to ensure that israel is not committing genocide, or israel is taking the appropriate actions to prevent genocide or israel is taking the appropriate actions to punish genocide and so that uh, those rights have to be a issue and they have to be positively argued, and there needs to be a connection between those rights and the measures that they've requested. okay, and so the major, it's a sorry, go ahead and do the last one. you said there needs to be a risk of irreparable injuries. this is another box that seems fairly easy to check . i mean, 23000 people have been killed. so there is a risk of irreparable injury to correct the, the risk here in and as part of the analysis of risk of a ripple injury. the court also needs to see that there's some urgency or some real,
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an imminent risk of the rights that are thought to be protected, being potentially violated. and so given that we have an ongoing situation in which the actions that south africa is a legend constitute genocide are continuing on a daily basis. it's, it's very likely that south africa in it's a presentation will uh, potentially will likely need that element of the course standards. okay, are so, so limited partner with the full, the whole law firm. thank you so much for letting all of that out for us. we'll try and keep that in mind as we watch events on for thursday and friday at the hey, get the i c j. thank you. thank you. as tension is rise between israel and has belie the is really health ministry, has ordered the hospitals in the north to prepare for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured patients. laura hahn has more from saucer in northern israel. its administrative health is off. all hospitals were packed,
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and the case of pulled out rules that they may have thousands of emergency patients . now here in the north is specifically off hospitals to set up trauma tree eyes and create at least 50 percent capacity. that means losing all non emergency situations and patients that south educate extra hospital beds are they essentially want a fully functional and secure environment in case of an emergency. and they want these hospitals to beat the pads within 24 hours. notice across the country for a few hours, no shift. once i give a directive here in the north, there are 2 specific hospitals that zip and natalie. yeah, i can talk to the password does is fine. and situation just in case they get complete the cost of an isolated if they are onto a tax, they need to still top on medical supplies. that is a cooling for more doctors to come and medical stuff to come into the country. as many of them are going to be on reserve as g g o may be called up at any time,
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but it's an emergency budget, and i'm just going to read that out. this is additional to the annual medical budget. so $350000000.00 us dollars will be added to the budget $100000000.00 to keep hospital safe, and a $150000000.00 to help us to deal with the loss of income and an increase expensive hiring and all the emergency track. now we have spoken to one of the health they say they've already had a contingency in place the last 3 months out. but now that the, the ministry is calling them all by say, this is clear that they are ramping up the rest rake, romping up a states of preparedness in case of old out war north on algae, 0 costa, in northern israel to the fishing industry. and garza has been devastated by the war about 4000 fishermen depend on it for their livelihoods a year as they have faced restrictions imposed by these really governments now
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about 3 months into the war. many fear that they won't have a job to go back to, even after it ends. again, no problem though they were more than a $160.00 boats and guns as they didn't fall off coats at least $130.00. 1 of them out of service is a good idea of a cover. most of the box fed fishing sectors. the 2nd most profitable on the strip these radio occupations being targeting the industry since 2006. we've repeatedly said that these really governments directly deliberately and systematically destroying off pushing sector to pursuing, chasing, and shooting off fishermen. this is the most killing destruction and confiscation of fishing boats as palestinians. the fishermen, they've had that long share of destruction since israel started it's will on the goal is to strip against aren't people. yeah, i me. busy i have them at the, as you can see, the total destruction, the seas are only source of livelihood. all we can do is fish. we can't do any
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other job. i've lost cousins, family money, and our boats. now we don't even have food. nothing is left for us at all from us. so to the left of the mana, when our situation became miserable and we no longer knew what to do, we came here. we spent 3 nights sleeping on the streets without food or water kind . people gave us some blankets. these really forces begin firing at 5 in the morning. our children are sick and we've lost almost all hope. yeah, to the porch is completely destroyed. this boat is burnt, and this one was targeted. and the 3rd one was targeted over there. this means that we can die at any moment here at the destruction and firing is ongoing, most of the phone and then the who them the by now we can safely say that no single boats working. there's no single but we're can you north garza, these radio occupations totally destroyed the soul and only pulled ink all is a strip. if the wolf stops now, the fisherman in gaza will find that there are no boats for fishing. was the man
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who can do well, the conditions of the fishing boats up to 16 years of operating have become worn out. all fishing sector needs millions to be able to operate properly here to the still ahead on allison 0 from robotics for risk beauty advice curated by ai. we check out the latest tech innovations from this years. consumer electronics trade show in las vegas. the how are the weather slots you set 5 across the radium plants that are fine and dry weather, pleasant sunshine, texas. if anything a little about the app is but you know, it just wont cloud we do have on set of weather moving across northern parts of the region. so just around the guy pushing either towards the caspian,
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northern areas of best area using across the rockies and across towards a good parts of iran. then as we go through the next couple of days, you can see how that to it does tend to snow over the higher ground. so the south of it is allows you try 26 celsius here in, di did 3 or 4 degrees above the average. so that's not too bad. things out. so pleasant minds. you across the is the side off the med, it's right. we have got more shabbots coming back into the live. and so we'll say, so what's the weather coming in to west and pops of seriously go 3 fast a lab and on this route, right down across the palestinian territories, occupied palestinian territories. sang some showers by the way down into the gaza strip on this last day friday as a repeat performance. hopefully just drawing up a little as we go on into the last a parts of the week. having said that, the some more live you show us, but that is the side ultimate over the next few days. just talking about the for any type of symbols advocate, we could catch a shout or what say what else we have as long as you try and study
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the latest news. as it breaks, we would just hit pretty badly by check us. there have been serious complications on a weekly basis with detailed coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's what we'll con. i'm fearless gen and isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food expo 2023. the fascination of joining us and let's discover
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a better world expo 2023. the ha, the, the the, the watching else 0 reminder of our headline, this our health officials in guns that say more than 40 people have been killed and new as really strikes narrow ox. the hospital. the house was bombed in the city of darrow bella and central gaza us secretary of state anthony, blinking has added a surprise visit about rain that his diplomatic tour of the middle east. earlier he held talks with palestinian president, not with a boss and the occupied westbank is visit triggered protests and romano. the
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united nations security council is expected to vote on the resolution demanding a holt to attacks on vessels carried out by humans who the fighters in the red sea . the draft resolution was brought forward by the united states and comes as they who these say that they will continue their attacks until the siege on gaza ends. but i'm joined by our diplomatic editor james bases at the united nations headquarters in new york. james, when are you expecting this vote that the security council as we were expecting the votes take place over an hour ago, but it was postponed at the last minute. this is the resolution that the security council will be focusing on drawing up by the united states. we think that there are potentially some problems with russia, with this resolution, possibly with china to. they have condemned the attacks by the who sees in the past, but they may not be happy with all of the language. because this resolution, a quote, takes note of the right of member states to defend the vessels from attacks,
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including those that undermine navigational rights and freedoms. well, i think russia might believe that is a green light for western military action. and it's interesting in the last few hours that we've had of the us secretary of state, as you say, he was in bahrain, he said that the who sees could face the consequences of these attacks continue. but i think the more important comment came from the u. kay's minnes stepped of defend strong shops. he was off whether that would be western military retaliation for the latest largest attack by the who sees and he replied, watch this space. those are the sort of comments i think that will and the russians believing that perhaps that i'm providing the ability with this resolution for the west to strike back against the who sees it is interesting. in the last half hour i was at the un daily briefing asking about this, the un also concerned about the possibility of any west and military action.
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remember, we have a very uneasy piece in yemen between the who sees and saudi arabia, the un envoy that has gone bug is working so hard to make that a formal peace treaty. and they fear that everything could get unrivalled by the developments that taking place in the red sea. james, effective date, either address and other un related development today, there are plans for you in mission to enter northern gaza. what do you know about that as well? this is one of the few. i think concrete things that have came out of secretary clinton's visit to the region. he seems to have got these rabies to agree for the un to carry out an assessment mission in northern garza to look at the situation on the ground, assess the humanitarian situation, to assess what they do about rebuilding knowles and gaza. so we now haven't confirmed from the united nations that they are all bored with this. uh they have
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what they call a multi sic tauriel assessment team. ready to go. but of course they need security assurances from israel. they need access from israel and they're working on that. we're told this is part of the work of the new un coordinate to special coordinator who has been appointed a high level position. secret colleague is the full, not dodge, deputy prime minister. she served as the doc for foreign minister and the dodge of finance minister join you had to with the dutch government, which you left a week ago. i spoke to her briefly here with the un headquarters in new york. she said she didn't want to do any interviews at this stage because he's not arrived in the region yet, but she's certainly having a lot of diplomatic contact contacts. she'd be meeting with the secretary general a long meeting here, of course at un headquarters getting your instructions. but also with baset is from the pub and 5 members of the security council and regional and both of those uh before heading to the region. her mission and it's a very,
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very hard mission. she's been given by the security council, is to try and scale up of the humanitarian assistance into goals and look at the development opportunities of how potentially in the end you can rebuild. garza james space reporting from un headquarters in new york. thank you very much. james is bringing l 0 senior political analyst, more one to sharp. more one. you heard james, they're saying that this un assessment team that they want to send to northern gaza is cited quoting. james, here, one of the few concrete things that appears to have come out of the us secretary state lincoln's visit to the region one. we've talked about all his proceeding visits, right? all this is the 4th one. and where it is this visit, leave us. do you, do you think it has changed much or anything? i think it's very important visit. i think it's going to prove to be a fiddler. it's the culmination of all the other visits and of the circumstance.
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while we are today, i think uh, blinking up could begin to achieve to corner store and accomplishments for the united states here. one that relates to what you're talking about and that's more on the intermediates writing. and that is try to convince is right. uh that has been stubbornly rejecting the american advice that it needs to cool off what it's doing and gaza. it least open to humanitarian quarter doors, including ad meaning including from israel to gaza. it needs to show that it cares for human life in gaza, even if it continues the war. because that's the only way it seems the that the i c j will not issue on order a provision for the for is there a to seize into assessed for is that the stop immediately the war?
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because of the accusation of genocide, the only way you can undermine that decision coming. so probably from the i c j before is to act promptly on opening human italian poll that the guys and so videos are not on the effect of gender. so the other thing that at such a blinking succeeded in doing and we would start seeing does more of that is also we all just started seeing windows often. that's the thought i liked it was me thing i talk about between the 3. i believe there's the egyptian georgia and about state in because what he wanted to do and you wanted to get 5 or 6 out of countries and to enter, to come together, investigate, start preparing for the day after, without how much. but with that, but i see that i'm a product where is that would be awarded forest genocide. that wouldn't be an award
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for it's war crimes and guys o by greater i'm darkish relations with is red normalization between so the idea is right for the promise of a fast way. i've had a studious day which most of us understand today it's probably unrealistic considering the legal sacraments in the occupied westbank. but these are the 2. you could say achievement by 2nd through blinking bus. far since you mentioned is the, the court case at the international court of justice that starts tomorrow. it starts thursday. how significant do you think that is we have south africa accusing israel of genocide. not by any means. the 1st time that this word has been used since the beginning of this conflict, and many people feel that that is what's happening. but this is different because you have 80 pages of carefully curated written and legal petition and legal
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arguments based on fact or how significant is that, that, that is now being brought at the you end top court. so i think as i was just mentioning, i think it would be important if the court and now it seemed somewhere to between the possible and the probably. but it issues a provisional order regarding cease and desist, stop the war because there's a general side of that happening under way and things like that would be important in terms of the the court of public opinion. and i mean that certainly would coven eyes the sentiments that on the world, that is right, is definitely in the wrong. and this whole idea of right of self defense is humbug us. and that it needs to, you know, wrap it up. we'll do something about it and actually do something over. i don't want criminals. it's also reflects by the united states because in so many ways has been for a long time on offloaded state. so many way somebody violates it. is it the solvable?
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you had a resolution for a lot of states, you know, cares about that standing as presumably some sort of a sponsor or guardian of the rules based international system, right. which is not the law base international system, but assessing the cares about the appearance or keeping appearance of being a guardian or so if it's, if it's what is shown to be in any way. and because in genocide while the united states is also would be complicit than that because it not just has been completed from day one and farming financing and defending there's, there's more inc, cause that the way it was conducted than guys. and just last but not least, what we were here in the next 2 days, probably 2nd it tomorrow, is that this is not about the fact that there's a war and guys, or the fact that is there, i just felt the need to go to war and guys smoke about that so but the conduct to which was the way it's carried out this the way it guys are busy. so it's kind of
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talk about some of the fans and this and that and, and what about the, how it seems as we are just different thinking? yeah, this is what the about is and it's not gonna is what i mean. what no relation to the case as being frustrated. i didn't know they actually are one of the shower houses. they were a senior political analysts. thank you for joining. it's ecuador, as president, has ordered that criminal gangs be neutralized after days of violence culminated in an attack on a television studio mass gunman broken to public television channel tcs, live studio during a broadcast. at least 10 people have been killed since a 60 day state of emergency began in ecuador. on monday, alexandra ramp. yet the reports from the capital key to the life footage showed that it's our main storming this tv station. and why a q and taking the hosting crew hostage shots were heard, and the said is, during the least bit not to be home before the signal was cut off. it was the most
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praising attack in the day of chaos across ecuador, gang members, detonated car bombs, attacked universities, and keeping that there killed policemen in several cities in the declaration of war against the government of president. then he has no boar and his attempts that executed the crack down. natalie, 42, and a lot of it, but a 35 year old president who began his term the less than 2 months ago, responded by declaring a state of internal conflict a day after decreeing a 60 day state of emergency and nighttime curfew. he named 22 gangs this terrorist organizations and military targets up at this moment though from this moment every terrace group mentioned in the degree that it has become a military target. the present and future of our country is that place we will not be assessed for negotiate. the price is to escalate the following. the escape from prison on sunday, a door to macias,
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better known as speak to like what are some most powerful drug lords before he could be transferred to a different prison. the violence broke out in the coastal city of y a keeling these mean as the but is extended to the capital key to an even to safe and peaceful. curious location is like queen the old citizens who were afraid today there are tax in kito canter, vedo. every way the police arrested 13 gunmen who allegedly took over the television station and freed the hostages. but they have been unable to stop the rest of the mag and neighboring, but who also declared an emergency along its northern border. in recent years, equis, there has been living to unprecedented security crisis fuels by drug trafficking that out to a piece of fields to address, turning it into latin, america's most dangerous country. the most difficult. we all know that when there are attempts to transfer powerful prisoners wireless. okay, here's the question,
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is why the government isn't able to take preventive measures. the discoloration of violence was a time bomb that has exploded in president noval as hans and so far nobody has been able to break the link between the prison gangs and the violence that has brought ask whether to unprecedented levels of care and fear. allison that i'm 50 as, as the, keep the remarkable developments in ecuador. let's follow up on this with alexandro . you're in the capital key to right now. how, how tens are things in key to at the moment? well, serial. there's no doubt that it, but the audience are still reeling from the violence that happened in the last 24 to 48 hours. still trying to make sense of all the brazen attacks that have happened to how they saw their country essentially, or,
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or if it's government losing the grip on a security across much of the country as things of quiet that down at least here in the copy. tell people on wednesday about where'd best when it's a far away from a normal uh, the streets are usually brimming with the people and series. that's not the case that today most stores remain closed. schools will be closed for the rest of the week. the same public office says the plaza, the streets, and the plaza that you see behind me is where the presidential palace is. those have been cordoned off. there is military on the streets. we also heard that from the president danielle noble, he gave an interview earlier. this morning at the local radio station, he said that what has happened in the last 24 hours was a response by the gangs to his attempt at a crack down in other countries. the prisons in particular, his promise to build 2 new maximum security prisons in the country and to try and
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press the transfer the gang leaders that he also made another announcement that he will try to uh, support uh at least 1500 support in previous servers in particular colombians and that he's been speaking to the columbia and pricey then to do that. and also speaking about that, the columbia and through i've also increased security on the board. there's to try and avoid any spill spill out into their country. their schools closed at the moment, government office is closed, the streets behind you cordoned off alexandra rand. p a t. thank you for your reporting on the state of emergency in ecuador, potentially historic hearing is taking place in the us house of representatives. republicans are holding the 1st hearing that could lead to the impeachment of us homeland security secretary alejandro. my york us had to go head and has more details on this. so mean,
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very unusual is happening up here on capitol hill. the homeland security committee from the house of representatives is holding its 1st hearing in an attempt to possibly impeach the secretary of homeland security. alejandro my or guess now they say he needs to be in peach. because of what's happening on the southern border, and there has been a record number of migrant crossing in december alone. it was estimated be about $250000.00 people. and democrats say, though this is pure politics. they know that the polls perch the democrats, because of what's happening in the southern border. this is a way to keep it in the news. the standard for teaching an official is that they have to have submitted treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. and democrats point out that republicans haven't provided any evidence that my or case has violated any of those things. still they say they will go ahead and in peach. and if they do, do the story in the history of this country, only one cabinet official has ever been in peach that was back in 1876. now it's
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not clear that they will in fact have the votes to do this, even if they're going to try to have a very strong majority. controlling the house of representatives. patio behind l. g 0 on capitol hill. still ahead on al jazeera and richardson in doha. it's just over a year since all you've seen a list of the men's wealth company and catch all the countries now hosting ages. biggest international businesses like this. this brought to you by, i guess as i live slowly on, one of your this makes modern plains the, the,
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the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the the
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okay, so i'm from sport, no, it's not how much was doing this in the studio center? thank you very much. i say well, this just 2 days ago before the delayed asian cub begins here in kata organize the say, nearly 900000 tickets had been sold so far. all but one of the stadiums used at the 2022 fee, so we'll couple of we'll be on show with the sale hosting the opening game between defending champions, cuts on 11 on. and it was just impossible. it's just every year since origin seen it lifted the men's world cup and catch all the country is now getting ready to host a issues. biggest international football tournaments. china, happy to to host this addition of the asian cup of pulled out in 2022 to 2. it's 0 coverage, 19 policy and capsule as woke up hosts in whitening at that time. we're in the perfect position to step up short notice as well as the bulk of our legacy to keep using these videos and the stadiums as well. uh, one of the cuts out is the company that i like to have plus both. so all is gonna
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be keep using charlotte of hosting these big events. so it's all as we've locked of our legacy, it's not the only the stadium is the save you money. all the facilities on the palestine will be making back the consecutive appearance at the finals that seem determined to be a focal point of positivity full that people are also aiming. so when that 1st a game app is tournaments for caps, all the hosts, they are a team with the points of prove they all the writing champions, hunting one, the cycling $29.00 seen in the united arab emirates, that i failed to replicate that full on the world stage that will cope campaign in 2022, beginning with high spec patients. it ended with 3 straight defeats since then. they have 52 national coaches, spines, tensing. mach has the mind he'll be in charge of this tournament. somebody with experience of working capital is national. a spar academy also in castles domestic lee. but he's had a very limited amount of time with this squad. their efforts to retain the title begins on friday at the sale stadium. the venue went on and seen
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a beat friends in that will come final. this time it's council versus 11 in the 1st of 51 much he's coming your way in this 18th edition of the asian come on the richardson elders era. so for a while, the teams are getting ready for the asian cup. so to are the referees due on augusta, oscar reports, female officials will make a head start debbie, the content and the biggest football tournament. these are the women and men whose decisions could make or break a team at the asian company. 74 much efficient was more than ever before putting the final touches to that preparations ahead of kick off on friday. and for the 1st time, we've been referees who make that d, i think with the way the world football is heading and you know, the, the movement that women's football is, is making not a name or missile, but now in the men space as well. um, it's certainly a bridging the gas for us,
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very freeze. it's a imitator. we are not uh, we are not deficient that meets end by gender. when did the middle. so a females ultimately via all the references under one umbrella. and i liked you that because of the, a training like the family. so if it's the one team, a team member can decide who i would see in decision help. you see me yamashita. it was $1.00 to $6.00 female officials who made history at the fee for woke up in castle in 2022. she down leads a group of 5 here at the agent coming. i'm buried. oh not to be here. um, i have all these folks married to to show what the female i for you can do in this tournament. and i hope this opportunity connected to the next generation just like the play is these referees at them preparing for months for the tournament, taking part to move in 20 seminars workshops, a much simulations like this one to make sure they know the rules of the game inside announce they'll also be using video assisted referees for the entire
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tournament for the 1st time. they all have been the cause of some controversial and incorrect decision since his introduction in needs around the world, including english premier league almost 5 years ago. but it's hard, the technology here will help referees avoid making mistakes. for the asian cop, we use what's known as semi automation upside technology for the 1st time after its successful implementation at the wells copier and capital in 2022. that involves 12 cameras tracking the bowl and $29.00 points in the body of each player, 50 times per 2nd to help video assistant referees make the right of side decisions . that's certainly i think that's a microscope on officials at the moment, especially with they are in the expectation that we, we get everything right. and we, and we see everything. and that's all we're taking extra care and the outcome will hopefully be a good decisions on the field. you technology should tackle the issues be all has
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cost, but it will replace the human instinct of the men and women who will ultimately make the final decisions. do you want to get a real sca out to 0 though? ha, about to take on for them in the english and the cops. any finals on tuesday? chelsea suffered the surprised defeat. second tier side mid. those will beat them one now, and the 1st tech of the semi return game is in 2 weeks time, a staff a bridge. the last one this torment 2 decades ago. mcelroy says, goals needs to think about starting up a well tour full time. major champion mess up with england football discipline, rice ahead of the divine invitational mcroy once more events in australia, south africa, and time. the gains structure remains in limbo with the north american base. pga tour locked in the adults with the saudi arabian back to live golf competition. so i think everyone needs to start thinking more globally around a globally in a and
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a holistic way. not really like this to her, that her and others are really like, okay, well, what is the best? what is the best structure for a lead mans professionals. also, you know, the top 70 to 100 guys in the world. i'm all, what would that look like? especially if, if the game is going to look different going forward and everything is on the table i, i just think it's worth having that conversation and reigning champion and also a lot the yeah, has secured his the stage when i this is the car, riley, the category is now driving up for the bridge or space that pro dr team and sits 2nd. and the overall statics. he's aiming to win the title for 6 time. the 2 week grace and saudi arabia finishes on january. the 90. the support for me will have more for you later on, but for now is back to silly. all right, so i have always thank you so much for all of that. that's it for me for today. my
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colleague, nick clark will be with you in just a moment during great hand stay. what else the unsettled type upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leaves profit with offers. world permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what algebra one, the, the
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the the, the, well, the telephone go down the, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, of the clock. this is in use our life and death coming off in the next 60 minutes. at least 40 people killed. this is really strikes hits. yeah, i'll exit hospital in central god insect your state. and the blinking says he's spoken about reforming the palestinian authority jury towards this leda. luckily to


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