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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business like just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates the and the on the clock. this is a news on life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes proof once more, nowhere in garza is sense, at least for 2 people to kill. just really strikes hit l axle, split your search, your state on z, blinking says you've spoken about reforming the palestinian authority during torch with its need them to pass. hundreds of people gather in ramallah, supporting south africa's application to the i c. j. that is rather as committing
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genocide garza and tensions and the red c by for us. and the case study, they repelled a series of a tough spiking feature in humans. the so the head being another series of israeli strikes on central 1000. we go to add more than 40 people to being killed. dozens more. all we did. the attack was carried out on a residential building near the out exit hospital. and all by, like level begins are coverage. and a warning, some of us may find images in his report, disturbing the light on the wall smocks the spot where a falafel salesman stood within his riley, a striking key, and dozens more. people died in the attack just outside deal. ok, so hospital in the city of day, at old law and the guardian, the me who we were select not paying attention to anything else with the going
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about our business. the work is it works for me was sitting next to me here. the other worker was for, i'm for life all over the. suddenly i had massages and explosions. i saw a body parts got it around to me. you me off to mass twisted metal and tons of rubble, some of those trend below elsewhere in data old by law, the palestinian rate. chris and society reports that at least 60 people were killed when the ambulance they were travelling in was here. in the south of the strip knew the city of rough uh, bodies all prepared for burial following a strikes on a family. on the other hand, what was that crime? tell me where they carrying weapons, shame on all those who abandoned and betrayed us. shame on those who was silent witnesses, shame on arab leaders. tell me what these children and women did wrong to end up as body parts of the world. health organization is eating with israel to allow it
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great to access to the split the body of to delivering the money to it in a to the people of guys is not the cup abilities of the u. n. w drawer, our partners the bunny is, is access. we quoted on easily in to approve requests by w h o in other partners to deliver the money to it. in 8, we continue to call them for a cease fire. almost 90 percent of the population of gaza. 1.9000000 people had been forced from the homes of a 3 months of war. with the lights of states told, topping 23300 people. majority women and children. with nearly 60000 wounded mike level, how does era let's head straight away to reference southern guns, a target we resumed standing by the a so tired fighting, continuing on the ground and gods are not. this time we're getting details of yet
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another bombardment to see if the will can tell us by of the yes button and did not stop during the last few hours. of course, the territory and the last hour exactly more attacks have been carried out against roof district in the south part of the of cause a strip where a farm land had been hit. that was sheltering, displaced in factories were 5 palestinians reported killed, including 4 children who have been also killed in the air strike. and this is a part of the ongoing series of attacks on the south as roughly yesterday had been heat of the same time right now at the top, the 2 had been hit the gun. we're also con, you to 6 feet had been us into for the military operations of the last a few hours, where we can see more elimination of class have been fired on the facility of the, the nozzler hospital where it had lights and all this call you back i'm usually the sort of an issue to flags have been fined by these really made
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a tree and that part of cause a just to give a clear vision for the maneuver trips was to operating in a hot you'd as, as they are twice to a deep, full control over the city, and we can say that the middle overnights on the a bit of coordinates and the last hour had been on the wind military ongoing button . and by the use made out to read the as a residential building that almost all right for a few decals was destroyed. and those of palestinians today in the middle, the coordinates have been ended up being transported to a box, a hospital, which is a new attack to they had been carried out on. it's just as just a few meters away from the medical complex as these kinds of village attacks today . you had a clean the lives of at least 147 policy and alongside with more than 240 others being wanted to now intact. as these killings go, one of the injuries mount it just put the pressure on on, already broken medical system and gaza.
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yes, it's completely on the verge of collapse and shut down and due to the unrelenting circle of destruction, and also due to the unprecedented rates of injuries that resulted due to the use of any military attacks on guns a day by day or so. think about hundreds and hundreds of people being injured and they are very desperate need full medical treatment, but what we see on hospitals and the ongoing aggression on the territory that there is suffering from the very deep shortage of medical supplies. despite all the resolutions and goals made by a know collab, international buddies to accelerate the process of aids and also for medical supplies delivery to the hospitals in gauze that just to be able to cope with the often met. so they use video tax on that, but we can say also that to more than 2 sets of goals as hospitals have become out
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of action, that they're no longer operating. and only few parts. hospitals are still functioning in the south, which is old. so right now, working beyond its capacity, all right, all right, well with that for now, that's a picture and a reference. and the story across crowds, a target resume. i think i the us extra state times we blinking to across the region is seen him visit, remodel away. he met with palestinian president, mom we were to pass to discuss the future of 1000, including possible steps towards the palestinian state. but the lincoln's prezis. let the purchase of ramallah many carrying fun as a pleasing the visit. it gives us a tricity and what vehicle is ready? genocide is gone. so hopefully good says he spoke to advice about the policy, me for these governors and talk as well about the importance of reforming the cost, spending authority, policy and governance so that it can affectively take responsibility regardless that the so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under
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a palestinian leadership. it's very clear to me for the president of boston. he's prepared to move forward and engage in all these efforts. the crowds and romeros are ready to find the south africans for supporting palestinians during the war. especially off the south african laws, the legal case with the top you in court accusing his relative genocide or the 100 as more now from a among the crowd. the people were quite satisfied and there was a certain degree of, i would say relief in the sense that many told us was finally as someone is speaking, you know, name and hoping that really to move of south africa. that $84.00 page filing in which south africa describes what it considers as acts of genocide you'll need to do with the palestinians of would be taken into consideration. and maybe
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we'll reverberate among more countries around the world. because the policy needs have been extremely frustrated by the new world reaction of maybe will leaders when it comes to the applied no, only now during this guy's a war, but for the past decades, you know their situation here and do all divide was back. this continues land grab the expansion of settlements, how's the pollution all that they have been in jury on a daily basis. and then there was a 2nd message, which i think was probably the most important one in the short term. which is hoping that that move would put pressure on an international level to bring a ceasefire. every person we spoke to that was listening or every person that was on, on the podium talking was, was good bang the same message as these fire needs to come immediately. and you may need tear you in a nice to go in,
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in much bigger numbers because the needs of the file is sinews in gaza. absolutely enormous venue with just telling me. no, it's not just about the ceasefire. people will continue to die because of these, these people will continue to die because they're sleeping with the cold. people will continue to die because of many things. so certainly that was the main message . stella cations from south africa and is relative now arrived in the hague for a case that subtracting worldwide attention. on thursday, the international court of justice will here arguments from south africa. the casing is right of committing genocide against the people of gaza. israel will defend itself against these that possessions on friday, from the hague, steadfast, and explains just why this case could be a game changer. it seen as one of the most prominent cases in the more than 75 year long history of the international court of justice. 17 charges will have to decide if it's ro is committing genocide. that is deliberately wiping out palestinians in
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gaza as an ethnic group entirely. or in part, the genocide convention was anonymously adopted in 1948 after world war 2, a unified commitment by the international community to never let atrocities like the holocaust happen again. south africa, i decided to bring the case before the world's highest court after un resolutions calling for a stop to israel's actions in gosh, i were either vetoed or ignored by israel is a compelling argument. the general site is being committed and in gaza on the basis that is in an under elation or can single facing indian corporation. and then also the, the, the, the, the quotes or for him is what i mean and stuff. and in general, as of the, i mean a to, to, to, to an elite, the entire population of put a student from, from the augusta the, the funding fund has been affinity of the game. so,
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but forgot is not free until the people of palestine. i think is, well, the nice it is committing genocide, calling the case blocked libel, a false anti semitic accusation. they say history will judge south africa. these really delegation was not available to comments. wednesday, exports on international law. call us ironic that 75. he is off to the genocide come side and was adopted because of the whole cost is really is for outlets will be in the dark facing genocide, accusations this fix here as a piece palace and they hate a high because the un court is the highest body the un has to uphold international law. south africa has asked the court for an urgent injunction to stop israel's military campaign, but cases at the i, c. j, usually take years. a decision, unprofessional measures, is expected within weeks. the procedure of the un as a whole, as a system is hanging in the balance here. this is
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a moment for the west to actually answer to the, the signs of the, of international law that they have has so sacred i. c, j. o. world court decisions are binding, but the court has no power to enforce them. recently me, on my end, russia ignored verdicts to stop potential genocidal exit government on south africa . hopes that if they win, it will further increase international pressure on countries like the united states who are backing is for out to do more to stop the fighting stuff fast and algebra take. well, let's take this one. we can speak nonsense. interesting. the modern yellow, whose are reader and lord livable john moles, university and a member of the legal team for god's evictions before the i. c c joins us live now from the hague. mr. martin dealer, welcome to out to 0 at 1st of just how strongly is the case to south africa. those files? would you say? what sort of of main things both having me. i seem to be these are very nice to boston on vacation bus. i'm going to the by so,
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so i see that to the international goals to jones t. so that clearly shows a how is it right now? sorry to have booking, please send another call him back to him because of to see that seems to the 7th of october, we did this pacific king bed, which is what divides genocide onto the international students throwing poly senior on. so i see them has it, but they need to go in to go to sleep. it says throwing up in case something because it clearly shows that this column docs and they have a 5 to the must givings to the, causing the tedious mental and physical themselves. so you can add to the restriction of the basic of the strong support for life. so when you, because a sweet black a default to this place, man, the line to the structural the can cease them. uh, with that being said that these contacts have been the 14, please want to be 10 till this point, but i need them to. but generally what these dc goes to do, what i show from dental site is to prevent pool pool, sorry,
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being done to complete the general site. but the salt, i think, i'm sorry to hear have submitted the lease to all of the statements by any party. because you did see that see, because trying to clear the general side of the content and they tell us a little bit about the price as i'm writing st could take months if not years, but they could be an interim judgment that could come within weeks. it would say, could say, cease and desist to his ro just stopped the toilet. it is. so the main, so to gauge this caused a key. so that's generally the heating so quite long. but for the vision for police or push will put the sharp mx with that single gen proceedings before. and that's why big, but yeah, i think the all the other cases that the d i, c j is dealing with. it's going to be a decision on a by s, u, v, tracfone's government generally, or in fact by the, you know, the case, it okay to be self, the key to each, what does he show?
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so tomorrow that would be the view, certainly to the bi philadelphia government. they asked him, but he said, and then we would see what top inside the state school due into being these proceedings and so forth. if you saw us, i was not to go all the ease of end and that the case being that i tried to go through a job because we should provision. i'm actually reaching out and making sure that's going to be issued, including the, the seas 5 and the if it's cool with that piece, right, that's cool. me to the general side. but also in the case, you know, way to judge is believe that there is at risk of completion of the channels. i sold a threshold these right matches always say compared to a judgment, the into the battery so that we've come up to. but how much tease would that kind of decision have? because israel cannot be forced to comply, it can just ignore it, like, and we've seen that before with russia and ukraine. and when the legal leader, this usually is binding to the house, cost of the building for somebody told me that the show on we'd be,
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we'd be political. but so what, what we know of saying, i'm just curious. he said we'd be been a dispute for don't states including the 2 nightstands. we can know it does. you show like a visa, so or what? i'd like to the hop. pay me that the for each time. so does he show the on says 5 is who would come back with the security code and see the question. if you use how the us, we can know the, so it was some of these fire with the band being to the see show no windows asian nation, somebody get to j, qualify. we could have the general site as being completed as far as the notes, just to be clear, every state including of us, if we make up a big song, not so if we need to hold a big chunk between false any that you don't have coming. so many dimension, i'll go to the just the said, i will say it will be a discount on the east, but those states will multiplan man sent to the future was fantastic to have your expertise. do appreciate i trust you on the amount of new hello i speaking just that from the hey, you interesting. see how it opens out of that case,
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starting at the hague tomorrow. thank you. thank you. what is rose? will cabinet has been holding meetings where among other things are looking at how the administration moves forward and it's campaign in gaza and with the situation stand, we'll see here, release of captives. i'm dissolute. joins is not for much bodies tourism a 100. what are we had coming out of these will comment towards as well. we do know that israel's work cabinet kenzie this evening with 2 major items on the agenda. the 1st. what's going to happen after the war? the so called day after. how about us as referred to by prime minister benjamin netanyahu? but the 2nd thing on the table was the issue of the captives. and remember, this is the most important issue within is really society. the families of the captives have been putting a lot of pressure on these really prime minister telling him that enough time has gone by without any results. and in fact, just today, those families speaking out saying that these really should take any deal. that is
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all the table and it comes as there are reports of it is really delegation in egypt, in hopes of restarting these talks that were stalled after the assassination of him as the leader solace liability in they do it. but i want to point to some comments by these really prime minister today as well. he said that there are a few things he wanted to reiterate. what are israel's policies? he said that the displacement of palestinians from gaza is not these really policy . but israel quote, does not target civilians and is conducting this military campaign within the bounds of international law. now we have to note that has been disputed and there have been experts who have said that that is simply not the way these really military has been conducting itself. he also says that civilians inside of gauze us should listen to warnings by these really military to leave other areas where leaflets are dropped, where they are told it is a war zone. but again, this is
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a densely populated piece of land with more than 2000000 people living there. a lot of them for young multiple times going to areas in the south where there is now intensified bombardment sources on the ground. our reporters will tell you time and time again. there is no safe place in gaza. so the words of these really prime minister, he's just trying to make a point here, read or doing, but these really is our quote doing what they can to keep civilians out of harm's way. but just look at the death toll that has mounted more than 23000 people have been killed. 60000, others are injured. these early prime minister also says that the war is going to continue until all 3 of israel's objectives are achieved. i'm that thanks. that's at home, the sound of the party street. the
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. so the united nations security council is expected to vote on the resolution. demanding of holds with tax on vessels. carried out by evans, 50 fighters in the red sea. the drop resolution was brought forward by the united states houses. there is different match, get it to change base of the united nation spokesmen stuff. and you, rich, if you was concerning. the rising tensions in the red sea could threaten the work of the un special envoy pm in hunt. going back in the finalizing piece discussions between saudi arabian, whose it is what he had to say. hans greenberg has done immense work in the last few weeks, bringing the parties together, pushing them towards the roadmap, towards a political discussions. under a un auspices, we would hate to see anything or any acts. put that at risk. well, this comes as a us and u. k. military side, they repelled the law, truth the attack over the red sea. us defense ministry says 18 drains and 3
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missiles with launch from control pot to you. having no damage to vessels or injuries were reported. few feats of launch multiple attack, so much of ships and supported palestine of you guys won't, it will take action to protect the international shipping lives. all right, let's cross over to j space. now out of market, it's a, he's a, the un headquarters in h t that tell us more about the state what we can expect to happen then when it's going to be or yeah, what's happening right now, nick is the security council is meeting in a closed session, they've been talking about the latest situation in casa, being briefed on the latest and gaza, and discussing the options. there's a list of 3 options that you answer because john was put forward full gaza. then moving on to discussion about this resolution, which they were supposed to vote on some hours ago. this is the resolution, which is condemning the action of the who sees and what's happened been happening in recent weeks in the red sea. it's a resolution this proposed by the united states to condemn these actions,
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and those that he sees to stop disrupting shipping in the red sea. the problem for the united states behind the scenes is yes as this resolution. but in the last couple of hours, russia has table base, which is 3 different amendments to the resolution. russia is concerned of some of the concerns that you have the from of the spokes person for the 2nd country general that this could be stabilize the overall a piece process, the right on the easy front. you all piece that exists in yemen. but also, i think the russians are concerned that some of the language in this resolution, which takes note of countries right to, to, um, to defend against the who things might be seen as a green light for west and military action against the who sees. and so we have an interesting situation coming up and i would estimate, i can't tell you exactly because what's going on now? is it a close meeting? i come want, you know, i don't know how long it's taking,
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but we are in touch by whatsapp with various people in that meeting. we're estimating in the next hour or so, but you will get a vote on this resolution from the united states. but 1st, individually, on these 3 different amendments that are being put forward by russia now, in russia's ambassador walked into the meeting. i asked him if you get, don't get your amendments through. are you going to veto this resolution? i'm afraid to say he just said, you'll have to wait and see. all right, well let's see what happens and spends about that in an hour or so, but they're also planned through you admission to enter northern does that we're hearing about that. what have you found out? yeah, this is something that was proposed actually by the united states by psychiatry, blinking when he was in israel is one of the things he got through. i think that through these right, the leadership of the permission for the un to send this assessment team to look at all different aspects of the situation in northern garza to look at how people
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could return at scale to that homes and to look longer to and what they could do about reconstruction of gaza view and assets on this as being land. and she started this week by a new very senior coordinator for the humanitarian and reconstruction efforts. she secret called she's a former deputy prime minister of the netherlands, a full, the finance minister, and foreign minister. she's been meeting here in new york with a senior diplomats from the permanent members of the security council and from regional countries. i caught up with a briefly, i have to tell you, i didn't get much further than a very brief chat because she said to me, she wasn't doing interviews at this stage because she wants to be fully across that brief. and she wanted to visit the region 1st before she spoke to reporters or james that more later at the time being thanks a lot. now the fishing industry and jobs has been devastated by the war about 4000 fishermen depends on it for a livelihood. he is a faced restrictions and pays by these ran the government now about 3 months into
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the war. many fear they wouldn't have a job to go back to even after it a says getting no problem though they were more than a 160 boats. and gauze has been in blackboard at least 130. 1 of them all out of service is a good idea of like having most of the boxes fishing sectors, the 2nd most profitable on the street. these radio occupations being targeting the industry since 2006. we've repeatedly said that these really governments directly deliberately and systematically destroying fishing sector to pursuing, chasing, and shooting off fishermen. this has led to more killing destruction and confiscation of fishing boats as palestinians. the fishermen that had that launched ship destruction since israel started its will on the gauze. the strip again stopped people. yeah, i mean. busy i have them at this, you can see the total destruction. the seas are only source of livelihood. all we can do is fish. we can't do any other job. i've lost cousins, family money,
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and our boats. now we don't even have food. nothing is left for us at all. what's the matter when our situation became miserable and we no longer knew what to do, we came here. we spent 3 nights sleeping on the streets without food or water. kind people gave us some blankets. these really forces begin firing at 5 in the morning . our children are sick and we've lost almost all hope is the port is completely destroyed. this boat is birch, and this one was targeted. and the 3rd one was targeted over there. this means that we can die at any moment here. the destruction and firing is ongoing. most of the out of town and i know them. yeah. by now we can safely say that no single boats working. there's no single but working in north gone. so these radio occupations totally destroyed the, so i'm only pulled in gaza strip at the will stops. now, the fisherman and casa will find that there are no boats for fishing. why?
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say i deem that can be a well, the conditions of the fishing boats up to 16 years of operating have become worn out. all fishing sector needs millions to be able to operate properly here. kids of the hours i still live here. now does there a government in that could all storm a tv station will be live from the capital key to the 1st state of emergencies being flat gun on the follow the term, which is what he's been out likely now across the good parts of the year. we've got so should we say less colder in the nose, but sir, will come back towards the south. and that's because we have high pressure as just squeezing it's influence a little further south with as we go on through the next couple of days as a blocking of the system, it will take visa,
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where the systems house and the atlantic at baby we have got some wet weather coming in across the spain and portugal, some found right here some snow way with the high ground for the parent needs. the storms rumbling away across the met. it's right in the southern north that you see, we do have some snow just around that to western side of rush. it coming down into cry minus one itself is a must go. so that's for me that it has been does a good deal coded by the time you do come to friday? having said that, a lot of the drive by the very across, know the positive here, down towards the sound, little a single figure struggling to get into double figures. the madrid for rogue of athens shower has the right across them, but it's radius and looking very on several here in the coming days. little bit of a sudden weather to coming out of that same system, brushing the fondles all valgy area and northern areas of trans. yeah. was up malta and a similar picture as we go on through friday. i'll swear across those to africa. it is dry. all the way into the gulf of guinea. the
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president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, slaving under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy so their own tri, hoses down to. so the panels on his roof for decades, the number line on diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowds from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy they need kind on state fits future of fossil fuels, no renewables, the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power stations, burning coal, shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china, but the government remains committed to colon,
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guess it's the the any what you know, it's there about top stores and health officials and goes to say more than 40 people have been killed in new is ready, strikes the out. i so hospital the house is from to the city of the by law in central cost us extra estate. and to the blinking says he's discuss reforming the palestinian authority with the speed of my free to best adults. part of his why that different magic tourism at least which triggered protest in ramallah. if united nations security council expects to vote on the resolution to monte a hopes with times on the pencils carried out by human speaking fights and the red sea dropped resolution was brought forth by the united states. so let's get more
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now on that straightened out, exit hospital correspondent and i'll go daddy. as more from de paula, just off to that is ready asked right shit. just to morning. some of us may find images in her report to stomach deluxe. the hospital has been targeted with these 3 is right, the air strikes in the past hour. here is a residential building that has been targeted by the is there any, were planes today? this is a building in front of the entrance of ox, off hospitals. as you see, this is one of the main gate for up to hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the minister of house have been severely damaged from the asked
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right? here is the hospital. this, this at street is a very busy street where people of our walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the hosp with us and, and not only the people parts. there are cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our, our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here, where people normally send fluids and people who normally buy stuff. there's a very heartbreaking story you where of the last a guy who said laughing has been accepted by a sharpening and he was killed by your unfortunate to be on the wall. we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients.
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dozens of injuries are now in just a lock, so hospitable, where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible as we tried to talk to the policy municipal house and ask them about the injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come some because the ambulance is not transferring the injuries. and the killings from this era strikes, this is in the put the for obviously, you know, there is, but i have up to hospital casa, ok. all right, let's bring it in. now just seeing if luke, i'm his mom, the shower and i would as we see that the terrible atrocities continue engaged at the a. and i just want to bring this point to the, is there any problem is have been menda yahoo saying that israel has no intention of permanently occupying causal displacing its civilian population. it's fighting
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him as tara's not in the senior population. and we're doing so in full compliance with international law saying that the head of this i c j a case tomorrow the south africa is broke. so we'll talk about a minute. but what do you make of breakfast will? i think the key word here to spare, minutely as i was not permitted to occupy the gaza strip. of course is that it has for 56 years temporarily occupied at westbank garza and east jerusalem. it's always temporarily. the biggest problem of order and international relations is when the temporary becomes permanent. so what he's saying, we're not going to do. it's been fairly, i think no one picks him seriously because it has been occupied by a senior last for more than 56 years. i think there's this, there's a tone of desperation. in the end, the voice of a pragmatist and nothing, you know, especially where it's comes after blinking,
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had apparently sometimes conversation with these various because you see, i think we need to on that line this once and again. i mean, it needs to be really grateful to the united states, but not for the obvious reasons, which is ottoman goes. red financing is red, she think, is an international arena. and so as of what these are clear reasons why is at least to us tanks of stars for american assistance. but above all, today is what i should be grateful to america's advice. the fact that is that it has not been listed in the past 3 months. makes it stupid. i mean, to put it simply and clearly because what i did is putting these values. now, for example, this is that there is a court the, the, the oldest, the most of the world's court. i, c, j. the international court of justice is discussing your genocide. you presumably
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the songs and the grandchildren of the holocaust survivors. you are being accused of genocide. yeah. and that's how that's happening tomorrow morning at the hey, actually the start of the process and there's a good case to be made. and that's why the c j is discussing good and soft alpha with a long history of being the victim of apartheid and an international side. so. so what is the one that's bringing the case with the international? the fact that is what it will not even entertain for a good number of weeks. now months pre meditated in here to the front of city is avoiding certificate and casual. there's so much so that the american president talks about is red, indiscriminate bombings of guys, which is a violation of international law. and a war crime is also for best buy the american president himself. so blinking on other america officials have been purging. these are these to act more diplomatically, more humanely keep up the appears at least at least depth as the united states have
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been doing, or prospecting hill motorized said here and the value of your, my life, right? so it has not been, don't do it until the last 48 hours. now the ice is talking about allowing human if you are in an allowing united nations to go up together and find that a, the prime minister of is or say, well, you know, we haven't really been cutting. it's have must have been, can i get it's desperate. it's a bit too late. unfortunately, here we go to a minute or so left mullen and say this, this case is just a coming before the united nations talk. cool. i see j is a hate tomorrow. and well, it's good to go on for some time for months, maybe even yes, but what could come from it is this into a measure which would aim to hold israel's ongoing assaults at one of the prospect's about i think it's somewhere between possible and probably more i lean towards probably there's a very good case made by the south african either there's a couple of times the case is very strong against is right. and for the way it's
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conducted this war. unfortunately, i must emphasize that the palestinians and drugs are, would not be watching the proceedings of the fort because they are too busy dying. that's too busy looking for a shelter. there are too busy looking for clean water and food in gaza. so the people who are being discussed at the hague absolutely have no time to watch because they are dying. they are in the hospitals, and they are taking care of their loved ones. so this would it be somewhere between possible and probable? hopefully that wouldn't be a decision by the court to ask, is there a to cease and desist, basically have to stop the war and therefore the discussions at the court? is there a listen? probably not most probably not with the united states, but then more pressure hopefully yes. all right, well we'll see how things print out from tomorrow at moment for the time being. thanks very much. well echo as president has ordered that criminal gains be
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neutralized off the days of violence. culminated in the attack on the televisions, judy i must gunman and broke into public television channel. tcs, live studio, jury and protests. at least 10 people have been killed since a 60 day state of emergency begun in ecuador on monday. and it's under up yet. you reports not from the capital key to the lights flitted, showed that it's our main storming this tv station. and why a q and taking the hosting crew hostage shots were heard, and the said is, during the least bit not to be home before the signal was cut off. it was the most praising attack in the day of chaos across ecuador, gang members, detonated car bombs, attacked universities, and keeping that there killed policemen in several cities in the declaration of war against the government of president. then he has no boar and his attempts that executed the crack down. natalie, $42.00 and a lot of able to 35 year old president who began is during the less than 2 months
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ago, responded by declaring a state of internal conflict a day after decreeing a 60 day state of emergency and nighttime curfew. he named 22 games, this terrorist organizations and military targets. up at this moment though, from this moment, every terrace group mentioned in the degree that it has become a military target. the present and future of our country is that place. we will not the system or negotiate the price is, is escalate to the following. the escape from prison on sunday, a door to macias, better known as the to like what the most powerful drug lord before he could be transferred to a different prison. the violence broke out in the coastal city of y a keeling these mean as the but is extended to the capital key to an even to safe and peaceful curious locations like queen. okay. have you all citizens who were afraid today there are tax in quito,
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tanka vedo. every way the police arrested 13 gunmen who allegedly took over the television station and freed the hostages. but they have been unable to stop the rest of the mag and neighboring, but who also declared an emergency along its not a border. in recent years, equis there has been living to an unprecedented security crisis, fuels by drug trafficking that out to a piece of field to address during get into latin america's most dangerous country . the most difficult. we all know that when there are attempts to transfer powerful prisoners wireless. okay, here's the question, is why the government isn't able to take preventive measures. the escalation of violence was a time bomb that has exploded in president no voice hands. and so far, nobody has been able to break the link between the present gang, send the violence that has brought ask whether to unprecedented levels of care and fear less than that. i'm 50 as,
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as the key when it's got lots key to now let's andre joins is from the amazon during the day off to some extraordinary development across that go to how tens is the situation absolutely. nic. well, tensions and intentions remain hired. people are anguished by what's happened and the last $24.00 or 48 hours in the country. they're still trying to make sense of how the gangs have been able to create so much a callous not only inside the prisons, but also outside in the number of cities across the country. and whether it has been biased overall today. um, even if there have been a number of isolated incidents, we understand the also that police and military's operations are under way the price is far from over del, given the fact that according to the old story, these at least a 139 people,
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most of them prison guides and other prison. ready used to still remain in the hands of the inmates that have taken over at least 5 major prisons in the country. and nothing has happened there yet. we are expecting the head of the on forces add to speak in the next hour or a hour or so and give a new information about how those operations are going here in the capital. busy keith overall has been a quiet day. the streets of been mostly empty compared to a normal work day. schools are closed, they will remain close at least all of this week. the same for a public office is also um the state of emergency roommates in place, which means that there is a curfew at night from 11 pm on sale at 5 am. so obviously this is a situation that have that, that has many people on edge up and hoping to hear more from the president to
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present. no, boy, i spoke earlier to a local radio. he said that this was the consequences of is an attempt to crack down on the gangs inside and outside the prison. instead, he will not back down that he will continue with this plans, including the plans of building 2 mega prison associates calling them, which is hoping to start the later this month. we are going to see how all of this a will play out the also a now send that interview that he spoke to the government of colombia and he's planning to the port around $1500.00 uh, forward in a and prisoners uh, almost all of them. uh, colombians and that. busy so he spoke to the government of the us and other international governments to say that are supporting him and ready to help him and his fight against the, the gangs and drug traffickers. and as andre, thanks for that,
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that was on jerome gives you the key to of hundreds of protest as much with the proven capital of lima to money. just as for thousands of demonstrators killed a year ago, the bun is criticizing president. deena biase, do they blame for the tests more than 60 people were killed in protest around the country when president federal castillo was asked to from top to december 2022 potentially historical hearing is taking place in the house. us house of representatives republicans of held the 1st hearing that could lead to the impeachment of us homeland security is actually out of the router. but your because by the client is more details. so we're losing our country down there. cheated red, oregon capitol hill is republicans make their 1st move in the attempt to impeach the secretary of homeland security. alejandro may or guess the 1st latino and immigrant in that position. we're going to engage them. he's going to be engaged
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and he should be the executive in charge of the border policy for, for present a bud. democrats, a, this is political theater and that you can't impeach someone because you disagree with our policy is now campaign season. and republicans were recently rolled out. they are impeachment proceedings, i guess secretary or like a pre plan, pre determined political stand. it is the threshold for impeachment is an official needs to be found to have committed treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors. republicans have now offered any evidence that he committed those crimes and the witnesses wednesday did not offer any proofs. the secretaries abdicated is official duties, is in dereliction of duty, and should be held accountable. they point to a record number of migrants at the southern border. $250000.00 people crossed into
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the us in just the month of december. republicans blame president jo buttons, policies for the influx. i've seen lots of reports about arguments about policy. i've seen nothing the rise level of an impeachable offense in the history of the country. only one cabinet member has ever been in peace. secretary for william bell in that for breeds and bribery, in 18. 76. still, even with a very slim majority, republicans are hoping to make history again. and if not, at least a few headlines. patty calhane, l g 0, washington. gerald russian opposition lead or legs in the valid is made its 1st public appearance by a video called since being transferred to an optic penal colony. the valley was moved to the so called the potent wolf calling me in a region nearly 2000 kilometers through most of the scene is one of the toughest jails in russia. speaking with john list on the vehicle around the pitts be in good spirits. i still
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a head aaron had 0 i'm trying to get your all sca in the hallway, female referees or preparing to make the debut at the asian come along. so new technology which could fix the problems via the
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the sales and support his center. thank you very much. and nick was this just 2 days ago before the delay, the asian carpet begins here, and cutoff organizer say, and then the 9 of the 1000 tickets being sold so far. all but one of the savings
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used at the 2022 fif i woke up will be on show, with the sell hosting the opening game between defending time discounts. all 11 on i do is just send has more of this just every year since origin seen it listed, the men's world cup and castle. all the country is now getting ready to host a issues biggest international football tournaments. china happening to, to host this addition of the asian cup of pulled out in 2022 to 2. it's 0 coverage, 19 policy and capsule as woke up hosts in whitening at that time. we're in the perfect position to step up. you'll notice the part of our legacy to keep using these venues and the stadiums as well. uh, one of the cuts out is the company that i like to have part of support. so all is going to be keep using charlotte, hosting these big events. so to always be lock developer, legacy is not the only the stadium is the save him and all the facilities on the palestine will be making back the consecutive appearance and the finals seem determined to be
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a focal points of calls. the tendency full that people are also aiming. so when i 1st have a game at this tournaments for caps, all the hosts, they are a team with the points of prove they all the writing champions, having one, the cycling 29 seen in the united arab emirates, that i failed to replicate that full on the world stage that will cope campaign in 2020, to beginning with high speculations. it ended with 3 straight defeats since then. they have $52.00 national coaches, spines, tense in mark has the man who being charged at this tournament. somebody with experience of working capital is national. a spar academy, also in castles domestic lee, but he's had a very limited amount of time with this was the reference to retain the title. begin on friday at the sale stadium. the venue went on and seen a beat friends in that will come final. this time it's council versus 11 in the 1st of 51 much is coming your way in this 18 position of the agent. come on the
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richardson elders era. so while the teams are getting ready for the asian cub a, so to all the rest of these, as you want to catch oscar reports, if you, more officials will make a historic of it's at the content as the biggest football charlotte, these are the women and men whose decisions could make or break a team at the asian company. 74 much efficient was more than ever before putting the final touches to that preparations ahead of kick off on friday. and for the 1st time, we've been referees who make that d. i think with the way the world football is heading and you know, the, the movement that women's football is, is making not a name or missile, but now in the men space as well. um, it's certainly a bridging the gas for us, very freeze. it's a imitator. we are not. uh, we are not deficient that meets end by gender. when did the middle. so a females ultimately via all the references under one umbrella. and i liked you
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that because of the, a training like the family. so if it's the one team, a team member can decide who i would see and decision how you see me. yamashita was one of 6 female officials who made history at the fee for woke up in castle in 2022 . she down leads a group of 5 here at the agent coming. i'm buried. oh not to be here. um, i have always felt america to show what the female i for you can do in this tournament. and i hope this opportunity connected to the next generation just like the play as these referees at them preparing for months for the tournaments, taking part to move in 20 seminars workshops, a much simulations like this one to make sure they know the rules of the game inside announce they'll also be using videos to sit referees for the entire tournament for the 1st time. they all have been the cause of some controversial and incorrect decisions since its introduction to needs around the world, including the english premier league almost 5 years ago. but it's hard,
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the technology here will help referees avoid making mistakes. for the asian cop, we use what's known as semi automation upside technology for the 1st time after its successful implementation at the wells copier and capital in 2022. that involves 12 cameras tracking the bowl and $29.00 points in the body of each player, 50 times per 2nd to help video assistant referees make the right of side decisions . that's certainly i think that's a microscope on officials at the moment, especially with they are in the expectation that we, we get everything right. and we, and we see everything. and that's all we're taking extra care and the outcome will hopefully be a good decisions on the field. you technology should tackle the issues be all has cost, but it will replace the human instinct of the men and women who will ultimately make the final decisions. do you want to get a real sca out to 0? the english and the cup semi final between live
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a pool and for them it has just finished william gave for them at the lead and fields. and the 1st set of this time is were 5 livable, get back to the break goals from the curtis jones and we do get to as soon as livable to room one on tuesday. chelsea last one now, i guess middle school and the 1st day of their semi mcroy says goals needs to think about starting up a will to the full time a to champion, met up with england football, addiction, rice ahead of the divide invitational. my quote, once more events in australia, south africa and depends, the game structure remains in limbo with the north american base. pga tour locked in, marja, tulsa with the saudi arabian back lift gulf competition. and i think everyone needs to start thinking more globally around a globally in a and a holistic way. not really like this to her doctor and other to really like, okay,
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well what is the best? what is the best structure for a leap man's profession is also you know, the top 70 to 100 guys in the world. what would that look like? especially if, if the game is going to look different going forward and everything's on the table . i, i just think it's worth having that conversation and writing a champion also a lot. so yeah, has secured his 1st stage when i this is the car riley, the category is now a driving for the british space that pro dr team and sits 2nd. and the overall standings he's aiming to win the title for 6 time. the 2 week raised in saudi arabia finishes on january the 19th and that's always full for me. we'll have more for you later on, including the, the updates for the asian cops. but for now it's back to nick. so the thanks very much indeed. yeah, that's it for this news. news coming up in another house. full certificate,
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a website out there, a dot com is the address. plenty of coming to them. now let's just right there of all the days we'll see in a bit plus the its undisputed, the $72.00 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india in 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mob of locals along side the state governments prevention of constabulary personnel over 30 years later in the district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten,
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must occur on the jersey to the memory center for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating a chart fen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rated and lexie, though they're still quite as b. o. but as it less indeed this bit of a humble sort for them to become a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. the list of trade in short fences value, hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm which i didn't mind that then. okay, one more thing, go that on the reading that i'm assume that we're talking about. we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators aint of dismantling or ring a short den traffickers video be my gosh. okay, think of that. he always thinks under the same, you know,
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so the following is car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead or rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species a sharp at risk he said the $47.00 of the the time on the clock. this is news on live nto. it coming up. the next 60 minutes is really strikes to target central dogs that 40 people killed the attack the out. i so hospital deliberating you money to, to, and hate in guys that continues to face nearly certain amount of training, just too dangerous to operate. the world health organization cancelled in


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