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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the depths investigations the gift, compelling in science, inter toes from asia. pacific one. 0 one east. on out to 0. the he's ready and strikes. tom gets central dogs, a full t people are killed in an attack now. ok, so hospital the i'm having to speak of this is i just need a live from the also coming up for palestinian red crescent stuff is killed in an x ray. the strike on an ambulance in service in the central gauze is route charged with genocide, palestinians, coal for justice. the head of
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a landmark case at the international court of justice. the un security council of tops a resolution demanding an immediate hold to who the attacks and the red sea. the is ro is intensifying its bombardment of central and southern guns and ambulance and area sheltering displaced. families were among those hit. more than 40 people were killed in a strike on a residential building near the locks. the hospital. a correspondent hinden hold that he has more now from dallas better just off the one to attack and a warning some view as may find the images in her report. the study that up so hospitalized has been targeted with at least 3 is right. the air strikes in the past hour. here is the residential building that has been targeted by the is there any, were planes today?
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this is a building in front of the entrance of ox, off hospitals. as you see, this is one of the main gate for up to the hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the minister of house have been severely damaged from the asked right? here is the hospital this, this at street is a very busy street where people of our walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the hospitalized. and, and not only the people's parts, there are cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our, our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here,
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where people normally send fluids. and people who normally buy stuff. there's a very heartbreaking story you where of the last a guy who said laughing has been accepted by a sharpening and he was killed by your unfortunate to be on the wall. we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients, dozens of injuries are now in just a lock, so hospitable, where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible as we tried to talk to the policy municipal house and ask them about the injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come some because i'm going to not top transferring the injuries and the killings from this era strikes. this is
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in the put the for obviously, you know, there is, but i have up to the hospital casa, i thought it was zoom, has more now from roughly in southern gaza. that compartment did not stop during the last few hours. of course, the territory and the last hour exactly more attacks have been carried out against roof district in the south part of the, of cause a strip where a farmland had been hit. that was sheltering displaced evacuees where it finds palestinians reported killed, including 4 children who will have been also killed in the air strike. and this is a part of the ongoing series of attacks on the south as roughly yesterday had been hate at the same time. right. now, at the top that was being hit again, we're also con, you to city had been us into for the military operations of the last a few hours, where we can see more elimination of class have been fired on the facility of the, the nozzler hospital where it had lights and all this quite the,
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usually the use of the ministry, the flies have been fired by these really made it tree. and that part of cause, just to give a clear vision for the maneuver trips, who are still operating in a hot eunice as they are twice to a deep full control over the city. and we can say that the middle school renee, it's on the a bit of coordinates in the last hour had been on the want military ongoing button . and by the use read off to read the as a residential building, get almost all right, refugee camp was destroyed. and those of how the city is today in the middle, the coordinates have been ended up being transported to an ox, a hospital, which is a new attack to they had been carried out on it's pacific. just a few meters away from the medical complex. as these kinds of village attacks today, you had claimed the lives of at least 147 policy and alongside with more than 240 others being wanted till now. in the us,
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a secretary of state anthony blinking to across the region has seen who visit run my lot, where he met with palestinian president who the best the to discuss the future. garza including possible steps towards the palestinian state of lincoln's presence let to protest, and i'm all up with many tiring banners opposing the business excuse us of complacency. and what they feel is really genocide in does talk as well about the importance of reforming the pulse, spending authority, policy and governance so that it can effectively take responsibility for gaza. that the so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership. it's very clear to me for the president of boston. he's prepared to move forward and engage in all these efforts. crowds of ramallah also rally to thank south africans for supporting palestinians during the war. south
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africa, lawrence, the legal case with the top you encode accusing israel of genocide. hold on that. how many has more from a among the crowd, the people were quite satisfied and there was a certain degree. 1 of i would say relief in the sense that many told us was finally as someone is speaking, you know name and hoping that really the move of south africa. that $84.00 page filing in which south africa describes what it considers as acts of genocide. you'll need to do with the palestinians of would be taken into consideration and maybe we'll reverberate a bunk more countries around the world because the palestinians have been extremely frustrated by the new world reaction of maybe we'll leaders when it comes to the applied no, only now during this guy's a war, but for the past decades, oh,
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you know the situation here, the okay, bite was back. this continues lead, grab the expansion of settlement. how's the pollution? all that they have been in jury on a daily basis. and then there was a 2nd message, which i think was probably the most important one in the short term, which is hoping that that move would put pressure on an international level to bring a ceasefire. every person we spoke to that was listening or every person that was on, on the podium talking was, was good bang the same message as these fire needs to come immediately. and you many tear you in a nice to go in in much bigger numbers because the needs of the file is sinews in guys. absolutely enormous venue with just telling me. no, it's not just about the ceasefire. people will continue to die because of these, these people will continue to die because they're sleeping in the cold. people will
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continue to die because of many things. so certainly that was the main message of israel is being prosecuted on charges of genocide at the international court of justice. later on thursday, the you and stop court is being judged by south africa to order provisional measures to protect civilians. but as ask them about our reports, the case may take years to resolve a tough legal battle for as well as the international court of justice. these lawyers are attempting to dismiss south african planes. tennessee is committing genocide against the by the city is saying it's, but it's res, instead of continued self defense. but the root cabinet of his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, is feeling the pressure and the international cause for an immediate and to be as well as bombardment of gaza. on the rise. the state of israel will appear before the international court of justice at the hague. to dispel south africa is absurd.
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blood libel, south africa is israel's big, is trading partner on the african continent. the governing polity of the african national congress agency continues to criticize as well as occupation of policy and territory in november, south africa recalled it's diplomats from as well. and has since become it's still just critic. we think that it is a textbook case of genocide unfolding. we think that the number of people being killed, particularly children, is a, has a significant level of gravity to it. and that in, in line with ours and he does those responsibilities signatories to the genocide convention. we have a duty to prevent a punish genocide south african lawyers believe they have a strong case of the ones high school. they say he's well is either committing
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genocide or failing to prevent it. the case may drag on for months or years. it will be asked you to investigate the crime of genocide. it's not going to come up with criminal consequences. it's going to come up with consequences such as reparations apologies that sorts of things you would expect in a civil case. although criminal prosecutions, i'm not expected. soft off because lawyer is hopefully i see j with act quickly because of the extreme and urgent light of protest in using gaza and all the is well, just stop for allowing a so it's an older cavities weight of the un. and the hope that we create more pressure among the international community to force is went into ending it's moved to the campaign of to move the 3 months of relentless bombardment on small to many
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people say they've lost the faith international institutions of many countries is supporting south africa and is hoping this legal case could succeed, hold the web. politicians have so far failed pressure of judges 0 home the said who joins us now from occupied east jerusalem. so what's been the reaction to they say in israel and what are we expecting out of that tomorrow? will the is rarely say that they deny all of the charges being brought against them by south africa and say that they plan on defending themselves at the international court of justice. these rallies are reportedly going to argue that the high number of civilian casualties is unintentional and strictly collateral damage in this war with him us. additionally, they're going to say,
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but there war is not with the civilian population that it is with high mass in gaza . but the reality on the ground is showing a much different story. you're looking at more than 23000 palestinians who have been killed. 60000 others who have been injured. 8000 who are missing and not to mention the 2000000 who have been displaced from their homes, forced to flee multiple times. these really is have repeatedly said that they give warnings to civilians to go to designated safe areas. but time and time again, these rallies have bombarded those same areas that they're telling civilians to go to. but the rhetoric is not so much shifting, but these really are trying to send a message in the back. just this evening is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu making a couple of points clear. let's take a listen. i want to make a few points absolutely clear, as well as no intentional,
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permanently occupying gaza, or displacing it civilian population as well as funding come us terrace. not the palestinian population and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. the idea of where just palestinian civilians to leave or zones by disseminating leaflets. making phone calls, providing safe passage quarter doors. welcome mos prevents palestinians from leaving a gunpoint and often with gun far. our goal is to rid guards of commerce, terrace, and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize, the radicalize, thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians alike. so all of these really prime minister is saying that he doesn't want the forcible displacement of palestinians
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from gaza. and this comes after there's been inflammatory rhetoric from members of the right wing camp from his coalition known ultra nationalist saying that palestinians should we've gone so there should be voluntary migration. and there should be a legal settlements in their place. but this is not the only rhetoric we've seen from is really officials remember at the beginning of the war from the highest level. they were saying that there was no difference between palestinians and gaza and how much there are no innocent people in gaza. remember the comments from israel's defense minister calling for a quote total siege on gaza? no water, no electricity, no medical supplies, no sort of humanitarian aid. so the charges that are brought against israel are more than just for the amount of death and injury and destruction. there also for the star ration of a population, the denial of medical and other types of necessary equipment that these people need
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to survive. and remember, if israel is found guilty of these charges of genocide or intent to commit genocide, it's going to change their standing in the international community. these really will find themselves in diplomatic problems because it will be difficult for countries who are standing with israel, like the united states, to continuously justify the actions that have been going on in this war. so a lot to look for in tomorrow's initial hearing or south africa will present the evidence. and then on friday with these really is, will have the chance to defend themselves. how to sell, who live 1st there in occupied eastern reason and thank you. a center head on i 0, no boats, no fish, and no response. palestinians fishermen and gaza as israel's war and is a 100 days the
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probably we have something of a rest bite from the snow for japan just a day or so. having said that, when are you, whether, what, whether that's in the process of pulling out. so the way the next, what a system that waiting in the wings just around the ask them, oh god yeah, slipping, further east with that we will say something ever when she makes just around the font northeast of china. that is the side of russia. c panel, the state laws who try, i'm 5 is the said to make the most of it because we do have more snow coming back in for us to northern half of the country, at least as we go on for friday. gray information. meanwhile, las, you try facing us, you drive much or try to respond to drive temperatures, thought it to pick up, we get into the mid scenes in shanghai on friday. so that some improvements here. something for you mentioned the weather tube across the knob allows you try one or 2 showers across and i try to but nothing too much to speak about, especially a shout was there and to the, for the piece of what to whether as per usual down to we'll see quite at
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a little south of the se, temperatures, so it's not 50. so you celsius that full single pool or heavy shell, supposed to mount track, pushing down into indonesia, still a few heavy showers just moving away from us for lanka, india on the improvement side for the next couple of days. long as you try, i'm finding the south state the or the,
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[000:00:00;00] the but again, you're watching. i just need a reminder, laptop stories, this residential building near the lock. the hospital is the latest to be hit by is rainy bombing in central gaza. at least 40 people were killed. 5 people also killed in a strike on a farm. sheltering displaced families in rough us next year st. anthony's making says he's discussed with forming the palestinian authority with its lead in my mood at best thoughts upon of his why that diplomatic towards the middle east, which triggered the protest in among the israel is being accused of genocide of the
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hearing of the international court of justice later on thursday, you and the top court is being judged by south africa to order provisional measures to protect the civilians. united nations security council has adopted a resolution demanding a hold to a tax on the vessels from humans who the font is in. the red seats for the head is the who is called the move a political game. and so the united states is the one violating international law on diplomatic and it's a change base is that the united nations with more to well, this is a resolution that condemns the attacks and the red sea by the who sees and says that those attacks must stop and takes notes of the rights of countries who are operating in the area to defend the, the amount of time assets. and so resolutions that i think was somewhat controversial with some of the countries on the security council,
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particularly russia, which had problems with this resolution. in fact, russia, the last minute decided to produce its own amendments, they have 3 different amendments. the resolution they wanted passed, those were voted on, they did not pause, and then the main resolution was put to the vote of the security council. and that resolution dates poss, russia, and china could have blocked it because they have a veto at the security council. they decided not to and abstained, and they would joined in that extension by mozambique. and also by algeria, which is the current arab member of the security council. all of those countries said they were worried about the potential for a, for a tax by west and villages on who's the target. so i can tell you that is also worthy of the united nations, of the spokesperson for the united nations. secretary general said that he was concerned that if there were any west in the tax and certainly secretary of state, that's me blinking and said if they're off for the who's the attacks,
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that will be consequences. will that who these then that could mean something very bad for the right on the easy piece we have in yemen, off the use of all the us be working very, very hard to try and to the very front you all piece into more of a pop up piece process, a sanctions rise between israel and hezbollah. these riley health ministry has ordered hospitals in the north to pass for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured patients. laura con has more from sasa in northern israel to the ministry of health is off all hospital surpass the case of pulled out rules that they may have thousands of emergency patients. now here in the north is specifically off hospitals to set up trauma tree eyes and create at least 50 percent capacity. that means losing all non emergency situations and patients that south educate extra hospital beds are they essentially want
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a fully functional and secure environment in case of an emergency. and they want these hospitals to beat the pad within 24 hours. notice across the country a few hours, no shift. once i give a directive, here in the north, there are 2 specific hospitals that zip and that's the thing to watch. the password deserts fine and situation, that's in case they get complete the cost of an isolated if they are under attacks, they need to still top on medical supplies. the also calling for more doctors to come and medical stuff to come into the country. as many of them are going to be on reserve as g g o may be caught up at any time that is an emergency budget, and i'm just going to read that out. this additional to the annual medical budget. so $350000000.00 us dollars will be added to the budget $100000000.00 to keep hospital safe, and a $150000000.00 to help us to deal with the loss of income and an increase
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expensive hiring and all the emergency track. now we have spoken to one of the health they say they've already had a contingency in place the last 3 months out. but now that the at the ministry is calling them all, they say this is clear that they are ramping up the rest rake, romping up a states of preparedness in case of old out war north on algae 0 process in northern israel. the, all right, taking a look at some of the new stories around the world. now the head of the ecuadorian military says, 300 gang members have been arrested, says the state of emergency was declared president daniel nobela imposed the measures officer. a powerful gang lead to escape prison has been riots and attacks and several cities in more than a $130.00 prison officers will taking hostage the ministry has been deployed to
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restore order. going to see that as a phone company, since it is considered a non international arm conflict, the armed forces have the power to use the legal weapons. and this is a change in the rules of engagement. lisa west connery will certainly be used as being used against the groups that have been identified as terrorist and not against common criminals, single. and then a call us larry a is a professor of development studies at and university te tell. he joins us now from quito equity. well, thanks very much for being with us. so, how did ecuador get to this point? how did did the games become so powerful that leaders are able to escape prison and, and take over the television stations and, and so interesting facing a very, a rapid change in use has to be one of the most they base for the countries
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you sell to make to where they're since 2019 they've cleaning rate. it was already as winds up by about 8 phones and last year in 2023. about a 7000 people because we came in as a result of a drug, a gas conflict, and expansion of the drug trafficking in the country. this was mostly the result of bucks, uses spanish and all the co cap is going to be show mostly equal in the current me a bar there with the weather, but also there will our neighboring countries. so this drawing easy is going troy, but are to develop good societies. and there is a conflict between different scots that is the reasoning of these iraq deleted their rate. is the police strongly put and that's what the reports are. they,
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the president has declared a state of emergency and it listed the, the, all me to, to help were still owed about where, where is the, the exit strategy here. what, what, what happens next? when in the states, the payment is, is in ms. nancy is, is supposed to have to last at least 2 months and it, in this kind of, it's kind of a shock, bye. and this is very difficult to concert in a short period of time. so we can expect, uh, probably some improvements in the, in the next couple of months. back this the blue show is saw finally a affecting the country guide to a my guess is that the situation will continue being very, very difficult for at least one or 2 more years. how would you, i mean, well, what is the situation? the security situation like right now,
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wait where you are. when i am leaving, keep the copy done. actually, the basic patient care is not solved. the pick was given that to the, the most effective originally, whether it is the quote it is so that the, then the latitude scenic, whether way, again, is, is badly damaged by violence. i know the receipt days in the part there with the columbia mostly is made out of this as well. however, the balance is not the way to spring in in order to vote all over the country. and most of the countries has been being in the more or less pacific situation. good to talk to, carla slattery at, thanks so much. have a list. thank you very much. how the field has narrowed in the race for the us republican policies? presidential nomination form a new jersey governor. of course christy has jumped out of that leaves nikki haley
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and ron descent is still competing. but former president donald trump remains the clear front run ahead of the 1st major vote in iowa next week. a jail russian opposition lead to alexa in a while only has made his 1st public appearance via video. cool. since hes transferred to an optic penal colony, he told you unless he was in good spirits. but his abrupt disappearance from the middle of hopeful prison last month raise concerns amongst supporters that he may have full, an ill or even died. polish police have arrested to form a politicians inside the presidential palace in wolf. so before interior minister and his deputy was sentenced to 2 years in jail last month for abuse of power when they were part of the government in 2007 polish president andre due to ad pods and both men in 2015 last year. the supreme court ruled that pardon was invalid.
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15 people have been killed in violent unrest in riots and pop when you get east capital, a port mosley. and the 2nd largest city of life. police track on wednesday over a pay cut escalated into a dramatic situation as hundreds flooded the streets and set a light shops and businesses. videos of the unrest jo, warehouses engulfed in flames, launch crowns of people engaging in looting and rioting. governor of the capital blamed the rights of what he called opportunist. back to the war on gauze and the fishing industry. there has been devastated. now many said they won't have a job to go back to off to the war ends. get know, probably about that one more than a $160.00 boats and gaza standard pallet codes at least $131.00 of them out of service is a good idea of like how much of the club i said fishing sectors. the 2nd to most profitable on the strip these radio occupations being targeting the industry since


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