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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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we are walking in the thoughts, that's our office or whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the alignment case, the international tools of justice is set to hear arguments from south africa, accusing israel of committing genocide against the people of gods. the hello i'm down, jordan, this is out to 0. 9 from doubles are coming up. is really strikes target central guys, up 40 people are killed in an attack. maybe i likes the hospital delivering the money to then have the guys that continues to face nearly inside of mountain training. just too dangerous to operate the world health organization councils in
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a mission to northern garza, for the 6th time in 2 weeks. that's up to a full understanding and read, present stoffers were killed and, and his really as frank, i'm an ambulance in central task. the we begin with what's expected to be a lunmark hearing of the international criminal court in the coming hours. the court will hear arguments on with a israel is committing genocide and it's more on gaza with a case pulled by south africa. choose israel, a violating the 1948 you in genocide convention with mass killings, expulsions, and statements describing palestinians as a sub human. when a head about hearing israel has continued to pound the gaza strip with it strikes 25000 palestinians more than 10000 of them. children have been killed, sofa you and says guys, it has become uninhabitable, but palestinians across the occupied westbank. i've been rallying in support of
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south africa's case the couch. we have seen a surge and illegal separate activity attacks and is running the rates from the hague step, fasten begins. our coverage is seen as one of the most prominent cases in the more than 75 year long history of the international court of justice. 17 judges will have to decide if it's ro is committing genocide. that is deliberately wiping out palestinians in gaza as an ethnic group entirely. or in part, the genocide convention was anonymously adopted in 1948 after world war 2, a unified commitment by the international community to never let atrocities like the holocaust happen again. south africa, i decided to bring the case before the world's highest court after un resolutions calling for a stop to israel's actions and goss. i were either feet, towed or ignored by israel, is a compelling argument. the general site is being committed and in gaza on the
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basis that is in, in elation or can single facing indian population. and then also the, the, the, the, the quotes or for him is what i mean, it's stuff. and then getting out of that, i'm able to, to, to, to an elite, the entire population of put a student from, from the augusta. the, the founding father has been very clear that the so buffer got is not free until the people of pee. this type of thing is reality nice. it is committing genocide calling the case blocked libel, a false anti semitic accusation. they say history will judge south africa. this really delegation was not available to comment. wednesday, exports on international law call us ironic that $75.00 he is off to the genocide convention was adopted because of the hollow costs, as well as for outlets will be in the dock facing genocide accusation. this fix here at the, please palace and they have
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a high because the un court is the highest funny. the un has to uphold international law. south africa has asked the court for an urgent injunction to stop is for health military campaign. by of cases at the i, c. j usually take years. a decision, unprofessional measures is expected within weeks. the procedure of the un as a whole, as a system is hanging in the balance here. this is a moment for the west to actually answer to the, the science of the, of international law that they have has so sacred i. c, j. o. world court decisions are binding, but the court has no power to enforce them. recently me, on my end, russia ignored verdicts to stop potential genocidal exit government. south africa hopes that if they win, it will further increase international pressure on countries like the united states who are backing is for out to do more to stop the fighting stuff fast and l just sierra take what stephanie that got joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem
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stuffy. so what's been the reaction to this and as well? so what are we expecting on thursday? that's the israel categorically denies the charges we will be hearing from them on friday. what we expect today is to hear from south africa, their application for preliminary measures, basically to argue that israel is committing genocide, not preventing jennifer side not doing enough to deal with those who are committing genocide. what's interesting is that south africa will be laying out a case that goes back before october, the 7th. this is to count to the argument that israel would be pushing forward where it's going to highlight the atrocities of how mass committed on october. the 7th that what it is doing in garza is self defense, that it is taking the utmost care not to target civilians. what south africa is going to argue, going back in time going back decades, that this is simply a pattern of israel's occupation of the palestinian people,
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and that it has simply escalated to unprecedented levels. now it has no clue, incidents that we heard from these really prime minister as well as taking this very seriously. indeed speaking in english, late last night is showing a statement to the international community. and this is what he had to say. i wanna make a few points absolutely clear, as well as no intentional, permanently occupying guys or, or displacing it civilian population as well as funding come us terrace is not the palestinian population and we are doing so in full compliance with international law. the adf is doing its utmost to minimize civilian casualties while come mazda is doing its utmost to maximize them by using palestinian civilians as human shields. the idea for just palestinian civilians to leave or zones by disseminating leaflets, making phone calls, providing safe passage corner doors. welcome mosse prevents palestinians from leaving a gun point, and often with gun far, our goal is to rid guys of commerce,
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terrace, and fear hostages. once this is achieved, guys, it can be demilitarize in the radicalized thereby creating a possibility for a better future for israel and palestinians alike. so south africa will be pointing at 3 highlights of how they're going to present this case. one, the category committee tree campaign, the extensive military campaign that israel has carried out, knowing also how capable israel this carry out precision strikes over 80 percent of the goals. the strip infrastructure and homes have been completely destroyed. also to humanitarian level, the withholding of humanitarian aid. the cutting off of water of holding back it's, you know, food and medical supplies. and 3rd, also it will be highlighting the rhetoric that has come out from the highest levels of government. here from these are the defense ministry, even from the prime minister, from other ministers calling for the burning of gods at cooling,
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the palestinians in gaza. the same as human animals would be dealt with as such. calling for the withholding the siege of the goals and strip withholding what are withholding food and uh, and it goes all and so all these things will be highlighted in south africa's case . again, these are preliminary measures that so i thought for ca is cooling for, but the legal on the list will tell you that even if the court will rule that yes, preliminarily is wrote, is responsible for carrying out acts of genocide or not preventing acts of genocide it will have shoot political and diplomatic a implications also mark morally and symbolically because the un genocide convention was set up off to the 2nd world war in the wake of the holocaust. to try to ensure that something like this would never happen again to have israel in the dark and potentially accused of it. certainly since a very powerful message. alright, stephanie, back on life,
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i stare and occupied these stories from stephanie's. thank you. as well, south africa's case is unimpressive, rented one, but the u. n. is highest legal body has been adjudicating international disputes for 78 years and expand, takes a closer look at the role of the i c j. i think the international court of justice, or i c j as being the united nations main judicial body since 1946. its main role is handling disputes between countries, most individuals and its decisions a legally binding. but it's also office legal advice to the united nations despite being dumped the wills. quote, the i c j's role is more limited than the name suggests. it can only resolve disputes of the countries involved have recognized its jurisdiction. the court has 15 judges elected by the un general assembly and the security council. it's laid by us judge join don't i. q a former state department official, entered the peachy is russian judge could either give odeon former ambassadors of
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an invalid. they all represent the different regions and legal systems, and it looks like this. 3 seats occupied by african judges. judges from messing america and the caribbean holds another 23 occupied by asian judges, 5 held by judges from western europe and other western countries into by judges from eastern europe. if a country involved in a case doesn't have a judge from its region on the beach, it can appoint a temporary one to that case. according to the union shots that the judges performed made use these individually knots as representatives of the home countries. in his history, the court has seen $193.00 cases, including disputes, or the land and maritime borders and genocide. one significant case was between nicaragua and the united states in 1986 when the i c j rule that the us had violated international by supporting rebels in nicaragua. but the us ignored the ruling and blocked enforcement action. so another major case was in 1993 when both
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in the year and hits a venus sued serbia, and montenegro for genocide. the defendants were found not directly responsible. alex bid, which is 0. while the quote tax comes as a israel continues to focus on the tax on central and southern gaza moving forward, the people were killed in a striking, a residential building. maybe alex the hospital correspond them him down could already has more now from the bottom, just off the one attack on a warning view as may find some of the images in her report to study or the hospital has been targeted with at least 3 is right the air strikes in the past hour. here is a residential building that has been targeted by the is there any, were planes today? this is a building in front of the entrance of ox, off hospitals. as you see,
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this is one of the main gate for up to hospice and, and a lot of people are seeking refuge here. and here, as you see, the ambulances of the ministry of house have been severely damaged from the air strikes. here is the hospital. this, this, this at street is a very busy street where people are walking 24 and 7 back and forth through the hosp with us and, and not only the people's park there their cars here. i remember that every single day we used to park our, our, our car over here in this street. as you see, all of the markets in here are damaged here, where people normally send food and people who normally buy stuff. there's a very heartbreaking story. you were a philosopher guy who said laughing has been accepted by
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a sharpness and he was killed by. it's unfortunate to be on the wall. we also see his blood on the philosopher's ingredients. dozens of injuries are now in a locks a hospital where the hospital is working on a very low capacity. and the doctors are trying to help as much people as possible as we tried to talk to the the signature of the house and ask them about the injuries. and the killings. they said that they couldn't even come some because the ambulance is not transferring the injuries. and the killings from this era strikes . this is include the for august the you know, that and, but i had up to the hospital because of the world health organization has canceled the emissions and northern gods of the 6th time. it's have to do so in 2 weeks. the
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chief of the doublet chose says it was cooled off because israel rejected their requests to send safe passage, couldn't be guaranteed israel to allow them to enter and deliver humanitarian aid. it comes with 6 people were killed, including 4 from the red crescent, went on his ready, striking an ambulance, and the city for delta mcmay now does that consulting search and who regularly visits gaza expand, increasing threat facing health workers. and gosh, we saw the beginnings of the dismantled bunch of i likes the hospital last week my last day operating and i like it was friday. and having spent all day operating on the last troll move victim, i came out to the operating today to to hear that that'd be the missed solid type on the intensive k unit that lunch time. so we were already saying stall, leaving,
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and progressively most stuff left off to that. the fee is ready, defense schools co got told us that it was no longer safe for any foreign doctors to go that because of that activity is. so our team and m. s. f were forced to leave the hospital and what else is happening now is very much what we said that uh, the attach we'd be getting close to and the majority of stuff, how have now let so i think it's look a stream, the likely that's i like so it will become complete disabled as a, as a healthcare facility. see effective state on sunday, blink, on this tour across the region, has seen him visit ramallah when he met with palestinian. the president must without pass, but to discuss the future goss, including possible steps towards the palace from the state. lincoln's presence led to protests, of umbrella and many carrying banners, opposing the visit us of complicity. and what vehicle is ready to genocide in
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causal punctual break here and i'll just say right, when we come back to you and the security council adults the resolution demanding and immediate hope. so to see a tax in the red sea, the hook is called it a political good morning. thanks the the color of the weather slot you set fabric cross c arabian plans that are defined and try whether place on the sunshine, texas. if anything a little about the app or is but, you know, just little cloud, we do have on set whether moving across northern parts of the region. so just around tech guy pushing either towards the caspian northern areas of best syria using across the rockies and across towards a good parts of iran. then as we go through the next couple of days, you can see how that to it does tend to snow over the higher ground for the south
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side of it. as long as you drive 26 celsius here in, di did 3 or 4 degrees above the average. so that's not too bad. things out. so pleasant minds. you across the is the side off the met. it's right. we have got more shabbots coming back into the left and so we say so what's the weather coming in to west and pops of seriously go 3 fast day 11 on this route. right down across the palestinian territories, occupied palestinian territories sang some showers went the way down into the gaza strip on this last day friday as a repeat performance. hopefully just drawing up a little as we go on into the last a parts of the week. happy to set that, but some more live the showers for that is the side of the med over the next few days. i just thought about it, so i didn't tell us the most african we could catch a shower would say, but else wherever slouchy, try and sunny the i have the right to boycott. anyone i want to and the state has no business getting
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involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level all that i can't support that one on tuesday or the the book about you're watching out. is there a quick reminder about top stories here at this hour? a residential building really unlocks the hospital. is the latest to be hit, size ready, plumbing it in central garza, at least 40 people were killed. 5 were also killing us. try kind of farm sheltering
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space parameters and run such a state down to me, blink and says he's discuss performing the palestinian authority with this lead that must without boss lincoln's visits or my lot. so protest across the upside westbank, he had so cairo on thursday, an international court of justice except to hear arguments. and when the israel is committing genocide, gods, the case was ruled by south africa. israel is expected to of defense on friday. well run a demo of that, a south africa's minister of justice. he's leading the country's delegation to the i. c j in that case against israel. oh yeah, he spoke to, i'll just hear a step. fuss is a component of argument that the general site is being committed and in gaza on the basis that is in an under elation or can single facing indian population in austin to civilians, children, women that are being displaced and the targeting of public infrastructure and gaza
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and then also the, the, the, the quotes or for him is what i mean and stuff. and in general, as of that, i'm able to, to, to, to an elite, the entire population of put a student from, from the augusta. why is it particularly south africa? because says out of nations as well as countries in africa who have actually accused his route of a fairly serious crimes at the moment happening in gaza. why south africa? the funding fund has been very clear that the so buffer got is not free until the people of pee, this type of thing. and we acted with the agency. we believe the method is that so that we do not regret and also the international community. that's not the correct because these things are happening indifferently, or everyone in the public or nation of televisions on the social media and everyone with the advent of the technology. so it is important that we intervene in the out
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of time, and that's why we brought to the case in 3 out of time to even over $22.00 to essentially to intervene in the time. because then as we sent it to you, they shouldn't in the palm beach, is it any legal experts say that a proving genocide is very difficult, right? yeah, indeed. and it's not an easy task to prove it, but we believe that the all the actions that live nation and it is within the definition of what the genocide convention 6 to prevent. so we are confident that we will be able to present a compelling case to the quote. so we want a cheese for the court issue an agent injunction that must say, or the dispute is i have to stop what is currently happening. the i, c j has a order in an previous case, has an urgent injunction against russia and also against me on my also in similar
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cases. and those countries have completely ignored this order. why do you think this could be different? this time? we believe that was the site you in order and the state of things that i wouldn't be competitive producing to and then to the court. but the i, c, g is the highest function in terms of the intonation of human bodies know of the u . n. to be able to come in and interview provide an alternative case which the international community can be able to use the international community, country, federal and in the one who ignores it. he's been overcharged in fairly high student because don't be part of those that are continuing to break their own no, from all that is supposed to govern the international community, even domestic societies, some forces from if israel have complaint, that's what happened on october 7th and was committed by how much an auto groups
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against the x rays is barely mentioned in your application, and it doesn't get much attention. what do you to say to that? the issue as well from us? we condemn it. but when i say it is more justification for the disproportionate and use of force by the state of is that i have that is scheme to now clean the entire garza of the police didn't input position. you're not worried that if the court decides not to me, policies urgent measures that as well feels that it can continue to do what it's doing right now. obviously what, what, but would, would be to do it, because we have been in this jenny for, for many years. and as a culture, as i've said, all of our funding, fido has it. and nelson mandela spoke about it when he came in, and it is the context in which he signed the digital site, a convention eh, to, to, to, to, to stop what happened in the one done and so forth. and it is now they don't keep
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the cutting generation of lead us to stop what is happening in the, in the, in the, in the, in palestine for many or hoping a ruling in south africa's favor could release the un security council from its deadlock on the concept, particularly, it's going to take you to call for us the file, different my to get it. the james vegas reports from new york. the piece palace in the dutch city of the hague, home of the international court of justice. it's the only major oregon of the united nations, which is not based in new york, but what happens in the cold in the coming days is being keenly watched here on the other side of the atlantic at un headquarters. already the on bassett, or of israel, whose diplomats have been activity low being other un members, has angrily denounced the case in a speech and the un general assembly, perhaps an indication of how word his country is in south africa's basements, and libelous cases. the,
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the i g i c j. prove this exactly. how can it be remembered that the convention on the prevention of genocide adopted following the holocaust, the general side of the jewish people is now being weaponized against the jewish state. a. delores normally supposed to be above politics, but when it comes to international law, things get more complicated candidates to be judges at the international court of justice and nominated by their own countries, which then campaign for them and what some inherently political process. the elections held every year are often a drawn out procedure as they happen singleton easily in the general assembly and the security council. to publish the new non baset or to the un has told me he believes the case before the court now is being given extra weight because it's being brought by south africa, a country that suffered so much in the past. under contract rule, nobody would question that the company like south africa,
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which defeated apartheid that it is not on the top over the mountain of uh, of, of morality and respect for human rights and the rights of people in general. so we are grateful to them here at the you and there's some hope the case could potentially break the deadlock on the un security council over the past 3 months. they've been repeated efforts to pos, a resolution calling for a ceasefire and gaza. but on 3 occasions, one country the us as used it's vito to block subtraction. so if the international court of justice were to decide to order provisional measures to stop israel's bombardment, it would be up to the security council. twin for such a ruling. the u. s. has received a great deal of global criticism for 3 vito's own garza and president biden is repeatedly said his country is a guardian of the rules based international order. so would he really be prepared
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to let these country veto again, this time in defiance of the world's highest court, james phase out to 0? the united nations. meanwhile, the united nations security council hasn't jumped to the resolution demanding a whole tax on vessels from humans seem to find us. and the red sea headed booth is called a move a political game and said the u. s. is the one violating international law. the resolution was brought forward by the us, so let me be 100 percent clear here. the provision of arms and related material of all types to the host. these is a violation of resolution 2216 and adopting this resolution. today will reaffirm that all member states, including a ron, must adhere to their obligations. colleagues, the threat to navigational rights and freedoms in the red sea is
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a global challenge that necessitates a global response. the basic principle of freedom of navigation is that state and the who these and anyone who enables them need to hear a clear message from this counsel. these attacks us stop. the 2nd look at some of the other news stories from around the well. now in the head of the ecuadorian ministry, he says 300 gang members have been arrested since the state of emergency. it was declared on monday. the president done on the boat to impose the measures of powerful gang leader escaped prison. i have been riots and attacks and several cities. and more than a 130 prison officers have been taken hostage. the ministry has been deployed to restore order. i'll just say it was out of sound from 50 of the latest, from the capital kito. the tensions remain higher. people are anguished by what
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happened. and the last 2448 hours in the country, they're still trying to make sense of how the gangs have been able to create so much. tell us not only inside the prison, but also outside in the number of cities across the country. whether it has been biased overall today, even if there have been a number of isolated incidents, we understand also that police and military's opperation are under way the crisis is far from over dell. given the fact that, according to the old story, these at least a 139 people, most of them prison guides and other prison. ready uses still remain in the hands of the inmates that have taken over at least 5 major prisons in the country here in the capital. kito overall has been on a quiet day. the streets have been mostly empty compared to a normal work day. schools are close, they will remain close,
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at least all of this week. the same for a public office is also the state of emergency remains in place, which means that there's a curfew at night from 11 p. m until 5 am now jail russian opposition leader alexi and a volunteer who has made his 1st public appearance via video. cool. since his concepts on optic pain or economy, he told jen list he was in good spirits. his abrupt disappearance on the many cobra present last month, raise concerns among supporters that he may have for an ill or even dice. now the feel is not within the right, so the us, the public on policies, presidential nomination, full now, new jersey governor, chris christie has dropped out and that leaves nikki haley. i'm going to center still competing with former president. donald trump remains the creative front front part of the castro has moved from washington, dc. yeah, chris christy,
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he had positioned himself in a unique place in this g o. p field as the obvious an t trump candidate and he was the.


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