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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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a good genocide, that info case in west bend this thing, but i'd like you to have that a pewter departments did not turn you out in a letter to the is ryan armed forces. on thursday, november 2023 bedroom president elect the pine ministers with speak for themselves has done to you says in our holy bible, and we may remember and we are fighting ours from raven troops in combat in. so are now in regards of or, and wrong guys, and i'm in the, in the deputy to speak of the kind of set that i as parliament has called for
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the use of the gods. a slip from the face of the f. the defense force agrees on 9 october, the defense minister jo of color gave a situation update to the on what you said. but as it was imposing a complete siege on gaza, that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. ever the thing with the closed because is what i am, is fighting human onto most speaking to 12 spun the gaza board, though he instructed them that he has a list of all the strains. and that goes off $1.00 to $10.00 to what it was before . we would eliminate ever the thing we wouldn't rates or places eliminate ever to see each other places without the states or does that
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seem of destruction of human onto minus was that you taught a to, to by and is right on the coordinator of government activities in the territories, or 9 october to 20. 3. cool. you know, the address to hamas, and the residential chicago stated that her mazda has become isis, and lots of the citizens of cause a celebrated, instead of being called to flight. he concluded that schumann onto mazda does to this, according is why it has imposed it taught, located on causal. no electricity, no water, just stomach. you want that, have you? we've got to have the language of systematic. do you mind? ization is evident here. human on the most bows come off and civilians, according to that within the is right. and it could be that this is also a widely held to view the minutes of energy and infrastructure. it'll cuts
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called for the denial of water and fuel as this is what will happen to a people of children to laws and smoked on us. this admits of no, i'm to do it to it's minutes to create the conditions of death, of the palestinian people in cause to die. a slow death because of the vision and the high dose in order to die quickly because of a bomb attack of smartphones. but to die, never the less in fact, habits age minutes the i'm, if i in the side that is why and must find ways for cousins that are more painful and deaf. and it is no also to say that neither in combined of the, on the ministers in the is that are in the government. they vote in the connecticut and in
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a position to shape state policy the intends to destroy it because it has been not sought at the highest levels of state. as president issac hetzel has joined the veterans of those fine and bones destined for cause of having previously noted, it's about the entire population in gaza is responsible and that this is what i told her about civilians. not that were not involved is absolutely not true. we will fight until we break the big boat attempts by the president and others to utilize the speech. have not only taught this the low fee is what we're supposed to talk or palestinians as responsible for the actions of from us. no. as i would show below, because it affected how state the policy is understood within the government the minister of national. so i told her to repeat that the president statements that
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hamas and civilians are responsible in measure 110, november 2023 in a ton of eyes interview. if you state that the, when we say that how moss would be destroyed, it also means those will celebrate. those will support. and those will head out. kennedy that all totaled was and they should also be destroyed. this order is to destroy and to main what cannot be destroyed. this statement is not open to utah interpretations or of the fact or us not as ation. instantly interpretations by is that i am and the statements were made to bypass is in command of the state. they communicate to the state policy. it is simple. if the statements are not intended, that would not have been made. that's an aside. the intent behind those statements is not. i'm beat us to the is that i or the soldiers on the ground?
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indeed, it is directing the actions and the objectives. on 7th, december 2020 the threes is the right of the soldiers, proved that they understood the prime minister ministers message to remember what the outlook has done to you. as soon aside that i caught the advice and not lose denson and cindy, we know our motto, no uninvolved, that they will be one commandment to wipe off the seat of the prime minister has been vocation of malik, is being used by soldiers to justify the kingdom of civilians including children. these are the foliage, us to think the insights and wets of the prime minister. the the
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. busy the reason why the soul does in gaza, whitfield denson content and singing in november, may the village may god be raised. there is not a ton among the soldiers to feed them themselves. clement,
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i'm not positive against civilians and gaza in a form of snuff speed. you wonder quite that himself the donation over 50 houses in which i, you are the soldiers. what are quite a thing and with destroy all kinds of units and this house will blow it up for you and for everything you do for us. these are the soldiers. what's a good fact they all come on the floor, not such. are you the a bus one this time this morning minus the dsl on the same
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age hmo. but this a gone by the command of the army also of the same mind to the combined. yeah, your been davis has stated that the army had done in beta. no. and did the as a shame on and live it did in novels and that the entire cause sort of december bade her know is it i, the soldier you saw you live? probably just a view to against the backdrop of the ruins of what was the sight of
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a university with a cup should once upon a time that was the university in casa, and then practicing a scornful meadows and the human funding months. so those of us to believe that this language and their actions are acceptable because the destruction of pilots didn't live in gaza is a to, to later stage part of the city. i'll put it to come and meet the official has been cottage without the samsung, the 9 to 5 year old. is that right? i know, deserves as what i yes, i am a veteran of the day of yesterday and mostly a goes the students in 1948 to speak to the soldiers ahead of the ground invasion does in his whole people echoed the same sentiment. why they've been driven around in a few started is i'm unavailable. just in is right. i'm. if i take i quote to the townsend
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and finish them off and don't leave anyone behind. it is the memory of your day's them, their families, mothers, and children. these are new laws could no longer leave. if you have an out of neighbor done to wait, go to his home, and so to we want to invade, not like before. we want to enter and destroy what's in front of us and destroy the houses, then destroyed the one after it. with all of our forces, complete, destruction, enter and destroy. as you can see, we would witness things we've never dreamed of. let, let them drop farms on them and it is as it is on to of 7, john got it printed printed the full, a video of a soldier that was posted online way. he posts that the army had destroyed the entire village of bet us off for troy, and phil said they had was hard to bond with the village and the truth that monday
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and it's up to us and that sidney up for the 2 sons did not mean what they said much less that the minimum cost is not understood by soldiers. ben garza would be without any met at the scale of destruction and cause the most target to low family homes and civilians. the wall being the war and children all make clear that's to the side. that intent is both understood and has been put into practice. the courage related intent is the destruction of public opinion lies in on it's monday for stations. the genocide on a topic is also common place within the is riley can estimate members of the 10 a kind of set puter to called for garza to be wiped out flattened deal raised and crossed on on its inhabitants. they have deplored anyone
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shooting soldiers for the on involved cousins, a fucking repeatedly. the doctor that i know uninvolved. that's a no, you know, sense and garza, that the key laws of the women and children should not be separated from the citizens of cause. and that the children of cause, i have brought this upon themselves and that there should be one sentence for every one, the depth. finally, the law may cuz i have called for method left upon being from the with some of the okay to, for the use of nuclear doomsday weapons and a not about to overshadow the knock ball of 48. the prime minister has a student aside, our space has gained ground among some elements of civil society. the freedom assumed as a repeat that mister, nothing. yeah, it was on the conference stating that the government must be wiped out and destroyed with beverly alex. it was simply, it must destroyed all of cause and
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a 10 minutes. every one who is there another has called to raise garza not leave a single person to turn on this and come and take it to instead of announced that the months this is an enemy, the baby is an enemy. the fundamental mind isn't that. i mean that it is now, so i thought it to 10 the strip into us, not the house to the model is every house i was sold just come across its 10 minutes. everyone in turn smoke failed. of the government of is the right to condemn. prevent and punish sus genocide on incitement. constituents in itself, a great violation of the genocide convention which was the cause met him president i didn't, i took one of the conventions is what i am confirmed. that's tino side, where the quins committed in time of peace or in time of war is
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a crime under international law. and it undertook to prevent and to punish it as such this to prevent condemn and punish such speech by the government. has served to normalize to an a $5.00 product. an extreme danger for palestinians within is that i the society as m k most aside from the liquid party upset the government's bone attendance. so his views that palestinians can cause, must be destroyed. i quote, you go anywhere and they tell you to destroy the in the keyboards. they tend to destroy them. my friends at the state of 10, as of this whole thoughts with me on political issues in debate, said to me, it is clear that we need to destroy all causes, destroys all cousins. this one is
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a way of its destruction of products to non life and infrastructure. despite this knowledge, it has maintained and intuitive intensified it's mandatory activity in the cause of the phone or witness in the width of the southern october n g o's and to the united nations. one often unprecedented to humanitarian crisis, in causal to the u. n. stated that the actors must allows you monitored in terms of goods to immediately and safe. notice the hundreds of thousands of people in need. so right from the beginning is i know that it was depriving water for electricity and defense. i was for survivor, it's such so ever the thing is closed. it has known that the pros depriving part of the knows of health care and treatment for is are in the middle
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of an unprecedented bombardment of food and water. and of all the essentials for survival. this problem touch, there was a house organization to say. we are on a news austin for sustained scaled up for touch, who monitored in all patients, appealing to all those in a situation to make a decision or influence decision, make us to give us the humanitarian space to address this human cutoff for from despite this knowledge is that i am continues to target infrastructure. surcharge will survive by water and sanitation infrastructure. solar panels be cut his meals crops, its bones, hospitals designated to the healthcare system. its target is where, cuz the infrastructure of the united nations,
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it is because of the opponents of google that cause that has become the place of death and despair. in conclusion. but in president, man, it propagates us of great assaults, atrocities protested that they were misunderstood. that they did not mean what they said that the own words were taken out of context. what states would i move to a general site on intent? yet the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such. but the total is the repetition of to the side of the speech. so out ever sphere of states in is life where the minds of the cost of the identity and or started to of the genocide that insights us the prime minister, the president,
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the meanest of defense, the meanest off. and i've also told her to the minutes of energy and infrastructure members of the canals, that's senior officials and foot soldiers to northside auto dances are therefore not always been the fringes. they are embodied in states policy. the intent to destroy is been understood by soldiers on the ground. it is also for the understood by some within that is the right of society with a government to face and criticism for allowing the n h to causal on the business body to the content. once it's thomas to staff students and this of this and that is right, the officials did not mean what they set. oh, and not fully understood. i saw jobs and civilians are like for me and what they said should be deducted by this court. the evidence of genocide,
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that intent is not on the children. it is also overwhelming and incontrovertible, but i'm president. it is not my or not to request you to call mr. john to got on the subject of jurisdiction. i think mr. good toby and i now invite professor john, do like to take what you had before professor the president, distinguished members of the quote, this is a great printer page to appear before you today on behalf of the republicans south africa. in my speech, i will increase the question of jurisdiction the people of south africa
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and of israel. both have a history of suffering. both states have become parties to the genocide convention . and this determination in supreme, in the spirit night, the as attach a reservation to article 9 or the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. it is in terms of this convention dedicated to save humanity. the south africa brings. this dispute before the court the provision on can decide is a peremptory no obligation tied to the genocide convention along days obligations though to the international community as a whole stage or these to this conventional oblige. not a need to desist from getting the size of that,
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but also to prevent and 50 obligation of the state parties to prevent x of genocide. is it foundation of the convention? is the problems i spent in the article one of the convinced article 9 to the side convention makes it clear that state parties or guardians of the genocide convention. and as a trophy is designed to protect human rights, it does not obliged states to pursue negotiations as a prelude to approach. and this quote, it says not to treat the indigo of genocide x as a button that pro fair between such instead didn't. this is just a situation in which a state acting or be off of the international community as a whole season figures takes as
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a quote as it measure of urgency to prevent genocide. so it's definitely does a long history of cause relations with each route for this reason, it should not bring the dispute immediate food to the attention of the court watch for the heart of it. as soon as i responded to the terrible atrocities committed, the guys just people on 7 of october with an attack on guys that that resulted in the end describing it. kidding. well, the innocent palestinians civilians, most of whom were women and children. the south african government repeatedly voiced its concerns and the security council. i need a big statement that involves actions had become genocide on 10 november in the formal diplomatic de march, which informed israel said why he condemned the actions of how much is one to the
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internet for criminal court to investigate, to lead to ship a piece row for international crimes, including candace side as the court footnote, the definition of genocide, deliberative statute repeat stacked of the genocide convention on 17 october that south africa. the 3rd is as commission or the credit of genocide to the international criminal court. for quite a vigorous investigation and quite a non cygnus to season president grab oppose a public, takes prestige and apartment for what is happening right now in garza, which is now turned into a concentration come with genocide, is taking place to accuse a state of committee acts of genocide and to condemn if in such strong language
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is a major act on the part of a suspect. at this stage, it became clear to do was a serious dispute proceeding south separate countries, which would end only with the end of each road is getting the size of act. south africa repeated this, that gives ation active meeting of bricks. i'm trying to wear november and that to the emergency specialist ation of united nations general assembly on 12 december no response from isabel was forthcoming. none was necessary. by this time, the dispute had crystallized as a metal door. this was consumed by his rose official and unequivocal denial on 67, but that it was committing genocide garza however,
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as it myself clear to see before funding the present application. on 32, 1 december, south africa sent a note football to the embassy. these have to reiterate each view that is rose acts of genocide in gaza. knowledge and decide that you to is the state party to the genocide convention. was under no obligation to prevent genocide from being connected is responded by way of a note from all stiff failed to address the issues raised by south africa in each note not to boomed nor denied the existence of a dispute. this was emailed lights on the 27th of december. this note was received by the relevant south african team on the print 2 nights of december, off to the present, the application was filed on full january south africa replied to
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this note, devolve highlighting drugs. failure to prevent any response to message raised by south africa visit previous much has reiterated in this note about south africa, maybe to yeah, that given his valves on good conduct to gauge other studies, because at this dispute referred to his notes about or print to 1 december remained an result and was not capable of resolution by way of about an actual meeting. this south africa propose a meeting on 5 january the game out of courtesy. isabel responded to this note above about proposing that we reconnect to co ordinate to reach him at the earliest opportunity off to the coast feelings. in the present case,
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to this south africa, i understand to be replied that such a meeting would serve no purpose. i did present these notes with the quote to be found in the druggist fold the existence. so a dispute is a matter to be determined by and the object of determination of this fact has existed at the time of the finding of the application. at this time, south africa had a video to use the in the security council, the general assembly. and as a big florida of engaging in gen decides that act, it had conducted a different magic day most or is i don't warning it that it viewed its conduct as genocide. he said,
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requested the international criminal court to vigorously investigate crimes. and to the genocide convention committed by is valid and because the script and just accused israel into idea of the deliberate targeting of civilians to change and the causing starvation and impeding relief and surprise it attitude is the leaders of expressing, quote, the intent of committing genocide is had flat be denied, sought that because accusations despite these harsh accusations, isabel has persisted the industry and the size of act, guys, the population of draws what evidence could be required to establish a dispute. it is precisely because of the situation of this kind affecting
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the international community as a whole. article 9 of the genocide convention does not require negotiations as a precondition to seizing jurisdiction of the quote. certainly have responded. states cannot prevents a referral to the quote by claiming that there is no dispute. and there to once discussions of this method, when the existence of the dispute is for a state to insist on a timeframe for negotiations, which seemed to be a license to commit of genocide and good friend contract. does it object and purpose, particularly with what the genocide convention i don't presume fee question of the crystallization of a dispute has been increased by this quote. in preliminary objections, at the mirror stage, with a burden of proof is higher or the court has generally adopted
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a flexible approach to the subject says laid down a number of tests for the existence of a dispute. first, it must be shown that the time of one party is positively opposed by the other sacred. the dates for determining the existence of the dispute is the date of the application by subsequent conduct may be considered. 3 with the dispute exists must be determined by an object of determination of the effect and for a dispute exist, wouldn't it? there's different space for it on the basis of the evidence that the responded was aware or could not have been under way. so if each views with positive li opposed when these propositions are applied to the effects of this
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case, it is incontrovertible that a dispute exists between south africa and his route. so that previous strongly believes that part is right is doing in because it amounts to genocide is a denies the same page that such an accusation is legally and factually wrong and what is obscene. so in the fist of determination of the facts shows that a discrete existed the data of the submission of south africa's application. and this has been confirmed by his as subsequent statements and vice continue in conduct garza why that is, there must be nowhere from south africa's big stipends. the de marsh
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and the referral mentioned to the international criminal court of east raz genocide . x that a dispute existed between the 2 states as a president, the court has indicated that in an application for provisional majors, did you sufficiently show that day is a problem? the policy bases for 2 to 6, but it is submitted that south africa has convincingly established the existence of a dispute between us and israel, over the fulfilment of the addresses, obligations under the trend this side couldn't peach. finally, get you submitted that the guard should be head to the special considerations that reply to the existence of
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a dispute and or to co 9. or they can decide coordinates between the states that brings an application in presence of a certification to prevent genocide and the state of twos of committing genocide. this, this concludes my speech. item president, i think to the members of the quote for your attention. i now ask you to call to the podium professor next to proceed to increase you on the nature of the wretch requiring protection. and the link between side trach sends the message and the messages request. thank you. i thank you professor, do guard before i give the floor to the next speaker. the court will observe a coffee, break of 10 minutes sitting here watching all just there while the proceedings of the international court of justice taking
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a 10 minute break. south africa lays out its case for special measure, special must messrs. and an accusation of genocide against israel. no south african lawyer, adela, how she started pleading the government's case against as well as the i c. j. she said no one in gauze respect for me as well as will not even new bones. so africa contends that is written has transgressed article to of the convention by committing actions that full within the definition of genocide of the actions show a systematic pattern of conduct from which genocide can be input. israel has killed an unparalleled and done president, a number of civilians with the full knowledge of how many cillian civilian lives. each bomb will take more than 1800 families to send you and
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families and gaza have lost multiple family members and hundreds of multi generally generational families have been wiped out with no remaining survivors. the husband, the speaking, the, the i, c, j. let's bring in all senior political unless mom push already join us here on the 2nd you are listening. and of course, with me, my one south africa, detailing piece by piece and point by point the case and dividing that drop off amongst a team of 8 lawyers. we're going to hear some of them a little bit later, but certainly the 1st 3 have a doctor, very detailed case. the provisional measures. absolutely. i think that we would do to adjust this to that case by summarizing that. i think every bit of a detail there was very important and yes, it is uh, kind of uh, a very,
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very accurate summary of the report that they put on the 80 plus page report that they put out to ready to make their case. i think what does, but what struck me as the most important in this is the fact that they deliberately showed 1st of all, the pastry and context that what we see today i'm profiting on front of our eyes. the genocide did not start in october 7, october 8, so that there's a long history of genocide apart, paid discrimination, hate speech, war crimes, and so on, so forth since 1948. so i think it was very important that this was from the outset put in historical context. the 2nd thing that i felt was very important was the fact that it showed that there was, by tons. and this is really important, there's not all sort of a one time thing or 2 time saying, or it's our response to an action by the palestinians that there is a that's on,
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on the part of his res, both since october 7 and before, to actually cause harm to the fed, a sitting people as a collective and i think the bit that was for me a bit hard to listen to was this very detailed and deliberate explanation of is rose sadism. that there was us, say the stick approach on the part of is that towards the thought of seeing people, especially when they've gone down the for less and better off that go to a, b, c, and d, talking about how is rad deliberately caused hunger, even from in the hydration over the entire population, how they denied shelter and sanitation and how they then denied health care to people and even denied for women and girls the necessary conditions
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to procreate or to be who they are. i think that that's, that sort of detailing all this well source or depending on the united, initial reports on otherwise i thought that was very strong. and last but not least, it was the underlining, the hate speech and the intense behind all these, sort of, uh, horrible things sophistic things that these are the to the bus. here i'm using these words because i don't want to use legal words. i'm trying to translate english to english if you will, just for us to understand. that's what we call a legal arguments here is really based on a moral argument and, and hence the, the, the very detailed um, accusations it gets is where leaders is. there are leaders meeting the prime minister, the president, and the defense minister, as well as other various ministers, as well as speakers of the connector and connect with members as well as generals
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are coming down to the soldiers. and i think that in that sense, the idea that there is intense behind the work on that there was a systematic plan, a sort that is directly from the top going down. and the fact that some of the argue as we heard this was just people expressing their personal opinions and whatever this will not fly. why? because these words tickled things down to the soldiers. and we're seeing videos and we see statements about how soldiers took this. think seriously, this was not just a moment of anger or a burst of anger that these were views expressed by leaders, school supplies for the cooling down to army commanders and soldiers on the ground . and haines. i'm entirely violent in the price, i guess, a population. what started out over the past 3 months. this was a case all right. versus might, as they say, this was
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a case of fact, i guess is there any fiction that they are simply trying to defend themselves with them? pick a little bit more of this as we progress over the next few hours. but let's join what about correspondence a. some of in java joins now from the palestinian. some of that with you running outside of the international court of justice in the hagan and i saw that people have been gathering that sincerely ours really to either support one side or the other of the yes says you can you probably hear behind me there's a charge crowd looking at the proceedings. what is happening inside the court outside in the freezing temperatures as being a for cool of pro palestine active is an a pro just as gathering kit to show solidarity and support with south africa's action. and one of them is with sarah gary joins is representing a group of doctors for god. so thank you very much for taking the time. now tell us, why are you here and what do you expect to be the outcome of this here?
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and uh we are here are representing health co workers in the netherlands that want to show solidarity with their health co workers in gaza and the incredibly difficult and unprecedented context in which they have to work uh and to advocate for you main treatments of patient and health care workers we have seen during this conflict that health care workers and health care facilities have been targeted like never before. more health co workers have died. them in an entire year of conflict all over the world. and why we here is we hope to show that we found this solid therapies with those health care workers tend to hope that they will come a permanent ceasefire. so then we can have you many terry the 8th coming in. so we no longer have to see mothers receiving c section with 1000 mistesia children having abstracted lives without anesthesia, premature baby suffocating because of lack of electricity in the hospitals. there's
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a lot of pro, a pro palestine activists who gathered from across europe. people are confident that the court's decision is going to be in favor of south africa, but it is, this has happened in the past as well. it is not something new, and israel is unlikely to be found by that decision to stop. so what gives you hope to continue to come out to protest, to show solidarity and it's actually much as i think that we are living in a unprecedented conflict. and even if the results are slow, you can do nothing. then stand up for what is right and what is right, easy access to health care and we have no control where the people will he that message. but i think it's important to let know that we are not blind to what's going on. that we see how the health care works are struggling and we see not only as a humanitarian crisis but also as
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a danger. ready or the historically protected position of health, co workers all over the world. there is a moral rule which has led to uh, it's national law that says that health care work set facilities even when people are the worst enemies and have each others and a wage war against each other. that they should be exempt from the violence and adapt who is being broken here. uh, unfortunately they have today uh for now over almost a 100 days. and when that happens, so often again and again and again. it is no longer just collateral damage to this policy or at least a college disregard for the value of human life. but you see what israel's been saying is that it is not doing it to the policy mean people. it is going off for a particular group is targeting, come us, and this is something that's almost part it on itself. the thing is that no matter who started the complex, how it started,
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the rules of engagement are still clear. and you still have a duty to protect the civilian sense and not strike out hospitals. so the whole arguments of self defense. why i understand that there's a lot of emotion, a lot of anger is not valid when they are at this point, 200 times the amount of children in palestine that has been killed. then they were on 7 october, 7, october was in a new main atrocity, but they cannot, you justify the trustee that sold at the age of 12 and 9 of tobin and 10 of tobin and 11 october and every day after that. since then, while we're having this conversation, children are losing their eyes, they're losing their family, they losing their lives and losing their lives. there are people that are being bombed. there is no ambulance that can go to them. they will suffer as slow that because the entire health care system in the north is not house. that is the situation. and that is indefensible. gaily,
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thank you very much for being with us that you. that's the book from doctors full garza the group. it just, i'll check in solidarity with the protest as with people who come from across europe, saying that this is done with south africa, but they also stand against all of those countries who are aging and investing in the woods. all the crimes that are happening in does that, that are being carried out. and the hope that here in the hague, the international court of justice is going to deliver a verdict which is going to stop the atrocities that are happening and does something thanks very much. and we'll have extensive coverage of cost as one more case throughout the day. here on i'll just say we're step by step is also the initial cost of justice in the hagen step. let's just talk about the fact that obviously it's a hearing that's going to last at least 2 days. we hear obviously from the south african side today and the is right, the site tomorrow. this absolutely. and i think what for you,
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i've been listening to in the last one and a half hours. this shows how his story could this case is. it's really aligned to my case in fairly gruesome detail. the south african team has laid out this case and i have to quickly speak now to a professor alaina o'malley. she is a professor of international relations who was inside the court and she has to go back very quickly. how historic is this case? this is his star case. we see from the implication of the various articles on the genocide convention by the south african legal team, the ways in which they are going to structurally present this case. we know that this is on the presidents that by they can be in case we're against man, lar, but we see here that this is even taken forward that there is um, compelling evidence of the war crimes i committed by israel presented here as a violation of the genocide convention, if you listen to all the arguments right, laid out, step by step in fairly close detail. how powerful,
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how strong is this case is extremely compelling. the case is extremely well organized and we've only heard 3 parts so far of the whole. we see the evidence and both in video and an image to be extremely powerful. we also see the evidence gathered from a variety of different sources which really as to its porosity and its strength and is powering convincing and the judges of the art. thank you so much for joining us and i'd like to go inside very quickly. now, the cord is about to raise you and what they're discussing here today is this a provisional matches that's hope africa has asked for this urgent injunction. and i have to explain that the burden of proof that is lot lower than the burden of proof of for committing genocide. so that's what we're discussing, what they are discussing here today, and tomorrow we will hear israel's defense step. thanks very much. now the other lawyer represented south africa says that as well as the language of systematic dehumanization is evident. this is what i am, has agent aside the intent against the palestinians in gauze that
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is evident from the way in which is rise. middleton a tech is being conducted, which has been described by miss hudson a see it is systematic and it's kind of tough and for the mazda displacement of the population of cause headed into areas where they continue to be killed. and the deliberate creation of conditions that quote, need to a slow death, unquote. the minutes of energy and infrastructure is ryan cuts called for the denial of water and fuel. as this is what will happen to a people of children to laws and smoked on us. this admits of no, i'm a jew, it, it moves to create conditions of death, of the palestinian people in cause to die a slow death because of the vision and the high dose in order to die quickly
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because of a bomb attack of snipers. but to die, never the less. well that's cool. so to honey, but new to joins us now from rough. uh, in southern guns with a cold case happening, thousands of miles away from where you are, honey, to people that i think it's going to have any effect. so yes, tom, a so far a great deal of anticipation and whole bows. palestinians across the gaza strip bands. the west bank are looking at south africa country that has survived apartheid and just a growing into a body that fighting to stop it in other countries. the fact that the r a, that south africa is offering a scathing, detailed, a case in supporting palestinians and an outline and goal data. crimes committed by
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these really a military and gall the throughout the past 96 days. it just something that people are looking forward to having a positive effect and good, hopefully change the course of this war and put an end to the mass killing of civilians. a since the beginning of this war, there is a quiet deal, a great deal of hope that this is going to give a, put an effect on how these things are going on. hopefully stop conditions of from worsting in the golf strip. so far, everything that we've documented so far is for the past week since at the beginning of the word, just a goal in line and consistent with what the and said the characterization of laurie crimes the submitted by south africa to the international court of justice including the ongoing killing the destruction of public facilities and the
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failure to provide safety for displace palestinian, which was for the most part contradictory and confusing work. people ended up dying in sleep zones, as the military has announced. honey monday, the 4th enough to thank you. let's go over to my image. i'm jane, who joins us not from rolla in the westbank, had 9 sho palestinians that are also focused on what's happening in the hague of the that's right. so hell we're here in nelson mandela's square in a mullet now, just a short while ago you had a gathering of a few dozen people, and they were out here to show their support. for this case, it's been filed by south africa in the hague. one of the speakers who came out here today was talk to me in 5 minutes and how much they. and he had said in his remarks that if the killing of 23000 people in gaza does not constitute genocide, then he does not know what exactly would constitute genocide. he also thinks the
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south african for filing this case. and he also said just how south africa had prevailed against apartheid, the palestinian people would prevail against apartheid. we should of course stress the deep ties and relationships between south africa and the palestinian people. going back to the days of nelson mandela who had said that we cannot be free until the palestinians are free. now i spoke to one lady who was out here for the proceedings today. she said that she had been listening to the opening of the case at the hague. she'd been watching it on television earlier. and she said that when she heard what was being described, she felt as though palestinians were finally being given a voice on the world stage. she felt as though she were there in that courtroom that gave her a huge sense of relief because she said that the policy and you have endured so much oppression under the occupation of these rate leaves that she was glad that this case was happening. she told me that most important, what she hoped, that this case would bring about within a few weeks,
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some type of injunction that would cease to hospitably compel these rarely to cease their hostilities in gaza. so that with less than the suffering of the gods, the people she said this case was imperative. and that's the mood that we found here amongst the others that we spoke with here today for this gathering. now, of course that gathered did not last long. the weather has turned much worse in the past hour. it's been raining heavily, but there is a huge amount of interest in the mullet in this proceeding. the international court of justice. they want to see justice for those in gaza, and they want to see justice for the palestinian people as a whole. so him homage i'm doing that for us and remodel. that's comes over to stuff decades, nokia bodies, theresa and. and while what policies are watching and temperaments? probably how is the media greatest? why you are taking on board? what's going on in the hague, that stuff? well, the headlines full and these really media today of this porch case. it is unprecedented
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. really listening to the south african team, they're blow by blow holding israel to account of his actions in gaza, starting with genocidal charges where they spoke about the amount of people killed the way people have been killed. a dealer. i have seen one of the members of south africa's legal team saying that even the 1st order of israel for financing and goals are to move from the north to the south. the 1000000 people, she said they were given 24 hours. even that was a genocidal order, quoting the fact that israel's been hitting schools, his hitting un facilities hitting hospitals hitting the areas that they've told people to go to that that moved on to genocide or intent. quoting the top echelons of this wrong government, the prime minister, the president, the defense minister saying that this language of the human eye, zation, of ending life and goals as a cool that goes even into part of identities. really connect that to a raise goes on to, to starve the love she met a terry and aid and then they linked it to the fact that these statements on the
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political level are filtering down to the soldiers, showing videos of them. don't think celebrating life and that saying there's no innocent in god's israel, of course, going to be watching this very closely. they'll be responding on friday and they will be keen to remind the world what happened on october the 7th. and that they say this is all acting in self defense stuff back and forth and occupied the easter eastern. thank you. so let's go over to thomas mcmanus sees the drive to all the initial state crime initiative, the queen mary university and joins us now from london. good to have you with us on out of service. the pro assess to lay out the case is very interesting and so it has to be done piecemeal and both both sides will have a very detailed case to present to the judges. yeah, that's right. and what we're seeing this morning is after some preliminary issues like swearing in the ad hoc judges from both israel and south africa,
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much ice. and i haven't asked you that question we, the court has resumed, and mister max to place this lawyer for south africa is taking the stand. he's now addressing the court. let's just listen to the coach provisional measures. the rights claim. and i saw that for to, on the merits and for which it is seeking protection, must be at least plausible. this threshold does not require the court to determine definitively whether the rights which south africa wishes to see protected exist. or all the rights asserted must merely be grounded in a possible interpretation of the convention. and the quote must be consent to preserve by such measures the rights which may subsequently be a judge to buy it, to belong to either party palestinians in gaza as a very substantial and important part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group simply but profoundly are entitled to exist
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that south africa's invested up pointed out in opening to situate the right to exist. and the states to the front requires the courts to appreciate that this application by saw that is brought with in a particular context. what is happening in gauze and now is not correctly framed as a simple conflict between 2 parties. it's, it's in titles instead, destructive effects perpetrated by an occupying power is right. that is subject to the palestinian people to an oppressive and pro long violation of their rights to self determination for more than half a century. and those violations occur in a world where it israel for use has regarded itself as beyond and above the law. as to you in special ref,
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which you on the occupied pendants published in interior cheese explained in 2022 and not quite the occupation by israel has been conducted in profound defiance of international and hundreds of united nations resolutions with scant pushed back from the international community that context is important. so that for committee, in its application with the international community has failed palestinians for so long and the sprite, israel is wilful defiance of palestinians writes, sought africa, turns to this court, seeking to protect the core, right? so palestinians in gaza to be protected from acts of genocide, attempt to genocide direct and public incitement to genocide and complicity and conspiracy to commit to genocide as the court nodes the convention prohibits the destruction of a group or part of that group, including through clean, causing serious bodily and mental home, and inflicting conditions of life,
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calculated to bring about the groups, physical destruction. through these co writes, the convention further protects the rights of its members to life and physical and mental integrity. palestinians in gaza, women min children. because of their membership in a group are protected by the convention, as is the group itself. and the co rights are violated and threatened by a remarkable cit affects outlined by my colleagues and sit talk in detail in south africa's application with supporting evidence. in the speech is to this court today, so the africa has chosen, as you've heard, to avoid the shading of traffic videos and fights us. it's decided against turning this quote to into a set to for spectacle. it knows as well as you excellent sees the.


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