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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 11, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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right, did you as of right here and on behalf of so definitely the community to seek justice for the victims, particularly children women. and we believe that without intervention of this quote from the international community, we will see the total destruction of the public to into, for and cause the remaining silence into it because of this and didn't. and it was sort of little bit gross violation of international law. as i stated, particularly genocide, convention, we have at georgia to pretty general. so i was thinking that quote, to intervene and stop the ongoing muscle correct in. because today it does come on costs, but the general side could have been prevented from what you and the secretary general of a non expressed this will get it listed. but when he said, and they put the international community filled with wonder, and that must lead us always with a sense of the type of grant. and up by doing sort of those quotes, the one that stands out as a segments. they've got a group to all of us for
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a living phase for, for the international community living face to prevent it from hip. and that doesn't go to it live with the same regret when it comes to pa, this time, in this case, present a quarter to know what you need to do at the time to prevent genocide from continuing and goes up by using an edge an injunction. so the guy is most defense, that multi cultural and the multi racial account that embraces the concept of a book. as a way of defining what we are and how we relate to us or mon domains i am because you are, i am, becomes homes of the law. is you because do not i was in is that if you know sort of, i'm going to means your money to and is it reflected in the idea that a family money to wouldn't offend that money to of us. it is a play the generally in the, for you, most of the mission of consciousness and in the process of these democratic transform mission emission, building our history. so i know for depression and violence, human rights abuses,
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a part of data is a crime against humanity, discrimination and dispersed between people born on the same story. this history enjoys us to stand in principle and sort of deputy with the people of palestine. and so far, funding for them who live wanted us to do that as in monday, because all i use that is what my spike crimes, that gives you money to that lisa. and what is the expense of the city of guys are being transformed into mazda bit of ground onto mon, our mines, the mean side of jubilant, unfortunately. so the gross introductions, what finishing of gaza isn't the most of them are does. but why don't that that examination by these on a couple of quart of the ways of these are the ministers, is the members of parliament, the general office of the army? speeches are just putting people to appointment, saying human animals shows that the statement of intent to wipe out the police didn't and people out of doesn't that you and call me to on the illumination of
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racial discrimination. stated that such a language is an incitement to general site and underscored the importance of preventing genocide by all the purchase as a signatory to the convention was i have a duty to bring these meta to the quotes, the attention interest of general sight, the actions taken by is that i like games for this thing and i can see that by minutes did parties including this they do for this time itself to be in. but each of the convention, palestine is express concerns over the international the system symptoms ability to prevent aids of genocide, that dentist people. and this i just want to call for an action towards such x. the uncompromising enforcement of the flu must be used to seize the ongoing atrocities and gaza. this case also is about a set of session and the information of the international regional floor and to end exceptionally when it comes to the state of design. our distinguish legal team is
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expanded for an office in the other in the quotes one to conclude the width of much into the king when he said, and i quote, the judge of the model of the universe is no otherwise bending to us justice. we believe justice would prevail in this court. thank you very much. thank you said you're watching. i'll just say right is just got a few minutes of to $1300.00 g n t. that was the minister of justice for south africa, of on the molar the also spic inside coast. uh, the sauce of south africa's petition at the international court of justice to try and persuade the international judges of provisional measures to stop israel from bombarding, gauze and the law rest by to an age to get into. the problem is, israel will fight it's case tomorrow, a little bit more on this. because no way is safe in garza and israel's actions for
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a calculated packing of a genocidal intent. that's the arguments south africa's presented at the international court of justice. south africa is accusing israel of intentionally attempting to destroy a substantial parts of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. and it's prolonged assault on garza is cooling on the court to impose a binding order on israel to immediately stop. it's a tax. what is happening in gauze it now is not correct. can you framed as a simple conflict between 2 parties, itching tails and state destructive effects perpetrated by an occupying power is right. that is subject to the palestinian people to an oppressive and prolonged violation of their rights to self determination for more than half a century. and those violations occur in
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a world where israel for use has regarded itself as beyond and above the more a as to you in special reference here on the occupied pedestal. palace didn't interior cheese explained in 2022 and not quite the occupation by israel has been conducted in profound defiance of international and hundreds of united nations resolutions with scant pushed back from the international community. that context is important so that we can make in its application where the international community has failed palestinians for so long and the sprite, israel is, will full defiance of palestinians rights for the africa tunes to this court, seeking to protect the core, right? so palestinians in gaza to be protected from acts of genocide, but will be live in garza and televi. but 1st that's close over to the hague and
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let's speak 1st is set bass and who's at the piece policy. a great deal to digest for those people who were in colts and obviously the press conferences continuing behind use that absolutely. and now what is being said here has already been called unprecedented. what's been happening this morning in the 3 hours that we have been listening very carefully to the case presented by and 9 speakers from the south african delegation laying out step by step layer by layer these accusations of genocide trying to sidle x that they say it's raul is committing in gaza and the delegation of south africa is continuing to explain the historic of value. and this historic importance of this case, they say we are a for negotiations. we have not a full war, and that's why they're here. and of course, the history, the history of a part high, then the connection between south africa and the freedom of movement in palestine,
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of course, is very relevant here. and just talk about all this and digest old is that we've been listening to this morning. i'm showing here now by dr. alon on molly. she is a doctor in international relations here in the netherlands. it's quite a historic event here, right for watching the south african delegates and right in front of the piece palace. can you explain? you have been watching so many faces, how distorted this one is. this is really a star case because it's bruce here at the instructor court justice by south africa on behalf of the african states. and we've heard statements from mr. joseph, so don't forget that this is also an effort to kind of address the humanitarian crisis. because being in mind, of course, the genocide convention was national sales when there was a genocide in rwanda in the 1990s. and of course, this is really seen as historic because the bills on the president accepted court
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has already said in previous cases regarding gambia and man mar, because side africa and israel are both a party to the genocide convention. and that is really a created in sessing and elements of this case. and it makes it very, very, are still so realize that it's quite a start looking at the ways in which the south african team has structured and made up their case very, very clearly. within normal, compelling evidence, you know, really strong representation of the violation of humanity, of the palestinian people on various different terms, using images and using video and the 6th. and this is really been a quite a compelling and really searing the brutal representation of the facts on the ground and guys divided side the african team here today. so as i was as now as the course for, it is very urgent in junction to impose an order on israel to stop its military operation immediately. right? if you compare us to injunctions that the same horse has done in the recent years
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against me on my again, so a lot people or russia, again during the invasion and ukraine when they also, the court decided to have this model injunction imposed on these countries. and they ignored it. what do you expect to happen here? i think the terms of ways south africa has made this case here. they've told device high that your students of the court is clear. in this case, the court is compelled to act based on the evidence they presented. well, they've also told to by how to kind of miranda seem to sign to see the united nation system and indeed of the reality of international law. and it's important that it's future actually also high in the balance of their judgment. in this case, they've really set the highest possible standards of assessment in thinking about the gravity and important not just for the policy and people, but what it represents for international laws. the ability to quote, bind and protects of people around the world in safety and reading data is about is at stake here. and so those kinds and those things couldn't be higher. thank you so
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much for explaining all this to us. and yes, there will be, there are 2 or that already we are for some delegation on the 17 number 4 here in the hague. and roughly a hearing is this to be taken within a few weeks. we of course still have to listen to it as well. arguments tomorrow's but there is a deadline for this urgent 80 junction because on february 6th, the court will change the will be a different a set of charges. so that's why they everyone, he is expecting this order if it's been take a will when it will be taken or if it will be taken by this ip port that will will be before february, 6th set best and far as the thank you well, policy, the support is have gathered in the hey, to support south africa's application to the international court of justice, not a coward balance calling, but just as the pilot, the son of declaring that health can should not to being targeted by is really false as a some good job it has been following events from a solid diety, riley that went on to the i, c, j. it's been a very noisy one, but
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a peaceful one that i saw on the absolutely, and it was a charge jack. this be here until about few minutes ago when the hearing wrapped up and all of the, the people who got that had, had gone home. but the message was, it is on the message of calling for an end to what is happening in casa and then the media t find to discuss it further, we have the power rushed on from a group of couldn't the 15 a dutch by the sending group thank you very much for taking the time up. a lot of people showed up. well, what are you planning to achieve with the funded diety around these? but we're hoping by being here, we are able to show solidarity with south africa. and we are hoping that the court rules that this is a genocide and then from this any state that does not act towards ending the genocide will then be complicit in the genocide itself. is that people who are
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gathered here from various parts of europe and they were all chanting to end the violence in guns. the how hopeful are you that this is going to go into favor of you in the direction that you wanted as well. this is one step towards justice for palestinians. we're not sure what this court decision will lead to. however, we're hoping that this will lead to the end of the genocide and hopefully in the near future and to the occupation. a lot of proof, this is a vpn speaking to have been telling us that there are restrictions in various countries including germany. they were not allowed to speak freely and protest. really, how is the situation here in the netherlands, and do you think this is, this is going to expand further? well, as the netherlands has proven to be complicit in the genocide bible with supplying parts for the f 35 planes and refusing to take offense. and the most recent resolution of however,
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the situation. another lens is quite different than other european countries, particularly very different than germany. here we do practice or freedom of speech. we do see that we get support from the public. and we are able to protest here, we are able to express ourselves here. so we, we feel that there is hope for the balance, but you realize that what is really been saying is that what is happening in gaza is because of the actions officer put to go off how much it's not. yeah. so i would think the genocide would you disagree with that expression? why based on that this isn't completely unparalleled response there over 30000 either killed or buried under rubble for weeks now. or now even we've gone into the 4th month and their bodies have not been found. this is
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a completely unparalleled response and is real says that this is the response to october 7th. however, the 7th of october was a response to 75 years of occupation in 16 years of siege. and so in such a case, right now, this is a point in history for justice for palestine. what happened over the last 3 months is, is our focus now. it's clear what is real, was trying to do what the occupation is trying to do. 2 of us, they are trying to destroy it as a prior to all of this was a, had a booming life that's the was, was growing, was developing. and his story please does the had a very strong economy and was one of the largest contributors to the palestinians iep. and it even consists contributed 36 percent of the overall opposed to me and g d p. that's, that has always been incredibly important to the sustainability of
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palestine. and so we're hoping that from this uh, we reach a point where the siege is listed, unless that is finally freed and you reach a point of a free public time. thank you very much. us our rest on their, from, in a dutch, a city, an activist group called the philistine. and that as being the sentiments here from various people from various walks of life, doctors, engineers, people from all over europe, a guy that had to show us on a diety for south africa. and against all of the people who are standing with israel, saying that they agree with the south african case of the international court of justice. the board, israel is doing amounts to get assigned a some been job with that. thank you. now another lawyer representing south africa, i believe in the growing they spoke about with a new acronym. it's the most problem as well as bombardment of gauze. and each day, yet more desperate people will be forced to relocate from where they are sheltering
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. a will be bombed in places where they have been told to evacuate to the entire multi generational families will be obliterated. and yet more palestinian children will become w c. n. s. s wounded child, no surviving family. the terrible new acronym bore now to these vows genocide will a search on the palestinian population in gaston. there is an urgent need for provision on measures to prevent eminent, irreparable prejudice to the rights and issue in this case. that could not be a clearer or more compelling case. told us that it says the director of international state crime initiative at queen mary university join us though from london, kentucky. with this a gotten mister mcmanus that you'd be listing through all of the proceedings along with us here at all. just a read through the day. i just get your general impression of how you view the case
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that's being laid out in south africa's petition ones. that convincing enough i am. yeah. the short answer is yes, it was definitely convincing enough. it was laid out in an impressive manner. a detail building up of all the speaking to all the legal elements the judge has to be listening. uh for um, such as is the conduct within the treaty at what their intent do we have a jurisdiction on which to pronounce a list of are the provisional less measures necessary and all the urgent all these things were spoken to by individually, by the different lawyers on the way they said that it was very impressive and concise. so i think the judges will find a very difficult left to conclude that there's a poor. busy little case on the face of this of genocide happening in java
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that they'll need to make an order a, you know, indicate for that provisional measures to border israel to stall. as we've heard, historically, the quotes can make the older countries don't have to listen to it. do you think this is a very different sort of scenario and chaptering global history that were witnessing now the israel count or couldn't take no such an order if it were to be made of course as well. we'll have that day in court tomorrow. the yeah. in the order of the provisional measures will be binding. so in a way, states do have to listen to us. and so if they ignore the question is, how do we force them to listen to us, let falls within the purview of the un security council. and of the know the various states problem or leave the us are protecting, providing cover for israel inside the forum of the un security council. so
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is there a may very well ignore the binding? the measures of the un security council may very well get locked off, but what we have is a declaration. but there is a plausible case of genocide taking place. so that puts the entire international community on notice that there is a serious risk of genocide and genocide. a convention is unique in the when other states learned of a serious risk and their own, their own obligations kick in. no, there's no such obligation for more crimes or crimes against humanity or other atrocity crimes to all state from the world. if these measures are made, which i expect them to be, well them have to do everything that's within their capacity within their sphere of influence. busy israel and the us by default will have to do something about it. i'm not very powerful that can be used by civil society is a platform to say,
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listen, we now have a determination. we now know there's a serious risk and the world can no longer continue. busy as if this isn't the case . so while legally, there may be some trouble with them for science morally diplomatically, politically, there will be many ways in which it can be enforced. we had just a little while ago from running the south african minister of justice talk you about the fact that we, when do is a stain on the reputation of the international community. you in general assembly is also voted for ceasefire. it is a very different ways of sentiment internationally. this in the diplomatic area that is putting pressure, you might say, on the global community, on global states, to actually act on the sentiments of what that public's uh, actually protesting about. we've seen it from island to london, from tokyo to south africa, to, to india. people are getting onto the streets,
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they are complaining, they are protesting to that governments to say you have to do something kind of america really block this if it wants to in the security council, i'm sure it can. but the reputation of what it might do, or the fallout could be quite graphic. so yeah, it can be quite cross like i, i totally agree with that. this will be a pivotal moment for the us. what they really try to, to investigate and try to get in the way of walk the international court of justice is trying to do. and then afterwards, try to pretend that there is some sort of world legal order in place of which they are up to funding. members of that legal community would be extremely difficult. so i agree, this is going to put sewage pressure on lots of different states to come behind the courts and measures if, if made. but again, i would reiterate, it gives the public amunition and fuel which to continue their protests,
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continue their pressure on their own governments. we know that states kind of in these situations, political will, is a bit like more and travel the easiest way down the hill. i can get it from no pressure is put on the space, but they can no longer ignore their own public, then they will have to act. and this cues civil society, the munition that they need the international court of justice. as i say, if make such a declaration, we continue that in order to, to, to pressure whole governments in the world to do something. thomas at minus the, joining us from queen mary university in london. thanks so much for your time. so thank you. tell us the needs and goals that have expressed, mixed feelings about the cold saving of the hague. well, some say that hopefully i'm proud of south africa bringing that case to the international court of justice. other say they both face and international justice
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to a measure of use as in what is going on. and guns are right now must revitalize the international institution and must reactivate the role of the international system . well, the world must investigate what has been done in a gone, so can see it. i'm taking this matter to the court gives all citizens confidence that there are few people in the world who still believe in justice. and i can lots enough to list any of the books, i hope is a palestinian citizen, living in gaza for a decision in favor of the palestinians. in reality, we haven't yet found any decision that can help us to return to north gaza, or to bring a change to our real life. the situation here in rafa is miserable. women and children of the ones who suffer the most. we want the international court of justice to help us and to stop these riley genocide against the palestinians. the will must come to an end. we need to go back to our house and live in freedom and peace. and lo do. why do i'm not gonna, i don't trust this cool and i don't trust the outcome is joe knows everything about
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the outcome. and the result, even before the court session is held, is ro is committing genocide and gaza. an israel knows the result in advance. we are the defense, dis, palestinians standing alone without any support from arabs seduce and the well let's go to that job then a shot. the whole of guys is tired and the people are exhausted. i don't trust the international politics. the only free the only country in the world is south africa . hope other countries on the hour of countries in particular, will follow in the footsteps of south africa. how do you want me to join us though from rough and southern gauze, where the honey, i suppose really, that a cool case, thousands of miles away might not be the priority for many across the costs. a strict when they're worried about being bartonville shell or even trying to find something to eat. it was the 5 day on going on constant selling of the central area and parts of of
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the southern area of nameless city of han, uniform, 100 people are reported, killed and including family and children to either not their hospital or a lockbox and, and defense from the area and more people on the drop of people within the past hour just laid afternoon hours. people are more helpful as they listen to the lawyers and laying down their case in detail. they mean the, the level of detail they've been told at the core just made everyone here hopeful. and that there are people who are still believing in justice. and there's people who are, are speaking, palestinians, particular the goblins, hearts and minds about what's going on. finally, this is how many people feel a. finally, someone is feeling very pin on the fact that south africa country that, that survive the parts high and grow into a body that is fighting and committing to finding a per type o's where it is something that people see as, as a positive indication and more people are interested in, in,
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in bringing just as do the, how the city and it's important to point out that the main question or the manager right here is the occupation. and we compile opinions across the gaza strip and the west banks are living the impact, the negative impacts of the ongoing military occupations. ongoing killing on, on the ongoing destruction. destruction of all means of life, including public facilities, whether it's managed or, and operated by international organization. like on or while united nations for policy, or whether you or public facility is a schools and hold facility, a charitable organization on top of that, the ongoing starvation and using it as a war method against palestinians, as well as the killing of entire families, including the children just looking at the killing of large number of children, entire generation of children, more than $9000.00 is by itself. award climate thing so far laid as a deck for it just fit within the definition. the characterization of war crimes
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submitted by a south african that's what people are hopeful for more countries like south africa, more people, more lawyers are going to be in support of this and would $11.00 statement that they want right now to be to, to be happening then the end of the ongoing killing, the end of this genocide award didn't move forward in the process. thank you. let's close over to cyber colorado using television a short time ago. so we spoke about the reaction from is riley politicians. we knew they would obviously be criticizing what's going on in the hey, what more can you tell us of the well, since we last spoke as to how we've also had a comment theory from the spokesman of these really foreign ministry. i'm just going to quite some of the things that was said south africa is functioning as the legal of how much is what it says or choosing it of ignoring the fact that from us
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somebody did executed rates and could not is re lease. it even called lawyers, the laws, the south africa noise, all right, presented tips of how much quotes and let me remind of use of what we just talked about. uh, the, the other comments that we've had, the economy minister, for example on see is realism is the new m. c. semitism. he also called the great upset agency and on the marginal, hey, paul christie. we've also had from the leader of the opposition. yeah, it not be saying that the phone cuz i'm bodies but should be in the talk should be how much not the is really is not this just gives you a sense of the reaction so far, nothing official from the prime minister him. 8 for nothing actually from the government other than that, one from the foreign ministry, but also speaking to is riley's in the lead up to this. and also when you take a look, comments from people on social media to also because they've all said that this is
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a concern for them. and just to give you a sense of what's a concern, this is it's been working on a p all campaign. certainly even in the netherlands by putting up billboards in the lead up to this, trying to put its perspective across. and just to also give you a sense of how the image international image is a concern. if this comes out as genocide is that even in putting up the billboards, they said that this is being done because the campaign is an installation campaign . basically saying it's an information though is what they've said i will. so i think that it will not be able to silence us people, hey, all shop for this is even happening. they feel very much, but the will is justified public opinion. so how is very much backing, what's going on on the public also is believing that the will cabinet has been
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taking the right decisions when you awesome. what about the civilian invest? they'll say to you, but what's about what happens to us on october the 7th. so that for us with the service center in tennessee for us. um let's bring in our senior political unless mon bushera who's on site following up to see what's being said, well one is right, we'll have it stay in court tomorrow. we can have the on the lights and talk about what's actually happened today and what we seen a page in the netherlands. whatever the judgment of the magistrate side in the next few days will be. what was your general impression of the way south africa's petition? faithful pages of it is on a all desk. how do you think they presented? that was it convincing? do you think it was whether it's a winnable case or not? we don't know, but what was your impression of it? i thought it was brilliant. i thought it was brilliant. and i also thought the document was brilliant. i read this couple of times
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a couple of weeks ago 10 days ago. and i thought not only that they cost contextualized and not only did the source, but they also sourced according mostly to united nations and sources. one, why is that important? it's important because the i c j is basically the united nations or the world support the fact that they are so many sources based on you're not technicians, that reports and otherwise mix the case even stronger. you know, i saw the delivery and the presentation was just brilliant as well. because the way there was this division of labor, we've heard both the historical argument of the legal arguments, the jurisdiction, argument, the procedural argument, as well as the flows ability arguments. so i think the division of labor that and
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that presentation over 3 hours was just meticulous the way it was done. and clearly uh, those lawyers, you know, i mean, what do i know? but it seems to me, there was still convince of the things that they were say because the minutes of the case are just so strong. look in the end of the day. we can, we can repeat and talk about all of this. uh, you know, legal jogging, but what's important for me is what, as mentioned in the report and one of the site issues that report that says guys a, a crisis of humanity, guys, uh, a crisis over here managing and here with me, hard to deal. so something about that's what is being discussed are the elementary principles of morales. and so let's just, let's take a break from the complex procedural legal terms. let's just talk about how our very
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own humanity would. you want to live in a world where the was court having heard c hours of such convincing arguments, having seen what is rob and gaza, wouldn't even or on the occupying fall or the aggressor. the criminal in this case, within just court apartment, is ready to cease fire. i mean, how exactly would that harm the horse? how would it harm justice? how would they harm our humanity and our legal system? our international law, the course of the land, the world court, having a hard, having watched the past 3 months and heard the last 3 hours for convincing arguments as about what is wrong in driving again, guys. so why wouldn't it then is right, sees fire. and then we look for that into the merits of this case. now,
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in terms of what you said, i just heard then what we expect these right is to talk about to model the lawyers addressed the is ready to allegations that said that they condemned the south africans have condemned. the october 7 attacks condemns him as account uh, attach october 2nd. and that if, how much wear a state that wouldn't be held in that doc. and it would be accused of worth of work, right? but it does not stay and that if the is raise and then fact, why didn't these raise? they come out to some international course of some sort. right. why didn't start some legal procedures again, just i think, united nation what is the big instead?
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was gabby a war against gaza on gaza on the fed as soon as in gaza instead of holding come us accountable for what it did on october 7th. so i think the idea that is our will continue to be in denial over its crimes. and guys, when is right, isn't i don't believe they are. we have not seen this thing is that we see because that is open to the international media. i am quite certain that they've watched in the industrial scale giddings and gaza. they have heard that more than 7000, perhaps 8000 children have died and goes back to search and more of the children who died and, and the people who died. and guys are women and children that there we are reaching almost 100000 casualties and gaza that more than 50 or 60 percent of the guys that are essential but of things have been destroyed. i'm
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sure there's runs, i've heard the thought of that. the fact that they will not close that uh is this a different book? it the fact that there's so much hate speech. the news read this and made it from the top down where the president of the country, presumably a mother, a mother, the prime minister of the country, the defense minister of the country. the general is that what additions administered goodness as members parliamentarians. all of them would insight against the person use the human eyes, the palestinians. that's why such industrial skin kidding, i'm suffering would be acceptable with people would just brush it aside. why? because of the day when i say shit. and once i get back to what case and back to the court, the i c j, it is indispensable. it is by the amount for the 1517 judges of this court to ask is about to cease fire because it is just
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a good is plausible. if i'm not 100 percent sure. that is right. it had the intent to kind of genocide and this genocide is not something of the in the past. it is ongoing today this morning when i woke up before i came here to be with you. i've heard the world health organizations that access telling us is why they cannot get the medical, the humanitarian agent, to guys because of the law this morning. this is on the unraveling general side. this is happening every day and part of our eyes, we've heard about one family, one household, 15 members or in one bonding was killed also today. so this is adam driving happening with our eyes. and the court. this do just one thing before it discusses whether it is an ease or is not getting genocide on the minutes of that case, that will take months perhaps years. it needs to take the urgent decision.
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oh, by south africa to ask is right to cease fire because guys are, is as the reports as a crisis of humanity. and we'll talk more about those provisional measures and what might happen in the i was to come as well. lord, thanks very much. those are the forces have intensified the restaurants on southern gaza just by the cool case in how you got these full teen palestinians were killed and 25 engine early on thursday morning when a residential building was bulging, con unit, so many of the casualties of children being just being taken to know so hospital this is really false is conducted on civil rights and the occupied westbank explosions with engineering where residents were reported to being attacked. ministry vehicles raised by his body forces lead to compensations in q. yeah. and doesn't then palestinians arrested across the occupied westbank hearing saying the
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jealous i'd case against is around like the international criminal court in the hague call. scheduled to last 2 days with pay policies letting out their arguments . so example of which takes a closer look at the main highlights of the case at the united nations highest court, the israel stands accused of carrying out genocide in gaza. south africa has filed a 84 page document with the international court of justice and the hague. is claims . israel has killed more than $17000.00 palestinians from october until december last year. just on december 7th, approximately one. palestinian was killed in gauze up every 4 minutes. entire families had been wiped out with no remaining survivors. at the heart of south africa's legal argument is the mess, expulsion of palestinians. 85 percent of the population has been forced to leave their homes. 60 percent of the homes and guys are now destroyed and civilians following the evacuation orders were targeted by israeli forces on designated
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safety routes. the case also highlights the dire humanitarian. the crisis into strip. experts are predicting that more palestinians and gaza may die from starvation and disease than air strikes. the submission also includes inflammatory statements made by israeli leaders. this really president said it's an entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true that rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. it's absolutely not true. this riley minister of energy and infrastructure tweeted, oldest civilian and population in gauze ice order to leave immediately. we will when they will not receive a drop of water or a single battery until they leave the world. the deputy speaker of the canasta tweeted, we all have one common goal, raising the gaza strip from the face of the ar. the former head of these rarely national security council said the state of israel has no choice, but to make us
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a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in. the us must ultimately back even in operation like this. even if there are thousands of bodies of civilians in the streets afterward and gaza will become a place where no human being can exist. there are also examples of the destruction of palestinian. the identity, which i believe south africa's legal team is led by former you and envoy, john, to gar take it, compares israel's actions and gaza to crimes carried out in south africa during the apartheid era. but proving genocidal intent is legally complicated. israel's defense team is represented by the former head of these really supreme court around but rock he's denied all accusations and argues israel's actually had been made in self defense in response to how mazda is attack on south of israel on october 7th, last year. the killed 1200 is released. please be seated. the case will be decided
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by a 15 member panel. decisions are based on a majority vote with a leading judge holding the decisive vote in case of a tie. despite calls for a swift hearing, the case has already been delayed by a week of final rolling on the agenda side, allegations could take months or years and has a legal experts say a decision by the court on whether to announce the immediate measures might come soon. as south africa hopes it will call on israel to stop. it's for one counseling access. i moved out to 0 and then back a i'm going to toby is member on south africa's legal team. he says, genocidal intent is clear and the rhetoric of is really politicians, members of the kind of foot have repeatedly called for gaza to be wiped out flattened, raised and crushed on on its inhabitants. they have deplored anyone
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seating soldiers for the on involved cousins offsetting repeatedly the doctor that i know uninvolved that the no innocence and gaza that the key laws of the women and children should not be separated from the citizens of cause. and that that soon enough cause a head of practice upon themselves and that there should be one sentence for every one the death. finally, the know me cause of called for method less the phone being from the with some of ok. 2, for the use of nuclear doomsday weapons and a not about to overshadow the not quite a 48 somebody the miller jones and stuff, i'm to have this bug a in south africa. so to me, the south africa's petition finally makes it to the international court of justice . and it seems one hopes that many people call south africa. well, we take a very keen interest in proceedings the and
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such and the as, quote, the attention of many south africans, even in the week leading up to the r r o submissions by the south african lawyers. it's been a lot of attention and specifically a lot of pride around what the south african government and those lawyers are doing . because what is happening in gauze originates very deeply with many solve africans because of their own history of a par, tate, subjugation oppression, institutionalized racism. and the challenges that south africans have had to overcome because of that, a part date and a part date history. and they certainly believe this is exactly what is going on in gaza. and it's also not surprising for many south africans. and i suppose many around the world who are watching. that's how the africa as a take of this decision as made this, but at the international court of justice, given some of the statements it's made in recent months,
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this is specifically the 3 months of following the status of this on gods, or they've condemned as well they have for, for many weeks, quoted a genocide. they have long code for a ceasefire. and we know that historically a south africa has supported a palestinian. if it's a full independence for self determination. we know that the former president, nelson mandela, spoke about the importance of palestinian freedom, saying that's how the africans were not free as long as palestinians would we. so there's been a long standing relationship between the african national congress of freedom fighters in south africa and of the legions, i suppose with those of fighting in palestine, but just the palestinian people alone because of what they've been going through. we have heard from the view a jewish board of deputies who say they represent the jewish community in south africa. they have said that they condemned this action by south africa,
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south africa. the government could have taken a move positive steps by engaging with relevant parties in a more positive way. they have said that south africa is biased and, and this really isn't very productive. and they're concerned about, you know, relations between south africa and israel, where the south african government has so many months now cold, full of some sort of, uh, ending of ties with these way. the government, as long as there's no ceasefire, somebody to believe that force and john is big. thank you. the, the spring, some of the days of the news though from across the world around says that it sees the us oil tank and see of a month announcement in mid the train of home strolling these nicholas oil tank of the vessel and change costs and headed to iran, it was kind of like over a $100000.00 tons of crude oil. it was destined for turkey communications for the last. the vessel was once involved in a year long dispute that sold us justice department sees $1000000.00 barrels of of
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rain in crude oil on it pipeline. you're getting tested by the state of emergency. i have to at least 15 people account during find the process, the interest in the comfortable moltby and the 2nd largest city like which it gets to police went on strike over, pay cuts, large crowds with a looting and writing. the government has coals the com and all that the military to restore order and size of citizens to step up to date and give respect to a country one more time and thought it's your neighborhood that yesterday that happened. we had knowledge, we looked into how we report, we look at how we would bring responsible people to face a full i'm of law law physician, lead alexi, devonte, hesitated before a russian supreme court, though he's seen criminal policies, procedures, treatments, the outspoken critic of presidents documentation, has also made his 1st public appearance since he was transferred to an optic penal
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colony recently until jet. unless the end of the day, coal that he was in good spirits of the hundreds of soldiers, that quote, a little patrol and several cities of the government and drug guns declared war. but the street saw nearly deserted as president, stay a being attacked alice under warranty, etc, has moved from the capital key to the day after gang members looted stores and terrified people in keep those historic center. the streets, usually brimming with locals in terrace, were desolate. most stores were closed as were schools and public offices. the area close to the presidential palace cordoned off with soldiers on patrol. alex it was that who kept his stall closed, says he showed up to protect his belongings. along with joseph, killed by yesterday was terrifying. people running desperately up and down the road . 3 in the afternoon. we have to close. it's very dangerous. we are all afraid will be robbed or worse. sentiments of anguish and worried. the others who ventured out
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shared the head. i think we can go to walk in this situation. children con, go to school. our country is in pieces. we need the president to solve this because it's going to is that the price is anthony in a boy who declare to the state of emergency on monday and order that criminal gangs being utilized on tuesday. met with diplomats and international organizations, saying the violence was a reaction to his plans of building new hi security prisons. you promised not to back down and announced he would begin to the port 1500 for them, prisoners, mostly colombians, to cut the number of inmates a vendor on. so that's coming to living in the state of war against terrorism. these on hold and nice crime groups that terrible some of who would finance themselves with drug trafficking and some others with people smuggling and organs as well as weapons. most like was orients, are still trying to make sense of what has been the precedent today of similar pain
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use violence in many cities. tension remains palpable streets or empty even at rush hour has to keep the an ac, whether prepare for another night of the curfew. and the crisis is far from over a 139 prison guards and employees are still being held hostage by inmates in 5 jails. and there were still incidents in classes in various parts of the country. as the armed forces operation continues. this wave of violence was triggered by the disappearance of a convicted criminal. the government hope to transfer, but it's only the latest in a country, increasingly in the grips of ever more violent and the science gangs. i listened that i'm 50, i just the key to for this type of support. now. hey, as far so health. thank you so much. damn, he is national football team coach claim. so it, he, on his player players could have a died after the plane flying them to the african cup of nations,
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was forced to make an emergency landing. this video was found by one of the players once they were back on the grounds, the air ivory coast flight turned around 9 minutes into its journey due to a lack of oxygen in the cabin. it's claimed many of the passengers suffered headaches and dizziness with some falling deeply asleep. very soon after taking off can be, as football president has played it down, saying there was not a single incidence. the we're 24 hours away from the start of the asian copier and katara, south korea are one of the favorites to win the title and the codes you're going clansman believes it's his team's moments. they're squad headlined by arguably aisha's greatest of are players on human of talking them. hotspur,
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south career looking to claim the trophy for the 1st time since winning the 1st 2 additions back to back in 19561960 the tournament starts tomorrow and be starting monday and and i believe this team and with the asian kind of budget will be a lot, a lot of what it will be a lot of dedication, it will be a lot of suffering and, and a work on the training field. and the players know that and they love it, but it's, it's down moment record for time winters japan or the tournaments top rank side and they've been given a big boost brighten star power root. and the tomo has been suffering with an ankle injury, was seen back in training ahead of their opener against vietnam on sunday. while it's the host and defending champions, cuts are up against level on in the opening game on friday, taking off a tournament that was originally to be hosted by china in 2023. and the richardson reports treading and now familiar. it's just over use. it's
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a catch all hosted the men's will come, many of footballs, biggest names, and now back in the country for the asian come, is showing a helping to, to host this addition of the tournaments pulled out in 2022. due to his cobit 19 policy council was ideally placed the step in its short notice that the elizabeth rosetti outside of the hosting the walk up. so i'm not something from scratch of our legacy. i know we always keep building on it. so. busy i think we don't need to think a lot about the dentist to cover the segments of the the plans already the teams already. so shall i think we would have another great in these finals underlining castles, position at the center of will's bolts. casara is that the stones of a tenure veil, the highest form of the one races in 2027, by skip full well cutlasses here, and then in 2030. so how will,
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how's the asian games for the 2nd time? the hostile is so the defending champions, but they enter this tournaments with the points approve. that 2022 will come. campaign began with high expectations. it finished with 3 straight defeats. the kids got who can look. we have to focus on the opening, much with the aim of making all fans happy. and so the asian pop is a big tournament and it's an honor to take part of it. and instead of having our own support as in the stand would be a big motivation today, there's one in car just on to do our best postpones team hoping to provide a focal point of productivity for the people. the site will be, i mean, to secure the 1st ever wind up the events that i think is the best time for us to be able to make history. and when of our 1st game asian top i think is this is because of what's happening because this will be a sort of a, a gift of happiness for everybody back home to enjoy this type of 3 points. let's say on the big stage,
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capital title defense begins on friday against 11 and let's see, and a country back in this bolting spotlights on the richardson, l. g 's era. so liverpool and taking a step closer to picking up some silverware in what could be a trophy latency, then they've beaten full into one and the 1st flag of the lead kept the semi finals liber pool coming from behind with chris jones and cody gas. so getting the goals, the reds are enjoying a good season, they're currently top in premier league and are still in the europe at the n f a cap. yet, surprisingly, i didn't expect the results. and that way i can say here we can book the hotel, but that was not, was, was clear, so full of mazda was probably gonna be, for me, will not be able to be happy tonight, but noticed that is still in england start jayden santo is getting some respite from his miserable stay at manchester united. i'd be not placing august,
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he's rejoined his old club, but beraskigy jordan went on loan. he heads back to germany after scoring just 9 goals and $59.00 premier league appearances having joined united for $100000000.00 in 2021 spend goran, eriksson has revealed that he has terminal cancer. the same coach says he is one year left to live at best. this we now 75 help some huge post during his career, including being coaches, england's one of the most successful coaches and nfl history is set to leave the new england patriots. bill belichick will confirm the end of his 24 year rain at a press conference later this thursday with tom brady as his quarterback. he got of the patriots to 6 super bowl titles. this has been the worst season i was coaching career. and arlen rugby coach and the pharaoh has been given the procedures role of coaching. the british and irish lines. a former england player will be in charge of for their tour of australia in 2025. and that is all you support for now. back to
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you, so help. thanks very much farther course you can follow all the stories are covering by look, go to a website style just dumped the comp. so to, to be bought, good movies on the other side of the right. but until that for me, the news on st. thanks very much for your time. at your company. the on a saturday morning we can't wear access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast. when it's short, been smugglers got us while we were here, it didn't seem like anyone was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa? i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of look at buffy because the state law is going to allow for murphy's no, i use victoria how that we will noisy 90 of the month just at least 9. not the seen
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the money today. all that i visit our team are caught a fisherman bringing a hammer, head shirt. most of his pieces endangered. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile. indistinguishable from the other sharks for presents at the market quickly became problematic. i have the right to boycott, anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series excludes the implications of us and people closed for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen to bless us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level. all that i can to support the one on tuesday around the
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the it was never good to see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after protest, a storm to the capital. more palestinian chit children will become w c. n s. s. wounded childs no surviving family. south africa makes its case of the international court of justice accusing as well of committing genocide against the people of casa, the
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todd. so romilly, what channels is there like my headquarters here in the hall also coming.


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