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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the 11 o'clock visit the news on life and go home coming up the next 60 minutes. a sense of the part of the student population in gauze has been systematically decimate as a landmark hearing begins at the international court of justice in the hague. south africa accuses is relative committing genocide against promised means and gods and
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the occupied westbank riley to held in support of the case being made by south africa. the mileage rails attacked some dollars a continue, at least $32.00 people being killed and the southern city of con eunice and new york. donald trump returns to court for closing arguments in a full trial that he continues to criticize the say we begin this news uh at the international court of justice in the hague. west of africa is laid out, a detailed and chilling case, accusing israel of committing genocide in gaza. kohls israel's military campaign. a long and systematic packing of intentional genocidal acts meant to displace in kill palestinians. step vass and reports. now from the peace process in the hague,
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a step by step layer by layer the south african legal team unfolded what's been described as a historic case in front of 17 judges of the international court of justice. it's genocidal acts like israel's mass killings in gaza form just one part of the crimes perpetrated against the palestinian people since 1948. this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one is sped. not even newborn babies. the devastation resubmit is intended to and has laid waste 2 guys a beyond any acceptable legal, let alone humane justification. in order to establish intent, south africa's lawyers say the court has the benefit of simply being able to listen to the words of the is for a leadership,
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is ryan's political leaders. committed to commend us and persons holding official positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide, the intent the message is filtering down into the rank and file of the is really, um, so you probably the, what state would i need to a general site? the intent, yet the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such, but the termination of the petition. often the sight of speech throughout the sphere of states, it is right. south africa. some lawyers have asked the court phone urgent injunction saying in their words, the world is watching in horror. that's how genocide and god is unfolding as we
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speak. nothing. it can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians, a ghost of may have done no matter how great the threat to his regular citizens might the genocidal attacks on the whole of garza, the whole of its population with the intent of destroying them cannot be justified genocide case will possibly take us to finalize and people in gaza. don't have the luxury to wait. an unprecedented case here at the pace palace in the hague. and that will be for as a state laid out such a details. expensive and gruesome genocide case in front of the international court of justice. south africa has made a compelling argument that the world's highest court tooth or israel to stop its military campaign in gaza as soon as possible. urgent injunctions by the international court of justice of binding. but the world's highest court has no
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power to enforce them. it will establish something very important that 3rd state countries cannot escape. this is the crime of old crimes genocide. and once the court establishes that, this is the go with the thing goes at least plus the states will find it very hard to escape that as possibilities on friday is round, will respond to the genocide accusations. it supports us already gearing up at the bees palace to back up its defense step fast and l g 0. the he with his hearing has been followed closely in the occupied palestinian territories. and, and israel, a correspondence of fully reaction across the region. in a moment we'll hear from target to zoom in reference of him dogs. but 1st, let's go home to salute, choose an occupied east, jerusalem, and have the 1st off what's being and the reaction in israel to the events of the hey, the reaction from across the aisle and
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is really political and social realms. you have comments from the very top, from these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that this is quote hypocrisy. and that it is all lies. these really is are fighting what he calls a just or we're also hearing from miss rose, defense minister jo, i've come onto while speaking in gaza in the southern city of han. eunice said that there is no army that is more moral and there is no war that is as just saying that these really is differentiate between the combatants and those who are uninvolved and even pay the way for humanitarian aid to reach those who are uninvolved. but remember, there is still this dire and catastrophic humanitarian situation that has unfolded because of israel's continued bombardment on gauze. more than 23000 palestinians have been killed. were also hearing from the opposition. the leader there. yet
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you're the peed agreeing essentially with these really prime minister and the defense minister in that rhetoric also these early armies spokesperson, daniel, how god use and said that these really will do whatever they can to defend themselves and make sure that the world does not forget about october, the 7th, and the attacks that took place then, but within is really media, they are circulating, but the comments from members of the far right perhaps are an indicator that south africa needed to bring this case. but that is what is fueling this kay's comments from members of the far right from known ultra nationalist. lucky to more bend. we're the finance minister based on it smote rich and even comments from israel's defense minister in the early days of the war. calling for a complete siege on dogs of saying there would be no food, no water, no electricity, no medical supplies, going in there until the war was over. that of course, has since been
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a different sort of policy, but again they were calling for seed on a palestinian territory that was already received. so be, is really, is are denouncing this, saying that it is. i'm just saying that it is hypocritical and calling it lies, day to a proceedings on friday. what can we expect when his real presents response? do you think these realities are likely to argue that they do whatever they can to keep civilians out of harm's way of saying that they identify who is a combatant versus a non combined or an involved civilian. but the reality on the ground again shows a much different picture given how many palestinians have been killed and injured their additionally going to present the fact that they drop leaf flips on places where palestinians should go to these displaced palestinians have fled their homes multiple times. going to these places that israel has designated as quote, safe zones,
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only to be met with relentless is really bombardment there as well. these are all, these are also going to say that this is a war that was launched on them, but they were not to be aggressor initially in this war, saying that this is a war for their existence. and that it is going to continue until all of their goals are achieved, meaning that these released can feel secure. so these really is are likely to make those arguments, but it's not clear what else they're going to bring to the table on friday when they present their to the thanks for that time to so that the occupied histories with fine. so palestinians in garza say they have mixed feelings about the court hearing of the hey, so feel hateful and proud of south africa for bringing that case of international court of justice. others say they just lost faith in the world's legal systems. and then uh, measure off his eyes in what is going on and guns are right now must revitalize the international institutions and must reactivate the role of the international system . well, the world must investigate what has been done in
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a gone. so can see it. i'm taking this matter to the court gives all citizens confidence that there are few people in the world who still believe in justice. and i come off the list and you have to put the i hope, is a palestinian citizen living in garza for a decision in favor of the palestinians. in reality, we haven't yet found any decision that can help us to return to north gaza, or to bring a change to our real life. the situation here in rafa is miserable. women and children of the ones who suffer the most. we want the international court of justice to help us and to stop these riley genocide against the palestinians. the will must come to an end. we need to go back to our house and live in freedom and peace. and lo do. why do i'm not gonna, i don't trust this cool and i don't trust the outcome is joe knows everything about the outcome. and the result, even before the court session is held, is ro is committing genocide and gaza. an israel knows the result in advance. we are the defense,
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this palestinians standing alone without any support from arabs seduce and the well let's go to that job then a shot. the whole of guys is tired and the people are exhausted. i don't trust the international politics. the only freedom on this country in the world is south africa. i hope other countries, on the hour of countries in particular, will follow in the footsteps of south africa. dotius the tar cover zoom is in the reference of engagement as a topic. what else have people indulge? been saying about the quote here? yes people inside garza today, we're completely following what is happening with the international court of justice regarding the hearings today as they have to use israel for a breaching the principles of the united nation genocide convention. and also, as of the south africa, had to bump that the international court of justice to a to or the israel to hold or all kinds of military acts on the ground. and just so it's military campaign, of course, calls a stripe palestinians. in fact,
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appreciate this is that made by south africans as they are showing how much to the dairy to have been made by south african. so it's kind of thing is generally on what south africa today you have presented in the international court of justice. completely matches the realities on the ground as villages, towns are few. decals have been completely destroyed by the use very ongoing ministry campaign on cause a strict. but what palestinians in a very desperate need is that a resolution could be completely bring that in for the fighting on the ground. and also a resolution that might bring an end for the fighting. and in the old, the sufferings that they have been going through. but meanwhile, we can say that a wide range of palestinians really lost the trust in terms of the international community. but they are doing their best within the dis, on giving her rough it cost just to continue to survive. it's their affordability of food, then they basic supplies as the only also care for the international assets made by
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the one of the efforts made by international community to be translated practically on the grout. dusty can feel that there is a kind of elevation for the humanitarian crisis and also for the humanitarian last that they have been enduring since october, the 7th, and the suffering is just going on and on as strides, still killing people to yes, definitely more strikes, move victims or full as well as israel is expanding it submitted to attacks of course cause in our roof. i to that you lost our 9 palestinians, have to report that killed after the destruction of a residential building and the roof of this area. we should gladly remember that is a safe zone for palestinians as more people are evacuating and taking refuge in bought a tax also continuing in that part of the territory. previously, they have a tax made shift $0.10 a day. they are taking residential buildings. that is full of civilians. also the situation is very difficult. as bottles rages a up in the, in the con you, in
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a city were illumination of last have been fired. and this kind of con unit alongside with a great refuge account. and this is completely signifies that admitted to a patient by the occupation forces as to going in these parts of causal strip as resident as they middle go for nights have been going through very difficult days as bombardment that did not stop for more than a couple of weeks till now, and they are afraid to face the same destiny and the same. and the same end that palestinians in the north have been really arriving to complete destruction of residential building, full absence of any means of life the. but what is happening right now on the ground, it is a systematic creation of for else could rest of environment just to make life on you. habitable for palestinians, off at the end of the world, all right tart, we'll leave it at a target. we assume that in reference of and gaza with a riley has been held and romano and they'll keep pod westbank in support of south africa's genocide case against israel,
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palestinian prime minister mohammed. the search here was the gathering. he repeated his backing of its case in the hague, killing 20000, but as being young's in does the, is not 0 side. what do you reside this and getting 60000 but as the nose in does a, is not general side. what the 0 side that if destroying to a 171000, the houses then does that is not genocide. what the 0 side, it's for started spreading 1600000. but as being us from the south is not genocide what the genocide is. try to day one knows its days when when, when is that gaze? when would it be in victoria? yes. well is it enough? well, how do i go? how many centers this update from ramallah in the occupied westbank? it was certainly, there's a sense that uh, the police to news are beginning to be
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a vindicated in the sense that south africa of both their plight into the limelight on such an international plot for what south africa has been putting forward at the international court of justice and they, hey, it's something policing is talk about every day over and over again. so certainly hearing that a problem with the south african legal team is something that has boded very well with palestinians. they also hold that and this will start a process of reversing the image that they have in some parts of the world. but as the news always complaining that when it comes to the west, when it comes to the western media, when it comes to what is set, what comes out of washington. they are always so that's the bad guys. they are all is the human eyes. and when it comes to their flags, well,
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they have been double standards. the owners compare, for example, of late, the situation with this situation of the ukraine is and they compare the reaction of washington of european powers to russia's occupation of eastern parts of southern new grade to their own, to the occupation they have been dealing with. for more than half a century, and they say that there has been a complete double stand in many palestinians. i've always been off what i've always been asking rather why when it comes to us? well, the human rights do not apply. why do we have to be treated with a different sets of, of standards? so that is something that is boding very well with them. now, what is the expectation? what is the priority of anyone? and the answer will be as this ation of her still it is in the gaza strip. read for is the money terry and a to come in as quick as possible in much larger quantities with large
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rival demonstrations that taking place outside the international court of justice. in the hague is south africa presented his case against israel. as all my been job aid has been speaking with the actress, many of whom the cooling for sci fi in gaza. laura was born in the back of an ambulance during israel's bombardment of garza in 2014. the 9 year old wanted debris with this upgrading temperatures, to show his support for the children of gauze. in the heart of the you will get, i want to watch wind the children to be safe and to live and homes to be fine and not destroyed. i want causes children to be ok, but it wasn't just palestinians. people from all over the world, the cabinet in south africa presented its case before the international court of justice. and the jewish religion is being mis use to justify all these crimes. this is not the case. most of jewish people are worldwide then occupied public fund or
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guns, or what is taking place, not only in goals or no, not it. but for that, for, for the, for these decades. over 75 years of brutal, illegal, empty jewish occupational people here have been telling us that they've coming from all over europe and they want to show solidarity with south africa. but also do tell the need is of the world. we're standing with israel that this amounts to genocide and there needs to be a ceasefire that needs to take me while we're having this conversation. children are losing their eyes, they're losing their family, they're losing their lives, they're losing their lives. there are people that are being bombed, there is no ambulance that can go to them, they will suffer. it's slow that because the entire health care system in the north is not house. that is the situation. and that is indefensible. if you boys, real protest is altogether at the peace palace, but refused to speak to sarah on find it is are able to defend itself and try to
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prove that it has not committed acts which amount to genocide. experts that are hopeful that south africa's case is likely to convince judges to stop israel's actions because they think that deputy occasional needs very solely those improving the ceasefire is one of what essential measurements to put an end to the on going to general side, the general side of the studio in the gods us to you. then of course the question is which would be being forced to mental with disabilities on which is legally binding. as people deliberate, nowhere is safe and go to and israel's onslaught continues. some of the driving down to 0, the a. what officials in the united states have reacted to the 1st day of the i c j hearing say that they see no justification for the accusations that south africa is bringing before the cold. i kind of has more from washington, a real estate department, as describes the accusations of genocide abroad by south africa and other nations in the icy j, as without foundation. it says, however,
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that it will allow israel to respond to these answers when it gives its point of view in the proceedings. friday, however, in 2022, the us joining debrief against russia brought by ukraine in the i, c. j, on the grounds of genocide. now i also state department spokesman, why they are 2 completely different positions and what on the face of it, a very similar circumstances. how and whether there is a ground to make a determination or not is based on specific facts and law. and again, in the case of, of, of genocide in this ongoing case in front of the i, c, j. we believe that those claims are unfounded. and we believe that making such a claim that needs to take place at such great care that the time is not exactly genocide is happening. the claim in the breeds is that the potential for genocide
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is in place. the buffer genocide is exceedingly high. as you know, but also remembering that president find it in 2020, to describe russia's invasion of ukraine as genocide. so he was very quick to make a determination which something like guy c, j still has not made on that particular case, isn't his own a bit too early to be saying that the on the grounds for the potential to genocide, every conflict is different. and every circumstance is different and these kinds of determinations need to be made with a close look at the law and the facts and the these allegations that israel is committing genocide are and found it. so the us continuing its position of and qualifying support for israel despite the proceedings in the i c. j. despite as well, the ongoing conflict within garza in which american weaponry is being used. my kind of out is era washington the us extra state has left egypt. it was the final stuff
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of his latest diplomatic tourism. at least i just been blinking. hell talks with president abdul 5 to fcc, and kara blinking said offering a pathway to a palestinian state is the best way to stabilize the wider region as well as isolating iran. and is proxies the so to some of the dates of the news now and the united states has condemned around seizure of an oil tanker in the gulf of i'm on the tank was reported to have been voted by onto the truth is near the money coast before its tracking device was turned off and it turned towards iran is causing more than a $100000.00 tons of crude oil. the vessel named nicholas was seized by the us last year. the sanctions imposed on the wrong. assess lani is a gen listen senior research fellow at the center for middle eastern strategic studies. and he says a seizure could escalate. regional tension in this development seems to have 2
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dimensions. one that is related to the flexing of muscles between the ball and the, you know, and the united states over the implementation of economic sanctions against the ron law. back in april 2023. the united states confiscated you ran in oral that was being carried by the same old tank here. but the, the vessel was crossing the sea of a month. that's why at this, the timing you, ron sees the tank k a. the 2nd dimension is related to the, let's say, because of water, which is on going and we have been seeing that. yeah, movies. recently they have been trying to target vessels linked to israel in order to put pressure on tel aviv to stop. the attacks on the people of guys that i bought in the united states now seems to be helping gets released in order to put
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pressure on the game. and these on the, let's say this, these 2 issues, you know, uh, combined together can be somehow more meaningful within this context. we have been seeing some most biased relieves on the united states, which have been to look at that against the rod and wrist. and the, you know, the, the americans want to create that kind of coalition against. yeah. mentees of the who sees because they think that the attacks by who these have been putting pressure on israel. and it has created risks for the funds that of the ships in the region. so that's why, you know, these kind of actions and reactions could create that kind of escalation. and it seems that the both sides try to play the game at the high level of pressure on the, to push the limits of the other sides in order, let's say to stop the opposing side. in the united states, former president donald trump,
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has appeared in court to hear the closing arguments in his full trial. trump is accused of exaggerating his wealth and financial statements given to banks and insurance companies that can be fined as much a $370000000.00. if you lose is the case. i don't want to use. busy and it's enough for christmas libby, who has moved from outside the courthouse in new york, the former president, donald trump address the court during the closing argument phase of his civil fraud
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trial of choosing the new york state attorney general, who took this case against him of doing so for publicity, calling the trial a political witch hunt. the former president is accused of grossly over inflating his assets and representations to banks and insurance companies. the attorney general's team in this case says that fraud was central to the operation of the trump organization. they are looking for $370000000.00 in damages. as a result of these charges, the judge and the case who's had a very contentious relationship with the former president throughout the trial. already ruled in the summary judgment that he was liable for fraud. now he must decide how much he has to pay again. the attorney general's office is looking for
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up to $370000000.00 in damages. he could also lose his license to do business in the state of new york where his empire has been based the decision. the ruling from the judge is expected to come in the coming a sliding ronald 0. we visit the ghost towns along israel's northern florida with 11, with thousands have been told they may not be able to return to the holloway. i'll set to hang onto that coals in quiet weather across the good parts of here. but things so slowly changes. we go on through the weekend. here's our massive area of high pressure, which is keeping it settled. we have got some story conditions. having said that, just around the met, it's right in the survey pressure will make its way further. east was the area of light pressure just around western russia, and that's producing some outbreaks of sleet and snow and introducing cold rabbits,
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the winds coming from move and they'll be direction most skype minus 14 celsius, tiny cold enough, but at least it will be driving lots of snow showers just around about 6 days and we'll see where to win the weather. just creeping back into west scandinavia. either the next day or 2. this is the side of a change. just pushing into cause, no discussion and on friday, sinking further south which is a weakening system. it's not a lot on it, but it would introduce automotive, coal plastic and see how those between that are i seen the titles every, when the gas, the conditions coming in across the know, say pushing down towards germany for the low countries last night around the baltic states that sunset of weather that we have across the eastern side of the med beginning to ease off the westwood, grassy season with the weather coming at the portable for much despite it is dry. so they show us that we have in the met. it's right and they will bring some wet weather to the far north about you area grass you moving all the way? it's egypt of the
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a. we look at the world's top business stories from global markets to economies and a small business sales force and included security around the world of history or something that the international community your view should be doing to understand how it affects counting the cost on o g 0 the human mind is incredible, but it can also overwhelm us at times. here's a bill, the phone audio problems in the 1st of a full pod seats. so we travel to iceland, which is the highest rate of anti depressant use and you know that we're all set its own. so we're buying and to origin teams to find out twice. everybody is so popular we just done exactly the same as when we were babies. with our mother, mine's changing the way you think about mental health. oh,
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no jersey. the. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. again, you're watching out your mind about top stories. this out and south africa is asking the special court of justice to urgently hold what it says of genocidal acts carried out by his ready forces in garza, the country wants to you is tough cold to issue cycle provisional mentions to or the israel to end as for some people, the goal is to say they feel hopeful. now this case the court but is run is still counting out as tried since for at least $32.00 posted into being killed in con units instead of the morning. and romano riley has been housing supported south
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africa, genocide, case against israel, palestinian prime minister language of the as seen that the gathering suppressing is full packing for the case or run of the model is sought advocates minister of justice and speaking at the hague earlier you said there's no excuse for the genocide in gods. the well as watching her is published and then men, women, and children with low to wound up fitted a life under development of their homes, live to die pin from dead under under, under the sol supposed. because the other thing in over 2 been to 3000 that through destruction room squares, hospitals, water treatment plans and other public infrastructure that didn't pass the conditions of life and is calculated to bring about the destruction in order in parts of the palestinians living and cousin so the guys unequivocally condemned the tug by all most on the 7th of october, let's enough from farmer to miller,
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who said this update from john his book of what is happening and what has happened and goes out for decades originates very deeply with many south africans simply because of south africa's own history of institutionalized racism apart, dates and oppression. many south africans have come out in support of this move by the government approaching the i c, j, and a wanting a ceasefire in the cause of the supporters of this move. i pulled it a momentous occasion, one that they are proud of, and one that is likely to set a precedent. the african national congress, the governing party in south africa once and the duration party has for decades students solidarity was palestine. and this is a part of that was led to by the former president, nelson mandela, who would said that uh, south africa would never be free if palestine didn't have a freedom. and this is the kind of sentiment that is tickled down to millions of south africans. we have also heard from the jewish board of deputies,
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which says it represents the jewish community. now it's on the other hand, has condemned the south african government for this action, saying that it's time would be better spent approaching it in a, a more positive way of reaching out to both sides of this conflict. and so they able to approach the present through i'm a pause, appealing for a different direction, but the african national congress, the government has been 35 and it stands including a vote in parliament to cuts, ties with israel, which, which was paused by parliament. we haven't seen any further developments on that front, but the government has certainly returned to south africa, different method. what in israel, and also a couple of years ago recalled it's a basset to that country. so me them a little, i'll do 0 to had his book. let's explore this further. we can speak to andrew feinstein in london. now he's a political scientist and a former member of the national assembly of south africa. and you're welcome throughout the 0. now you've long drawn power,
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those haven't you with what's going on in palestine before october, the 7th, lumber for to have the same with the parts side in south africa. what do you, what are your thoughts now? is israel's actions a brought before you and the former as cold a guy named festival. and i think i'm incredibly proud of south africa for bringing this forward. um, it's something that is not easy to do. it's something that was desperately needed. so by the world, if we ought to have the international rule of know, it is incredibly important that the i c j act on israel actions which they have been undertaking with the support of the provision of weapons by most of the world's most powerful, circled western countries so i think this is incredibly important movement. i also
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think it's very important that it was south africa the full forward. because as we just try to do the reports of the history, the history of south africa struggle for liberation from a project which is very close to the palestinian struggle. preventative duration and freedom from the pottage and from afraid brutal occupation. so i think post south africa was as you've just heard, feel incredibly proud. but i think many people not just do palestine, but around the world are incredibly grateful, whole south africa having taken this action right now we've already had rebuttals. of course, as you might expect from the united states, and indeed of course, uh from the is really government. how do you think they go to address the defense tomorrow? these really government and then how do you think it will print out in the end festival? i should say that i think the roof bottles, bolts from the united states,
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particularly from the is really state a have been to physics to put it mildly, these really response which was effectively to bad miles south africa to cold south africa. the legal um, how much and an agent all the rainy and rip company is actually quite embarrassing. and what that suggests to me is rarely is going to find it incredibly difficult to respond to meaningful to south africa is quite extraordinary submission. extraordinary. and it's due to its clarity and its legal arguments and its impact. i would imagine tomorrow at the israel will attempt to argue self defense. but i would think that justices as experienced as those on the i, c, j. well,
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obviously respond to that in the knowledge that self defense is certainly not the defense in terms of international of low foreign occupying power for its minutes reaction in the territory that it is occupied. if an interim measure is brought into, say that israel has to cease and desist it is real, doesn't have any record of following any un edicts in any way, shape or form. so what impact categories actually have production? i think the impact interesting will be on israel allies what i think it will become marley. i'm politically far more difficult for joe by the receipt to knock and kissed amr and the united kingdom full chancellor schultz in germany for emmanuel macklin in front of all of these western european leaders to continue to justify the support there. i'm critical support for israel's actions in addition to
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which i think it's going to be incredibly difficult for the united states. britain of western europe to continue on israel weapons between no, i'll be used in the commission of these atrocities in gaza. and i think that becomes more difficult. it becomes more difficult because i think we will see various additional legal actions taken by supporters of palestine in each of these countries around the world to try and stop the government's behaving as they have. but i also think politically, a lot of these political lead is paying a very high price in their own countries full that i'm critical support of israel and fuller enabling and facilitating of what i believe is a genocide in gaza. and i think the only basis on which the i c
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j could not find in south africa's favor is if enormous, political pressure has been brought to bear on the judges by america and other allies of his rail. i'm. i'm still trinity, the consequence of a finding against south africa's finding will have disastrous consequences for the international level. uh yeah. interesting. uh andrew, in great time your perspective analysis. appreciate that very much, andrew. it finds time to speak just for lunch and thank you. i guess a funeral for a man killed by is ready for assisting. jeanine has been taking place. he was killed with a military rated several areas in the occupied westbank earlier on thursday. at least 10 pallets the news were arrested is ready, forces have stepped up. then 90 searches in the wake of the will on garza well
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across the board or far as continuing between israel and his beloved nor com. visited towns along his wells. northern border with thousands of evacuated, people being told, they may not be able to return for many months. the 10th quiet and northern israel, punctuated only by cross board of 5 between he is ready, army and hezbollah bought with the several military sites hit in the past few days is where i was preparing to file the escalation. the group hezbollah says it was the response, b is right. the military assassinating senior commodities in lebanon, about 80000 people have been evacuated from the northern border farther west. this becomes more evident, it otherwise, it's the, it's not the sauce that's just behind me. and these houses, hundreds of people have been evacuated, and soldiers have moved in creating all closed the transaction across the area in multiple towns across the board. as government says, tens of thousands of people,
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in fact, choices won't be able to attend until there is no longer a threat from has fall off. we're on route 899. this road runs almost directly paradox disputed food area between israel and 11 on and 57 on is not 50 maces away . and we see many empty towns along the way, almost completely empty roads fall. a few middle tree vehicles out to spin, minute stream faces along here. check points. sandbags, blocking the way. this is a town of july. you can see as being completely blocked off by the is riley, mid a tree. it might be a close, then i'm not sure if we can go in there or not. it's not just no cheap preparation on the boat to zip hospital and stuff along with other hospitals in the north have been instructed by the government to be prepared to take in thousands of casualties. we just arrived in the nova evacuated town
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called slow me again, empty holmes, empty streets. and this being fist fighting between israel and has blocked in this town. i just want to show you one of the points of territorial dispute between the 2, this very large zig zagging will. it is all built 2 years ago on the left of the will . is israel on the right is 11 on and just down south of that you have is righty homes. and if you look along the mountain side, the bones house area. that's what is wrong with the fighting has ball and trying to push them back past the ridge and all the israel says it wants to take the diplomatic pump bus. it's making clear military escalation is still on the table. laura han, i'll just say rod opened his room. what escalating tensions along about 11 in israel border prompted western diplomats to meet in bay route to discuss potential solutions. one of the proposals were posted involves hezbollah pulling away from
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the board to send a hold of his more now, from beverage. this is rose, army is warning of more aggressive military action against has the law. if it doesn't stop attacking its positions and pull back from the border, but it's official say they will also give a chance for diplomacy. the lebanese armed group to appears ready for a political settlement, but not before as well as war on garza and i'm any i'll shoot them in most a few days ago. has the secretary general house on the throne. the said this battle created an opportunity to liberate every inch of lebanese land, and that appears to be what us envoy amos hausten is looking to discuss with loving these officials. the possibility of starting negotiations on ending territorial disputes along the land border as a way of containing the conflict. hausten wasn't as well last week. i think you've all heard what the government in israel has said, which is that there is
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a narrow window, but that they prefer as a fanatic solution. i think that is the case we have. we're living in a crisis moment where we would like to see a diplomatic solution and i believe that both sides are prefer diplomatic solution is our job to get one. but that may take time. the prime minister's office says the u. s. is looking for middle ground to reduce tensions before a final deal can be worked out. in the early days of the conflict, lebanon's prime minister said that this isn't for war or peace was lost in his government's hands. now he says the country is ready for talks on long term civility on a southern border with as well. many interpret this as approval from a more powerful has the loss for indirect negotiations to begin. lebanon's, deputy speaker of parliament play the role and in direct negotiations that lead to the maritime border deal between 11 on and as well in 2022 and says or is about
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the solution. is that how does that do you use almost all the if the objective is to return settlers today settlements in the north. we have the same objective, which is the returnable lebanese villages to they bought a villages in fox. the solution should come through diplomatic means and no one can find any other solution. violence is escalating on the ground, but the warring sides are still limiting their attacks on military targets and keeping them largely to the board or at least for now does that include their osha 0 they don't. human rights watch is release report highlighting the situation. the $1000100.00 countries that monitor during the past year and includes israel and palestine and describes the level of attacks and killings is unprecedented in recent history. the situation dramatically escalated off to october. the 7th. since then is ready for us as have destroyed 46000 times in gaza. $234000.00 to being damaged is rarely strikes and
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a total blockade and forced base of gauze as hospitals to close the tools, waste water and the solid nation facilities. bakeries of also shut down. the report accuses from us and other products to noon on groups of deliberately killing civilians and committing a range of abuses during the attack in israel. in october, throughout has on his executive director of human rights watch, which he says it must be accountability for human suffering and rights violations in garza and in other parts of the well. the situation in gaza is dia throughout research shows. since the beginning of the conflict, human rights watch is documented, war crimes being committed, including the crime of starvation as a weapon of war. also collective punishment through the restriction to fund to basic food was a fuel and life saving humanitarian assistance, which has been imposed by these really blockade. so, you know,
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the situation in goblet is desperate and it requires a immediate response from the international community and what we seen today, i think with the international court of justice, hearing south africa is application of that. and they are arguing that israel has violated its obligations under the genocide convention. is an important signal for the people of gaza and to the world that they must be accountability for will crime instead of being committed in gaza. either there was also being crimes that were committed inside israel and they also demand accountability. but this is not the only conflict in the world where we see the world looking away and not bringing the full force to regret that is required to bring justice and accountability and to stop civilian suffering. the situation into don, for example, in the del, for region has full enough the agenda. we see thousands of people who are being displaced, women who is being victims of sexual violence and the targeting of the muscle,
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it ethnic group. and you know that that has received no international attention and requires the same level of commitment to ensure accountability that we saw in context like ukraine, where we saw the international community throw all of the tools in human rights and accountability tool kit. at the situation, we saw our investigations, we've seen, i cc rivera was, we seen domestic invest investigations by country to we were prepared to put resources in to investigate and prosecute war crimes in ukraine. and if anything ukraine shows us what is possible when the world stands up and takes violations of international humanitarian law seriously. and we should expect nothing less from the other conflicts. and the world from me in march to ethiopia, to sudan, 2000 us president joe biden. son, hunter biden has pleaded not guilty in
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a federal court to types of asian charges. the case stems from business daily instead of also prompted and impeachment investigation of his father, hunted by them. his accusing is accused of failing to pay $1400000.00 in taxes between 20162019 the faces up to 17 years in prison. if convicted as to the head here right now to do the full time on the richardson in doha, its just though for us and auction, seen that listed the men's wealth company and catch all the countries now hosting
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ages. biggest international,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, let's get onto this board, his son a thank you very much. and nick, while we're less than 24 hours away from the start of the asian cup and go to south korea, one of the favorites to win the title. and the co children clansman believes this will be his team's. yeah, this quad is headlined up by ages highest profile to some filming, or from the south. we are looking to lift the trophy for the 1st time since 1960 tony's of advice, the special player and these special for these themes special for green football. he's our captain. so having a leader like him was huge. it's huge for us. you know, because you're so much experience and,
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and feeling for these kind of vocation full time when as japan all the time it says top front the side, the some good news for them by to saw calling me palmer was being suffering with an ankle injury. was seen back in training ahead of the open, i guess vietnam on sunday. the post and defending type is cut off i slab. and onto the opening game on friday, kicking off a tournament that was originally due to be hosted by tyna in 2023. i do is just send reports treading and now familiar past. it's just over a year since the cats are hosted, the mens will come many of footballs, biggest names, and now back in the country for the asian come, showing a happy jew to host this addition of the tournaments pulled out in 2022, g to its code 19 policy council was ideally placed the step in its you'll notice
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that that is always rosetti outside of the hosting the walk up. so i'm not something from scratch of our legacy and we always keep building on it. so i think we don't need to think a lot that was better than a couple of the segments of the the plaza already the teams already. so shall i think we would have another great in these finals underlining castles, position at the center of will's bolts. casarez and the stones of a tenure day of the highest form of the one races in 2027 by skip full well cutlasses here, and then in 2030. so how will, how's the asian games for the 2nd time? the host is so the defending champions, but they enter this tournaments with the points approve that 2022 will cope. campaign began with high expectations. it finished with 3 straight defeats that keep going to look. we have to focus on the opening much with the aim of making all fans happy. so the agent cop is
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a big tournament and it's an honor to take part of it. and instead of having our own supporters in the stand would be a big motivation today, there's really car just all to do our best postpones team hoping to provide a focal point of productivity for the people. the site will be, i mean, to secure that 1st ever when the events that i think the best time for us to be able to make history. and when of our 1st game asian top i think of this is because of what's happening because this will be sort of uh, a gift of happiness for everybody back home to enjoy this type of 3 point. so let's say on the big stage capital, this type of defense begins on friday against 11 and etc, and a country back in this bolting spotlights on the richardson l g 's era. so gabby is national football team. coach claims that he and his plan could have died off the plane, flying them to the ask
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a couple of nations was forced to make an emergency landing. this video was found by one of the plays ones that they were back on the ground, the air ivory coast flights. it turned around the 9 minutes into its journey due to a lack of oxygen in the cabin to bar salon. i will, terry all madrid and despite his super cup final and saudi arabia, roberts, even dustin letting me in the a minus for the says them have both to get barza to know when over a sooner in the 75, the one of the most successful coaches in nfl history is leaving the new england patriots. he'll go take a has confirmed his 24 year reign of the patriots is over. with tom brady as his quarterback, he guided the patriots his 6th super bowl titles. but this has been the worst season of his coaching career. we had a vision of new ability and literally championship football team here. and that succeed exceeded my,
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my wildest dreams expectations. the now success that we were able to achieve together. um, you know, through a lot hard work and you know, the contributions of so many people i'm very proud of that and, and, and always of those, those great memories. okay, with those those with is the rest of my life. well, number 2, why am i call it has made a close to perfect start to his. yeah. he cards and opening round to fix it to and to do a invitational to take it to shop, lead mcroy requoted, a 9 buddies. and what was his 1st tournament? since then, but what i don't think school and capacity is had been feeding the heath at the back. all righty in saudi arabia, home drive a is he the lodge, hey, has been leading the call category, but he's now crashed of contention. all the interests are taking on a mass and a 2 day stage, during which time they have to cover a root of more than 550 kilometers. and that's it for me. next
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side of thanks very much. we'll see you later. thanks for the meantime. uh that's it for this news. i will be back in a couple of minutes. i have another hour use the prep. so see the the the one or the domain manager for nearly 3 years. evelyn limiter. it has been investigating a short van trafficking operation. now. she's putting together the team that's going to rated and lexie though they're still but as be well, but i said less indeed i this bit of a humble sure expensive become
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a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that much. and that will tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators into dismantling or ring a short 10 traffickers said he would be, my gosh. okay, think of that. he always thinks under the see me until the following is car here. as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead are rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some space is a sharp at risk. he said that the the forward to hearing the have you had to be late that he
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has the support of 15 for m samantha. she'll take a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection? reporting for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story, the, [000:00:00;00] the cut out in the clock, this is a new life coming up for the next 16 minutes every day. phase mounting,
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irreparable loss of life, property, dignity, and humanity for the palestinian people. and unprecedented hearing goods on the where the hague,


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