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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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tragedies and yes of violet, but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. no country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why the everyday phase mounting, executable loss of life, property, dignity and humanity for the palestinian people. and unprecedented here and gets on the way of the hague, south africa, accused of israel, of committing genocide against palestinians in gauze. the speaker this is i just see that live from the also coming up funeral. so i held in central garza for phil palestinian right pressing work has killed in and is really
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asked like the hit. their ambulance prince prime minister, holds a cabin, a meeting to discuss a possible action against humans who the rebels with the americans. pulling a tax by the group in the red sea. and in new york, donald trump with tons to code for closing arguments in a full truck, but he continues to criticize the we'd begin at the hague, where a landmark legal case has begun at the international court of justice. south africa laid out the details in shilling case, accusing israel of committing genocide in gaza. because israel is a military campaign, a long and systematic pattern of intentional genocidal acts meant to displace and killed palestinians step by some reports from the peace palace in the hague. a step by step layer by layer the south african legal team unfolded what's been described
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as a historic case in front of 17 judges of the international court of justice. it's genocidal acts like israel's mass killings in gaza form just one part of the crimes perpetrated against the palestinian people since 1948. this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one is sped. not even newborn babies. the devastation resubmit is intended to and has laid waste to guys a beyond any acceptable legal, let alone humane justification in order to establish intent. south africa. loya say the court has the benefit of simply being able to listen to the words of the is for a leadership is right, is political leaders made a type of comments and pestilence,
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holding official positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide, the intent the message is filtering down to the rank and file of the is really, um, so you probably the, what state would i need to a general site, the intent yet. the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such. but the termination of the petition, often no sight of speech throughout the sphere of states in isn't right. south africa, some lawyers have asked the court phone urgent injunction saying in their words, the world is watching in horror. that's how genocide and god is unfolding as we speak. nothing. it can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians,
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a ghost of may have done no matter how great the strength to his regular citizens might. the genocidal attacks on the whole of garza, the whole of its population with the intent of destroying them, cannot be justified genocide case will possibly take us to finalize and people in gaza. don't have the luxury to wait. an unprecedented case here at the pace palace in the hague. and that will be for as a state laid out such a details. expensive and gruesome genocide case in front of the international court of justice. south africa has made a compelling argument that the world's highest court tooth or israel to stop its military campaign in gaza as soon as possible. urgent injunctions by the international court of justice of binding. but the world's highest court has no power to enforce them. it will establish something very important that 3rd state
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countries cannot escape. this is the crime of old crimes genocide. and once the court establishes that, this is the good thing guys, at least plus the states will find it very hard to escape that as possibilities on friday is round. we'll respond to the genocide accusations. it supports us already gearing up at the bees palace to backup its defense. step 5 and l g 0 the he a 100 south who joins us now from occupied east jerusalem. so i am the, what's been the reaction in israel to today's events of the hey, reactions across the aisle coming from is really officials. let's begin with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who said that what's being brought against israel is quote, hypocritical. and that these really is, will defend themselves in the face of these lies. he says, he went on to say that these really army is the most moral army in the world. and
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not this war was brought upon them and that they have no choice but to fight it. speaking in guns, the 2nd largest city of han units, israel's defense minister jo, up go on to reiterating that sentiment saying that there is no army that is more moral and there is no more that is more just he also says that these really army at every single point in time differentiates between on involved civilians and combat. it's saying that these rallies even give the access for humanitarian aid, like food, water, and medical supplies to these palestinians in gaza. these really armies spokesperson daniel, have body, essentially repeating those same messages, but says that the world should not forget about what happened on october. the 7th, when from us attacked southern israel and that they will not let the world forget. additionally, you have is really media that has said comments from the far right is really
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ministers like bits and it smelt rich. i need some more bend. we're both known ultra nationalists but their rhetoric is contributing against israel's case in this process. remember, they have had comments that have been condemned by countries like the united states, calling for the displacement of palestinians and calling for an occupation their calling for the building of illegal settlements inside of gaza. additionally, remember the comments from israel's defense administer jo, up the launch, and the beginning of the war was called for a quote total siege on the already be siege palestinian territory cutting off all water, all electricity, all humanitarian aid, all food, anything but a population would need to survive, they had denied entry for that. so they use rarely say that they are going to to, to defend themselves in the face of what they're calling false accusations. have the sound whose life was there in occupied history some think by attracting
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back is professor at reuben presidential chair of jewish history of wake forest university. he's also a specialist on jewish history and the nazi holocaust. and he joins us now from winston salem, north carolina, thanks so much for being with us. so what do you make of, of, of what's been heard today in the hague and how does it compare with other cases involving genocide as the case today that was brought by south africa is of historical importance. you know, since the end of world war 2 and the holocaust, we've heard the cry of never again, never again. and it's south africa with it's $84.00 page reports that it's submitted to the world court, which has really stepped up to that moral obligation of stopping genocide in its tracks. and this case is of such importance. and it's important legally. of course,
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as we've heard, it will make the case to the world that is real, as indeed committing genocide and it will compel the member states of the united nations to act. in order to to stop this genocide, it's also a political importance because it will put increasing pressure on the western nations which are enabling is real to commit to show. so put pressure on them by the world protest movement in support of the palestinian lies just to cease their support for, for israel. and i'll, and i'll also say as a historian who studies the not to call a cost in america's response to it, this case is of enormous historical importance in the sense that we can identify this moment very, very clearly as to when the world was put on notice that genocide is happening in previous genocide, such as with the armenian genocide or the genocide against jews and other victims
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of nazi is a it took a very long time for the world to to come to understand that that was happening. and it was really too late to act, but here we have a genocide, this happening in real time. it's being documented by the victims themselves. and it really all accolades to south africa for taking up this moral responsibility. so if, if the hey, was to rule in the favor, what would be the implications of that? not just for israel, but internationally to i think it would. um, one, it would put enormous international pressure on israel and its supporters. most importantly, the united states would put them on notice that they are on the wrong side of history. in time i, i don't expect that the israel is going to obey the ruling if it, if it comes, you know, a against them. but it will certainly put enormous pressure on israel and will
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increasingly turn, turn it into per i estate, much of the way that we're seeing, you know, happening with russia, with this war against ukraine. good to get your thoughts on this very attractive. but thanks very much for being with us. thank you. a palace thing is in gaza, say they have mixed feelings about the court hearing at the hey. so i'm a feel hopeful and proud of south africa for bringing that case to the international court of justice. others say they've lost space in the was legal systems a well and then the other officers, as in what is going on and guns are right now, must revitalize the international institutions and must reactivate the role of the international system. well, the world must investigate what has been done in gone, so can see it. i'm taking this matter to the quote gives all citizens confidence that there are few people in the world who still believe in justice. and i come off the list and you have to put the i hope, is a palestinian citizen living in garza for a decision in favor of the palestinians. in reality,
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we haven't yet found any decision that can help us to return to north gaza, or to bring a change to our real life. the situation here in rafa is miserable. women and children of the ones who suffer the most. we want the international court of justice to help us and to stop these riley genocide against the palestinians. the will must come to an end. we need to go back to our house and live in freedom and peace. and lo do. why do i'm not gonna, i don't trust this cool and i don't trust the outcome is joe knows everything about the outcome. and the result, even before the court session is held, as ro is committing genocide and gaza. an israel knows the result in advance. we are the defense, dis, palestinians standing alone without any support from arabs seduce and the well let's go to that job then a shot. the whole of guys is tired and the people are exhausted. i don't trust the international politics. the only free and honest country in the world is south africa. i hope other countries, on the hour of countries in particular,
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will follow in the footsteps of south africa. i thought it was zoom is in rough a. he explains how palestinians are reacting to the proceedings at the international court of justice. the people inside garza today were completely following what is happening more the international court of justice regarding the hearings today as they have to use israel for of reaching the principles of the united nation genocide convention. and also, as of the south africa, had to bump that the international court of justice to a to or the israel to hold or all kinds of military acts on the ground. and just so it's military campaign, of course, calls a stripe palestinians. in fact, appreciate this took me by south africans as they are showing how much to the dairy to have been made by south african. so it's kind of thing is generally on what south africa today you have presented in, in the international court of justice. completely matches the realities on the ground as villages, towns are few. decals have been completely destroyed by the use very ongoing
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ministry campaign on cause a strict. but what palestinians in a very desperate need is that a resolution could be completely bringing in for the fighting on the ground and also a resolution that might bring an end for the fighting and the end of the suffering that they have been going through. but meanwhile, we can say that a wide range of palestinians really lost the trust in terms of the international community. but they are doing their best within the dis on giving her rough a cost just to continue to survive. if they are affordability of food, then they basic supplies as the only also care for the international assets may be one of the efforts made by international community to be translated practically on the grout. thus they can do that. there's a kind of elevation for the humanitarian crisis and also for the humanitarian, your last that they have been in during since october, the 7th, a purchase for media our at 14 of the government, they're discussing joining the us and possible military strikes on who these in
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yemen, you can us forces of lead naval operations against the who these who have been attacking ships in the red sea, the wrong back group say they are only targeting vessels linked to israel. on wednesday, the u. n. sec, security council pos, the draft resolution demanding the who these sees their attacks. the group leader says they will respond to any so called aggression learn the thought that the insured law. we will not hesitate to do everything we can and we will confront the american aggression. any american aggression will never remain with that response. and the response will not only be at the level of the recent operation that targeted americans, etc, with more than $24.00 drones. and several missiles, the response will be greater than that. and more than that. and with that, we are more determined to continue and target ships linked to israel. we will not back down from that, and our position stems from our faith. the americans would know what that means. and let's get more now from she have
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a tendency to join us live at the white house. so yeah, she have what have we been hearing from the us side on this the weather here. so session has been consistent, most recently expressed by, as of a blinking on wednesday that they will be consequences for fatherhood the attacks against shipping. so now with all the charter, not least that the british cabinet meeting, if you will, the only with the suggestions being that perhaps some sort of u. s. u. k. attack may be imminent, the pentagon, sports person was off point blank. so what do you have to say about this? and what was interesting was, he was the public inspector as much as it pains to separate the potential for any offensive actions by the us. potentially the u. k. for example of what it's already coming together or attempted to cobble together. it's been trying to put together operational prosperity, guardian, this maritime task force to deter off other who the attacks it's been doing or having a really tough time with that,
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with many of its allies. even those who signed on some of them don't even want to be named publicly. those who have signed on no way the netherlands have for that. okay. well give you like 3 people. yeah. but but then no ships. so there's a bit of real tough. so in part because there is that suspicion that despite the front of the stations from the bike and white house to be administrator, and they will eventually further expound the war and cause it into a wider regional conflict. and these countries don't want to be part of that. so pet writers said look, operation prosperity, guardian. surely, surely, the tyrants, nothing to do with anything else that might be happening. but any out of this, whether individual nations outside of the auspices of prosperity guardian opt to take any other action. of course that's a sovereign decision. and again, i'm not gonna forecast or speculate on potential future operations. and then as it, as it relates to the readiness of us forces operating in the red sea and in the central command region. and i'm just not gonna talk about readiness other than to
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say we have the capabilities and the capacity to do what we need to do to execute the emissions that we've been assign us. so not wanting to speculate on any, any offensive action against looking at these but, but, but clearly that still aware of the suspicion of, of many of us allies about operation prosperity go do on whether we use assumptions . a way to say, look at this alliance. now fighting the who are things on their own ground, it's like, no, no, no, no. i mean, if there are, is there there's, i think it's nothing to do about, you know, i guess he doesn't want more people to drop out to anybody and still wants to get more people on board. she have a tendency life office in washington. thank you. all right, still head on, i just need to revisit the ghost towns along israel's northern border with 11 on my fast told they may not be able to return home the
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brought to you by visit castle. hello. the winds of stones are coming. they can fast across north america now no sooner. there's one make his way away from the east disabled if he comes to the next one. there's more where that came from. areas of low pressure, dis, diving in from west to a stand behind these weather system. so that's basically cold, have in place minus 31 less the top temperature in calgary for friday afternoon. cold enough in denver, 3 degrees celsius has a nightmare for dallas. so we got a little bit of water which is throwing up out of the gulf of mexico for the time being that was getting up to around 14 celsius on sash, like make the most of it come sunday 3 degrees. so the cold air does start to win out, and i seem of waiting for you whether getting back in the mix. then wherever supp mazda down towards the south, looking at both island storms, heavy rain potential for flooding damaging waves, and the tune a to know the flank of that. there we go with more snow making his way through
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running across the lakes in to that eastern side of canada, mostly pretty quickly. that's about the only consolation i can offer you really. so that's in celsius, the in new york and move when she weather as we go to the costs of next week. because the carpet will be have some the weather just to bring the final. so if the region, but for most it's fine and dry. you might just catch the gotcha. all right, well let's see. it's not, it's the weather brought to you by visit cuts on the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the log in you are watching. i just need a reminder, lots of stories. which media is reporting the government there is discussing joining the us in possible military strikes on the hoot these in yemen as follows. several attacks by the group on ships in the red sea who they say they are targeting ships linked to israel. south africa is asking the international court of justice to urgently hold what it says. a genocidal acts carried out by is really forces in gaza. country once we once talk pull to issues. so cold provisional
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measures to what it is ralph. and it's some people in gaza say they feel hopeful. now this case is painful to the 12 foot. israel is still counting out and strikes on the strip. at least 32 palestinians have been killed in con unit since thursday . it's been nearly a 100 days of israel's war on guns up more than 23400 palestinians had been killed over double that had been injured. and the dead include a shocking number of children which has been highlighted and then you report from save the children. since october 7th, more than 10000 children have been killed by is really strikes and ground operations. that's one percent of gauze as total child population, that's according to the ministry of health. in garza, thousands more are missing and they are thought to be presumed buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by his ready bombardment. save the children says those who survive the tax of stuff a life changing injuries, including burns disease, inadequate medical care,
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and the loss of the parents. 1000 children in gauze that have lost one or both of their legs. the what was the organization is calling for an immediate c spot. jason lee is save the children's country director for the occupied palestinian char tree . he says, a sci fi is the only way to protect children in gaza. the numbers not just staggering in the scale and scope, but the actual impact on these on don't just numbers. every single one of them is a child. a child that has lost their lives, a child that has but has suffered, i can inc. and to both physical injuries, but also the mental, the longer to psychological and mental it consequences for children that are consistently surrounded by filings that have experience such loss. and they've had the heart of the families, the communities around them destroyed. it is imperative that that is the immediate and definitive ceasefire. this is the only way that protects civilians that
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protects children, and that protects some semblance of a hope that they can rebuild. the future's, we've got a situation that when more than 60 percent of residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed, more than 60 percent of schools. educational facilities have been distorted, damaged, so the children that survive miraculously will have the physical injuries will have the lots of mental inside the social needs, but also will need significant investments in, in rebuilding their lives. many do not have harvest to return to many do not have schools to retention. many do not have communities to return to begin the ceasefire is just the 1st step, but it is a critical step to ensuring that that we, that we do protect the features of children. a funeral for a man killed by his writing forces in janine has been taking place.
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he was killed in the mid fi rate of several areas in the west bank only on thursday. at least 10 palestinians were arrested as ready forces of stepped up in 90, such as in the wake of the war on gauze. a across board, a fi is continuing between his really forces and has bullet flights. as in lebanon, lower con, visited towns along as well. as northern border with thousands of evacuated, people have been told they may not be able to attend so many months. the tense quiet in northern israel, punctuated only by cross board of 5 between the is ready army and the hezbollah. bought with the several military sites hit in the past few days is where i was preparing to file the escalation. the group hezbollah says it was the response. these ready military assassinating senior commodities in lebanon. about 80000 people have been evacuated from the northern border for the west. this becomes more
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evident. i've arrived just behind me and these houses, hundreds of people have been evacuated, and soldiers have moved in creation off closed the transaction across the area in multiple towns across the board. as government says, tens of thousands of people, in fact, choices won't be able to attend until there is no longer a threat from has fall off. we're on route 899. this road runs almost directly paradox disputed food area between israel and 11 on and 57 on it's not 50 maces away. and we see many empty towns along the way. almost completely empty roads bought a few middle tree vehicles out to spin, minute stream faces along here. check points. sandbags, blocking the way this is the town of july agency is being completely blocked off by the israeli minute tree and it might be a close then i'm not sure if we can go in there or not.
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it's not just no cheap preparation on the boat to the zip hospital and stuff along with all the hospitals in the north have been instructed by the government to be prepared to take in thousands of casualties. we just arrived in the nova evacuated town called slow me again, empty holmes, empty streets. and this being fist fighting between israel and has bought in this town. i just want to show you one of the points of territorial dispute between the 2. this very large zig zagging will it is, are all built 2 years ago on the left to the will. is israel on the right is 11 on and just down south of that you have is ready homes. and if you look in the mountain side, the bones house area, that's what, as well as being fighting his ball and trying to push them back past the ridge and all the israel says it wants to take the diplomatic pump bus. it's making clear military escalation is still on the table. laura hon. i'll just there are built in
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his room the colorado springs, some of the days of the news now in the united states for my president, donald trump has appeared in court to hear the closing arguments. in his full trial, the judge has already determined from fortunately inflated his assets in order to secure loans. the trial will now determine the penalties trumps teams as the case is politically motive. i to push the salumi has more from outside the court house in new york, former president, donald trump address the court during the closing argument phase of his civil fraud trial of choosing the new york state attorney general, who took this case against him, of doing so for publicity, calling the trial a political witch hunt, the former president is accused of grossly over inflating his assets and
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representations to banks and insurance companies. the attorney general's team in this case says that fraud was central to the operation of the trump organization. they are looking for $370000000.00 in damages. as a result of these charges, the judge in the case who's had a very contentious relationship with the former president throughout the trial. already ruled in the summary judgment that he was liable for fraud. now he must decide how much he has to pay again. the attorney general's office is looking for up to $370000000.00 in damages. he could also lose his license to do business in the state of new york where his empire has been based the decision the ruling from the judge is expected to come in. the coming to hodgen tina's annual inflation has
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searched by the 2 posts of 200 mach to 211 percent the new far right president, have a mulay says things will get better, but not before they get worse or less than the back end to see a newman reports now in the blink of the knife, petrol prices in argentina have doubled while the local currency, the pistol is now worth half menus and most restaurants are no longer exhibiting prices. they're going up too fast to print them off every day. it's worse, this is turning into venezuela. the latest official inflation figure is more than 25 percent for the month of december, almost doubled when it was in november. the owner of this business loves one apple, which is similar to a llama. and so he's decided to plastic or the outside of his shop with 20 pistol bills, which happened to feature one ackles. and that's because that's a lot cheaper than buying wallpaper. about 15 years ago you could buy lunch and get


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