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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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the personnel in that those that attack, so do we know any more about the u. k. role in all of this? at this point, we have got a lot more detail about what the us has been doing in terms of both the vessels involved and the assets themselves being launch towards them. and the u. k. has a couple of naples ships in the area. they've got a 3rd on route there at the moment, but in terms of what they've been doing, how they've been involved in these launches of the last arrows. so we don't have a lot of detail at the moment. we do know though that as she help with menacing there in the us, that will be some political concern here in the u. k. about this decision by private distribution. so you're not to take this action. we've already heard from the head of the scot, this national policy about his concerns, the parliament was not re cold ahead of this action. we've had the same things from the liberal democrats policy, one of the major opposition bodies here in the u. k. so that will potentially be some consequences for research. so not,
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but we do also know that senior members of the major opposition party labeled here in the u. k, was brief ahead of this action being taken. and we let me know that you have a spend time uh inside. yeah. um and it is a country that is still going through a very long civil war. and then the who these are not in complete control of, of the whole country as far as the instability of the situation inside the country . what, what locations is gonna, is that gonna have for people that as well. we've had our concepts in yemen since 2015 earlier according to, depending on who you speak to. but suddenly deciding lead coalition start to its own and strikes back in 2015. they expect to those to last a matter of weeks, and here we, on the 9 years later that has been a cx, 5 between the 2 major factions that we think controlled region in the north and the
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saudi back forces in the south. the official government, all the admin down that what we've seen though is almost 4 100000 desks. and now more than 6000000 people according to you and data on the edge of firm. and so clearly the implication of the us, the u. k. some of us of allies intervening in that conversation, perhaps stuttering things back up could be very, very serious. and it's something that the russians in particular ahead of a un security council discussion about this. so during the week, did express very publicly, they were worried about this and as far as the political, the political potential political pushback with the british prime minister richie sooner uh, may be facing at this point. so what's, what, what, what are the calculations there for, you know, the, the u. k. system is not quite like the us system in terms of, you know,
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there's my constitution here. so you're hearing from as she i was mentioning, rohed kon, a of the members of congress like mike lee, a republican talking about the concerns about the constitutional requirement of the president. here in the u. k. parliament likes to have a voice, parliament called itself sovereign. but again and again through history, the last 2 or 3 decades, we have seen that has been downing street why the prime minister resides as ultimately made the decisions, particularly about these kinds of limited strikes. and that may be an argument that so not makes the full parliament in the days that when he's questioned about this, this needs to be done at a certain time. he might say, these were limited strikes. he might say, we don't have a huge amount of detail about what's being targeted, but it has been telegraphed very clearly in the past few days in particular since those tuesday night time. so the us minutes are described as complex. we've heard from the us defends minutes to say, watch this space warning of what he called consequences for the who fees if they
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continued down this road for the moment, the marks in london. thank you. let's take a look at the humans who the rebels. then they began in the 19 ninety's as a model to see a logical movement of these a, these, a sheer minority group, a late to became a resistance group involved in several of the conflicts with the many government since the, our spring of 2011. the influence grew as an anti government force with the aim of toppling humans for president ali of bela sought in 2015 who defined to seize humans capital sent out. it triggered more than 9 years of war between the saudi leg coalition, which backs the internationally recognized government and the who these supported by it wrong. on october, the 31st the who these entered the war in gauze are firing drones. and me saw that as well, who they said they would target all ships heading towards israel. major shipping companies avoiding the route as a result of the policy is the co founder and executive vice president of the quincy
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institute for responsible state prophecy joins us now from rest in virginia. thanks very much for being with us. so let me ask you, 1st of all your, your thoughts on, on the use of these attacks. i think it is a tremendously dangerous escalation, but perhaps most importantly, if the objective is to prevent it to who is from attacking ships in the red sea, which is images and its objective. it is quite clear that it is far more likely to succeed by going through with some firing cause that rather than by escalating and starting work with different genes. because the jew ring that seems fired and existed in november, they don't see a tax drop down to on one, and it will just have made it very clear that they will continue their attacks as long as israel is bombarding barza. so the question that has to be asked is, why is it that the british and american governments prefer escalates and go to war?
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essentially in order to prevent these from attacking ships rather than actually going to the top of a ceasefire. and garza, which would not only be more effective, but also would have other positive effects such as ending disorder releasing the hostages that have muscles and also tacit by a difference in syria in regard to which many document which has been attacking us troops, something that also stopped during the ceasefire. and how is a ron likely to be viewing is given that a given that they are seen as a, as a kind of sponsor and the who teasing. yeah, yeah i'm and they have kids, they've been giving them material and financial support for years now. and yeah, the yvonne is a certainly bashed different tiers and probably trained and provide administrative support for them. but the whole, these are not some sort of a proxy of the volumes that are on behalf of the volumes and numerous issues for is
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the taking over of. so now that you mentioned earlier in the program, this was something that the vanya smith's as opposed, but that we've never ness winful what i did it by the boss perspective. dixie objective is to stay out of work while at the same time through their support for difficulties and others try to exact the cost on israel for it's apartment because we're getting closer and closer to a larger excavation in the region that could drag in the united states yvonne and other actors and again it's sort of watch mindful of the fact that to a ceasefire. we can avoid all of these different and di did, i mean that there's been a lot of discussion over the last 3 months of the danger of the, the conflict in gauze feeling over uh, throughout the region and escalating further. and we've seen further and further evidence of that over the last few weeks, you know, let's talk of an escalation and fear that he may continue to escalate. it's
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escalating already, isn't it? as it is. and the strategy and environment especially has been to try to achieve the escalation by estimating. and it doesn't seem to work in the long run clearly because difficulties are likely not going to back off. they're probably going to need cruise and intensify their a task. and then there's going to be pressure in the united states to take even further. mil. gotcha. so this is a spiral that already started weeks ago instead of actually preventing it altogether to a see fire. the bind ministration has done everything you can to avoid is fire and is now also in addition to that, um, escalating matters and yeah, and as we mentioned the program, this thing have other type of ripple effects including the internal situation in yemen, including the saudi here many war that has essentially a function since fire right now, right now with that me great as well. so this could have
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a tremendous amount of the stabilizing into patients for the image. and in terms of the optics of this, we are once again seeing 2 major western powers, launching an attack on me, least in the country. and how is that likely to be viewed in the region given the previous history of that, of course, in any rock, i think the by the restriction has already heard the us ascending in the region and the on particularly the in the global south tremendously. and which to details of us is 5 resolution invested you when it was expedited at west things deliveries to israel, more than $10000.00 tons of ammunition and weapons have been shipped to israel since october 7th. this only adds to that, particularly mindful of the fact that they who teach had gained a tremendous amount of companies already in the region precisely because it was trying to pressure israel into us is fine. all right,
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so the moment for the policy life is there. uh, in uh, washington did to get your perspective on all of this. so we're going to stay in washington now because you as president joe biden has just commented on the attacks that she advertise, he is the 1st she have. what did he say to the rows of 11th? a written statement. so i went read the whole thing, but he said, stay up to date my direction, u. s. military forces, together with the united kingdom and with support from australia, bahrain canada, and the netherlands successfully conducted strikes. the gave us a number of targets in yemen, used by who is the rebels to endanger freedom of navigation, while the wells, vital waterways are confirming. some of the details we've had it earlier from anonymous officials. the strikes are in direct response to unprecedented truth, the attacks against international maritime vessels in the red sea. and then it goes into some detail about all the different attacks that have been 27 to tags on
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international commercial shipping crews for more than 20 countries have been threatened more than 2000 ships of diverted. and on january the 9 through these lower so largest attack directly talking to american ships, you wonder whether that's going to be use them in his defense without going to congress fast american ships with directly target to the response of the international community to these reckless attacks. as when united and resolute last month, the us launched operational prosperity, guardian, a co, this level for 20 nations. we also joined more than 14 nations and condemning who through a tax last week together with $30.00 and partners, we issued an unequivocal woman. the truth, the rebels would bear the consequences of their a tax if they did not cease. and yesterday, the united nations security council passed a resolution to monitor who, with these end the tax on much commercial vessels of interest in gather the wedding . they didn't suggest them that i gave them the right to you just said the un security council, cold on the who are things to end. the tax today is defensive action,
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follows the extensive diplomatic campaign and who with the rebels escalating attacks on commercial vessels. these targeted strikes are a clear message from the united states, and the apartments will not tolerate or text with all personnel or hostile actors to impair of freedom of navigation. in order of the world's most critical commercial roots, i will, i hesitate to direct further messages to protect all people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. so rather than feet, you just want to come home camera. the word white house press pool were dismissed shortly before the attacks, but a rather lengthy statement that from president biden justifying buttons involvement, father involvement in the world despite the the public opinion that everyone. one thing very, is there any war on goal is to escalate into a much, much wider regional war. all right, for now she advertise the life which there in washington. thanks for that. now comes back to one of the top stories. now the landmark case at the hey,
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that is seen south africa, accused israel of genocide in garza. many south africans have been voicing that support for the government's decision to take the case to the i c. j for me to bill . with this update from johannesburg to what is happening and what has happened and goes out for decades originates very deeply with many south africans, simply because of south africa's own history of institutionalized racism. apart, dates and oppression. many south africans have come out in support of this move by the government approaching the i c j and wanting a ceasefire in the cause of the supporters of this move. i pulled it a momentous occasion, one that they are proud of, and one that is likely to set a precedent. the african national congress, the governing party in south africa once the ration party has for decades, students solidarity was palestine. and this is a part of that was made by the former president,
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nelson mandela who had said that south africa would never be free if palestine didn't have a freedom. and this is the kind of sentiment that is trickle down to millions of south africans. we have also heard from the jewish board of deputies, which says it represents the jewish community. now it's on the other hand, has condemned the south african government for this action, saying that it's time would be better spent approaching it in a, a more positive way of reaching out to both sides of this conflict. and so they able to approach the present through i'm opposed, appealing for a different direction, but the african national congress. the government has been 30 firm and it's don's including a vote in parliament to cuts, ties with israel, which, which was passed by parliament. we haven't seen any further developments on that front, but the government has certainly returned to south africa, a different method. what in israel, and also a couple of years ago recalled it's a basset to that country. so i mean, i'm a little,
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i'll do 0 to his book and you find spine is a political scientist and form a member of the national assembly of south africa. he says, israel will find it difficult to count to south africa's arguments. in the case festival, i should say, the license the rebuttals, both from the united states and particularly from the as rady state, have been critics to put it mildly, these really response which was effectively to bad miles south africa to cold south africa, the legal on how much and an agent of the radium republic is actually quite embarrassing. and what that suggests to me is it is rarely is going to find it incredibly difficult to respond to meaningfully. to south africa is quite extraordinary submission, extraordinary in its detail, in this clarity. and this legal argument and its impact,
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i would imagine it tomorrow at the israel will attempt to argue self defense. but i would hope that justices is experienced as those on the i, c, j. well, obviously respond to that in the knowledge that self defense is simply not the defense in terms of international will, of low foreign occupying power for its military actions in the territory that it is occupying to lodge arrival demonstrations have taken place outside the international court of justice in the hey, the south africa presented it's case against israel. some of been deb, it has been speaking with the activists, many of whom are calling for sci fi and gaza. laura was born in the back of an ambulance during israel budman of garza, in 2014. the 9 year old wanted debris with this upgrading temperatures. to show his
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support for the children of god. in the heart of the you will get, i want to watch wind the children to be safe and to live and homes to be fine and not destroyed. i want causes children to be ok, but it wasn't just palestinians. people from all over the world, the cabinet in south africa presented its case before the international court of justice. and the jewish religion is being misused to justify all these crimes. this is not the case. most of the jewish people are worldwide then occupied public fund or guns, or what is taking place, not only in goals or no, not it. but for that, for, for the, for these decades. over 75 years of brutal, illegal, empty jewish occupational people here have been telling us that they've coming from all over europe. and they want to show solidarity with south africa. but also do tell the leaders of the world. we're standing with israel that this amounts to genocide and there needs to be a ceasefire that needs to take me while we're having this conversation. children
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are losing their eyes, they're losing their family, they're losing their lives, they're losing their lives. there are people that are being bombed, there is no ambulance that can go to them, they will suffer. it's slow that because the entire health care system in the north is knock out. that is the situation. and that is indefensible. if you boys, real protest is all together at the peace palace, but refused to speak to the 0 on friday, israel will defend itself and try to prove that it has not committed acts which amount to dentist side experts that are hopeful that south africa's case is lucky to convince judges to stop israel's actions because they think the deputy occasional needs very solely those improving the ceasefire is one of what essential measurements to put an end to the on going to genocide, david genocide in the studio in the god's us to you. then of course, the question is, which would be being forced to mental with these,
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with each other which is legally binding. as people deliberate, nowhere is safe, and garza and israel's onslaught continues. some of the driving down to 0, the a. a riley has also been held in ramallah in the occupied westbank in support of south africa's genocide case against israel, palestinian prime minister. and how much today was at the gathering. he repeated his backing of its case in the tech in the hey these ready? all me is counted out more rates in the occupied westbank soldiers was seen storing, storming north sam's refugee camp into academy with bulldozers and military vehicles. the army has intensified nightly rates in the territory since october. across the board of fi is continuing between is really forces and has buller fighters in level on laura con, visited towns along as well as northern border with thousands of evacuated. people have been told they may not be able to attend for many months. the tense
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quiet in northern israel, punctuated only by cross board of 5 between these ready army and the hezbollah. bought with several military sites hit in the past few days. is where i was preparing to try the escalation. the group hezbollah says it was, the response is right. the military assassinating senior commodities in lebanon, about 80000 people have been evacuated from adults in boulder, farther west. this becomes more evident the other i just said, it's not the stuff that's just behind me. and these houses, hundreds of people have been evacuated, and soldiers have moved in creation of course. and then it's residing across the area in multiple towns across the board. as the government says, tens of thousands of people, in fact, choices won't be able to attend until there is no longer a threat from has fall off. we're on route 899. this road runs almost directly paradox disputed food area between israel and 11 on and 57 on is not 50 maces away
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. and we see many empty towns along the way. almost completely empty roads bought a few middle tree vehicles out to spin, minute stream faces along here. check points. sandbags, blocking the way. this is a town of july. you can see as being completely blocked off by the is riley minute tree. it might be a place there and i'm not sure if we can go in there or not. it's not just no cheap preparation on the boat to zip hospital and stuff along with other hospitals in the north have been instructed by the government to be prepared to take in thousands of casualties. we just arrived in the nova evacuated town called slow me again, empty holmes, empty street. and this being fist fighting between israel and has blocked in this town. i just want to show you one of the points of territorial dispute between the
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2, this very large zig zagging will. it is all built 2 years ago on the left of the will . is israel on the right is 11 on and just down south of that you have is righty homes. and if you look along the mountain side, the bones house area. that's what is wrong seems fighting has paula and trying to push them back past the ridge and all the israel says it wants to take the diplomatic pump bus. it's making clear military escalation is still on the table. laura han, i'll just say rod opened his room, a set of hands on that 0. we'll have more on the strikes on the targets in yemen. the one, the thing was the, the
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the the, the well the telephone go down the we will never concede it doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it at a bar 3 years after protest as storm to the capital. the new rates for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates, once again bethel trump,
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for the nomination, stay with elsa 0. so the us election 2024. this horse was a non symbol lead from the means of cars and ambulances. israel targeted during an invasion of things you need refugee camp in 2002. now it's been removed by the way people dozers. and it shows us where this cultures to. he's proud he was involved in creating the destruction of one humans, aims to crush their spirit and punish those, showing support for any acts of resistance. highly chose his 5 year old son, add them photos of them working on this culture and says, the process tells a lot about costing me to, i guess. and again, the
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the hello again. now more on all developing a story right now, i'm gonna show you the latest pictures coming out of yemen, showing the air strikes. some of the price carried out by the us and u. k. forces targeting send out international airport invest in the capital and the as they allow me base we know that strikes have been carried out in the vicinity of the data airport as well. calum can inside that and the, as delaney based north have sent out who these have responded, saying america and britain must be ready to pay a heavy price for our diplomatic edison james base joins us now on the phone from new york. so james, we were costs reported earlier in the week on that un resolution resolution that was calling on the hudy's to stop its attacks in the red sea. and we've now seen
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the us and u. k. respond directly to, to on who the attacks inside yemen. this is not likely to be viewed well by you and officials. is it no, i mean this is a very interesting the timing of this because as you say it has, and it was just over 24 hours ago that the un security council finally voted on this resolution about the situation in the red c. it'd be in a controversial resolution drawn up by the united states. russia had reservations about it and actually introduced 3 different amendments to those rights to the resolution. the amendments, the 3 amendments didn't cost the russian amendments. and then when the resolution was finally voted on, they were full members of the security council, if did not support it. they were russia, china, mozambique, and the arab member of the security council. algeria, now, a old ups a, a rush or,
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and trying, or if they want to the course, they are permanent members of the security council and could have vetoed it. but they abstained and said that they wanted to make sure that they went further attacks on shipping. but they were worried that this would give a green like to as the, as it says, the west and forces for military action. and of course, just over 24 hours later, now he's wants his habits of the un itself. i think the un secretary general would be concerned about the situation because the un secretary general and his special amboy hutton's greenberg being working tirelessly in recent months to try and keep a very on easy piece going and getting and off to the the loan role that took place that the role that in bulk, saudi arabian, against the and i think the u. n. will be very, very concerned now with these mil attraction, but perhaps that will mean that really on the front you all piece will start to
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unravel. all right, so change based i much uh, full that's do much more to come from the you and no doubt that is it for this and use our as we were you the latest on those strikes on yemen. stay was the, it's undisputed that 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana, india and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mob of locals along side the state governments provincial. i'm constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, a district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to sleeping under the hot sun, collecting a limitless energy. so their own tri, hoses down the so the panels on his roof for decades,
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the number line on the diesel, shipped in a great expense with grounds from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy. they need kind on state fits future of fossil fuels, no renewables, the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power station funding, co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china. but the government remains committed to colon guess the human mind is incredible, but it can also overwhelm a sometimes here's a pill that solve a problem in the 1st of a full part seats. so we travel to iceland, which is the highest rate of anti depressant use and you know, that was all set. it's also very hard to find and to origin teams to find out twice . everybody is so popular, you just done exactly the same or when we were
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babies with our mother. mind changing the way you think about mental health. on noticing the us is always of inside the people, right? the world people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the us and british forces carry out the strikes on who to talk. it's in yemen following attacks by the rebels on ships in the red sea. the group have already responded saying the u. k and us must be prepared to pay a heavy price the and i'm having to think of this is i just need a live from the also coming up every day. phase mounting,
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irreparable loss of life.


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