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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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a mind changing the way you think about the mental health of disease. the us is always of inside the people, right? the world people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just do this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the us and british forces carry out the ass strikes on who to talk. it's in yemen, following a taxed by the rebels on ships in the red sea. the group have already responded saying the u. k. and us must be prepared to pay a heavy price. the presence, think of this, i just need a live from the also coming up every day. phase mounting, irreparable loss of life, property, dignity,
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and humanity for the palestinian people. an unprecedented hearing gets on the way at the hague, south africa accuses israel of committing genocide against palestinians in guns, funerals, or help and central cause of a full pallets spinning red crescent work has killed in and is really asked like the hit, their ambulance. the will begin with breaking news. explosions have been reported in humans. capital sign on the port city of the data. us officials say american and british forces have long strikes against targets linked to the hoot these, there it is. the 1st time strikes have been carried out against the around back group since it started attacking ships in the red sea late last year. who these claim, their only targeting ships linked to israel in response to the work on gauze strikes have been reported in several sites linked to the hosting group. it includes the
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vicinity of the whole day, the airport, the airport in top is kyla and camp inside the and it delay me based north of santa a senior, who the official has issued a statement in response to those strikes, saying what our country is subjected to is aggression and america and britain must be ready to pay a heavy price. we've got correspondence covering this on both sides of the atlantic . villa mox is in london tonight. i'm the son who's in occupied east jerusalem. a 1st less cost to washington dc and speak to she have a tendency. so if you have, we've already heard some reaction from the us government on this us of the president joe biden has already weighed in with a statement to the houses around of 1157. but let me read you a portion of it. today's defensive action follows this extensive diplomatic campaign, and who is the rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels?
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these talkative strikes are to a message to the united states that our partners will not tolerate. attacks on our personnel or not hostile access to imperil freedom of navigation. and all of the world's most commercial routes or critical commercial routes are we don't hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people. and the free flip, it's natural comb us as necessary, but you can see that the emphasis on the defensive action actually earlier in the statement by the talks of the various ruthie attacks. and then, and was that, that paragraph with a specific product on january the 9th, who was these loans that largest subtract the date directly targeted american ship . so that gives us the steps, perhaps, off the legal justifications of the body to ministration may attempt to use both nationally and international, ready, members of congress and wait a 2nd under the constitution. and the congress can declare war. but directionally just leaders, we have this done with brief uh before before the attack, but, but clearly bite the try to suggest this little purely defensive eminem's attack,
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perhaps draft and those sorts of terms, which is what the white house traditionally used as discuss international norm volume different countries around the world and joe biden, no plans to address the nation as the buttons. you have another country in the middle east to on behalf of the, the us. and we've had, we've had so much from the us sector state over the past week. she have on the need to contain this called conflict and to prevent it from, from escalating. how should we view that in, in, in the context of what's, what's happened overnight here? i don't think that's been one of the main discussions as that have been discussions again since saturday december, about what the us should do and mean what they call the foreign policy blog there. you can see it as the major discussions what what, what difference does that make you for us? so it's bullying. but here's the thing is you know, going to eradicate, but who are these are these right? these are going to eradicate. i'm of these kind of concepts of the real play,
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some serious foreign policy. and in addition, but who are things that made it very clear that they are taking that action specifically because they feel it's bad. it's about for the responsibility on the international law onto the genocide convention, to prevent genocide or take action as they see fit. and that's, that is that constituents that i've told them to just see fit to prevent genocide because again for carrying dogs and what they have chosen in order to do that is to truck it ships with connections to israel. they think it's, it's a national to, sir. yeah, it's, it's, and that's one of the reasons why i think that was, that came gene. it's about joining operation prosperity, god, you doing the 1st place. this was the maritime task force that the us attempted to, to declare with great fanfare on december the 18th, but it turns out to be rather weak because of the nations of drawings. and many of them didn't want to be named as not most of them, a lot of a major allies in nato didn't even,
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didn't even want to be involved in both of those with david. so, but we'll give you a few people. we're not giving any strips, but it was precisely because that was a concern that despite the protestations, i'll be assurances no pressure prosperity, guardian would purely be defensive. and that was something we have from the pentagon. the pentagon specs passing on on thursday once again that this would be used as some sort of idea, some sort of sense of a coalition of the willing to try to attract bigger things to offensively attack the who sees in. yep. and that's why i certainly didn't want to drive, and that's why it will. so i think why the pentagon spokesman just a few hours ago said, look, that may be attached. i'm not going to speculate on you haven't itself. but everyone has to remember that that has nothing to do with operation for prosperity garden, just purely defensive. like you have a highway patrol, i'm not offensive, that's purely a method for individual southern states. a. she advertising life was there in washington. thank you. let's cross over now to the mox in london. so then this is something that had been telegraphed uh, in the u. k for a few days. now. what,
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what are we? what's the latest that we are hearing right now from, from you guys sessions? permit us to originally so not has released the statement in the last few minutes. lots of it, echoing those telegraphed statements of the last few days when people like the defense minister. talking about the who female issue carrying out a series of dangerous and the stabilizing attacks, say in the united kingdom, would always stand up for freedom of navigation and free flight of trade. he described these strikes as limited, necessary and proportion to action in self defense. thoughts about it being alongside the united states and of course in terms of the details, it seems like according to the reuters news agency that we're for. all right. yeah . for all the false jets involved in the supported by refuting time cuz base and guided palms towards to who c facilities. so it seems in the context of these wider
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attacks, the vast majority have been targeted by us missiles and in terms of the, the political implications of all of a sofa from prime minister richie soon back. sorry, sorry about them. can you hear me? okay, looks like we've lost them their apologies for that. honda sounds good uh is life for us now in occupied east jerusalem. so hendo. uh, how is the israel likely to be responding to this, given the that's a, this, these attacks by the british and american forces was in response to the who these targeting is really link ships in the red sea of the no response from these rarely
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government at this hour, but it is sure to be known that these rarely is, will be on high alert for any sort of retaliation from the food. these remember that there had been several types of projectiles and missiles that had been launched on the southern city of a last. additionally, drones has been launched there, intercepted by the iron jo missile defense system. we've been hearing a lot about them and, and the who these from is really officials over the last several months we've been hearing from the prime minister, who said that the issue of international shipping and the safety of those roots is an international issue. it is not just and is railey issue, even though the food these said that they were going to target any ship coming to or from israel and the ship that was owned by and is rarely for any ship that has is railways on it. additionally, israel's defense minister, you know, i've got lots, well speaking in december, he said that israel was being attacked from many fronts and there was only one that
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they had not responded to. and that was the food these given the very sensitive situation that is going on there and given the implications that it would have for some sort of wider regional conflict. but you've also had these rarely use for not just months, but years saying that it on in, back to groups like the food. these were a danger to israel and this time is no different. but also remember that the situations that have been going on in the red sea, the attacks on the ships, and remember the caesar or the hijacking of the ship, the galaxy leader, not too long ago. these really have all kept this in mind and said that there will be some sort of response, but they didn't know how to conduct it just yet. so these types of stripes will shortly be welcomed by these rallies and the americans, the british, and these rallies. now we're hoping that this will be a good or is to the floozies, but they themselves have spoken out saying that there will be
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a response. the responses will be swift and they will be continuous. so even though these strikes have happened this evening, everyone will be on high alert about a fears of a wider regional sort of escalation breaking out. but remember, the attacks on ships have not just impacted international shipping. they've also impacted several economies like it israel, in the port of a lot, you have 85 percent less activity because of the fears of the ships getting targeted in the red sea. additionally, international shipping routes, some companies have changed their routes overall. instead of going from the bab and mendel straight, that is essentially a short cut from europe to asia. the ships are having to go all the way around africa, essentially doubling the time of the journey. and remember, several years ago, the international maritime organization had deemed that there was no longer a threat in that area. but the previous threat was somali pirates and the situation
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has since change. so these really is, again, not commenting at this hour because it is 3 am local time, but you can be sure that in the morning all the defense officials will be saying that they are on high alert. they've been saying this for months that on every single front that has been opened in this war, these rallies are ready to protect themselves and this time will be no different. and, and that you mentioned that the economic fact uh for israel, and no doubt this is likely to, to effect many ordinary is really so. so how is these really public like to, to view as in use of a visa tax and, and the upon escalation of this conflict in the region given this, there's so much support for the families of the, of the captives being held by hamis and gaza. and, and the need for them to be released above any other priorities of
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the, there's a lot of seer within me is really society, but the captives are not going to be brought back. they're afraid that there are issues that the government is superseding with this issue. they think that's well, remember the war cabinet administer, benny gans has said that the issue of the captain's is the most important goal in the war. but you have comments from these really prime minister who said that securing israel and making sure that it feels no sort of threat is equally as important as bringing back the captive. there are fears of a wide or more regional broader escalation. and what would that look like for these really is what it means that attention from the army goes to multiple different fronts where they are stretched thin, and the issue of the captive goes on the back burner. but the problem is, the families of these captives and the bring them back now movements have said that they have felt neglected 5,
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these really prime minister and by the government for months. so if these really start to get involved in yet another front in this for remember there's in cross board or fire for the last 3 months on israel's northern border, which is by law. and these really is where to enter into some other sort of military conflict on another front. it's probably not going to be taken well with the public who is already focused on the issue of the captives and wanting to bring them back safely. remember, there's so much pressure on missing yahoo and his government to bring the captives back to make sure that is real, feel secure, and if yet another front is open to that space in the government, that is already so low. the approval ratings that are already so low, we'll see even newer lowes. all right, for the moment that i'm the sounds who live for us there in occupied east through some. so let's take a closer look at the importance of the red sea and the shipping rates that rely on
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it. so global trades read, see one of the world's most important shipping routes for oil and gas between asia and you're in the south. the bad men deb straight between africa and the radians financial a connects the red sea with the gulf of either 12 percent of the was trade goes through it. and 10 percent of global oil carried by ships also uses that with the who these have been attacked in ships in the regions says, november prompting some companies to stop using the re, re, re, to vessels have to make a longer journey all the way down the east coast of africa, so a ship traveling from single pool to rock to damage johnny that would typically take around $26.00 days. what types? 36 days using more fuel and increasing costs low as cold as a retired us navy captain and former assistant secretary defense. he is also a senior fellow at the center for american progress and joins us now from
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washington dc. good to have you with us. so let me ask you how you, how do you view these attacks and, and, and then use of these attacks and in yemen by us and u. k. forces. is this going to improve the situation or is it likely to, to, to risk making things worse? i think it will improve the situation to the cost the to tax have been going on. as you imagine, since november the united states has what a, a group of countries together. but they haven't done anything to stop the attacks. and recently you had to hold expiring on american helicopters. so i think the united states base of the water to do 2 things, send a signal to the hoodies. i cannot do it themselves. that's why they got the u. k to join us here. so what doesn't look like just the unified american operation and then they have about 5 other countries have provided navy, so they're. busy including bar right to this,
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this operation in addition to project sitting on the other project, where would they have the study ships? and what will these attacks be doing or attempting to do in terms of degrading the who disabilities to continue to carried out these attacks on ships in the red sea? well, i think if you look at the charges today, there are things in there that they use to of you know, get the capability to, uh, to large march the attack till they hit, they probably par barely went after military targets. and to make it very, very hard for them to, you know, continue to have the attacks which they've had probably some 30 a tax offices. they started this in the, in november. and it also, i think, says a single to a ran to tell the hudy's,
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let's pull back because the last thing we want to do is say this thing get out of hand. and you have a situation where a rand, how to try and respond after we kill so bad a all 4 years ago. a. how do you let me since you bring it up? how do you view it? ron's relationship with the who with these all they a complete proxy a all that ron or do they act independently of them? well i think they have some independence. but by and large basically if it wasn't for as the, the holidays, what i watched the war to the saudis, who would then aided by the united by the united states. so i think give it a right a is, can tell of, don't do this or did they also would not give them the capability once the rain is a done just like, what's home wash, they're giving them the capability. they didn't give them the exact order to start
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it for by large i gave them the capability and i think that's what they did with the hoodies. so i don't think they'll continue to do that. and it also sends a signal to hezbollah that you last thing you want to do is start on the, on the northern front and gaza. and don't forget, we ever, the aircraft carrier. i hope there to just like we have the one down in the, in the red shady area. how likely is that and who these will continue to, to respond with a tax on the, on the red sea that ships to the level that they have been able to, particularly given the fact that they have said for more of the statements that this will not get to the mental as well i say 2 things. one, if they do have the attack, they're not going go the same level that they had before. and they might have was a smaller attack or limited attack and then see if they get more of
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a response. and i think if they do that will, that will stop them from continuing to do. it just slightly attacked on the american troops in iraq and syria. when we were totally 8, they usually then slowed down a after we, after we, we attacked this way we, we killed one of the, a rainy and leaders of those attacks to get your perspective uh, on this lawrence. cool, thanks very much for being with us. thank you for having these oh, bringing more on the story out of human as we get it, but it's less, less 10 for now to the hey, where a landmark legal case has begun at the international court of justice, south africa laying out a detailed case, accusing israel of committing genocide in gaza, it goes as well as military campaign. a long and systematic pattern of intentional genocidal acts meant to displace and kill palestinians step by some reports from
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the peace palace in the hate step by step layer by layer the south african legal team unfolded what's been described as a historic case in front of 17 judges of the international court of justice. it's genocidal acts like israel's mass killings in gaza. form just one part of the crimes perpetrated against the palestinian people since 1948. this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one is sped, not even newborn babies to the devastation resubmit is intended to and has laid waste 2 guys a beyond any acceptable legal, let alone humane justification. in order to establish intent, south africa's lawyer say the court has the benefit of simply being able to listen
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to the words of the is for a leadership is right, is political leaders made a type of comments and persons holding official positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide, the intent the messages filtering down to the rank and file of the is really, um, so you probably the, what states would i need to a general site on intent? yet? the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such. but the termination of the petition often no sight of speech through all to see it all states. it is right south africa, some lawyer stuff as the court fun. urgent injunction saying in their words, the world is watching in horror. that's how genocide in gaza is unfolding as we
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speak. nothing can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians, a ghost of may have done. but no matter how great the strength to his regular citizens might the genocidal attacks on the whole of garza, the whole of its population with the intent of destroying them cannot be justified . genocide case will possibly take us to finalize and people in gaza. don't have the luxury to wait. an unprecedented case here at the pace palace in the hague. and that will be for as a state laid out such a details. expensive and gruesome genocide case in front of the international court of justice. south africa has made a compelling argument that the world's highest court tooth or israel to stop its military campaign in gaza as soon as possible. urgent injunctions by the
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international court of justice of binding. but the world's highest court has no power to enforce them. it will establish something very important that 3rd state countries cannot escape. this is the crime of old crimes genocide. and once the court establishes that, this is being go with, the thing goes at least plus the states will find it very hard to escape that as possibilities on friday is round, will respond to the genocide accusations. it supports us already gearing up at the beach palace to back up its defense step fast, and l g 0 the he to bring you back to our top story now the us and u. k. s. strikes carried out on who targets in yemen to night, coming off the months of attacks on ships in the red sea that the group says linked to israel in response to israel's war on gaza. let's just take a look at a closer look at government's with the rebels. they began in the 19 ninety's as a moderate c, a logical movement of the societies. she minority group
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a late to became a resistance group involved in several on conflicts with the many government since the arabs spring of 2011. the influence has continued to grow as an anti government force, with the aim of toppling yelman's, former president highly of the lot saw it in 2015 who the fight to seize evans capital. so now it triggered more than 9 years. a war between the saudi led coalition, which backs the internationally recognized governments and the who it is and supported by iran on to on october 31st the who these entered the war in gaza following drones and missiles at the as well. the who, the said they would target or ships heading towards israel. major shipping companies are avoiding the route as a result of joining us on the phone now from sun out. uh, yeah, my name is jose and it will say t a pro who the generalist and political commentator, thanks very much for being with us. so tell us 1st of all,
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what's happening there and, and the reaction inside the u. m. and to these attacks, an ad that had been the those before i conducted the against them. and uh oh, nothing uh, according to the date, i mean it based on the army base in case i'm available. honestly, will i get both items we've got a lot of me, bates and so i don't know the men on his way around the whole day. the boat to and the media in the whole day, the bottles and add that as a bundle for a young man. uh again about this i talked to of dominican who you need to have on file will have dates at yesterday that any attack that will be conducted, i gave them and they said the demo, the response would be bigger than the last the response when they have to load said i attack against us ship that and using 24 drones and but it took me size, encore was me size. so he had said yesterday that they wouldn't be able to get i think i've been out of the boat as of late and at this moment isn't either, jim,
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any army is not gonna let him get the money out of it has conducted a massive attack with dozens of the ballast if me size and cruise me size and as one of the on against you, if i knew ok, have buck and sit in that it see on of one in the good of of aiden on that identity . we've also heard from one hate who the official has been reported, a warning to us and u. k. would pay a heavy price for this. what does that mean to you? i did get a now which would be as the water me, they have been sent to be thought to be the money out of me. that's now the uh, old shipping at a, the comedy central of buttons. it belongs to the united states and u. k. will come under attack at exactly the same way that the is it a 80 league? it has the come under a doctor before i let me make it clear that the many i have said many times this attack comes stopped in a matter of minutes. if you like and state,
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i knew i was the one the desire to say to is that i think they would allow food. i me this in and fuel and what that to and kind of goes. yeah. yeah. i mean, the, the added just, they wanted this humanitarian crisis to stop and did you decide to stop and go to that? and you've seen the united states actually has the quote that the super okay. a book. but he got it didn't actually they quoted kidding. son. i did, you know, side i got again because it's all just the blue page clubs in yemen against. is it a amy ship at home tv that said yesterday, that's we own international cuban. it said that it sees except to do some links that i had on the ship that's actually going to at any point in the, by the side. but i do need some definitive warning. i'm sure at this moment that you're not you your case, this a good sense if i mean, i say those words looked as if they should now as they to a new way look,
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use the ac because i'm sure they would come under as i was not resigned, as they said, is that we are now, i was, i guess, again at united states, they take them the last 9 yet again, money has been under a blue piece of work conducted by so the light out of the image as what he said on behalf of you, it's a new game and they say at this moment we id like the new k data to the i just saw, i want to, i showed you the at the open to that i'm in the, in get it. this is the one who was actually the up at hot at to try to get a, you like to say the buckets of all the night state the, you paid for much that was the, the who, the attacks on, uh the who the attacks have affected shipping not just for, for, for israel and the united states in the u. k. it's had a huge international impact by forcing many shipping companies to avoid the red sea completely and take along the route to, to uh, to make their uh,
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deliveries. and uh, they, the united states and the united kingdom has said that this is the reason why they have launch these attacks after repeated warnings to their who it is to stop the attacks in the red sea. what do you say to that? uh no, i mean uh no good. the only ship that came under attack is, is about 80 league city. and we know that only if the inbox we can see it literally on the is it, i almost did that the a lot. the boat is out of any ship that is normal and a ship goes bad. and if it's in the economy of a, of a but i and, and sometimes it, some of the kids that were thought of it. i thought you said they are linked to is it i would hate into that 80 part. uh, but as with sometimes some of the ships because they close that of that as easy as they do respond to. uh yeah, you have any auto.


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