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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the us and british forces carry out and strikes on who to targets in yemen, following attacks by rebels on ships. and the red sea group of already responded saying the u. k. and us must be prepared to pay
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a heavy price the i'm having to think of this is i just need a live from the also coming up every day. these mounting erect symbols loss a fly profit, t dignity, and 2 minus t for the palestinian people. an unprecedented hearing gets on the way of the hate south africa, accusing israel of committing genocide against palestinians in guns and funerals or help in central garza for, for palestinian red crescent, was killed in an as rainy as strikes and hit their ambulance. the will begin with the breaking news that explosions have been reported in a multiple sites across the m and including the capital center and the port city of what data us officials say american and british forces have launched,
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strikes against targets linked to the hoot these there it is the 1st time strikes have been carried out against the around back group since it started attacking ships in the red sea late last year. with these claim, their only targeting ships linked to israel in response to the war on gauze. let's take a look at where those attacks have been carried out. strikes reported in a number of sites linked to the who, the group. they include the vicinity of the whole day, the airport, the airport in ties, demonica, land, camp, insider and it delay me. base north of santa sr, who the official has issued a statement in response to those strikes, saying what our country is subjected to is aggression. and america and britain must be ready to pay a heavy price. and we've got correspondence covering this on both sides of the atlantic. villa marks is in london tonight. the 1st let's cross to washington dc
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and speak to she have read tons of she of water we've been hearing from their it will have a presidential statement or written in the state, but interestingly, the actual press pool was told to go home just before the attacks occurred by the president biden wasn't to make any, and a televised address as the us bombs yet another middle east country, with no expensive congressional approval and already some voices in congress. and wait a 2nd, that's not constitutional to you. there are other voices and congress is saying, you know, about time and let's go for it around that, but more not later perhaps. but this is the, the bible statement, or a portion of the, by the statement today is defensive action follows extensive diplomatic campaign. and who is the rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels? these targeted strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate a tax on our personnel or hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation. in one of the world's most critical commercial routes, i won't hesitate to direct further measures to protect all people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. we just had a briefing from a senior administration official and
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a senior defense official who had attempted to give us some more detail. as you can expect. they said look very big, the goal was to degrade. but who, with these capabilities of attacking maritime activity and the red sea in the gulf of aidan, specifically targeting that everything is myself. drones and radar capabilities, but there is no wish to escalate us. officials said, we were also given more of a timeline of how we got to this point, including the fact that present bi, they've been deeply involved since the attacks began. and in fact, a growing up in aust, rather the national security essential security team to draw up various options for attacking. basically things amongst them was water could it would cause cut in the last few hours. but what, but he did not go with with any of those options. and in fact, perhaps when the, the suppose of last warning occurred on january the fed. if you remember, there was a statement from the us and some of its allies thing. but who these with bad
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responsibility for continued attacks that been changed on any rate? the 9, so with what they describe is the largest, who is the attack specifically targeting us vessels? netflix or ulcer theme comes to them in the white house. the white house. com is that the us was talk, this is defensive. so that thing off to about the present day for go ahead to his national security team to take this option that we saw in the last few hours. because you know, it was for the defense of the waterways. now interesting me that i'm very briefly there were few questions. awesome. they're quite pointed actually interesting. the festival was the only the u. k. the only nation that agreed to also take pos, are these military strikes the on? so what is what we're not going into the consultation process? have you degraded any who with the operational ability while we contact you because of operational security? and the key question is, how do you know it was a us talk vessels that were being targeted specifically and what you'll be getting just address was cause of value, but finally pushed the positive button over the edge. i mean, honestly, we simply, well the label,
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the commercial vessels in the us will operating and roughly the same area as the attacks. but the naval vessels are more than able to determine if being targeted. so that's that cause it's barely for the latest bombardment of yemen. from the us. all right, you have. thank you. she advertising life was there in washington. let's cross to villa marks in london. so i've been in this. it's been telegraphed for, for several days. at the d. u a u. k. would be involved in joining the us in this a military strike. what we've heard from british official since them as well over the last hour. also from the british ministry of defense, we've had some details about the operation itself. we had 4 tie food jets operated by the roll. apples taking off from out on the site for us in the eastern mediterranean, flying south down towards the northwest of young men,
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both north west of sun i with the 2 sites that were targeted one in the town of bonnie, where the u. k. say that reconnaissance and attack drones were being launched from another internet field in the town of ads where they say that cruise missiles and ryans were being launched from they said those are the 2 targets they focused on leaving the americans present, need to focus and all the others we've been hearing about in terms of what they've been trying to assess since those strikes were completed. they say that and have a huge amount of detail about how to grade those. well, but in terms of official them inside downing street, we've had a statement from briefly, so not as well set pretty. i want to just bring you some of the details from that. he's been talking about the who's the action is being reckless. that they've continued despite quite repeated warnings. nissan, she said the u. k. could not stand for this any longer. they took action in self defense alongside the us. and the aim was to degrade, who's the military capabilities and protect global shipping. what they call it and
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tell me that was quite how degraded those capabilities to be. and so it will be very interesting over the next few days. and course to see the response from the who are these in northern north and west famine. and in terms of the response in the u. k. village, this is a huge, huge and significant moment for the british prime minister, which you soon like. how much push back is he likely to get given? this is about the escalation of this conflict and the ongoing cause for a cease fire and gaza. so he's had obviously challenges in some ways he's inherited some of the foreign policy if his pre assess is in places like ukraine. the attacks on october 7th by him us inside israel created a fresh headache for him. and many of the leaders, of course, despite the human tragedy in the region itself, in terms of the position that you came into is taken so far. for the most part, they seem very closely to the us position in terms of support for israel. we've had some comments from david cameron,
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the foreign minister over the last couple of days, suggesting that may be israel might be in breach of international law. but in terms of the domestic political situation full so not this, of course has been a highly contentious issue. the support for israel, many people in britain, very concerned about the activity of these reading of the 3 inside garza. and just over the last few as, as this attack became clear as something that would be taking place. and subsequent to the beginning, we've heard from members of parliament in the opposition parties. they would like full parliament itself to be consulted ahead of the, the times. and the demanding audiences from the prime minister as to why he's taking this decision. delores, who the tax alongside the us given all of the risk of cost about a why the conflagration in the region and, and specifically in the m and itself of course. then thank you, you've been a mox in london. so let's take a closer look at the importance of the red sea and the shipping routes that rely on it for global trade. otherwise,
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he's one of the wells most important shipping routes for oil and gas between asia and europe. in the south of the bed and melted up straight between africa and the arabian peninsula, connects the red sea with the gulf provided. 12 percent of the world's trade goes through it, and 10 percent of global oil carried by ships also uses that route. who these have been attacking ships in the region since november prompting some companies to stop using the route route to vessels have to make a longer journey all the way down the east coast of africa. so a ship traveling from single quote to both of them. but johnny that would typically take around $26.00 days, would take $36.00 days using mo, feel and increasing costs. well, jamal benomar is a full met united nations, a special envoy for yemen, and a former special adviser to you and the secretary general. he joins us now from new york. thanks very much for being with us. so how do you view what with that,
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what we've seen and heard now over the last couple of hours, is this a step forward or a step back? and this is really a step backwards as they need to come to hold the us and u. k for taking this action. um yep. and when to handle and the last few years is 2015 when the americans and the okay. and cottage of the saudi isn't supposed to consolidate ministry intervention in the i'm and the result is that the who sees became much stronger than ever before. they become much closer to it on the never before and on hold of a major source of territory more than half of a human. and here i think the who sees would
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become, may become involved in the low intensity conflict. you know, for a long time. um, and with the u. s. u k, and we don't know how this will evolve. but one thing for sure is that hopefully is, will become more popular in the un. no, there is a clear uh that was um you know, many supports those actions because they're not just action taken against the us. and in a vacuum of, you know, this is sort of diety with the city and people are being slaughtered in gaza and you know this. so they out of the cause i official entity and then all that you know, um and um, the little button on the group that he's in control of the states. so in the same way i became very popular in the world. i think the,
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who he is one of these very obscure unknown group, you know, that are going to become very popular because the one thing that we discovered in the last few weeks with slopes is reading. slocum does. uh is that um there is very wide spread strong support for the posting and goals for the palestinian people. so the other thing here is that, um there were probably that there was some progress in terms of a deal between the saudis and the hoses. and the civil war, i'm forget about this. it's now going to be over. no data is going to be fine. so this is a, this is bad news. you know, for the m f of prospects of bees in any event. and then the other thing also that i think with a know is how are the groups who are aligned with the who sees the good,
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the reacting offer i live at the end from new york. so it's, it's, it's, it's a very bad idea. it's a very bad initiative and as we have seen in the amount, and that's where it's easy to start the war, but it's not that easy to end it. what, what is this going to mean for people inside, you know? yeah, my know, and particularly the humanitarian situation, which was dire doing during the whole 9 years of that civil war and we'll see you haven't sent them any suffert's a great deal as a result of the uh, the, the, the uh, this war um and um you know, we shouldn't forget, you know, drive to the so they didn't go to this war by themselves. this war was announced from washington, with the american support, middle tre, logistical support, and diplomatic color of the nations,
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of the many software. the great deal of probably a set of a 1000000 people died as a result of the war in the and the saudis understood that the colors continue with these. and they did the same, you know, which is to negotiate directly with the hoses. try to come to understanding on how to move forward and they were close to a formal agreement. i think uh, with what is happening. no, i think the prospect of these india men become much more distance and an uncomplicated could to get your thoughts on this, jamal benomar. thanks so much for being with us. the still ahead on the as is it a south africa? austin, the international court of justice to hold what it says. a genocidal acts by is really forces incomes
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the hello. we had a couple of quiet days in japan, but i'm afraid well when she weather on the contest, we go on for the next couple of days. we've got this every flight pressure just running across the sea of japan, and it will introduce that when she makes as we go through friday into us. i had to die. so i'm more of the less know that cost less than home. she whole card, i sing some of that to win for you, whether behind that is not too bad, the korean peninsula, fine and dry spot things on the side coming through here. single fingers, single fingers that to full basing 16 celsius in shanghai. hang on to that caught a temperature here as we go one through west half day as well as the snow. once again the coming back a little fast and becoming a little more widespread. so we are lucky to see some disruption as a result of that. but further south to these try and find for the most part, try and find safe or good parts of indo china,
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one or 2 showers. they are going to central and northern positive. vietnam might be pushing across and to allow for scattering a shout was there into the philippines. the heavier down pulls the coast was malaysia and indonesia. and we'll see some big down pulls the southern parts of them and they put in slash, slipping a little further south with the same weather slipping, further south across. for lack of recently, it's been very unsettled and place the site does look dry here over the next few days, along with southern india. meanwhile, the smoke continues to the northwest. the. the unique perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is
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in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, are the hello again. you're watching. i just need a reminder of our top story this out us and u. k and other western allies have targeted who the positions across. yeah, my explosions were reported in humans capital sent on the for the safety of the data. with these have been targeting ships linked to israel in the area since november in response to the war on garza, i just need as a how much the laptop is in. so now he explains the implications the attacks will have in the region. according to the attack that was carried out in the january 9th,
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many people suppose hunting carrier houses to continue their attacks again is the us and the british warships specially following the i tell you about targeted the host these marines and also the kill it to the killing of at least in the 10 marines. this, this attack has a coast right on. yeah. and yeah, among him and he's also vm and he's also continue to take out to the streets to call on the house. he's the to continue with their operations. the red sea in order to put more pressure on israel, the prefer to and it's war there and also to allow the entry of food and member of the other necessities for the people there. so the not now we are witnessing this kind of solution that, that both parties are a determined and adamant to continue their, uh, their, their operation. we uh,
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what, the thing that the us and britain has, as, as sense of most of the, the side of the set, the message to the how it is that the just want to teach them they to say to them, i listen by this, a tax which has it, it wasn't too pleased to 12 attacks against what the said that the, how these minutes recovery abilities of launching missiles on the other ray, the ray, the systems about so far, we have with this another determination based hoses to continue with their operations and the ritz c. so uh, what is, what's going next week was witness law jack conflict and the original the roots which is unimportant as a roku for shrubs and also for nearly 70 percent of the international trade. ok. let's turn now to the hey, we're a landmark legal case has begun at the international court of justice. south africa lay down to detail, case accusing israel of committing genocide in gaza. it goes israel's military campaign,
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a long and systematic process of intentional genocidal acts meant to displace in kill palestinians steadfast and reports from the peace palace in a step by step layer by layer the south african legal team unfolded what's been described as a historic case in front of 17 judges of the international court of justice. it's genocidal acts like israel's mass killings in gaza. form just one part of the crimes perpetrated against the palestinian people since 1948 for this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one has sped, not even newborn babies. the devastation resubmit is intended to and has laid waste 2 guys a beyond any acceptable legal,
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let alone humane justification. in order to establish intent south africa. loya say the court has the benefit of simply being able to listen to the words of the is for a leadership is right, is political leaders made a try to comment us and pass is holding official and positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide the intent the messages filtering down to the rank and file of the is really um, so you probably the, what states would i need to a general site on intent? yes. the distinctive feature of this case has not seen the silence as such. but the termination of the petition often the sight of speech throughout the sphere of states, it is right south africa. some lawyers have asked the court fund urgent
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injunction saying in their words, the world is watching in horror. that's how genocide and god is unfolding as we speak. nothing can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians, a gossip may have done no matter how great the threat to his regular citizens might the genocidal attacks on the whole of gulls of the whole of its population with the intent of destroying them cannot be justified genocide case will possibly take us to finalize and people in gaza. don't have the luxury to wait. an unprecedented case here at the pace palace in the hague. and that will be for as a state laid out such a details. expensive and gruesome genocide case in front of the international court of justice. south africa has made a compelling argument that the world's highest court truth or israel to stop its
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military campaign in gaza as soon as possible. urgent injunctions by the international court of justice of binding. but the world's highest court has no power to enforce them. it will establish something very important that 3rd state countries cannot escape. this is the crime of all crimes genocide and wants to the court establishes that this is being go with. the thing goes at least plus the states will find it very hard to escape. the responsibilities on friday is round, will respond to the genocide accusations. it supports us already gearing up at the beast palace to backup its defense steadfast and l g 0 the he a honda sound who joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem. so have that with is we're preparing to give its response to this on friday. what's been the reaction, it is well to today's events that the
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reaction from across the political while let's start with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who said that this was quote, hip hop for c and val. but israel will defend itself in what he called the face of wise. he went on to say that these really army is the most moral army in the world . and not this war was waged on to them. israel's defense minister jo up kalonde to echoing that sentiment saying that this war is just, and in fact, there isn't a war that is more just than this one. he says that the army differentiates in every moment between what is a combatant and what is an arm civilian. and in fact, that they allowed the safe passage for humanitarian aid into gaza. but it is worth noting that to 23000 palestinians have been killed and counting. and additionally, the united nations has the famine is just around the corner because not enough humanitarian aid is going into gone. so these really are re spokesperson. daniel,
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how gaudy has said that israel will defend itself in the wake of these accusations, but that the world also can not forget what happened on october. the 7th. now it is really media. it's been reported that comments from several ministers in the government. specifically, the ultra national as far right can have been hurting israel's case. specifically when it comes to comments like the displacement of palestinians, the rebuilding of a legal settlements. and just essentially calling for posting is not to be in gaza, military occupation. and remember, there are been comments from his roles, defense minister, calling for a total siege on the already besieged enclave. so israel is likely to say that it does what it can to protect civilians in gaza. but the reality on the ground is showing a much different story, and israel will get a chance to defend itself on friday and did it well for the moment. uh huh. and the son who live 1st there in occupied east jerusalem. oh, more on the now on friday,
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as israel professed to defend itself at the top you in court against the accusations of genocide, som, is really need is, are outraged. the case was even launched in the 1st place. they describe it as a blood libel, and a classic case of victim blaming a correspondence. stephanie deca isn't occupied east jerusalem with me. is an unprecedented legal case against israel for the 1st time, its answering for its actions before the international court of justice. the case was pulled by south africa and israel stands accused of committing and having the intention to commit genocide against palestinians in garza. these where the government says the case is baseless their load one month ago. so one of them know south africa, it's not us who came to commit genocide, it's come us and how most would kill us all if it could. in contrast, our military acts in the most moral way. it does everything possible to avoid
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harming civilians with more than 23000 palestinians dead. israel doesn't deny kidding high numbers of civilians, but it blames him us. it says the armed group is guilty of and storing its infrastructure in your hospitals, schools and homes. even communities vulnerable to attacks from is really forces, but evidence. israel is put forward to back, this claim has proven false in the post. this is a grab bag hours off to striking ship a hospital and goes to city. israel's army deleted this video, which it claimed proved there was a how must come on center under the hospital, when doubts were raised, it re posted a new version without the words, undeniable truth. israel, the sort to defend its air strikes, saying it takes care to warn civilians by dropping leaflets, directing them to what it called seats. so but it's also bomb to many of those areas, which is why palestinians and agencies maintain that. nowhere in goals are safe. in and 84 page fighting south africa says there's evidence. israel is also targeting
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civilians by limiting the delivery of food medicine, fuel and water came to united nations and topics human rights organizations, degree own. but israel again points to her mass. unfortunately, to date the u. n, a to mechanism in gaza has been woefully unsuccessful because it goes through on rough age. simply isn't reaching the people who need it because how much hijacks it, an owner a, comes up for it. israel is expected to remind the court of the brutality of how mouse is attack the 7th of october. things concept many in israel show that the country is facing legal proceedings and not thomas israel's foreign ministry has responded to the application on thursday at the international court of justice. calling it's one of the biggest shows of hypocrisy, and accusing south africa of being the legal arm of how much israel will get. it's charles to respond officially in court on friday. definitely decker, all g 0 it occupied east reduced across the board of fi is continuing between his
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writing the forces and has bull of fighters in lebanon, or con, visited towns along israel's northern border with thousands of people have been evacuated. the tense, quiet and northern israel, punctuated only by cross boat of 5 between the is ready army and the hezbollah. bought with the several military sites hit in the past few days is where i was preparing to try the escalation. the group hezbollah says it was, the response is right. the military assassinating senior commodities in lebanon, about 80000 people have been evacuated from the north and border farther west. this becomes more evident. i've arrived at the south side just behind me, and these houses, hundreds of people have been evacuated, and soldiers moved in creation of clothes that was presided across the area in multiple towns across the board. as the government says, tens of thousands of people to talk to a says won't be able to attend until there's no longer


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