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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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in mexico was very hard to get through immigration, it's back to now. as pressure rose from the sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north, trying to reach the us before the new year. the us and british forces carry out the strikes on who's the targets in yemen, following attacks by the rebels on the ships in the red sea, the little ones down during the selves. is there a license also coming every day? phase mounting, irascible is loss of life, property, dignity, and humanity for the palestinian people. and precedents of hearing gets under way of the hague, south african refugees as israel,
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of committing genocide against palestinians and dogs. funerals are held in central gas or for palestinian red crescent workers killed him on his riley has tried to sit there on the nose. taiwan prefers to head to the poles. as presidential candidates get ready to hold final rallies. we live in sean, in china, in the we begin in yemen where us and british forces have carried out as strikes against targets linked to the who fees multiple sites across the m. and we have including the capital sign. um, it's the 1st time strikes. they've been carried out against that you're wrong about the groups since it started attacking ships and the red sea late last year. the who these came that they're only targeting ships linked to israel in response to the war on gaza. but let's take a look at where those attacks have been carried out. strikes have been reported in the vicinity of the her data efforts, the apple and ties demo cost on comp inside up. and i'll delay me based north of
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the capital somehow, for a senior who is the official as issued a statement in response to those strikes saying, what are the countries subjected to is aggression. and america and britain must be ready to pay heavy price. we live without correspondence in london in a moment, but 1st this updates amount to 0 is monitored all the time. who's in the many competence on off, according to the attack that was carried out in the january 9th, many people suppose hunting carrier houses to continue their attacks again is the us and the british warships, especially following the tag that targeted the host these marines. and also the kill it through the killing of at least in the 10 marines. this, this attack has caused the why duncan the long. yeah. man, he's also the m and he's also continue to take out to the streets, to call on the house. he's the to continue with their operations the red sea in
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order to put more pressure on israel, the, to the, to end its war there. and also to allow the entry of food and member of the other necessities for the people there. so the not now we are witnessing this kind of solution that, that both parties a determined and adamant to continue their, uh, their, their operation. we uh, what, the thing that the us and britain has, as, as sense a mess as the the say, the v sent a message to the how it is that the just want to teach them they to the, to them. i listen by this a tax which has it. it wasn't too pleased to 12 attacks against what the said that the how these mid 3 capabilities of launching missiles and the other ray, the ray, the systems about so far, we have with this another determination by how he's to continue with their operations and the red c, so uh, what is,
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what's going next week was witness law jack conflict and the, and the regional literature which is unimportant as a road to for shrubs and also for nearly 70 percent of the international trade out here within a month stories of live now from london for them, so we know these attacks on human, we're pretty immune and went back. so what sort of response have you had from both of us and u. k. officials for them close down in the us president deadline and has come out with a statement of the last few as talking about this as something that he needed to do the strikes he said were direct, responds to unprecedented. ruthie attacks against insensible maritime vessels and he said that in lights the fact that'd be more than 2000 of these attacks since mid november, including the us one difficult complex attack. on tuesday night. he said, i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect top people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. meanwhile,
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british prominence to reach you so not in his own statement. and these of clearly being coordinated by the communications as well as the military operations. talking about the fact that the who are things that are opinions repeatedly being warned about the course of action saying that he was concerned about both the reckless actions and the fact that we're risking lives at sea. the u. k. could not stand for this behavior any further and that he had taken limited necessary and proportionate action down in self defense, very key key part of that message. and then um, you mentioned the research to not, but it doesn't want to be then any kind of political blow back for the problem is that given those fears of a wider regional escalation as well, you know, we've had a couple of days of ministers inside of government telegraphing the fact that they would be, quote, what they called consequences for the who are thieves. but in terms of the fact that the prime minister has acted without parliamentary approval, that could lead to political difficulties for him. if not amongst his own
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conservative policy. members, certainly amongst members of the opposition, we've heard over the course of the evening overnight from senior leaders in the scottish national posse, the liberal democrats to the large parties inside the british parliament. they were very unhappy that he had not sold parliamentary approval made because they will not have the charms, hey, on friday to question the prime minister's decision making that we'll have to wait till monday. and we'll see how that plays out in terms of the response from his political opponents to this cause advice and that the british providence has taken all right, the marks line for certain london villains. thank you for lawrence cool observer. todd us may be kept in full, my system, secretary of defense. he says, the strikes when necessary to send a strong signal to the who she's i just think it will improve the situation to the cause. these attacks have been going on as you imagine. since november, the united states has what uh, uh, a group of countries together,
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but they haven't done anything to stop the attacks. recently you had to hold expiring on american helicopters. so i think the united states base that the water to do 2 things, send a signal to the hoodies. i cannot do it themselves. that's why they got the u. k. to join das here. so what does it look like? just the unified american operation and then i have about 5 other countries have provided navy. so there. busy quote, a bar right to this, this operation in addition to projects and then the other projects, where would they have uh, no, certainly ships. if you look at the charges today, there are things in there that they use to, you know, get the capability to talk to large marsh, the attack till they hit. but they probably primarily what, after military targets and, and make it very, very hard for them to, you know, continue to have the attacks which they've had probably some 30
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a tax offices. they started this in, in november and it also lights an excessive signal to a ran to tell the who days that let's pull back because the last thing we want to do is say this thing get out of hand. and you have a situation where a rand, how to try and respond after we kill so many off 4 years ago. you're not a nation's top court has been on the hearings on the south african refusing israel, of committing genocide in guns that day. one of the international court of justice or the south african legal team. totally 17 judges, about mass killings, widespread destruction, and the best of children and babies. as long as the coach or the israel to suspend its miniature campaign in garza as close live to stephanie deca, she joins us will also provide east jerusalem, especially. so what are we expecting from israel today at the i c j of the 1st time the israel decides to show off to one of the un buddies shows you just how seriously they are taking it to. they haven't made
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anything public about how they intend to present their case, but we are pretty searches that a they will be reminding the court, i mean, child for community of the brutality of the her mazda attacks. on october, the 7th, the outrage here in reaction to the case presented by south africa on thursday from the prime minister from the leader of the opposition from the foreign ministry. all say that we are the victims in this home, us are the ones that were trying to carry out genocide. and so that gives you an indication of the argument. i think it will also be very much highlighting the fact that how much, what israel says puts it's military infrastructure in an amount in amongst civilians in gaza, around schools, around the hospitals. this is something that is your last monday for a very long time. also that the army which is you, are likes to cool the most moral army in the world. in fact, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu made that statement again last night in response to south africa's case uh that it warn civilians that it uses the slips
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that it makes phone calls that it puts safe car doors in place to let people go. of course the fox on the ground show a different story, but i think we're going to see a very robust argument at a israel has higher talk. more is talk british learned about them, sure will be represented will be leading israel's team. he's an expert on genocide and international, so we'll have to wait and see how they pick. apartment was a very tight case. is there a has mondays over time that it does? it's not most uh to protect civilians. let's take a look back at the last 3 months on what it's been say, is an unprecedented legal case against israel. for the 1st time its answering for its actions before the international court of justice. the case was pulled by south africa and israel stands accused of committing and having the intention to commit genocide against palestinians in garza. these ready governments
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says the case is baseless to load one month ago. one of them know south africa. it's not us who came to commit genocide, it's come on us and how most would kill us all if it could. in contrast, our military acts in the most moral way. it does everything possible to avoid harming civilians with more than 23000 palestinians dead. israel doesn't deny killing high numbers of civilians, but it blames him us. it says the armed group is guilty of and storing its infrastructure in your hospitals, schools and homes. even communities vulnerable to attacks from is really forces, but evidence. israel is put forward to back, this claim has proven false in the post. this is a grab bag hours off to striking ship a hospital and goals, a city, israel's army, deleted this video, which had claimed proved there was a how may i ask him on center under the hospital when doubts were raised to be posted a new version without the words,
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undeniable truth is there all the sorts of defendants airstrikes saying it takes care to warn civilians by dropping leaflets, directing them to what it called safe. so but it's also boomed many of those areas, which is why palestinians and agencies maintain that nowhere in goals at the safe in and $84.00 page fighting south africa says there's evidence. israel is also targeting civilians by limiting the delivery of food medicine, fuel and water came to united nations and topics human rights organizations agree on. but israel again points to hum us. unfortunately, to date the u. n. a to mechanism in garza has been woefully unsuccessful, that as it goes through own rough aid simply isn't reaching the people who need it . because how much hijacks it an own roof covers up for it. israel is expected to remind the court of the brutality of how mouse is attack the 7th of october. things concept many in israel shocked that the country is facing legal proceedings and not
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thomas israel's foreign ministry has responded to the application on thursday at the international court of justice. calling it's one of the biggest shows of hypocrisy, and accusing south africa of being the legal arm of have that israel will get. it's charles to respond. officially, in court on friday. definitely decor, all you 0 and occupied east to choose. what wrong in the middle there is south africa's minister of justice. speaking of the hague, he said as an excuse for the genocide in gaza. the well as watching her is published and then men, women and children with low to blown up. they did a life under development of their homes, live to die pin from dead under and under the sol supposed. because resulting in over 23000 that through destruction to home squares, most produce water treatment plans and other public infrastructure that didn't pass the conditions of life. it is calculated to bring about the destruction in order in part of the palestinians living in the gaza. so the guys i knew what kind of
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condemned the tug by i'm us on the 7th of october. what andrew feinstein is a political scientist on a former member of the national assembly of south africa. he says, israel will find it difficult to count to south africa's arguments in the case festival. i should say that i think the rebuttals both from the united states and particularly from the is ray. the state have been critics to put it mildly, a, these radio response which was effectively to bad miles south africa decay south africa, the legal um, how much and an agent of the arabian republic is actually quite embarrassing. and what that suggests to me is that is rarely is going to find it incredibly difficult to respond to meaningfully to south africa is quite extraordinary. submission, extraordinary, and it's detail in this clarity in this legal argument and its impact.
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i would imagine tomorrow at the israel will attempt to argue self defense, but i would hope that justices is experienced as those on the i, c. j. well, obviously respond to that in the knowledge that self defense is simply not a defense in terms of international will of low foreign occupying power for its military actions in the territory that it is occupied. so frank here and i'll just say right, when we come back in new york, donald trump says he's trial on the civil full charges is itself a 4th on the the
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hello. the web is looking a little unsettled for parts of the middle east. at the moment. a lot of cloud streaming across northern parts of the region. the south is that light is fine and dry, warm sunshine here even though hot 26 degrees celsius. but you can see we have got the snow just spilling out so fast. syria east composite the key. i just running across northern paths on a rock, a mix of rain, sleet, and snow here and metal complex way, which was northern areas. all the right across the mountains and the snow a little more widespread then as we go through the next couple of die. so it's on the saddle for the east and meadows. well, lots of web coming across the cypress, into web at west the side of syria, pushing across at 1111 on seems a big down post, snow over the mountains here as well. i'm not really standing all the way down towards the gauze trip. then as we go through friday, possibly still a few showers here on saturday, but the width of weather will certainly be in and around 11 on at that stage. so whether to that of cause,
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no other parts of africa just around the coastal fringes of the mediterranean, that just pulling away from those eastern areas of algeria. 3 to miss. yeah, he's going across to was moving past of egypt. part of your side was meanwhile, across central policy for africa, down to, to the most east of south africa. i told him very what the metal gasket, the, it's on, disputed the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india in 1987. witnesses say the perpetrators were a model of the locals along side the state governments provincial on constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, a district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on a jersey to the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about your what you're going to say real quick in mind about top stories here, this out of us and you pay of tired out test strikes on who the positions across, given the wrong back to feasible talking ships meant to is randomly error since then. but in response to an alignment case of the international court of justice of african americans is man of genocide. with guns on thursday. the coach had a detailed, understood, in case of intentional mention displace until on friday is available for the for michael link is professor emeritus at west and university in london,
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ontario. he told us to 0 what he thinks israel will focus on when they present that case. on friday. so this isn't simply a legal case, but it's a political case playing out on the theater of public opinion around the world. and it's the thing. so i think that it has some case to be able to make in a evergreen back to south africa. it's going to argue, i suspect tomorrow, this is an educated guess, that it will probably use for each uh for what happened on october 7th and, and also, what are you self defense? those. those will be, is probably the best 2 arguments i can think of. israel wondering why not raising, but it recognizes a huge reputational consequences of any finding by the court and in provisional measures with respect to a plausible case of genocide being filed against that. so this is why it has contrary to its previous pattern showing up to one of the able to, to argue this, um, at the, at the court. and i just as a side inspect,
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we'll see plenty of arguments around those 2 particular issues with something atrocious up and on october 7th. and israel had the right and the necessity defendants. people by going out for him. awesome guys. when you're in a week position as a lawyer representing the client, you want to try to argue you're, you're very, you're very best facts and focus to try to get the core to focus on those and draw them away from the arguments, the facts and the wall that the other side has done, i must say, having watched the south african presentation of the day, this really was a top drawer case example of advocacy. all the lawyers laid out like an extremely persuasive and strongly made case. and that reflects, you know, the, the top drawer application, that's all that african made 2 weeks ago to the court. 84 pages, single spaced, or 560 put notes, arguing the facts and the law and the need for
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a provisional measures. and that was all echoed today by the lawyers in very calm, measured fashion. a funeral has been held in central gauze of the members of the red crescent. okay, we're going to mass right on wednesday. the group says and is really, is probably get their ambulance while i'm transporting engine people. the ink that out by fort read, present medical stuff on the 200 persons were killed is when the army has not commented on the incident. while living conditions are getting worse for palestinians across the gaza strip range, of course heavy funding in the giovanni a refugee camp. hundreds of thousands of people live without shelter and winter temperatures. un says is we have miniature campaign has displaced more than 80 percent of causes population. but it's been nearly a 100 days of israel's war. on garza more than 23400 palestinians have been killed of a double that have been injured. and the dead include a shocking number of children, which has been highlighted in a new report from save the children. what since october 7,
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more than 10000 children had been killed by the way in the air strikes and ground operations. that's one percent of gauze as total child population. as, according to the ministry of health and gaza, thousands more. i'm missing the thought to be presumed buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by his randy. bums. save the children says those who survive to tax have suffered life changing injuries, including bands, disease, inadequate medical care and the loss of that parents. a 1000 children in regards to i have lost one or both of the legs. the organization is quoting for an immediate cease fire for jason lee is say, the children's country director for the occupied palestinian territory. he says a si size, the only way to protect children in golf of the numbers. i'm not just staggering in the scale and scope, but the actual impact on these on don't just numbers. every single one of them is a child, a child that has lost their lives, a child that has, which has suffered, i can inc. and to both physical injuries, but also the mental,
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the longer to psychological and mental it consequences for children that are consistently surrounded by filings that have experience such laws. and they've had the homes, the families, the communities around them destroyed. it is imperative that that is the immediate and definitive ceasefire. this is the only way that protects civilians that protects children, and that protects some semblance of a hope that they can rebuild. the future's, we've got a situation that when more than 60 percent of residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed, more than 60 percent of schools. educational facilities have been distorted, damaged, so the children that survive miraculously will have the physical injuries will have the lots of mental inside the social needs, but also will need significant investments in, in rebuilding their lives. many do not have harvest to return to many do not have
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schools to retention. many do not have communities to return to begin to cease fire is just the 1st step, but it is a critical step to ensuring that the weed that we do protect the features of children is really, i mean, has carried out more a is across the outside westbank, so there's the same storming north shams refugee camp into economy with builders. as i'm going to treat vehicles, the army has intensified nike, rates and the territory since october. assuming the rights which has released its annual reports have condemns, is really actions and gaza uncles on the international community to do more to end abuses in other hotspots affected by conflict. government as under has moved from new york. it can take courage, human rights, watch cold out countries that have condemned to the hum us attack on israel october 7th, but weren't silent in holding is real accountable for subsequent conduct in gaza. this reluctance is consistent with the refusal by the united states and many
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european member countries to urgent ends to the is really government, 16 year unlawful closure of gaza and to denounce its ongoing crimes against humanity of a pos side and persecution against palestinians. the world report looks at human rights conditions in over $100.00 countries last year. the report looks expensively at africa. we're according to human rights watch. there's one place in particular that is often overlooked by the world when it comes to human rights abuses. and that is sudan or thousands of civilians have been killed. are the countries in the middle of a war between the government and the rapids support forces paramilitary group which has consolidated its control over much of the dar for region. meeting civilians killed, others displaced, human rights watch says more attention is needed on sudan and other african
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hotspots. today we need to see global leadership left 1st upon. so don, you'll kill this the hell an eastern call. way conflicts have cute thousands of civilians in 2023 and 4 millions from their homes. it's clear in many corners of the world, people are facing increased repression. human rights watches, governments, and international organizations need to do more to hold those responsible, accountable. gabriel is on do out is here in new york, so it's a final day of campaigning ahead of the presidential election in taiwan. sotheby's vote could have far reaching consequences for the region of tensions mounts of china, which considers taiwan upon to fix the territory. while we have to correspondence covering the vote between a you is across the taiwan strait in shellman in china. but 1st let's go to tony trying in taiwan is capital type a tony. so on the eve of elections,
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what's the move them in taiwan and what are the main issues for voters that tony a map? there's a lot of excitement we saw a very large riley and central taipei with, from the democratic progressive party that the ruling party. they've had the presidency for the last 8 years. and we sold the car and prisons, tying one out on the campaign trail, urging people to come out and vote. we were out. and one of the popular shopping districts yesterday with one of the candidates who was hoping to and see that the p . p. a. he was getting a lot of the thousands of young people killing up to take sofas with them. so certainly i, i think the candidates a very much in that phase of being in the law straight. it is all to play for at this stage. i think, given the most season political come and take has really unprepared to call it. the last polls which are taken 10 days before the election is suggested that the, the, the motion that the, the p p have
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a was well within the margin of error. so i think it's old to play full and the, pushing very hard towards the votes on sense of the thing for voters themselves. china is very much on people's minds as it always is here in taiwan. but it's one political commentator said to me yesterday that fitful 3 major pauses have a sense of the same platform on china. they realize it's a threat. they are open to various levels of engagement and dialogue, but they're also very aware that in that taiwan is the weak apartments. so they are very wary. and i think both is also have more present issues here in taiwan that concerned about the cost of living and of that concerned about the growth, the growth when the economy arising price as much as they are and the rest of the world. so i think it's going to depend very much on those arguments who they vote for when they get into the polling booth on saturday morning. all right, tony, turn life west there and type pay tony. thank you. katrina, you joins us live from sherman in china. katrina,
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i guess it goes without saying the beijing will be watching the selection very closely. the it is and we've had the democratic progressive party, the ruling policy. and ty, one accused trying of interference, as has the united states. and china has angrily rubbish. those claims dismissing it, china is also angry that the us is at times to send an official delegation to, to like pay off to the elections china. and since that time, one is the pause of china that any official contact to us in taiwan goes against the one china policy. and that this whole election is an internal chinese affair. now, getting a sort of idea of what people here in, on the main line think about the election is always difficult because the nation environment just so tightly sensitive and controlled. however, we did speak to while drive it on the way here be awesome. what he thought about the poles, and he said that he was simply in difference. he believed that it didn't really
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matter who was on top in taiwan because china could simply take tie one back at any time. and it was only not doing so now because it wanted to avoid a war. now obviously, that doesn't represent the entire opinion of people here in china, but it does reflect the official government narrative. and well, you don't read reading about the polls here in the headlines, not really in the chinese communist policies, interest to have people here read about how the tie when he's, that's how when his compatriots have the right to vote. when they doors, the chinese government, how that has been extremely critical of the d p. p. and the candidate lighting to they say that i believe that a d p is a vote for a pro independent separatist and a vote to send tie. we need you to the battlefield, who they prefer, they not saying explicitly, but they prefer the off position woman tongue policy. and that is a policy that wants to close. the toys of aging is the only policy of 3 that is in official communication with aging. and they say that a vote for the human tongue is of work for peace prosperity and the safety and


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