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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the is around the set to defend itself against accusations of genocide by south africa in an unprecedented case of the international court of justice, the hello on and as it was put on them. and this is all just even life from don't how? so coming up, save the children, says 100 palestinian children have been killed every day. fires rarely strikes and
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gaza since the world again enough to the us and versus full. so strikes the targets in yemen, the rebel foot has expression to respond and civilians on the font and saddam the power ministry group fighting. the army is accused of targeting people on a typically the violent news. we begin at the hague way and around and as time israel will defend itself against accusations it is committing genocide of gaza, south africa launch the case would be international full of justice. on thursday, louis presented evidence of mass killings, widespread destruction, and the depth of children and babies. they say, as well as planned to destroy gauze that is coming from the highest level of state . we will have extensive coverage of this case throughout the day here on alta 0, shortly. we'll be live to our correspondents in johannesburg garza and occupied east jerusalem. but 1st,
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let's go just at boston who is live at the hague and step. what are we expecting today? boys in and outside, corpse is a very, very big day here at the peace palace in the hey, as well, a country that many upside has long acted as being a boston law is now in the book itself, the highest court of defending itself against the worst of crimes genocide, and this is the 1st time it's trial is actually defending itself and an international court of justice long. these trials has been a boy called to bias relative investigation that's going on in another court here in the hague, at the international criminal court for war crimes. that as well as being accused of is completely being void causes. but this case here at the i c, j comes very much at the heart of the existence of israel because since about the genocide convention,
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and this was adopted in 1948 in the off to miles of the holocaust and world war 2. and now 75 years later, it's israel that's defending itself against these genocide charges. south africa has laid out a very powerful argument yesterday on why it's things, as well as committing genocide. masculine, sloss displacement is while it has refuted all these claims and says itself, the science. and it says that mazda is committing genocide. well, we're about to here in the defense step is going to expect to allows around 3 hours of how it's route is going to say that's $23000.00 that civilians last displacement and mass destruction amounts to genocide. and also the statements by is really ministers calling for genocide that south africa sat. how is it so i was hoping to react to that right step. thank you very much for that for me now that step lawson live at the hague. let's go to stephanie decker. now she's an occupied east jerusalem, and stephanie,
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what's been the reaction bed to allegations that israel is commissioning the most serious of the cons of the outrage really in the media and the highest levels of government. we did, of course, have reaction soon after those 3 hours is you heard from step that are powerful case meticulously researched and presented by south africa. you have do these really prime minister, a cooling south africa monster saying the world has been turned upside down and that israel was defending itself against genocide. you have the foreign ministry, cool. south africa, the legal arm of how boss and the biggest charade of hypocrisy, called yesterday what we witnessed um in the have. and you also have the opposition leader off. and that also was not just, you know, saying that it was the integrity of the international community that was on trial is always, always maintained. that is defending himself against him. us. it defends itself
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against what it says was the most atrocious of crimes. i think this is what we are going to expect to see in court today. these rady legal team reminding the course of the nature of how much is attack, reminding the cords that is all take most care of it says in preventing civilian lives and also that it is how much support is ministry infrastructure and then amongst the people and the schools and hospitals of goals that it is something that has really struck us a very hard. it was rudy society very much divided before october. the 7th when it comes to politics here, but this was the biggest attack in the history of the modern state of israel. under prime minister. netanyahu has watched a model for sold himself as the only man who could keep israel safe. so it is very significant. what is happening in the, hey, if the court ruled in favor of these preliminary measures, branding, israel as carrying out or having the intent to carry out genocide, politically and diplomatically. this will have a major impact,
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which is why as well as taking it to a series through see why you see a major team there, either to be very interesting how they're going to defend themselves or not. and it takes place in the next hour or so on. stephanie, thank you for that for now. that stephanie deca with a view from occupied east of use. and then let's go to found that the minute she's joining us live from johannesburg. and what's been the reaction, they've found me that to israel saying that south africa is playing the legal of her mom. well, that's one of the civil criticisms accusations that these are the african government is faced up from israel. threw out its contamination of israel's actions . but the south african government has said that it doesn't have by natural relations will come us. and that it's don's in terms of supporting the palestinian struggle against occupation does not equate to support of home us. south africa does have a most presence in this country. they are representatives from the organization in south africa,
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but south africa has continually said that its position is one of the supporting humanities supporting the struggle against occupation and also just the similarities between the palestinian struggle and a party to south africa. the south africa minister of international relations, the lady, bundle just as much as she's quit decides the occupation she has is she has said in recent days that he doesn't detract from south africa's concern around tomas, his actions on the 7th of october in that they talk to civilians so, so that africa has tried to be as balanced as it possibly can, but ultimately saying that it wants to defend the palestinian rights to freedom and independence. and that it's denied any of these accurate accusations uh, from the israel. all right, for me to thank you for that from in the mid a live in johannesburg. south africa present, a detailed and shinning arguments at the i c,
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j on day one of its genocide case against as ro. here was more from step boss and at the hague, a step by step layer by layer the south african legal team unfolded what's been described as a historic case in front of 17 judges of the international court of justice. it's genocidal acts like israel's mass killings in gaza form just one part of the crimes perpetrated against the palestinian people since 1948. this killing is nothing short of destruction of palestinian life. it is inflicted deliberately. no one is sped. not even newborn babies. the devastation resubmit is intended to and has laid waste 2 guys a beyond any acceptable legal, let alone humane justification in order to establish intent. south africa lawyer say the court has the benefit of simply being able to listen to the words of the is
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for a leadership, is ryan's political leaders. committed to commanders and persons holding of 2 strong positions have systematically and an explicit tens declared that genocide, the intent the message is filtering down to the rank and file of the is really, um, so you probably what states would i need to let you know side of the intent, yet the distinctive feature of this case has not been the silence as such. but the touch base and then that i put to see often a side of speech throughout the sphere of states in is right. south africa, some lawyer stuff as the court fun. urgent injunction saying in their words, the world is watching in horror. that's how genocide in gaza is unfolding as we
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speak nothing. it can ever justify genocide, no matter what some individuals within the group of palestinians who goes to may have done. but no matter how great the threat to his regular citizens might the genocidal attacks on the whole of garza, the whole of its population with the intent of destroying them cannot be justified . genocide case will possibly take us to finalize and people in gaza. don't have the luxury to wait. an unprecedented case here at the pace palace in the hague. never before has the state laid out such a details. expensive and gruesome genocide case in front of the international court of justice. south africa has made a compelling argument that the world's highest court tooth or israel to stop its military campaign in gaza as soon as possible. urgent injunctions by the
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international court of justice of binding. but the world's highest court has no power to enforce them. it will establish something very important that 3rd state countries cannot escape. this is the crime of old crimes genocide. and once the court establishes that, this is being go with, the thing goes at least plus the states will find it very hard to escape that as possibilities on friday is around will respond to the genocide accusations. it supports us already gearing up at the bees palace to back up its defense step fast and l g 0. the he is go to our correspondent and gaza, thought it was there and is joining us live from girlfriend the south and static how people are reacting to the flight being presented in the was highest cold even as they continue to be attacked. a yes. generally garza's yesterday were following the suppression by the south
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african states regarding the violations that made as well. that is what i think the, this is completely the a to hearing from the especially are so kind of try to understand completely do it's best to reach you to the south. africans engaged to do old posts as a 1st time to track down old messages to be made to criminalize is but as being the be describing the session yesterday as the ultimate type workers who have been as amazed across the world regarding what is happening in the territory and also describing to me as the most more allow me in the world from the palestinian perspective. in fact, spanish themes are appreciating this is that made by south africa regarding the violations may just not the goal is to stay, but what really policy is a waiting today is that the international court of justice should bring justice for palestine use this time of to know, decades of, of christians for johnson's and also for policy and of course,
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palestine regarding the ongoing, located on the territory and the violations made also in the west bank. they have a sense of frustration regarding previous occasions that the international community had let down palestinians in 2008. and also in 2014 were especially officer isabel had completely refused to cut rates with different investigations by the united nations. regarding the tours only the gaza strip of discharge at the hook, that's the uh, dimensional uh quote of justice will bring them just as this time, despite old efforts made by his failed to refute and to track it down. and in fact, that is what one of the south african noise said in court yesterday that they have gone to the international court of justice because he said the international community has that down palestinian static. thank you very much for that. thought it was in live in alpha. this is where the forces have killed at least 5 palestinians. and as striking battle blah and central gaza,
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there was totally shouting in central garza and con eunice further to the south casualties from the bombings of a knife he had to be confirmed. as medical team struggled to reach the victims, us and british forces have carried out a strikes against the targets in yemen. multiple sites across the country well has including the of the capital sauna. it is the 1st time western countries have launch strikes against the yvon back whoops, and started attacking ships and the red sea late last year. she had baton c reports from washington, dc provide immunization. so with us, as you came in, the trees were involved in bombing c, c. radars, missiles i'm drain sites, the aims to the grey, the who sees ability to conduct strikes on international shipping. and the statement joe biden said, today's defensive action follows an extensive diplomatic campaign and who the rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels. these targeted strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks
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on my personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation. and one of the world's most critical commercial roots, us and british war plains at target throughout human through the control move, including the capital summer, the keyboard. so do you have a data and sidebar in the north place of the border with saudi arabia, a senior us administration official, emphasized the us was not seeking to escalate the conflict. however, the who, the, the, the suggested that escalation was now inevitable let in the thought that the insured law will confront the american aggression. any american aggression will never remain without a response. and the response will not only be at the level of the recent operation that targeted americans, etc, with more than $24.00 drones. and several missiles, the response will be greater than that though, and more than that, the us officials. i have too early to know who the capabilities have been degraded, but beyond that, they're all questions as to what exactly the us feels it's achieving, especially since by who things have been clear,
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basically live is they who are acting on the international lo, specifically of the international genocide convention which obligates them to act, to stop the bombardment of goes up to the question that has to be asked is why is it that the british and american governments prefer to escalate and go to war? essentially, in order to prevent the hunters from attacking ships rather than actually going to the top of a ceasefire and gaza, which would not only be more effective, but also would have other positive effects such as ending this daughter. the bite to ministration insists it was extreme defensively. if there's an attack earlier this week for sports sometimes have because us vessels were targeted. however, when aust how the administration was so sure that the us was specifically the progress of the attack, a senior defense official would only say that it was because us vessels were in the proximity of who would be far. she everytime see elder 0 washington is go to a correspondence in london and full. brandon is joining us live and the attack come
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in just a few days for after the british defense secretary warned that the holidays will bear the consequences. he said, if they don't stop what they doing in the red sea, or that's right, i mean you had and she has to report the as the progression through the course of this week with the drone attacks on tuesday, 21 drones being shut down by us and u. k or ships in the gulf. and then on to me blinking and the u. k. defense secretary warning, but that could possibly be military action. well, what we saw on thursday night was a rapidly convene cabinet minister administer. we will meeting convene by the prime minister wishes to knock at downing street following vats that were further consultations with the opposition policies on the speaker of the parliament. it was clear that something very serious was going to happen. and then just after midnight, we had would, but the 1st strikes have gone in around a dozen targets history understand the british involvement appears to be full
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already have tie food craft operating after the ad base with accurate, teary on cyprus, and hitting 2 targets by using what the energy describe is pay way a bones on that's is the well, that's, that, that's the top inside of it. frankly, i, it's sent it what, what i kind of had is that the defense minister james hippy has been on the media this morning saying that that should be the end of it. the on any further attacks planned. he said that it's a limited proportion of necessary response, and there are no further missile launches obama attacks by the allies, by the coalition that are currently in the pipeline. but is that likely to be the case pool we're given? we've heard from the whole thing is the coldest, an unjustified act of aggression so that they will act when it's clear that the coalition on it's a quite a broad coalition is not just the u. s. and the u. k. of determine to respond to who's the military actions in the gulf,
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the statements that have been put out to overnight don't mention the defense of human rights or to my life. the lives of the mariners in mountain is on those those that talking instead of destruction. survival, trade rates, and the impact on commodity prices, which we'll see is a bit cold. but nonetheless, what they all saying is that if there are further attacks by the who tease and who these are threatening to retaliate, then there will be further responses. the reaction i have to say across the board has been a while. there's been some supportive calls from the coalition nations that denmark and france, for example, have come out in support of the strikes this morning on saturday, arabia that was extremely concerned. they've been trying to bring peace to yemen in recent months. and even on the shacks and conservative party, there's a recent minister, neil o'brien who says in social media given on maintenance inventions of the last 25 years, i've been phases. how will we avoid being dragged into something we don't ones on this?
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one problem is not sitting today friday and the all calls for problem is to be recall . so the end piece can actually debates and discuss this, but we've had announced this morning, but the problem is to really see like, isn't actually in the u. k, he's going to kids to speak to the ukranian leda on about 2500000000 pounds with a military aid to you crank. so he's not around to answer questions and probably won't be around them till monday morning. all right, full, thank you for that full brennan live in london. it has to be $9100.00 days of israel's war and gaza. more than 23400 palestinians have been killed. more than twice as many have been injured and the casualties include a shocking number of children, which has been highlighted in a new report from save the children. since october 7th, more than 10000 children have been killed by as rarely as trucks and ground operations. that's an average of $100.00
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a day. that is one percent of causes total child population important to us health ministry, thousands mole. i'm missing by i presume, buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by his riley bombardment. save the children says those who survive the attacks have suffered a life changing tool, not including bones, disease, and adequate medical care. and the loss of the parents. 1000 children in goss, i have lost one or both of them megs. they open eyes ation is quoting for an immediate cease file which i recently saved the children's country director fully occupied palestinian territories. and he says, a cease fire is the only way to protect children and gaza. the numbers. i'm not just staggering in the scale and scope, but the actual impact on these on don't just numbers. every single one of them is a child. a child that has lost a lives, a child that has, which has suffered, i can inc. and to both physical injuries, but also the mental,
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the longer to psychological and mental it consequences for children that are consistently surrounded by violence that have experience such laws. and they've had the heart of the families, the communities around them destroyed. it is imperative that that is the immediate and definitive ceasefire. this is the only way that protects civilians that protects children, and that protects some semblance of a hope that they can rebuild. the future's, we've got a situation that when more than 60 percent of residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed, more than 60 percent of schools. educational facilities have been distorted, damaged, so the children that survive miraculously will have the physical injuries will have the lots of mental inside the social needs, but also will need significant investments in, in rebuilding their lives. many do not have harvest to return to many do not have
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schools to retention. many do not have communities to return to begin the ceasefire is just the 1st step, but it is a critical step to ensuring that the weed that we do protect the features of children, the pennsylvania, some of the days of the news now, and voters and taiwan are set to choose a new president and members of the legislative body on saturday that says tensions with china of a main hi there growing concerns that vision could invade the item that it considers its own. tiny chang has moved from ty, pay in. china is a major issue. we've seen china is presence, said very much in the background. during these last weeks we've seen chinese military exercises. there been information gathering balloons, flying overhead. we've been seen in the last week a chinese satellite, which was launched, causing
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a presidential look across the island. so i think people are very aware of that. but as one political commentator said to me yesterday, all 3 punches, can see that this stage, the china was a threat. and the platforms are pretty much the same when it comes to china. so this may go down to domestic issues tied when these people i think have concerns like they do in many parts of the world, about rising inflation. the cost of living, the ability observe of the young to be able to afford a rising high se, but house prices, for example. so think these are the kinds of issues that may well make a difference. we're also seeing young votes is looking for a 3rd option and this in this selection, there is a 3rd option on the ballot paper. the t p p, the political posts which we haven't seen before. they are expected to collect a lot of use foods. and while that may not get them, the presidency may make a big shift. at this stage, i think everything is to pay for echo to as newly elected president has declared
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his country as an estate of war. as gang relation volumes intensified in major cities, president donny available a to fluid more than 22000 soldiers to restore order, and promised to stop organized crime by drug gangs. several american officials, the use of visit ecuador in the coming weeks, in order to help the country counter the threat from criminal ports. well, people trapped in jersey to state and sedona, which was in the rapid support forces of targeting civilians. the problem and the treat group has been fighting saddam's army since april last year and took over the state in december. that sledge of the displacement of about half 1000000 people. but many move a main, they're unable to leave him to move them to pull. it's from costume and to one and that you may find some of the images and have a poor distressing on this mobile footage shows civilian surrounded up by the power minutes through rapid support forces in may like in central to dance, to the, to see the are a separated the town earlier this week, and local groups say they killed several. a body can be seen
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a few meters away from the group. boy, well the sizes, are you dead or not yet? the man filming asks, the body doesn't move well. the more footage, it shows other people being rounded up, the hood, the man foaming here. it's uses them a fighting on the side of the army in a town known to have no military facility. c, r a stuff has been fighting for dance army since april and launched an attack onto the to states and december, taking it over after the army withdrew facilities, fitness hospitals, universities and facts were destroyed. at least 500000 people were displaced due to the recess attack on the state. that one posted the largest number of internally displaced people from the current conflict. local groups known as resistance comma tease safety risk has committed atrocities that include sexual violence,
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forcible disappearance of civilians, an arbitrary killings. they say many bodies have been left in the streets for days, and a lot of civilian homes turned into military camps. many people who have tried to leave since the takeover has been forced to stay in the state as those were able to sleep save. they did so out of fear of falling victims to the our staff. we left our homes and how to move through allies and less unknown boots. when we left mcdonny, we saw the evidence of the atrocities that were committed by the r, as if the dead bodies on the streets. we feared for ourselves. we slept only with the clothes that we were wearing. in response to the accusations, the recept tools out to 0 that those who targeted civilians were not part of their forces and described them as outlaws. which was the history of the group targeting civilians going back even before the start of the current for survivors of the
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crimes in may like and just the to say they don't doubt who's responsible. he but morgan onto 010200. and that's it from the elizabeth toronto for now, but we will be back in 30 minutes as, as well. presents its case against accusations of genocide, the international court of justice. stay with us the the hello told everybody's loved the same place across your birthday. yes. january, so no great surprises that, but that cold air extends all the way down into the mediterranean, lost a little area of low pressure here, still rumbling away, and that will feed its way across the whole. is that eastern side of the med cold it up to what was the voltage stage? this area of light pressure will produced by the outbreaks this snow. let me go over every of high pressure that a separate dominant the what is causing
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a cold weather at present, particularly cold weather, sweetening feature that you can see has moved across solid sky through the next couple of days. it will allow, with assistance to come in across the northernmost past waves that present coming in from adobe direction. so that's always a cold direction that will draw its way down into the continent. they are close to low countries into germany, but to try whether across the northwest through england, wells coughlin, some showers them to know the process cops. and having said that, that will continue to drift his way for the southwards, over the next few days. well down into the single biggest pool, many a struggle to get his double figures even down towards the south west to whether across the east, the side of the met. it's right away. so slowly but surely make his way of the east west last night that just around the baltic states, a cold north west leave last coming in across the low countries. but last, we try, but rain does make his way to portugal. of the
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barrels of light scorched by end for you. real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubble desperate stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the groundbreaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen, witness. on al jazeera, washington is floating plans because even as israel is waging it, school ended. another middle east visits. the us secretary of states has been valuing support from regional player as to why isn't the bytes administration 1st trying to reach us these files? this is inside story, the


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