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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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the aerobic accounts rising, somebody needs to drop off the best foot storage salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera washington is floating plan this because even as israel is waging it school, and yet another middle east visits the us secretary of states has been valuing support from regional class. but why isn't the pipe administration 1st trying to reach us these files? this is inside storage, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian. instead of going to the secretary of state, wrapped up his latest visit to the middle east with cairo as the final stop. it's anthony lincoln's full time in the region since israel begun it's war ongoing. so that's 4 times in less than 4 months. he says the conflict needs to end soon as he's cold on regional leaders to help build a stable, postwar owed up. but there's no sign, the boy is nearing it in the death toll among palestinian civilians continues to climb. that is where the leaders of stated that it will be a long campaign. we'll go to a panel in just a moment. but 1st here's finsen by the us, secretary of state is wrapping up his 4th middle east tour since israel began, we're on gaza nearly 4 months ago. and the blinking had 2 messages. the us supports israel, the queer interrupt, and that probably brought them to take you lived a young man with a sportsman too, or the um socialist is giving
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a statement off to us and british forces carried out strikes again to the target. let's listen in the response of the many armed forces with lot the hazy paid welcome to target the origin of any great and old, and they may have targets in land and on the sea to defend them and the silver anti . and the dependence. this believes that i'm getting more then to the many um its forces from the therapist supporting the spanish senior people. we, the armed forces of human would continue to prevent that. is there any best sense or those headed to the occupied by to say that it's always put on navigating in the ad? the autopsy or that i see god is our rock loan lave? yeah. man. and dependent and 3 audio victory. 2. yeah. man, or 3 man worldwide. this is in seminar on how big the,
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the media set. good. 12 of january, 2024. a statement issued by the admin need. um, it forces the, the bad on. so i don't all the, many of the, some in the same gun at the hot up a statement issued by the many armed forces. he whose thoughts and the address and i get is to you should be full. that again, is august the, the american british today to me in the context of this up or to the as is good. i mean, i'm acting as a launch the blizzard, and again is very popular to pm and it's the width 73 a to strikes 5 things on,
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on how day that he dies on side. the visa strikes claim the lives of 5 goals, 6 to be in judge from i'm on the ranks of our armed forces. the british american enemy is head totally liable for the criminal, but isn't so again, if somebody how many people this pleasure ones cannot go on punished, this cannot go without. without a response. the many armed forces will not hesitate to target the origin of a needs today, together with the old and i mean targets in the land out on the sea to defend them in sovereignty and independence. this, the laser and technician can load the um, its forces from supporting the palestinian people. the many armed forces the today they will continue to prevent is really this is all those headed to the occupied by the state in c port for all navigating in the out of all is that i'd see god is our
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walk and he is a dispos or fold affairs: long live the admin 3 and and dependence. what a victory to yemen? an old 3 men. what a good. it should in some of the 1st so price of $1445.00, hazel. raise. how many of these say 12 of january 20 would be for a statement issued by them and the armed forces? they are on the system in the middle of a gun at the so we have been listening v i t the spoke. so essentially humans who the forces that is yes. yeah, sorry. he has been speaking following us and brush as close as carrying out as
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strikes against who's the targets in young men. so those comments from the, with the spokes person come off to, as we've said, us pushes, forces carried out as strikes, multiple sites across the country will hit, including near the capital, sauna. and the, uh, yeah, yeah. sadie said that 73 strikes, so there was 73 strikes targeting. he said sound the whole day the and saw that he said that a number of them. um, so this is what engines in these s tribes. he said that yeah, men will continue to prevent as well as well linked to vessels, ships traveling in the red sea that are linked to israel in any way from navigation in the red sea and maintain that this is in support of the palestinian people and gaza that they will not stop until there is a ceasefire in gaza. this is the 1st time that western countries have more
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strikes against the iran back to for since a 1000 attacking ships and the red sea late last year. let's go to this report from she have a tennessee from washington, dc or the vitamin ministration. so the us and u. k. miller trees were involved in bombing c, c. radars, missiles i'm drain size, the aims to degrade the who sees the ability to conduct strikes on international shipping. and the statement joe biden said, today's defensive action follows an extensive diplomatic campaign and who the rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels. these targeted strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation. in one of the world's most critical commercial roots. us and british will play and set targets throughout humans with the control move, including the capitol summer, the key parts of the data, i'm sorry, and the new place of the border with saudi arabia. a senior us administration
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official, emphasized the us was not seeking to escalate the conflict. however, the who suggested that escalation was now inevitable let in the thought that the insured law we will confront the american aggression any american aggression will never remain without a response. and the response will not only be at the level of the recent operation that targeted americans, etc, with more than $24.00 drones. and several messiahs, the response will be greater than that though, and more than that. yeah. the us officials, i have too early to know is who the capabilities have been degraded. but beyond that, they're all questions as to what exactly the us feels it's achieving. especially since the who things have been clear, they feel it is they who are acting on the international lo, specifically of the international genocide convention, which obligates them to act, to stop the bombardment of goes up to the question that has to be asked is why is it that the british and american governments prefer to escalate and go to war
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essentially in order to prevent the which is from attacking ships rather than actually going to the top of a ceasefire and gaza, which would not only be more effective, but also would have other positive effects such as ending this daughter, the bite to ministration insists it was extreme defensively. if there's an attack earlier this week, full sport sometimes have because us vessels with targets it. however, when aust how the administration was so sure that the us was specifically the progress of the attack, a senior defense official would only say that it was because us vessels were in the proximity of who the fuck she ever time. see elder 0 washington. that's bringing on correspondent and london full. brandon is joining us live. we've just heard from the who the spokes person pool saying that that the bushes and american forces liable for what they've done for the strikes against who the targets and yemen. saying that this cannot go unpunished, it cannot go without response. it is something that the who these must have been
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expected and given the comments from the bushes government a few days ago, that the forty's will be the consequences of their actions. yes, i mean the comments by the who is the spokesman uh, just in the past 20 minutes. uh, basically highlight the problems that the hall with potential escalation when you launch any kind of military action such as this. now the coalition of forces america and u. k. predominantly operationally, but also backed by other countries such as australia and france. and denmark are insisting that this was a precise series of strikes that it was limited. we've had the u. k. defense minister during the rounds of the, the, the television studios here in london. this morning saying that no further actions were planned and that it was a limited proportion as a necessary response to the publications, as he put it earlier in the week by the who t's against the commercial shipping in
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the red sea. and the statement of the coalition talked about a broad consensus on the un security council resolution last month, which cools on the rebels to halt that attacks. but when you embark on the course of action, such as this, then even if you're calling in stipends for the escalation and to avoid any kind of escalation, the risk of retaliation by the people that you've attacked is always bad. so we're in a very nerve wracking and tends period. now while we wait and see exactly how this is gonna play out. and that coming as some days. yeah, absolutely pulled, as we heard. and she had support, you know, everyone is saying that we don't want an escalation, but that's with things seem to be headed as into it. i mean, the whole thing is have said that it is the us beginning this naval task force that is supported by the bushes and the other countries that you mentioned, including from some denmark, the who, the say that it says naval patrol in the red sea that is going to lead to an
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escalation, the brits and the now i can say that they were left with no choice but to do this because of who the attacks on vessels traveling through the red sea. yeah, i mean, as you point out, the 2 sides appears to be talking about almost 2 different topics. i mean, the hooters are saying they are targeting, they say specifically is rating linked vessels in solidarity with the palestinians in the gaza strip, who are being attacked by, is there any forces that said the allies in the coalition forces who launched last night's military action? uh, rubbish that who sees came on back and say that whole variety of different shipping has been targeted in the red sea. and that the big picture is that international trade is being impacted detrimentally that ships are having to be forced to re roots away from the red sea, but not to going through the suez canal with the frequency that they used to the
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having to take much longer route that setting that significant costs to global trade and will push up to motor the prices and have economic impacts. and for example, the tesla factory in germany has announced that by and then i was just before the strikes took place. but announced that because of some, the, the, the incidents that were happening in the red say it was going to suspend production for a couple of weeks. it's german factory. so you can see that the in economic impacts of what is happening in that red sea region or having fall reaching of impacts much uh, you know, far away from, from that particular geographical area. but the concern about it is, is very real and i'm a big record of the west in military interventions isn't good over there. also, there are support being expressed by, for example, the opposition leader here in the u. k. internationally, the saudi arabia has expressed its concern about that that potentially
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destabilizing gammon. felt as a time when sadie has been trying to create peace in you haven't recently. you've got russia is calling for a un security council meeting to discuss exactly what's going on overnight in the red sea. and even here within the u. k, you've got a member of the wishes to an extra and conservative policy saying that the given our maintenance of mentions over the last 25 years have been failures must be clear upfront, how will we avoid being dragged into something that we don't want. so you can see that there is concern about where this might lead. oh i pull. thank you very much for that pull. brandon with the very latest live in london and about 20 minutes as well. we'll set house as a defense against accusations of commission genocide and gaza. south africa launched the case of the international court of justice on thursday. louis presented evidence of mass kennings, widespread destruction and the depth of children and babies. they say,
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as well as planned to destroy gauze as coming from the highest level of stage, a correspondence, stephanie deca as an occupied east. jerusalem was more a an unprecedented legal case against israel. for the 1st time, its answering for its actions before the international court of justice, the case was pulled by south africa and israel stands accused of committing and having the intention to commit genocide against palestinians in garza. these where the government says the case is baseless. the load one months ago, the one of them know south africa. it's not us who came to commit genocide. it's come us and how most would kill us all if it could. in contrast, our military acts in the most moral way. it does everything possible to avoid harming civilians with more than 23000. you have this thing. instead, israel doesn't deny killing high numbers of civilians, but it blames him us. it says the arms group is guilty of in storing its infrastructure in your hospitals,
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schools and homes. even communities vulnerable to attacks from is really forces. but evidence. israel is put forward to back. this claim has proven false in the post. this is a grab bag hours off to striking ship a hospital and goes to city. israel's army deleted this video, which it claimed proved there was a how much come on center under the hospital, when doubts were raised, it re posted a new version without the words, undeniable truth. israel, the sort to defend its air strikes, saying it takes care to warn civilians by dropping leaflets, directing them to what it called seats. so but it's also bomb to many of those areas, which is why palestinians and agencies maintain that. nowhere in goals are safe. in an 84 page fighting south africa says there's evidence. israel is also targeting civilians by limiting the delivery of food medicine, fuel and water. it came to united nations and talked to human rights organizations,
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degree on israel again, points to him us. unfortunately, to date the u. n. a to mechanism in garza has been woefully unsuccessful because it goes through and rough aid simply isn't reaching the people who need it. because how must hijacks it and on rock covers up for it. israel is expected to remind the court of the brutality of how mazda is attack the 7th of october, kings concept many in israel show that the country is facing legal proceedings and not thomas israel's foreign ministry has responded to the application on thursday at the international court of justice calling it's one of the biggest shows of hypocrisy, and accusing south africa of being the legal arm of have that israel will get. it's charles to respond officially in court on friday. definitely decor, audra 0 and occupied east to choose. let's take a closer look at the case both sides of an alta point one judge to the panel that's hearing the case as well as chosen. it's full. the supreme court president a hold on by doug the 87 year old was born and that the way the a and is,
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is the 5 of the holocaust. his parents moved to the british mandate in palestine in 1947. again before the creation of the state of israel, but aka showed support as well as war on garza and said, he's seen no evidence that as well has violated international humanitarian law and an interview with canadian newspaper, the globe and mail. he said it may be proportional to kill 5 innocent kids in order to target the leader and argue that the rules of collateral damage permit the cutting of palestinian sizes. even if that leads to the death of children. this view was approved by the i can of 2006 supreme court ruling, but because also justified the cutting of fuel to the besieged causes trip, saying that it may have been used by palestinian sizes. and he supports the israeli military, is conduct in gaza saying i agree totally with what the government is doing slow join now by thomas mcmanus, he's the director of the international state crime initiative at queen mary
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university and he's joining us live from london. thank you very much for your time, mister mcmann, of this judge that we've just been talking about, i'll head on by the key is no friend of nathan, yahoo! and yet he supports his actions and gaza. what does that tell us about how most is ready to use and even the judiciary, which is so against nothing, y'all has efforts to restrict its powers. how they view this war. yeah, i think we see from this judge that's now a sworn into the international court of justice, but there's widespread support within the israel for the the, the, the tracks on gaza. the other of course, pockets of resistance inside the pur, people are finding it very hard to express this. we know from even our own colleagues, a queen, mary, who have posts inside israel are, are not allowed to speak up. and whenever they do have been asked by their managers
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and by the heads of the universities to resign their posts. so there's a, there's a very shimming effect inside as well for many resistance. and all we see really from the outside as blanket support for the military actions and this with madison . how conducive or not is that environment when israel prepares its case against the strongest allegations of genocide by south africa and the world's highest cold as well? i think they're going the, the state of israel, i'm their legal representative. so they are going to use more of what they're using at home to, to, to, to garner support from their own citizens and try and project that now out into the world. i think apart from some legal arguments, we're going to get this case today used as a platform in order to try to influence world opinion. so we're going to see some sophisticated methods that going to be used appealing to people's emotions using
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blanket generalities. things like that and more than that, we're probably going to say some denial of the victim. we're going to say see israel arguing that it's not the people of palestine who are the victim of genocide . it's, it's israel who is the victim and that they're justified in their response on to the international rules of self defense. so we're going to see some legal and also some kind of a, most of all, most propagandist arguments. and they're going to take advantage of this platform. yeah. but we know that nothing justifies acts of genocide. right. so how do you expect shows defenses they, if they try to make them legal, assess and they try and make them and most of how do you expect those to stand up again and the wells highest quote or yeah, these days. and as you say, the absolutely no defense genocide, so it's not gonna spend the legally, but that probably isn't the strategy. the strategy is to try and to try and use the
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platform to, to stop a well of public opinion turning against as well. so try and show us, uh, you know, graphic images try and go into detail of the, from us as a crimes and from us as objectives in order to deflect away from the legal arguments against as well. so from a legal point of view, it's not going to work at the international court of justice and boss, and it's televised, it's, it's broad costs across the world. people are watching closely. and i think that's where the value for israel is. arguments are going to call them that they're going to be able to use this space not to make very good legal arguments. yeah. make arguments to try and give them more time to do what they're trying to do, which is destroy guys. it looks like, and it's interesting that you mentioned the use of graphic images because this is something that the south african noise said that they were not going to use many
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audio visual materials available on to rely on the facts on the ground. and they was certainly very most trained, one day from restraint and the number of videos that they actually show it. what did you make of south africa's case that they presented yesterday? i know that you were following it very closely. yeah, i thought the case was very impressive and the way it was put together and such a concise and, and an concurrence of way in which they presented the evidence legally step by step . i thought it was quite devastating from his rouse point of view to see it put together that way. and yes, they mentioned that they weren't going to use graphic images and appeal to emotion and to try and stick to the galaxies of the situation. and i took that as a pre engine of today's presentation from is ralph. i also noticed that the judge, us both parties to stick to relevant information. i think we're probably going to
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hear that reiterated that emphasize again, absolutely say that we're only interested. yeah. information about the preventative preservation was yes, i was thinking the exact same thing when you mentioned that you expect israel to present class and, and most of the case, the judge said yesterday that the lawyers have to stick to the facts on the ground . and within the confines of what they're going to be sharing in this hearing, which is the where the, the judges see that the, the genocide is plausible. and whether they will issue protection measures based on that. that yeah, exactly. and so the parties will be asked to stick to this issue and i'm, you know, we don't know exactly how is rather going to present our case today. they couldn't run a purely legal argument or they could run up shortly. and kind of propagandist argument, focusing on how my us instead which has no real legal ground and go to the crimes
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it from us, can be dealt with by other courts. this is not the form for it. so to be bringing up here is irrelevant. and the but i expect we're going to see a mix of both. we're going to see some denial of the victim that it's, it's not the palestinians who are the victim parents as well. we're going to see generalities about the based looseness of phillip this case without any detailed because actually sign up for this case was quite sound. so that's going to be very difficult to do. and we're, we're going to see some legal arguments about the right to self defense and possibly about jurisdiction. is there a genuine dispute between south africa and israel here about the coordinates to deal with? yeah. and then they might talk about the measures and how the measures interfere with their right to self defense. but the right to self defense itself is absolutely for debate. so yeah, it's not a legal argument that's going to fly. and again, the right to self defense and this very specific context, which is that as well as an occupying power. so kind of use the rise of self
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defense. first of all, we know that self defense is not a defense when you're accused of genocide. but what about when you all the occupying power? yeah, the, the, the rule of self defense in international law, the only one of the only times you can use for the other time is with approval of un security council. you can only defend yourself against other states. it's about . it's about defending yourself from an imminent attack from another state. in the, in my view, the law self defense does not apply to a textbook, emanates with in territory which is under your control. mister mcmanus, thank you very much for that to all right, i believe we have time for one more quick question. is the quote or does the protection measures that south africa is asking for? how much pressure do you think that will put on israel and the allies the us to
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respect that order? so yeah, the court can, can you to indicate the original lasers as, as full bartsdale africa, or they can indicate some other measures that they decide upon themselves or they can just indicate no measures at all. and whatever they do, i will post severe pressure on israel and the supporting states including the u. s . and the u. k. to acknowledge that the world course, the international court of justice has made these declarations and to ignore them is to ignore an international rule of law. and. and if, if we're going to do that, then the, the international community estates ceases to operate in the way in which it's operating now. and so it's a pivotal moment. i think when we get the measures to see how other states react the be severe pressure on them to all right, and to acknowledge and to abide by them. mr. sanders, thank you so much. no doubt we will be coming back to you over the course of the
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next few hours. thomas mcmanus live in london and we will be back in just a few minutes to stay with us. the in a moment of prayer for waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border and recent days, over 4000 a day in the mexican state of while we live alone. all my friends have cross, they have cross. now. this is what lies in store for them. hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by over whelmed custom and border patrol officers from the texas side of the border increase and illegal crossings. this, the result of smugglers moving large numbers of people through mexico budget cuts to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico was very hard to get through immigration inspection
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now. as pressure rose from the sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are preparing to head north trying to reach the us before the new year. the human mind is incredible, but it can also overwhelm a sometimes. here's a pill that solve all your problems in the 1st of a full punch seat. so we travel to iceland, which is the highest rate of anti depressant use and you know, that was all so so, so very hard to find and to origin tease, to find out twice. everybody is so popular, it just does exactly the same as when we were babies with our mother. mine's changing the way you think about mental health. on noticing. i was never can see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we
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will not take it any more 3 years after protest as storms of the capital. the new rates for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0 to the us selection 2020 for the full se rebels say us, and for strikes of till 5 is this slice isn't washington the bottom of this is al, does he live from the is so coming up is one of the set of defend itself against accusation.


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