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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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the meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health. on august, the 4th, the rebels threatened to attack all american and british interests across the red sea after their fighters are killed in the air strikes on you in the i'm sort of any age group that have you with this. this is elsa 0 lives from to also coming up the massive n t us protest and the many capital hundreds of thousands gather on center street
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to show supports the palestinians. the entirety of its case changes on a deliberately curator d contextualized and manipulative. description of the reality of current hostilities. israel lashes out in south africa for bringing the case of genocide and goes into the world's highest ports as it presents its defense on day 2, with the hearing save the children says $100.00 palestinian children had been killed by his really strikes and gaza since the war began in october, the booth, the rebels in the admin say, all american and british interest to become legitimate targets that it up to 5 of their fighters were killed in airstrikes, multiple sites across the country where hits, including near the capital. so now in the, the body,
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the american and british enemy bear full responsibility for the criminal aggression against all you have many people which will not go on said ad and punished the yeah, many armed forces will not hesitate to target the sources of threats. and all hostile targets on land and etc, to defend human, it's sovereignty and independence. this brutal aggression will not dissuade human from supporting the oppressed, the palestinian people. and the many armed forces will continue preventing is rarely shipped. so others heading to the ports of occupied palestine from navigating in the arabian and red seas. take a look where the attacks were carried out. strikes have been reported in the vicinity of the data near port in ties, damari, calon, camp insider and line the base that's north of the capital. so now, now this is the 1st time that western countries of launch strikes against be around back groups since it started attacking ships in the red sea late last year. she hubbard, tennessee reports from washington, dc,
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the vitamin ministration. so the us, as you came in, the trees were involved in bombing the radar missiles. i'm great inside the aims to the great the who sees the ability to conduct strikes on international shipping. and the statement joe biden said, today's defensive action follows an extensive diplomatic campaign. and who the rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels. these targeted strikes are a clear message for the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation. and one of the world's most critical commercial roots. us and british will play and set targets throughout the government through the control move, including the capital summer, the keyboard, cynthia, for data and sidebar, and the north place to the border with saudi arabia. a senior us administration official, emphasized the us was not seeking to escalate the conflict. however, the, who, the, the, the suggested that escalation was now inevitable let in the thought that the insured law will confront the american aggression. any american aggression will
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never remain without a response, and the response will not only be at the level of the recent operation that targeted americans, etc, with more than $24.00 drones and several massages the response will be graded in nashville. and more than that, that us officials have too early to know who the capabilities have been degraded. but beyond that, so they're all questions as to what exactly the us feels it's achieving. especially since the who things have been clear. basically it is they who are acting on the international lou, specifically the international genocide convention, which obligates them to act, to stop the bombardment of goes up to the question that has to be asked is, why is it that the british and american governments prefer to escalate and go to war essentially in order to prevent the hunters from attacking ships rather than actually going to the top of a ceasefire and gaza, which would not only be more effective, but also would have other positive effects such as ending to start the bite to
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ministration insist it was extreme defensively if there was an attack earlier this week, forced washington's have because us vessels with targeted. however, when aust how the administration was so sure that the us was specifically the progress of the attack, a senior defense official would only say that it was because us vessels were in the proximity of who would be fine. if you ever time see elder 0 washington, hundreds of thousands of people have flooded to the many capital following those strikes. you're a pictures from so not where you have and these are on the streets, protesting against us and british strikes on multiple and see targets processors. also denounced israel and showed solidarity with palestine. and the people have guns that in a moment we'll be talking to our white house correspondent. kimberly how good for the us perspective on those strikes. first though, let's go to mohammed a tom who is joining us from the many capital. so now mohammed tell us about this protest, we just saw, very large crowds gathered in the capital. so now yes,
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it says the 10s of thousands of uh you have any them. the status does check into this the, to the sub domain square, which is one of the biggest squares and sign off to express their, um the uh, over the us, a british uh, a res over uh, difference uh, unsettled laws, positions or all these positions. they also have tickets to the states to, to say that bill uh, going to continue with their products and also to call on the of these to continue or their operations. and the rates in order to put more pressure on is ready to lift its sage on people of guys and also to uh, put it down to uh, the june the side bar on and, and does the mysterious hairs a also uh they, they, that made it clear, just hours before, after the us and british,
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i raise the guy, take it to the stairs and the thousands. they say that they are not afraid of a us, of british a race. they are either meant to continue the to continue their uh, products and also to continue the support. so the policy, the people, in spite of all of the, all the threats that are made, made by the us of british, according to their words. we have very also one of the protesters who put the summarized some of the words a, please talk to us about the uh, the message of the protesters here. i would have to go ahead and just dominic on data. i'm just going to, it's a good label and yeah, and on, on doing that, i did arrive done on data and did it in on the and any, well, the out of the, hey, has been mon, as your people and the end of the week because there are people who don't deny, accommodate god, i'm the guy told us about how many guy,
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uh how many god says it's 10 months because you didn't go to the about the conference board and news isn't. does that? is it all getting these? okay, well you all, well i believe hey, give them how to get them all done on the, on the, on the, on the hey get, hey i hey, how about the about good anything. i know, do i get them on the top of god on the, on the, on the end. and the message is saying that the, the us continues to support the isn't with weapons on different kinds of assistance in order to continue their griffin against the people. because this is the message of them and is the hope that the international community could put an end to the whether you describe the do the side or, and does the committed by the israelis and
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a lot of reporting from humans capital center. thank you very much. let's go live now to kimberly how good at the white house, you, you just for the anti american sentiment from protesters and yemen in the capital there? look, there, there is. now there's been undeniably an escalation over the last few days between the who fees and the western powers of patrolling the red sea. give us the american perspective on this. the will, the united states denies that it's responsible for the escalation, even as it positioned it's aircraft carriers threat groups in the region. it says, but that is a defensive posture and it's the who sees that are responsible for this escalation . they say that in fact as a, but this is, was something that they have responded to and as a result, they are merely reacting to that. so what i can tell you is that the pentagon
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spokes person is pat ryder has responded to all of this, saying that the pentagon is reacting to these airstrikes and is assessing them now saying they've had good effects. and, but at this point, it does not appear that the who sees have retaliated in any way. but if that were to happen, they would, in fact uh, the united states would respond. now we can also tell you that there is no plan by the united states to, in any way, put additional forces in place. but the united states has monitoring all of this and will react if necessary. but we've not been told what that would look like in the meantime, we can tell you, but in fact, there is, um, what we can tell you is that i will tell you this. we're having a little technical difficulty as i'm talking here. and that's why i'm stopping and starting a little bit. so let me just finish up by saying this. i've lost my eye
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a fee, but what we can tell you is, but the defense secretary, lloyd austin. he is in the hospital, his overseeing these airstrikes. he is dealing with prostate cancer but has been overseeing this. he is actively engaged, we are told, and the commander in chief, the us president, is also overseeing all of his actively engaged. and we're waiting to hear from him . he's going to be leaving the white house in about 3 hours time and we'll be watching to see what he has to say as well. uh, kimberly. how can reporting from the white house all good? i know the signal dropped on your end, but we hear a loud and clear what you have been reporting. thank you very much. kimberly how it get there. now who's saying, well, k t is a political and list on the m and then who with the affairs. and he says the attack from the us and britain wasn't a surprise. this, let's attack room. the nice to educate was expected on human and you from the for this day they thought to get to the south of uh, elect city,
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south of oak abide by last time they knew. at one point did the united states will respond to this attack, but i'm sort of, they are really well and ready for that on the, at the attack. actually, those conducted vice on off or is it against ships? and they see it was only against you have that linked on or by city, owned by is it i the company or ship that i had been or going to be still been at? is it i 80 part of them and actually will do for them. i've located on the m and a half of the one symbols demand they can still, or that is an id will lift its bit. okay. on the stove, it's at that i guess because the, the israel has rejected accusations that it is committing genocide and gaza at the international court of justice. south africa launched the case and the hague on thursday, presenting evidence of mass killings and widespread destruction. israel has defended its actions in gaza as self defense, calling the case put forward,
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profoundly distorted. we live at a time when woods are cheap. in an age of social media and identity politics, the temptation to reach for the most outrageous term to vilify and demonize has become from any resistance. but if there is a place where words should still matter, us, we're truce, should still matter. it is surely a court of law. the applicant has regrettably put before the court. a profoundly distorted factual and legal picture. the entirety of its case hinges on it deliberately. q rated deacon text realized and manipulative. description of the reality of current hostilities, south africa ports to come to this court in the last, the position of
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a guardian of the interest of humanity. but in de legitimizing israel, 75 year existence in its opening presentation yesterday. that broad commitment to humanity rang. hello sarah. hi, rob is in tel aviv with more on this for us. so we'll get to the legal arguments that would put forward and presented in court in just a moment. but 1st i'd like to know just how is riley's, are absorbing this, the fact that they're accused of genocide having to defend themselves in courts. the well certainly, yes. today we were seeing a sense of concern because they were really unexpected and shocked by this case in the 1st place when the lots of them, the majority of the public, these ready media, those in government, all believe that it's not inside israel. all those carrying out to genocide,
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but it's hum us the car dollars to genocide on october the 7th. in fact, we heard from the foreign minister, israel kat's uh, the cooling uh, the south african case as the international double standards saying that it's like she south africa that supporting genocide by supporting from us. yes. today, the is riley for our ministry had also accused of being an arm a for him us. so it gives you a sense here that so things have changed slightly. today they've been following this minute 5 minutes. and there's a sense that's the case. the israel put in the forward defense case was compiling and feeling much more confident, but the risk concerned because even though this isn't legally binding a search, if they have to take, if they are told to take the immediate measure of ending the war as we had in the case today that they all consent, that this would allow him us to continue its attacks on israel, and it says that it's doing this to defend itself. and it's the most moral all me
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in the world. and when it comes to is writing media and that's thoughts on they say has been some more of the far right opinion that's it's actually what we just heard from these ready, 5 minutes to double standards. they said hypocritical lies and. 8 if anything that that would put the international humanitarian knows instance out. if they are accused of this on the other side, you have the less to $0.10 or less. this means you are saying goods. 8 1 of the reasons that israel use a say that they all hold themselves accountable and that they all following international law is that they have an independent traditional democratic system. and this has been an opportunity for those on the center left to say, this is exactly the independence do this rule. a supreme court does that talking about. but had also been one of the reasons that the coalition government has been
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trying to change since it came into power. and this was exactly why those process will happening every week. but looking overall they seem to be quite pleased with today. and looking forward, of course they all consent still so high right? reporting from telling me. thank you very much, sar. over it and see if it's a member of the class. it for the head dash party. and he supports south africa's genocide case against israel. we spoke to him earlier, you can feel an ear, the judge and on the side of the utmost sphere, which say, you know where you simply got the stuff big because i'm thinking about the family of my grandparents who did not survive dollar cost the whole way 90 years ago. busy for the very same us there and then i mean, and deep. uh, yeah, it's very thankful for me. and the ends doubtful what i'm trying to do with my friends and colleagues of the connected and outside of the contents of these 2 ways
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and the voice. and to stop the will to release those pages to save the lives of thousands of punish opinions. and by the way, also fees, larry storage is and that well and sacrifice the end of the survival of the government and nothing gets it does nothing to do with securing your defense and everything to do with dick. see me, god gave me the devil of it. and it done you all to stay out of prison and he is drugs to base the spot. she's in the government side and it is very petition of weight just above the thing. know about 700. these are any signs in support of the peoplesoft because now i want to explain show, like the way i designed it. and i do not regret it. and i don't mind the body as best to use them because as i said they did the right thing was 1st thing, you've got everything that goes on, you've got the should be investigated. we cannot even just, you know, i am, but i,
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we both missed the gates and dump because the government is, i'd say, there's no dialog, drysdale, i don't believe these are the government. it's been nearly a 100 days of israel's war on gaza. within 23400 palestinians have been killed more than twice as many have been injured. and the casualties include a shocking number of children which has been highlighted in a new report from save the children. since october, the 7th, more than 10000 children had been killed by his really strikes and ground operations. that is an average of $100.00 killed every day. that's one percent of guys. total child population, according to its ministry of health, thousands more are missing. they are presumed buried under the rubble of buildings destroyed by is really bombardment. save the children says that those who survived the attacks of stuff and live changing trauma, including burns disease, inadequate medical care, and the loss of their parents. a 1000 children and guys that have lost one or both
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of their legs. your organization is calling for an immediate cease fire for jason. leah save the children's country director for the occupied palestinian territory. he says a ceasefire is the only way to protect children and gods in the numbers. not just staggering in the scale and scope, but the actual impact on these on don't just numbers. every single one of them is a child, a child that has lost their lives. a child that has, which has suffered, again inc and to both physical injuries, but also the mental, the longer to psychological and mental it consequences which will bring that a con, consistently surrounded by violence that have experience such laws. and i've had the homes, the families, the communities around them destroyed. it is imperative that that is the immediate and definitive ceasefire. this is the only way that protects civilians that protects children, and that protects some semblance of a hope that they can rebuild. the future's, we've got
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a situation that when more than 60 percent of residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed, more than 60 percent of schools, educational facilities have been distorted, damaged, so the children that survive miraculously will have the physical injuries will have the loss of mental insight the social needs, but also will need significant investments in, in rebuilding their lives. many do not have harvest to return to many do not have schools to retention. many do not have communities to return to begin to cease 5 is just the 1st step, but it is a critical step to ensuring that the weed that we do protect the features of children. a funeral has been held in gaza, some members of the palestinian red crescent killed in an air strike on wednesday. the 8th group says and is really strike hit their ambulance while transporting engine people. in darrow butler for red crescent medical workers and the 2 wounded
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people were killed. it is really bombardment also hit the south and central parts of the gaza strip. in the southern city of con units, a residential house was destroyed in the air strike in a separate blast. at least 5 palestinians were killed. that was an a strike on darrow butler. there's also been heavy shilling on the nearby bo rage refugee camp . and he was really army has carried up more raids in the occupied westbank soldiers were seen storming, nor shops, refugee camp. that's until car him with bulldozers and military vehicles. the army has intensified night, the rates and the territory since october, the 7th. the it's also bring you some of the days of the news. people trapped in is 0 state in sedan or choosing the power military rapids support forces of targeting civilians. the group has been fighting sedans army since april last year, and took over the state in december that led to the displacement of about half
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a 1000000 people. but many more remainder, unable to leave. morgan reports from cartoon, and a warning you may find some of the images in her report distress this mobile fatigue shows civilians surrounded up by the power minute through rapid support forces in may like in central to dance to the to see the ra stuff rated the town earlier this week, and local groups say they killed several. a body can be seen a few meters away from the group. boy, well the sizes, are you dead or not yet? the man filming asks, the body doesn't move. what did i? the more footage it shows other people being rounded up. i'm literally do digging rather than the demand forming here. it's uses them of fighting on the side of the army in a town known to have no military facility. we are a stuff has been fighting to dance army since april and launched an attack onto the
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states and taking it over after the army withdrew facilities such as hospitals, universities and facts were destroyed. at least 500000 people were displaced due to the recess attack. on the state, that's one posted the largest number of intensity displaced people from the current conflict. local groups known as resistance comma tease safety risk has committed atrocities that include sexual violence, forcible disappearance of civilians and arbitrary killings. they say many bodies have been left in the streets for days, and a lot of civilian homes turned into military camps. many people who have tried to leave since the takeover has been forced to stay in the states. those were able to fleet if they did so out of fear of falling victims to the r a staff, we left our homes and how to move through allies and less unknown routes. when we left mcdonny,
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we saw the evidence of the atrocities that were committed by the r as if the dead bodies on the streets. we feared for ourselves. we slept only with the clothes that we were wearing. in response to the accusations, the receptacles alta 0 that those who targeted civilians were not part of their forces and described them as outlaws. to which was the history of the group targeting civilians was going back even before the start of the current for survivors of the crimes in may only. and just the to say, they don't doubt who's responsible people more going onto 0 me and more as ruling military june to has agreed a temporary ceasefire within the lines of ethnic minority groups. china facilitated peace talks between rival factions, both sides say they have plans to resolve disputes through negotiations and have vowed not to harm people living alongside the chinese border man nor has faced widespread violets since the army hosted the elective government at armstrong, sushi in 2021, the motors inside one are set to choose
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a new presidents and members of the legislative body on saturday, candidates from 3 parties of buying for the presidency petitions remain high as china is military says that it will crush any taiwan independence. tony chang has more from taipei, china is a major issue. we've seen china is presence, said very much in the background. during these last weeks we've seen chinese military exercises. there been information, gathering balloons, flying overhead. we'd even seen them the last week a chinese satellite, which was launched, causing a presidential look across the island. so i think people are very aware of that. but as one political commentators said to me yesterday, all 3 punches can see that this stage, the child, there is a threat of the platforms, a pretty much the same when it comes to china. so this may go down to domestic issues. time when these people i think have concerns like they do in many parts of
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the world about rising inflation. the cost of living, the ability observe of the young to be able to afford the rising highest but how surprises raise up. so i think these are the kinds of issues that may well make a difference. we're also seeing young votes is looking for us the option, the known this in this selection. there is a 3rd option on the ballot paper, the t p, p, and political posts, which we haven't seen before. they are expected to collect a lot of use votes, and while that may not get them the presidency, it may make a big shift. at this stage, i think everything is to play for families of stuff held hostage in ecuador as president. so demanding action from the countries. president authorities say at least 178 guards and workers remain captive. this admitted civil unrest as gangs rebel against the new governments moves to shake up criminal control of jails and length and sentences. alexandra rand, pnc has more from the court to box the prison outside the capitol, tito. it literally is known of the $45.00 prison guards still in the hands of
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convicted gang members at this maximum security prison in ecuador relatives of the guards and the mates as been camping outside the jail since monday, when the unprecedented unrest started the wife of one of the guards asked not to be named for security reasons. on wednesday, she received 2 voice messages from her husband as proof of life. saying he's doing fine. she doesn't believe him. he's not. well, if you listen carefully, his voice trembles. he's saying he's okay because he doesn't want me to worry vito's showing prison stuff being subjected to violence have been circulating on social media, increasing relative spirit and anguish. i don't have any real information. the police, nobody gives any information. i know what i see on television, so i just stay here in video waiting, hoping he's released,
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praying to god there's. there's prison guards association started legal actions against the government, demanding the protection of its members. it's vice president says they work in a business conditions, unarmed under pages and a number in an overcrowded system dominated by gangs. i mean fairly meant the world . unfortunately today when the riots and the gods can only run to save their lives, we faced horrible acts of violence and concept pile protocols because we don't have the tools to do it. a camouflage uniforms are all we have. every day before going to work. he said good bye to your family without knowing if you're going to return or not. back at the present, the family members of the inmates are demanding that the rights of the relatives to be respected. already done with them and get the man and they don't have food or water that being abused. while we were filming outside the prison security forces storm the area with family members with gathered as part of the sweeping
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powers granted to them by president daniel and noble. the armed forces say they had the 1300s of people under the new state of emergency. and that at least 5 alleged criminals were killed. but it remains unclear when and if they will try to retake the prisons and what it would mean for those being held inside. allison that i'm 50, i just need to go to the box. the former us president donald trump says a law suit accusing him. a fraud is itself fraudulent. you made the comments during the closing arguments of a civil trial in new york. christine salumi reports president trump, everybody, former president donald trump, defending himself in a civil fraud lawsuit brought against him by new york state's attorney general. we proven this case so.


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