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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many thanks care. you can just be yourself monkey changing the way you think about mental health on all just the goals as i like the hospital runs on to fuel that is plunged into darkness. forcing doctors to treat patients including premier troll babies by flashlights. the color ones that are on the new watching out as everything's online from the home, coming up in the next pop up, the noise in the side. and they do this before. the court has been very clear with it. it goes to depend on any justification which is like no justification suggests
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sort of the international court of justice begins deliberations up to 2 days of hearings into whether it's rarely is committing genocide against palestinians thing dolls. uh, which is turnkey. hard to imagine that people who move back to you and humanitarian chief tells a security council. the false displacement of palestinians is underway in carson and gammon suits these reckoning to attack american precision trust across the red sea. after that, science has a kills and strikes the hello. welcome to the product and we'd be getting garza with the west and collapse of the health care system. and a series of is really strikes targeting residential areas. now this is the scene in a lot. so hospital and data by law in central gaza, whether it's being
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a total blackout, thousands of displays, people are sheltering that adopt as a full is to treat patients by flashlight. and there are a lot of people here in 2 hours at most, if the electricity doesn't come back and the oxygen, these patients you see here will die in southern garza and they home income units has been destroyed and is really a strike at least 6 people were killed by the they were only women and children innocent and on the time of the strike there's no need for the i c. j to carry out investigations. these crimes are clearly evident. this is nothing short of a genocide boss is clearly visible and understood. and 10 people living till near the russell border crossing after one is really asked why kid house chelton displaced people more than 23700 palestinians have now being killed since the war began. back in central gauze are all just there has a camera crew inside deluxe hospital,
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and i plunged into the office on a couple of resume has more on the situation in the hospital for the upfront, we are at the reception of, i'll actual hospital, it is completely dark as there is no electricity, and there is no solar energy to power the hospital. so this is the situation. one of the reception n e r of i'll accept hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead on the sogba . as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries. since the i c u of i'll ok so hospital. but this person is in agony and can die at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members damage. what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service
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. they cannot provide any service. as you can see, the situation is very dia, the. we don't know what to say, that everyone is exiting. there is no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic. very challenging. the locks, the hospital in central areas of gaza strip had become completely dock right now as the fuel of generators had completely run out of composing, full, like out of electricity. and the hospital, which also contains hundreds of patients who are in a very desperate need for electricity to keep providing medical treatment as a new pulled, babies are in a very risky situation right now as the might lose the life. if this black outs, electricity continues, and we can clearly also say that the hospital is very crowded with patients and agent people alongside with evacuees for trying to live in the yards. the back yards also of the hospital as the bombardment that did not stop. we early have to
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report things that the vicinity of the hospital had been widely attacked by the military as a number of residential buildings that being destroyed alongside to the fact that the hospital is existing in an area which is considered to be a bottles of that we have these very forces on the palestinian flight as a now with the expansion of the military operations and the middle good for nights . it's possibly this hospital repeat, expose and subjected to youth threats which can compete. oh, so it could cause as a very severe damage to the hospital as is where the forces before had opened the fire, against the intensive care unit to the sum of its main central departments. and also at the we are afraid this policy is to meet and to face the same scenario that hospitals in the north town in central areas of golf. the city have met as these very forces, very expanding the military operations about time. meanwhile, the un security council is meant to discuss the threats of false displacements of
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palestinians in garza. it's something b u and emergency relief coordinator has what is already underway. gabriel is on the how's the latest from the un? well, i think what we heard from martin griffith at the top humanitarian official of the united nations is something that we have been hearing for many, many weeks. now he's brief the counsel multiple times in various different formats . but every time he paints a more somber picture of the humanitarian situation in gaza. and i think we really heard that again as he was briefing the council members just a short time ago. he said that the u. n. team recently got access to the north of guys and he said, colleagues who have managed to make it to the north in recent days, describes scenes of utter hor, corpses, left lying on the road. people with evident signs of starvation stopping trucks in search of anything they can get to survive. so certainly painting
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a picture of reality of the really grim, grim situation that civilians face there. and un officials that have gotten into the north of guys that are seeing that firsthand as well. uh, the u. n. is saying 85 percent of all the people of guys that have been forcibly displaced. that's about one point. 9000000 people, martin griffith's telling the council that they need to return home. however, they might not have a home to return to do to the utter destruction. and i'll also say this is a key point, the, the unofficial pointing out, the humanitarians are still being targeted by these really military. he said that a humanitarian sites had been struck on numerous occasions in the past few days. this bite, their location being given to these rarely military forces and should be noted that
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a 134 un facilities in guys that had been damaged from is really bombardment. and the number of un personnel would have been killed in gaza by is really forces is now up to a 148. it's most deadly. a conflict for any un mission ever. for humanitarian, it is rarely subjected accusations of its committing genocide and gaza at the international court of justice. it argued it's acting in self defense fund ticket will it didn't stalls set boston has moved from the hague. the 2nd and final day of oral arguments and the international court of justice, gift israel, a chance to respond to allegations, it's committing genocide and gaza and it's doing so with intent. its lawyers began by turning the arguments on its head. but if it has been ex that may be characterized as genocide, then i have been prep perpetrated against israel. israel odds is that the nature of
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intensive urban combat means the will be civilian casualties. but it won't acknowledge that the international n g o's, an even to us itself, relies upon the corners told of 823000 casualties. as the applicant repeats, as many have. i'm verified, statistics, provided by from us itself, hardly a reliable source. south africa, submission of 9 pages of commons by senior is for a leadership detailing what it says, demonstrates genocidal intent. me. a cherry picking says is around there is linked to the on to run the sessions, to demonstrate that israel has or has have the specific intent to destroy and how low impulse upon the streaming people as such, israel says it's continuing efforts to ramp up humanitarian assistance in gas that
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indicates the opposite of genocidal intent. there is no restriction on the amount of water that may enter gaza, as israel continues to supply its own water to garza by 2 pipelines lawyer re presenting south africa. however, directly references is route defense. minister yo have to go on as it was imposing a complete sage on cause that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. evidence thing with the closed because is that i am is fighting human onto months. the u. n. stop legal body d i. c. j exists the settled salad disputes between states and israel says south africa's application fails on this aspect alone. denying the court's jurisdiction. it seems to believe but it does not take 2 to tango. it is sufficient. if one state
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determines there is a dispute that a dispute existed when the application was 5 by south africa, and late december is a matter of public record. at this time, south africa had already a two's use. the in the security council, the general assembly. and as a big florida of engaging agend decides of act, he's had conducted a diplomatic day most or is the warning it that you'd viewed it's conduct as genocide. it is. well, it uses south africa, also acting not on behalf of the students, but that's what it's called, the legal of the how much there was organization, south africa, i denied that charge and insist it's doing everything it can to stop more home being done to the palestinians alas, my case here at the international court of justice with south africa, i'm making a compelling argument, wyatt police as well as permitting genocide and gaza. and israel saying is absent
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and self defense, and it's using how much of the internal side of whatever the outcome c s around for the 1st time in the dog is considered a win for international justice. and it shows that she a gravity of the situation in gaza. a decision by the court on an urgent injunction is expected in a few weeks step fast and l just sierra in the hey. is there any false claim launching fuel tanks on garza but the civilian deaths still continues to rise. building 23700 palestinians and not being killed since the war began. most of them women and children, on average about $250.00 palestinians are killed every day biased ready forces. let's form more than any other major conflict in recent years. according to the british charity oaks from on wednesday, israel's military said hit more than a $150.00 talk is across the cost of strip within a 24 hour period overall as low as mold in 10000 strikes in just over 3 months. a
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most of k is israel and palestine director in the middle east and north africa division that human rights watch enjoys us up from chicago in the us, mrs. u. k. good to have you with us. we'll get into a lot of these issues, but just we just begin with a humanitarian. you and she sort of appealing for cease fire and the release of the captives of the un security account. so it's not what does that cease fire that remains high on the agenda when it comes to the ongoing bombardment of gauze? yeah, the reason why so many people are calling for a ceasefire is precisely because we are nearly $100.00 days since october 7. we continue to have scores of bodies piling up every single day. the majority for more civilians, they include thousands of children and gaza. you have a situation where the vast majority of the population, as was noted, remains displaced for more than 3 months, many multiple times,
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according to local authorities, more than 23000 killed. the majority of homes damaged or destroyed. you have a reality where people are starving and this is not an accident. this is a deliberate, is really government policy on a is not reaching north causes, the majority of hospitals have been damaged. you have a situation that's simply unsustainable. let's remember that even before october, 7th, 80 percent of the population relied on monetary aid. the very a that's not getting in and sufficient quantity and not reaching all parts of gauze . and this can continue to go on lives hanging the balance as many as have been killed in the air strikes more could be killed as a result of disease as a result of hunger. as a result of the foreseeable consequences of this stuff, the collective punishment and war crimes committed by the israeli government. so let's, let's then go into this a little bit more because south africa presented it's petition to the i c j over
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the issue of genocide. israel had the chance to rebuttal that on friday, but for now it's all about provisional measures and we come to that would again cease fire needed. in other words, to let this scenario happen, and to let the aid in the longer this takes, the more focus on human rights and human survival is going to be in focus on who is heading during that. agencies like yours, oaks from various un agency groups. we're trying to brigade in a role pointing this thing you yes. ok, his royal, i mean, do you still feel and with the evidence you have, that's the only area. and the only thing that you can, you can use to point out is as, while us, when it comes to the aid, undeniably these rarely government is exercising control not only sealing its own crossings or, you know, it's, it's recently been partially opened up. but, you know, they control the infrastructure, kaiser allies on they can turn the tap on water,
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they can flip the switch on electricity. of course, much of the infrastructure has been destroyed, but in addition, they're obstructing the aid from entering egypt. so yes, there is a border that goes as with the egypt aide can enter there, but even there, these really government is obstructing what can enter, let's be clear. there have been war crimes also committed by policy to be an armed groups, the holdings of hostages. the killings on october 7, but, but ultimately when we're talking about the situation, gosset's is real. that that holds all the cards here. and there are steps they can take today that would improve the situation ceasefire or not unlawful. attacks can stop and aid can be allowed in and can reach all parts of gaza. so there are important steps that can be taken, you know, in the, you know, i'm, and these really government, even as it is, you know, today arguing at the hague regarding these allegations of genocide continues. it's policies on the ground that are killing palestinians. so let's, let's get to the debate now about displacement. the conversation has continued it
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seated up. we're hearing more more about relocation from the israelis, and that's being talented by the palestinians. oh, what's your take on, on the way this conversation is having and what impact is it having on sort of the discourse of an international level? let's start with the law international humanitarian laws, quite clear. forcible displacement is a work crime displacement is only allowed temporarily when necessary for imperative reasons of security or military necessity. it's been nearly 3 months since these really government issued its initial evacuation orders for half of gaza, northern gauze, and more than a 1000000 people who are children, and many people have been displaced many times order. one of the requirements of international law is people must be allowed to return to their homes as soon as spa still of these have been that,
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let's set aside the fact that 70 percent of the causes population are refugees who have been denied the right to return to their homes inside israel's for 75 years. but there are signs that these really government is making to return to north gauze and other parts of gust impossible. it is destroyed or damaged the majority of homes in gaza. it is destroyed, more than bet, are damaged when $340.00 schools, the majority of hospitals, it is apparently deliberately raised the agricultural land. and in addition of statements, for example, from an administered is real security cabinets, saying that they're rolling out neck, but 2023. all of these are signs that israel's taking steps to make return it impossible in doing so would be forcible displacement. the risk, if it is growing, it's of war crime, it's critical that states exert all pressure to allow a uh, to stop israel from these steps to make returning possible. and to facilitate
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a return for the population. ensuring the have something to return to a foster care from human rights, which is good to get your insight. thanks very much for your time. thank you. it's a lot still that has here on the 0 as, as well as will ring dollars. it continues tell us to be ends in the west bank. so i think going through a form of collective punishment, which is making that a life unbearable the brought to you by visit capital. so here's a headlines for the americas. thank you for joining in. we still have the storms locked into central argentina. storms for that se slice of brazil have lower temperatures here, suburbs of rio. so temperature is pretty close to about 40 as of late. now we go further towards the north storms in pedro and bolivia. that will shift into the
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amazon jungle and for central america, it is a fairly quiet picture. so we're going to move on from here because there is a lot going on in the u. s. cold air has swung into missouri. so st. louis minus 6 series for you on saturday, and then dealing with a blizzard through the great lakes. this will be a rain and wind event though, for the us northeast, but in terms of snow, toronto could see $10.00 to $15.00 centimeters over the next 24 to 36 hours westbound. we go all about the cold, so will paint on the colors dark. the purple in the blue, the lower the temperature. these are your wake up temperatures, edmonton, minus, 40 cold, enough for western canter. then pacific northwest, many spots about minus 10. now by saturday afternoon you'll bounce back to minus 5 in vancouver. but look at that cold still minus 29 degrees in edmonton. and this storm system off the pacific will give us copious amounts of rain for oregon and northern california could see a month's worth of rain here in a short period of time. the weather brought to you by visit castle
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piles of line scorched find photos. real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubber. best put stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the deal with people just every single robin and the whole reminder of all the top
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stories. now there's a title blackout that alexa hospitals and did a lot in central casa, after the facility run out, a few doctors have been false to treat patients including premature babies by such like thousands of displaced, palestinians sheltering that israel has rejected accusations of genocide in dogs. i think international court of justice is relative being taken to the us top, pulled by south africa voice as well on the use of the military is acting in self defense. any of the sudden effort to presented evidence of mass killings, widespread destruction. evans, who the rebels are warning the old american and british interests have become legitimate targets. that's up to 5 of the sciences. were killed in aspects by us and u. k. forces they've tonight, multiple sites across the country. what hits, including they have the capitals. so now, in the part of the american and british enemy be
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a full responsibility for their criminal aggression against all, you know, many people which will not go on onset and unpunished. the many armed forces will not hesitate to target the sources of threats and all hostile targets on land and that see to defend human, it's sovereignty and independence. this brutal aggression will not dissuade human from supporting the oppressed palestinian people. and the many armed forces will continue preventing is rarely shipped so others heading to the ports of occupied palestine from navigating in the arabian and red seas to yes present. dr. barton has commented on the who t responds during a visit to pennsylvania. he said, that'd be more strikes against a few things. if they continued to target ships in the red sea, we will make sure that we respond those hold time to go rushes and bonds to the to the you and described the us and you can time same human as blatant aggression of ship. it was literally for
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choosing the groups given the late and armed aggression against a another country. we would like to see it as a briefer, the un secretary general, and the situation the main task of the united nations and try and, and its charter is to prevent threats to peace and to suppress acts of aggression or other violations of peace. in accordance with the principles of international law, and with great regret, we know that yesterday we encountered just such a situation, armed aggression by a group of, of countries against and other states. let's go over to she every time. so you joins us now live from washington dc and it does seem she how the president is fighting the war of words, not just with diplomats, maybe at the security council or with the who thies, but also within his own policy. i'm with the republicans all over what's going on in the red sea right now with the pentagon has also spoken up. right, well, i mean, sorry that those on the left of his party who but perhaps constitution business
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love it. it's completely illegal. well, joe biden didn't like joe biden before it was president, would complain about donald trump or other presidents in the past. who would take that attraction without consulting calling president? the constitution? there is a limited amount of scope of the president has to act, but only if the united states itself is under attack. that's clearly isn't the case with, with, with shipping and the red c, especially with a, with a offer ation. that was apparently found weeks in advance. we will be all always advocate and consulted, but not congress because that, that as you look at the national legality and then those international legalities that has to be considered to, as the rationale investor was suggesting. but beyond that, we're getting a sense of satisfaction here in the us from the white house, from the pentagon bite and called it a success. the operation depends, it depends message seems to be looked at, but we did so much about 24 hours ago. actually, you know, 628 different locations, a 158 types of munition distorts. we must have degraded everything capability, but we didn't get really many, many specifics for the main message from the public. it was that we made, we gave, we gave
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a who are things the message to the court. we're simply not going to be messed with . so we all that was the problem. so we go, but that's what looking for if there is retaliation and that was always the sense ok, but who does will retaliate from defense again from the white house? it just seems to be a well bump them again. and then not addressing the fundamental issue here, which is the, who's the say, the reason why they're taking this action is what you've been covering for the last 20 minutes or so is the who receives things that they have a legal obligation of the genocide convention to act to stop shipping to israel, please get a bare half drive. they have to do something. and that's not what, what the us is addressing the vitamin, who these are just terrorist and for the pentagon, that depending on the spikes best noticed that depending on the general who was in charge or i don't all have a big pump to pay. and this operation seen before, bills as to why the who are things would even be holding shipping in the red sea hostage. it doesn't affect the things that that directly tied to pups. now they're realized, it's all futile. they don't, you don't understand that there is actually
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a root cause to this. i'm certainly the problem from the outside seems to be purely reactive and will actually going off to that course. we should see what happens studying the coming out so that she help thanks very much for all the updates, as well as well as military says, a number of soldiers have being attacked by palestinian gunmen and the occupied westbank had happened while the troops for patrolling and the legal is railey sacrament. cool daughter. the soldiers 5 back and kill 3 palestinians. that's close over to teresa by standing by with the very latest uh, shoot to get a settlement. uh, what happened of the mothers of roughly a $122.00 egos. settlements in the occupied westbank around $500.00 is ready. settlers live there on friday night. apparently 3 palestinian fighters were able to infiltrate one of the settlements. they saw the patrol. there was an exchange of fire, a 3 policy of fighters. they were killed. that is, riley military,
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have to call support, asking people to remain in their homes and make a requested of, you know, why did they continue to search the area? but this was not the only incidents happening in the office by west and on friday night. there was also another raid we'd been seeing an alarming increase of 90 rates in the occupied westbank since october 7th. a man was beaten to death. apparently his body showed signs of violence. we've been told that he died of because of internal bleeding. and this is something that has been ongoing. human rights lawyers have expressed their concerns about the go, the tensions about the torture and about the rates that have been ongoing can be occupied westbank since october. the 7th. the situation there economically is dire, palestinian workers are not allowed or being allowed to come through as well to work people. the trade is off since october 7th is where it is withholding money in
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texas that would be to pay palestinian workers. so the situation is, has deteriorated. rates are happening at tax with drones, among many other things. israel says it's carrying out on type terrorist ways you know, to attain or, or kill those who could be involved in terry stacks against the states. but for the palestinians living there, they're saying that they are living in constant siege threes by force, by without that, thank you as well as we just had a problem for you. so there's been a dramatic roy's in the number of his very rates and the occupied westbank since the war and gaza began. palestinians say is really false. is it deliberately talking infrastructure, drawing these incursions and leaving a trailer destruction in that way? because a form of collective punishment. mama, judging the pulse of neutrons, refugee camp in the northern pulse of the occupied west bank. it's another day of struggle for palestinians living in the north shore,
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refugee camp. a raid maybe over. but the rain is just beyond trying to walk across the street is hard enough trying to drive down. it is even harder. and the people can't even reach this area to shop on that. look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier. israel's army once again, storm de camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley. we find that out of heavy foot, whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago, we stand next to a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket. the i was in the bedroom upstairs had when they started destroying the house, i ran to another room in the bullets we had coming into the house through every direction, the damage to the door and into it. i went home and spent 4 hours here shut up to


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