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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the causes outlets, the hospital runs out of fuel and is plunged into doc, this whole thing dumped has to treat patients including temperature babies by flashlight, the drugs, the whole problem and you want to know if they were like my headquarters here. and
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so also coming up it just kind of hard to imagine that people would both could move back to you and humanitarian chief tells a security council. the full displacement of palestinians is on the way in garza, the lawyers will know what size they do. this prevents will to court and convert it to you with a gust too big 10, not any justification. would you say? no justification for genocide? the international court of justice begins deliberations up to 2 days of hearing seems where the israel is committing genocide against palestinians in guns did other these taiwan boats in a presidential election with the frontrunner pitching himself as the defender of the island in the face of aggressive retrospect from china, the welcome to the price. oh,
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we begin in garza with the west and collapse of the health care system and a series of as rarely as drinks targeting residential areas. this is a c o x, a hospital in data by law in central garza where there's been a complete black house, has the facilities when as a few thousands of displays, people are sheltering, dive and doctors are being forced to treat patients by flashlight. and there are a lot of people here in 2 hours at most, if the electricity doesn't come back and the oxygen, these patients you see here, will die in southern jonesboro who main con, units has been destroyed and it is rarely striking. at least 6 people were killed, but they were only women and children innocent. and on the time of the strike there's no need for the i c j to carry out investigations. these crimes are clearly evident. this is nothing short of a genocide that is clearly visible. and understood, and then 10 people have been killed at the russell border crossing astro. it is really striking,
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the house sheltering displays. people mold in 23700 palestinians have not been killed since the will began october. the 7th. back in central cause of, i'll just say right, has a camera crew inside alex hospital. this now being plunged into darkness and upfront, we are at the reception of a actual hospital. it is complete the dock because there is no electricity and there is no solar energy to power the hospital. so this is the situation one of the reception and e r of i'll so hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead themselves. as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries. since the i see you all ok, so hospital. but this person is an agony and can dial at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members gammon,
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what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service. they cannot provide any service. as you can see. the situation is very dying. we don't know what to say, that everyone is excepting there was no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic, very challenging. meanwhile, leo and security council has about to discuss, authorize a full displacement of palestinians and gaza. it's something the you and emergency relief come over today to has world is already underway. gabriel's on the us, the latest from the un martin griffith, the most senior humanitarian official at the united nations has briefed the security council numerous times since this conflict began. and each time he paints a more green picture, a situation for civilians in gaza. he said that you and staff recently came back from
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a trip to northern guys where they describe scenes of hor purposes. good people that like people with evident signs of starvation, stuff in trucks and such anything they can get since the conflict began a 134 u. n. facilities in guys that have been damaged from is rarely bombardment at over a $140.00 un staff had been killed to monitor inside to be struck on numerous occasions despite the identification, a notification to he is ready, defense forces. and the last few days of known to n. j o promises have premises. i've been sunday, well mark, 100 days since the beginning of this conflict, the united nation says 85 percent of the people of guys or 1900000 people have been displaced. in 100 days,
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virtually every palestinian in garza has been displaced multiple times from a home to you to a you and shelter to attend searching for that for safety everywhere. finding safety. nowhere is searching for live anywhere met by this everywhere that he when continues to call for a full and immediate cease fire saying that's the only way to stop the killing and suffering of the palestinian people gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york, a representative for the humans population funded in palestine is describe the situation in golf, the jobs as beyond dispatch and display ration. it follows a visit the by
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a u. n. t last week. is clear from my visit. the situation in god's it'd be under any of our sinus and it's getting worse when i saw where i fell with the despair. busy desperation is everywhere, as old as to walter l. jones, that all the bases for assisting the wise. i mean, i don't even want to speak about a life we didn't because i didn't see any of our in gaza right now. what i saw was, was really to be operating, i'm sorry to say to be p a 66 college of mental hygiene, most my kids into gaza working when i saw the video pausing, cleaning on well to really scalar and get more into you guys it because much more is needed, as i keep saying i scale, we've delivered around a interagency reproductive health kids. so his comprises around $56.00 boxes because each case about 7 boxes. and they saw some. busy 360 birds with clinical
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delivery assistance. these, i mean, we free supplies of drugs, disposable equipment, and it really helps mileage um, postcard from the bus terminal in neonatal complications, to as well as rejected accusations that it's committing genocide ingles about the international court of justice. it's all good. it's acting in self defense, so i think it will, it didn't stalled step by so it has more from the hague. the 2nd and final day of oral arguments and the international court of justice gave israel a chance to respond to allegations. it's committing genocide and gaza and it's doing so with intent. it's lawyers began by turning the argument on its head. but if it has been acts that may be characterized as genocide or they may have been prep perpetrated against israel. israel are, these are the nature of intensive urban combat means the will be civilian
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casualties, but it won't acknowledge that the international n g o's, an even to us itself, relies upon the corners told of 823000 casualties. as the applicant repeats, as many have and verified statistics provided by some us itself. hardly a reliable source. south africa, submission of 9 pages of commons by senior is for a leadership detailing what it says, demonstrates genocidal intent. me a cherry picking says israel. there is the link to the on to run the sessions to demonstrate that israel has or has have the specific intent to destroy in how low in port a potties streaming people as such. israel says it's continuing efforts to ramp up humanitarian assistance in gas. that indicates the opposite of genocidal intent. there is no restriction on the amount of water that may enter gaza to israel
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continues to supply its own water to gaza by 2 pipelines. lawyer re presenting south africa. however, it directly references israel's defense minister. you'll have to go on as it was imposing a complete sage on cause that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. ever the thing with the closed because is what i am, is fighting human animals. do you and stop legal body v i. c, j exist, lou settle salad disputes between states. israel says south africa's application fails on this aspect alone. denying the court's jurisdiction. it seems to believe, but it does not take 2 to tango. it is sufficient if one state determines there is a dispute that a dispute existed when the application was filed by south africa and late december
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. as a matter of public record. at this time, south africa had already a twos. use the in the security council. the general assembly and as a big florida of engaging agend decides of act, he's had conducted a different magic day most or is the warning it that it viewed its conduct as genocide. it is, well, it uses south africa, also acting not on behalf of the students, but that's what it's called. the legal of the have must, there was organization, south africa, i denied that charge and insist is doing every thing it can to stop more hom being done to the palestinians. alas, my case here at the international court of justice with south africa. i'm making a compelling argument via the lease as well is committed to genocide and gaza. and israel saying is absent and self defense and refusing how much of the internal side of whatever the outcome. c, s, around for the 1st time in the dog is considered
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a win for international justice. and it shows that she a gravity of the situation in gaza. a decision by the court on an urgent injunction is expected in a few weeks, stepped fast and l just sierra in the hey. of israel's military says a number of soldiers are being attacked by a palestinian gunmen in the occupied westbank. it happened while the troops flip patrolling on illegal is rainy, supplement, coal, a door to the soldiers, 5 back and killed 3 palestinians. well, that's been a dramatic rise in the number of his way the rates will be occupied. westbank since the war and gauze began. listed, insight is ready forces that deliberately talking infrastructure during these incursions and leaving a trail of destruction in the wake as a form of collective punishment meant to obtain the poles. now. for neutrons, refugee camp in the northern parts of the occupied west bank. it's another day of
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struggle for palestinians living in the north shunts refugee camp. a rate may be over with the rain is just beyond trying to walk across the street is hard enough trying to drive down. it is even harder. that's got to be there when people can't even reach this area to shop on that. look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier. israel's army once again storm to camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley, we find that out of heavy foot whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago, we stand next to a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket when i was in the bedroom upstairs had when they started destroying the house down to another, the bullets we had coming into the house through every direction. got the damage to the door and into it. i went home and spent 4 hours here shut up until schaeffer
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saw that and her family haven't been able to stay here since i made the discomfort . she has, however, found relief in the fact that none of her children or grandchildren were hurt while these really soldiers search the area for armed promised in the and fighters. busy a few minutes away, even more wreckage, the housing structures that have been knocked down. and the electricity lines that have been cut, palestinians here say this type of destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. but they also believe it goes beyond that, and the by utilizing these tactics over and over again, israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy worked with all of the people a used to this, this doesn't to seek the people support. now it's the opposite that makes people support the resistance more. because this proves that the fun has a doing the right thing to since october 7th reads my,
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israel's army only intensified throughout the occupied westbank. here it's become part of the fabric of daily life. today, residents, once again do whatever they can to repair these roads. but they know the fix will only be temporarily. how much influence here the notions refugee camp in the occupied west? still have here on, i'll just there, evans, who these threatened to attack american british interests across the red sea after the sciences. i killed it, strikes the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war oh no coupons, people informed opinions,
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the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, what constitutes extent, so we generally talk, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fact runs through what happened this independent . we won't be i want, we don't, we don't have lead them in the policy of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit no $1000.00 service. this claimant reports that i should just trust a few months out of the community. often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity in the pursuit of truth
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news the book about you want to all just bear with me. so robin in the hall, reminder of all the top stories. israel has rejected accusations of genocide in dogs or at the international court of justice. it's been taken to the u. n's topcoat by south africa lloyd's day as well. ok, the military is acting in self defense. the south african presents evidence of mass killings, a wide spread destruction does it to block out to deluxe the hospital in data by the inception garza after the facility run out just to talk to they've been forced to treat patients, including premature babies by flashlight. thousands of displaced palestinians,
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a sheltering the. now the black count is risking the lives of its most vulnerable patients. among the people babies. an incubator has just a respect to 2 doctors trying to capture them. the common life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies and many patients were trying to work with what we have, but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity does a complete outage. so how can we treat the patient so that's not have a whether you want it. all we can do is give some primary care. it's very tough on us as medical staff will do whatever we can to the best of our ability. but the situation is very challenging. at the end of the day we were told today that there would be an electrical outage. we were taken of gold . we tried to manage the situation, charge whatever we can find some blankets for patients,
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especially babies in children on the sofa for my nutrition. they're on the weight, they can't get sick easily. even the goats a bit. we have done what we can assume that we've worked on the delight of mobile phones. we use one at a time. so we don't right now because we cannot, we charge them we have 3 babies in the incubators and 10 others in the other room. so we are trying to manage the situation. we're doing all we can have been to, the rebels are wanting to hold. american and british interests have become legitimate targets. that's up to 5 of the sciences were killed in a strong supply us and u. k. forces over night, multiple sites across the country will also hit including the capital, this sign of in the body, the american and british enemy bear full responsibility for the criminal aggression
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against all you have many people which will not go on said ad and punished the yeah, many armed forces will not hesitate to target the sources of threats and all hostile targets on land and that see to defend human, it's sovereignty and independence. this brutal aggression will not dissuade human from supporting the oppressed palestinian people. and the many armed forces will continue preventing is rarely shipped. so others heading to the ports of occupied palestine from navigating in the arabian and red seats. yes, present job. i can pause commented on the hate to respond. so during a visit to pennsylvania, he said that the most strong against the who these, if they continue to target ships and the red sea, we will make sure that we respond. but rush as a balance of the, to the you and criticize the us and the k for that military action in the admin ship. it was literally because she lives in the groups given the latent armed
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aggression against a, another country. we would like to see it as a briefer, the un secretary general in this situation. the main task of the united nations enshrined and its charter is to prevent its threats to peace and to suppress acts of aggression or other violations of peace. in accordance with the principles of international law, and it's with great regret, we know that yesterday we encountered just such a situation armed aggression by a group of, of countries against, in other states. it's a rainy and state televisions have shown in the moment it's maybe sees the us oil tank in the gulf of them on thursday. it was set to be in retaliation for the us, confiscating the same vessel and it's boiled last year and the tank was coming more than a $100000.00 tons of crude oil. wi task has condemned the moves and it is demanding the immediate release of the ship and its crew. the spring,
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some of the days of the news from around the world. and polls of i put in taiwan for a presidential and legislative election, which could have major implications, the island and the old to main policies, all splits laws very well, what relationship type pay should talk with beijing. the, the economy is also a key issue at develop bumps with more than 20000000 people eligible to vote. but we have to correspondence covering the election. katrina you is across the taiwan strait in sherman china. but 1st, that's close over to tiny chang and ty, one's capital tie, pay. uh and tony. i mean, how close is the selection expected to be a very close and i think a low the pauses involved and there are a straight on the ballot this time. not just the usual k m t d p per you had to had that, but it does have been used to in the past, but they're all hoping that the 10 that will be high pulling boots open behind me about 20 minutes ago. we seen a fairly pressed turn around,
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people coming in and going quickly this everything seems to be going very smoothly . but i think all of the major posit hoping that this opposes will to. now, the big player i think is going to be the news, the policy, the taiwan people's policy. they've attracted lots of young people. we were either one of the around is this evening and there was thousands of people waiting to have a photo opportunity with the candidates. now it's unlikely that they will get enough to get the presidential see, but they may be a fix for the, for the other 2 pauses. and i think at this stage that not entirely sure how that's going to play out. everyone will be watching very closely when the polls close this evening at 4 pm and counting begins. expect to have a result by about 10 pm local time, because we'll come back to you when that does happen, let's come over to the training. you joins us live by from sherman in china. what's the mood that like knowing that there's
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a vote just across the wall so well people here definitely watching very closely. this is just across the street from taiwan, which in provence, sean and city is only a few 100 kilometers away. and the people here have many things in common received from taiwan. same di, like very common food traditions. and many people in taiwan also has emilio roots. it's legit and province where i am. and people here a more affected by the issue of tensions with tie one and have more close to be know this about a possible will with tie one should that breakout. now we've spoken to people here about what they think about the election and all the people we have spoken to has told us that's regardless of who is voted in anti one. they are confident that the island will be re unified with china, and the only difference they say that it makes is that it may change the timeline. and of course, we have to say there is a lot of information control here. a lot of people do self sensor, but this opinion does reflect the official narrative that is put forward by the
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chinese government to be seen. several statements released in the lead up to these polls by badging re assigning that message that taiwan is chinese territory. and regardless of how close the race is on the island aging, seems to believe that the d. p. p. the ruling democratic progressive policy is the front runner. and they've had several messages releasing extremely critical of the candidate lighting to saying that he is a dangerous pro, independent separatist candidates, whose election could lead to between china and taiwan. katrina, you with the right is i, thanks very much. now the united kingdom has it. i was more than 3000000000 dollars in military to ukraine during your visit to key you prime minister should say nice of a sudden this would help you pain patches, new surveillance and attack tribes. so you can do credit in present volume is lensky also assigned a security a code mammals, military rulers have agreed
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a 10 prices 5 with the alliance of ethnic groups. after china. it coordinated peace talks this week by side, se they now resolve the dispute it through negotiations that they wrote home residence, the chinese border. the country has been ranked by violence since the all meals to the election. it'd be like governance possibly, and some sushi in 2021. so the positive illustration wants to make oil and natural gas companies pay a fee for me, say, and emissions that exceed set limits. the proposal aims during coverage, the industry to reduce levels of the greenhouse gas, the oil and gas sector is the largest industrial source of methane in the united states. 2023 was the plants hope to see it on record in 2020 full looks set to see even higher temperatures. that's according to the us. national ac
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amick and atmospheric administration. unusually high temperatures, good wild fines and heat wave warnings across the world. the united nations, whether agencies says the el nino event is expected to set new heat records this year, will kind of corruptions and eastern indonesia have led to widespread evacuation orders. because in asia, as mount vo, toby, and lucky, lucky as interrupted several times in recent weeks, the government issued a highlight warning after additional interruptions on friday. yet another volcano on substantial island also speed smoke caused many families defeated, temporary shouts to 3 and the husbands. software council containing bolts for me near a town store they, they finally returned scientists of finding go through type and the mission was in space, a 7 years in the 1st full, the united states. the probably took a sample from an asteroid. cold venue, a small clump of rock store to hold answers to some of the mysteries of solar
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systems, full mation. but scientists on the ground with dismay to find that 2 of the cap seal bowls couldn't be open. so that to design new tools to get inside. they say the rocks on some of the most important, christine not true. lots of folks ever recorded. amazing, well use it hoff. now you can follow the stories on the website. it will just say right, don't come on. so rama the weather is next. and i've talked to the inside story to stay with us. the, the and we're off and running with your weather report for asia. good to have you along . lot of colds really up and down pockets on here. elsewhere we have disturbed weather rolling off the caspian sea, so outbreaks of showers for tater on with a height of 11 degrees. it's also been cooling india,
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so we'll paint the colors on dark, the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature. these are your wake up temperatures saturday morning and 4 suburbs of new delhi. your temperature not too far off from freezing part of the reason is clear conditions, overnighted. so we don't have that cloud cover to act as a blanket to keep in that ones that we see through the days. so you'll bounce back to 19 degrees by the afternoon in new delhi. it has dried off in too long ago where there has been torrential downpours that have triggered some flash flooding. so that's certainly good news. and the rain, fairly persistent in northern vietnam, around to noisy and same goes for central philippines in some of the city where there's a moderate flooding advisory in play here quite worn for this some of the year in china with hong boyland coming in at 20 degrees. this is the temperatures we'd expect to see for the month of april and snow for the western side of japan, about $25.00 centimeters over the next 24 hours. and back to this part of the southeast asia, we go blanketed in rain for eastern and south calum in town. on borneo island, special updates the,
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the, the latest news as it breaks. i don't really is. remember the scene on restoring national in unity with fearless journalism. these people copying show towing to escape from the relentless bombardment from the hall to the story. many people born long if you open for a meal with over crowded towns unlimited aids, many are left with desperate need the history of this carrying out of genocide and gaza at its leaders of the name inside suspense. the accusation of the heart of south africa's chase of the un talk as well since it's defending itself and the nice thing on vacation, but will this case stop the suffering of palestinians and god this is inside
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