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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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as a set for, i'll just say is most i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at your fingertips. the gods as i like the hospital runs out of fuel and is plunged into darkness pulsing doctors to treat patients, including premature babies by flashlights. the phillips, the whole rama, this is all just they were locked in the hall coming up on the program. the situation in gaza is beyond any of our sinus, and it's getting worse. 23700 palestinians dead. millions more displaced.
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the u 9th of nations population fun describes the situation in gauze as the young dispatch of desperation. the lawyers will know what size they do. this preventative court has been very clear with regards to pick 10, no definitive suspicion for general say no justification for genocide. the international court of justice begins deliberations of the hearings and to whether it's where it is committing genocide. same dawson, it doesn't use taiwan, vice in a presidential election with the function of pitching himself as a defender of the islands in the face of aggressive rhetoric from china. the welcome to the product. when we begin in gaza with the west and collapse of the health care system in a series of his really strikes talks in residential areas. this is a scene and i like the hospital and data about in central garza where that's being a type of blackout as the facility van. that's a few thousands of displaced people of sheltering that adult does have being forced
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to treat patients by flashlight. and it comes out of, there are a lot of people here in 2 hours at most. if the electricity doesn't come back and the oxygen, these patients you see here will die. the in southern dogs are i have been calling you this has been destroyed and is really striking. at least 6 people were killed, but they were only women and children innocent. and on the time of the strike there's no need for the i c. j to carry out investigations. these crimes are clearly evident. this has nothing short of a genocide that is clearly visible and understood. then 10 people are being killed at the russell border crossing after it is really strong because a house sheltering displaced people move in 23700 palestinians have not been killed since the war began on october. the 7th. i'm back in central gone. so i'll just say what has the camera crew inside? i like the hospital now plunged into darkness and upfront,
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we are at the reception of i'll actual hospital, it is completely dark, as there is no electricity, and there is no solar energy to power the hospital. so this is the situation, one of the reception n e r of i'll accept hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead on saba, as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries since the i c u of i'll ok so hospital. but this person is in agony and can die at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members damage. what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service . they cannot provide any service. as you can see, the situation is very dia. we don't know what to say. everyone is excepting there was no solar energy to power at the hospital. the situation is tragic. very
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challenging to the blanket is risking the lives of his most vulnerable patients. amongst them, nibbled babies and incubators. oh, does it respect to, to doctors trying to kind of for the the time in life about this situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity does a complete outage. so how can we treat the patient? so what do you want? it? all we can do is give some primary care. it's very tough on us as medical stuff. we'll do whatever we can to the best of our ability, but the situation is very challenging. at the end of the day. we were told today that there would be an electrical outage. we were taken of gold . we tried to manage the situation, charge whatever we can find some blankets for patients,
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especially babies in children. the sofa for monday edition. they're on the weight. they can get sick, easily, even die goats a bit. we have done what we can we've worked under the light of mobile phones. we use one at a time. so we don't run out because we cannot, we charge them we have 3 babies in the incubators and some others in the other room. so we are trying to manage the situation, we're doing all we can the health system and goals that has all most clients to, to in any 3 months of as well as relentless attacks, according to the palestinian health officials. now, is there any full 6 of kills at least $312.00 health co workers since of type of the 7? $26.00 hospitals across goals that are out of service. most of $140.00 health care centers are being bumped of $53.00, around have service. move with a 100, i'm the lens is a being destroyed or damaged according to causes health ministry. problems to be
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health vision site failed, has detained nearly 100 doctors, nurses, and hospital staff members. my that include the director of the all ship hospital causes largest health facility that is now in ruins. james smith is an emergency physician with medical aid to the palestinians. he's just returning from garza where he worked with alex the hospital and explains what he, sol, as well. i was working with a team for minutes later palestinians in the international rescue committee. we were a small team working alongside of doctors and nurses within the past. in the administrative health. we are working in garza and specifically at our black ser, uh who uh the 26th of december through the 8th of january. uh, every single day was uh, near laurence new, a new level of violence or like anything that i have ever seen before. we would traipsing and seeing hundreds of patients every day and not of course it's in
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addition to the many hundreds of and patients and in the hospital itself, the hospital actually was so crowded with within patients that they had opened up to next is adjacent to the hospital for an overflowing patients every day we would feature which in such religion were among many of the they did the trauma related wounded the we that we received in the emergency room. many children admitted to hospital for treatment of open fractures. um, complex, entrap, domino little open chest. we see we would say things that have mass casualty, after mass casualty incidents and bodies. very difficult under any circumstances, but give a very, very strain resources that were available in the hospital at the time that that seem that we were working with trying to send you and colleagues having to make very, very difficult decisions. now the us on the here kind of carried on has price on
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the m in the capital of set off for a 2nd time. it has many nice multiple targets linked to the degree for him to have an item thursday by american and british strikes. those are types killed 5 of the group sciences he asked. right. so now in response to months, a few times on ships the red sea, which they say are linked to israel. and the top is in the capitol center with the latest i have had done the visa explosions of many people who talked on the social media that they have a thoughtful exclusions in the, in the capital. it's on what the wild, the fees and media sources have mentioned that the u. k. and us have once again bomb to the capital son on. this comes uh, just of to series of bombings that to do this talk police yesterday night.
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and according to the, the spokes version of the how he's and admitted to me as the only supposed to present the minute. i hope these minutes hear me. you mentioned that over 73 of bombings have that had been carried out over the past 48 hours. and this has also resulted in the beginning and the injury of a number of people at least 5 people are being i'd be mentioned and did a sofa the the of the have a feeling that he will continue there uh, by the will continue with the operations of the recei in order to prevent the passage of the is really a shrubs towards these really airport, the seaports so far the, the continuation of the, the, the both sides a demand. so to continue with their, their operations the from one side we have the us and the us and britain,
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and then to continue with their bombings in order to weaken the how he's capabilities us present, a button declared the strikes on who the talk is a success contributing to the assets and preventing future attacks on shipping. but washington also acknowledges and expects some form of retaliation from the who tease. chapter 10, successful to the new round of strikes on human came out as of the president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets, if attacks on shipping, didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them expressed his satisfaction with the us led operation, i don't think it really civilian casualties. that's another reason why it's over at the pentagon, the message was also one of goals, a tree. even the initial indications are that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however,
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the who these did 51 and to ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was to seem to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials acknowledged they did expect to the retaliation, and the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to uh, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pens of them. there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation and the red sea, the hoot east contention. they have an international legal obligation under the genocide convention to disrupt shipping, to israel, and the cool for an immediate cease fire. she ever times, the elder 0 washington. if any insight television is showing the movement and safety seems to us oil tank when the goals of i'm on on thursday, it was set to be in retaliation for the us, confiscating the same vessel and it's oil last year. now the tankers carry more
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than a $100000.00 tons of crude oil. life has condemned the move and is demanding the immediate release of the ship and its crew to, let's turn to the hague. now the international court of justice. way i longmont a petition has wrapped up in which south africa has accused israel of committing genocide in gaza on friday. the 2nd to the final day. israel rejected the accusations made by south africa's legal team. it all you design thinking self defense funding a will. it didn't stop step by some possible in the hague. the 2nd and final day of oral arguments in the international court of justice gave israel a chance to respond to allegations. it's committing genocide and gaza and it's doing so with intent. its lawyers began by turning the arguments on its head. but if it has been acts that may be characterized as genocide or they may have been perpetrated against israel. israel are,
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these are the nature of intensive urban combat means the will be civilian casualties, but it won't acknowledge that the international n g o's, an even to un, itself relies upon the corridors, told of the 23000 casualties. as the applicant repeats, as many have, i'm verified statistics provided by some us itself. hardly a reliable source. south africa, submission of 9 pages of commons by senior is for a leadership detailing what it says, demonstrates genocidal intent. me a cherry picking, says israel, there is the link to the on to run the sessions to demonstrate that israel has or has have the specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a part of streaming people as such. israel says it's continuing efforts to ramp up
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humanitarian assistance in gas that indicates the opposite of genocide or intent. there is no restriction on the amount of water that may enter gaza. of israel continues to supply its own water to gaza by 2 pipelines. lawyer re presenting south africa, however, directly references is route defense minister you'll have to go on as is, ryan was imposing a complete sage on cause that would be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. ever the thing with the closed because is what i am, is fighting human on a month. do you and stop legal body d i. c. j exists the settle salad disputes between states. israel says south africa's application fails on this aspect alone. denying the court's jurisdiction seems to believe, but it does not take 2 to tango. it is sufficient if one state determines there is
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a dispute that a dispute existed when the application was 5 by south africa in late december. as a matter of public record. at this time, south africa had already a twos use the in the security council, the general assembly. and as a big florida of engaging agend decides of act. he's had conducted a different magic day most or is the warning it that it viewed its conduct as genocide. it is well accused of south africa, also acting not on behalf of the students, but that's what it's called the legal of the have must. there was organization, south africa, i denied that charge and insist it's doing everything it can to stop more home being done to the palestinians. alas, my case here at the international court of justice with south africa. i'm making a compelling argument via the lease, as well as permitting genocide and gaza. and israel saying is absent and self
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defense and refusing how much on the internal side of whatever the outcome, c s around for the 1st time. and the dog is considered a win for international justice and it shows that she a gravity of the situation in gaza. a decision by the court on an urgent injunction is expected in a few weeks step fast and l just sierra in the he will rabbani is a middle east. some of the specialized, again, published any of this as he says that as well as long events behind c, j could not be taken seriously. is, of course we'll have to wait probably a week or 2 to find out when the international court of justice decides whether it will institute provisional measures and if so, which ones? but i was really struck by these really argument today. i mean, it was almost as if they thought they run, it is really court and they didn't really have to try too hard because if they
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simply demonize their opponents and gas light the audience and make it up as a go along and claim basically, i didn't do it, he hit me 1st and so on that that would seal the case. but of course, they're not arguing in front of it is really military court in the west bank are arguing in front of the international court of justice and many of the claims they made have already been disproven and the judges are, are fully aware of this. so i think um, you know, given the over whelming and overwhelmingly compelling case that the south africans presented yesterday, i think israel's argument that there is no dispute between it and south africa and that the i, c j basically has no jurisdiction here. and that the only thing is real has been engaged in, in the gaza strip as humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. i suspect it's not going to fly very well. well,
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still have hit on. i was there as israel's war, and garza continues palestinians in the west bank say that going through a form of collective punishment, which is making that daily lives unbearable. the . and we're off and running with your weather report for asia. good to have you along a lot of calls really up and down, buckets on here. i'll swear we have disturbed weather are rolling off the caspian sea, so outbreaks of showers for tater on with a height of 11 degrees. it's also been cooling india, so we'll paint the colors on dark, the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature. these are your wake up temperatures saturday morning and for suburbs of new delhi, your temperature not too far off from freezing. part of the reason is clear conditions, overnighted, so we don't have that cloud cover to act as a blanket to keep in that ones that we see through the day. so you'll bounce back
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to 19 degrees by the afternoon in new delhi. it has dried off and for long ago where there has been torrential downpours that have triggered some flash flooding. so that's certainly good news. and the rain, fairly persistent in northern vietnam, around to noisy and same goes for central philippines and some of the city where there's a moderate flooding advisory in play here quite warm for this some of the year in china with hong qualen coming in at 20 degrees these are temperatures, we'd expect to see for the month of april and snow for the western side of japan, about $25.00 centimeters over the next 24 hours. and back to this part of the southeast asia, we go blanketed in rain for eastern and south calum in town and borneo islands, bastrop day, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the book about kill what you all just bear with me. so robin into how remind to of all
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told stories the us the u. k. of carried out and strikes on the admins capital. so known soul the 2nd time there's many days multiple targets linked to the who t group owns that have an ice on thursday. those the tax killed 5 of the groups finances as well, has rejected accusations of genocide and calls for the international court of justice. it's been taken to the us top coal by south africa law as full as well. ok if the military is acting in self defense. early as south africa presented evidence of mass killings of widespread destruction. there's a total black house as i like solves between dental by and central garza actually facility balance of fields. doctors have been forced to treat patients including temperature babies by flashlights. thousands of despite tell us to be of the sheltering the representative for the us population funding palestine is describe the situation in gauze as be own dispatch and desperation. it follows
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a visit that by a u. n. team. last week. it is clear from my visit the situation in gaza is beyond any of our sinus. and it's getting worse when i saw where i fell with the despair. busy desperation is everywhere, as you will, the dispute was a house, cat jones, all the bases for assisting the wise need. and i don't even want to speak about a life weeping and because i didn't see nearby and gaza right now. what i saw was, was really to be operating, i'm sorry to say to be happy about 66 colleagues of mental hygiene most my kids into gaza working. when i saw the video pausing, cleaning on well to really scalar and get more into cause it because much more is needed. as i keep saying, i scale, we've delivered around a interagency reproductive health kids. so his comprise is around $56.00 boxes
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because these kids about 7 boxes and they also. busy 360 birds with clinical delivery assistance. these, i mean winfrey supplies, drugs, disposable equipment. and it really helps them manage um both cost and the best maternal in neonatal complications. as being a dramatic rise in the number of his very rates bill supplied with bang since the war and gone so began. palestinians say is really false, is a deliberately targeting infrastructure of drawing these incursions, leaving a trail of destruction in the way cause a form of collective punishment. damage up to the poles, not the notions refugee camp in the northern parts of the occupied west bank. it's another day of struggling for palestinians living in the north shunts refugee camp . a rate may be over, but the rain is just beyond trying to walk across the street is hard enough
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trying to drive down. it is even harder. the notion of the people can't even reach this area to shop on that. look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier, israel's army once again stormed the camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley. we find that out of heavy foot, whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago, we stand next to a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket when i was in the bathroom upstairs had when they started destroying the house, i ran to another room in bullets weird coming into the house from every direction, the damage of the door and entered. i went home and spent 4 hours here, shut up to shuffle, so that in her family haven't been able to stay here since i made the discomfort she has, however, found relief in the fact that none of her children or grandchildren were hurt while these really soldiers search the area for armed, promised indian fighters
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a few minutes away, even more wreckage, housing structures that have been knocked down and electricity lines that have been cut, palestinians here say this type of destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. but they also believe it goes beyond that, and the by utilizing these tactics over and over again, israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy worked well. people are used to this, this doesn't affect the people support. no, it's the opposite. that makes people support the resistance more. because this proves that the fund has a doing the right thing to since october 7th rates might, israel's army only intensified throughout the occupied westbank. here it's become part of the fabric of daily life. today, residents, once again do whatever they can to repair these roads. but they know the fix will
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only be temporary. how much influence is either the nation's refugee camp in the occupied west bank? the people, the public standing just sent in the wrong have lived with them. so the since they were displaced from the homeland and 1948, they do in strongly connected to the palestinian rates, but many of last hope that they'll go back home. so bas robbie has moved from baghdad, a handful of rocks, keepsakes from a house in haifa, carried over in the pocket of an ancestor pushed out of palestine. a life left behind 3 quarters of a century ago bought the rocks. it may not seem like much, but for them. a cherished family treasured parts of the east coast. uh there unmistakably palestinian home to generation since the 1948 not state this often trapped in poverty. no clear feature but there remains here. and then we bring sense of palestinian identity. they may not be in during the indignities of
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occupation or the perils of war. but palestinians watching what is happening in gaza. say the grief is crippling. and i'm a little bush out of the day i. my cousin was a pharmacist that he was killed in a strike in the 1st 10 days out of war along with his mother. oh, what else are you? i'm how they are still under the debris, awarded mothers. okay. the sufferings, years of turmoil, alongside of rockies. those who could less moving to safer countries, numbers here dwindling for the few 1000 left the high for club is a place where they can stay connected to where they came from, connecting with each other, fading photographs, reminders of more hopeful times. a wall of heroes, both old and new but sharing the pain does not always make it less. so we can't handle seeing images of butcher children in their mother's lapse . it's a crime against humanity. it's rejected. they know times even the mobiles didn't
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know. do what israel has done. oh yeah, well hoshevely lives in the back of the club. he was 5 when he came to both died. now bedridden, cared for by friends. at the end of a life spent the way to, to return to a homeland. he's never truly no, no. oh a for this thing. if you offer any palestinian with the whole world, he will read you duty and only want to return to his homeland 1st to call upon the world to give us back our lands. our rights people cannot do much. our arab states have their own problems. there is so much injustice. anger gives way to get a rule adorned with messages of hope. peace, justice, your hand. an old man weeps for all that's been lost and all that's been denied the same bus route. the older 0 booked up in other these very tickets underway and
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taiwan for a presidential and legislative election, which could have major implications to the island and beyond. the 2 main policies a split launch, we have a what relationship type pay we'd like to have with facing the economy is also a key issue at the ballot box with more than 20000000 people eligible to vote to the training has moved upholding stations in taipei, voting is now on the way here in taiwan. the candidates for the legislature here and the 3 main parts is in the presidential election here. he's the things on both his mind to the and the policy lead is will be hoping very much that's a high 10 up 75 percent at the last election. they'll be one thing even more today because it looks like it's going to be a very close result showing that is of course, at the top of everybody's minds. when that costing that balance is as a notice of notes that most of the 3 main parts of the policy is on china a roughly the same, they will recognize it's
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a trust and both as have other domestic considerations, the high cost of living inflation, the high cost of housing, and these things will probably make up most places minds when they get to cost about it today. tony chang was a 0 type a. now the election is being watched, closely by basing time and social media sideway, but it has blocked the trending time on election hash tag. because he is in sherman china with the reaction from across the taiwan strait. here in shellman says he would just a few kilometers away from time when he was territory. people here feel they have a lot in common with people in taiwan. they show the same done. i liked food traditions and many people in taiwan has familial roots in food, gen problems where we are. it's also true that more than any other part of the country, the people living here more affected by the tensions with taiwan and has no cause to be nervous. about


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