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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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a way that has been done before can be done even better as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm nor i, carl, this is denise our live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. $151.00 palestinians are killed and is really strikes across garza in the past 24 hours, including several attacks on residential homes. clinging to his memories, we speak to one palestinian grandfather. he's lost 9 members of his family and his
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rainy attacks from calling employees. so people around the world are holding process and sort of darcy with palestinians in gaza. and see you as long as more strikes against lucy positions in yemen. the rebels have a promise to hit fax plus attorney chang in taiwan with us just one hour left. the votes and what appears to be very closely contested election. the we begin in gaza, where is riley strikes overnight, have plunged crowded hospitals into darkness. at least a $151.00, people were killed and attacks on friday, including $11.00 and $1.00 residential building alone. that a functioning medical facilities of being overwhelmed with thousands of people injured in strikes in central. i'm something garza, they're running low on supplies with the un accusing,
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as well as looking vital aid as humans hiring the fans office as any 5 out of $24.00 deliveries meant for noise, and garza reached the destination. i was been a total black house, overnights with l x a hospital in central galls or off to it right now. so a few thousands of displaced people, the sheltering that well talk to is treating patients my flashlight the some of the things are so the we are at the reception of i'll actual hospital, it is completely dock as there is no electricity and there is no solar energy to power the hospitality. so this is the situation, one of the reception and e. r of i'll so hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead and saw that. as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries since the i see you all. ok, so hospital,
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honda. but this person is in agony and can dial at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members gammon, what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service. they cannot provide any service. as you can see, the situation is very dia, the. we don't know what to say, that everyone is exiting. there is no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic. very challenging. well, the lack of fuel is risking the lives of the most vulnerable patients amongst them, newborn babies and, and q bases out 0 spoke to, to adults as trying to capture them. the life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity does a complete outage. so how can we treat the patient? so what do you want it?
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all we can do is give some primary care. it's very tough on us as medical stuff. we'll do whatever we can to the best of our ability. but the situation is very challenging. at the end of the day we were told today that there would be an electrical outage. we were taken of gold . we tried to manage the situation, charge wherever we can find some blankets for patients, especially babies and children. the sofa for my new tuition, they're on the weight. they can get sick, easily, even die goats a bit. we have done what we can we've worked under the lights on mobile phones. we use one at a time. so we don't right now because we cannot recharge them. we have 3 babies in the incubators and some others in the other room. so we are
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trying to manage the situation. we're doing all we can speak now as well. correspondent attack as well as the him. he joins us live from rafa in something gaza tart festival tests. little bit more about the terrible situation there at l. x a hospital, often it has run out of fuel a gosh laura, that's completely what the causes media office has stated. yes, today that the there is no few left to operate domains and the rates as the blocks the hospital putting ice to you and nursery, patients and then extreme risk of death. the hospital contains hundreds of patients receiving treatment by medical was the and also they are those as of into pages that need, boom, babies are receiving treatment for out oxygen that must be upper rated throughout the electricity and not with the full absence of electricity situation day by day for them is getting, it really was as
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a time is running out for with them the as the occupation is expanding the military attacks on that part of the town. that's where the hospitals located in there. and this is one of the areas right now to sit it to be a battle zone with the policy and fighters and the baby soldiers. and this is a part of the ongoing suffering and hardships that the medical sector is facing on policy. and also if the policy administered health has raised its own and got on regarding the destiny on the face of the hospital to not be going through similar situations to hospitals in the north and in the middle of a areas of kansas city had been going through as they are said to the hospitals have become out of service alongside with 150 medical health centers become completely on functional. i'm functioning due to the fact that isabel had destroyed and rude. the majority of the departments of such hospital and right now with the expansion of the manager of ration in this region,
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this situation that is going to be completely terrifying as different international codes were made to protect medical records and also patients who are in the hospital receiving a treatment, the, as we say, target is hospital, the shutting down as the number of casualties continues to revise. the last 24 hours we've seen moving a 150 people killed in a number of is really as tries many more wounded. why have these strikes being has a yes uh no, uh, that was completely to the ios expand administrative tax in the past 24 hours, especially with the nights and roof, where they had hit a residential building that was costing is activities who were leaving me from the news right now to the south being kills were touching about 12 palestinians reported killed. and they are also including children and young boys. and they have been also transported to a not to our hospital and talking about the wounded people, receiving
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a treatment and roof is not the only area that have been targeted. all the noise, also the trashes and confrontations on con, units continue. well, the is very forces at twice to destroy residential buildings. and what we see also is, or the middle areas we are talking about some great, i'm so right, i'm on my god as a refuge account. we're also on the constant out to re shingles. these areas we're entering into this is thought to just an hour ago to look for spectrum send in to people as the managed in goals, a city to a, to boot around 20 palestinians, the buddy rick tubes off to destruction of the residential building. and that there was neighborhoods, central kansas city, it's worth mentioning also that medical teams are facing such a very notable dilemma and the best because regarding reaching dedication of substance, especially with the full black house of internet to the communication services since yesterday and gaza. okay, talk,
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assume bring estimates. is that from rough button, southern goals, or thanks very much talk. the lives of many families have been destroyed by ideas really offensive, but some a refusing to leave what remains of the homes, despite losing everything, including many of the loved ones. john stratford has the story of one palestinian grandfather who is determined to stay her mother, i will slay moved fritz carefully on the rubble remains of his family home in rough or something. dollars and he's ready to strike, destroyed it, killing 6 of his children, his wife and 2 of his grandchildren. he says, 5 of the bodies remained buried under the twisted metal and broken concrete at the and get that we found the 3 bodies of mohammed, my mood, and so jude, 500 meters away from the house and the rest of my family were inside the house we
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found only parts of their body that we couldn't recognize them. we put this parts in the plastic bags and we buried what was left over their bodies. how many that is put up a tend to in the rubble. so we can be close to the memories of those who loved the setup of the tent here on the rubble to tell the world that we are here. and we will be here strong and reviewing that. this is our country and our future will always be here. god has chosen us to be bored and buried in this land. so i see here in the tent to be able to collect as soon as possible and as much as i can, what is left from the bodies of my family in order to buries them. the goal is that helps ministry says around 23 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by israel's land and sea bombardment of the strip and it says around 7000 more people a missing field data buried under the rubble as well. i know you will not do that g
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news bad so i lost his budget. i come here very early. every day after morning prayers. i follow the castle because we have a strong sense of smell, and often they try every day and to remove the rumble and search for the remains of the body. and not the only one who suffers like this. there are too many people under the rubble all over god's uh basketball office. i get how manager goes to the cemetery where he inspects the graves of those who were found in a buried yacht on that island. yeah. and the highest. busy which i am alive and then the same time i am alive and waiting my turn like all the powers seeing you and probably god kept me alive to do something good for the victims. i always got the almighty for a good and for myself, my pain is fast and god will reward me if i see common patient and i ask him to be so he's messy on my family. of the family wiped out by the israeli
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military policy need followed with little else left of peace face law. i'm most of now charles trying to figure out how to 0 in a general strike has been declared to be occupied. westbank town of no of the 3 palestinians were killed overnight in a confrontation with his ready soldiers. as ready forces were patrolling the legal settlements, ventura west of hebron. they say they were attacked and find back in response. 3 palestinians killed with cousins. 1618. i'm 20 years old. the family has denied the allegations near the city of tow car. i'm a 19 year old. palestinian has died off to violence with his riley soldiers. kinda sit in red, crescent says he's off of cardiac arrest, won't think beats, and that by the soldiers, it was also shots. is there any forces? proportionally 5 live i munition, when they enter the town, i'm a met with protests. that's totally, i assume i haven't done doing. he's doing yes. from ramallah in the occupied west
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bank. so mom and will raise more coma for the people but in the occupied westbank. what's been happening that dried laura and the overnight hours leading into the morning. there were numerous raids, many of them to taking part in different parts of the occupied west bank. let me just tell you, and our viewers about a few of the ones that we the we know about including in a community of the city of co pay. the bethlehem adapt shut off in the western part of the occupied westbank beta, which is in southern nablus. and also come about on this showing once again that these raids really have become part of the fabric of daily life in the occupied west bank. there are on average, around 40 rates conducted by the is really army per day throughout the occupied west bank. now you mentioned earlier that there had been violence taking place in order to cut them. now we weren't in the city of to cut them just yesterday. we
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went to the newer shops, refugee camp, which is a camp that has been rated repeatedly in an effort by is the, is really army to try to root out fighters belonging to brigades that are based there. in fact, just last week you had a read the last it in the newer shams refugee camp for 40 hours. now the fact that there are so many raids that are going on that has led is really security officials to warn the government that they believe the occupied west bank may be on the verge of a 3rd into far the things have gotten so bad. here they're worried, the situation could explode. part of that is because of what's going on with military pressure. and the raids part of that is also because of the economic pressure is the fact that there is so little work. the fact that there are closures the fact that palestinian workers who were allowed to work before and other parts are not now allowed to when we were in the newer sense refugee camp. we were speaking to people there who all told us that this trail of destruction that is left by the israeli army when they come into those camps that,
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that is just leading to more pressure. here's our report. it's another day of strong or for palestinians living in the north shelves, refugee camp, a raid may be over, but the rain is just beyond trying to walk across the street, is hard enough trying to drive down. it is even harder. the people can't even reach this area to shop on that. look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier, israel's army once again stormed to camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley. we find that out of heavy foot whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion 2 weeks ago as we stand next to a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket when i was in the bathroom upstairs. when they started destroying the house,
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i ran to another room in bullets weird coming into the house from every direction, the damage of the door and entered. i went home and spent 4 hours here, shut up to shuffle so that out in her family haven't been able to stay here since i made the discomfort. she has, however, found relief in the fact that none of her children or grandchildren were hurt. while these really soldiers searched the area for armed promised indian fighters. busy a few minutes away, even more wreckage, housing structures that have been knocked down and electricity lines that have been cut, palestinians here say this type of destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. but they also believe it goes beyond that. and the by utilizing these tactics over and over again, israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance, but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy
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worked well. people are used to this, this doesn't affect the people support. no, it's the opposite. that makes people support the resistance more because this proves that the fun has a doing the right thing. since october 7 reads my, israel's army only intensified throughout the occupied westbank. here it's become part of the fabric of daily life. today, residents, once again do whatever they can to repair these roads, but they know the fix will only be temporary. how much improvement does either the nation's refugee camp in the occupied west. the u. s. is carried out as strikes on yelman's caps will sign off for a 2nd night in a room. several targets linked to the who few apples were hit overnight into friday by american and purchase full plains as the tax killed at least 5 of the groups vices. it strikes all in response to months of who say attacks on ships in the red sea. the group says as talks in vessels linked to israel to, i guess,
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present terabyte and is declared the strikes on who's the targets in yemen, a success chapter, tennessee reports. the new round of strikes on yemen came out as of the president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets, if attacks on shipping, didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them expressed. his satisfaction with the us led operation, i don't think there's the civilian casualties. that's another reason why it's over at the pentagon. the message was also one of goals, a change to the initial indications or that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however, the who these did 51 and 2 ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was to seem to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials acknowledged they did expect to the retaliation,
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and the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to uh, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pentagon, there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation in the red sea. the who is contention. they have an international legal obligation under the genocide convention to disrupt shipping, to israel. and the cool for an immediate cease fire, she ever can see elder 0, washington hold onto will access to the streets of seattle in the us to protest against strikes on who's the targets in yemen. the dozens of demonstrations got it in the city sense occurring banners and chanting slogans. calling on the government to stop the attacks. let's talk more about the types how. so i'm very as professor of
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instructional fast across all university and joins us now from amman and jordan. good to have you with us. that's about what impact you think these strikes in yemen . a going to have really put an end to the feasibility to attacking ships in the red sea, or are they going to escalate the situation when it comes to the sea and how much the damage of the attacks? so we don't know until this moment because everybody's evaluating, but the whole thing is the and define more that is for expression, say that they're going to continue that tax and there's a n t is if the genocide then attack again the kind of thing. and if that have them right can, but it spiked the succeeded in degrading their capable of is probably going to with me and this attack, but i think they're going to continue. so we're going to see the situation escalate further. absolutely, and then the whole thing is and defined word and they made it perfectly clear that
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they're not going to stop in and not going to be discharged by the american side simply because their weight positions and actually the being supported by a more and more people now because of the a seen as the only one in the world who is ready and willing to take care of what it takes to stand for them, right? that was after the rain it signed up to them because ease of a still baffling within the yemen. for control of the country, why are they so king to involve themselves in the as well? how much complex i think the game last by, in getting themselves involved simply and they will be seen as the only one who is doing this and also, and they want to raise the data are provided within the active resistance. now they're the only one that was doing this that we know that has been lives doing some classes with is right is but it's within the rules of engagement. yeah. but the whole thing is that like final, the way they're coming to how they kind of seen it. so this would really then
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profile within the that is over. but how much do you think the tax on the shipping in the red sea actually is helping the palestinians? i think they have them a lot because what they look is they've been doing it expect in the global economy . and we know that the strength of whether inventive is very important for the shipment to, to the insurance added to that race as well as you know, the time for ships to go to europe also has become longer and longer and this impacts the international economy. and this probably wouldn't put the lot of pressure on the work and government in order to do something different. kind of done to try can gas and healthy. they need to take into account. that's what this one has been doing is something unacceptable and data. but as i'm saying is that we've got saudi arabia who's now going to seize file with the need to be able to, but it has been embroiled in a will with them for the past decade. they have been, by twice on these attacks,
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they've been distancing themselves from it. they are not keen to be back slicing in yemen again, any time soon. it is not there by them. right now, is the american position within uh, countries. and this how this i'm more interested in reaching at c style, the permanent piece deal with that would be, this is their best interest that they told me, but let's go on fighting for almost one decade and the americans were doing nothing . now the soldiers that have to do that, select the plan and that probably it, it is in their best interest to have peace with the rather than to have another war is the cause of a who sees a backed by a wrong. so to what extent to you concern should one be concerned the continued attacks against who the targets in yemen would risk a why the confrontation with a wrong? and this is, this is one of the problem by the american. made it perfectly clear from the get go, that they the wants to have any spending an over impact all the guys then war. and
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now we're on his in and, and in a very, an approximate weight. so it'd be who is doing this on behalf of the or in, in but also we know that as everything is, i'm not interested in having to work in the stages. that if i could look fine. and american, also the american administration is not necessarily for other work. so i think spicy differences between bearing them. right. and they have one objective in common which is you know, containing before. and you guys are not have any single, a single. but in fact, the only one who is interested in that is actually nathaniel, okay, how sounded better. all right, we'll talk more about this in the coming hours, but somebody that, thanks very much for joining us. sure. the polls are set to close soon and taiwan is presidential unparliamentary elections portrayed by china as a choice between war and peace. the 2 main policies are divided on type pays relationship with badging,
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which claims the self governing island as its own economy is also a major issue for many betas. we've got to correspond as covering this by katrina. you is across the taiwan straits in shellman, in china. so let's go over to tony chang, he's in the taiwanese capital type pay and tell you the polls, the closing in about an hour for what i'm doing an hour from now. we should be getting an exit polls. couple of hours of 2000 is expected to be a very close race, isn't that of the very close rise and data? and i think it was saying i last, last minute. search about 40 minutes left for people to vote here and type thing. people coming in every scene of study flows throughout the day, but i think everyone here understands the importance of this election. but i think also there's a certain degree of uncertainty about who's really go that knows ahead in the race at the moment. there are a poles on allowed to be taken 10 days to full election day. so that was very
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little sense of who was doing well uh, just before the happened. i think we've seen that in march and narrow between the cam to you and the ruling, the p. k. a. and i think both sides will be trying to mobilize this impulse is to come out. so it's a cost the balance. they were also in this selection thing for the 1st time, a viable 3rd option in the time on people's policy led by a very popular form, a matter of time. they seem to have a lot of support amongst young people. and that could try real spanner in the works when it comes to them with normally a to horse race. and of course, cost rates relations are a key issue is helping in taiwan. but all the main issues of creepy on stage and their own they what, what a full most invoice has minds. the, the china is obviously very important that people here and
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at the time when these defense ministry of this morning said the to the reports or the chinese, my balloon flying over the island. i think just to remind you to everybody here that it is still one of the main issues when it comes to elections. i think increasingly people worrying about the economy. a lot of people have said to us the consent of a rising inflation. the high cost of living young people in particular, i think worried about the high price of accommodation here in taiwan. as of the slow race is a wage is a rising way just so i think these are issues which, you know, people have sort of very aware that china is, is a problem. but all 3 punches, i think, recognize china are, is the stress. they're all very degrees of engagement and the promising of the china is really, i think i'm a domestic issues that people are going to be making that decisions in the polling booth. and that could feed a slightly problematic for the rolling
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d p. p. they're usually very reliance on younger versus in those folks. and now going to go to the tpa, cut through, i think what they feel is being a very successful election camping into some 1000. as you say, we're going to get the polls coming out quite soon. often falls close at 4 pm local . we should have a result by about 9 pm. so we will know relatively quickly who's succeeded and i think everyone's going to be watching this very person indeed as well. we donate for a moment thanks very much indeed speak now to katrina hughes. she joins us live from shellman in china and katrina. of course the aging, paying very close attention to these poles as well. even calling them a choice between war and peace. tell us more about that. the that's why well in beijing size they insist that taiwan is trying needs to a tory, that will be unified with the mainland, regardless of who wins the votes today. and what china really wants is for whoever
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is the new lead us to accept the one china policy, what they do with us as in 1992 consensus. now that is what bathing says is the only way to achieve peace and stability between aging and ty pay. the problem is the ruling democratic progressive policy, the dcp and the current president. in tie one site, you one have outright rejected this one china policy, and that has led to a soaring of clustering tensions aging since fighting when has came come out in 2016 caught all official communication with the tie when you use government. so we have the d p, the candidates in the run a live stream to a she is very likely to continue flying. when's approach? which is basically to behave like taiwan as an independent country without declaring that it is an independent country. and that infuriates china. so chinese leaders have said that the d. p lighting to a separatist poll says dangerous for us is full taiwan. and if they are elected
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they could lead to will between tie one and aging. i'm sure to give us an idea of the geography here because even on a missed today, you can see the touch, the a tie, one from solomon way, you all the extremely close on the i . yes. so you can see behind me the see now that is not exactly taught when you start through that school on you. i am island, but just a few kilometers away is the island of 10 men, which is 21 east territory. so this area is extremely close to the high one. it's just across the street. people here feel they have already too strong connection to the time when these people, they share the same dialect. in many cases, many similar customs. many people in taiwan have assessed to roots here and for jen province where we are, and the people living here more than any other place. and china are affected by cross retention and have reason to be nervous about a possible, you know,
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all of those to be spoken to say that they personally expect that time one will be re unified with the mainland at some point. and of course they want this to be done peacefully, but also they say they will not be surprised if they doing in the lifeline tries to take tie one like this. ok. katrina, many things indeed for joining us that from simon on the mainland as a go back to taiwan. now joining us from ty, pay is j. michael cole. he's senior advisor on counseling for an or for it's have an influence at the instructional republican institute. good to speak to and then we'll get to the relations web page and just a moment. first of all, i want to look at within tie one because the economy has shaped up to be a key issue. and if that is full most in people's minds, how likely is it that the incumbents, the democratic policy that's carlie in charge of the p. p will lose as well for the time being, it looks like lighting does. the chances of,
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of being elected and continuing a, b, b, and ministration are fairly, fairly solid. the elections are pretty close, but recent bullying demonstrated that he has a, a somewhat comfortable leads against his 2 opponents. okay. so if he does with a p, does win an unprecedented term. what is that gonna mean for cross traits relations? cuz it sends a very clear message, doesn't that to china, but taiwan wants to remain independent retained as to factors over into well, what they would send the signal to badging. that's not what standing both the, the corps of measure is that china now has adopted towards di one as well as a different inducements that it has use in recent years. that means that the majority of taiwanese still wants to retain their, their status as well. so they're the fact to independence and that is largely
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because whether they vote k, n t, r d b, b, or t p p. there is great unity in taiwan and a desire to preserve their, their way of life, their democracy, and their much more liberal system that exists across as i want straight. because that something the painting does not want to allow how we seen it trying to influence these elections and what you think the next steps full badging will be in trying to. we unify taiwan to the mainland as well. proteins plans to, to an ex uh, taiwan. uh, 1st of all, as we're seeing, know are in recent weeks is an attempt to influence the elections. so very much pushing the narrative that a vote for the b b uh, wouldn't be a vote for war of but at the same time we need to realize that there was only one party, only one side in this equation that can declare war. and that is joined, no, taiwan will never declare war against against china. so if the d b,
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b indeed wins of and we see continuation of the policies that were 1st implemented by president, sorry, england. over the past 8 years, china would certainly continue to try to isolate by one internationally. certainly use economics as a means to coerced iowans that we can expect punitive measures. we could see the suspension of a economic trade agreement that was signed between the 2 sides of back in 2009, as well as continued military escalation across the median line. and if i want straight entire ones, air defense identification zone and with the, the, i can risk of miscommunication, of a collision that could possibly result in escalation, which uh, ccp having a great difficulty id escalating if that were to occur. and if it was to occur, would taiwan people's accounts, or would they expect us to come to the aid? and that is the assumption of the bite in administration and previous
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administrations in washington have made it very clear that they would assist i one if it were attacked by the people's republic of china. all of that obviously is contingent on american preparedness, whether it is distracted by other contingencies, such as in europe, over ukraine. we could see escalation in the middle east as well. that would also compel united states to become more involved with the key here is to continue to maintain the terrance against chinese attacked by convincing badging that if it does decide to attack by one of both the united states and a portion of allies within the region would also step in to complicate visions efforts to antics taiwan by military means. j michael cold by instinct to speak to you. thanks very much taken time. speak to us here on algebra. thanks for having me . this also has had on this island, is there
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a new solid this situation in gaza it'd be on the nearby was 9 is and it's getting worse full than 23700 palestinians that a millions more displaced. new and population fund describes the situation in gauze as beyond mississauga and desperation. the well snow is being whipped around all sides of the baltic sea high for one. let's pick up the weather story there. so i think for that the as capital riga, we're looking at about 5 centimeters of snow over the next little bit. also a shield of snow siding through kids. this is going to dump about 5 to 10 centimeters of snow in time for a huge spots. if you're a temperature is wobbling around 0 bit above the bit below. so for example in the balkans, san diego, you're one below on saturday, but plenty of sun in the forecast here. now there is a weather maker in the eastern mediterranean. this has given us
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a firehose of rain into 11 on so they were looking to scoop up a month's worth of rain over the next little bit other side of the mediterranean. also some rain through the coast of portugal, northwest spain, some pretty good burst of rain, not too far away from lisbon. and with that disturbs weather in the eastern mediterranean winds. pick up through the coast of libya and egypt could see the shower here as well. and things have quieted down through south africa, but really got to talk about this developing tropical storm here. first, it's going to strike marissa is on its way to that eastern side of mount a gas scar. this is going to produce heavy falls of rain. so there is a very real risk of seeing some flooding across the east coast to madagascar over the next few days. that's just half shot of your weather. see you soon. the its undisputed, the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana,
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india in 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mob of locals along side the state governments provincial. i'm constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the again, you are watching out there as a reminder of the top stories. this island hospitals in gauze overwhelmed as ready as price pills. $151.00 palestinians, and engines at least $250.00 on friday. you and says it's a, it is not making it true to the north with strep, with just a bit of supplies arriving so far this year. the us as cars out as price on yelman's capital sign off for a 2nd nice and arrive, i would response to most of the attacks on ships in the red sea. the 2 men points as targeting vessels, links to israel,
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and polls are set to close soon and tie one's presidential unless the elections results could have major implications for the island and fields to main policies. a split of a type of relationship with paychex matches of solidarity with the policy and people are planned around the world. hundreds of thousands are expected to take part in quite a room full of protests is already calling for a safe spot and taunting stop. the goal is that genocide is we can box $100.00 days since, as well as long calls that began demonstrations are expected in london, cape, tom, washington foxes, and all the cities phones. larry has moved from colorado on for the square a 100 meters from the us. embassy inputted impulse the venue, chosen by organize us to send a message to the us, the main supporter of israel. now people here say they've come to show their support for how to send and receive people holding up cost that meets the genocide . forming children is not an act of self defense in the main organized. 2 this
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riley is the boy taught movement in the nation, part of a global movement that's calling for boy cost divestment and sanction corporations that support israel. now they all say they also want to educate people, not just about the atrocities happening and gone them. and also by the history of the organization and the importance of supporting the boy in malaysia, the government last month. and now that it will stop. ringback ringback ringback by is there any companies from talking in relation to any vessels that are on the road to israel will no longer be allowed on the any malaysian and the boy hard movement said, this is an example of how boy cox was. and that they will continue to put pressure government on companies and corporations that support israel in one way or other largely out to 0. and your costs are thousands, gavin and solidarity with palestinians and gaza. the protests was held outside the
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u. s. m. c and indonesian capital crowds called for boycott saga, saying israel and things as long as the pool is that the palestinian cause country has no full diplomatic relations with israel was very civils that most in the southwest capital sold demanding an end to israel's war. on garza last month, software besides voted for you and general assembly resolution cooling for an immediate humanitarian seas 5 the people that policy and in the sense in a rock have lived with uncertainties since that was a space from the homeland. in 1948, the remain strongly connected to the palestinian boots, but many have lost hope that they will ever go back home. same bus rossi reports from baghdad, a handful of rocks keep 6 from a house in haifa, carried over in the pocket of an ancestor pushed out of palestine. life left behind
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3 quarters of a century ago about the rocks. it may not seem like much, but for them. a cherished family treasure, parts of the east coast uh there, unmistakably palestinian home to generation since the 1948 not staples often trapped in poverty, no clear feature. but there remains here and unwavering sense of palestinian identity. they may not be enduring the indignities of occupation nor the perils of war. but palestinians watching what is happening in gaza. say the grief is crippling. and i'm the little bush out of the day. my cousin was a pharmacist that he was killed in his right in the 1st 10 days out of war. along with his mother, i would, i still have how they are still under the debris of why the sufferings, years of turmoil, the long side of rockies, those who could lift moving to say, for countries numbers here, dwindling for the few 1000 left. the hifi club is
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a place where they can stay connected to where they came from, by connecting with each other, fading photographs, reminders of more hopeful times, a wall of heroes, both old and new. but sharing the pain does not always make it less. so what we can't handle seeing images of butcher children in their mother's lapse. it's a crime against humanity. it's rejected. they know times even the mobiles didn't know. do what israel has done. oh yeah, well hush and lives in the back of club. he was 5 when he came to both dogs. now bedridden cared for by friends. at the end of a life spent the way to to return to a homeland. he's never truly no, no. oh i you for this thing. if you offer any palestinian with the whole world, he will reject it and only want to return to his homeland for to call upon the
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world to give us back our lands. our rights people cannot do much. our arab states have their own problems. there is so much injustice. anger gives way too great to get a rule adorned with messages of hope. peace, justice, you have come to an old man, weeps for all that's been lost and all that's been denied. zane bus route, the oldest hero, both talk representative for the us population funded in palestine has described the situation in gauze as beyond dispatch and desperation, as well as a visit that by a u. n. team. last week. it is clear from my visit the situation in god's it'd be on any of our sinus and it's getting worse when i saw where i fell with the despair . busy desperation is everywhere, as old as to walter l. jones. all the bases for assisting the wise.
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i mean, and i don't even want to speak about a life we didn't because i didn't see any of us in gaza right now. what i saw was, was reading the operating, i'm sorry to say to be happy, a 66 college of mental hygiene most my kids into gaza working when i saw the video pausing, cleaning on well to really scalable and get more into cause it because much more is needed was i think the inc, i scale, we've delivered around a interagency reproductive health kids. so his comprises around $56.00 boxes because each case about certain boxes. and they saw some, all 360 periods when clinical delivery assistance. these, i mean winfrey supplies, drugs, disposable equipment, and it really helps mileage um, most often the best maternal in neonatal complications. anyone's ha says his alarms biased really far right? minutes has statements about what he called plans to encourage the mass transfer of
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civilians from gauze. that's a 3rd countries. it was briefing un security council as it met to discuss the force displacement of palestinians, goes on there has moved from united nations. martin griffith the most senior humanitarian official at the united nations has briefed the security council numerous times since this conflict began. and each time he paints a more green picture situation for civilians in gaza. he said that you and staff recently came back from a trip to northern guys where they describe scenes of hor, the corpses that people that like people with evident signs of starvation stuck in trucks and such if anything they can get by since the conflict began a 134 u. n. facilities in guys that have been damaged from is rarely bombardment. and
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over a 140 u. n. staff had been killed to manager inside to be struck on numerous occasions. despite the identification notification to view is ready, defense forces and the last few days of known to n. j o promises have premises opinions. sunday will mark $100.00 days since the beginning of this conflict. the united nation says 85 percent of the people of guys or 1900000 people have been displaced. in 100 days, virtually every palestinian in garza has been displaced multiple times from a home to you to a you and shelter to attend. searching for that for safety
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everywhere. finding safety. nowhere searching for live anywhere met by this everywhere that he when continues to call for a full, an immediate cease. fire saying that's the only way to stop the killing and suffering of the palestinian people gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york? the springs on the days of the news now and families of stuff held hostage in ecuador is presence on demanding action from the president authorities that is 178 gods ad work has remained captive. on tuesday, the government declared a state of emergency in the attempt to crack down on the guns. the control most of ecuador jails, was under run. patsy has moved from the cause of packs the prison north of the
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capsule quito. it literally is known of the $45.00 prison guards still in the hands of convicted gang members at this maximum security prison in ecuador relatives of the guards and the mates as been camping outside the jail since monday, when the unprecedented unrest started the wife of one of the guards asked not to be named for security reasons. on wednesday, she received 2 voice messages from her husband as proof of life. saying he's doing fine. she doesn't believe him. he's not. well, if you listen carefully, his voice trembles. he's saying he's okay because he doesn't want me to worry vito's showing prison stuff being subjected to violence have been circulating on social media, increasing relative spirit and anguish. i don't have any real information. the police, nobody gives any information. i know what i see on television, so i just stay here in video waiting, hoping he's released,
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praying to god. ecuador is prison guards association started legal actions against the government, demanding the protection of its members. as vice president says, they work in a business conditions on unarmed, under paves and a number in an overcrowded system dominated by gangs. i mean fairly meant the we, unfortunately today when there's a riot, the gods can only run to save their lives. we faced horrible acts of violence and concept plan protocols because we don't have the tools to do it. a camouflage uniforms are all we have. every day before going to work. he said good bye to your family without knowing if you're going to return or not. back at the present family, members of the inmates or demanding that the rights of the relatives to be respected, already done with them and get them man, they don't have food or water that being abused. while we were filming outside the prison security forced to storm the area with family members were gathered as part
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of the sweeping powers granted to them by president then yeah, noble. the armed forces say they had the teen hundreds of people under the new state of emergency and that at least 5 alleged premiums were killed. but it remains unclear when and if they will try to retake the prisons and what it would mean for those being held inside. allison that i'm 50, i just need to go to taxi prosecutors in public who have requested a 30 full year prison sentence for the former president pedro castillo. he is accused of carrying out a crew of that he tries to solve congress in 20. 22. is removal, spots, and wave of protests across the country. castillo says he was the victim of mystical conspiracy. texas has blocked federal border agents from processing migraines as a dispute deepens between the us states and the binding administration. this week, state officials put up new barriers along parts of the border with mexico. u. s.
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government has been in a stand off with texas governor greg opposite because a record levels of migration is also supreme court to stop texas from blocking patrols by border agents. a judge in new york has ordered the former us president donald trump, to pay a new time $7400000.00 in legal fees. this decision comes off to trump unsuccessful lawsuit against the newspaper. 2021. trump suit his niece, the new york times, and 3 of his journalists revealing his tax records, a sort of head here on out to sarah, a security back to more cash for ukraine to buy mimicry equipment to flight the russian. the in savannah, a construction boom is under way for hotels. h. enormous new hotels were not rated and other 5 will be opened by december of this. cuba so called economic engine
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continues to stall, as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old havana, for lack of foreign tourists. millions of cubans depend on tourism. chain define work, i spend money and others make money. the probation of cruise ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty, there are no tourist close to anywhere. so the big question is, why are they building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built with government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system, eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom of feet that will take more than just new hotels. if i'm disputed, the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana india and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators were
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a mob of locals along side the state governments provincial on constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the the, the okay, is it as more $3000000000.00 in military, a to ukraine during a visit to keep promise or wishes to enact? so the money would help who quite purchase new surveillance and attacks drains. so that can do quite in presence of them is the landscape also signed
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a security agreement. i was there, as i said, big have moved from kids. this is a show of friendship solidarity. i guarantee you feel like you can give more money with drones on a to ukraine and give it for us to come. but this visit comes straight off the back of the united kingdom, joining the united states in birmingham and something prime minister. so next it was limited to action. i mean line with the un charter and also emphasized with ukrainian saying that they have had to enjoy an enormous amount of suffering over the past 2 years. has opposed a ceasefire in gaza and that the united kingdom is actively involved in the escalation of that conflict by bombing government. so may see this visits to ukraine as a deflection from the issues a ton. and one has the united kingdom is supporting ukraine in this fight against russia in terms of weapons and aiden, recognizing that ukraine has the right to defend itself was activity participating now in the conflict in the middle east. but the reality is that most of indians have died in gauze us since the start of the war in october and civilians have died
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in ukraine in 82 years of us that big a da 0 chief. the u. s. regulations have grounded boeing 737 max 9 airplanes indefinitely. i thought was mentioned last week when a cabin panel blew out mid flight from a jet operation for alaskan airlines will forward to you. sedalia said the planes could fly again off to inspections, but more reviews will be needed. megabytes is also the time to tighten oversights on funding safety standards. there's the ministration wants to make oil and natural gas companies pay a fee for me, say levels that exceeds set limits. the proposal aims to encourage the industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the oil and gas is the largest industrial source of me saying in the us, the 2023 was upon his horse's yeah. on record of this. yeah. look, set to see even higher temperatures, as, according to the us, national is janik, an atmospheric administration on usually high temperatures triggered wall 5 and
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heat wave warnings around the world. humans where the agency says, oh nino is expected to set new heat records in 2024. that's it for this. and these, i'll be back in a moment with 4 of the days these, for the unique perspective of africans. i'm willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine in the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the, or
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the one or the the vendor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the sharp pen traffic and operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie build this feel for it as be well. but i said less indeed this bit of a humble shirts than to become a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special suit in asia sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued of hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that the reading that much than that would tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators into dismantling or ring a short den traffickers video be my gosh. okay. think of that. he always thinks the
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send me until the following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to leader rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces, a sharp at risk. you said the for the $151.00 palestinians are killed in his right strikes across garza in the past 24 hours including several attacks on residential homes. the of them are kyle, this is officer, a live from doha. also coming up clinging to his memories,


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