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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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a single that he always thinks under the see me until the following is car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead are rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces, a sharp at risk he said that the $151.00 palestinians are killed and is ready as strikes across garza in the past 24 hours including several attacks on residential homes. the kind of them are kyle, this is alex is here and i from doha. also coming up,
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clinging to his memories, we speak to one palestinian grandfather. he's left 9 members of his family and it's really, it's hard for me to cost us to quote them for, to sold people around the world. holding protests in solidarity with palestinians and garza, the attorney change in taiwan was opposed to just close. one looks like a very closely contested election. the say beginning garza where his riley strikes over night to have plunged crowded hospitals into darkness. at least $151.00 people were killed in a tax on friday and is really a strike hit a residential building. and rafa housing displaced families, at least 14 people were killed. most of them children relative said they came to this house to escape selling elsewhere in the gaza strip, as well as be the title blackouts. if
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a nice at all acts the hospital in central goals are often it run out of few thousands of displays. people a sheltering that was doctors treated patients by flashlight the some of the things are so the we are at the reception of a actual hospital. it is complete the dock because there is no electricity and there is no solar energy to power the hospital. so this is the situation, one of the reception n e r of i'll so hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead themselves. as you can see here, this person is wounded with critical injuries since the i c u of i'll also hospital . but this person is an agony and can dial at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him. of a 100 members gammon. what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service
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. they cannot provide any service. as you can see, the situation is very dia, the. we don't know what to say, that everyone is exiting. there is no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic, very challenging. the lack of fuel is risking the lives of the most vulnerable patients amongst them, newborn babies and, and q bases. i was, is there a spoke to, to adults as trying to capture them? the time in life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity does a complete outage. so how can we treat the patient? so what do you want it? all we can do is give some primary care. it's very tough on us as medical stuff. we'll do whatever we can to the best of our ability. but the situation is very challenging. at the end of the day
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we were told today that there would be an electrical outage. we were taken of gold . we tried to manage the situation, charge whatever we can find some blankets for patients, especially babies in children. the sofa for monday attrition. they're on the weight . they can get sick, easily even die goats a bit. we have done what we can we've worked under the light of mobile phones. we use one at a time. so we don't run out because we cannot, we charge them we have 3 babies in the incubators and 10 others in the other room. so we are trying to manage the situation. we're doing all we can talk capitalism joins us now. live from rafa and southern goals, the entire festival. tell us more about the data situation that we're seeing there at l. x. a hospital now, but it has gone out a few
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a yes. hi laura. this situation that is completely dia, as of the hospital, it has completely a run house. a few of that is very central to operate. generates is that to provide like tricity for different departments that hosp hundreds of patients are the new pulled babies with it into pieces that is very essential to be provided with electricity just to give, provide a to get a very good medical health care for those patients. now what we can see the on the ground does almost susan has informed us that doctors are trying to do that pass to keep providing a treatment as the attacks on the middle of your needs had been scaled up within the last few hours as the injuries are reaching to the hospital despite the black out to be tricity of the box. does the media office has one that's the ongoing black out of electricity will completely put the intensive care unit on different
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nursery patients. when antics treme risk of death size the they have made different appeals to afford q and a to protect also the hospitals and the medical sexes. facilities in the territories and in areas of confrontations. now we need to say that the hospital is located in an area that is right now have tend to be a fighting zone between the policy and fighters and the is really so just as the also the confrontations of the classes and that part of the city keep going on an hourly basis. the were ocean pose a new significance for it, for the ability of the medical workers to keep providing a treatment for the people who are arriving to the hospitals being injured. okay. and these hospitals target shutting down, as the number of casualties continues to rise. we see more than a 150 people killed and is really strikes across the goal is to strip in the past 24 hours, tired glare of these strikes,
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being hissing. yeah. yes, lorez, we're right now hearing the sound of the fight to jets hole bring over this kind of roof i district. there is no later in the reality of fighting on the ground weapon . also seeing how the devastation was in the military attack that had target said a residential building and rough or at least 14 palestinians being killed, including children invested in this military strike. and one of these young children were catch, it was catching a piece of bread. uh that was in her hands, it seems that they were having foods when they have been bombarded. and this is of also a part of the ongoing military expansion of the military operation hosted to reach con you in a city where there is also an ongoing flashes between the palestinian fighters and it is really so just in that part of the 6 ish and also in the last hour the tax also had preached to the news of the gaza strip, where 3 policy is being killed. and others will have been also wounded in an ass
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trash. such had been good and then as men is very true, and besides that touch talk then invasion. i have child in the far north of the charger should be the spokesperson of the civil defense cruise. insight goes a has said that the managed to both 20 palestinians being killed, at least from separate areas in kansas city. and they have been also killed as israel is expanding its attacks in areas that supposed to be kind of with the military, with the trouble for its troops, the but what we can see that heavy machine gun fire also flashes could be heard and also could be reported from big la hotel in the north of the territories, as israel is also is exposed is planning to move the majority of its troops to the middle onto the southern parts of garza. okay, part of the as the many thanks, some data points, the latest, the, from rafa in something gone. so as well,
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the lives of many families have been destroyed by ideas really offensive, but some refusing to leave what remains of the homes, despite losing everything, including many of the loved ones. john stratford has the story of one palestinian grandfather who is determined to stay. a mazda of suleima treads carefully on the rubble remains of his family home in rough or something. dollars of these really and strike destroyed it, killing 6 of his children, his wife and 2 of his grandchildren. he says 5 of the bodies remain buried under the twisted metal and broken concrete and let them know that we found the 3 bodies of mohammed, my mood, and so jude, 500 meters away from the house and the rest of my family were inside the house we found only parts of the body that we couldn't recognize them. we put this parts in
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the plastic bags and we buried what was left over their bodies. how many that is put up a 10 to and the rubble. so he can be close to the memories of those. he loved the set up the tent here on the rumble. detailed the world that we are here. and we will see here, strong and reviewing that. this is our country and our future will always be here. god has chosen us to be bored and buried in this land. so i see here in the attempt to be able to collect as soon as possible and as much as i can, what is, let's from the bodies of my family in order to bury them. the goal is that helps ministry says around $23.00 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by israel's land and sea bombardment to the strip. and it says around 7000 more people, a missing field data buried under the rubble, or why they will not do that to me. that's the last thing i did. i comes here very early every day after morning. prayers often follow the castle because we have
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a strong sense of smell and off, and they try every day to remove the rumble and search for the remains of the body . and not the only one who suffers like this. there are too many people under the rubble all over god's a bad pull off and i get them. how many of those goes to the symmetry where he inspects the graves of those who are found and a buried the out them. but i them, yeah. and the highest. busy which i am alive, and then the same time i am alive and waiting my turn like all the powers seeing you and probably god kept me alive to do something good for the victims. i also got the almighty for a good and for myself, my pain is fast and god will reward me if i see commendation. i ask him to be so he's messy on my family. of the family wiped out by the israeli military policy being filed with little else left of peace face law. i'm most of now charles
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toronto to go to 0. falls have now closed, and taiwan is presidential impala entry elections. china has portrayed the void vote as a choice between rule and peace. the 2 main policies, a split type of typeface, relationship with badging, which claims the self governing island as its own economy is also a major issue for votes has got to correspond as covering the vote. katrina you is across the taiwan straits and solomon in china. so let's go over to tony tank, he's a taiwanese capital type pay and sign a while the just closed in the pos hall file counseling, we can see guessing under where let's spend a quick and efficient process and we are expecting the past results in a few hours time we are in data we've seen here in the last 15 minutes. a couple of the last minute vote is rushing in, trying to find the place where they can place the votes. as the election, officials are quite strict. anyone who was in line of 4 pm was allowed the cost of
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a new one any later than that is not able to that said, people have been very efficient here. we've seen throughout the day a steady flow of people's coming through the polling station, costing that balance. it's estimated to the ground, 70 percent, 10 of the vote to today. that's a little bit lower than the last election. it's still very good and that will be good news. i think for all of the major parties involved that i think one thing of the support is to come out with the p. p, the ruling, the pieces of democratic progressive policy in power. i think they felt they had a strong lead gillion. so the last month of the selection campaign, bucks the polls before uh to the close 10 days of for the election. i suggest, as you can see, we're coming from behind and in this selection, right, we've for the 1st time go to viable to policy the time on people's policy. the very
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charismatic leader form a time payment. they were attracting a lot of attention from the uses, and that could be a significant disruptive, as the votes accounted in the hours to come. and of course, painting is a key issue. tell us also about how the economy is affecting the way people are facing today. you'll have a 10 it's it's interesting the china is obviously very close to people's minds, particularly given the rest, right. we've heard from beijing in the last couple of months. but when you speak to the to say, i think this is almost a sense of the time of this, they don't want the constant metaphorical invasion of aging into the domestic lives . they know it's an issue. they don't want to have conflict, but they think i think they wants to go to, they won't prosperity. so it's really, depending on where your standpoint is to can see as a slightly saw from view point that the face, i think a little so recognizes the beijing has to be dealt with. but it's
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a little bit more confrontational. but, but i think that they're also very concerned with domestic issues. the economy, the rate of inflation run, the rising cost of living. these are the things that when we talk to versus the ones that they say that going to be vice, you know, and that might be the thing that really makes a difference here. okay, tiny tang, many things in de france. the latest the, from taiwan is counting, gets on the way. let's go. it's katrina usually joins us live from solomon in china, of course, painting. evelyn and china already paying very close attention to these poles as co, cuz counting gets on the way that's rise and full of aging. it's easy selection as non legitimate, insist that taiwan is chinese territory. that regardless of today's board, will be re unified with the main line of what facing wants from this election is that the new lead us to accept one china principle. what it refers to is in 1992
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consensus according to china. that's the only way to achieve peace and stability in the taiwan straits now, the ruling the p p and current president site was outright have rejected this one china principal. and since her election in 2016, china has official communications with the tie when his government was seen costs retention. so now the d, his courage tended at 19 plus, he is likely to continue with tying when's approach which is to behave like ty, one is an independent country without declaring that it is and that in serious chinese lead. as a result, they have branded the d p, p, branded lighting to as dangerous, separate as pro independence forces. and they say that their election will only be taiwan and china, closer to and katrina. taiwan is so close to where you are. but in, in some and what the people that feel about these elections and lead a vacation, the aging bones with behind them. well,
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we are exactly, as you said, just a few gomez's from 10 men which is high when a territory people here more than any other part of the country are affected by cross rate tensions and have reason to be nervous about a possible war with my want steve hills, i feel that they have lots in common with time when these people, many of them speak the same dialect, some of the food shifts, and customs. and so is that we have spoken to that very well that the election today. but most feel that regardless of the outcome, regardless of who is in charge in taiwan, that it is inevitable that time one will be unified with china. and that is really reflective of the official narrative and people we've spoken to. of course, they want that to happen. peacefully but they also say that they will not be surprised that if in the lifetime aging tends to take time one by 4. okay. katrina, you bring is the view that from sean and that china. thanks very much,
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trina. so that has head on out to 0. do you as long as more strikes against the group, the positions in the m and the levels of promise to hit by this was war and goals, a continues palestinians in the west bank say that going through a form of collective punishment, which is making fat any lives unbearable, the higher it's still cold across northwest and pulse if you're, if what, if anything, getting colder still over the next couple of days that you see there's a lot of class thinking farther south was that's a cold 1st of all the week one, but it will make his wife by the south was this one behind. that's the most significant one because that will bring outbreaks of snow into that northwest. of course the going through the next couple of days. meanwhile, we got some west weather, some of the weather coming into spain. and portugal with these weather systems
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which will gradually push the way through over the next to 24 to 48 hours. so. so what's the weather coming into port school at this stage that we got quite a came mosley wind coming through was across the scouts and just to go on through west satch. they pushing down towards the low countries momentarily through denmark . not too bad across scandinavian temple, just just about phrasing that the style comb have full also since night was as you can see into the boats 6 days, which will extend further south within these with this we go through sunday and by sunday the doors wasn't trudy. open to that optic bloss, which will bring maybe $3.00 to $5.00 centimeters of snow at the pots of scotland at that stage when he makes 2 men to a good pod, sofa, northern jeremy, down across the low countries west of whether they are making his way and despite imports go with the possibility of luck, life flooding. a unique
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perspective of africans are willing to change in the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more life voices, you don't often hear horrible nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same server and share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of testifying, genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your the, the the 3rd annual reaching out to sarah has reminder of all top stories. this is, randy strikes have killed 151 palestinians, and inches at least 250 across casa,
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on friday. at least 14 died in the top corner residential building, housing displaced families, most of the victims with children. it's been a total black house at a hospital in central cancer after it ran out of few doctors would be alex of facility in durham. follow have been treating patients most flashlights, thousands of this phase kind of simmons, a sheltering the food counting is underway in taiwan. presidential, i'm list of elections. the results could have major implications to the island. i'm feelings to main policies, a split of a typeface, relationship with badging. hundreds of thousands of people around the world are expected to take pos and not just of color guarantee, with the promise to me and people on saturday, this weekend xbox 100 days since, as well as the war on gone. so i began calling them for protest this quote for us these 5 ton, st stops of golf and genocide. demonstrations have been organized, emboldened 60 cities worldwide to denounce,
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as well as bump up the length of the concept strip funds. larry has moved from calling them from to square a 100 meters from the us embassy, inputted impulse the venue, chosen by organize us to send a message to the us, the main supporter of israel. now people here say they've come to show their support for palestinians. we've seen people holding up costs that reached out to the genocide. forming children is not an act of self defense. and the main organizer of this riley is the boy taught movement in the nation, part of a global movement that's calling for boy cost divestment and sanction corporations that support israel. now they will say they also want to educate people not just about the atrocities happening and gone. ringback and also by the history of the organization and the importance of supporting the boy in malaysia, the government last month, 10000 that it will stop. ringback ringback by is there any companies who i'm talking in relation to any vessels that are on the road to israel will no longer be allowed on the any malaysian and the 4th hard movement said,
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this is an example of how boy talks what and then they will continue to put pressure government on companies and corporations that support israel in one way or other lawrence. ringback algebra and then to cause a thousands, gavin and sort of diety with palestinians and gaza protested was held outside the u. s. embassy in entities and capital crowds called for boy cuts targeting israel. and these as long as supported the palestinian cause . the country has no formal diplomatic relations with israel. demonstrators of wholesome mazda in southwest capital sold, demanding an end to israel's will. on garza last month, south cra, vito's. the un voted for the un general assembly resolution cooling for an immediate humanitarians. these 5 of the you and a chief says he's
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a loans. why is why the minister statements about what he's called times to encourage the mass transfer of civilians from garza to 3rd countries. he was briefing the un security council as it met and discussed the force displacement of palestinians give us under has more from the united nations. martin griffith, the most senior humanitarian official at the united nations, has briefed the security council numerous times since this conflict began. and each time he paints a more green picture situation for civilians in guys a he said that you and staff recently came back from a trip to northern guys where they describe scenes of hor focuses good people that like people with evident signs of starvation, stuff in trucks and such anything they can get since the conflict began a 134
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u. n. facilities in guys that have been damaged from is rarely bombardment. at over a 140 u. n. staff had been killed to manager and side to be struck on numerous occasions despite the identification notification to the is ready defense forces and the last few days of known to n. j of promises have premises opinions. sunday will mark $100.00 days since the beginning of this conflict. the united nation says 85 percent of the people of guys or 1900000 people have been displaced. in 100 days, virtually every palestinian in garza has been displaced multiple times from a home to you to a you and shelter to attend. searching for that for safety, everywhere of finding safety. nowhere searching for
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live anywhere met by this everywhere that he when continues to call for a full and immediate cease fire saying that's the only way to stop the killing and suffering of the palestinian people gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york us is carried out as strikes on yelman's capital sign off for a 2nd lights in a row. several targets linked to the who few rebels who had overnight into friday by american. i'm british war planes, or the tax killed at least 5 of the groups find says, yes, right? so in response to months of who's the attacks on ships and the red seen, the group says it's targeting vessels linked to israel. a yes presenter, 5 minutes declared the strikes on who's the targets and you have been a success she have for tennessee reports. the new round of strikes on government
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came out as of the president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets. if a tax on shipping didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them to express his satisfaction with the us led operation. i don't think the civilian casualties. that's another reason why it's over at the pentagon. the message was also one of goals, a tray, even to the initial indications are that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however, the who these did 51 and 2 ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was to seem to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials also acknowledged they did expect to the retaliation, and the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to uh, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit
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through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pentagon, there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation in the red sea. the hoot is contention. they have an international legal obligation onto the genocide convention to disrupt shipping, to israel, and the cool for an immediate cease fire. she advert hands the elder 0 washington or and you will exercise. so i've taken to the streets of seattle in the us to protest against strikes on who's the talk. it's in the young men dozens of demonstrations gathered in the cities tend to caring banners and charging slogans cooling on the government to stop the attacks around and state television has signed the moment it's may be see, so us oil tank in the gulf of amman, on 1st name that was said to be in retaliation for the us compass casing the same festival and it's oil. last yeah. the tankless carry moving 100000 tons of crude
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oil. the white house condemned to move and is demanding the immediate release of the ship. and its crew a general strike has been declared and the occupied westbank town of edna up to pre palestinians were killed as an item. the confrontation with his way the soldiers is ready forces but controlling the legal sacraments of a door. west of hebron, they say they were tax and fund back in response to the palestinians. killed with cousins 1618. i'm 20 years old. the family has denies the allegations. it's never said to have to call them a 19 year old. palestinian has died off to bonham's with as rarely sold, as opposed to the in red crescent says he's stuff a cardiac arrest while it's being beaten by the soldier. there's also shot is really forces reports of the 5 live i munition. when they enter the town, i'm a met my protest. it's been a domestic rise in the number of his way the rates in the occupied westbank since
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the will began. his palestinian se is ready for us to go to newport, a targeting infrastructure, and leaving a trail of destruction as a form of collective punishment. mama, tell me to report from the notions refugee come in the north of occupied westbank. it's another day of struggling for palestinians living in the north shelves. refugee camp a rate may be over with the rain is just beyond trying to walk across the street is hard enough trying to drive down. it is even harder. the people can't even reach this area to shop on that. look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier, israel's army once again stormed the camp. it's warmer, bulldozers digging up roads, its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley. we find that out of heavy foot whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago, we stand next to
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a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket when i was in the bedroom upstairs had.


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