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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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to on fossil fuels, no renewables. the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power stations burning co, shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china. but the government remains committed to colon guess the a $135.00 palace engines are killed and is really airstrikes across garza in the past 24 hours, including several of the tax on residential homes. the serve. any age good to have you with us. this is elisha 0, live from don't also coming up in the show. treating premature babies and other patients by torchlight locks the hospital in gone so runs out of fuel and is plunged into darkness from quality and poor to soul. and johannesburg,
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people around the world are holding protests and solidarity with listings and concept. and the us launch is more air strikes against who's the positions and yet, and the rebels have promised to hit back. also, early results and tie ones closely watched the presidential election, put the ruling party candidates on ports to victory. the israel's relentless war is now approaching. it's 100 state has been more death, more devastation and more suffering. at least a 135 palestinians were killed and is really airstrikes on southern and central gaza in just the past 24 hours. at least 14 were killed in a strike. that's the aftermath there that hit a residential building and roughly in the south. this brings a total death total, closer to $24000.00 people killed since the war began in october. more than 10000 of them are children. and the crucial supplies of food, water medicines,
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truck like this, one are not making it through to northern gaza. un humanitarian agency says israel is blocking supplies, only one 5th of a deliveries have reached the destination there so far this year. and today there's also this, this is the same at a loss. the hospital in darrow ball, a that's in central garza where there's been a total blackout overnight after the medical facility ran out of fuel. thousands of displaced. people are sheltering there and doctors are being forced to treat patients including newborn babies using their fortunately the southern upfront. we are at the reception of a actual hospital. it is complete the dock because there is no electricity and there is no solar energy to power. the hospital so this is the situation, one of the reception n e r of i'll so hospitalized. so you can see that there is no service that is being provided. it is completely out of service. so i just went ahead and saw that
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. as you can see here, this person is wounded, is this critical injuries. this is the i see you of, i'll also hospital. but this person is an agony and can dial at any moment. doctors cannot do much for him on some of these demons. what we can say is the hospital is completely out of service. they cannot provide any service. as you can see, the situation is very dying. we don't know what to say, that everyone is excepting there is no solar energy to power the hospital. the situation is tragic, very challenging atari cowboys, who enjoyed just live now from rough and southern gaza. so its a desperate situation that was, was just being described. the deluxe, the hospital. i heard the doctor say there everyone is exiting. do you know if people and patients are able to leave the hospital as we speak?
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well it's, it's a very risky need for patients to leave unlocks the hospital. because the hospital is located in the, in an area that is right now considered to be a battle. so it would be the policy and fighters. and these really soldiers upon their part to patients. if they would like to read the hospital, they must leave it to their own responsibility being getting into the also to the summer costs of the couch are you, which is right now, very densely populated area. and right now we have to also say you add that to the hospital has been multiplying targeted before by these various wipers and intensive care unit departments. exactly had been attacked by this very civilized station. just only a 100 meters away from sort of hit the road where they tried to take full control over the main linking roads. we in the middle of the summer costs of kansas trip as the hospital is going through a very dramatic and difficult situation. that would be what over to the black house
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of, of electricity as patients on also in to people's a lot to please me. right now and the beds on the left spot, what is so important to say you that the a black out of the telecommunication, the will excessive painting the situation for people even to sleep from the hospital itself to know or to hit for the next destination. all right, if we leave this desperate situation that's unfolding at the last, the hospital aside for just a moment, at least a 135 people have kids been killed in the last 24 hours. what can you tell us about that? what are you learning? yes, are these attacks did not stop since the hours of these morning we have waking up today on the sound of these really fight to just full ring of discard of rock district where they have targeted. a civil call with 3 palestinians have to report the tools of this military attack on the western
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a rough road that links between rough and can you and is also the facility of a mess or hospital. in the past hour had been targeted where residential building was hit, the i'm, it's a series of as strikes known to try to use very polite to judge in the costs of the city. and she was mentioning that 10000 years instead, the hours of today's morning have been killed. and it being just people had been transported to another hospital for medical treatment. and the author, the machining of the middle governance, had been widely had, and it was unstoppable since that today's early hours. and these very forces, they are trying to destroy the main key infrastructure and that city. and they are trying also to control the main linking growth between a range on this, all right. and because the refuge account along side also with full control over the by 2 areas that they can throw at take proper control and hopes, evasion over the them. a governance now we can see and say that the most part,
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the other parts of kansas trip had been a center for the military at, especially in big lot of town in the north of goza strep were a number of policy is being targeted by this really thrown me, so i'll bring the total desktops for today's, during the past to more than 100. 35 experience being killed till now tara cowboys, whom importing from rasa. thank you very much. dark of the us is carried out here. it strikes on humans capital. so now for the 2nd night in a row, several targets linked to who the rebels were hit overnight into friday by american and british war plains. those attacks killed at least 5 of the groups fighters. the air strikes are in response to months of who the attacks on ships in the red sea. the group says it is targeting vessels, links to israel or president us, president biden has declared the strikes on the targets in u. m. in a success, she hop retents the reports. the new round of strikes on yemen came out as of the
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president by the wounds that the us would continue bombing, who the targets. if attacks on the shipping didn't stop, we will make sure that we respond and buy them expressed his satisfaction with the us led operation. i don't think usually civilian casualties. that's another reason why it's over at the pentagon, the message was also one of goals, a tree. even the initial indications are that we had good effects. so far we've not seen any type of retaliatory action from the who these however, the who these did 51 and 2 ship ballistic missile that didn't hit anything on friday, according to the pentagon officials that it was too soon to tell if that capabilities had been significantly degraded, officials acknowledged they did expect truth, the retaliation of the us plan was to respond in kind. we will not hesitate to, to, to take further actions to be able to defend our ships, our sales and the ships and sailors of international commerce that rely on transit
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through the red sea. withdraw the briefings from the white house to the pens. again, there was still no acknowledgements of a close as of the escalation in the red sea. the hoot is contention. they have an international legal obligation under the genocide convention to disrupt the shipping to israel and the cool for an immediate cease fire. she everytime c, l g 0, washington. all right, let's bring it now. since you're a senior political analyst, more one, the shower more $11.00 of the major questions since a israel's one does a began was, is there going to be an escalation in the wider region? we've been looking at several friends with living on and this one with who these with the, who with these right now is red hot, the us and then you k has struck him in for the 1st time on. you have any soil where do you think we're going with this? for the 1st time and 2nd time now? yes. right there. right? i'm worried about a major escalation now on, on this issue. because i'm, i don't think the whole thing is going to take a lying down. you know,
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the health is just gonna, they came to power court then coordinating to the capital of 6. so what is it 8 years ago now, 9 years ago. uh, i think they're almost getting used to the idea of being a war. i think now they're war tested as it were, after the bombings over men, a good number of years. and i think the fact that the, the us challenge them, you can now see from some of the battery actions that, that they're welcoming. yeah. the challenge by the united states and they say they will hit back yes. which means that it's gonna, it's gonna need to escalation, but head back how, i think it's going to be symmetrical in the sense that there's no, you know, and anyone's imagination, including the whole thing is that they're going to stand up to america face to face as it with arms to arms, right? so they're going to have to respond symmetrically, and i have no clue where they would it or how they would want to hurt america, or it's our lives in the region, right?
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and this also is going to lead to some form of escalation or some form of implosion of the, of the div that's been worked out carefully the past 2 or 3 years or so would you had a b on others in order to, you know, end the war and yemen and, and really come to peace between so the area and you have that and so on, so forth. so i think the bombing sticks us into a whole other level of escalation, which i'm afraid could have consequences. yeah. and saudi, by the way, has been counseling restraints on this, which is interesting in of itself, given that they were the ones waging a war against that with these to so many years. let's listen to the us extra estate, anthony blink. and this is something you have to say about a week ago when he was here in doha that you wanted to bring to our attention. these attacks by the who these are hurting people around the world. most of all the forest and most vulnerable populations, including in yemen, including in gaza. that's why the united states launched operation prosperity,
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guardian, together with more than 20 countries to defend the safety and security of commercial shipping across the red sea. it's also why over a dozen countries and make clear that the who fees will be held accountable for future attacks. okay, it's something you wanted to run now is an important piece of context. why? because this morning i was listening to a spokesperson with the pink that go on saying this, actually say nothing and you know, no connection between what's happening and that it see. and what's happening and garza, what, in fact, the, even the secretary of state said something about the fact that what the hoses are doing on hard thing that people have them and kind of people of go. so of course the one of these made that connection before saying that we will continue to do this. the stop is raney bound shipping it on unless there is a ceasefire in garza. so they connected both by now what we see is, and that's what to my imagination. a lot of people in this region will see is that
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is red. killed is does not, the whole thing is not. yeah. menus is there and killed. 2030000 instead of seen isn't guys injured? tens of thousands and it's protected by the united states. yemen of attacks or floors disrupts fuel ships in that, i'd see. and it's bombed by the united states on dozens of locations within the country. so people look at this and say, so i've gone through the bombs and kills tens of thousands goes but on the on punish, but goes supportive. and she did go through response in sort of data to the people in gaza by disrupting is the shipping is long and doesn't know if it's locations. there's a problem here. of course, the problem isn't the context. the problem isn't that he's thought
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a context of us is there as a relation, us, british is our nation with this region. and that's why wouldn't you look at what's happening, but it's the, it has to be context to what lies when we look at the america response, many satellites. i didn't think it happens that asian. it has a history. there are so many bombings over so many years of this region. so many countries being bombed, that i think one question is the wisdom to act always been benevolence of protecting the people in the region. while bombing the people in the region, which is 0, senior political analyst are one to shower. thank you, is still a head on elsie are clinging to his memories, we speak to one policy in grandfather who has lost 9 members of his family. and it is really a to stay with us the
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hell i would say 7 very heavy rain recently into weston pots, all but columbia that has led to deadly floods. a couple of land slides here. we have got some very heavy right across the other side of the continent just around the react further. south generally drive 32 celsius. the 4 point us as some of the temperature of that for us santiago, some life he shows bring up in between. and i will just pet pompously. make the wife by the north with on a sunday penny, a chavez, that went to bolivia. peruse bill saint luke showers west inside of amazon. west. impossible. so it's still very unsettled as usual. that's pretty much on set of weather. meanwhile, across the caribbean and central america, maybe a shallow to just around the age to not as particularly around the when, which as we go on through sas dice slipping down, it's a trinidad and tobago for sunday. but lots of fine and sunny weather. lovely conditions for the most part and also lovely across north america. we say nasty winter store mess down with the process of pushing its way. it's a some positive canada very strong winds by wet weather extending place just around
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the new england. we have got to another system that will make its way into west and past because of the difference in between minus $32.00 in calgary plus 15 in dallas . the cold air wind south as we go through sunday. that was a minus 3. the . it's undisputed the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana, india, and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mob of locals along side the state governments prevention of constabulary personnel. over 30 years later, the district court acquitted the accused. to date, no one has been as accountable. people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to the
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the you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines this. our hospitals in gaza or overwhelmed is really airstrikes killed more than a 130 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the un says it's 8 isn't making it through to the north of the strip, just the 5th of supplies arriving so far this year. the us as carried out here strikes on humans, capital send off for the 2nd night in a row. they are in response to months of to fee a tax on ships and the red sea, the group says it's targeting vessels linked israel. the lives of many families have been destroyed in gaza by the is really offensive, but some are refusing to leave. what remains of their homes, despite losing everything, including their loved ones. charles stratford has the story of one palestinian
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grandfather who is determined to stay. a mazda of a selection of trends carefully on the rubble remains of his family home in rough or something goes up and he's ready to strike, destroyed it, killing 6 of his children, his wife, and 2 of his grandchildren. he says, 5 of the bodies remained buried under the twisted metal and broken concrete. and the zip that we found, the 3 bodies of mohammed, my mood, and so jude, 500 meters away from the house and the rest of my family were inside the house. we found only parts of their body that we couldn't recognize them. we put this parts and the plastic bags, and we buried what was left over their bodies. how many that has put up a tent on the rubble. so he can be close to the memories of those who loved the setup of the tent here on the rubble detailed the world. if we are here and we will
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be here strong and resilient, this is our country and our future will always be here. god has chosen us to be bored and buried in this land. so i see here in the tent to be able to collect as soon as possible and as much as i can, what is left from the bodies of my family in order to buries them. the goal is that helps ministry says around 23 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by israel's land and sea bottom bob into the strip and it says around 7000 more people, amazing feed dead, buried under the rubble as well. i know you will not do that to me. that's the last thing. so just i come here very early. every day after morning. prayers often follow the cats because we have a strong sense of smell and off, and they try every day to remove the rumble and search for the remains of the body . i'm not the only one who suffers like this. there are too many people under the rubber all over because uh that pull off and i get how manager goes to the cemetery
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where he inspects the graves of those who are found and a buried out on that island. yeah. and the highest. busy was i am alive and then the same time i am alive and waiting my turn like all the powers thing you and probably got kept and you like to do something good for the victims. i always got the almighty for a good and for myself, my pain is fast and god will reward me if i see common patient and i ask him to be so he's messy on my family. a family wiped out, but he is really military policy mean father with little else left his face law, most of now charles toronto to go to 0 in hundreds of thousands of people around the world are rallying in solidarity with the palestinian people in south today. in jakarta, thousands gathered in solidarity with palestinians and gaza. elsewhere
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in the jakarta, thousands gathering their crowds calls the boycotts targeting israel. indonesia has long supported the policy and cause a country, has no formal diplomatic relations with israel. demonstrators and also marched in the south. korea's capital sold, demanding an end to israel's warren goza. last months of career voted in favor of the un general assembly resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire . and in london, the protest is also happening right now, pull brennan joins us from the city center pool. i know you've been speaking to some of the protest as we were all ears tell us the page since october for testing purposes
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on in the center of the financial district in about 20 minutes down to display on the number it's less than i was in the middle of a proud of the moment, so we have to tell you the previous knowledge of a truck that hundreds of thousands of people pay, it's on its own home. yeah. and for example, increasing depth searching dollars of itself are incentivizing more people to come out and join is for. joining me now is janine ronnie useful? what is the sense of what is the sentence of hilton as of today the
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things the british public sat in the states. sure that you need to know the dentist would escalate? what seems to be here today? so sorry for a 100 years to use this pricing that supports us the see saw for example, for the season coming out to show that there is a drive around the world
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the winning we'll see later, probably in process or the find something on the day of last couple of days, all the things in history, we know that way when you need to continue taking histories, continue applying pressure until the sentiments expressed over and over again with the loud speakers is says, find out. essentially there's the media to mon questions, to the bare minimum. we are going to continue to matt. there's a mind sending prisoners to list use each on the end of the $75.00 the occupation time. so we're going to continue organizing, continue my black as
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a herana. thank you very much for joining us now. the people here on not just some of the think coaches pulled and i so that's a 150 miles away to the west. and people who want to know people are coming from from down in the south coast and as far east as, as lincoln, for example. so it's what is expected again to be enormous. the 7th day of action. the 1st one of the 2024. i'm not going to march in about 20 minutes from now and for granted, reporting live from lender will talk to you again throughout the day. thank people . general strike has been declared in the occupied westbank town of in the after the 3 palestinians were killed overnight then a confrontation with his release. soldiers is really forces were patrolling the legal settlement of a door west of hebron. they say they were attacked and fired back in response to 3 palestinians killed were cousins,
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1618 and 20 years old. their family has denied the allegations also near the city of to a car and a 19 year old palestinian has died after violence with his really soldiers. the palestinian red crescent says that he suff and cardiac arrest one of being beaten by the soldiers. he was also shot is really forces reported, we find live ammunition when they enter the town and were met by protests venue is a g says that he is alarmed by is really far right. ministers statements about what he called plans to coverage, the mass transfer of civilians from garza to other countries. he was briefing the un security council as it meant to discuss the force displacement of palestinians. gabriel elizondo has more now from the united nations. martin griffith the most senior humanitarian official at the united nations has brief the security council numerous times since this conflict began. and each time he paints a more green picture situation for civilians in gaza. he said that you and
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staff recently came back from a trip to northern guys where they describe scenes of hor focuses that people that like people with evident signs of starvation stuck in trucks and such anything they can get since the conflict began a 134 u. n facilities in guys that have been damaged from is rarely bombardment. at over a 140 u. n. staff had been killed to monitor and side to be struck on numerous occasions despite the identification notification to the is ready defense forces. and the last few days of known to n. j o promises have premises opinions. sunday will mark $100.00 days since the beginning of this conflict. the united nation says 85 percent of the people of guys or 1900000 people have been displaced. in 100
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days, virtually every palestinian in garza has been displaced multiple times from a home to you to a you and shelter to attend. searching for that for safety everywhere. finding safety. nowhere is searching for live any with met by this everywhere that he when continues to call for a full, an immediate cease fire saying that's the only way to stop the killing and suffering of the palestinian people. gabriel's on don't. how does it at the united nations in new york? the entire one know the ruling party candidates lighting pay has won the presidential
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election. his opponents have conceded defeat lighting phase party favors, a more independent tie. one kind of use the island is a break away province and warned that the vote was a choice between war and peace. the economy was also a major issue on the campaign trail. i told you cheng has more from taipei to the celebration down here on the streets. it died, but the possibilities of the democratic progressive october can very have ones through with the victory. it was built this woman done more research in the way they happened in the re election ballot this year. there was the people's biology that appear to be very successful.
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use those in the points. 2 terms of success, economic group, the ability across the wall and straight story, the 19 crisis. and it looks that i can do that either to be the next president of taiwan. 30 checking out a 0 type of and just on the back of that, we want to show you these pictures. this is the live footage, live pictures coming out in taipei from the the headquarters. so that's the ruling party which has just secured re election in the presidential election. we're still waiting by the way for the results of the parliamentary elections that were also taking place on the same day. it's are key a has conducted overnight, airstrikes on nearly 30 targets in northern iraq and syria. it's defense minutes.


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