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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the while i money inside this is the news our life from coming out in the next 60 minutes, destruction displacement on death across gaza. on the $199.00 stay up is really a tax. at least a $135.00 pounds of simians have been killed in the pulse, stay the family off what she did wrong and is writing strongly kills
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a little go and 11 of have relatives in golf. and public outrage in israel will be live from tel aviv with thousands have been protesting against the government and demanding move the don'ts and bring home captive health in golf. that for me to do, how does bags to qual, alarm for hundreds of thousands around the world, riley in solidarity, which kind of starting the taiwan governing to think 100 winds the presidential election 19 k as bound to protect c on and from chinese. right. the welcome to the program. it's 1900 g m t, that's 9 pm in gaza, where israel's whitland and this is now and it's $199.00. stay across the strip homes,
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all in were as hospitals that overwhelms and the death toll keeps rising. move in 23800 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 7th in the southern city of rough uh, children were killed when a missile hit a residential building. tonic apple as soon begins coverage as a warning to view. as you may find the images in this report, distressing a bits far well to her baby girl. she's a victim of and he's very strong on the home. and since we're a rough i in garza yeah attack also killed 11. then there's of have families who have got it for dinner. the bit and the home guy didn't seem of a sudden escalates and are homeless, bummed night by is really f, 16 war planes. but since now, so small, i was not staying with that. and on this, the only women children were kept in the house. 14 of them, they were all killed in the trouble of feed a. hi. yeah. supposedly heavy. this is
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a baby girl, so i'm not what wrong did you do to these riley's, she died hungry. if you can see you're holding a load of bread and her tiny hand she held tied to it. we could not remove it from her hand. is this baby girl, a fighter? i'm not much. that's the last night i didn't. well, i'm a funeral prey. is it too with a grease assembly struggled to keep with loss for the nice ox, the hospital endeavored months into darkness. cars run out a few. the hospital is the lifeline for thousands of pounds thing and seeking medical attention and shelter from the east valley abutment. this black outpost is a threat to the lives of many, including premature babies in 2 pages. of the medical stuff is doing all they can to save the patients. and life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we
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will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity outside the streets of dairy. but i have turned into a battle field. the sound of gunfire is marking another day of origin plus button, and this is very military operations have intensified across the gaza strip. with the recent arrival as strikes hitting a roads linking between roughly con eunice civilians who are co to the costs for you do not know where to go to find the safety. it's not recognizing algebra roof, so bring cause all we can speak now live to tired of assume who is in rasa in southern gaza and tarik. listening to you are full that every day we hit more risk stories of innocent people losing their lives in israel is 1000 today. this innocent, 2 year old and then go who's to come to the latest is writing strikes. took us
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through all the very latest intends if it's ready strike action today. well as we are aging today, hot 100 the fighting inside garza, there is new laptop and attacks or even in confrontations on the ground between the palestinian fighters and the east. very so just who are trying to take full control over the causes trip, as they are expanding the middle, the middle in the southern part of the territory. now starting with the south in particular, were a today as well, have killed a non post palestinians in rough a half to hitting their civil call that they were using to transpose. and then if there was turned a rough roads, that links between fund units and drop of how long side also with getting 20 palestinians since the hours of today is morning in con you to city. and one of the latest had targeted a call that belongs to the protestant, intended communication company policy,
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which is the one of the main internet providers for the territory where 2 of its members had been killed in this military attack along side also with cost and shilling of the middle. busy for nights of gauze was tripping the pos bella alone, that was also a combined by illumination of status that had been fired to light up. this calling for the maneuvering troops on the ground who have completely chose a very severe damage to infrastructure to that as they are attacking industrial sexes alongside with civil facilities. that completely fixed it on the way slipping for residents in the middle of regions till now. a atari. so bring this up to date on the humanitarian situation. presumably things are much west when there is no power when there is no electricity, things like hospitals. for example con, ovaries. yes, that's completely why it's way palestinians did not see electricity for more than
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right. now $99.00 days of fighting as the hospitals are partially right now functioning. i know with the conflicts, black house of electricity and oxer hospital due to the lack of fuel is completely another deterioration of the medical conditions, especially for patients who are receiving a treatment and also for the free by 2 babies. but also residents who have been evacuated from the house as they are getting very, as are a very difficult they use um it this cold weather that people have been living and make shift tens are lined up for long hours to have access to food. that is also partially and probably could be a food nowadays, specially with this kite high prices in 50 pounds. thank you. mike markets are due to the lack of a product of to known weeks of it preventing these aids to get to the territory. but in terms of what most of the aides are allowed to enter the territory, because it, it to be very limited in comparison with the needs. despite over solution mates to increase the capacity of the numbers of the humanitarian trucks,
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into garza and what is also considered to be a not mess with palestinians right now, is the risk of famine. as the united nations had wounds from the possibility of a simon pronounced insight goes that if the situation on the ground did not change to okay, terrific tart, assume thank you so much for your reporting. a speaking to a staff from rafa in southern gaza. now the, on the wing of how much cool the custom brigades has released a video of its latest rocket launch. the video appears to show a barrels of rock in spring, find 2 words. israel repeatedly happened from northern gauze and it comes as israel continues, it's offensive for the south in central and southern areas of the strip to thousands of as riley's have gathered. intel aviv today is the weekly protest demanding movie down to secure the release of captives held in garza,
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these on live pictures from the events. we also had another group earlier rallying as an emptiness and yahoo! demonstration is rarely prime minister and his government has grown increasingly unpopular of it's highly of the will on garza okay, let's go to our correspondence. our higher at 2 joins is out that process in tel aviv talk this through what's happening where you are, the yeah, well at the moment it seems like tens of thousands, a much bigger crowd than we have seen since that last the slide came to a very quick and many of them, hey, on now looking towards the assignment tomorrow, 100 days of them, the comments is still being held in gauze or, and that's the main cool that they want them returned. and they've been saying all of them, all of them, all of them. i may want them the government to successfully do everything it can to
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bring them back. now in terms of how that's possible. well, the government itself and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, i've been saying time and time again. the only way is through minute trees to spend everything they've been doing. c during this meal in gaza is to bring back bring those captives and back home. oh yeah we saw in this house is quite the they had built a c meter. c long tunnel, it's a replicate the tunnels that they say the taxes are being held in on the extremely difficult conditions. but we also heard from the prime minister himself speaking. he has now become, it seems around the time just before this riley is held and he said that the continuing the, all 5 things will happen, especially in the north and to secure the south as well. and also he said nothing new, something,
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even the case that was held against them in the hay. ford by south africa. let's take a listen. the gum of the room. we will bring security back to the north end to the south. no one can stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil. no one knows what is happening at the hague right now. against is really state, is that we have others who were trying to create yet another disaster. well, that's clearly a band whose phone it is right, is a very unhappy about this guy. and so the hey, getting the 1st space with many of the people in the government, including the prime minister himself saying that it's actually how mazda should be taken to the haygoods committed genocide, they've said and not israel. but earlier we saw also thousands of people gathering and as squared not far from who just down the road, probably testing against the government and protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. himself saying that it's time for him to leave on this line for
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new elections. and in fox one costs and speaking on this stage, actually blame him. i'm the government. they said well being in the head again, the 1st place. they are very unhappy with the situation and they might see hold on more people to gather more people to protest. they said the government they sent that didn't protect them on october the 7th. okay, thank you for that. sarah hart that for us in tel aviv israel says it has approached the state of cast hall with a plan to deliver medication to captives being held by how much in gaza. osama hung down who was the senior spokesman for how my says they will provide parts of the medicines they receive from cap cutoff to the captives and then a heavy swan. i lodge him what we will take care of the captives medical needs, but we will do this through the medicines that arrive for all people. i would like to st. cats or for sending medicines, despite the risks that are involved,
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those medicines that we will receive. we will provide some to the captives to treat them. i would like to confirm that none of the lives of the captives are at risk. of course. well, thousands of processes in the united states have taken to the streets in solidarity with the palestinian people in the us capital demonstrations a launching calling for a safe spot on a home to us aid israel. several 1000 people attend up to show that supports that spring in al jazeera mike. mike's honda in washington dc. you at that protest, what are people saying to you? what's the need that like of the well, the tele when to whether it has not kept people away and they are angry. we've got to thousands of people gathering here in downtown dc. the basic message to the us government is get a c spar in place. stop providing weapons to the israelis and the ongoing attack on
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those in gaza. so there's a degree of anger and there's also a lot of animosity towards us. president joe biden put john from the crowd, his bean, we will remember in november, this is a reference to the upcoming election in november of this year at which the people here are adamant high president biden. and his administration will bit a cost for what they have been doing in what they have be the suspicious rail in its activities in gaza. so a great degree of and there's also a degree perhaps of strength. the idea is that they protest means something that they can bring pressure to bear on the by did administration 1st of all and most importantly, to get a safe spot in place. then to recalibrate the support for israel. many in the crowd here talking about the billions of dollars worth of weaponry which has gone from the bye,
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didn't ministration to israel. the belief that this makes this administration complicit in the sufferings of the people of god. so my account endeavors in washington d. c. at that purchase in the united states, protests meanwhile, all around the world also in the united kingdom, where tens of thousands of people gathered in the capital city london, 8 months to parliament square, according for an end, as well as who own guns for brandon was that the 1st big national that actually hold 2024 on the 7th to be states. this in the sense of longer and once again, the number's come the previous people say that this one is 250 miles of the western world. groups found themselves in the face, them a chance,
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the way here off st. john's previously is on the other thing that has been stopped on the goals and also still forming events on the u. s. targets during the course of this week of the demonstrations here. now, one of the other big attractions when they reached before the end of the march is a much on a corporate. so this is the 3rd off me to rent up created in 2021. there's a whole lot of large cereal children. it's coming here to this much to highlight the parts of the jobs and joe joe, during the course of this conflict since october, the 7th, that is more side to side to get out demonstrates against this war waiting
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in london central london will thousands have demonstrated outside the u. s. consulate in johannesburg, submit emitter was that they've been thousands of posts. it's just like this one across which is in south africa as long as the war on cause has continued. and people here say they will continue demonstrating against what israel is doing. in the occupied territories and they will continue standing in sort of diety with palestinians, especially given the high number of lives lost people. he also encouraged. 2 by what the south african government has done in taking as well to the international court of justice. none of us absolutely none of the rest of the system because the, the. a genocide is the section by the us. we know to biden has denied that there is
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a genocide going and the support thing is speaking father installed last week. this representations of the international court of justice, sylvester can residents to run up with us. is that because so the is a signal to the genocide convention, it was a large tax, but that's not the only reason it does it because of cell back because own case. and this is what many people to identify with, say, the president, nelson, montana who said he would never be complete without the freedom of tennessee. as people say, they're concerned about the levels of a push and the number of people killed and the continuing bombardments garza and for that reason they will maintain those types of prisons wherever they can send me the ultra 0. 200 bucks in jakarta. thousands also rallied and solidarity with palestinians. the crowds cool,
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the boy counts targeting israel, indonesia as long supported the palestinian cause. the country has no full diplomatic relations with israel. the demonstrators marched in south korea's capital sold last month. south korea voted in favor of you and general assembly resolution quoting for an immediate humanitarian says fine to demonstrate is also gathered in malaysia is capital coding for an n 2 d is really offensive. is florence louis modest to note that the message is clear. the rally is being held less than a 100 meters from the us embassy in quite a bit before the venue was chosen to make a point to israel's largest supporter. i'm actually joining the malaysian people to corporate expire in gaza, and to highlight that we are not accepting the mazda of to her against the. but the thing and people in does
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a dozens of age groups have banded together to arrange this event. but the main organizer is the malaysian of the boy caught divestment and sanctions obedience, movement. it's part of a global boy caught movement. that's called for a day of action around the world. we've had community leaders and n g o representative to talk about the history of the occupation as well as the importance of supporting destroyed cott again, is rainy companies and corporation special portions. well, in one way it was last month. the malaysian government announced it with bad vessels owned by is really shipping companies from docking ships on the way to israel also bought from loading cargo at malaysian ports. b. s malaysia says that was the result of its campaign. a similar thing was actually me. i think successfully to highlight the the issue. so let's find the history of the conflict and also what's happening in palestine. the palestinian lead to movement,
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which has chapters in many countries, has also released a list of corporations to boycott. among wlan mcdonalds, the malaysian franchise holder is suing b. s malaysia for defamation media. as malaysia says, the lawsuit will not stop it from showing solidarity with palestinians. protest this here have taken that message too hot. but we are boy thing because that is the only thing we can do as an individual at the moment. the things that i have bought, the other companies that support israel, the companies listed on the b, this website, the global boy cut movement says targeted boy cuts fine spy it by self advocacy, n t. a pos like listening. and the us fight for civil rights among others, which have proven to be successful in doing and justice florence greene. how did you find the crowds of all, sir? gathered in the rocky council. baghdad corresponded zane bus robbie's that he sent us this report this weekend evening. crowd,
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boston dot is small by rocky standards. normally, demonstrations riley's here in a square attempt to attract a much larger crowd, but something significant is happening. the rocky malicious turn. political parties are out rallying in support of humans. fighters, humans hope you let governments after tax by the us and the u. k. for blocking sessions in a strategic waterway as retaliation for israel. there on gaza in supports of palestinian people and against the ongoing israeli occupation of a 100 days nearly a 100 days into israel's war on the con, which is already reverberating while the arrow broke. and the worries for leaders here in the rock as well as around the. ready if it carries on much longer, it could spread and political rallies like just click on something more incendiary
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. this could become something more dangerous as a public outrage and anger in their city is like, continues to grow. it may not be in the hands of regional leaders feel any world leader to contain any of the fall out that makes the same bus robin. joining me now from ramallah is the political analysts newer all day. know when you look at those images that we're showing and screens those protests, thousands of people demonstrating about the palestinian cause. it's so back in the spotlights again. clearly in people's minds and hearts. how much do you think that has to do with the case by south africa against israel and the hague as well? i think the 2 are very insur connected. on the one hand, the savagery of this war has really rallied people from all around the world across
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political and language and culture divides to kind of protest. a world that they see has turned a blind eye to horrifying crimes committed against civilians. and then you have so africa, which has a very high standing in the south among nations who were colonized in the past. a country that overcame apartheid overcame colonization over, came in and lions of the very same countries that are now supporting israel. and it's a company and i guess the post indian people, especially in gaza, that is protecting israel from any accounts ability. so in a way, a lot of things have come together to kind of draw a new picture of people feeling that they're not, you know, showing solidarity on their own. they're part of a much larger movement that has a much more elevated voice. now with the case but south africa brought to the uh i
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c j. is that how you feel that do you feel less alone? you are forced upon to send me and living in the occupied westbank? where is ronnie vaughn and has said since october the 7th, what does it mean to you to finally see some of the international community trying to hold as real accountable to look for me as a palestinian and growing up watching my parents and, and, and everybody. you know, all the adults engaged very actively in the fight against apartheid in support of, of the people in south africa and celebrating the fall of apartheid. i don't think for any palestinian there could have been a better country, a more well positioned country to take this case to the i c j. there's a feeling of indication, a feeling that south africa is not just taking the lead on behalf of humanity. but it's free drawing the lines and it's kind of corrupting course, because really,
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over the past 100 days, s palestinians that i think of humans that really we've seen this international system fail, become paralyzed with double standards with strategic interest that have nothing to do with laws and with humanity. and in a way making palestinians feel their only option is to revolt. and right now that result, that voice that wants to come out in the screen is not alone. it is part of a much larger global movement, not just in the south, but across like i said, cultural and ad divides and geography. there is an opposition to this in humane insensitive, colonial era kind of, of, of, of world politics that wants to squash people's protests, people's demands for freedom, for, for a respect, for international law. and wants to disregard those rights in order to preserve
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their interests. whether they're geo, political, or economic, as we've seen now in the bombing of young men, and over over the whole seas protest of, of the war and gaza rather than trying to reach a ceasefire and, and the war and de escalate sanctions in the region stops talking of revolt every day we report on raids in the west bank in jeanine and took around assaults, kennings, settler tax, confiscation of land. how close do you think we are getting to a points where palestinians in the west bank will no longer just stand quietly? they will, they will retaliate a look, the geography of the west bank is very different and it imposes a very different kind of dynamic. it's much harder to see large, massive numbers, for example, in the west bank because of the geography impose a by the occupation because of the check points. and these really supplements that
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are really puncturing the, the west bank and, and, and, and, you know, disconnecting one city from the other. but over the past 2 years, even before october, 7th, even before this war, we had seen a record number numbers of the palestinians killed the homes, demolished of land confiscated a right wouldn't government that is not shy about showing its outward hostility towards palestinians. its intention to dispel them from there, of, from their country, whether it's in the west bank or now also in the gaza strip. and, and that's why we so many movements, many small groups in different cities. born, born out of a, you know, frustration with the, the political staff of school board, not a frustration with these really started school occupation and apartheid. and i think we're, we're seeing that escalation now. but it's very difficult to predict when all of
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these conditions for a perfect storm will kind of creates that storm, that everybody sees coming their way unless something dramatic happens and changes the dynamic. but certainly, every city in the west bank is sitting on a powder keg due to those rates due to that brutality, exact hit against hundreds of, of palestinians is detained in the cities. we've seen record numbers of the change in, in the west bank over the past 3 months. so all the conditions are right. if you will, for something very dramatic, then it's, it's very difficult to predict when that's certainly the conditions are there. nor i appreciate your time a new analysis, newer or a political analyst. speaking to a staff from ramallah still ahead on algae zeroes, israel's one gauze and continues palestinians in the occupied westbank say they are going through a non pharaoh before us
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a collective punishment. the arctic air is plunging into the northwest of europe, higher ones. so that means it's going to be cold enough for snow through northern scotland and northern ireland. i think over the next few days, we're looking at about $2.00 to $5.00 centimeters of snow. also run of snow through poland and ukraine, so we're assign, keep looking at a couple of centimeters over the next 36 hours or so. things are warming up through the bulk in sophia bulk area up to 8 degrees and winds have shifted around for assemble southerly winds here. so that pops up to 8 degrees on sundays. still a few showers hanging around the bat. but for the other side, mediterranean being pulses of rain, northern portugal around porto, looking to pick up a 100 millimeters of rain that much rain,
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that fast certainly could give us some flooding. and with that disturbs weather in the eastern mediterranean, i think we could catch a shower for the northeast coast of libya and around the coastline of egypt to the south. we go showers in storms bubbling up limpopo and from a longer and close to the new tel provinces in south africa on sunday. but we got to talk about our tropical storm, which is wobbling between riches and reunion over the next. so this could intensify to the equivalents of a category 3 hurricane as it stays in the cell. and this will most certainly produce on flooding season. the flooring being going off across the board, it's a fucking 20 kilometers in many areas. how does the news compete? use chosen things defines or basic needs to live certainly
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here most of them are to some of the rumbling that's happening. now. i'm not is outgoing from here to the 11 east side. there's new, any place in gaza is considered to be safe needs in the north or the south, and north in you and shelters or in hospitals. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line of the
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the and watching out is there a mind to about top stories this hour and is reading foaming in the southern gauze . the city of ruffled his killed at least 14 colossians, among them a little go and 11 members as have found a 135 people have been killed in. is there any attacks on garza in the past day? is there any police have dispatched an antique goverlan processed in tel aviv several 1000 demonstrators quoting, for the prime minister to resign, briefly looked on the highway before police intervene and from the united states to do hon is thank to call a loan for hundreds of thousands of pretest is around the world have been riding in some a diety with palestine. it's possible global day of action coatings as roads, and it's a sold on concept. the u. s. is carried out as strikes on humans capital sun, the early on saturday for the past 2 days,
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the us on the u. k. have been targeting several sites linked to here's the fighters in the capital. the strikes all in response to months of hey, the attacks on ships crossing the red sea. here's the official say that targeting vessels linked to israel. that's get move from she everytime see who is live in washington dc. what reaction has they've been? she adds from the pentagon and president joe biden, to these, to what's been going on in the red sea. and i think it's, we're going to visit ministration now has a true problem strategy to deal with the, who's the attacks on shipping. and remember the who's the say they have international law on that side. they're acting on the, the legal obligation as a signal the tree of the convention on genocide. they are trying to prevent these ready bombardment of garza, they using these tactics. i've tried to prevent shipping,
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going to as ralph and shipping, connected to as ralph from crossing the red sea as a way to pressure as well and to a cease fire just stopping the bombardment of gauze and convincing what they say is a jet aside. the reaction from the white house them has to it would appear. 2 strands. one bowman as far as button is concerned. and he said this the other day i like on i think was friday that given the booth is you've lost all the reviews terrace. yes, i just terrace, sorry my fault, we bombed them and that seems to be the only there any real strategy that that is where we had this of the public and briefing on friday as well. but we are, we will show that we're simply not to be messed with about was the quotes from the general. we went over there who are thieves attacked, then we will retaliate, brute force. and then we have another strand of. 5 strategy would appear just a few hours ago here at the white house, joe biden, on his way to camp david. and he said that he delivered
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a message to iran quotes. we delivered it privately and with confidence. well, well, for pads. we delivered it privately. i've had confidence well for pets for them again, and the loading, rubbing condition of how the middle east is seen here is i have a tire as to your bomb or your toes around who's pulling the strings of everything . obviously things are as most effective as will say i'm at least is a bit more complicated than that. but i didn't ever think all of them deal with the underlying cause off the bulk of the attacks on international shipping. and the red sea, which is b is really bump up with the gaza. i'm calling is ready to stop bombing because i'm not going to deal with that. but just getting that going back to the what is the time tested framework us here in washington, bottom, talk to iran about solves everything. i just not able to pay a guy to deal with the fundamental issues that you've been covering for the last 2030 minutes. thanks for putting it so well. thank you. and she had pretend say
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that for us in washington dc, a general strike has been declared and you will get pod westbank town of it, not up to 3 palestinians were killed over nights in a confrontation with is rarely soldiers. is there any forces was patrolling the legal assessment of the door, which is west of hebron, and they say they were attacked and find back in response to 3 palestinians kills with cousins. 1618 and 20 years old. the family has denied the allegations near the city of took a 19 year old. palestinian has died off to violence with is there any soldiers about a city in red crescent says he self and cardiac arrest while being beaten by the soldiers. he was also short, sorely forces, reportedly fod live at munition when they enter the town one that i purchased. well, there's been a dramatic rise in the number. is there any rates and the, or the pied westbank since the will on garza, the gun palestinians say,
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is ready forces on deliberately targeting infrastructure and leaving a trail of destruction as a form of collective punishment. well, how much i'm doing reports from the nor sam's refugee camp. it's another day of struggling for palestinians living in the north shunts refugee camp. a raid maybe over, but the rain is just be gone. trying to walk across the street is hard enough. trying to drive down, it is even harder and that's nothing. when people can't even reach this area to shop on that, look how it's all broken and damaged. just hours earlier, israel's army once again stormed the camp. its former bulldozers digging up roads its forces destroying infrastructure. a short walk up a narrow alley, we find that out of heavy foot whose family home was severely damaged during another incursion. 2 weeks ago, we stand next to
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a gaping hole. this used to be the window she looked out of pocket when i was in the bedroom upstairs had when they started destroying the house, i ran into another room and the bullets weird coming into the house through every direction, the damage to the door and into it. i went home and spent 4 hours here, shut up to shuffle, so that in her family haven't been able to stay here since i made the discomfort she has, however, found relief in the fact that none of her children or grandchildren were hurt while these really soldiers searched the area for armed promised in the and fighters. busy a few minutes away, even more wreckage, housing structures that have been knocked down. and the electricity lines that have been cut, palestinians here say this type of destruction caused by is really forces is a form of collective punishment. but they also believe it goes beyond that. and by utilizing these tactics over and over again, israel is attempting to turn them against the resistance,
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but no matter the amount of devastation everyone we speak with says that strategy work with all of the people a used to this, this doesn't affect the people support. no, it's the opposite. that makes people support the resistance more because this proves that the fund has a doing the right thing to since october 7th, rates by israel's army, only intensified throughout the occupied westbank. here it's become part of the fabric of daily life. today, residents, once again do whatever they can to repair these roads, but they know the fix will only be temporary. how much improvement does here the nation's refugee camp in the occupied west? the, let's take a look at some of the news making headlines. taiwan has
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a new president elect lighting tab. the democratic progressive policy or d, p. p, has one and friday's race. his policy favors a more independent taiwan and china who considers the on an as a break away proven, says that the reunification of taiwan is inevitable. the spot divert tony chang has moved from type a. the filters in taiwan costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections relations with china very much on their minds, but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say, well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of taiwan and the republic of china. just yeah. how long? what at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is
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a threats. they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but this is as simple as that. this implies the no i, i've seen people already know how chun all wheel re add and have go so many years they already know. know, the combination of is not uh, decided by uh, either china or taiwan and, but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right to close to 70 percent. with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear window, stone to to emerge in the center of typeface, support has the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p p, it's don't sit together,
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there's the votes mounted up. so to texas it's the with a 50 percent chance it's. # pretty simple, just think the belief victory that soon the hoops will can send a lead the couldn't be of the come and the new president who had a message for the rest of the world. we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to work side by side with democracies from around the world. the celebrations went on into the night. this was a victory. it was fun for me. sure. and this led me to the back left. china will not be please. totally change l 20 type thing. so who is time was next?
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president. lighting tay also goes by the nickname william has been serving as vice president. he's a former physician who studied at harvard university, his victory and fridays versed as seen by many as a loss for china. the 64 year old has repeatedly defended taiwan independence from beijing. he's also promised to work with the united states to build up the islands national defense, taiwan, outgoing president, sighing when has said the maximum of 2 terms and office. she's worked closely with lice since the last election in 2020 in the pos paging has rejected. office to hold talks with both of them. the area we spoke with call us, you'll talk cuz she's a full misspoke best and full of the time and use presidential office. she says taiwan will continue to strengthen its defense to offset threats from china. so of course can when these people want to have a good relationship with china,
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the issue is it seems, china does not respect counties. democracy in the past 8 years, priced into ties. policy has been to friends as self defense. and that has been done in cooperation with the us and other countries. so this is important for us to keep the peace and it is not going to change. we will also continue to strengthen economic and trade cooperation with a friend of the countries in order to reduce our exposure to chinese economic pressure. will taiwan selection results as seen as a rejection of beijing was closed for the on and to unify with china? i'm a say cross straight intentions along came to escalate when the president liked begins his to proceed to you. has more in china, southern salman city. people routinely stopped by this temple to pay that respects
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to mazda to the goddess of the seats. the dallas daisy is worshipped by millions in this region as well as across the street until i want many tony's have some new roots here and locals. are you good to emphasize their shit history? tyrin and we both worship module because most one, these are descendants of people from these provinces, food. yeah. originally we have one family on the unfortunate i to you. we have same ancestors. we shared the same culture and this shows how close we are. china is officially atheist country, but the government promotes the worship of mazda to encourage the voters from taiwan to visit the mainland. state media says the board has placed a key role in peaceful reunification with the government. but beatings close to unify were rebuffed by ty, one's 23000000 strong population on saturday as they were just the lighting touch. be the next president, given the governing democratic progressive bosses or d,
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d. p, an unprecedented the to and then office. chinese leaders have called like a dangerous separatist whose leadership could lead to more to issue a typo going toward the president elect sees himself as a taiwan independence worker was saying his election victory will minimize the risk of cross straight comp. let me do you believe it is here, i don't think he himself believes it. what kind of thoughts which he aging is unlikely to respond to lies calls to restart dialog dialog, which ended when current president saying when came to a pallet in 2016 analysts say cross retentions all likely to worse than what we could see, the suspension of a economic trade agreement that was signed between the 2 sides of back in 2009, as well as continued military escalation across the median line. and if i want straight chinese presidents, you didn't. pain hasn't vocal without taking tie one by force. so now they things,
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efforts to intimidate and influence those on the island will likely continue by whatever means possible. katrina, you shellman city food in provence, china. so hes all now. and sarah will have all the actions marriage and talk here in tulsa as australia, and get onto a waiting stuff in the religious trinkets. and 7 is 9, the centuries old. couple blame the tourism is the bread and butter of drew, some light families, the war and slight constellations of men, that tourists on coming. we are next. the church on the whole. the 2nd very good location for the tourist, a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the position for the public good emission to come to visit the trish of all this up because you know, told us to 70 that should be the busiest time of the year with christmas and new
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year round the corner and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrace from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east jerusalem with movements being restricted and it for reggie having rep precautions on the local economy the, [000:00:00;00] the dozens of people have been killed in c. jones capsule called to him in the last few
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days, many of them children, 9 months of violence between the army and the power ministry. rock and support forces has left thousands dead and many more have enforced from that homes. the 177300000 people have been displaced. about half of those all children. any 20000000 children will miss school this year, or 14000000 of them will need emergency humanitarian age. you know, it's a nation says the concepts could craze a generational catastrophe. the citizens 24000000 youngsters. monday by brian is una assess country representative. and so you don't, she told out is there that millions of children are at risk. this, this is a generation catastrophe. so the is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe all epic proportions. it's a young country,
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hospitality nation auction that is $24000000.00 children. not to pause the war, but then the heaviest dr. second over 3500000 children has been supposed to be there fools over the last 9 months, making the record of the world's largest child's displacement. the close to 20000000 children who should be in schools are not in schools all by a few experts in such a new college. can you imagine what is the future of this country in terms of learning and capabilities? we estimate if this capacity continues to be facing, or net lifetime, or the last $26000000.00 less dollars entry, she is shocked me. on the decline for kids we're talking about or with
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3500000 children under 5 years of age suffering from due tomorrow. and attrition. us regulations have grounded boeing 737 max knowing at planes indefinitely. it follows an incident last week when a cabin panel blew out mid slice from a jet operation by alaskan allies. authorities said earlier said the planes could fly again off to inspections. alongside the north, west, columbia is killed at least 33 people. it happened near a town in the truck or region authorities say many people were buried when they left that cost to take shelter in a house during heavy rain. full thousands were also injured of what kind of corruptions in east and indonesia have led to widespread evacuation. what is it? asia is mountain lowered, toby lucky, lucky has erupt. and several times in recent weeks, the government issued a high and that warning often additional interruptions took place on friday. preparations on the way in the danish capital for the crowning of prince frederick
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the countries you king. the proclamation will take place in copenhagen on sunday for the week's mother clean margaretta advocates in patrol. at this moment. when the queen said she was advocating a little further, it was said, yeah. so i'm probably going to do that tomorrow as well because some of them, but since i'm on so he's, he's very um, into people. or at least it feels like he's into people and i think he's doing great. people really liked him. the one of the top rang teams in the asia cop australia have kicks off that campaign with when soccer is beat, india that been out of the stadium now is there is on the bridge send. was that watching that one for us to will these 2 countries have 8,
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will cut wins between them? unfortunately. so australia and india and asian football more widely. they come in the sort of cricket that robbery less playing out. so the cricket will cover the end of last in india when australia pace, india, in the tides will decide on the football page. it's not quite such an even rivalry, australia. serious type of content is here in tulsa, and they were comfortable to know when is in this game, the india. well, they all outside is just to make it the on the group stage. australia will be calling on some good memories and that's how i'm playing. hey, in capsule that we're running. so in 2011, when the asian kept was last place in the countries they did really well of a 2020 c. wells cup brought out of itself through the whole going to talk with origin siena eventually champions in the last 16 before pleasing c one. to india with this tournament all about continuing dead developments was becoming a serious footballing nation. now they did when a group game. the last agent coming 29 seem like beats highland,
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a repeat of what they did 5 years ago in that group games to come against those back is done in syria. will be the realistic targets for this sort of minutes in capsule. some history to the much officials at this game. 3 females insurance. let point japan's the she me yamashita the 1st time you have a have a female referee in charge of the game. the men's agent come on, the richardson owls you sarah dol sunday. we'll see, pallets done, play the 1st game of the asian cop, they play iran in group see against the backdrop of the one, gaza on with the face of friends and family on their minds. joanna, i guess it off scott reports for use palestine. football is have overcome adversity to play for the country. but the build up to this asian cop has been even honda because of the war and garza, the challenges are getting the team together. because some players live in the
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spring summer from guys who are living abroad somewhere in europe, asia, as we were just all over the place. many of the players in the team are playing in the policy and leave. and they haven't played a match since just as the week before the war started unable to train in palestine . this quote has been preparing for the tournament in algeria and saudi arabia. but there's a constant feeling of anxiety about what is happening back home. israel's attacks have left members of palestine football, family debt, including players, referees, administrators, and most recently one of the countries and then pick football coaches to have a plan here from guys who send the message for his family before 10 days. and he did the answers to date, like some of the so like the 3 signatures to the friends. sometimes nobody answer about that. so we like everyone, we see the media because the friends didn't answer every time. whitfield in mohammed bust him. rashid was born in ramallah, grew up in the us,
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and now placed professionally in indonesia. he says the play as a felt growing support from funds wherever they've been. it's very important because we're seeing that the people are more passionate about palestine. the more passionate about i'm assuming national team is just set to see that something this tragic has to happen for people to feel for us a little bit. and that support doesn't stop in this done nickel organizes here in castle, say they'll donate revenue from ticket sales for the asian cup to those affected by the war on casa. and they'll also be sharing messages of support for palestinians throughout the tournaments. palestine the aiming to get out of the group say to the 1st time in this that the parents of the consent to show peace and perhaps even get the 1st ever asian come victory. but even if they don't, there's a sense of purpose amongst the players to provide a moments of risk like to those back time, 90 minutes at
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a time to and it goes real stuff out to 0 though. okay, that's it for me, money inside of this these out though, i'll be back in just a moment, not to move the days needs to stay with us. the it is a tenant to produce objectives these coverage. many parts of his really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military with telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of his randy public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next i care about helping you with engages with the rest of the world. i cover foreign policy, national security. this is very much
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a political em. how? here's the conflict. how do we or crated, are we telling the good story? people get what we're trying to see here. they're living outside and make shift time. this is not the way any family wants to raise their children. we're really interested in taking you into a place that you might not visit otherwise. it's actually feel as if you were there these off church solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not, and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are walking in their
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footsteps, our officers whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you of the destruction displacement on desk across garza, at least a $135.00 pounds of stadiums have been killed. my is there any attacks in the past day? the online site visit balance? is there a night from day also coming on? public outrage and israel will be lived from tel aviv west. thousands have been
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protesting against the governments and demanding, moving down to bring home captives held in boston to johannesburg,


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