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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i money inside of the news out live from the coming off in the next 60 minutes, destruction displacement on desk across because at least a 135 palestinians happen kills buys riley attacks in the past day. her family also, what she did wrong is writing strongly kills
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a little go and 11 of her relatives in gaza. public outrage and israel's thousands have been protesting against the government. demanding, moving down to bring home captives held in garza hundreds of thousands around the wells riley in solidarity with palestinians, demanding a see spot in dallas that will be live and one of the largest purchase happening now in washington. the i want governing policy of candidates with is the presidential election 19. k has vowed to protect the items in china. the it should go on past 2100 gmc, thats 11 pm in garza way as well as were letting us will is approaching
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a 100 days across the street. homes all in ruins. hospitals overwhelmed um the desk toll keeps rising. move in 23800 palestinians have until since october, the 7th in the southern city of ruffled children were killed when a missile hit a residential building. pirate campbell, as soon begins coverage and just a warning and severe as you may find the images in this report distressing. i'm of a bits far well to her baby girl. she's a victim of and he's very strong on the home. and since we're a rough, i in garza yeah, attack also killed 11 members of her family who had gathered for dinner the bit and the home guy didn't seem of a sudden escalation and her home was bummed at night by is really f. 16 were playing football since that was so small, i was not staying with that. and on this, the only women children were kept in the house. 14 of them. they were all killed in a couple of feet. a hi. yeah. supposedly heavy. this is a baby girl, so i'm not what wrong did you do to these?
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riley's, she died hungry. if you can see you're holding a load of bread and her tiny hand, she held tied to it. we could not remove it from her hand. is this baby girl, a fighter? i'm not much that's the last night i didn't. well, i'm a funeral. pray is it too with a grief assembly struggled to keep with loss for the nice ox, the hospital endeavored months into darkness. cars run out a few the hospital is the lifeline for thousands of pounds thing and seeking medical attention and shelter from the east valley abutment. this black outpost is a threat to the lives of many, including premature babies in 2 pages. of the medical stuff is doing all they can to save the patients. and life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we
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will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity outside the streets of derek, but i have turned into a battle field. the sound of gunfire is marking another day of origin plus button is ready. military operations have intensified. of course, the gaza strip with the recent arrival as strikes hitting a roads linking between roughly con eunice civilians who are co to the costs for you do not know where to go to find the safety. it's not recognizing algebra roof, so bring cause of the on the wing of how much coal v kassandra gates has released video. if it's the latest rocket launch, the video p is to show a barrels of rockets being fine to was israel, and reportedly happened from northern gaza. it comes as this all continues, it's offensive for the south in central and southern areas of the strip to thousands of his rights gathered in tel aviv on saturday to event that and get the
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government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu is popular. she is taking a significant not can recent non surveys handling of israel's will in gaza. many acuteness and yahoo, of seeking to prolong who in an effort to cling to power for testers who according to fresh elections and blocks of the highway before police, intervene to pass the crowns. elsewhere in tel aviv demonstrates, is all staging. another weekly protests cooling on the government to do more to secure the safe for ton of his right account as being held in gauze with these ally pictures from the event they are, of course, still more than a 100 and such a captive being held by have us a higher it's has more on that protest intel of beef. yes. and now the sauce today with tens of thousands of his railings gathered again, but this time to mock almost
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a 100 days since the captives had been held in the gaza strip, is a 136 remaining of the men. those that have been taking to the stage have been calling for every time that immediate return, in fact, but also a note to the main thing that was taking place just last week between capital and some of the families of those houses account 751 family member had signed the categories for the conversation that they had. they said that the categories were on board and doing everything they can to bring back those campuses. and they also signed them full facilitating the message, and that will be delivered to those health taxes through the red cross. but interestingly, just behind them is what prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been speaking earlier, saying that the priority for him is to bring them back. but this isn't quite what was said from the is hey,
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but let's listen to the prime minister fast. the whole goal of the room. we will bring security back to the north end to the south. no one can stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil. no one knows what is happening at the hague right now. against the is really state, is that we have others who were trying to create yet another disaster. well, interestingly, as some of the people on the stage will actually calling on a monday morning on the government to say, what are you doing? one said, do you want us to wait for a 100 more days? and walmart was saying that the wall cabinet member benny gone back to me office in the crowd. this also as a, not the right test was happening. fathers down the road, just remove this one where they will actually calling uh full prime minister benjamin netanyahu to quit. i'm calling for an early election and they talked extensively about the bill house kind of thing,
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but this government be relied on. they blamed it for what happened on october the 7th, and they said the best time they have to keep home protesting to ensure that the country safe, but also to bring them all back home is around says it has approach the stage of castle with a plan to deliver it medication to captives being held by how much in gaza. so i'm gonna come down who's a senior spokesman for how my says they will provide parts of the medicines they receive from council to the captives. and then uh, how do soon, i love him what we will take care of the captives medical needs. but we will do this through the medicines that arrive for all people. i would like to st. cats are for sending medicines, despite the risks that are involved, those medicines that we will receive, we will provide some to the captives to treat them. i would like to confirm that none of the lives of the captives are at risk on thousands of protesters in the
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united states have taken to the streets in solidarity with the palestinian people in the us capital demonstrations and launching now cooling for a safe spot on a hold, so us aid to israel, several 1000 people have turned out to show that support let springing out as they were, as mike hannah in washington, d. c. a cleaning, a huge amounts of people turning out today to support the palestinians. what is the mood like that to lose one of and god, but also one of frustration people now leaving freedom plaza to wind their way through the streets of downtown dc. val gather at lafayette park right over the road from the white house to make their feelings known directly to the head of the country. now that is, as i said to, i can get at israel and go right, it's operations in gaza. but there's also and at the us administration,
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who many here believe is complicit in what is happening within garza, i'm joined now by robert to the cool from the constable in american is not mich relations. there's a sense, as i said, a bank a here, but there's also the point of frustration. there's a lot of frustration with abiding administration. it's policies that made the american people complicit and his real genocide. they are part writing political coverage. they're providing funds in weapons. israel as it's committee work crimes and gaza now and it has to be sent by the organizers of this riley to the white house. what was said in atlanta. yes. the american most on task force for palestine . the organizers of this event with the answer. cool. listen, i sent a letter to the white house yesterday. we're demanding an immediate and verifiable ceasefire. an end to all political, diplomatic, and financial aids, israel's genocide and gaza. it's war crimes. we cannot support them any longer.
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we're also calling for a return of all hostages and political prisoners, palestinians languishing in those really prisons were also calling for a seas. i'm sorry, we are calling for a, a final settlement to this issue. our, the us can be a neutral partner for a long and permanent piece, and that starts with any b is really occupation a pals to new lands. the end to a part type policies, as it'd be the response to the left as yet. we do have a copper raises that the letter was received. now what we're looking at here, we seen in this demonstration in previous, once within the united states, this becoming a domestic political issue. one of which on cea was remember event but november. that's a reference to the elections that will take place and event, but is this now going to be affect uh, potentially damaging back to, to the bite and administration? i think for all candidates that we're seeing that the issue a ceasefire is becoming our primary political issue. it's entering into the
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campaign trail. every candidate will be held to account where they stand on this conflict and the american most on committee, the error american community and americans use. we are all watching. how are politicians candidates for office at the local congressional presidential level are going to respond. now we've seen that every level, not just at the level of those, there's the demonstrating here, but throughout the american political system. but thank you very much indeed for joining us so that you hear the frustration of the people here waiting for a response from president biden to that letter out like the grievances that have be made. so possibly in the course of the day. thank you for that. my account of that for us in washington dc while in london, protest is and we'll say march through the financial district all the way to parliament demanding an immediate cease fine in gaza out there as poor brennan was
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out that much for the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel were on garza, was another enormous gathering. more than an hour after the head of the mountain become moving, the back is a demonstration of not yet past the starting point here today. so sir, that even though it's a new yeah, we're fine house city. i have been fighting for our ration for a 100 years and we're ready to fight this year and for a 100000000 until the screen. people have come from seen a group 50 miles west of east new castle. right. and on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly says find out. if you see what's happening in there's no question about you have to do,
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you have to show solidarity along the routes. the matches with joined fine little amount of 3 and a half meter tool puppets created. and some of them are she with a child? refugees at the syrian war, now lending support to the children, killed, wounded and displaced by the constable. it was a broad spectrum of anti war pro palestinian sentiments among the british jewish groups uphold at the is reading. the government's actions. veteran campaign is alongside young, got to this several speakers praise south africa's efforts to bring israel to the international court of justice wise no. on the i c j, the international court of justice. but the only place got to we have never been failing. this is the part of the people people are coming up to demand one thing that the government to assume that it must be as useful, that's useful as could be now immediate coming up and comprehensive. the circumstances on the grinding cause off or run this and we need action nice with us . the message has been deliberate at these demonstrations today. there is
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a sense of international public opinion is having an impact is putting a resistible political pressure on international leaders. and it's forcing even israel's allies to question that positions. and while the cottage continues, because for a ceasefire, when they get loud, pull brennan, how does 0 london and thousands have demonstrated outside the u. s. consulate in johannesburg, submit a minute, was that i mean thousands of protests just like this one across, such as in south africa, as long as the war on cause a has continued. and people here say they will continue demonstrating against what israel is doing in the occupied territories. and they will continue standing inside the therapy with palestinians, especially given the high number of lives lost people. he also encouraged by what the south african government has done in taking as well to the international court
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of justice. none of us absolutely on the system because that's the genocide is one of the sections by the us. we know to brighten, has denied that there is a genocide going into support is speaking, furthering south africa's representations of the international court of justice, although frequent residents to run up with us is that because so the is a signal to the genocide convention. it was applied to tact, but that's not the only reason it does it because of south africa's own case. and this is what many people to identify with the president nelson montela recipient dom up. so that would never be complete without the freedom of tennessee, as people say they're concerned about the levels of
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a push and the number of people killed and the continuing bombardment goes up. and for that reason, they will maintain this type of prisons wherever they can send me. the ultra 0 to have is bought into account to thousands also rallied in solidarity with the palestinians. the crowd schools, the boy called it's targeting, is around indonesia as long supported the palestinian cause. the country is no full diplomatic relations with israel. demonstration is also launched in south korea's capital sol last month. south korean voted in favor of you and general assembly resolution calling for an immediate monetary and the seas on. demonstration is also gathered in malaysia, is capital coding for an n to d is really offensive or, and slowly has more modest turn out that the message is clear. the rally is being held less than
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a 100 meters from the us embassy in quality report. the venue was chosen to make a point to israel's largest support and actually joining the malaysian people to cope with the fire in gaza. and to highlight that we are not accepting the most with her again, see it by this thing. and people in does a dozens of age who's suspended together to arrange this event. but the main organize it is the malaysian of the boy caught divestment and sanctions obedience. movement it's part of a global boy caught movement. that's called for a day of action around the world. we've had community leaders and n g o representative to talk about the history of the occupation, as well as the importance of supporting joint. cott again, is brand new company, and corporations special portions. well, in one way it was last month, the malaysian government announced it with bad vessels owned by it's really shipping companies from talking ships on the way to israel will also bought from
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loading cargo at malaysian ports. b s malaysia says that's what's the result of its campaign. a similar thing was actually me, i think, successfully to highlight the the issue. so let's find the history of the conflict and also what's happening in california. the palestinian led to movement, which has chapters in many countries, has also released a list of corporations to boycott. among wlan mcdonalds, the malaysian franchise holder is suing b. s malaysia for defamation. media as malaysia says, the lawsuit will not stop it from showing solidarity with palestinians. this process is here, have taken that message too hot. so it's about we avoid costing, because that is the only thing we can do as an individual at among the things that i have bought, the other companies that support israel, the companies listed on the b, this website, the global boy caught movement says target to avoid cost fines, buy it by self advocacy, n t, a pos like listening, and the us fight for civil rights among others,
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which have proven to be successful in. and then i'm just florence greene. how did you find the crowds of also gathered in the rocky council by dad correspondent zane, but drawing these that he sent us this report this weekend evening. crowd boston dot is small by a rocky standards. normally, demonstrations riley's here in denver square attempt to attract a much larger crowd, but something significant is happening. the rocky malicious turn. political parties are out rallying in support of humans, fighters, humans, heap. you lead government after tax by the us and the u. k. for blocking sessions in a strategic waterway as retaliation for israel. there on garza, in support, a palestinian people and against the ongoing israeli occupation also a 100 days nearly a 100 days into israel's war on the con,
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which is already reverberating throughout the error. and the worry for leaders here in the wrong, as well as around the reason is that it carries on much longer. it could spread and political rallies like just click on something for incendiary motors could become something more dangerous as public outrage and anger in their cities like continues to grow in may not be in the hands of regional leaders. feel any world lead to contain any of the fall out that makes the same bus. robbie holes is here on the to the occupied westbank. now in the city of jeanine residence i is ready, forces have entered the refuge account from several directions with full days is. i'll just say we're jealous who are on the phone to locals. have been able to hear the sound of fighting, taking place. israel has conducted nightly rates in the okey mod westbank since
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october. the united states has carried out stripes on yelman's capital a summer early on staff day. for the past 2 days, the us and the u. k. have been targeting several sites linked to here's the fires in the capital. the strong saw in response to months of heard the attacks on ships crossing the red sea. here's the official say the targeting vessels linked to israel shepherd towns he has moved from washington. i think it's been coming to the visit ministration now has a true problem and strategy to deal with the who's the attacks on shipping. and remember the who's they say they have international law on that side. they're acting on the. busy legal obligation as a signal the tree of the convention on genocide they are trying to prevent these ready bombardment of gauze. they using these tactics. i've tried to prevent shipping going to as well and shipping, connected to is ralph from crossing the red sea as
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a way to pressure as well and to a cease fire just stopping the bombardment of gauze after visiting what they say is a genocide. the reaction from the white house them has to it would appear to strums well. bowman, as far as boxes is concerned. and he said this the other day uh, like on i think it was friday that given the booth is you've lost all that with these terrace. yes, that is terrace. sorry my fault. we bump them. and that seems to be the only, there any real strategy that that is where we had the sympathetic and briefing on friday as well that we are, we will show that we're simply not to be messed with. that was the quotes from the general. we, whenever the who are thing is attacked, then we will retaliate, sorry, brute force. and then we had another strand about strategy with a peer just a few hours ago here at the white house, joe biden, on his way to camp david. and he said that he delivered a message to iran court. we delivered it privately and with confidence. well, well,
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for pads. we deliberate it privately. i'm very confident where well for pets to them again, in the long run into addition, the problem at least this thing here is i have a terrorist to your bomb or your top to around who is pulling the strings of everything. obviously things are as most effective as will say i'm at least is a bit more complicated than that. but i didn't everything, all of them deal with the underlying cause off. the bulk of the attacks on international shipping. and the red sea, which is b is rarely bump up with the gaza. i'm calling is ready to stop bombing the gardens. well, joining me now from london is the military unless shown bell. thank you for your time, sir. that money critical of these strikes by the united states and the united kingdom against humans, saying that they all just disproportionate and that they risk 5, the escalation in the region, your ministry list. so what do these attacks tell us? i mean my lean um yeah. somebody, they have a trunk, that little of attention,
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understandably, but we do need to set them in context of ever since the 19th and of, and the 0, but conducted $28.00 to tax on much shipping and on minute 3 best souls in the red sea, the mercury vessels have been positive coordination of the wedding prosperity, geology and trying to put an umbrella. i mentioned um, brother over the max, the shipping because that you'll be aware of 15 percent of global trade policies down through the red c pos to bottom and up straight. it's just all the, the coastal, the human ends in fine, but disrupting that trade is pushing for ships to go to the long route round the cape of good hope that adds about 7000000 pounds worth of cost to put some other delay in a while few and i might not notice a few pennies on a load of bread. well, many of the most stopping in the forest and as well that i'd say tremendously. and
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so eventually out to the not since this has been going since the 19 to bend the west, particularly the us, the u. k. finally said enough is enough. we've got to stop this happening. and so they conducted on thursday night a series of targeted strike 60 targets over a 100 munitions fund that appears to beans that miss. all right, dolls miss all sites. and with an efforts to try to minimize the number of casualties, but make the maximum amount of damage to the heat. these capability of continuing to target ships, whether these attacks from the united states and the u. k. a justified or not. the cookies have said that they will respond at all day in a position to escalate this further. if they wanted to. so far as you say, they've been targeting ships in the red sea. how much west could this get as well as i'm sure you're aware, there's a rhetoric that flies out from
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a mass from the has blog. the who these off of the military at their options are driven by all their intent is their intent that it's a capability. what the us is really trying to do was take away the tools so that these would struggle to be able to continue conducting those strikes. but the rhetoric continues. um, i think why we properly so a the, the one strike last night by the us. it was conducted by the us. certainly it's on the whole strike on another miss officer. let's see. what often happens is you need ready to us up and running. do we have to going these missiles, when the, who is going to send those rays? i'll send out a powerful signal they can be detected by evelyn assets or satellites. i don't was certainly the american sold this rate on hoffman when right. we probably intended to talk about the previous night. it is to bite destroy for it's another right. and they stop, that's a game. so last, by no doubt that these wouldn't give up. thank you. the,
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the ability to strike shipping has being degraded significantly. right. okay. the things, the, they all proceed. resilience. they managed to hold off saudi arabia and that coalition, which was supported by the us of the case over 5 years. they, of course, have the support of iran, eh, that's not a secret to provide them with weapons. and how do you feel that this can be contained, that this call and get much was i would never say never money, but i would sit around and say that there is this isn't that efforts you think something that savvy rate the tribes defeats the who say this isn't an effort to defeat them, that's all. it's a, it's a message that says it continues to your illegal strikes on the ministry should have had much and shipping and the red sea you will be you will be attacked. okay, well, the earthy a,
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as we've been saying have strong ties. ron iran has close ties to both china and russia, who, as we know, always keen to undermine the west, to what extent do these global jr political alliances intentions play a pause in what is happening in the red sea or not? well, that's a question we would could spend the whole program trying to long. so i think the simplest version i would give you now is that a mass is no maximum. that's every body is raise a button. however, a ride wants to try to make choices. they provide weapons by mass and for head spa, i'm for the heat. these will be around is page, want to do is to put pressure on america to bring the to hold, put pressure on israel to stop the whole. i'm but escalated, seen a low risk and escalating while helping the who these, by disrupting shipping by helping best belong in the knowles,
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out of lebanon over these are designed to trying to put pressure on the us and at your force that it is working. okay, good to get your perspective shown bel, a ministry. i'm the speaking to us back from london. the still ahead on the algae, is there a cleaning to his memories? we speak to one palestinian grandfather who lost 9 members of his family. and in this really a task, the arctic air is plunging into the northwest of europe, higher ones. so that means it's going to be cold enough for snow through northern scotland and northern ireland. i think over the next few days, we're looking at about $2.00 to $5.00 centimeters of snow. also run of snow through poland and ukraine. so we're assign, keep looking at
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a couple of centimeters over the next 36 hours or so. things are warming up through the bulk in sophia bulk area up to 8 degrees and winds have shifted around for assemble, southerly winds here. so that pops up to 8 degrees on sundays. still a few showers hanging around the levant. but for the other side, mediterranean being pulses of rain, northern portugal around porto, looking to pick up a 100 millimeters of rain that much rain, that fast certainly could give us some flooding. and with that disturbs weather in the eastern mediterranean, i think we could catch a shower for the northeast coast of libya and around the coastline of egypt to the south. we go showers in storms bubbling up limpopo and from a longer and close to the new tel provinces in south africa on sunday. but we got to talk about our tropical storm, which is wobbling between riches and reunion over the next. so this could intensify to the equivalents of a category 3 hurricane as it stays in the cell. and this will most certainly produce some flooding season.
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the flooring being going off of the pool, the, it's a fucking 20 kilometers in many areas. how does the news can seen use chosen things define the basics to live? certainly. here. most of them are to some of the rumbling that have been doing this now. i'm not, is outgoing, considering from here to the 11 east side. there is new, any place in gaza is considered to be safe, needs in the north for the south, and north in you and shelters or in hospitals. president biden says one to 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. but does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for, i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world?
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a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out is there a mind, a top stories, best outlet and is writing foaming in the southern gauze, especially of rough as killed the needs, 14 palestinians among them. and they will go and 11 members of her family, a 135 people have been killed and is really a tax on gaza in the past day. from the united states to johannes, bug c qual, alarm for hundreds of thousands of protesters around the world have been riding in
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solidarity with how to sign off of a global day of action, cooling israel, and it's the salt on johnson is there any forces have entered the janine refugee camp in the occupied west buying from several directions with full size is out. is there a journalist who are on the phone and the locals have been able to hear the sound of fighting, taking place for me on this, let speak to serious a bow. she joins us now from occupied east jerusalem. what more can you tell us about what you're hearing as well, there's lots of concerns about the situation on the occupied westbank and what's being ongoing there since october 7th, with nightly wave happening every day to several cities and towns all across the auction by westbound what we know right now is that several is riley military vehicles entered jenny, and 2 different locations. there's been fighting ongoing between privacy and
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fighters and his way the security forces at some point based around the hospitality off the city. they've been searching ambulances. among other things, we still don't know whether anyone has been detained or anybody has been killed. the situation is ongoing as we speak, but this as i said before, it's not an exception is something that we have been seeing a lot since october. the 7th with rape happening every day with military because tensors with bulldozers, with clashes ongoing with the tensions among other things. human rights groups have expressed their concerns about the alarming rise in violence that we'd be seeing in the occupied west bands with our retry retentions torture, among other things. in fact, the united nations are she, when rights to bulk are to also express his concerns about what's been going on. this is happening also a similar violence has been increasing illegal settlements in the occupied westbank
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over 122 of them located there. there are around 800 palestinians have been displaced because of this violence, but as to where money toying, what continues to happen in jeanine to val. but now we do know that over 340 palestinians have lost their lives since october, the 7th and over 4000 of them had been arrested. thank you for that to raise a bow that 1st and ok part is to resend the lives of many families in dogs. i have been destroyed by the is really offensive some the while refusing to leave what remains of the homes, the spot losing everything, including many of the loved ones. tell us draft has a story of one palestinian grandfather who was determined to stay her mother of suleima fritz carefully on the rubble remains of his family home in rough or something. dollars and he's ready to strike, destroyed it, killing 6 of his children,
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his wife and 2 of his grandchildren. he says 5 of the bodies remained buried under the twisted metal and broken concrete. and let them know that we found the 3 bodies of mohammed, my mood and subdued, 500 meters away from the house and the rest of my family were inside the house. we found only parts of their body that we couldn't recognize them. we put this parts and the plastic bags and we buried what was left over their bodies. how many that is put up a tend to in the rubble. so you can be close to the memories of those who loved the setup of the tent here on the rubble to tell the world if we are here and we will be here strong and resilient into that this is our country and our future will always be here, god has chosen us to be bored and buried in this land. so i see here in the tent to be able to collect as soon as possible, and as much as i can, what is left from the bodies of my family in order to bury them. the goal is that
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helps ministry says around 23 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed by israel's land and sea bone bob into the strip and it says around 7000 more people missing field data buried under the rubble as well. i know you will not do that, you know, that's a lot of subjects i come here very early. every day after morning. prayers often follow the cats because we have a strong sense of smell and off, and they try every day to remove the rumble and search for the remains of the body . i'm not the only one who suffers like this. there are too many people under the rubber all over because uh that pull off and i get how manager goes to the cemetery where he inspects the graves of those who are found and a buried out on that island. yeah. and the highest. busy was i am alive and then the same time i am alive and waiting my turn like all the powers thing you and probably got kept and you like to do something good for the victims. i always got
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the almighty for a good and for myself, my pain is fast and god will reward me if i see common patient and i ask him to be so he's messy on my family. a family wiped out, but he is really military. policy need filed with little else left of his face law . i'm most of now charles toronto, which is 0 in the let's take a look at some of the news now. taiwan that has a new president elect leaching to the democratic progressive policy, or d, p, p. as one fridays race, his policy favors a more independent taiwan. china who considers the island as a break away province says that the reunification of taiwan is inevitable. despite
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the vote of correspond, attorney chang has moved from ty, pay the photos in taiwan, costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections relations with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues. and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of tie. one of the republic of china just yeah. how long, what at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates who were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is a threats that they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but this is as simple as that. this implies that no,
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i think people already know how chun are we'll re add and have go so many years. they already know, know, the combination of is not uh, decided by uh, either china or taiwan and, but also united states. as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right. to close to 70 percent with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear window stone to to emerge in the center of typeface support has the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p. p. it's don't sit together. there's the votes mounted up. so to fix it, so with a 50 percent chance it's. # pretty simple,
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just take the belief victory that soon the hoops will, can send a lead the couldn't be of the come and the new president who had a message for the rest of the world. we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to work side by side with democracies from around the world. the celebrations went on into the night. this was a victory. it was fun for me. sure. and this led me to the back left. china will not be please. totally king. l 20. type thing will taiwan is election result is seen as a rejection of asians cause a full, the audience unified with china, let's say cross straight tensions and likely to escalate when the president elect begins his time. because he to you reports from shannon city in china.
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in china, southern salman city, people routinely stopped by this temple to pay their respects to mazda the goddess of the sea. the dallas daisy is worshipped by millions in this region as well as across the street until i want many tony's have some new roots here. and locals are eager to emphasize this shit history. tyrin. and we both worship module because most, when these are descendants of people from these provinces, food yeah, originally we have one family, kind of what you, i so you, we have same ancestors. we shared the same culture and this shows how close we are . china is officially atheist country, but the government promotes the worship of mazda to encourage the vote to use from taiwan to visit the mainland. state media says the board has placed a key role in peaceful reunification with the argument. but beatings close to unify were rebuffed by ty,
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once 23000000 strong population on saturday as they were just the lighting to be the next president. given the governing democratic progressive bosses or the p p. an unprecedented the 10 office. chinese leaders have called like a dangerous separatist whose leadership could lead to more to issue a typo going toward the president elect sees himself as a taiwan independence worker was saying his election victory will minimize the risk of cross straight comp. let me do you believe it is here, and i don't think he himself believes it. what kind of thoughts are aging is unlikely to respond to lies coles to restart dialog dialog, which ended when current president saying when came to a pallet in 2016. analysts say cross retentions all likely to worse, but we could see the suspension of an economic trade agreement that was signed between the 2 sides of back in 2009, as well as continued military escalation across the median line. and if i want
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straight chinese presidents, you didn't, pain has vocal without taking tie one by force. so now dating efforts to intimidate and influence those on the island will likely continue by whatever means possible. katrina, you shellman city food in provence. china forces in ecuador will have arrested nearly 900 people and a national security crack. donald gang vidas, president, daniel new bo declared a state of emergency following a spate of police kidnappings, an attack on a tv station and explosions. and multiple cities began on sunday off to one of equity was most powerful drug lords escaped from jo. it led to prison riots with guns and stone being taken hostage. alexander, i'm patsy has moved from the port city of wyatt keys. it's a desperate plea for help from the guards. the prison guards that the remain
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hostage and size a number of prisons that cross ask whether in the hands of the inmates as some of them have been now hostage for uh, over uh, 5 days since the start of this price is that that happened in response to an attempt to add a crack down on part of the president, then yellow bar. i gave the games that the off and controlled the ribbons and ask whether an unprecedented wave of violence, both inside and outside of the prison. some, a 170, at least the guards and other prison employee remains at the head of the inmates. we spoke to a woman, a guard that was released, but late on a friday and she was released with a message from the prisoners were asking the government to negotiate with them to
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give them an opportunity to save their lives. they're saying that they are willing to let pay for the security forces, answer the cost of fox, the prison, if they have guarantees that their life will be saved. the guards, we have talked to record that a message before being released. we have given every thing for our country, but our country has turned its back on us. i voted for you president daniel no more . but i never thought that i was signing to leave my family alone or fiance who was going to marry in february. i just wanted to leave a full life with him. the guys say that they are extremely worried about what was happening in case of a res. i'm part of the police in the military. inside the prisons. they're also saying that their condition is worse ending. they after a, they're not receiving foods or water because uh,
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the army is not allowing for them water to get inside the prison where there are hostages. that's all. so we have heard that so at least 6 prisoners managed to flee from this prison that you see behind me here in the city of y a t o 2 of them have been a been recaptured to by the police. and we also understand that the about the military and police operations are continuing in many neighborhoods where the government believe members of a dang are in hiding. landslide and north west columbia is killed at least 33 people. it happened that a town in the ciocca region, authorities say many people were buried when they left that costs to take shelter in a house during heavy rain, full. thousands of people were injured. prosecutions in peru have requested a search a full year prison sentence for the former president pedo castillo is accused of
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carry as a crew of the try to dissolve congress in 2022. his removal spock, to wave of protests across the country. castillo says he is the victim of a political conspiracy. preparations on the way in the danish capital for the crowning of prince frederick the country's new king. the proclamation will take place in copenhagen on sunday. his australian born wife mary will be named queen consoles. frederick's mother, queen margaretta abdicated for an idea of this month, she was your longest reigning mono. when the queen says she was educated us quite a little further, it was said, yeah. so i'm probably going to do that tomorrow as well because some of them, but since a mental he's, he's very um into people or at least it feels like he's into people and the i think he's doing great. people really like him. so head on out is there, australia get off to winning, sell us with the agent?
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come all the action coming out with sun. the in the in savannah, a construction boom is underway for hotels. h a norm as new hotels were not rated in other 5 will be opened by december of this. cuba so called economic engine continues to stall. as evidenced by these old convertibles standing idle in old havana, for lack of foreign tourists. millions of cubans depend on tourism chain. they find work, i spend money and others make money. the probation of cruise ships imposed by donald trump has impacted us a lot. the streets are empty. there are no tours close to anywhere. so the big question is, why are they building so many new hotels? new hotels are being built who has government money on property, not being claimed and us courts choose one party state system,
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eventually change. they could then be bought and sold. industry officials insist there's simply preparing for a tourism boom feet that will take more than just new hotels. the the, it's time for the sport, his center. thank you very much and running. while one of the top rank teams in the asian couple straight. you have kicked off the campaign with the when the screws beat, and yet that's been out of the stadium. all does is and do it. you said it was watching that one for us. will these 2 countries have 8, will cut wins between them,
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unfortunately, so astray and india and asian football more widely. they come into sort of cricket that robbery last playing out. so the cricket will cover the end of last in india when australia pace in the, in the tides will decide on the football page. it's not quite such an even rivalry, australia, serious times. we can send this here in tulsa and they were comfortable to know when it's in this game to india while they are outside is just to make it the on the group stage. australia will be calling on some good memories of that time playing hay in capsule. they were runners in 2011 when the agent comes last place in the countries they did really well of the 2020 c wells coupled out of itself through the whole going to tie with knowledge and siena eventually champions in the last 16 before losing c one the india will this tournament all about continuing dead developments was becoming a serious foot pulling nation. now they did when a group game. the last agent coming 29 seem like beat thailand,
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a repeats of what they did find years ago in that group games to come against those back is done in syria. will be the realistic targets for this. so minutes in capsule. some history to the much officials at this game. 3 females insurance electronic depends the shaming yamashita. the 1st time we have a have a female referee in charge of the game. the men's agent come under richardson, l g, sara, dial a title or how to go list drove by. it has, it has done in groups a the time for that. they've not select winna only for the goal to be over ruled after they are review in those, but the sound also to nail now and goofy in such a days. other than that sunday, we'll see paul's time to play the 1st game of the asian carpet. they play a run in groups against the backdrop of the war on garza and with the faith of friends and family on their minds. joining us of us got reports as for use
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palestine still boilers have overcome adversity to play for that country. but the build up to this asian cop has been even honda because of the war and garza, the challenges are getting the team together. because some players live in the spring summer from guys who are living abroad. some are in europe and asia were just all over the place. many of the players in the team are playing in the policy in league, and they haven't played a match since just as we can before the war started unable to train in palestine. this quote has been preparing for the tournament in algeria and saudi arabia, but there's a constant feeling of anxiety about what is happening back home. israel's attacks have left members of palestine football family dead, including players, referees, administrators, and most recently one of the countries and then pick football coaches to have
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a clear hear from guys who send the message for his family before 10 days. and he did the answers today, the lights come the so like the 3 signatures to the friends, sometimes know the answer about that. so we like everyone, we see the media because the friends didn't answer every time. whitfield in mohammed bus and rashid was born in ramallah, grew up in the us, and now plays professionally in indonesia. he says the play as a felt growing support from funds wherever they've been. it's very important because we're seeing that the people are more passionate about how this i know that my passion about i'm assuming national team is just set to see that something this tragic has happened for people to feel for us a little bit. and that support doesn't stop in this done organizes here in castle, say they'll donate revenue from ticket sales for the asian cup to those affected by the war on casa. and they'll also be sharing messages of support for the palestinians throughout the tournaments. kind of stuff and the amiens get out of
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the group say to the 1st time in this that the parents of the consent to show peace and perhaps even get the 1st ever asian come victory. but even if they don't, there's a sense of purpose amongst the players to provide a movement of risk like to those back time, 90 minutes at a time to engage real sca out to 0 though. the advocate, a couple of nations in the ivory coast is on the way the host taken on getting to the saw in the opening match of the tom and and be john. the game is approaching full time ivory coast uh, leading the school. it's currently 2 know given to brian is 5 minus the city to be at new castle on what was his return to the premier league following injury. a guard you'll us team or 2 on down at san james fox. but they came back following introduction of the brian it in the 2nd, the huff he level the schools with around 15 minutes ago. and then an injury time.
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the belgian provided an assist for oscar ball but to get the window is free to incense city 2nd and the permanent 2 points behind me before i before we go legendary sprint you cymbalta just got a little bit faster. the 10200 meters world record holder was enjoying himself in the formula e car ahead of the season open and mexico city 9.5 a 2nd is that you may cause one who to me to record. also them surprisingly he paused that distance and less than half that time behind the wheel. the 1st the 1st time i've heard of that. and that's what is for me. i'll send you back to menu. thank so much senna. that's it for me to my insights of this new zone. i'll be back in just
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a moment with more of the day is news, lots more law stories on, on websites, on his era dot com to check it out. i'll be back in just a few moments, stay with us. the a settled time upfront takes on the big issue, studies of post types to what's happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. questions about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads, profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0 reporting in the field means i also get the witness,
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not just news as breaking, but also history as it's unfolding from serbia, one day i might be covering politics. i might be covering protest. what's most important to me is understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. just here to we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. religious trinkets and 7 is 9. the centuries old coupled lane, the tourism is the bread and butter of chew, some light families, the war and slight constellations of men. taurus on coming, we are next. the church on the whole, the subject of very good location for the tourist, a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the position, for the political message to come to visit the church of on the subject of no tourist as empty. that fish should be the 50th time of the you with christmas, the new year round the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy,
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was terrorist from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all of the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east resilience with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy of the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm on the inside, this is the news on line from the hall, coming off in the next 60 minutes, 100 days of dest,


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