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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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it has all but to indulge large scale is really police surveillance and all that tree arrest of most open steps up and occupied east residents with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm money inside. this is the news on line from the hall, coming off in the next 60 minutes, 100 days of dest, suffering pain. destruction was indians, as well as war and gaza enters its 100 se with no end in sight. for the family also what she did wrong and is ready strongly kills
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a little girl and 11 of her relatives in gaza. no less off in the old people in west buying cars where the forces re janine and i'll far a refuge account. hundreds of thousands around the wells riley in solidarity with palestinians, demanding a safe spot in dogs and we'll be live and one of the non just process happening now in washington. the as for the pos people of gauze of the past, 100 days, health felt like a 100 years. that's the message from the u. n. agency for palestine. refugees on saturday. it is $22.00 gmc, which means it's midnight's in garza and the strip has now entered the $100.00 day of her reflect, costly. we'll see people including children. all the lights has to be killed in is riley bombing on a residential building in gauze,
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especially open 23800 published in and some now been killed since the beginning of to take the time. because matthew, how did these 100 days past? i do not know how they possibly, but they passed with business was marked as wounded. they passed with scenes of pain and cruelty, and sorry, we witnessed destruction. not only of homes of universities and schools and what was bottom was not just hospitals or street targets, not any medical teams or ambulances. it's our dreams are aspirations, arts for a dignified life. but we had tried to live on the seats, and then they also went with them getting and then how? well that's been selling a cost the strep on saturday. i'm a telecommunication blackouts, homes on rooms and hospitals overwhelms you, return to bait honeymoon and found the city completely destroyed unfit for living,
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with no food or water. for that reason, a prey to go to improve a situation and bless us. so we can leave a dignified life. we alter the risk people who deserve to leave like any of the people. and so there is left to live. life is a constant struggle, palestinians in gaza happened, displace multiple times. they faced elevation disease and a constant fear, but nowhere is safe. tarik assume begins coverage. a mother bits firewall to her baby girl. she's a victim of and is very strong on the home. and since we're a rough, i garza the attack also killed 11 members of her family who had gathered for dinner the bit and the home guy didn't seem of a sudden escalation. and her home was bummed at night by his really s 16 were playing. since now, so small, i was not staying with that. and on this, the only women children were kept in the house. 14 of them. they were all killed in
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the trouble of feed a. hi. yeah. supposedly heavy. this is a baby girl, so i'm, that's what wrong did you do to these riley's, she died hungry. you can see you're holding a load of bread and her tiny hand. she held tied to it. we could not remove it from her hand. is this baby girl, a fighter? i'm not much that's the last night i didn't. what? while on the funeral, pray is it too, with a grief assembly struggled to keep with loss for the nice ox, the hospital endeavoured months into darkness. cars run out a few the hospital is the lifeline for thousands of pounds thing and seeking medical attention and shelter from the east valley abutment. this black outpost is a friend to the lives of many, including premature babies in 2 pages. of the medical stuff is doing all they can to save the patients. and life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we
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will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity outside the streets of derek, but i have turned into a battle field. the sound of gunfire is marking another day of origin plus button is really military operations have intensified. of course the gaza strip. with the recent arrival as strikes hitting a roads linking between roughly con eunice civilians who are co to the costs for you do not know where to go to find the safety. it's not recognizing how your 0 roof so bring cause last a 100 days. it's already been the deadly as well in guns as history. close to 24000 palestinians have been killed by israel, ceaseless at land and naval attacks. the 10000 of those killed in gaza with children gauze. health ministry says close to $340.00 health workers are among the
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dead. within $500.00 is there any soldiers have been killed? most of them in the hamas attack launched on october the 7th. and on the roughly 250 captives taken to gauze from israel. a 136 all believed to remain as great amongst or schumann, he's a residence of hon. eunice in southern gaza. he joins us from the month store many thanks for joining us. a 100 days since israel began its war on gaza. did you ever think we would be where we all today? oh wow. 100 days like you said in your report seems like a 100 he is now. so together with 2300000, all of that kind of speeding civilians here. i think no one would have called that we would have gotten through on the days of all of this. so it's um. busy i will have, despite all of these challenges and i've done what all of the front of the tedium
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people here, this is very high and they mean determined to remain steadfast, to continue starving for the right. despite, like i said so many challenges. no, they are all the ones to for the last 100 years. so it's been a bottom. so where to start when the, when that resilience comes from, the people have lost so much, families wiped out homes, destroyed millions displaced, disease salvation. but people keep going. how are they doing that? and that's why they don't have a choice. they don't have a choice, they need to go on with their life. i have no supporting students was mass communications blackouts don't know, sold for stuff aren't able to be needs. know it's a necessary payment on this. you have special ease terms of goal discretion locations. people need to continue people. what's, how does mine to goes with the data channel?
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the motion is action needed, some or equipment survives every day. is a condo for 5 foods to find water to get full for the closing. to ensure that you have chance is supposed to be taking care of this placeholder in the cold weather. 5 o 3 bottles and shooting thats helpful for the medication as we go through the cold and flu season. busy so it's, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's honestly it's americans. yeah. so for this payment company here are still not only like i said, surviving just like trying to continue through the timing just because they believe that they are striving for the tools or friday for the free the old. they're not the, i love the to the all the do not want that. it can use of my, some force you determine what do they watch sports? uh, we watch sports out answers because you were supposed to leave the last we were in before i think the funds i've got to go to know their exact lessons. funds the on
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the term is not just stay yes. and together someone different world on the outside the, on the, beside the, she in the me and i've seen delete this with the i c g course. and how would they have somebody to do detail in english? what has happened uses other students, even this all a big, what are those steps are definitely yeah. let me ask you about that a, what does it mean to people when, when to people where you are, when you see the many thousands of people who have come out on the streets on around the world today in support of the palestinian people. we've seen the, the case up by south africa in the hague, with the i c. j. does it, does it give you hopes the future happen? to what extent does it it bids tomorrow? you'll have no idea how much it's helps us here. it says it was the bases that are happening in the millions, across all the cities,
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all the work you have on those governments are going against the spinning cause we know that the governments do not to get it for the people. you have no idea how much it somewhere else boost that i mixed the data for everyone here kind of thing . everyone heat on cellphone whenever they have instead of production. that's the 1st thing they look at. what's happening in that sits in the country where moto says are, and they are so happy with seeing the someone's patients i've so proud of all the south african brothers or sisters or the change that data presented on our behalf. and by cedric and months or i was hoping you could tell me a little bit more about your particular situation. your family, how the fads through the last a 100 days. your in con eunice, which is in the southern gaza, which has really felt the bronze of is really a tax in recent weeks. how have you fed? uh yes, um, i have located in mazda of hospital, um, uh, my
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d ponce's. so working ways and got fairly plain besides you to play up together with home. but as of the for the. busy that i feel g can, which is now know some hospital offset adults who stop to work. and i try to help you with whatever media assignments i have. i, the social media also tv channels like the shows. now we try to get to choose out. my children reach out to you to via image. why is it you want this property? that all together with hundreds of journalists, you really don't have to go over a 150. during this time, i've been still dealing with the families, including many loved ones from i just did it as well. that's, let's not forget the forget what happens with that. let's say that that's what happened to them. the continuously a voice for us to continue to remember the legacy. we will not forget what happened to them. we will into winter with 2 point. see we can. we will not forget most or we will not forget. thank you so much for your time. today,
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i'm on sort schuman resident of con eunice in southern gonzo, reflecting on a 100 days since that definitely a school in gauze us history. thank you. i went across now to occupied east jerusalem, where we can speak to teresa book. but theresa, 100 days since the war began, but when it comes to israel and prime minister netanyahu he from latest comments that we've been guessing from him and speeches in the, in this just this evening. he's dumpling down. there was no end of the size as far as he's concerned, as well. that's correct and is read is are marking there's 100 days with protests or marking i'm the strikes they are happening not fully on the street spot, on shopping malls, among many other things. some of them are holding it for 24 hours. they want to increase the pressure on the government to do much more to get to the captives and
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guys are released to and they have, you know, many of them believe the way of moving forward as the government pleases. if it's using a show of force, increasing pressure on how much another groups to release the cavities, but others believe that it is much more negotiation. a prime minister, benjamin? nothing. yeah. address the nation today. he said that this war has to continue the objective, have not been achieved. and that not even the hague is going to stop as well at this point. maybe not his words on the go hold to be to hold for and on the stage of as well the audience. and now security forces are finding an extremely morrow and just a more against the most is of the mass. look at the new nazi's. this international senior campaign will not discourage us on ways to now determination defined to the in the field. something has changed in the history of our people as a hastily citizens of israel. we are on the way to victory, and we will not stop until we achieve victory in tennessee. i know there are those
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who doubted on not wanting to see some of the stuff that was and won't be people in as well believe what the prime minister is saying, even though he's popularity is, has decreased in recent months. they believe that is why it has the right to defend itself. they believe that is why they have the right to guarantee that something of what happened on october 7th will never happen again, but we're starting to see some defense on the streets with the protests on going this saturday here. well, many of those on the streets were protesting against the government, saying that the government was extending this war in order to protect itself to extend the itself in power. and i'm not totally divisions among the population, but also in government. we've seen ministers, we've been the administration and, and lots of disappears about what should happen in gaza, for example, after the war ministers that are calling for a voluntary migration. and that they continue to insist with this in spite of the
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prime minister and nothing yahoo continues to reassure the international community . that's something like this won't happen on monday. that is, that sort of comments that have made it all the way to the i c j on our part of the case against this well, at this point. so what is clear right now is that is where it is not ready to end this more in spite to be enormous to any tiring crisis in guys, i know. but in fact, that this crisis has in the region as a whole. stay with us, theresa, because i want to turn to the okey pod westbank. now this is the scene and so far on a gun, fine and take steering and is riley on the raid on the alpha refugee count. meanwhile, in the city of janine resident say, is there any forces have entered a v refugee camp bed for several directions, including challenges there. janice, who been on the phone to know cause they've been able to hear the sound of fighting,
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taking place as well as we knows conductive nit, like me, right, aids in the occupied westbank since october. let's return to teresa, but uh, so this has also been a very long 100 days for palestinians in the occupied west bank and more res tonight. what more can you tell us? well certainly lots of concerns about the tension, the violence that we've been seeing in the occupied westbank since october, the 7th. 19 ways happening every day of the people there say that they leave under siege even though as well says that if conducting anti terrorist operations, people there say that they're leaving under constant seat. what we know right now is that again is where the forces entered jeanine also the campbell sending through different locations the when towards the hospital. they were searching some ambulances around their probably searching for palestinian fighters. there was exchanges of pyre,
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we could hear the loud noises of those exchanges of fire ongoing. they are at this point. it's not fear whether there's been any casualties or anyone has been arrested that it's not kiera be objective, but palestinians. they are saying that this has been going every day with a military vehicles. both those are as drones inside their territories happening every day. human rights conflicts, we may be concerned about the increase of arbitrary detentions of tortures that we've been seeing in the occupied west bank of the human rights chief of volk, or torque. now is that he that there's been any increase in sadler, violence and alarming increased in february violence inside the west bank over $800.00 palestinians have already been display. so the crisis has been ongoing and guys asked you money tiring prices and guys about, of course, on the west side would seem an alarming increase in violence. over 340 palestinians
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had been killed, that at least over 4000 others had been arrested. okay, thank you for that theresa. by that for us in occupied east jerusalem. now as we've been discussing, thousands as riley is gathered in tel aviv on saturday to vent that and get the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his popularity has taken a significant knock and recent months service handling off the wall in gaza. many accusing of seeking to prolong the role in an effort to cling to power or justice who according for fresh elections, blocked off the highway before police intervene to dispatch the crowds elsewhere and tennessee demonstrates a stage. another weekly protest quoting for the return is ready captives being held in gaza. there's still more than a 130 captives with the war nearing 100 days south pirates has moved from tel aviv is yes, and now the stocks today with tens of thousands of his railings gathered again. but this time to mock almost
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a 100 days since the captives had been held in the gaza strip is a 136 remaining of the men. those that have been taking to the stage have been calling every time that immediate return, in fact, but also a note to the main thing that was taking place just last week between capital and some of the families of those houses account 751 family member had signed the categories for the conversation that they had. they said that the categories were on board and doing everything they can to bring back those campuses. and they also signed them school, facilitating the methics. and that will be delivered to those health. kept safe through the red cross, but interestingly just behind them is what prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been speaking earlier, saying that the priority for him is to bring them back box. this isn't quite what was said from the is hey,
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but let's listen to the prime minister fast. the whole goal of the room. we will bring security back to the north end to the south. no one can stop us, not the hague, not the axis of evil. no one knows what is happening at the hague right now. against the is really state, is that we have others who are trying to create yet another disaster. you will be, well interestingly, as some of the people on the stage will actually calling on a monday morning on the government. so say what are you doing? one said, do you want us to wait for a 100 more days? the wall night was saying that the wall cabinet member benny guns was actually bosses in the crowd. this also as a non, the crisis was happening farther down the road. just remove this one where they will actually calling uh, full prime minister benjamin netanyahu to quit. i'm calling for an early election and they talked extensively about the bill house kind of thing,
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but best government be relied on. they blamed it for what happened on october the 7th, and they said the best time they have to keep home protesting to ensure that the country safe, but also to bring them all by con, thousands of purchases in the united states have taken to the streets and solidarity with the policy and people in the us capital demonstrations, the mount chain cooling for a cease fire and a home. so us aid to israel, several 1000 people have turned up to show the support that's go to my kind of in washington d. c. a took us through what's happening, where you will, a small sleeping plaza class almost as a to now the thousands who were here short while ago marched on the way to the white house with a gathering in lafayette far cope with the road from the white house but earlier
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there was thousands and freedoms plaza, they heard speaker of the speaker express, and it is rarely operations in gaza. and also anger and frustration at the us support for those operations. many in the crowd here, arguing that this it makes that be us implicit in what is happening in gaza calls for an end to be a few patients in the occupied westbank as well. this whole demonstration was in the context of the occupation. most of those who had gathered in the public. yeah, arguing that the root cause of this violence is the of the patient itself speak off, just become a reference to that made reference the fact too that the us support for israel and french, the occupation rather than would bring it to an end. so although you have the i, a of the end of the crowd directed principally towards israel, there was also that degree of frustration and,
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and get divided then ministration. as i said, among the johnston, the close of the day. remember, we'll remember come november. that's in reference to the election set to take place late to this year, and very clear among this crowd that, that is a need to remember in november. the meaning the that there will be consequences for the bite and administration at the polls come the elections like this yet. so what started out as protest within the us against is re reactions and gaza has become over recent weeks, a seminal, domestic political issue. one that could be a major effect in the election in a few months time. like how did that for us in washington dc? thank you. a well, 5000 symbolic tombstones were laid out in the town in the city of naples on saturday to remember the protest and children killed, unable,
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active as initially have often stage process demanding. israel still it's on bottom . it's of cause out in london, protest is not from the financial district to parliament demanding an immediate cease, fine. i'll just there as poor brandon was out the march the 1st mass protest of 2024 u. k. 7th national demo since the stones of israel were on garza was another enormous gathering. more than an hour after the head of the march had become moving the back of the demonstration of not get past the starting point. we're here today so so that even though it's a new year, we have not been on pricing for our with ration for a 100 years of a raise, a flag this year and for a 100000000 until the sign is free. people have come from we've seen a group of 50 miles west of people in the east
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new castle. right. and on the south coast as well. the sentiments here very clearly says find out. if you see what's happening in there's no question about it. have to be have to show solidarity along the routes. the matches with joined fine, little amount of 3 and a half and these are tool puppets created and some of them are she with the child refugees of the syrian war. now lending support to the children killed, wounded and displaced by the constable. it was a broad spectrum of anti war pro palestinian sentiments among the british jewish groups uphold at the is reading. the government's actions. veteran campaign is alongside young davis and several speakers pray. south africa's efforts to bring israel to the international court of justice twice now on the hi, c j, the justice. but the only place got to me i've never been failing, is the piece. this is the part of the people. people are coming up with them and one thing that the government, listen, there must be
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a c spot that's useful as could be now immediate, 5 minutes and comprehensive. the circumstances on the grinding cause out a run this and we need action. nice with us. the message is being delivered to these demonstrations that there is a sense the international public opinion is having an impact is putting it resistible, political pressure on international leaders and is forcing even israel's allies to question that positions. and while the cottage continues, because for a ceasefire, and they get loud pull, brennan, how does 0 london? it's a thousands. i've demonstrated outside the u. s. consulate in johannesburg, submitted midnight was that they've been thousands of posted just like this one across cities in south africa. as long as the war on cause a has continued and people here say they will continue demonstrating against what your role is doing in the occupied territories. and they will continue standing in
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sort of diety with palestinians, especially given the high number of lives lost people. he also encouraged by what the south african government has done in taking as well to the international court of justice. none of us absolutely on the system because that's the genocide is one of the sections by the us. we know to brighten, has denied that there is a genocide going into supporters is speaking father installed last week, this representations of the international court of justice, the freaking residents to run up with us is that because so the is a signal to the genocide convention. it was applied to act, but that's not the only reason it does it because of south africa's own case. and
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this is what many people to identify with the prisoner nelson montela recipient. so that would never be complete without the freedom of tennessee, as people say they're concerned about the levels of a push and the number of people killed and the continuing bombardment goes up. and for that reason, they will maintain this type of prisons wherever they can send me the ultra 0 to how does but in to come to thousands. also rallied in solidarity with the palestinians. the crowds cool said we call install. everything is royal engine. liza has loan support and the palestinian cause. the country has no full diplomatic relations with israel. how many stories is also gathered in the nation's capital, quoting for then to the, is there any offensive, lawrence, today? we have some modest turn out that the message is clear.
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the rally is being held less than a 100 meters from the us embassy in quite a bit before the venue was chosen to make a point to israel's largest support. and actually joining the malaysian people to cope with these fire in gaza. and to highlight that we are not accepting the most, i to her again see it by this thing. and people in does a dozens of age who's suspended together to arrange this event. but the main organize it is, the malaysian of the boy caught divestment and sanctions obedience, movement. it's part of a global boy caught movement. that's called for a day of action around the world. we've had community leaders and n g o representative talk about the history of the occupation as well as the importance of supporting joint. cott again, is brand new company, and corporations that support you as well in one way. it was last month, the malaysian government announced it with bad vessels owned by it's really shipping companies from talking ships on the way to israel will also bought from
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loading cargo at malaysian ports. b s malaysia says that's what's the result of its campaign. a similar thing was actually me, i think, successfully to highlight the the issue. so let's find the history of the conflict and also what's happening in palestine. the palestinian led to movement which has chapters in many countries, has also released a list of corporations to boycott. among wlan mcdonalds, the malaysian franchise holder is suing bts, malaysia for defamation media. as malaysia says, the lawsuit will not stop it from showing solidarity with palestinian protest is here. have taken that message too hot, but we are boy thing because that is the only thing we can do as an individual at among the things that i have bought, the other companies that support israel, the companies listed on the b ds website, the global boy cut movement says target to avoid quite fine spy it by self advocacy,
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n t. a pos like listening, and the us fight for civil rights among others, which have proven to be successful in. and i'm just florence greene. how did you find them? so head on al jazeera, the high ones governing policy candidates, when is the presidential election lighting to has vowed to protect the items from chinese friends the while the months of rain, so certainly picks up across northern australia. however, one, let me show you particularly around that top and dark in the blue and the yellow with the more intense that rain is over the next week. darwin could see half a meter of rain. january is your, what is the month of the year, so no surprises here, but that much rain,
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that fast could lead to some flooding. then there's a heat's in w, a marble bar. 47 degrees. you no, you've now set a record for the most days in a row, 43 and above for the southern hemisphere at 25 days. there's also been some heats in new zealand that continues for it gets been at 30 degrees, the stream of what weather across the tasman has prompted some rain follow birds for the southern hopes on sunday. and let's go to this part of southeast asia, pretty much i'd say the dang south. rancho falls of rain here. they could triggers some funding for the north side. suspect those flight advisors around suburb city will be lifted as those rains. turn a bit lighter winds. now coming out of the north or across the yangtze river valley, so that's dropped temperatures in blue. hon also some showers around as well. so that certainly freshened up things and then we've got more snow piling into northern honshu island and also for support. oh, you could see about,
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i'd say 10 to 15 centimeters of snow over the next 24 to 48 hours season. the latest news, as it breaks, for many people have religion to separate from the states and then not willing to change their traditions with detailed coverage over the next 3 or 4 months when people were entering the main previous case. as a politician or rice, a guy from around the world, it was near here at valley forge that for us, had declared its independence, which still had to fight for this funding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now. hod, anything into blues? as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than that and any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all that good coupes, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities, usb tote. in the security council, this is something they just don't think, look, is
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a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era the the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out is there a mind to tell the story? is this out? the war in gaza has and said it's 100 day to see people including children were killed in the latest. is there any bombing on a residential building and gone to the city on saturday? of in 23800 palestinians have now been killed since the beginning of the war. on october, the 2nd the,
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the new res, across the occupied west find gum fi was hood and t gas 5 by the is really only in i'll fire or refuge account. and then most of the territory, meanwhile, and the city of jeanine residence, say, is there any forces? enter the refugee camp bed from several directions. thousands of protesters around the world have joined ronnie's in solidarity with the palestinians. it's part of a global day of action coatings as well, and it's so on the casa topic, apple assume has this update on the latest is really strikes in which 30 palestinians were killed as one of the latest as strikes had killed a number of residents who have been taking shields and one of the houses in con, you, in a city were also with that confrontations between the palestinian fighters and these many, many trees did not stop at consider it to be one of the hardest areas of fighting as these very forces had announced at,
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alongside with on getting onto the re bombardment where those as of palestinians have been killed in the middle regions as a great and also the rest of the month as the refugee camp where the center for the military focus in the past few hours were also the invitation, if last by the is when it keeps have been fired. tonight's office calling for the troops that dusty can have a clear minute trim ability on the ground. as people have been reporting that mass destruction took place in the, on the areas of most of the white, the town due to the expansion of the east, very ground, including in that part of the middle regions. it's really hard to say that policy is right now or a life or survivors because they are struggling with every single day to afford the basic mississippi's. i'm at the very deep shortage of a human to terry supplies that are allowed to enter to the goals district despite all international efforts made in order to remove or restrictions imposed by the amount of trees on the 8th. and 3 to the goal is to strip the united nations before
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had those that these very forces must remove all the restrictions regarding the delivery to the gaza strip. and there must be a meaningful on conditional method to a delivery to the gaza strip just to help people to keep with the situation and the officer not to result really on going offensive on the gaza. joining me live from london is the ministry unless showing bell. thank you for joining the program. so a 100 days now into this war. how successful would you say israel has been in achieving its goals of the navy, marine it's uh, it is quite difficult to navigate the what israel goals all before. we can assess that as a prime minister, netanyahu has made instead of 3 statements, i think along the way he wants to destroy him ass. he wants to free the hostages, and he wants to remove guns, or is it the trash? but if you don't cast, let's say a mass for a stop to and these right is plain,
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but they killed 8000. and my spine says after the 3rd, 2000 but stats defined, that's less than that. but in terms of frame of g series on host, user being afraid is during a ceasefire. true send a fine thing, more officers of dying than a being released. and in terms of removing the threat, spelling with his fighting goes on. the more it is that there's going to be a legacy the we lead scholars that will pass through generation. so today it's, i think it's probably difficult to see how israel is a cheap any is a subject, it's uh, a date and, and the is there any ami? i've also said that they have taken over full control of the how much command center in northern garza yet we're still seeing how much strikes from that the gas pumps. the difficulty here is that so my says golf base 300 miles network on the golf and metro underneath my galleries, tell me networks and then they're incredibly dangerous for these, right? he's going to these, right? he's a be sealing off lots of access to they use,
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but they doesn't know when most of them all and it does seem as if that said, almost endless task. so i'm asking paul paul, paul is have a come in pull back down to the tunnel that what i've moved down to be the devastation nolan gauze that said above grams, i'm a mass of lawns d b. now let me try it from the area. thought said one of the challenges, the israel bases is a total of low cost to leave northern causes they did, they will be squeezed now into central and southern gaza. but southern galls where is where the sort of a lot of the m. s point is of lead still to be i'll stand it was, well, most certainly still down in con eunice and now you triple the density of the population down there today. so as you were reporting, you know, 23000 over 23000 killed of 60000, injured according to the mass control, the cause of helpful 13 to those of those children. and this shows no sign of blessing outside of the coming days and weeks. well, it gave us
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a sense then of how long you think there is to go with this more. i mean, at least based on what we're hearing from prime minister netanyahu, there is no end in sight. so i think me kind of here is the america. so there's a slight seeing what for me can be created by christmas, whereas the is ready, defense policy spokesman that talked about it not for the gene for another year. but i think part of the challenge here is when i probably between both the emergency operations, the political environment sets the objects. it's, it says what be in the state. what does it want to achieve by the military are a means to an end to achieve that. now most the west, the us of the u. k. included. so the 2 state solution is the only viable option for the future. with palestinian is an x ray. these living, you know, co existing eventually peacefully but was promising netanyahu's main players back is not israel's intent, but haven't said what is intended actually is. is it a one to spend solution? is it clear in gaza?
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and i think that's one of the reasons why the insurance for community is getting more more concerned because it's not clear what israel's ultimate objective here and without knowing well that is how of to assess whether the met she actually is achieving that objective, particularly given the disproportionate level of casualties compared to the 7th and also but the tragic loss of 1200 people in that dreadful car and to tack on each rail. but since then the fee goes all the devastation of just going spiraling, as you say, a huge international pressure. but also domestic pressure for the water, and we have that case brutes in the hague and the i c j by south africa. but today we had again from netanyahu in a speech this evening that he has no intention of stopping the will. if it's not coming from israel, what is it gonna take? who is it gonna take for this? who to come to an end?
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well, i think there are much smotts of minds than i would try to struggle with that my as a military guy, what i would say is that there is absolutely no minute trade solution to what is happening between israel and golf and h den k. it's a financing of proof that if you simply go through the same cycle of violence, he's destined to recover it. who knows what the station lies, buddy boulevard, in some form or 2 state solution. both sides need that security that concerns. but kate, said, palestinians, there's going to be find a way to, to replace despair with her and that surround the prosperity and it will not be resolved by israel. i'm ask, you will have to be resolved through the international community, getting involved funding support securities, bowles and the like that will not be easy. but until bains national committee c cross that nettle, i fed with destined to repeat this endless cycle of bondage and nobody wins. so
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about mid a tree unless speaking to us back from london. thank you. united states has carried out as strikes on humans, kept those from the on site today for the past 2 days, the us and the u. k. a been targeting several sites linked to who the fight is in the capsule. yeah, strikes are in response to moments of hate. the attacks on ships crossing the red sea. any officials say that talking vessels linked to israel. shepherds, how does the as move from washington dc? i think it's, we're going to visit ministration now has a 2 problem strategy to deal with the, who's the attacks on shipping and remember the hers. they say they have international law on that side. they're acting on the. busy legal obligation as a signal the tree of the convention on genocide they are trying to prevent these ready bombardment of gauze. they using these tactics. i've tried to prevent
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shipping going to as well and shipping, connected to as ralph from crossing the red sea as a way to pressure as well and to a cease fire to stopping the bombardment of gauze and convincing what they say is a genocide. the reaction from the white house them has to it would appear to strands well. bowman, as far as boxes is concerned. and he said this the other day. uh like on i think this friday that's giving the booth is you've lost all that with these terrace. yes . that is terrace, sorry my fault, we bump them, and that seems to be the only there any real strategy that that is where we had this of the pentagon briefing on friday as well that we are, we will show that we're simply not to be messed with but it was the quotes from the general. we went over there who are things attacked, then we will retaliate. sorry, brute force. and then we had another strand about strategy would appear just a few hours ago here at the white house, joe biden, on his way to camp david. and he said that he delivered
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a message to iran court. we delivered it privately and with confidence, well, well, per pads. we delivered it privately. i'm very confident, where well for pets. i found the gums and the loading rubbing condition of how the middle east and steam here is i have a terrace to your bomb or your topped around who is pulling the strings of every thing. obviously things are as most effective as will say, the middle east is a bit more complicated than that. but i didn't ever think other than deal with the underlying cause off the bulk of the attacks on international shipping. and the red sea, which is b, is rarely bump up with a gauze i'm calling is ready to stop bombing the dozens. and so hes on the al jazeera outrage in russia as homes struggle to keep boom and freezing winter temperatures. the
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a moment of prayer for waiting into the freezing waters of the rio grande. the youngest today just 2 months old. this is part of a huge search of migrants to reach the us border and recent days, over 4000 a day in the mexican state of while we live alone. all my friends have cross, they have of cross. now this is what lies in store for them, hours of waiting in the cold to be processed by overwhelmed custom and border patrol officers on the texas side of the border increase and illegal crossing is the result of smugglers moving large numbers of people through mexico project cards to the immigration authorities here have meant they stop detaining and reporting on documented migrants in mexico is very hard to get through immigration. it's back to now. as pressure throws on a sharply divided us congress to act thousands more migrants in southern mexico are
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preparing to head north trying to reach the us before the new year. the . the, let's take a look at some of the news now. taiwan has a new president, likes launching chair of the democratic progressive policy, or d, p. p. has one friday's race. his policy favors a more independent taiwan. china considers the on and as a break away proven, says the re certification if taiwan is inevitable. despite the verge of correspond, attorney chang has moved from type a. the photos in taiwan costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections relations with china. very much on their minds,
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but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say, well, what i considered, most importantly, is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of tie. one of the republic of china just yeah. how long would at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates who were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is a threats that they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that? this implies that no, i think people already know how chun are we'll re add and have go so many years. they already know, know, the combination of is not decided by either uh, china or taiwan and,
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but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time, democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right. to close to 70 percent with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear winner stone to to emerge in the center of typeface support has the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p. p. it's don't sit together. there's the votes mounted up. so to fix it, so with a 50 percent chance it's. # pretty simple, just think the belief victory that soon the hoops will can send a lead the couldn't be of the come and the new president who had a message for the rest of the world. we are telling the international community
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that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to work side by side with democracies from around the world. the celebrations went on into the night. this was a victory. it was fun for me. sure. and this led me to the back left. china will not be please. tony king l 20 type thing will taiwan is election result is seen as a rejection of phasing schools for the on and to unify with china, i would say cross straight tensions and likely to escalate when the president elect begins his tub. katrina, you reports from sherman city to in china, southern salman city. people routinely stopped by this temple to pay that respects to mazda to the goddess of the seats. the dallas daisy is worshipped by millions in this region as well as across the street until i want many tony's have some new
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roots here, and locals are eager to emphasize their shit history. tywon and we both worship module because most when they use our descendants of people from these provinces, food. yeah, originally we have one family, found the unfortunate i to you we have same ancestors. we shared the same culture and this shows how close we are. china is officially atheist country, but the government promotes the worship of mazda to encourage the voters from taiwan to visit the mainland. state media says the board has placed a key role in peaceful reunification with the government. but beatings close to unify were rebuffed by ty, one's 23000000 strong population on saturday as they were just the lighting touch. be the next president, given the governing democratic progressive bosses or d, d. p, an unprecedented the to and then office. chinese leaders have called like
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a dangerous separatist whose leadership could lead to more to issue a typo going toward the president elect sees himself as a taiwan independence worker was saying his election victory will minimize the risk of cross straight comp. let me do you believe it is here, and i don't think he himself believes it. what kind of thoughts are aging is unlikely to respond to lies coles to restart dialog dialog, which ended when current president saying when came to a pallet in 2016. analysts say cross retentions all likely to worse, but we could see the suspension of an economic trade agreement that was signed between the 2 sides of back in 2009, as well as continued military escalation across the median line. and if i want straight chinese presidents, you didn't, pain has vocal without taking tie one by force. so now they things efforts to intimidate and influence those on the island will likely continue by whatever means
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possible. katrina, you shellman city food in provence, china. let's take a closer look at ty, ones, next president, niche and tables that goes by the name william has been serving his vice president . he's a full of physician who studied at harvard university is victory and fridays page. just seemed by many as a loss for china. the 64 year old has repeatedly defended taiwan independence from beijing. these also permits to work with the united states. to build up the audience, national defense, taiwan, outgoing president, sighing when has saved the maximum of 2 terms and office. she worked closely with ly in the pos beijing has rejected. office to hold talks with. i think the guy is the vice president of the sense of a ton in globalization. he says the re unification of taiwan. to mainline shawna is non negotiable, charlize. now the,
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the find the separate is to move lending taiwan as an type piece. and if the separatist, the entire web moves towards separatism, they will treat god response from china. and i hope is the live will be fully aware of that. and who will care about peace and prosperity of development inc. i was and will be open to talk to chat and about the one time the policy in taiwan being part of china. so we care about what you will do as the leader going forwarding taiwan. and we hope everything will be down to promote peace across the taiwan strait brother then depriving people across the 2 sides of the taiwan straits of peace. all prosperity and all stephen of china would always be open minded to talk with whoever, who is the guy was a one condition that is there was only one china, taiwan being part of china. if somebody wants to violate that principle,
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there will be no adult because it's not necessarily good talk to for separate just wanted break one away from china. therefore, any talk between china and taiwan will be on the pre condition that there is one china, taiwan being part of john. all that condition. i see everything is possible. the hey, was the cost of rushes, struggling to cope in freezing winter conditions, casing systems in many areas of collapse, funding years of disrepair. usually a ship of a lot of i reports them is uh yeah. we uh, freezing, who would have sold that winter could happen in russia. the snow joke is frequently had as people from a number of regions all over the country of coming together to express that and, and frustration of balance or lack of hayes in the homes. in the show to the jews, they criticize the local authorities who they say has not been adequately prepared
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for winter. some even appeals directly to the russian president. vladimir pretending we are forced to turn to you for help because the municipal authorities don't respond in the town of adults most got more than 20000 residents have been left without hazing for several days. due to an accident at the main boiler house, the hazing facilities located in the grounds of a private high security amunition planned. and when things went wrong, that led to present peace into order the complex nationalized. but the problems run deep, but the mismanagement is lashelle 9 for support. uh. its choose a one at infrastructure. insufficient funding and effective governing system and qualified personnel shouldered the outflow of migrants which coincided with the beginning of the conflict. and you crying towards this last stage, media said you are good freeze without the russian guns, which was blake halted due to the conflicting ukraine. these yeah, it seems the tables have tons as beyond conflicts in ukraine approaches. it's to
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yeah, knob. the system in russia is beginning to show some signs of fatigue. no one knows what the limits of with 0 ability is behind a facade of stability and prosperity. if there is a loss of dilapidated infrastructure and questionable governance on, let's say the problem needs to be solved systematically of the several. yes, i know patch top and hurry on my side of what just a minute. this is a need for drastic performs in the housing and utility systems. voters should hold the local governments accountable for their actions. we can't afford seni, now, employees and finances to the war. plus of sanctions from the equipment used by all utilities services are listed. things will improve gradually. the hazing crisis is the latest in the series. the rate increased caused by wives and mothers, quoting from the return of the men financing in ukraine. a southern rise and at prices has also added to her was some, let's say that this content is growing as
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a general frost titles. he's always the grip of warring sign, perhaps weeks before the presidential elections due to be held in march. you lash above all of the ultra 0 most square. okay, that's it for me my, the inside has on speak. i will be here in just a moment. stay with us. the it is a tenant up there to produce objective these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the fringes of israeli public discourse, anti war voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this
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space where the story goes next, the memories vendor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating a chart fen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie though they're still quite as be well, but i said less indeed i this bit of a humble sure expensive become a global commodity price doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the reading that i'm assume that we're talking about we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators into dismantling or ring a short den traffickers video be my gosh. okay. think of that. he always thinks
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under the me until the following is car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead or rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are puddings. i'm spaces and starts at risk. you said the 100 days of dest suffering, and pain destruction and resilience, as well as war on gaza, answers it's 100, they would know and insights the and i'm having. speaker, this is i just need a life from the also coming up. finally asks what she did wrong and his rabies try kills


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