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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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because of the governing democratic progressive policy, o d p p, it's delta together, this the votes moves it up. so to take the 50 percent of the town to. # the gc piece of all just take the lead victory. 2 it's doing the hoops, what can the lead the couldn't be overcome? and the new president who had a message for the rest of the world, we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracies from around the world. the celebrations went on into the night. this was a victory that was far from the shore. and this led me to the back left. china will
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not be pleased. tony king l 20 type thing. police in ecuador, say, 11 more prison gods, who had been held hostage by inmates, have been released a 158 gods and 20 present staff. members were taken on monday and 7 prisons, part of a space of gang violence, the shaking the country. it started last week off the one of equity was most powerful drug lords escaped from jail. that was followed by a series of police kidnappings and an attack on a tv station present. daniel noble has declared a state of emergency, a landslide in north west columbia has killed at least 33 people. it happened near town in the chuckle region. 30 saying many people were buried when they left the cause to take shelter in a house. during heavy rain, for dozens of people were injured. the prosecutors emperor, who have requested as 34 years for the census for former president pedro castillo. he is accused of carrying out a crew of the he tried to dissolve congress in 2022 is moving spots to wave of
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protests across the country. preparations are on the way in the danish capital for the crowning of prince frederick countries, new king. the public proclamation will take place in copenhagen on sunday. his australian born wife mary will be named queen consul frederick's mother clean margaret's debt abdicated the throne. earlier this month, when the queen says she was educated and quite a little further, it was said, yeah. so i'm probably going to do that tomorrow as well because some of them are extensive mental he's, he's very um, into people. or at least it feels like he's into people and i think he's doing great. people really liked him. that's it. back in half an hour, it was more of the days use. the bottom line is next on i just we will never concede, it doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it at 8 or 3 years
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after protest is storms of the capital. the new rates for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates. once again battle, trump for the nomination, stay with alpha 0. so the us election 2024 a. hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question. what can guys this past tell us about it's future? let's get to the bottom line. the for decades guys, i has been the number one hot spot between palestinians and israelis, and it seems so much death and destruction. but it's so much more than today's headlines. for starters, because it is literally thousands of years old, sitting at the crossroads between africa and asia. it's always been a vibrant trading city. and empires have bought over it, including the pharaohs, the persians, the greeks, the arabs, and the crusaders. now is israel reduces the gaza strip to rumble, killing and maiming tens of thousands of palestinians after her mazda surprise
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attacked in october. what's going to become of it? have israel's attempts to seal it off from the rest of the world really works and will the united states and israel ever recognize the central role it plays in the palestinian struggle. today we're talking with john pierre. feel you a long serving french diplomat and government advisor who is now a professor of middle east studies. it's he owns po in paris and he's author of gaza. a history. thank you so much for joining us. let me just start with your book and what, what possessed you, 10 years ago to identify gaza as a rich topic to study and to write this book of its history the best i was. thank you so much. like i'm very tiny invitation. i stopped to goes thinking about the book decades ago since my 1st visit to go. so i was as early as 19 eighties and i came back and back during goes or trusting to show the astrology and to
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try the 2nd and to try the 2nd to shut off after. and i think this project's showing that this is treat. what is it does have to retrieve, oh, that's not true during the games treat most country to home. it's history. is that the history of the raising such a forceful as you just mentioned, was essential. is that going to games is very rich, history was going against the nature of god. enough across the gates is their structure of his population. you describe rock of gauze in its historical true form as a place that was lush, that was prosperous. that was a trading essentially a trading state, essentially a very, very different picture. could you give our audience some understanding of the many thousands of years of the gaza had a very, very different role. busy and you know,
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sense ability, if you will, between now and, and what used to be it was basically wages as a, uh, the outlet of the, what the has on the does that. so i need to submit the john and see i knew it was a commercial hub between uh i forgot an issue, but also submitted it on the outlet folder. cut off, but it's coming from sir. i've just been in sure. now this is, oh guys that can be known as a service. does that to happen in arabic? because the beginning of the 6th century he wrong. i sent him up in my life. one of the great grandfather, perfect mohammed, died, didn't get about why he was running to the top of the so called up here. radio arrayed, yesterday's because the guy that was key as a trading both forms of projects that are coming from the start of read. yeah. so
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did you start with, did you do not use a lot of cost us as expected you out to pose, that was uh, yeah, i just sent to that, right, right. and we use of those, you know, call them fire them kingdom but also at the same time as a trading foster commission of each other, the huge, the whole cycle, you come and even just city, they have units the to the center. so blood, the beach of battles units will be the 14th century by your move in your commander uh gustavo z. and the each was named after he had your list because it was a 100 for huge commercial building. is that extended into a full shred city? so he missed like the rest of is a guess, our area was basically across, slowed their trading area and sometimes even a free trade every year. free trade zone for is
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a competing get towers in jerry. yeah. so shop here for 4000 in years. what i'm understanding from you is garza matter. it was on the map, the nations were trading with an intrigue was happening there. it was an oasis for for the last couple of decades. guys has been getting the massive message. it doesn't matter that the palestine can be an issue that shoved done to the rug. tell us about the tension. historical tension between gaza that used to matter so significantly and gods are being told, sorry, we don't even want to pay attention to the israel palestine issue as well. is the key of costs as a link between what i've done the imagine frontier agent today is of cause of the young going uh, knocked about as a catastrophe. is a click to deny your lives, opinion, the aspirations. and this is how does uh, the raises across fold became so does us treat just think about the square of the
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street. we just treat both for the each for next october, the wall as a walk independent from the straight point of view, a z, a wall, but a style of the direct object of use refers to stream. yeah, we'll go from the starting point of view of 19 for j. $1314.00 bought and went to was stopped in january 1949 street towards the left. it was a z on the street next. what was the british mandate by the state? what was our 1st i'm because 77 percent of the commission and 22 percent. the feet of the next buys a i should my kingdom of georgia. so this it gets us treat under issue tional. sorry. t was in fuzzy on the street left of iraq, published on and as you get the complex it. so that was the 1st 3 entities that made that it also suffered from japan as being an issue. that's one of the guys i
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because who's and that's about uh, must exist. there's something about a student population, the home to the 25 percent of you for about completion of spanish time concentrated on the one percent of each former territory. so it's about a senior guy that called, it know was off of north up because from the published i know from the, from the south is that she and strong should start and gather even in very difficult conditions. so this is how does that give us a center by this time and you said 20 t. other story in the was struck by the fact that it was not fully taken into account by so, but a scene of the story over a few that goes most center on shows that i'm of course, all of the researchers into the store. but not on the refugees that stayed on the very end of the punish time. meaning, garza know in 1948. as i understand that prime minister of israel,
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david been gree on wanted to allow a 100000 of the palestinian refugees who fled to gaza to go back to their village is what was happening there at that point. it was immediately after this fire, when for the 1st and only time the united nations organized in switzerland, the siege of flows of the comprehensive piece sculpture rugs noted to settle in the aspects of these fairly robust street. and the most pressing issue was the effect of the refugee. so in order for his friend to uh, deal with that is such a issue. uh, definitely been going on proposed is that 20000 refugees uh phones a dentist treat wont be resettled into what that becomes a surgery if you spent this was an unprecedented offer. and in fact, the last one uh,
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a section of tied back in january to huge debate. can you shred because that was a very stronger uh, denial of any return service, jeez, batch, batch pets. the strategy pre condition was for uh, gets up to the next by each man as i chose what proposed ben, go you to settle fulton for the whole issue. 6 was the shoes by the states and the special you did that thats forth so much and just so many lives to protect is it gives us treat ends up for the end of it. but what is interesting and what you need to said, well, need us to mentor that been going on with the founder of the state of use, right? understood from the one that does uh, because of the concentration of gene and richard g into south west corner of east van. we presented it shut edge that we dealt with. and since
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1949 you said tried everything was good. huh. and said, oh, and uh, i'm afraid that the spines i'm probably because of the magnitude of the destruction is that she's waiting. all right? no between say again, because the answer to get to the easy yes. a to be you to choose a package and in question, you've written a reset for an affairs article called y garza matters, and i recommend it to everyone to read this in this article. john pierre, you talk about casa, in, in, in part, by the design of is really policy has become the hub, the key hub of palestinian nationalism. and that, that much of what we've seen in the tension we've seen was by, is we'll o and design and creation in terms of the policies it talk. so how do,
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how does the future look and, and how do you take guys uh, were you argue it's the key to peace and prosperity to become, you know, something it took to get into a different equation right now when you look at the, you know, the the importance of palestinian nationalism is you've written it and you say it's in gaza. you're not talking about ramallah. you're talking about gaza. yes. got a central and your very right one to lines of even a sudden patterson, and he does some of these details for years. i didn't get that much attention to get to the website quite each must have meet that is that in 2007. how much 2 goals are against that? and they got to read the funds are described as a, as in the know, does it need them to realize own voltage costs for their mahmoud abbas? what being elected the president of the police, tanya?
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t for a just a 2 years before should i come to does that? does that say my adult phone does have to say separated from the rest of the spend and such was not the case. so there was denied you're a 1st engine, centrally key by his friend, but also the denial of guy's us and trying to teach by most of suited. but his team leader sheet. and this will cost us to start if we don't from the side to to repeat the trip petition would be more violent, smoke blood, these approved as far as i started. and i counted shifting, shifting $15.00, each really was on guns options, biking folks. it was was where one for the boat meeting, everybody's room by the way for the last 4 digits really except wow, they're 52 product because the 1st the dish pack into for the tree. good zip piece dynamics finish. that is, that in 1992 booked power,
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it sucks. how be we is the top priority to didn't gauges trade. yeah, me, phone garza, but instead of looking for military solutions, looked for political solution. is that towards the beginning of the simple process and 0 slope agreements. so that means that people like to seem totally give sheet as long as these fragments of ballast. and then you just shoot the cost back to the mode. this is international community because it's possible to say that ok, so want to be over that don't really deal then we stopped it. no, no, no, no. does i can a, b, b, c is more, it seemed possible. chelsea southern search to humanity, but also to risk before the last because they were seeing such as the afternoon of the beard. officer brocade of guys up for 16 years by the
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thread was a collaboration or fidgeted dissolves. and this easiest brocade, is that literally consolidated? how much greek altogether, and it is, we don't want the samsung truck to the worst. that, of course, different to the different place she has to be followed and it does allow us to be altered to the world. so we the tools as a week, as being not only for centuries before millenniums and falls, or more bitten sheets of the region, the re folk as a and it's genetic that's your, your talk in your article, john pierre, about a very beautiful different vision that might have taken place might have, i should underscore if james wolfensohn had had his way. it was a $3000000000.00 development plan in the, in the 19 ninety's bought about um, uh for gaza. james wolfensohn was president of the world bank, and this was undermined by ariel sharon, the prime minister of israel,
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who was undermined by other forces. but you talk about the importance of getting back to that kind of thinking of returning gaza to a prosperous, major economic hub. is there any prospect of that happening as you see it? and because you talk about it being the way forward, but who is going to do that? well, again, you know, i'm, i'm just restoring, using my office in the, in power is. but i can see that if mister watson, something you know from the head of the world back phone reasonable in 2000 shies for world is 3000000000 dollar plan to do look, go to the not on need to do that. but to invest my understanding of the media industries on monday for several median. so she's friends, monday to project really date is a green house, is also he's very set them us know there to give them it was about a cmc in 2005,
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the whole project was smashed, but only by shown by just court just for the seat of the, such as we're building down everything, exhaust the problem, disease collection, easiest experience. we're really backed so much money on that. i think it was quite a shout bit because your most of the money is actually be spent for me on the constricting which is actually being give these truck under our various times with the phone, wrist. you know, we'd be, i don't. 0510. i heard incredible mine, but when she just just to review what existing, what it is usage is not sustainable is not sustainable, but a senior people. it does. all of this is a right while the future was on the rise and at least for reason us to be open.
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this verizon being open, we open. i'm actually come sheets of that is your rise as far as the whole region of these fairly close to the peace process of the push. so all of these really, all rods are relations. you're a diplomat and an advisor for success is french governments for 2 decades. what would be your advice to not only france but to other governments as they look at this crisis today? and as we try to look forward. well, this very moment, i just the key never got any capacity of not in the mall. and a few should on known official stages each over about. i'm convinced that you are united you as a key role to play. because the true, we should all because of your vision in front of it because it's a survey key challenge because for you to read,
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you don't mention that. but there is a connection between the war and ukraine, as a warrant to new jersey said, continues playing on both seattle. it's very sluggard and you know the falls at craig and fall into 5. i caught it not to to be most threatened. well, the oil and gas, i'm not going to be stuck back to is a piece dynamics of to stop and new york in union is in maine, the trade off. now a few strategies of main don't notice about as to now $40000.00 the leverage on both in standards. but what is more important for you? you put your point of view and i want to stress that is that in the previous gate, we so how much you are paid when it done the blind, i mean the least of the crisis is that so she pulls the, that can states of america all the way editing, quote and quote that quote,
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the sheer number revolution that don't need to blood the, uh, uh, was that yes of the regime launched on his own people. so you won't get on the phone to, to, to get you enrolled into resort towards the so called refugee crisis of 2015, as long as you have the at the all way. is that for, so you're a, as a g, a vested to, i wouldn't even say fighters interest settings issue. and then being involved in goes up because of the small bent. this is a bulk into shapes and use for a new device, new in the re now the do not to our d. n a g a to, to, to promote situations is, is yeah. and ghost in the, in the present to tactics is i'm not, you constructed g, as in the foreign power to take charge. and because i'm sorry to
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say america, the katie, it's the vision for peace by letting is duster feet up. and they asked to do without any revision for the day after because of the european union for its own sake, us to step in. i'm just wondering, does this one feel different, more than a 100 guys, a heritage sites have been damaged or destroyed? you've got the greater mari mosque, the church of saint plus for us, which is what followed to be the 3rd oldest church in the world, destroyed 2000 year old roman cemetery, rock and museum. these are cultural and historic sites. is there something else in your sense going on in this conflict? it's different than others. i was so so as you just mentioned, so by me to the destruction of all the sites you mentioned, i believe 2 centuries off walls invasions occupation. is that
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being damaged at such a degree? so it's always easy to read. you're quoting because it's part of the memory of many g is that is that he's vanishing in front of our lives. but what is it so to me, more important does a large thing get an impression of the shot? yeah, you know, it is a human human being before the stones, even historical stones is off costs is it is a women and men of guns not ends are kept off. trophy is already exceeding every saying is that by the side of and your competitors are not about 1940, like boss ends in mass executives of the listing population, rob owner versus of the year 1948 searching cells and ballast and cute morris. now we offer up 23000 for re
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more, so reduce the number, but actually you proportion because it was one percent of the population of the time. and now one percent of the population of, of uh, it does uh of the cube and is actually the notifications that it's going to stop even when he comes to zig z o. just 6 of the subs in that box was a $750000.00 plus the 1st and units being forced out of their homes. now you are nearly a 1000000000 people well being forced inside yourself. so oh, for sure. it is. yeah, definitely these plays, but in fact the refugees, 2nd with reference to subway were for just for sweeper for me because sometimes it'll be moving from place to place to ups. okay. or run this is a so by me to does a tragedy is unprecedented. i will thank you so much for helping us to understand
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the history of gaza as a great oasis in this region's history. thank you so much french historian john p or feel you thank you for being with us today. so what's the bottom line? after world war 2 diplomats and generals from around the world creative united nations, they launch the marshall plan to rebuild europe, and they turn the occupation of japan into a re wiring of that nation's politics. it's economy and even national psyche traumatic time supports us to rethink, to recalibrate and redesign. and that will happen with gaza as well, whether the west likes it or not. israel has cost previous attempts at economic development in gaza, but for thousands of years because a has been a prosperous and large cross road between north africa and the lavon helping cause had it become what it is always been. is the kind of creative thinking that turns a nightmare into a thriving and robust economy and a state that palestinians will one day be able to cherish and celebrate sure
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there's a long road ahead. but that's a vision that rides with history. and that's the bottom line, the, the car has been going off of the sauce the full day. it's a 120 kilometers in many areas. how does the news continues to define their basic needs to live? certainly this year most of them are some of the rumbling that have been doing this now. i'm not is outgoing. from here i see the 11 east side. there is new . any place in gaza is considered to be safe, either in the north or the south, nor in you on shelters or in hospitals. and other federal tax upfront takes on
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the big issue, studies of post types to what is happening now. it is a school thanks. question, profession and unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads, profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without 0 zeros here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt? how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas? of course, we cover major global defense, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man and region. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care states as the world is increasing
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the crypt and the mental health epidemic i was getting inside the text every day before school. it was horrifying. for po to spend in diverse corners of the globe. us big questions about how we can improve our well be remove those unconscious images. i never sold anything loc, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health. on august the
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the $100.00 days of death, suffering pain, destruction and resilience. israel's war on gaza inches. it's 100 the day with no and the inside the i'm having to think of this is just the that live from the also coming up a family ask what she did wrong and is really strike kills a young girl and 11 of her relatives in god's.


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