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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the $100.00 days of death, suffering pain, destruction and resilience. israel's war on garza enters it's 100 the day with no and the inside the i'm having to think of this is as you see that live from also coming up a family ask what she did wrong and is really strike kills
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a young girl and 11 of her relatives in gosh, no lights up in the occupied westbank is really forces, right? janine and alpha i repeat, you can and hundreds of thousands around the world rally and solidarity with palestinians demanding a ceasefire. and does the for the people of gauze of the past 100 days have felt like a 100 years? that's the message from the un agency for palestine. refugees on saturday. it's 0100 gmc, that's 2 am in gaza where people are now in, during the hundreds day of a risk war. 30 people including children, all the lights is killed in his riley bombing on a residential building and gauze. a city more than 23800 palestinians. i've been killed since the start of take some of those heavy giving me a few. how did these 100 days past? i do not know how they possibly,
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but they passed with bits and this was mocked as wounded. they possibly see means of pain and cruelty and sorry, and we witness destruction. not only of homes of universities and schools and what was bottom was not just hospitals on the street. the targets, not any medical teams or ambulances. it's our dreams, are aspirations, arts for a dignified life. we had tried to live on the seats and then they also went with them getting and then there's been showing across the strip on saturday and communicate telecommunications blackout homes on ruins and hospitals are overwhelmed via the meal. i returned to bait honeymoon and found the city completely destroyed unfit for living, with no food or water. for that reason, a pray to god to improve a situation and bless us so we can leave a dignified life. we alter the risk people who deserve to leave like any other people. for those the less to live life is a constant struggle, palestinians, and gaza had been displaced several times for a stall, vacation disease, and
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a constant fear that no way is safe thought able assume it begins our coverage of a bits far well to her baby girl. she's a victim of and he's very strong on the home. and since we're a rough, i in garza the attack also killed 11 members of her family who had gathered for dinner the bit. and the guy didn't seem of a sudden escalation, and her home was bummed at night by is really f. 16 were playing football since that was so small, i was not staying with that. and on this, the only women children were kept in the house. 14 of them, they were all killed in a couple of feet. a hi. yeah. supposedly heavy. this is a baby girl, so i'm not what wrong did you do to these riley's, she died hungry. if you can see you're holding a load of bread and her tiny hand she held tied to it. we could not remove it from her hand. is this baby girl, a fighter? i'm not much. that's the last night i didn't. well, i'm a funeral prey. is it too with
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a grease assembly struggled to keep with loss for the nice ox, the hospital endeavoured months into darkness. cars run out a few of the hospital is the lifeline for thousands of pounds thing and seeking medical attention and shelter from the east valley abutment. this black outpost is a friend to the lives of many, including premature babies in 2 pages. of the medical stuff is doing all they can to save the patients. and life of the situation is threatening the lives of many newborn babies. and many patients were trying to work with what we have. but we will have to stop working completely because we don't have any electricity outside the streets of derek. but i have turned into a battle field. the sound of gunfire is marking another day of origin plus buttons. is really military operations have intensified across the gaza strip. with the recent varieties as strikes hitting
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a roads linking between roughly con eunice civilians who are co to the costs for you do not know where to go to find the safety. it's not recognizing algebra roof, so bring cause a whole month. so schumann is a resident of hon. eunice in southern cause a he says, palestinians remain resilient despite all the challenges together with 2 points. the 1000000 all that kind of speed instagram's here. i think no one would have thought that we would have gone through on the days of all of this so it's um. busy i want her to, despite all of these challenges, no more, all of the front us tedium people here are still very high and they remain determined sort of means that's passed to continue supply before the lights. despite like i said so many challenges, there was only 2 for the last 100 years. it's been a bathroom. i have no support,
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which was mass communication blackouts that are no phone calls that are able to be made. no internet is available unless you have special east terms of goals, especially in locations. people need to continue. people don't have time to go through the video to channels that i'm also action. you need it, you know. or else they told him sort of vice every day is a struggle to flight schools to find water, to get the profit of closing, to ensure that your chances hopefully taking care of despite all that rain and the cold weather, finding clean bottles, ensuring that's how popular medication as we go through the cold and flu season. um it's, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's honestly, it's, it's american. got to finish. painting happened here. are still not only like i said, sort of why they try to continue to reduce that cost a little bit easy that to me because they believe that they are providing for the
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tools or friday for the free the oh, they're not lovely. anything at all? they do not want that piece of 1947. what do they watch sports? uh, we watch sports out answers to you. of course they need to live. see what in before? i think the drum sounds and drums the know their exact lesson plans, the unreturned as well. just stay here and together. one different world on the outside. i miss dudley. besides the senior ones in dominions, i've seen delete this with the i c g course. and how they are summarizing in detail in english. what has happened uses other students, even this on a big moran who stepped it up under ca, civilians who have been more rides across of the occupied westbank. this was the scene in front of an earlier gunfire. and 2 guest julian is really on the right on the outside of the refugee camp. meanwhile, in the city of jeanine residents,
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their site is ready forces entered the refugee camp there from several directions unless costs and now to occupied east jerusalem to speak with teresa. both so teresa, this has been a long 100 days for palestinians in the occupied west bank as well. more rights tonight. what more can you tell us as well, that's correct, and lots of concerns about what's being happening in the occupied westbank in the past 100 days with the tensions violence weights happening every day. what we know is that there was another inc, carson, other raid, and the janine camp. apparently they entered as it is where the security forces answered from different locations. they headed towards the hospital, they are searching ambulance, searching for palestinian fighters. there is being flashes, i'm fighting ongoing. that is still going on. it has an end that it's not clear yet what the objective was, however,
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is where the security forces say that they're carrying out on the high terrorists operations about the people living in the confines surrounding areas and in the villages in the west bank say that they're leaving and they're seen that's happening in jenny, but we also know as you were mentioning inside a heavy firefight ongoing, again, between palestinian fighters and his riley security forces and not far away from cause the there were some flashes between palestinians. he was throwing stones against his way into security forces, who again answered some of their communities and this is happening every day. and this is happening every night. this is what people have been living there for the past 100 days. there's lots of concerns about human rights organizations, about arbitrary arrests about torture, about the tensions of the killings that have been ongoing there. and this is also happening as there's been an increase in sadler violence in the occupied westbound . there's around $500.00 illegal settlers leaving inside occupied westbank and the
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violins there has increased dense. this comes along a dire economic situation on going inside the occupied westbank with palestinian workers not being able to come to as well to work with. the east riley government would hold the 1000000 some dollars in taxes that are destined immediate to pay for salaries and the policy and resorting cannot pay workers inside the occupied westbank. so it's an extremely difficult situation that has continued to escalate human rights. organizations are asking for a solution not only for what they mean going with this way, the security forces, but also with a federal violence has that has increased in the past months, a teresa boat and occupied east jerusalem. thank you. out. thousands of israelis gathered in tel aviv on saturday to vent their anger at the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his popularity has taken a significant hit in recent months over his handling of israel's war in gaza. many accuse nothing out of seeking to prolong them in an effort to cling to power.
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protesters who are calling for fresh elections blocked off the highway for police, intervene to disperse the crowds. elsewhere in tel aviv demonstrate to space another weekly protest calling for the return of his really captives held in gaza. there's still more than a $130.00 held inside of height. it has more from that protesting tel aviv. yes. and now the fact today with tens of thousands of his railings gathered again, but this time to mock almost a 100 days since the captives had been held in the gaza strip, is a 136 remaining of the men. those that have been taking to the stage have been calling every time that immediate return, in fact, but also a note to the main thing that was taking place just last week between capital and some of the families of those houses account 751 family member had signed some categories for the conversation that they had. they said that the categories were
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on board and doing everything they can to bring back those campuses. and they also signed them for facilitating the message. and that will be delivered to those health caps if through the red cross. but interestingly, just behind them is what prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been speaking earlier, saying that the priority for him is to bring them back box. this isn't quite what was said from the is hey, but let's listen to the prime minister fast. the whole kind of them. we will bring security back to the north end to the south. no one can stop us, not the haig, not the axis of evil. no one will see what is happening at the hague right now. against the is really state, is that we have others who are trying to create yet another disaster. you will be. well, interestingly, as some of the people on the stage will actually calling on a monday morning on the government to say, what are you doing?
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one said, do you want us to wait for a 100 more days? and walnut was saying that the wall cabinet member benny guns was back to me office in the crowd. this also as a non the protest, what's happening farther down the road, just move this one where they will actually calling the full prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so quit calling for an early election and they talked extensively about the bill. how come the thing but best government be relied on? they blamed it for what happened on october the 7th, and they said the best time they have to keep home protesting to ensure that the country safe, but also to bring them all back home. thousands of protesters in the us have taken to the streets in solidarity with the palace thing and people in the us capital demonstrate as a cooling for a c spot and a whole to us aid to israel. several 1000 people turned up to show this pool. i
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just as mike hannah was at the protest in washington dc and there was 1000 some freedoms plaza. they heard the speaker of the speaker express. and it is rarely operations in gaza and also anger and frustration at the us support for those operations. many in the crowd here, arguing that this it makes that be us implicit in what is happening in gaza. there were calls for an end to the occupation in a be occupied westbank as well. this whole demonstration was in the context of the occupation. most of those who had gathered in the plaza here, arguing that the root cause of this violence is the occupation itself. speak off the speaker made reference to that made reference to the fact too that the us support for israel in french, the occupation rather than would bring it to an end. so although you have the i,
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a of the end of the crowd directed principally towards israel, there was also that degree of frustration and get divided administration. as i said, among the johnston, the close of the day. remember, we'll remember come november. that's in reference to the elections that will take place late to this year, and very clear among this crowd that there is a need to remember in november. the meaning the that there will be consequences for the bite and administration at the polls come the election slate. this yet. process is support. palestinians also took place in the u. k. tens of thousands of people gathered in london. they went to parliament square calling for an end to israel's rule on guns. the still ahead on i just need a whole roads to the white house lead through iowa state gets ready to kick off the 2024th presidential primaries season. we'll look at what's at stake,
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the frank assessments to the problem is there is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera pod came in to be used as a un. i'm back to the position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any of your thoughts providing answers my question to you. all the good coups i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer. facing realities, us vito, in the security council, this is
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a may just something go because it did excess to hear the story on told to how does era hearing the facts have you had to be late? 50 has the support of $15000.00, implement the shelf economic plan to do is teams across the world. we're going to go and have a look at some of those about choices. how when you closer to the house of the story, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, again, you're watching, i just, yeah. remind a laptop stories this out so that the people including children were killed. and the latest is really plumbing on
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a residential building and gaza on saturday. as the walk in gaza has entities 100 state more than 23800 palestinians have been killed since the staff of the conflict on october 7th. and the more rides across the occupied west bank gunfire was heard and 2 against 5 by these randy army in the refugee camp in the north of the territory. meanwhile, in the city of jeanine, people say, is there any forces into the refugee camp they have from several directions. thousands of protesters around the world have joined rallies and sort of dallas, even with the palestinians as part of the global day of action. calling for israel to end, it's a sold on guns. the crowns also gathered in the rocky capital bank that our correspondent zane bus robbie was there this weekend evening, crowd. boston dot is small by a rocky standards. normally,
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demonstrations rallies here in a square attempt to attract a much larger crowd, but something significant is happening. the rocky malicious turn. political parties are out rallying in support of humans, fighters, humans, heap. you lead government after tax by the us and the u. k. for blocking sessions in a strategic waterway as retaliation for israel. there on garza in support, a palestinian people and against the ongoing israeli occupation also a 100 days nearly a 100 days into israel's war on the cards, which is already reverberating throughout the air. and the worry coordinators here in iran as well as around the. ready if it carries on much longer, it could spread and political rallies like this, click on something for incendiary. voltage could become something more dangerous as
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public outrage and anger in their cities like continues to grow in may not be in the hands of regional leaders or any will lead to contain any of the fall out that makes the same bus. robbie holes. is there a look at to some of the news now taiwan has elected a new president, leaching tear of the democratic progressive party or the p p. one fridays race is faulty, favors or more independent to taiwan. but china, which considers the island of breakaway proteins, says the reunification of tie one is inevitable. correspond to tony chang has mall from type a, the photos in taiwan, costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections. relations with china, very much on their minds. but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the
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future of ty with the republic of china. just yeah. how long, what at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates who were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is a threats that they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that? this implies the no i, i've seen people already know how china we'll re add and have go so many years. they already know. no. the combination of is not decided by either china or taiwan and, but also united states. as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time, democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also
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a much cherished right to close to 70 percent. with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear window, stone to to emerge in the center of typeface support has the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p. p. it's don't sit together. there's the votes mounted up . so to texas it's the with a 50 percent chance it's. # pretty simple, just think the belief victory that soon the hoops will can send a lead the couldn't be of the come and the new president who had a message for the rest of the world. we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to work side by side with democracies from around the world.
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the celebrations went on into the night. this was a victory that was far from the shore and this led me to the back left. china will not be pleased. tony king l 20 type thing. the 1st votes in this is race for the white house will be cost in the republican corpus in iowa. in the us, the campaign looks likely to be a rematch of 2020, for putting president joe biden against the former president. donald trump. rob rentals takes a look at where things stay, hey, this is about him. joe button and donald trump have starkly opposed messages on fight and says, trump would turn the us into a dictatorship for the monitors. the sooner cause is the most for the question is what is the 124 election trumps clause is revenge for the 2020 election, which he falsely says was stolen and
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a purge of us society. we planned to you that we will root out the commune is marxist specialist and the radical of ducks that live like vermin within the confines of our country. fighting doesn't have incredible opponents for the democratic nomination. but even most democrats are uninstall. uzi asked, think about another 4 years with many citing biden's age at 81. he is the oldest person ever to hold the office. many voters are fed up with high prices and bite in stance on israel's war, on long as that's as close to decline and support in his own party. specifically, among young more progressive democrats who object to the is really, i'm us war. and his sort of, you know, full throated support for israel. trump is likely to roll over his opponents, rhonda santas, and nikki haley in iowa like
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a drug or not. but haley is within striking distance of trump in new hampshire, which boats on january 23rd. what chris christie has dropped out, giving hailey a boost and potentially unite inside stroke republicans behind or you know, trump faces trial in multiple cases on 91 criminal codes, including for formatting the january 6 2021 attack on congress, illegally possessing top secret documents. conspiracy and more any of which could turn out to convict him. at which point there would be some kind of a constitutional crisis about, you know, the, the reach which a president can you know, pardon himself, how widely those pardons can go. if a president can serve a while in prison and so forth, is elected trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to
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drill more fossil fuels. another big issue in the campaign will be reproductive rights and abortion access, which republicans oppose. it's a strong card for bite to play in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states like here in arizona, it's likely to be a bitter battle with unprecedented factors involved, including criminal trials to elderly candidates and the possibility of political violence. rob reynolds alger 0, phoenix, arizona of police in equity will say, 11 more prison guards, who had been held hostage by inmates have been released. a 158 guards and 20 present staff members were taken on monday in 7 prisons, part of a space of gang violence that shaking the country. it started last week off the one of equity was most powerful drug lords escaped from jail. that was followed by
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a series of police kidnappings, had an attack on a tv station. president, daniel no boy has declared a state of emergency a prosecute just in peru have requested a searching for your present sentence for former president pedro castillo. he's accused of carrying out a qu off the try to dissolve congress in 2022 is moving spots to wave of protests across the country. and land slide in north west columbia has killed at least 33 people. it happened near a town in the chuckle region authority, so many people were buried when they left the cost to take shelter in a house. during heavy rain for thousands of people were injured. as a preparation is on the way in the danish capital for the crowning of prince frederick the country's new king, the public proclamation will take place in copenhagen on sunday. his australian born wife mary will be named queen consul frederick's mother, queen. margaret abdicated this from earlier this month,
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when the queen substitute was educated us quite a little further. it was said yeah. so i'm probably going to do that tomorrow as well because some of them, but since a mental he's, he's very um into people or at least it feels like he's into people and the, i think he's great people really. that's it for me hasn't think of what his next then inside school the, the the, the call this there of the season through boxed on an india harbor. one will pick up the story, their doctor, the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature. so we can up to 0 on the nose and as long as i sub 0 though, as we look to our below just stands capital quite to at minus 2. but talking about afghanistan, her outs at $21.00, that's
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a temperature you would expect to see for the month of april. let's go to india right now. again. cool. this stair of the season around the capital region. so delhi, the city itself for degrees we go into some of the suburbs, your temperature right around that freezing mark give you a water look. now this is sunday afternoon, deli, 19 degrees still dealing with some fog here, but i don't think it will be as intense or as thick as it has been over the previous days. those weather alerts now starting to drop off. speaking of whether it's dropping off, i think for a sub to city, we'll see those moder, it's flooded. birds fall off, has the sprains. begin to taper off on sunday to china. we go. winds now coming out of the north end. some showers in the mix or long the yangtze river valley temperatures are lower, but still came in that wants them for going to sleep providence greatly and at 21 degrees and quite a bit of smell coming to northern honshu and whole kind of islands support or could see 10 to 15 centimeters of snow. be careful.
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the hairs from i'll just on the go and eat tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the effect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites. apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your think is it the of israel has presented its defense at the international court of justice office off off it got argued, it's committing genocide in gaza. is noise, say the case is a distortion of the truth, but did they make a compelling argument and what will come out of this unprecedented case. this is inside story


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