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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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to me like the bold and i'm told stories from age and the pacific on al jazeera, the the hello, the nora, kyle. this is the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, no less off in the suffering and gone. so it's been 100 days since israel began is will coming at least 23843 palestinians as well as prime minister says nobody will stop the minute tre, from destroying him. us also anger grows about handling up the wall,
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the mole rage and the occupied westbank is where the forces target janine and the alpha ra refugee come and voters in taiwan. and she was a pro independence candidates. as presidents lighting test says, hilde defend the items from what he calls china's intimidation. the palestinians have now enjoyed $100.00 days of will already, the west and gauze is history and the latest as rainy as strikes. 30 people, including several children, were killed in a residential building in gauze of safety. another attack, and rough or killed 14. the will began with how mazda is attacks in southern israel . on october, the 7th, one around 1200 people were killed within 500 as riley soldiers
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been killed. most of them in the initial homos attacks. at least 23843 palestinians have been killed and moved in 10400 of them have been children goals as health ministries as nearly 340 health workers amongst the dead. and at least 117 john less well, despite growing international, outright is, is really prime minister benjamin left me all his is saying that no one will stop his country from continuing the war skits, of the license now from huntington off when he joins us from rafa in southern garza so honey, $100.00 days of the constant shelling storage is of food medicine shelter is beyond imaginable. for most of us. how people coping news
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as well. there's not a question about how people are coping. it's the question about whether people have or there are other options or not done so far. palestinians in gaza strip, particularly at this hartsville part of the, of the gauze district in southern. and the southern part have no other choice but to, uh, just to do except what's going on and what's there is a, the problem with that. people do not want to get to the point where they are for years with their suffering and misery. the want them into this, but the conditions and dig around how to created the further the misery and the suffering and to push them into accepting it. then there is no other choice to it so far. we're not looking at death and destruction to just the shared level of destruction, to cities and towns and, and public facilities that appoint making the entire gall. this trip, particularly the northern part and gaza uninhabitable. and it created the conditions of making it unbearable on livable,
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but we're look it up completely dire human interior situation with acute shortage of food and then water and medical supplies and and, and, and conditions are created on the ground making the humanitarian a to process the broken as of progressive, the american sought after describe it a as a broken a the process in the gaza strip when he was commenting in front of congress. but there is also a growing concern and an overwhelming fear. right now, i'm on 1.5 displaced palestinians in the southern part here in rough. obviously the, there are reports about is around the land of deacon over the border line between egypt and gaza, better known to philadelphia, cory doors, if that happens, they will, for as there's $1.00, it's 1500000 people into
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a further displacement. and the fact that this area is overcrowded, a single misspelled go, hundreds of people were talking about a very overcrowded, fully packed area, very close to the board as if from where i'm standing right here. we're talking about at least half or half kilometer away from the border line. the very borderline. these really military is talking about and has set of plans to take over in the situations are not becoming easier and fox, they're becoming more difficult and just get worse. and each passing day and honey strikes, continue the as rainy bowman of the gaza strip. tell us about the latest places that have been hit as well. so far, we're looking at the good and ongoing area bombardment,
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along with our tiller shilling of the eastern border of rough. how new and has been the central area there. all are also over night attacks on the city of big la and the tunnel. and what seems to be this really military continuing gets a, a process of raising more agriculture, atlanta and destroying remaining residential buildings in the area. and again, consistent with the plan of establishing a buffer zone and making the parts in the north or in the north of gauze. uninhabitable completely, but in the central part of god. so looking at the city of there is but within the vicinity of blocks, the hospital, the older remaining health facilities in the area and an area was describing designated saved for how experienced the vacuum is due as of these days to become increasingly dangerous and risky. and with the total communication and phone service at black out, it's very difficult to get exactly the exact figures of the casualties in
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the central area. and then in bella city, i didn't hon units but so far were expecting a high number within the coming dollars as there were massive variables. 1 i've been on particularly low res, your fiji, gone by them as a, as well as east print updated. but i city and within the vicinity of a locks up hospital here in rough city, very close to the vicinity of this hospital leave. not neighborhood, not a refugee a campus, small refugee camp in southern rough, i city a where 6 people reported a injured and no death was reported as a result of a drone attacks on a residential homes in the southern part of over by city of the bombings continues the pound and continued. there are more people are, are killed, more people under the rebels and further human a tree and it conditions mid different goals on the ground for people right now.
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okay. honey, my my to reporting that from rafa in the southern gauze, i thanks very much honey to well, health care facilities and medical workers have been heavily targeted doctors and 1st responders across the strip of continued working and impossible conditions and say it's taking a heavy toll take the because me, i feel how did these 100 days past. i do not know how they possibly, but they passed with bits and this was mocked. is wounded. they passed with scenes of pain and cruelty and sorry, and we witness destruction. not only of homes of universities and schools and what was bottom was not just hospitals or street targets, not any medical teams or ambulances. it's our dreams, our aspirations. it's for a dignified life. we had tried to live on the seats and then they also went with them getting in the house around the 18th, 5 percent of palestinians in the gaza strip have been displaced since the war began . i went by around the spokesman for the no legion refugee counseling joins us now
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from amman and jordan. good to have you with us. can you tell us what has been the impact of 100 days of? well, as far as you've seen it and garza a good morning, the impact is obviously a referral to see to no one directly to counsel an aid organization that operates on the grounds that has operated in jobs up or for 16 years. 16 years has of course, seen the impact 1st past due to over 60 people, 50 colleagues that we have on the ground who have experience loss, grief displacements, and of course fear by children who comp, tabitha. like to sleep 400 to days now because have a full meal for 100 days and because have a clean drink of water for a 100 days. i'll think what we have seen over these, you know, this is very uh, you know, dark moments reminds us that garza has the made on the little girl for um,
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you know, for administrative reasons for which civilians are paying the price. and sadly, we are here 100 days off, so repeating the same thing, saying the same thing as you know, sending out the same appeals as part of law should. now, when you look at the, the past 100 days, you look at the, the amount of aids that's been guessing and give us an idea of just how far, how far it full showed of what is needed given as you say, the conditions with in the gaza strip or never livable without a clean heart. moved out a hotmail without clean drinking more to it in many cases without even shelter. i think the answer is the, in the, in the numbers we're looking at in 2024. now we look back on the entire population, on the brink of salvation, on assignment. this should have never come down to this just should that we should
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never come to, you know, and i, i agree, i get like that. uh, 2300000 people accounts. you know, don't know where the next data is gonna come from. so the region worth of discounts . so when the organizations are bringing in nights, which is nowhere near enough, we aren't able to operate in these little pockets. tiny bits of shouts is a barriers where people are being sold to you not to flee to and then go back to the areas where they have been of, of course, these radios. tax talked on the entire as it goes a street into this, you know, a game of is, uh, you know, tables, tennis overseas funding people around around the consulate street as if they are objects. they're not as if they're not humans. i don't think that has to stop as well. i think what is most disappointing is it with all the rhetoric you know, with all the hope for rhetoric that we have heard with all the promises that we have heard about mores that will come in on the grounds. we are still seeing these
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difficulties with, you know, with the bureaucracy, with that, with a scalar is insufficient, a, that is coming in them in the end of the civilians. all suffering is true. and also frank with, you know, contagious diseases. lack of to lack of to lack of water. and all region refugee council has just the past couple months said that the pulverizing of gauze or rank amongst the worst cells on any civilian population in no time. what you may cause the international response. so this will on garza it's has been disappointing and we have been disappointed that doesn't reach our equity council despite our constant not consistent, appealing, constant, you know, cause for, for a cease fire. i think the also has to look from the onset for civilians has not come. the answer is, is you know, a complete um, suspension of this house and it is. and uh of course the return to people
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displays. we also know about, you know, almost everybody is also going to spice. some of them happy space twice, 3 times. and, you know, all these schools have been on teach. it is a continues, it's bombing from, from all sides. and now we've had, you know, even in my life, for example, where people have been told to go now they have been told, you know, that you know, is a continued so precious in the see where they happy us to go on. now they have to go back to areas where it has all people to leave. it's so confusing for people. people have lost cation with their family members. i have teams, you know, we have teams that are see teams on the ground have no communication with their own people. as with their own companies, we have to stop. this is the way it has to stop these attacks that we have. so each of these fire as soon as possible, or you concerns that when the war does eventually come to an ends that if people are able to leave the gaza strip,
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that they will in the launch numbers. and we'll see a mass displacement of a population. what we have reached the same from the, from the get so really is that when israel forcibly transfers people but as responsibility by likes, international law and the best responsibility for the return of these peaceful people have choice. and they have been stripped of that choice. they have been stripped of that voluntary movement. they are now going to places they don't want to go to. so what we need to see is the opposite is for people to go back home as for people to return and forgot to be made, little again, on that, you know, that is, responsibility is just the international community. and of course, as well as the occupying, which should guarantee the wellbeing people we have been very clear on not compromising about that. they come out with the any in full entry. what was meant for people went on with that is if someone, you know, makes a choice that is up to them. but of course they should not make that choice house
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as being forced to leave home when they don't want to with that children. when that family, my favorite, i'm from an a wage and refuge account, so many things for talking to us. okay. so it was more has the space, millions of people and goals as we've just been hearing the united nation says 1900000 palestinians. that's around 85 percent of gone says population have now been operated from the homes. 1.4000000 a staying in facilities run by the un, but nearly 319 people sheltering in un facilities have been killed. was $1135.00 have been injured during a tax on, on that un premises. at the start of the wall, hundreds of thousands of people were pushed to rough or in the south, which became the most densely populated area in the strip. there's little food and those on occasion you and says around 2200000 people need
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a jump to monetary and aid to survive. that social then is a residence of hon, eunice and southern goals. a he says palestinians remain resilient despite all the challenges together with 2 points, the 1000000 all that kind of speed instagram's here. i think no one would have thought that we would have gone through on the days of all of this. so it's um. busy i will have, despite all of these challenges, no more, all of the front of the tedium pieces here are still very high and they remain determined sort of means that's passed to continue supply before the lights. despite like i said so many challenges, there was only 2 for the last 100 years. it's been a bathroom. i have no voice which was mass communication blackouts that are no phone calls that are able to be made noise and that is available unless you have special east terms of goals, especially in locations. um people need to continue people. what,
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how does mine for goes with the data channels that emotions this action you need it, you know? or else they told him sort of vice every day is a struggle to flight schools to find water, to get the profit of closing, to ensure that your chance is hopefully taking care of despite all that rain and the cold weather. finding clean bottles, ensuring that's how popular medication as we go through the cold and flu season. um, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's honestly, it's, it's american. got to finish. painting happened here. are still not only like i said, sort of why they try to continue to reduce that cost a little bit easy that to me because they believe that they are providing for the tools or friday for the 3 the oh, they're not lovely. anything with all the do not sponsored a piece of my to foster using markets you 7, what do they watch sports? uh we watch sports. our ancestors you. of course they need the last we were in
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before. i think the drum sounds and drums the know their exact lessons finds the on the term as well. just stay here and together. one different world on the outside. i miss dudley besides the senior ones in the mediums i've seen delete this with the i c g course and how they are summarizing in detail in english. what has happened uses other students, even this on a big moran who stepped it up under seen civilians of thousands of his writings gathered in televi have on saturday to show that i am the government of prime is have benjamin netanyahu as popularity is taking a significant hits in recent months for his hunting of as well as war on garza, many accused destiny all who is taken to prolong the will in an effort to cling to power, protested so according for new elections broke the highway before police intervenes . and elsewhere and tell of a demonstration stays another weekly protest. this one
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a 24 hour reilly cooling folder time, that is really captives being held by how much we're still moving to 130 people in captivity. in garza, stephanie jacka joins us now live from occupied is tourism says stephanie, tell us more about, that's what he's protest calling from s and yahoo to resign and also the ongoing volley demanding for the release of captives. yeah, so they're taking this 100 days or as an opportunity to reiterate, they're cool for the government to do more to bring the captives home the fact they're not happy with the way the government has been dealing with this particular with the ongoing ministry campaign. a lot of the goals and also the families of the hostages. want to cease fire once the fighting to stop. they don't want, they don't care about the bigger picture. they want their hostages, they want the, their family members to be pulled back home. but the message from the government and also from the ministry leadership is that that is not going to happen. we heard
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from israel's ministry chief of saw last night as well. he said how mass wants to cease fire. uh, they did acknowledge that they were close for a ceasefire from parts of the population, but said it wasn't the right time. but this would play into the hands of hamas and that they were doing full efforts to bring the captives home, including what they called covert efforts. but of course for the families. uh that hasn't been doing anything to for russian as yet. and as the days go on, we're now on a 100 days that frustration is growing. the concerns are growing, they say that there is no news um and getting more and more worried. so many events have been planned. the loss been around 24 hours to mark the 100 days in around 2 hours from now. a lot of israel will come to a hold of people stopping work companies, universities, hospitals, will stop work for a 100 minutes to marks a 100 days. and yes, they're going to keep calling for a cease fire to try and bring the hostages home as soon as possible. but the
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message from the government permits and jo, if that is not on the table, unless it's from the relatives and friends of the hostages, what does the public move? generally in israel towards the world. as we look at this $100.00 day marks still remain united when it comes to supporting this for you have to understand that the attacks of october, the 7th, really traumatized the is really the complete hit to their sense of security. there was outrage, for example, at the hearing at the international court of justice. many is right, is the majority of these really saying we are the ones that were attacked and why are we now facing legal proceedings that the i'm to see for the palestinians. if you will, in general, has gone in fact, some of the moderate voices of his rage, these are silent stuff. those will tell you that any sympathy expressed with the civilians of gaza. our scene is almost being anti semitic. so you have this real
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sense on the ground here so that, that they was more to be done. so even to our minister benjamin netanyahu, who has really been plummeting in the polls. he was getting on popular already before this war because of they were trying to take power away from the supreme court. the recent polls and the last 2 days showed that his popularity is plummeted even more. in fact, by any guns was the leader of the national union party. now 51 percent of respondents said he's the mind to leave this country or the 28 percent of respondents that in espanol, uh, were still fit to do so. and that's, and y'all, who knows this, um, so anyway at this point in time, certainly unpopular the government. but there still remains real support for this war. but certainly they don't want it to go on in this way. they want to also just reboot back home in new jersey. okay, definitely deca bring in place that from occupied history. so the bank, stephanie, as well that the mall rides across the occupied westbank,
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which is the near night being cousins, bias rainy forces since the war began. this was the scene in l. farm just earlier were gone for onto a gas was used by the really by the israeli army in the refugee camp. and then the city of jenny and people's indies really forces into the area from several directions. that's cause i have a to know how to doing this, joins us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. so a lot of the the $100.00 days of voice. it's also important increase in rates and violence to the occupied west bank. and that's right, laura, in fact, on average there are around 40 raids per day by is really forces throughout cities and towns and villages in the occupied west bank. the frequency, the intensity of those rates have gone up dramatically since october 7th. they are now very much a part of the fabric of daily life for palestinians living throughout the occupied
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west bank. of course, the overnight hours into this morning. no different than they usually are at this period. you've had several raids, of course you were just mentioning what was going on in janine's. that rate lasted approximately 5 hours. it ended, we're told about 2 hours ago. you had lots of different, it's really forces that entered. we're told that there were armed confrontations that erupt in the center of the city between palestinian resistance fighters and is really soldiers were also told by eye witnesses. that is really armed. armored bulldozers entered into jeanine and destroyed infrastructure, also dug up roads. this is a tactic that's being used more and more by is rarely forces when they go into these areas in the occupied westbank, palestinians that we speak would continue to tell us this is a form of collective punishment. they also say they believe it is real, is doing this as a way to try to turn civilians against palestinian resistance fighters and
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everybody that we've been speaking with when we go to these areas that have been rated in the aftermath of these raids, they tell us that this is a tactic they don't believe is going to work now beyond what happened in jenny, and you also had a rate that happened and i was doing that as a town that is east of completely a. there were armed confrontations and confrontations and explosive devices that were set off when the clashes went on there also the allowed room refugee camp bed or model which is north of hebron. b. is it a bitter and novelist for a lot of it also tell us about the arrest that of sisters of follow and we'll re key was the key come us figure out who was assassinated by in his way, strike in february just about 2 weeks ago. so that's why lord, this happened reportedly earlier this morning, fault him a lot already and then that a lot already. they are sisters of a slot. i had already, they were both arrested fault them. i was arrested in a beat a and that was arrested in outward or that is the hometown of side ahead already
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who as you said, was assassinated by israel in lebanon on january 2nd. now the son of a fall to my, the hardwood, he who was arrested in the bid after is really forces rated that home base. that he said he posted a video of social media platforms. in that video, he said that when the soldiers came into their house to arrest his mother, and not only did they arrest his mother, they also removed a lot of pictures that showed a family pictures that showed. so i had already and that they took other um, other bits of memorabilia from the house as well. were still waiting more detailed as to what exactly those sisters had been arrest as for what potentially they might be charged with. of course, when side of the other one, it was killed on january. second, you had demonstrations in different cities across the west bank, protesting his killing. you also had calls for general strikes in various cities and towns across the occupied west bank floor. okay. um, in terms remain thanks for bringing us on site little they action that and the
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occupied westbank or so it has hair. on alex's era, thousands protests around the world in a global day of action in support of thomas sent in plus all rights to the white house. 12, iowa states gets ready to kick off the 2020 for presidential primary season. we'll take a look of what's at stake. the arctic areas plunging into the northwest of europe high run. so that means it's going to be cold enough for snow through northern scotland and northern ireland. i think over the next few days, we're looking at about $2.00 to $5.00 centimeters of snow. also run of snow through poland and ukraine. so we're assign, keep looking at a couple of centimeters over the next 36 hours or so. things are warm and up
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through the bulk in sophia bulk area up to 8 degrees. and winds have shifted around for assemble. southerly winds here. so that pops up to 8 degrees on sundays. still a few showers hanging around the levant, but for the other side of mediterranean being pulses of rain, northern portugal around porto, looking to pick up a 100 millimeters of rain. that much rain that fast certainly could give us some flooding. and would that disturbs weather in the eastern mediterranean? i think we could catch a shower for the northeast coast of libya and around the coastline of egypt to the south. we go showers and storms bubbling up limpopo and from a longer and close to the new tel provinces in south africa on sunday. but we got to talk about our tropical storm, which is wobbling between the richest and reunion over the next. so this could intensify to the equivalents of a category 3 hurricane as it stays in the cell. and this will most certainly produce some flooding season. the
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sales of lights, thoughts fine for you. real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubber best put stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. watch. listen, witness. on al jazeera, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the tag. and you are watching out, is there as remind you about top stories. that's all a bunch of people including children, have been killed and the latest as ready bombing on a residential building and garza city for the war now. and it's 100 say, at least 23843 palestinians have been killed. that'd be more rates across the occupied. westbank done fire was heard and take us 5. monday is rainy on and i'll follow a refugee camp in the north of the territory meanwhile, and the city of jeanine residence,
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se is waiting for his enter. the rest of the g come from several directions. the thousands of his writings gathered instead of eve on sunday to express the anger appointments and benjamin netanyahu and his hunting of the war and garza, and he accused him of seeking to prolong the conflict and effort to cling to power . the showing bell is imagery unless he says as well, strategy and gaza is fall from class. i think me, the number of here is the america. so the flight team would probably can be included by christmas. whereas the is ready to principals is spokesman. a talked about and not finishing for another year. i think part of the challenge here is when i probably between both imagery operations, the political environment sets the objects. it's, it says will be in state. what does it want to achieve on the military are a means to an end to achieve that. now, most of the west, the us of the u. k. included. so the 2 state solution is the only viable option for
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the future. with palestinian is an x ray these living you know, co existing eventually peacefully but was promising that yahoo has made clear is that is not israel is intent but hasn't said what it's intended actually is. is it a one the state solution? is it clear in gaza? and i think that's one of the reasons why the international community is getting more more concerned because it's not clear what israel's ultimate objective here and without knowing well, that is how of to assess whether the metric reaction is achieving that objective, particularly given the disproportionate level of casualties compared to the 7th of october, the tragic loss of $1200.00 people in that dreadful current attack on each row. but since then the fee goes all the devastation. it just going spiraling. fighting between this way, the forces and levels has bolos. displacing hundreds of people along the border towns, the way the army says they've killed, forgotten them, who entered as poetry,
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from level them. and wrong con, reports from magic in, in southern lebanon, is forced to leave high. and there's little for these people to do other than hang around there effectively, refugees, their own country level of income from the south. tensions and fighting between is ready forces and hezbollah along the disputed boat with israel, forced them to leave the herbs in october. they have no idea when they will be able to reach her mother that had been hard and heavy. i did, but no one once more and we'll feed for out children. we want to stay in their homes and live in peace since becoming displaced. it's become uncomfortable without the help of the union of municipalities, which is provided shoulders of people. every one would have been crowded into the straits. we don't have money. the war is hurting us. this technical school entire is now hoff educational facility of displacement can. on the left side is students still go to classes on the right classrooms now shelter people. it's
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a dire situation. food health care and hide. you also lucky toilet facilities with design for students to use occasionally during the day not for families to use for months at the time. catering is almost nonexistent. i guess how about the daily on the situation here is difficult in terms of staying clean. i can not show the children. i have to heat the water to do this here in the room. we wash clothes by him. in time municipality alone, there are more than 23000 displaced people across the lab. it on the figure is close to $80000.00, but with tensions and fighting, showing no signs of decreasing. the fit is no ready stretched, our system will be overwhelmed. maybe if i've got a village is on the far from the board, the displaced now. we haven't the places for them because some of the mayor of the
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village is plugged us. our visit is full. they have in place. this is the scene across the $120.00 come me to disputed buddha goes, toes goes to villages. people have simply left now this is the town of large. i and i go to the speaking. we've been told there's about 30 percent full. but even the 50 percent there remained behind a listening to the explosions by listening to the shelling and the ash strikes. and they wondering how much longer they can actually stay here. recent is radio strikes of killed hezbollah fight is including senior commodities. the button to 11 and then just within the border area, as bullet rockets have gone deep into is really territory to retaliate. international diplomatic efforts are aimed at keeping the situation along this board a contained. but both sides, hey, i escalate thing and that's a worrying development. it wrong come out, is there a larger you? southern lebanon, thousands of people in the us probably tested on saturday as part of
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a day of global sort of darcy with palestinians. and garza, hundreds of people go to the white house, demanding a cx 5 chaper times the reports. this wasn't just a message to israel. it was a message to joe, but i use the us as leverage to stop the one baldwin's of gauze. he's not going to get re elected. if he doesn't hear the people were out in the street by the 1000 and he just choose to ignore that. we actually exist fire now stop ignoring your could fit to it for some reason. the nickname, providing right now is genocide. joe, he has shown this time around which is a bit different, is a complete and utter disregard for the value of human life. for the protest is this white house is directly responsible for the depths of so many power since it's been repaid, it'd be biting presidential campaign isn't about himself. it's the best and good
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mind that's november's election. this angle will have been replaced by fear of another trump presidency. suppose here say they will not forget the turn one into the port us and by the end is killing us so that fear factor no longer works. the fear mongering of a pressed community is no longer works on us anymore. a message that apparently hasn't go through yet to this white house. she ever can see, i will do 0. washington. protests and support of palestinians also took place in the u. k. tens of thousands of people gathered in london well to parliament square calling for an end to as well as will on garza and $5000.00 symbolic tombstones were laid out to be a tale and city of naples on saturday to remember the palestinian children killed in the war activists and it's late have often say some of the protest demanding israel stuff. it's for me of gaza. but so anti will groups in israel are accusing
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police of denying them permits to hold protests against the military campaign and goals of the month. they say they do not have the manpower to provide security of those demonstrations or con reports from haifa. these authorities, according to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to step down and hold new elections marching through the streets of high fence. they were joined by another group. this time with a message about the war and guns with bonnet stating this new military solution piece is a solution. the 1st group had a police permits. the 2nd didn't. that's because the police refused to allow a larger entry will protest. so it didn't, concerns about destruction to public odessa does the same reading the talking,
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take her type politics and preventing unity with their people. one act the says the mid heavy police crackdowns, many palestinians fed repercussions for attending protests in solidarity with people in guns. a close fellow study and citizens right now, or the turn, you know, there was, you know, the persecution, the heavy persecution that happens at, you know, at the very beginning, you know, the, there are a couple of weeks and we're quite effective. you know, we are talking not only about that and what happened now we're talking about as well. 2021 may twisted 21 were we still have a young palestinians who went out to protest and are still in prison today in the past few weeks in tel aviv and open to him. police with homes by the breaking up and he will protest and then that's where if they rested our members of the can . that's it. cut off the smile in a statement on social media in october,
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police commissioner. yeah. corp shop tie said a protest will be found. anyone who wants to identify with guns to go that these funds would challenge in the supreme court, which ruled the police does not have the authority to impose them, but does attach the code to create that because the police lots and lots of false due to the war, it could use this discussion and binding protests. you are allowed to protest to are allowed to have demonstrations if you are still inside that on sensor. that is supporting the war. if you want to protest against the war, if you want to say that's what is happening is so horrible, then you are not allowed, specially if you are an ada. a budget with thousands of people permitted to protests for the release of hostages and even against the government and tell of these bodies, say, the police consider to send against the wall as
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a red line of palestinians being coerced into silence, nor hon. i'll just verify. so the, let's take a look at some of the world news now, and taiwan has a new president elect lighting to the democratic progressive party. one fridays, general elections as policy favors a more independence taiwan. but badging has not rolled out taking the island by force. so trying has moved from ty, pay of the photos in taiwan, costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections relations with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the
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future of taiwan. the republic of china, just yeah. how long, what at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues. also, issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates were out to the to vote. they both can see that the china was a threat. they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that the same point is that the no i, i think people already know how china we'll re add and i've got so many years they already know know they'll come. foundation is not uh, decided by uh, either china or taiwan and, but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also
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a much cherished right. to close to 70 percent. with the election officials quick to get the account underway, clear when a stone to, to emerge in the center of typeface support is that the governing democratic progressive policy, o. d p p. that started together, there's the votes mounted up. so today we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side. wisdom fucker sees somewhere around the world, the celebrations went on into the night. this was the victory that was far from the shore. and now the hard work begins despite winning the presidency. the p. p. a has actually lost control of the legislature on president elect lies. going to have to stop building bridges with the political opponents. he's just defeated tony chang
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al, to 0. well, let's take a closer look at ty, ones, next, present lighting to who's that goes by. the name william has been serving as vice president is a former physician who studied at harvard university, his victory and fridays votes. as seen by many as a loss for china, the 64 year old has repeatedly defended. ty, one's independence from. badging is also promised to work with the united states to build up the islands national defense, high ones, outgoing, present, sighing when as of the maximum of 2 terms in office. she's worked closely with ly and the costs badging has rejected office to hold talks with either of them. so katrina, you has reaction on lighting to election. the results of the high ones election is a clear rejection of thank you for peaceful communications with the island. china, ne, happy chinese leaders have labeled tiwana, use president elect lighting for a separatist and a dangerous troublemaker. and in his statement released following the result,
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they attempted to undermine his victory by pointing out that he failed to achieve majority in the legislature. ultimately tried, this message has not changed. it says wise determination to maintain ty, when he is democracy, will not impact what it says is like for the inevitable reification of ty, one with the mother. and those who spoke to here in shellman says you tend to agree there's some issues. i am very confident that re unification will be achieved. but it takes time. i am worried because this new ty juanita is pro independent. so i was problem is very similar to hong kong. if the mainland can be some of the taiwan is the man, i'm taiwan, is an offer something in return, i think then the re unification will be in habitable said lights into his quotes of peace and dialogue. with the agent on the basis of mutual respect, lots chinese officials refused to see light as anything more than the local leader
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of rose chinese territory. and unless he and his policy a willing to accept for one china principal dialogue between the aging and type pay is unlikely to resume intentions will probably get less. katrina used alta 0 is sean. this is china assigned to another election. now the 1st votes, and this is ways for the white house will be cost and the republican caucus and iowa november's election looks like to be a rematch of 2020 pacing, present joe biden, against former president donald trump. reynolds takes a look at where things stand and it's about him, joe button and donald trump head start cleo put those messages on friday says trump would turn the us into a dictatorship for the long as the solar cost is the most for question. $124.00 election trumps clause is revenge for the 2020 election, which he falsely says was stolen and
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a purge of us society. we planned to you that we will root out the commune is boxes, fishes, and the radical left ducks that live like vermin. within the confines of our country, fighting doesn't have incredible opponents for the democratic nomination. but even most democrats are uninstall. uzi asked, take about another 4 years with many citing biden's age. at 81 he is the oldest person ever to hold the office. many voters are fed up with high prices and biting stance on israel's war on gaza as close to decline and support in his own party. specifically, among young more progressive democrats who object to the is really him, us war. and his sort of, um, you know, full throated support for israel. trump is likely to roll over his opponents, rhonda santas, and nikki haley in iowa like
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a drug or not. but haley is within striking distance of trump in new hampshire, which votes on january 23rd. it's christy has dropped out, giving haley a boost in the and potentially uniting inside croak republicans behind or you know, trump faces trial in multiple cases on $91.00 criminal codes including for formatting the january 6th, 2021 attack on congress illegally possessing top secret documents conspiracy and more any of which could turn out to convict him at which point there would be some kind of a, a constitutional crisis us about. um, you know, then he reach which a president can you know, pardon himself, how widely those pardons can go? if a president can serve a while in prison and so forth, is elected trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to
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drill more fossil fuels. another big issue in the campaign will be reproductive rights and abortion access, which republicans oppose. it's a strong card for bite to play in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states like here in arizona, it's likely to be a bigger battle with unprecedented factors involved, including criminal trials to elderly candidates and the possibility of political violence. rob reynolds alger 0, phoenix, arizona. mustang with us politics. and john kerry has announce he's leaving his job as the buys and administration's climate. and boy, the 8 year old plans to help with lines re election campaign gary has held the role of washington's top climate. diplomat says 2020 i was exposed to leave before the end of february,
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and he was one of the lead draft as of the 2015 paris climate accords. the head hair on out to sarah having escaped struggle loads in ecuador, put the country on the 12th to a state of and much unsafe the the cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person ensures. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to great because the women and my country doesn't match suite to come up to us. we are not, and neither ology, we are human beings on this earth to be treated equally. we are in their thoughts,
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that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you of the echo of precedence has announced that all present staff members who have been taken hostage by inmates, have been freed, 158 guns and 20 present staff members attempted on monday and several facilities.
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and it was again off to one of ecuador is most powerful drug lords escapes from prison. that was followed by a series of police, kidnappings and attack on a television station as on to around pepsi, has moved from the city of blackwell. and it all happened very quickly in the last few hours that we started to see images of these prison guards and other prison staffers being released, one prison after the other. and then the announcement that came from president danielle and noble eye where he congratulated the police, the army and the prisoner now tore fee for their work that has allowed for the return home of these uh prison guys. they, these have been days of anguish to upgrade the war a for their family members. we have talked to some of them in the past days, and they were very worried by the president's decisions of maintaining what he
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called and iron faced against the gangs of also his unprecedented decision of announcing that through a decree state of internal war and designating at 21 different gangs that operate in this country is terrorist organizations. so everybody was a very worried of what would have happened when in the 8th, the police in the army decided to raid the prisons. but instead, it seems like an agreement was reached. that allows for the release of all the prison guides and we spoke to some uh, $21.00 present guy that was released. she was extremely worried, especially because she alleged that the government was not allowing food water inside the prison that they had to cut the lights of the prison. but all this pressure seemed to have worked in the end. and this definitely today is that major political victory for the president. as the tech has defense,
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ministry says it's full, says have killed $57.00 cutters. find as an, as strikes in northern iraq and syria. was it a response to the killing of 9 talk? your soldiers doing an operation on friday is that his army has been carrying out cross border attacks against both a considered as terrorist groups in recent weeks. as a dep type, other one is expected to hold a security cabinet leasing lisa on sunday items across russia was struggling to cope and with freezing winter conditions. heating systems in many areas have collapse off the years of disrepair. you know, ship of oliver has this report, the, hey, would have sources that winter could happen in russia. they still joke as frequently had, as people from a number of regions all over the country of coming together to express that and, and frustration a balance or lack of hayes in the homes and the show to the jews. they criticize the local authorities,
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who they say has no been adequately prepared for winter. some even appeals directly to the russian president vladimir putin. we are forced to turn to you for help because the municipal authorities don't respond in the town of adults and most of the more than 20000 residents have been left without hazy for several days. due to an accident at the main boiler house, the hazing facilities located in the grounds of a private high security, a munition planned. and when things went wrong, that led to present peace into order the complex nationalized. but the problems run deep, but the mismanagement is lashelle 9 for support. uh. its choose a one at infrastructure. insufficient funding and effective governing system and qualified personnel showed the outflow of migrants which coincided with the beginning of the conflict. and you crying towards this last stage, media said you are put fries without the russian guns, which was blake halted due to the conflicting ukraine. the c a, it seems,
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the tables have turned as beyond conflicts and ukraine approaches. it's to, yeah, knob, the system and russia is beginning to show some signs of fatigue. no one knows what the limits of a disability is behind the facade of stability and prosperity. if there is a loss of dilapidated infrastructure and questionable governance on, let's say the problem needs to be solved systematically of the several. yes, i know patch top and hurry up my side of what just a minute. i guess there's a need for drastic performs in the housing and utility systems. voters should hold the local governments accountable for their actions. we can't afford seni, now, employees and finances to the war, plus of sanctions from the equipment used by all utilities services are listed, things will improve gradually. the hazing crisis is the latest in the series. the rate increased caused by wives and mothers quoting from the return of the men financing in ukraine. a southern rise and at prices has also added to her was some, let's say that this content is growing as
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a general frost titles. he's always the grip of warring sign, perhaps weeks before the presidential elections due to be held in march. you lash above out of the ultra 0 most square. regular west of australia on jaila says bush fires pose a threat to the to lives and homes. uncontrolled flames are binding through parts of a chittering region just north of tough, but hundreds of fly flights as a baffling it's a contain. it was already depleting with locals to leave the area immediately. full cost of all storing temperatures in the coming days could lessen the situation and preparations were on the way in the danish capital for the crowning of prince frederick dictations. new king proclamation will take place in copenhagen later on sunday, because it started in full and wife. mary will be named queen, consult. frederick's mother, 3 mother eats up the gates of the from last month. she was here at longest, raining monex. that's it for this news. alamo on
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a website that's out 0 dot com and i'll be back in just a few minutes with more unable on garza and the days of the, the car has been going off of the sauce the full day. it's a 120 kilometers in many areas. how does the news continues translating just fine? the basic needs to certainly be here. most of them are to some of the rumbling that happening. now i'm not is outgoing. from here i see the 11 east side. there's new, any place in gaza considered to be safe either in the north or the south and north in you on shelters or in hospitals?
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it's on disputed. the 72 muslims were massacred in the village of indiana, india, and 1987 witnesses say the perpetrators or a mobiles locals along side the state governments. prevention of constabulary personnel. over 30 years later in the district court acquitted the accused to date . no one has been as accountable people in power asks why the victims continue to be denied justice. india is forgotten, must occur on the jersey to as the world is increasing, the crypt and the mental health epidemic i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was horrifying. for po to spend and diverse corners of the globe . us big questions about how we can improve our well be remove those unconscious images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be
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yourself monkey changing the way you think about mental health. on august the us is always of interest to people around the world. people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the no less up in the suffering and guns are as being $100.00 days since israel began it's war killing at least $23843.00 palestinians. the head of them are kyle. this is out 0. live from doha. also coming up. as well as prime minister says nobody will stop the minute truth from destroying how mosque


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