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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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using about mental health on obviously the us is always of inside the people around the world. people pay attention to this one here and i'll just leave this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. the no less up in the suffering and guns are. it's been 100 days since israel began it's war coming at least 23843 pablo sent in the other them or kyle, this is out. is there a live from doha. also coming up as wells prime minister says, nobody will stop the minute, treat them destroying how mosque waltz. i'm good, great. it is about his handling also was
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low rates and the occupied westbank is where the forces target jeanine on the health for refugee come and verses ends. high one, choose a pro independence, kansas as preston lighting test says hilde defends the islands from what he calls china's intimidation. the palestinians have now enjoyed $100.00 days of will. this is already the worst in the office history, and the latest is really strikes. we have 30 people that's including several children killed in a residential building in gauze that they see. another attack and rough at killed 14, at least, 23843 pala samantha has been killed since the thoughts of the war.
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more than 10400 of them have been children, goes as health ministry, it says nearly 340 health workers are amongst the dead. and at least $117.00 john lists. now the rule began with how much is a tax and sell them as well. on october, the 7th went around 1200 people were killed, more than 5 hundreds as why the soldiers have been killed since then. most of them though, in the initial how much attacks, despite calling international outrage, that's why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that no one will stop his country from continuing the will. will healthcare facilities and medical records have been targeted throughout the will? but doctors and 1st responders across console have continued working in impossible conditions. and they say it's taking a toll. take the model as heavy as matthew. how did these 100 days past?
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i do not know how they possibly, but they passed with bits and this was marked as wounded. they passed with scenes of pain and cruelty and sorry, and we witnessed destruction. not only of homes of universities and schools and what was bottom was not just hospitals or street targets, not any medical teams or ambulances. it's our dreams, our aspirations, arts for a dignified life. so we had tried to live on the seats and then they also went with them getting us back now to our correspondents in gauze a honey my flood. he joins us from the south in rafa. honey $100.00 days, it's b, nit constant showing for everybody that including himself shows to is a food medicine shell. time is beyond imaginable. for most of us watching the scenes, the end goal is a how people coping. so this will, as it is now, there is a great deal of concern and fear as reports about his real intention and implants
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to take over the border line between egypt and gaza. better known as the philadelphia resorts, is becoming very visible right now. is that this talks about it is really intense into mel. it certainly steep over and locked the rubber head, crossing the only gateway for palestinians in the golf strip to travel to the outside. 3 world, there is a great deal of, of this that if it happens, it will just further the misery and the suffering of the 2.5 palestinians cage inside the gaza strip. and so far, what are we looking at is more than half of the population have been cornered, and kids stand and squeeze in the southern part in dropbox city. so on top of this, there is the ongoing, it tragedies are created by the constant and ongoing bombardment and selling and
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the ground invasion. and we're talking about extreme shortage of food, water and medical supplies. we're talking about people sleeping in the streets. we talk about over crowded uh, facilities evacuation centers and the crippled health care system, spirit of diseases, an entire generation of a children being a traumatized. that's a direct result of this word. there are hundreds of 1000 who became or friends because of their entire families wiped out of a the registry. this is the reality of people who people are not coping people just here. lack any other options, like any other choice. do hold into the ongoing or just made it very difficult for people to even slammed sword the next 5 minutes of their life. absolutely on acceptable and absolutely difficult to live with. this is how
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a life has become in ga, the we would seen in many examples of people who, who have where affluent better off before the world. right now they are running from door to door from $10.00 to $10.00, looking for for a meal, just to survive. it throughout the day with seed, entire families with their childrens, from evacuation centered to another, to shops, trying to get whatever they are able to get just to survive it throughout the day is unfortunately, the situations are increasingly difficult. they are becoming wars that each positing the and now on top of this, the ongoing fear that if the war reads robot, they're ready, ariel can be in the bard, been going on a rough, but the fear is if the ground invasion expanded throughout by it's going to be really bad for everyone who has been a squeeze into this part of the gaza strip. okay, honey enough, what bring us the scene that from rafa and it's something gone. so thanks very much
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honey. but earlier i spoke to ashley brown up in a wage and refugee counseling. he says, garza has been made on livable to to, as well as will on the proceed strep. so the impact is obviously a referral to see the no, we directly counsel an aide organization to operate from the grounds that has operated in gaza for or for 15 years. 16 years has of course, seen the impact 1st past due to over 50 people, 50 colleagues that we have on the ground who have experience loss, grief displacements, and of course fear by children who comp have a full night to sleep for 100 days. now, because have a full meal for 100 days and because have a clean drink of water for a 100 days, i'll think what we have seen over these, you know, this is very uh, you know, doc moment and reminds us that guys that has the made on the little boat for um,
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you know, for administrative reasons for which civilians are paying the price. and sadly, we are here 100 days off the repeating the same thing saying the same thing as you know, sending out the same appeals as part of law should. now thousands of his writings gathered in tel aviv on saturday to show that under the government of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and popularity has taken a significant hits in recent months for his handling of as well as will on garza, many accused us neil who was seeking to prolong the will and the power purchased as so a cooling for new elections built to highway before police intervenes elsewhere and kind of a demonstration stage. another weekly protest, this one a 24 hour riley cooling for the a ton of is why the captives being held by hum us. there's still more than a 130 people in captivity and gaza. stephanie jessica joins us now live from
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occupied east jerusalem. stuff to us more about these protest festival cooling. and that's now who to resign and the others demanding the release of captives of the people taking the opportunity at what fits 100 day mar to really reiterate are cool, but the fact that the government isn't doing enough to bring the captives back home from them back alive, wanting a ceasefire, wanting to see more movement when it comes to that, that we heard from israel ministry, chief of start off, who said that it wasn't the right time for us. he's far you was speaking last night . he said, this is what, how mass ones and this is not conducive to israel aims at the moment he said that we're doing everything to get the hostages back, including covert operations, but certainly for the families. this is a major concern. one, the hostage was released under the previous deal. she said, she says, i almost feel like i want to be back in dollars. if exactly so i had hoped to come
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out. i realize my husband is dead. my home has been burnt, and my son is in gauze, and i don't know what's happening. i don't have hope. so the message here, certainly, as the days go on from the families from many protest or is, is that they want the government to do more, to bring the captives home to live on separate list 100 day. mach houses is really public generally feel about the wall of the country that's indeed be traumatized by the events of october, the 7th. and they are in general very much behind this war. it's a country that's been shaken to its core is really sense of security has been shattered when it comes to october, the 7th. so where is yes, they're pretty much unified when it comes to this war, they're not unified. when it comes to support of this government, you mentioned there are prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his popularity has been plummeted, and he was already unpopular before the war. you had mass protests that we haven't seen in a very long time in israel against his right wing government because of reforms
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they were trying to instill in the judiciary, taking away its independence while his numbers are further down. people, not really, according to this poll, pointing the finger at benny, got the leader of the national usually party to potentially be the better candidate to run israel. but interesting the be is really president made a statement today where he calls for unity. right. he said that this a time came onto the most holy lifetime in our country and said that if we continue like this, it could be a threat to our security and the threats to live. so understanding there are that as these days go on the pool for netanyahu to resign at fresh elections. also, it could be an issue. okay, stephanie deca reporting that from occupied east through some things that will that be more res, across the occupied west bank, which is india knight, the incursions by is there any forces since the will began
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to this was the scene and all for earlier with gum fund and take us was used by the way the army in the refugee come didn't the city of janine people's side is rarely forces enter the area from several directions that speak to allister as mohammed jump, jenny joins us from ramallah in the occupied westbank. so these 100 days of war mohammed have brought an increase, haven't named braids and violence that was saying across the occupied westbank is very much so laura, these raids have become part of the fabric of daily life throughout the occupied west bank. there are on average, around 40 that happen per day. it's a dire situation for the palestinians and live in these towns and cities and villages throughout the west bank. they're worried. this is only going to get worse when it comes to the numerous rates that happen in the overnight hours into this morning. the most significant of those, the ones you mentioned just a moment ago in jenny that last and were told for about 5 hours there were armed clashes between palestinian resistance fighters and is really armed forces in the
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center of the city were told that there were explosive devices that went off and that also was really armored bulldozers. it destroyed lots of infrastructure there and also dug up roads. this is a tactic that's used more and more by is really army members when they go in to these towns and cities and refugee camps. and it's one reason there is so much concern. many people we speak with say, this is a form of collective punishment. they believe that the israeli army is utilizing this tactic to try to turn civilians against the use rate of the palestinian resistance fighters in those areas. as i mentioned, the frequency, the intensity of these rates since october 7th have only increased. they have become something that is part of daily life for palestinians throughout the occupied westbank. and also we should mentioned that since october 7th, $347.00 palestinians have been killed throughout the west bank. laura, along with us little bit about the arrest, the assistance of sala alo,
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rory. he was the top homeless member who was assassinated by his really striking bedroom. 2 weeks ago. laura were told that those arrest happened around 3 am local time that they were the result of 2 different rates and 2 different areas that there was a raid that happened in a bit of a and and during that rates. uh, the sister of i wrote a, her name is fault him either already that she was arrested. there was a video that was posted. uh theres been making the rounds on social media platforms here showing her son talking about the rest of his mother. he said that when the is really uh, soldiers entered their house that they took away a lot of pictures of sort of had already that they also took his mother and they did not explain as to why they were arresting her. it was also an arrest that was made another of the sisters outside of had already that's been out and r duty that happened in our daughter, which is the hometown outside of the as i mentioned, israel has not yet commented on this as to why these arrests were made, were expected to hear more about that potentially in the days to come as usually
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the policy of israel not to comment on these are rest, at least not right away. now we should just mention that when side i had already the senior. how much later when he was killed by israel in lebanon on january 2nd, there were demonstrations that happened throughout towns in the occupied west bank . and there were also calls for general strikes as a protests for his killing. okay, i'm going down to him, bring us the latest that from across the occupied west bank. thanks very much, thomas. it will still a has hair on al jazeera. we're in southern left on the west. slicing between is ready for system has full as causing some just of people to flee the homes. plus all raised to the white house run through iowa as the states gets ready to kick off the 2020 full presidential primaries season. we'll take a look and what's at stake, the
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while the feet of cold air directly from the north pole, is infiltrating northwest syrup. hey, everyone will pick up the weather story there. so 1st the cold. then we're going to see that snow across northern scotland and northern ireland. hardest hit areas could pick up to 10 centimeters of snow. so i think for the scottish highlands. now if we're not talking about snow but rain across the northern portugal, so for porto will come to scoop up a months worth of rain and 24 hours. that much rain. that fast certainly will trigger some flooding. it has warmed up across the balkan spinning spots while above where they should be for the sum of the year. quick shot of snow through poland and ukraine. so was on q looking to pick up a couple centimeters of snow over the next little bit. winds have turned around through the sol, so it's going to pop up the temperature and it's stumble over the next few days. you'll be into double digits, still some showers hanging around the coast of to live and today on sunday to africa we go with that disturbs weather in the eastern mediterranean wind and showers for ne libya had across the co sign of egypt. at cairo you could catch
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a shower and we've seen some fighting in pretoria in south africa. storms for that eastern sides. and then we've got our tropical psych loan spinning between marissa and re union. this will be equivalent to a category 3 hurricane on monday. see the unsettled type of it takes on the big issue. studies are posted to what's happening now. it says a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission, nothing leaves profit without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the
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the bag i knew what challenges era has reminder of our top stories. this our fuzzy people, including children, have been killed in the latest, is ready bombing on a residential building and calls assessing for the war now. and as 100 the day at least 23843 palestinians have been killed. the that'd be more res. across the occupied westbank gunfire was herds and take us 55 years where the army and l f. r. a refugee camp in the north of the territory. meanwhile, and the city of jeanine rested, in se, is waiting forces and to the refugee come from several directions and thousands of his way. and he's got an intent of leave on sunday to express. the anger
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assignments depends vanessa meal, who and his handling of the war and concept. many accused him of seeking to prolong the conflict in an effort to cling to power. tens of thousands of people in washington dc of motion solidarity with the palestinian people. that goal for a cease fire and, and the end of the billions of dollars in us ministry aid to israel. some in the crowds fenmont. so the white house to express that the moms the whole process. and suppose that palestinians also took place in the u. k. tens of thousands of people gathered in london, they walked to parliament square calling for an end as well as for on garza and 5000 and the symbolic tombstones were laid down to miss holly and city of naples on saturday. to remember the palestinian children killed in the war activists and it's, we have often stay similar, protest, amounting is all stopped because bombing of gaza fighting between his writing forces. 11th has paula zip, the spacing hundreds of people from border towns is where the army says it killed
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full gunman who entered its territory from lebanon. and we're on con reports from the american june, in southern lebanon, forced to leave high, and there's little for these people to do other than hang around there effectively, refugees, their own country, level of income from the south. tensions and fighting between is ready forces and hezbollah. along the disputed boat with israel forced them to leave the herbs in october. they have no idea when they will be able to return. my husband had been hard and heavy i did, but no one once more and we'll feed for out children. we want to stay in homes and live in peace since becoming displaced. it's become uncomfortable without the help of the union of municipalities, which is provided shoulders of people. every one would have been crowded into the straits. we don't have money, the war is hurting us. this technical school entire is now hoff educational facility of displacement can. on the left side is students still go to classes on
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the right classrooms now shelter people. it's a dire situation. food health care and hide you a full lucky toilet facilities with design for students to use occasionally during the day not for families to use for months at the time. catering is almost nonexistent. i guess how about the daily on the situation here is difficult in terms of staying clean. i can not show the children. i have to heat the water to do this here in the room. we wash clothes by him. in time municipality alone, there are more than 23000 displaced people across the lab and on the figure is close to 80000. but with tensions and fighting, showing no signs of decreasing the fate is no ready. stretched, our system will be either, well, maybe if i've got a village is on the far from the bought the displaced now we haven't the places for them because some of the mayor of the village is plugged us. our visit is full.
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they have in place. this is the scene across the $120.00 come um its a disputed buddha, goes towels, goes to villages. people have simply left. now this is the town of large iron attic . notate speaking. we've been told there's about 30 percent full. but even the 50 percent there remained behind a listening to the explosions by listening to the shelling and the ash strikes. and they wondering how much longer they can actually stay here. recent is radio strikes of killed hezbollah flights has including senior commodities deep into 11. and then just within the board area, his bullet rockets have gone deep into is really territory to retaliate. international diplomatic efforts are aimed at keeping the situation along this board a contained, but both sides, hey, i escalate thing and that's a worrying development. it wrong. come out, is it a, let's show you something. let me know
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the, let's take a look at some of the views now and taiwan has a new presence. alexa, lighting to the democratic progressive policy. one fridays, general elections has posit, you favors a more independence tie. one by jane has not ruled out taking the island by force. tony chang has moved from taipei, a voters in taiwan, costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections. relations with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say, well, what i consider, and most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of taiwan and the republic of china. just yeah. how long without this being weigh? taiwanda futures standing, some livelihood issues?
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also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates were out to the to vote. they both can see that the tiny was a threat. they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that? this implies that no, i think people already know how china will re add and go so many years. they already know no. the combination of is not uh, decided by uh, either china or taiwan and, but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time. democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right. to close to 70 percent with the election officials quick to get the account underway. clear when i started to emerge in the centre of typeface,
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support is the governing democratic progressive policy. o d p p. it's delta together, there's the votes mounted up. so today we're telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracies. somewhere around the world. the celebrations went on into the night. this was a victory that was far from the shore. and now the hard work begins despite winning the presidency. but the p. p is actually lost control of the legislature. i'm president elect lies. going to have to stop building bridges with the political opponents. he's just defeated. tony chang alpha 0. which one is foreign ministry has condemned us extra estate on the bank and full congratulating tie once
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president elect lighting to on his victory. if any of you has more reaction on the election from across the taiwan straits mc almon. the result of taiwan selection is a clear rejection of thank you for peaceful communications with the island. china. ne, happy chinese leaders have labeled tiwana use presidents of like lighting for a separatist and a dangerous troublemaker. and in his statement released following the results, they attempted to undermine his victory by pointing out that he failed to achieve majority in the legislature. ultimately tried, this message has not changed. it says wise determination to maintain ty, when east democracy will not impact what it says is like for the inevitable reification of ty, one with the mother. and those who spoke to here in shellman says you tend to agree there's some issues. i am very confident that re unification will be achieved. but it takes time. i am worried because this new ty juanita is
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pro independent. and so i was problem is very similar to hong kong. if the mainland can be some of the taiwan is the man, i'm taiwan, is an offer something in return. and then the re unification will be in habitable said lights into his quotes of peace and dialogue. with the agent on the basis of mutual respect, thoughts, chinese officials refused to see light as anything more than the local leaders of rome, chinese territories. and unless he and his policy are willing to accept the one china principal dialogue between the aging and type pay is unlikely to resume intentions. will probably get less. katrina used all to 0 is sean, this is china. let's look at another election. and the 1st states, and this is race for the white house, will be cost and the republican caucus and iowa. and then the selection looks like thing to be a re max of 2020 pacing, present jo, bye. but again, it's a full not present. donald trump, so bundles takes a look at where things start. and it's about him joe button and donald trump had
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starkly opposed messages. i'm fighting says trump would turn the us into a dictatorship for the democracy. sooner or 2nd cause is the most for the question of our time. $24.00 election trumps clause is revenge for the 2020 election, which he falsely says was stolen and a purge of us society. we planned to you that we will rude out. the communist marks is fishes and the radical left ducks that live like vermin within the confines of our country. fighting doesn't have a credible opponent for the democratic nomination. but even most democrats are uninstall. uzi asked dick about another 4 years with many citing biden's age. at 81, he is the oldest person ever to hold the office. many voters are fed up with high
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prices and bite and stance on israel's war on garza as close to decline and support in his own party. specifically, among young more progressive democrats who object to the is really, i'm us war and his sort of, um, you know, full throated support for israel. trump is likely to roll over his opponents, rhonda santas, and nikki haley in iowa like a drug or not. but haley is within striking distance of trump in new hampshire, which boats on january 23rd. what chris christie has dropped out, giving hailey a boost and potentially united anti truck republicans behind or you know, trump faces trial in multiple cases on $91.00 criminal codes, including for fomenting the january 6th 2021 attack on congress, illegally possessing top secret documents. conspiracy and more any of which could turn out to convict him. at which point there would be some kind of
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a constitutional crisis about you know, the degree to which a president can you know, pardon himself, how widely those pardons can go. if a president can serve a while in prison and so forth, is elected trump promises mass deportations of migrants to reverse inflation and to drill more fossil fuels. another big issue in the campaign will be reproductive rights and abortion access, which republicans oppose. it's a strong card for bite to play in the, in the outcome of this election will be decided by a relatively small number of voters in a handful of swing states like here in arizona, it's likely to be a bigger battle with unprecedented factors involved, including criminal trials to elderly candidates and the possible.


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