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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the size and to origin team to find out twice. everybody is so popular. you just done exactly the same as when we were babies with our mother. mine's changing the way you think about mental health. on noticing the deluxe the whole robin. you're watching the, i'll just it renews online from one headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. there are lots of been suffering and gone, so it's been $100.00 days since israel begun. it's will killing at least $23843.00 palestinians as well as prime minister says nobody will stop the military from destroying them all as well. the anger grows about his handling of the war. moiz randy,
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rates across the occupied westbank refugee counts new ramallah and had brought a talk cuz it doesn't use those. as in taiwan, choose a pro, independence come to that as president. lodging tay says that he'll defend the island to multi coals. china is intimidation. the welcome to the news. the palestinians have enjoyed 100 days of war already. the worst thing caused us history in the latest is really strikes. 30 people, including several children, were killed in a residential building in kansas city. another attack in rough or killed 14, at least 23843 palestinians have been killed since the war began. more than $10400.00 of those have been children, hospitals, and goals that have also been targeted. the health ministry says or did the $300.00
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and faulty health workers amongst the dead. these way the military has also attacked. jen, let's coming at least 117 media. what? cuz the will began with how most of the tompkins of that as well, on october the 7th, when around 1200 people killed more than 500 is ready. the soldiers have died. most of them in the initial how about the tax. but despite growing international outrage is maybe prime minister benjamin netanyahu says, but no one will stop his country from continuing its will. honey, my mood is all correspondent and run the 4th and joins is not $100.00 days of war a 100 days of showing that it continues honey. so yes, $100.00 days of this on going to brutal aggression on the golf has driven it all has become apparent of how difficult the situations are here in each passing the starting of from displacement into the destruction. the shared level of destruction,
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of residential homes of blocks, the neighborhoods then. and so far, what we look at is that a systematic bombardment of cities, towns, public facility that have turned life into quite impossible for the residents of the gaza strip. we're looking at $1500000.00 displays palestinians all squeezed in the southern part of the gothic that's further south, very close to the egyptian gauze, a border in a very small part of the land with extreme shortage of they've re think it from the food water medical supplies, as well as survival items, the evacuation zones and un centers are running out of space as they are over well with, with this, please tell us any of them. in fact, as rough as running out of space, people are out in the streets now. sleeping on the side roads or setting up the tents than any empty, a land that defines in the, in the area. this has been going on since the 1st week of the war. and
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a lot of people just knew, realize it from the beginning that this is going to be a very it was going to be a very tough time for them. and in fact, when we talked to some of the people here, we realized how difficult, how dire the situation has been. and very, very consistent with our report they within the past few weeks and since the beginning of this war and just it's something that hard to, to bear in. and all of this is happening on this day that marks a 100 day of this ongoing work more it strikes and more bombings and more people are still just shattering. any hopes that this going to end any time soon? of course, you know, we talked about the strikes, you've talked about the ongoing get, they don't stop and they continue to am. nights just tell us about the latest ones . why we should be focused on this $100.00 with the day of the will. the is,
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we need the newly this morning, the aerial can be and a relentless bombardment concentrated in the central part of the golf and mainly talking about the different easy cans, including the signal very. but that happens to be in, in 2 parts. one part, a days for inside the cell, i being rude, and the other side is on the western side of the road. older we do the coastal road where the evacuation zone of the feedback isn't going to start it from that point. but we're talking about an area that was designated as safe for people to evacuated, to only to find themselves a i'm trapped under heavy bombardment on are constantly given. these are random evacuation orders or evacuation lines it forcing a great large number of them to come all the way through the city and during goal
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the horrors on the road and experience very difficult conditions as they were not allowed to to drive their cars. given that all the infrastructure and the roads are, are extremely and severely a damage, it makes it very difficult not only for the young one or able to walk, but in further problems are caused for the elderly. the one who suffer from chronic disease. is there a number of field or reported killed in, in the central area in addition to people were killed in funder part of how new and is where major part of the fighting is taking place. as there's really military push in deeper into the center of the heart of hon unit and expand its military operation is once again we're finding it very difficult to get exact figures of the casualties. we still don't have common occasion. we don't have phone services, at least in the southern part of the golf industry, but con unit as well as the city, making it very difficult to move towards the end of the thank you. that was what
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was, was display as millions of people in garza. the united nations size, at least 1900000 palestinians that surround 85 percent of causes population have not been approved from the homes. 1.4000000 standing in facilities run by the united nations. but nearly 319 people sheltering and un facilities have been killed . well, $1135.00, have been injured during a tax on or near un premises of the stall to the will. hundreds of thousands of people will push to rock that in the south, which became the most densely populated area in the street. that was little food and no sounded taishan. the one says around 2200000 people need urgent humanitarian aid to survive. well, how about like any is a palestinian quality scientist who was in gauze when the will started not to leave the strip in december joins us now from manchester in north west england,
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kentucky with a set on the program. 100 days is the last time i suppose to take stock of what's happened and what might have happened in the future. i mean, what are your feelings at this moment? knowing about what's going on during this will oh hi. so who? yeah, i mean i, i wish that you didn't have to help me on. i wish we didn't how tomorrow this 100 day marker. and that's part of the community become accustomed to marketing more bit milestones in the calendar be 75 years since israel's colonized ation of all balancing and not the displacement of $700000.00 palestinians viewed the fixed it. you actually got a stream from the west bank. so my feelings are feelings of immense sadness that that this is still going on that every day a more and more palestinians in those are being killed by bombing being
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injured. i a couple of days ago to see them use a friend of mine to solve the mean who is in from, from the news at the injured, in an attack by fine is really forces. i think he was shot by a caught culture and his, his leg is at risk now and because of the, because of the c, m, the scarcity off of medical supplies and the how the health system is, is 100 pushed to failure bodies range army attacks. so, so, you know, i think it's a temple and everyday isn't what apartment it was. so i didn't mean to interrupt this, beside which the, i think we want to go through and to elaborate on. and we're not trying to sound insensitive in any shape or form, knowing that you have a very strong connection to the cause of strip when you with the, of the you with that just before and during, as the will began to be. how were you surviving from day to day because initially the 1st thoughts, what would it be about survival and movement to safe havens?
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oh, yeah. did you guys have bible was, was very difficult and, and, and filled with out of fear and panic. you know, 1st of all, worrying about what may come and kill you from the sky, but that, and to that, worrying about how you meet your daily needs, how you will get there was how you will get your food and, you know, with an effort dwindling supply in the markets when i was there and now, you know, i think the situation is probably twice twice as worse as if not more because people, as you said in your interest of being pushed, it is more than hoping except we've got a strip is now in russell on that area. you know it's resources are breaking point . so, um, so, so, so yes, so i can only, you can only begin to imagine like how much work is as you, as you see from the reporters on the ground in terms of the international response . obviously you can see what's going on outside of gauze and now that your in the u
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. k. and you can understand and certainly analyze how british politicians or american politicians you politicians are dealing with this situation. and you also see the side of it when you actually in gaza speaking to ultimately publish the needs of the buyer as well. how do you actually read that talk in, in, in, in the, in the narrative that your hearing and the reality that you've experienced by me, i think one word really describes the response, the international response from, i guess, the global west. and that's who's racism. and that's how i interpret things and that's how other people in the ground interpret things. if, if it weren't for the fact the palestinians were considered by west and need as, as lesser humans, then the response would be much different in terms of the embassy and
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compare the empathy with policy and suffering versus the entity of western use, because really suffering it to me both are, are important, but i don't see any quality in that sense. in the end, the response from, from the west. and i think western governments are storing off the seeds of something really bad as a result of the racist response. and because, because i have no doubt about it, that the, the, the ripple effect of want to do the, the death and destruction has been, this is all about us. and he is in, in, in you guys are, well, unfortunately we'll just have a negligible ripple effect and that's on, by the next on other western meet us. we responded in, in this racist way that hasn't addressed the suffering of how this thing is appropriate. when you talk about the western western governments, and you must take how i presume, how many,
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presuming i don't talk about wasn't 2 miles by the way, the public responses being so very different. there was a disconnect is that note in western europe in north america, between the politicians and the public and it seems to be growing a lot of the politics of both of these, these apparent democracies in the west is broken. and that is a huge problem. and it was, you know, going out saying in, you know, for example, in, in, in the u. k. in terms of how, how on equals society is right now in the us in terms of the quality of society and, and the, the racism most of us at the institutions. and again, that's another wider issue that needs addressing. i mean, i think also with the global politics and global governments governance has broken global governance is, is, as i'll committed come on. this is about the contract. so the fuel rods and the interests of the many mama, galani, we'll have to leave it there. but it's been good to get your insights certainly,
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and thanks very much for joining us from manchester in the u. k. thank you. demonstrations intel of ease of being held up being held over the last 24 hours or so. those were these captives held by how my singles and demonstrates is also expressed that right and at the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government is handling off the crisis. thousands of people gathered in the is right, the capital on saturday evening, as the protest began, where the families of some of the captives have been speaking of smoke 100 days of the war on gone. so it is rarely,
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as we'll stop working well for 100 minutes, demonstrates as gathered in the so called hostages square in tennessee, the plaza opposite. israel's defense ministry stephanie deca joyce's online from occupied east jerusalem monitoring events that just tell us about these events stuff as well as marking 100 days of this will of the yes they started as h. b. m last night with protests, from what's been called now hostage square and to live eve. now we are about an hour and 15 minutes into a 100 minutes of what is an economic strike across the country, many businesses, schools, universities, and also hospitals part taking in this stopping work, basically marking the 100 days, trying to raise our voices, sending a message to this government that more needs to be done, they want this government to strike a deal with how mass to release the hostages. we just were hearing from one mother
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or she was interviewed on is really media on television. and she had very dark black bags under her eyes and she spoke in a soft voice in the present or alter, you know, you seem very quiet, but i can tell that you are screaming inside. and she said, yes, she said, if we don't have a resolution to the soon, i will no longer be polite. and that is the feeling amongst many people that time is running out to get the hostages back. and this is why they want the government to do more, to strike a deal to get the hostages back home safely and to live and stuff. so then we have heard from the prime minister himself and the president and, and this chief of staff, i mean, what really is happening on the political front, on the military front of the old, on the same page. it's politically and militarily, the message that we got last night was yes, that this war is going to continue that a ceasefire is not on the table at the moment. this is something that how,
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how mass once, in fact, it wants an end to the war for a to release the hostages. at this point, israel says this is not negotiable. the administrate chief of staff yesterday said that is the spy would play to have lost his hands. and that this is not in israel's interest right now, but that they are doing everything to try to locate the hostages covertly was the terms she used. and also, as you quoted there from the prime minister, he said, nothing is going to make us stop this war, not the hague, which is refer him to the international court of justice and the charges of genocide, and not the proxies of iran, which are the accessibility folded, which is how much and has a lot of course, has a very active fund in the north of israel as well. but for the people, for those we're seeing on the streets protesting tens of thousands for them. a lot of pressure on this government to do more, to strike another deal to try to get the hostages back. but certainly at the moment, the message from the politicians and the military is that a ceasefire is not on the table. stephanie,
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back and forth. we don't keep piety stories sometimes you know, these right now, me says that it's killed the full gunman who entered its territory from 11 and on sunday. tensions have been growing along the border with as well since the will and gone. so began fighting between his very forces. i'm lebanon's has block, i've displaced hundreds of people from both the towns i speak to everyone con, who's in southern lebanon right now, just springs up to speed on what we know about this particular incident on the boat a. m as well, the incident began around 4 am in the morning. these ladies came across a full on demand. that was an exchange of gunfire in the occupied show. the farms area, not too far away from where i am standing right now. the exchange of fi led to the full government being killed. these ladies, all calling them to rest. but it hasn't specifically said that that has bullet fighters has bullet, hasn't confirmed that they are the people as well. it's likely that this is
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probably some sort of movement from another one of the groups perhaps palestinian this operating within that area itself. but it just goes to show you that, that still tensions that remain on that boat. we have seen as strikes take place over the last 24 hours and across this 120 kilometer disputed buddha area. and we have seen as well the rockets as well. so things are ongoing. the weather, i have to say it has made a little bit of a difference drains is right. you drive is called fly in inclement weather. so we've not seen the kind of level of across the board to attack. so we filed the scene in the last week both. so certainly everything is still in place and we seeing a lot of tensions on that board came on how sinister all as the leader of the group has the law fights you oversee as well, too. it's southern bold that he would speak to him last week,
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were also expecting him to speak again on sunday. do you know what he might say as well? he's the secretary general of his beloved by political uh the political ring as well. now he's speaking on the week occasion of outs, will a senior feel come on the he is on levon on who's killed in is really strike on size today. he's speaking from cut about saline, which is where about mine was from and he was also killed near that. it's going to be an interesting speech because we've had the us as top diplomat, a bust hosting come into 11 onto discussed. and he's ready proposal to try and get his bullet to push back past the tony river depot within lebanese territory. that's something that has been, i've actually rejected outright saying there's no negotiations on anything until there is a complete end of the war in causes as likely that he'll talk about that. and also
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talk about the things that we've talked that he's talked about before. particular when it comes to the is riley's and the, these ready desktop he's looking maintain that these right, these are actually hiding the numbers, but yeah, we'll see the speech he'll be taking place in a couple of hours time suddenly something to monitor, but i don't most people here of a ritual, but it's not going to reveal anything major. it's much more of a statement of support for one of hezbollah folding. now forced to leave high and there's little for these people to do other than hanging around there effectively refugees, their own country level of income from the south. tensions and fighting between is ready forces and hezbollah along the disputed boat with israel, forced them to leave the homes in october, that they have no idea when they will be able to reach her mother. that had been hard to have the idea, but no one once more and we'll feed for out children. we want to stay in their homes and live in peace since becoming displaced. it's become uncomfortable,
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but without the help of the union of municipalities, which is provided shoulders of people, every one would have been crowded into the straits. we don't have money, the war is hurting us. this technical school entire is now hoff educational facility of displacement can on the left side, as students still go to classes on the right classrooms now shelter people. it's a dire situation. food health care and hygiene. a full lucky toilet facilities were designed for students to use occasionally during the day not for families to use for months at the time. catering is almost nonexistent. i guess how about the daily on the situation here is difficult in terms of staying clean. i can not show the children. i have to heat the water to do this here in the room. we wash clothes by him. in time municipality alone, there are more than 23000 displaced people across the lab and on the figure is
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close to 80000. but with tensions and fighting, showing no signs of decreasing the fate is no ready. stretched system will be either. well, maybe if i've got a village is on the far from the bought the displaced now we haven't the places for them because some of the mayor of the village is plugged us. our visit is full, they have in place. this is the scene across the 120 columbia to disputed. buddha goes, town goes to villages. people have simply left. now this is the town of large. i and i didn't go to the speaking. we've been told there's about 30 percent full, but even the 50 percent there remained behind a listening to the explosions by listening to the sheli in the asked strikes. and they wondering how much longer they can actually stay here. recent as radio strikes of killed has bullet flights has including senior commodities deep into 11 and then
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just within the border area, as bullet rockets have gone deep into is really territory to retaliate. international diplomatic efforts are aimed at keeping the situation along this board to contain both sides. hey, i escalating and that's a worrying development it wrong. come out. is it a luxury you something let me know. ha, how here is an expert on international security with the royal united services institute. i'm the county endowment for international peace and joins us now from vilnius in the way you could help you with us on the program. i mean, the focuses in gauze about the wind, around if occasions of being also the red sea, and as we've just heard from a southern lebanon load them as well. so if we just focus on the recent us and u. k. military attacks on who's the positions in yemen and the impacts they've had in terms of the tactics being employed by western powers. do you think it's going to work and i don't think it's going to work. i think it's quite clear across
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the spectrum of security analysts and those that focus on these issues and the red sea that these sorts of s drugs are not likely to have the, the desired effect. um, i will say that the, the who is these are an incredibly problematic movements on multiple levels and nobody should be naive about that. but we need to look at what they're doing and the red c as part of the wider regional picture. if the conflict in gaza was not going on, i don't think that we'd be talking about this because i don't think they'd be doing it right now. and i, we have uh, overall security and strategic imperatives in the region that really demand the ceasefire and a move towards the escalation, not a move towards regional escalation, which unfortunately i think that the strikes take us closer to. now the hear things obviously, you know, we seem historically a resilience does not have all of their assets in one place. they've ought to
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continue on. somebody just heard from you until the war on gauze has stopped. well, one does that, how long they can continue, though, with the munitions and the technology that they have. and so those are those, these are militia, but a quite well trained one. i quite well armed one, but they are militia, which means that they move around. right, the uh the, the installations that are being struck um are not necessarily the installations. they were only a few hours or a few days before. and of course the strikes were telegraphed quite far in advance . but now i have to say that some of that was positive that they were telegraphed because it meant that there were fewer casualties as a result. and i think they were meant to be talking about so that the who these could actually move people out. and it was, they basically sending a message as opposed to creating wide scale damage, but this is still an escalation. and it's one that i think we could really do
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without. we already have a very sensitive situation along the border between israel and loving on. we already have of course, a gruesome situation in gaza with upwards of 20 to 25000 people. dad. most of them are civilians and not have nothing to do it from us. and we, we have a movement and the young man that says that during the strikes in order to push for a ceasefire, now i understand people not wanting to move towards the seatbar simply because of who would fees are trying to start the international community into pushing for one, but a ceasefire is in our strategic and security interest irrespective of the policies for and i don't think anybody could argue that it's going to be damaging to move towards the ceasefire in that regard. whereas the strikes i don't think will achieve what they've set out to achieve and they could very well push the region
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into further regionalization of the conflict. let me just uh, just find davis tyler, let's just put it over to left on. you've mentioned obviously as we have just reported on that conflict in southern, let them know that as well. i mean, these ladies have said that they will take that will to that. so we've seen this escalate. did you say the past 2 weeks? the concern is, i wasn't that if you're much why did to this is what is trying to drag the us an iran into a much why to conflict and the what, what could be contained could well be exposed as a much larger problem. for them, at least i'm not sure what you're asking, but i agree with the sentiment and that the uh, the israelis have been pushing for a wider regionalization of the conflict. and the c has being very clear and saying no, don't do that. we're not interested in that, and you won't necessarily find us onside if that happens. now, having said that, i don't think these rays are taking them as seriously as they ought to,
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which means that they are indeed, when i, especially when it comes to southern 11 on the, the strikes of these railways. i've done particularly with the past week, 1st with the uh, the assassination of auto body and they route, but then others who are not from us who are his butler for them to south. all of these are messages and aren't clear in their attempt to to pull his bala into a wider conflict. now let's, let's be clear here. his bottom line is really is i've been engaged in the conference for quite a long time. we're engaged right now and a very delicate, sensitive balancing act where they engage and these tend for todd kind of reprisals, but it never goes beyond quote unquote a certain set of rules of the game. and my concern is that people are going to be increasingly reckless. we've already seen incredible recklessness, frankly, from these rightly is more than anybody else when it comes to this. and we've so far been spared the outbreak of completing outright war across the
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region. i don't think we should take that for granted inches wide as within security, just using security as a paradigm here. i think it's really fundamental that we push for a cease fire and the escalation, i will see what it does help, and certainly in the coming days of the payments, i hate to say hello, thanks for joining us from vilios. is there any thoughts as conducted moreover, not rides in the occupied westbank video shows? is there any minute 3 vehicles in our shuttle as soon refugee camp? both of them all the rates will also conducted a group refugee camp north of april, elsewhere is ready, falls as 5 take us and gunshots generate on, on file. i'll just there is, but how much time june joyce is not from ramallah in the occupied westbank and a 100 days now and of will hopeful increase in rates and violence over to the occupied westbank because as well they haven't been a,
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a left out of the violence by as well. that's right to hell of the raids, the frequency, the intensity of those rates by the israeli army into those towns, villages, and cities and refugee camps across the occupied west bank have intensified, have escalated in the days after october 7th. they have become part of the fabric of daily life. the situation continues to get more and more dire for the palestinians. since october 7th, there had been $347.00 palestinians killed throughout the occupied west banks. and you mentioned some of those rates that happened the early morning hours of today. i'll tell you about one of the more significant ones that happened in jeanine in the city of jeanine, which is a flash point because there are resistance fighters there where there are typically rates every day, even before october 7th. you had a rate that lasted around 5 hours were told that it got quite chaotic in the city of janine that there was a lot of violence that happened in the center of the town that there were is really
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army tanks that surrounded a hospital there. and that they searched ambulances that there were clashes between is really army soldiers and the palestinian resistance fighters. now we should mention of course that there were other ways that happened as well in the overnight hours. the other 2 refugee camp bed or month north of hebron. beer zeta, nablus. numerous res, again, this is something that happens every day here in the occupied westbank. and there is a lot of concern right now about how much more of a situation may deteriorate in the west bank. you have just last week reports in the is really media. that is really security chiefs have briefed the government saying that they are concerned that there could be a 3rd empty father in the west bank in the days to come to they are concerned that they occupied with think might be on the verge of explosion, not just because of the violence and the reeds and the killings, but also because of the lack of any kind of economic opportunity right now. so many
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promising your workers, they used to be able to have a cross into history on how they work from as they have not been able to the economics which waste is dire things looking very bad right now. everybody that we speak with when they go to these areas that have been rated after those raise, they tell us they don't think the situation is going to improve any time soon. so help me jump. james, thanks very much for the update. well, still ahead here. all the al jazeera news on thousands protests around the world in a global day of action in support solve the palestinians of the miami dolphins, the fries announced by the chief same one of the coldest gains in m. f. l. history . those details coming up with them and to stay with the test on the needs of the while the feet of cold air directly from the north pole, is infiltrating northwest syrup. everyone will pick up the weather story there. so 1st the cold. then we're going to see that snow across northern scotland and
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northern ireland. hardest hit areas could pick up to 10 centimeters of snow. so i think for the scottish highlands. now if we're not talking about snow but rain across the northern portugal, so for porto will can to scoop up a months worth of rain in 24 hours. that much rain. that fast certainly will trigger some flooding. it has warmed up across the balkans. many spots while above where they should be for this time, the year quick shot of snow through poland and ukraine. so was assign keith, looking to pick up a couple centimeters of snow over the next little bit. winds have turned around through the sol, so it's going to pop up the temperature and it's stumble over the next few days. you'll be into double digits, still some showers hanging around the coast of to live and today on sunday to africa we go with that disturbs weather in the eastern mediterranean wind and showers for ne libya had across the co sign of egypt. at cairo you could catch a shower and we've seen some fighting in pretoria in south africa. storms for that eastern sides, and then we've got our tropical side clone spinning between malicious and reunion.
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this will be equivalent to a categories 3 hurricane by monday. so yeah, the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that ends of international law. that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to be able to is it renews out with me. so he'll run that reminder of all the top stories. but the people, including children, have been killed and the latest is right in the bombing on the residential building in dollars. a city with the wall now and it's 100 stay at least 23843 palestinians have been killed. demonstrates has
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been kind of even holding a 24 hour riley to demand the release attempt is held by a mouse in gaza. protest is also expressed that i can get a prime minister benjamin this and you all have of this government's handling of the crisis. south africa has the keys as well as 8 specific genocidal acts. and it's case of the international court of justice. his what they said was even the week kidding palestinians. nearly 20 full 1000 of being killed since the war began. an 8000. i'm missing causing serious supposedly and mental home here they say nearly 60000 palestinians have been injured. i'm more than 1000 children. have lost lens mass expulsions from homes and displacement here, 85 percent of cause. this population has been full simply displaced. deprivation of food and water. israel coal for a complete siege of gaza, looking at like tricity food, water, and fuel. deprivation of shelter,
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close hygiene and sanitation here many palestinians elect exposed to the elements without taxes to clean water or toilets. and deprivation of medical assistance as well as cover that mold in 230 attacks. the gates causes health facilities, destruction of palestinian life. the case sites, the obliteration of in time, neighborhoods, housing infrastructure, schools, religious sites, and cultural institutions. unimposing measures intended to prevent bus the case coals out unsafe beth and conditions an increase in premature baths. william, shy of us, is a professor of international law and succeed investing on the phone to try a person of the commission of inquiry on the 2014 gauze a complex. he's also the older of genocide and international, the crime of crimes. he chose this not from london. good with a good fit. good to help you with this on the program. just begin with that's being
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time ready to digest the i. c. j. hearing of the presentations from both south africa and is riley bass analyst suggests that the south african case is strong. if it is hypothetically, when the cold announces provisional meshes, what can we expect to see is the content of those provisional measures? is it one size fits soul, or is it a case of a sort of picking and choosing of what the judges think is legal and correct? yes, it's the case of picking and choosing south africa has a long wish list, reading of what they would like the orders to contain. but i think it's probably unlikely they're going to get everything on the list. the court is also entitled improvise and make its own suggestions. so it could be, it could run the gamut problem. but most, i think the most severe or which would be to stop all military activity in the gab
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strip. but the court has done this before. it didn't with russia and ukraine 2 years ago. and you know, people will argue that, you know, is real still needs to fight. there is a territory, but israel shown itself to be incapable of distinguishing between civilians and come back. so really that would be a very good valid order, but it would be asking, would be expecting a lot for the court, the issue that it could go, it could be a much more modest type of request but, but significant such as to allow an injured access to food medicine, potable water, electricity, and so on into a gas or it could also involve orders about controlling the hate speech that has been emanating from is really personality is political to the. ready ministers and so on, or it could be something more and then symbolic nature, like in order to is real not to commit genocide. this is what the court order in
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the gap you may have more case a few years ago. and when, when and. busy like that goes out, although the state will answer and as you will know doesn't answer. ready that's not a problem for us because we're not committing genocide. it does have a strong symbolic body em when that order was given dick's media bar around the world, it was taken as, as a, as a, as a message to me at large to behave itself. so yeah, even even lack of a symbolic horrors, not without significant. i mean, there isn't much will come like agent scenarios, not really because he's very prime minister, for example, is already said that he's going to ignore any edict that may go against israel. i mean, but this actually i c j result would go to the security council in bassett, the us as well as allies, as well as the u. k. and friends. what scenarios are we looking at here in terms of enforcement of an i c, j reading you talk about and such as the psychological effect of any ruling and the
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impact that has on software in states that the members of the united nations. but it's all about enforcement and that's what the public at law to a demonstrating out on the streets of the moment globally want to say sure. well, obviously the in. busy the ideal would be for the security council to take appropriate action, but that's also a very difficult environment, essentially because of the, the, the triple detail of brenton france and the united states who are going to stand in the way of the most robust measures to talk to the team is re. ready conduct at the same time a judgement or an order from the court but the file. so this real size of the prime minister. ready also basically being entirely dismissive of the court, but that's not going to sit well with many of the countries in europe, canada, australia, traditional allies of israel. i agree that very they don't have the same the impact that the permanent members of the security council do. but nevertheless,
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they're going to be very uncomfortable with this dismissal of the role of the international court of justice because they are very respectful of important. they're not going to like it a professor briefly. if the quote does say in favor of israel, they can carry on with, i will wrong cause a and it's business as usual. and is it as well? yes, absolutely. it's like spaces. this is like is, i mean the case cannot be dismissed at this point. but what can be dismissed at the request of an order for the measures? i think that finally out of likely in my own view, is that this would do more harm to the court than anyone else. because the court has already ruled on provisional measures, in many other cases that are not nearly as dire as the one in the, in the gas right now. you know, you mentioned that the outset that this is the 100 day since the conflict began. when we compare the 23000, this with the number of deaths, for example in ukraine after a 100 days,
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which was in the range of 5000 across. that's a country that's 20 times the size of gas. and that didn't. and the international court of justice was anxious to intervene and make orders. and so this will destroy the credibility of the international court of justice if they don't actually rise to the occasion, we'll leave it off and i'll see what happens in the night. but william chavez, thanks so much for joining us from london. now demonstrations of being held in several cities around the world in solidarity with the palestinian people. tens of thousands of people much in washington dc and a month ago, so he's fine and then to the billions of dollars and us military aid to israel. some of the crowd then, much to the white house protests. and suppose the palestinians also took place in the united kingdom, tens of thousands gathered in london, they will deposit them in squire calling for an end to israel's will on gone. so
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the, let's take a look at some view of the table, new stories. it is making the headlines taiwan has a new president elect to launching today. of the democratic progressive party. one find is general elections. his policies, a visible, independent taiwan, the beijing has not ruled out taking the island by force. tony trying reports from the islands, capital type, pay the photos in taiwan, costing the ballots in crucial legislative and presidential elections. relations with china, very much on their minds, but also domestic issues and how the isolated island deals with the future. not the past, please also say well, what i considered, most importantly is the content of the president's policies and his impact on the future of tie. one of the republic of china just yeah. how long would, at the same way, high wants future standing, some livelihood issues?
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also issues regarding education and the economy are important. the 3 candidates who were out to italy to vote. they both can see that the child who is a threats that they also promised to repair relations with the powerful neighbor across the taiwan straits. but is it as simple as that? this implies that no, i think people already know how china we'll re add and have go so many years. they already know, know, the combination of is not decided by either uh, china or taiwan and, but also united states as the day ended polling stations closed across the island on time, democracy is now well practiced routine in taiwan, but also a much cherished right. to close to 70 percent with the election officials quick to get the account underway, a clear winner stone to to emerge in the center of typeface support has the
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governing democratic progressive policy. o d p. p. it's don't sit together. there's the votes mounted up. so to texas we are telling the international community that between democracy and all sorts here in ism, we will stand on the side of democracy. the republic of china, taiwan will continue to walk side by side with democracy somewhere around the world . the celebrations went on into the night. this was the victory that was far from a shore. and now the hard work begins despite winning the presidency, the d. p. p is actually lost control of the legislature. and president elect lies going to have to stop building bridges with the political opponents. he's just defeated. tony chang, alpha 0. accruals president of the models that old prison staff members have been taken hostage by inmates have not been for each $158.20 present staff. members were
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comforted on monday and several facilities. it'll be gone up to one of those most popular truck loads, escaped from prison on a sunday from p a. t has moved from the city of black in us and it all happened very quickly in the last few hours that we started to see images of these prison guards and other prison staffers being released, one prison after the other. and then the announcement that came from president danielle and noble eye where he congratulated the police, the army, and the prison, outdoor a fee for their work that has allowed for the return home of the prison guards. they, these have been days of anguish to upgrade the war a for their family members. we have talked to some of them in the past days, and they were very worried by the president's decisions of maintaining what he
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called an iron fist against the gangs of also his unprecedented decision of announcing that through a decree uh, state of internal war and designating at 21 different gangs that operate in this country is terrorist organizations. so everybody was the very worried of what would have happened when in the 8th to the police in the army decided to re the presence . but instead it seems like an agreement was reached that allows for the release of all the prison guides and we spoke to some uh to one prison guy that was uh, uh, re lease. uh, she was extremely worried, especially because uh, she alleged that the government was not allowing food water inside the prison that they had cut the lights of the prison. but all this pressure seemed to have worked in the end. and this definitely today is that major political victory for the president. well, still head on the news uh, host ivory case control efforts,
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a couple of nations in style. that's what coming up in spoke with jim. the details of line starts to find for you real quick accounts. rising from beneath the rubble desperate stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the groundbreaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera investigations give compelling in science, inter toes from asia and the pacific one. 0 $1.00 east on out to 0.
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the colleges when the time is full. so i think foot falls top of the list there was list may as to how the most successful team and asian cop history take off the account pay. and it is a live off in our japan off full sign. when is it this trophy and they are up against vietnam and that group the i for that the summer i believe we're going to that last time in 2019 losing to cancel out in the final caps and it was all right
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. and the place political is manage that you can call joe study hope japan would get knocks out early on. of course, i think the manager was joking, but i'm very happy he thinks he needs to be an estate planning for the japanese national team is also important to me. i'm here as the captain to lead our team to win the tournament. right now. i'm trying my best to go back to the class with a choice. that's what have 3 games on sunday. the others are in great. see with the united arab emirates up against hong kong and then palestine opened up. that's what i meant for the game against 3 san champions, iran, the palestinians, highest, all competing in cats, hobb despite to the go back home that yet. so when a game and that to previous agent, compet parents is but the squad has extra motivation this time around and we'll have it off. but if he is upset a high on the sob, no, on the in the law keeping focused is difficult. just because most of the time the players are looking at the news,
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even on the bus while going to training. but even with that inside, every one of us, there was a message that we need to deliver to the whole world. we have a big responsibility that we are invested in, the palestinian people does have a back to life and they does it freedom through the matches presence of this tournament to be a message for the whole world. the palestine exists. the international football is coming thick and fast because the africa cup of nations is also i up and running the highest ivory coast ice and things i would like to know when i pick any bas out for fun of school. the 1st goal just form it. it since the toilet. and it was a zone silly for us, so you say it was the victory in the 2nd hall. i've retired so i went to an f one for the time nigeria take on equitorial guinea in the same group on sunday. also coming out we will get off, let's look at my home and sell as egypt team are looking to end the long wait for another ask on, tracey they take on most i'm bank and the 1st game far as mile takes
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a closer look. now what we can expect from group b, the, the egypt for the most successful team in the history of the africa, a couple of nations with 7 title went for the content is best known player is yet to elizabeth trophy. more than a decade since egypt tasted continental success, and mohammed sala has finished as runner up into the last 3 edition. 2021. egypt for being then upheld to shoot up by sun. a goal in the fine sun of times have been waiting even longer to see their country when the type of nations. the last of their for victories was back in 1982 in 2021. they finished bottom of their group after losing out to tournament deputy taunts comma rose donna did go on to make it to the world captain katara, but finished the last year with another damaging defeat against commer us this time and qualifying for the 2026 world cap there and has made an on beaten start to their latest world cup. qualifying campaign is they fit to reach the finals for the
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1st time. this will be the country's 4th appearance of the compensation. their best effort cain just over a decade ago in south africa. when they reached the quarter find mozambique rebecca fondles after a 14 year absence at 3 to win against the need on the final day of qualifying to secure their spot. and i pre cut a couple of nations. number 5 for mozambique. they've never previously made it beyond the states a kevin to bar there in spied manchester city to victory at new cost along those are tons of premier league action following injury. the board that came on as a substitute and been on the pitch less than 5 minutes. beautiful. he equalized the city that made it to bed and stuff inside the setup of cabal to want it to pass the body. i live side city up to 2nd and the table 2 points behind that before the 1st grand slam of the tennessee is in at the australian ice and is on the way
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with defending men's champion. they've jump events in action right now. well, number one is going for a 25th and major typo on the 11th and melvin. he's up against on seated corporation . the note presents in the opening round. this being shipped with us at 62 again. it's the 18 year old with the 2nd set of that read different story with prism is we didn't get into time, right. so it is one set. it is the 1st time this tournaments has started on a sunday making just a 15 day events, which is to help minimize late night finishes for the players and finds full feed. yeah. makes it has the, his place in the 2nd round as he goes in, such a fuss grandsons. so i told you to call him documented by take the final exam. so see what was his bus much of the season having chosen to play and he will not events before this tournament, despite being a little off the pace at times to send in a freight and straight step in the women's role. well, number 8 maria factory put in a convincing of 1st round performance to beat japan's. now he'd be know 6461 is the
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1st time since last is australian. open to the greek play. it has won a grand slam much having been knocked out in the 1st round of the last 3 major. second my some more than melvin the nfl funds in kansas city, have to wrap up to watch the full coldest game in history. so called insights. that would icicles hanging from cheese codes and the reads the stash. it was all ready for easing for the wild card playoff between the cheese and doping the blustery conditions. then there was a windshield of minus 20 to 7 degrees celsius. that was not surprising. eva, cheese handled it. special in miami is in training. we'll wait 2 to 3 florida course of act as pop fitting. the items of this team remain on track to win back to back super bowl titles. things we met in houston. as the texans thrush, the cleveland browns in that wild comp, playoff game, 4514 the final school, 22 year old to see j. stroud, 33 touch sound pauses and became the youngest austin quarterback to win a playoff game. that is always full phenomenal,
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like to say thanks very much driven. you books me, i'll just say when you use the side of the break with lower the, to learn from the team here in the hall. thanks for your time and your company, the as the world is increasing the crypt and the mental health at the dentist i was getting inside the tax every day before school. it was horrifying. for po to spilled in diverse corners of the globe. us big questions about how we can improve our well be remove those unconscious images. i never felt anything lock it, meets the people trying to make a difference. we welcome people and we offer the many things here. you can just be yourself, millions changing the way you think about mental health. on obviously the
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unique perspective of africans i'm willing to take to the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't, no more and more lots of voices. you don't often hear trouble nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is the or what constitutes extent. so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be i want to we don't have to leave them in the policy. um, it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're
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report for that. i said just trust how is the community off to the side? the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. the they're less up and the suffering and guns are as being 100 days since as well began its war can at least 23843 palestinians, the


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